This book
is written in the faith that a remnant of the Covenant Family of Christian
people will see the light of Genesis 3:15. By faith we proceed
with the belief that the Living Church of Jesus Christ (Yahshua)
in this earth will see that Genesis 3:15
is the key that unlocks the meaning of the Holy Scriptures, Genesis to
Revelation. Any effort to evade, suppress,
ignore, or diminish the
truth of Genesis 3:15
can result only in the further loss and decline of Christian Civilization in our
Western world. You may think that you know your Bible; you may pride yourself in
having read and studied the Bible, and even cloak yourself in great accolades
received from the Bible institutes of this world. However, until you have
confronted the truth of
Genesis 3:15
you can never understand the Bible.
denominational Church world has spiritualized the
literal truth of Genesis
3:15. Moreover, most Bible Scholars who pride themselves in having
divorced themselves from the denominational dogmas of the Church world will not
touch the reality of Genesis 3:15. Until we are ready to examine
the awesome fact that Almighty God (Yahweh),
in the consequence of sins entry into the world, placed
hatred (enmity) between two opposing seedlines
of literal people in this
earth, we can never come to the knowledge of the
truth. From the beginning, with
the fall of Adam into sin and the bondage of death, two opposing seedlines
have been operating in history. The seed of the serpent
constitutes a literal,
flesh and blood people, who are determined to claim the dominion of
this earth to the glory of Satan and the enshrinement
of everything that is anti-Christian in thought, word,
and deed. This is the left side of Genesis 3:15.
Opposing the left side of Genesis 3:15
is the seed of the Woman, or the race of Adam out of which sprang
Jesus Christ (Yahshua) as evidenced in
Matthew 1:1.
Today our
world is divided between the left and the right side
of Genesis 3:15. There is no neutral ground. If you are not for
Jesus Christ (Yahshua), and standing on the right side
of Genesis 3:15,
you are on the side of Satan and his minions. The Bible provides
no middle ground for anyone. You either stand to the right of Genesis 3:15 on the side of the children
of the Kingdom, the children of Light, the true Seedline of Adam, Shem, Eber and
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob-Israel, now identified in the Anglo-Saxon, Germanic,
Scandinavian, Slavonic peoples of the western world,
or you stand on the left side of
Genesis 3:15 on the side of Satan and the anti-Christ minions that have
gathered there at this consummation of the ages.
There is no place for lukewarm Christians!
There is no room in the true Church of Jesus Christ (Yahshua)
for lukewarm people. There can be no fence riders in the present conflict
between good and evil, right and
wrong, between the Kingdom of Jesus Christ
(Yahweh) and the Kingdom of Satan.
The Seed of the Woman constitutes a physical, genetic race of people, beginning
with Adam,
continuing into post-flood history with Shem, Eber (Hebrews),
and then
a people descending from Abraham, Isaac, and
Jacob-Israel. The Seed of the Woman, standing on the right
side of Genesis 3:15 is
represented among the Christian nations of the western world in contemporary
history. The left side of the Genesis 3:15 is represented by those
people who have been fighting against Jesus Christ (Yahshua),
against Christian Liberty
and everything that has or ever was Christian in this earth for the past six
thousand years.
this conflict between the two opposing factions of Genesis
is reaching the grand finale of the ages. The Children of the Kingdom,
the Children of Light, are opposed at every hand by the
children of Satan or the
enemies of God (Yahweh)
who stand to the left side of Genesis 3:15. It is imperative to
note that Jesus Christ (Yahshua) placed this
hatred (enmity)
between these two seedlines, and no amount of false love and
misplaced pity will ever altar that fact. This age-old
warfare will NEVER
be ended until the second coming of Jesus Christ (Yahshua),
when the head of this serpent race is crushed beneath the feet of Jesus
Christ (Yahshua) and the body of this serpent then
dies. Christians who erase this line of
enmity between these
two opposing seedlines do so at the peril of their own lives and
those of their Children. We are rapidly approaching the harvest time of history
(Matthew 13:30)
and the end of this age is approaching. In
this consummation of the ages, that age-old conflict will be resolved in a total
victory for Jesus Christ
His Kingdom people and for His glorious
government that will fill the face of this earth. [Yahweh�s
Laws totaling 613]
mighty God (El) has
never called a truce in this
age-old warfare. Never has God (Yahweh)
at any time commanded His Children, standing to the right
of Genesis 3:15, to surrender. The Living Church of
Jesus Christ (Yahshua) is to remain faithful to the
truth of the Bible and to stand upon the true Word of God (El)
throughout all of time. We are locked in a worldwide conflict for the souls of
Adam-man, for the real estate of this earth and the future rights
to this planet. Jesus Christ (Yahshua) has
commissioned His Church to stand and has promised that the gates of hell cannot
prevail against His Church (St.
Matthew 16:18).
For too many generations our Christian people have
failed to see the right
and the left side of Genesis 3:15. They have
forgotten that the
enmity pronounced by
Almighty God (Yahweh) between the
Kingdom of Satan and his progeny
and the
(Yahweh) and His Children would last unto the
consummation of this age.
those of you who would understand your Bible: get into the Word of God
(Yahweh). Go directly to Genesis 3.15 and there
with your Bible, armed with a good concordance and lexicon,
find the truth about (Genesis 3:15).
Find how you have been lied to in the denominational Churches of this present
age. Find how the great truth of Genesis 3:15
has been turned into a fairy tale by the preachers
of this day. Find that literal
people are being labeled and defined by Almighty God
(Yahweh) in Genesis 3:15. Discover for yourselves,
the great truth regarding the progeny of the serpent
and the progeny of the woman.
Learn the truth. Arm
yourself with the truth of the Bible. Take your stand on the right side of
Genesis 3:15. Claim your inheritance as the Covenant Family of
the Living God (El). As the literal
and genetic seed of the woman, descending through
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob-Israel,
claim your inheritance in Jesus Christ
(Yahshua) and the Bible. They draw that line! There is a line drawn
between the children of Lucifer, the serpent or
Satan, and the Children of God (Yahweh).
There is a difference between the offspring or progeny
of Satan and the Children of Jesus Christ
(Yahweh)! You need to know that difference.
May the
Grace of Jesus Christ (Yahshua), and the Love of
God (Yahweh), and the Communion of the Holy Spirit give
you spiritual eyes to see and spiritual ears
to hear what the LITERAL
TRUTH of Genesis 3:15 is all about! When you
�see� this truth,
your Bible will be a new book and your life will NEVER be
the same again! When you see this great truth, you will stand with the
REMNANT of the woman�s seed (Revelation 12:17)
who keep the commandments of God (Yahweh) and have
the testimony of Jesus Christ (Yahshua). This
remnant is numbered in this generation in every country of the Western
Israelite world. Thank and praise Jesus Christ (Yahshua)
for the light that you now see! Then quickly, while there is time, witness this
truth so others might see
this great light. The Author.
�And I
will put enmity
(hatred) between thee and the
woman, and between THY SEED and HER SEED: it shall
bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.� Genesis 3:15
Christian Friend:
You are
now about to explore the greatest question in the Holy Bible.
is probably the single most important verse in the Holy Scriptures. This verse
and the implications therein are the central SEED PLOT of the
Bible. Whatever you do with this verse will determine what you do with the
remained of the Scripture. This verse is the KEY that turns the
LOCK on the DOOR to God�s (Yahweh�s)
Word! What you do with the word �SEED� in this verse
will determine what you do with the word �SEED� in the remainder
of the Bible. Failure to establish
yourself upon the solid interpretation of this verse can only lead to total
blindness and confusion in the remainder of the Bible. It is
therefore imperative that
you unlock the meaning of this verse! Ministers of denominational Christianity
will take great care to talk about the verses preceding and following this
verse, but will avoid this verse like the Plague! They most
frequently resort to the spiritualizing of the �Two Seeds of Genesis 3:15�
and in so doing, BLIND THEMSELVES to the remainder of the Bible!
It is your duty as a Christian, as a student of the WORD OF GOD
(Yahweh), to take apart this important verse, for it is the
KEY to the grand truth of the Holy and Sacred Scriptures.
In Order
for you to understand the SEED PLOT of the HOLY BIBLE
it is necessary that you understand the fall of the Archangel (now
called Satan, the Serpent, the Dragon, or the Devil). He is
described as the Star that fell from heaven unto the earth in Revelation
9:1, or as Abaddon or Apollyon (Revelation 9:11).
In Luke 10:18
Jesus Christ (Yahshua) declared, �I behold Satan as
lightning fall from heaven.� In Ezekiel 28:11-19, we have an
account of how this Archangel was created and was the anointed
cherub that covereth until the day that iniquity was found in him. This Archangel
had been in Eden, the garden of
(Yahweh) (Ezekiel 28:13) and St. Paul
describes Satan as an angel of light (II Corinthians 11:14).
Satan, the fallen Archangel had sought to usurp the very Throne of God
(Yahweh) (Isaiah 14:12-14) and through Pride had vaunted himself
against Almighty God (Yahweh) his Creator. The
Created (Archangel)
had sought to make an assault into the BEING OF GOD
(Yahweh)! The Created sought to become the
UNCREATED YAHWEH! Satan, before His Fall
had been the anointed Cherub in charge of this earth! As he sought
to become equal with God (Yahweh) having been
created in the ORDER OF ANGELS, Satan made his way into heaven,
began his assault against the Throne of God (Yahweh),
and made War with Michael and the Angels. (This War is described in
Revelation 12:7-29). As Satan assaulted the Throne of God
(Yahweh), he drew one-third of the Angelic Host
with him (Revelation 12:4). These Angelic Beings followed Lucifer,
and openly assaulted GOD (Yahweh) under the
leadership of Satan, their chief Captain. In this WAR OF THE HEAVENS,
over the very THRONE OF GOD (Yahweh),
Michael and his, Angels defeated Satan and His Angels, and Satan and his Angels
were cast into the earth.
We read
of these Fallen Angels who left their first Estate (Jude 6), (II
Peter 2:4), (Hebrew 2:2) in Genesis 6:1-10
under the name sons of God
(Yahweh), sons of Heaven, or the Fallen
Angels. These Fallen Angels leaving their First Estate went into
rebellion against God (Yahweh), and following their
expulsion from Heaven along with their Captain & Leader (Satan)
they sought to Cohabit with the Daughters
of (Men) ADAMITES, who were �Fair�
that is of the �White Adamic Flesh�. The offspring of these �Fallen
Angels� and �White Adamic Women� produced OUT OF
KIND BEINGS called Giants or Nephilim. (Read
Appendix No. 25 in the Companion Bible for complete details). This
bastard Seedline means that God�s (Yahweh�s)
Law of �Kind After His Kind� had been broken. The evil
progeny of the Fallen Angels and the Daughters of Adam brought on
the FLOOD as a JUDGMENT of God
(Yahweh). The flood was
judgment upon the Nephilim and
Deliverance for Noah.
study of ANGELOLOGY is critical to understanding the early
chapters of Genesis and is vital to a proper study of God�s
(Yahweh�s) Word, Genesis to Revelation. As an Archangel
before his fall, Satan had been lifted up in PRIDE because he did
not want to recognize that JESUS CHRIST (YAHSHUA) (the
Last Adam) was his
both in Time and in Eternity. Moreover, Satan as an
Arch-Angel before his fall (Revelation 12:7-11) knew full well
that JESUS CHRIST (YAHSHUA) as the Lamb slain before
the foundation of the world, would come INCARNATED into a flesh
body to REDEEM fallen Adam Kind. After his expulsion from heaven,
after failing to successfully assault the Throne of God (Yahweh)
and place himself into the UNCREATED BEING OF YAHWEH, Satan
proceeded to make his assault upon the BEING OF ADAM KIND. That
is, he decided to INCARNATE himself into the Seed of
Adam and bring forth, a COUNTERFEIT INCARNATION.
Satan, realizing that it was in God�s (Yahweh�s)
PLAN to bring forth a SEED OF ADAM�S RACE, by the Grace
of JESUS CHRIST (YAHSHUA) through the
ATONEMENT, sought to bring forth a COUNTERFEIT SEEDLINE (spurious
bastard seedline) into the earth and then seek to Identity His
Counterfeit Bastard Seed as being the TRUE ISRAEL OF
GOD (YAHWEH). After being totally unsuccessful in his
assault against the BEING OF THE UNCREATED GOD
(YAHWEH). Satan (the Arch-Angel) sought to make
his intrusion into the BEING OF ADAM KIND by cohabiting
with EVE and incarnating himself into a physical Seed Line,
hence the SEED OF THE SERPENT (Genesis 3:15).
The Seed
Plot of this Book reveals what happened when Satan sought to successfully make
his intrusion into the BEING OF ADAM, that is mix his seed
with that of ADAM KIND. Out of this unlawful,
godless, and sinful act, we have ORIGINAL SIN
and the FALL OF ADAM MAN taking place, and the awesome truth, that
by mixing his seed with the Woman Eve, Satan was
able to incarnate himself into a person called CAIN!
Cain was the bastard spurious SEED resulting from the
cohabitation of Satan with the Woman EVE. Cain was out of
the ORDER OF KIND AFTER HIS KIND, being fathered by an
ANGELIC KIND and being born of a woman of ADAM KIND. Cain
was therefore a product of a �FALLEN BEING�; he was OUT OF
HIS KIND! He was the bastard seed of two different kinds
of being, ANGELIC KIND and ADAMIC KIND, which was in
absolute and total violation of God�s (Yahweh�s)
IMMUTABLE LAW of Kind After His Kind outlined in
Genesis Chapter One no less than TEN TIMES.
Incarnation of Satan into a literal Seed Line, a
Seed of the Serpent, brought forth a COUNTERFEIT BASTARD SEEDLINE,
which would seek to thwart every purpose and plan of God
(Yahweh). This evil seedline would kill Abel, and all the Prophets,
and would slay the righteous of every generation. They would always be seeking
to assault the Godly (Heavenly) Seedline;
hence, they preceded ABRAHAM into the Promised Land.
When Abraham arrived, the Canaanites were already in the land (Genesis
12:6). Satan would seek to pass this Counterfeit Creation
off as the TRUE SEED OF ISRAEL (that is the Seed of Isaac),
Genesis 21:12) and would offer up this spurious bastard
SEEDLINE as the MESSIANIC people who would seek to exalt
themselves above the true SEED OF ISRAEL and who would seek to
Counterfeit Bastard Seed Line nailed JESUS CHRIST
(YAHSHUA), the Incarnated GOD (YAHWEH)
upon the Cross-they cried out �His blood be on us and on our
children.� Matthew 27:25 In truth the chief goal of
Satan was to incarnate himself into a Counterfeit Seedline
on this earth and thereby seek to circumvent the true
to come through the RACE OF ADAM, of the Seed of Isaac,
of the Tribe of Judah, of the Royal House of David.
Satan sought to produce a counterfeit INCARNATION,
into flesh in the personage of JESUS CHRIST (YAHSHUA)!
For nearly six thousand years of history this BASTARD COUNTERFEIT SEEDLINE
has sought TO exalt itself as the TRUE SEEDLINE OF
GOD (YAHWEH) on this earth, hence most
Ministers today call the Canaanite Jews, the CHOSEN
PEOPLE, when in truth they are the Bastard Counterfeit Seed of
not being KIND after his KIND, but being of two distinct different
(YAHSHUA) could truly say to this counterfeit SEED
(Every plant, which my Heavenly Father hath not planted, (placed
in this earth at Creation), shall be rooted up.)
Matthew 15:13
We can therefore see why Jesus Christ (Yahshua) did
not TRY and CONVERT this Bastard,
Spurious Counterfeit Seedline during His earthly Ministry. It is also
to be understood why this spurious Canaanite Seedline must
ultimately be destroyed from this earth. Zechariah 14:21.
understand the HOLY BIBLE you must understand and confront the
truth of Genesis 3:15. The Counterfeit Seedline of Satan
placed into this earth the embodiment of Satan himself into a physical
seedline! This counterfeit Seedline moved forth in history
in the personage of CAIN whose descendents are outlined in Genesis
4:17-24. After the FLOOD OF NOAH�S DAY this counterfeit
SEEDLINE moved forth in the personage of
who carried forth the Bastard Counterfeit Satanic Seedline after
the Flood. From CAIN forward to this very day, this
counterfeit spurious Seedline has sought to CIRCUMVENT the
and open up a false way for man to walk. Today the entire world wanders after
this counterfeit spurious seedline and worships them as the
they are the anti-Christ Canaanite Jews descended from Satan. In
order to better, understand how this counterfeit spurious seedline
of Satan has been so successful in passing themselves off as the True Seed
of Adam. Let us define the word
counterfeit from the
Random House Dictionary
under the word Counterfeit: �Made in imitation to be passed off
fraudulently or deceptively as genuine; not genuine; forged. An imitation
intended to be passed off as genuine, forgery. A Copy or a close likeness, to
resemble, to simulate, to feign.�
anti-Christ Canaanite Jews who
say they are JUDAH (Revelation
2:9 and Revelation 3:9) and
ARE NOT, but are of the
SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN claim to be the
Messiah themselves! They
claim that their
RACE constitutes the true
Messiah of this earth, that the
Jews themselves are the
embodiment of the promised
Messiah. They DENY
in JESUS CHRIST (YAHSHUA) and are by
definition the
anti-CHRIST. (I John 2:22-23
and II John 1:7). They do not accept JESUS CHRIST
(YAHSHUA) as the true ANOINTED ONE that is the
MESSIAH that was to come and REDEEM ISRAEL�the
true Seed of the Woman. The
Canaanite spurious SEED of the
Serpent, the
counterfeit seedline of
Satan incarnated, call themselves
the Messiah of this
world since they believe they will
be the ultimate rulers of this world.
The Battle this day is between the Children of LIGHT and the
Children of DARKNESS. The
counterfeit makes
DARK appear as
EVIL appear as
GOOD, the
CURSED appear as the
This counterfeit seedline
has most Ministers giving
them �CHOSEN
in almost every pulpit throughout the land.
Surely, we are deceived people.
It is
therefore imperative that every Christian Soldier of Jesus Christ
(Yahshua) clearly understand the event that took place in
Genesis 3:15
is the key that unlocks our understanding of God�s (Yahweh�s)
Word. You must understand how Satan, the
fallen Archangel
sought to circumvent the true INCARNATION and
incarnate himself into a seedline in this earth by making
his intrusion into the BEING OF ADAM KIND. Satan knowing that the
true MESSIAH, Jesus Christ (Yahshua)
would come through this Seedline of Adam, sought to plant his own
graft onto the Adamic Root and thereby bring forth a
spurious seed and prevent the coming of the true Messiah.
Satan did incarnate himself into CAIN, the
counterfeit Seed of the Serpent, and for six thousand years of history,
this Satanic Counterfeit Spurious Seedline has sought to
destroy the Work
By incarnating himself in Cain, Satan sought to move
in advance of the True INCARNATION OF GOD (YAHWEH)
IN HUMAN FLESH OF ADAM KIND, and in so doing, Satan sought to
destroy the work of
to the true and genuine Seedline (Israel)
from the Seed of Isaac, of the RACE of ADAM KIND.
For almost six thousand years, this spurious counterfeit Seedline
has moved forth in history to
destroy the true work and purpose of God
clearly traced this counterfeit seedline from His day back across
four thousand years of history to the man CAIN�who was the
beginning of this spurious, bastard, counterfeit SEED OF SATAN.
Carefully read the WITNESS of Matthew 23:29-35 and
the Witness of John 8:22-47. In the mouth of these two
traced the Jew-Pharisees of his day back to their father
CAIN. May God (Yahweh) help us to proceed to
see what happened in the Garden of Eden and more particularly to understand the
meaning of GENESIS 3:15? Only by dealing with the
can we hope to unlock the Mystery of God�s
(Yahweh�s) Word. For the
War, that RAGED IN
HEAVEN is now raging on THE EARTH without a truce in
almost six thousand years of time, six days on God�s (Yahweh�s)
time clock.
extremely important Law that relates to Genesis 3.15 is
the LAW OF THE FIRSTBORN. The Law of the Firstborn
is clearly outlined in the Holy Scriptures and no understanding of Genesis
3.15 will be possible without understanding this Immutable Law.
Cain was born first from the womb of the Woman Eve (Genesis
4:1), the woman having been beguiled or deceived
by Satan as an Angel of Light (II Corinthians 11:14).
Eve actually was deceived into BELIEVING that Cain
was gotten (not begotten) of GOD
(Yahweh)�when in truth Cain was fathered by
Satan, an Angel who appeared in the exact manner described by St. Paul
in (II Corinthians Chapter 11). Cain was gotten or
acquired from another source than ADAM. Cain
was Born First from the Woman Eve and having broken
the matrix claimed the right of FIRSTBORN
(Exodus 13:11-13) even though He was
NOT the Firstborn of Adam! Cain is NOT
listed anywhere in Adam�s Genealogy. Why is Cain missing from Adam�s Genealogy?
Because Cain is not Adam�s Son. Genesis 4:25
declares that Seth (meaning substitute) had
been appointed as another seed instead of Abel whom Cain had
slain. Seth was born (Unlike Cain) in the
likeness of Adam and after the image of Adam (Genesis
5:3) as a substitute for Able (Adam�s FIRSTBORN son
whom Cain, the born first son of Eve and Satan, had slain.) Cain
was the First Born from Eve�s Womb, but was
not the FIRSTBORN OF ADAM! Abel who was born right after
Cain (Genesis 4:2) was Adam�s Seed! Cain was the
spurious seed of Satan! (I John 3:11-12). Because Cain
was born first from Eve�s womb, he could lay claim to the
RIGHT of the Firstborn and the dialogue of Genesis
4:6-15 is a direct result of Cain�s seeking to lay claim to the
Rights of the FIRSTBORN under the law of the
Firstborn. The reason Cain was allowed to remain on earth without
being killed was twofold. First, by being born first from the womb
of Eve, Cain claimed the Right of the Firstborn and
Second, if Cain had been killed the CONSEQUENCES of
SIN, Original Sin, would have been eliminated
without Sacrifice as per the Law of God
(Yahweh)! Man would have been not only FREE TO SIN,
but also FREE FROM THE CONSEQUENCES OF HIS SIN, thus Cain had to
be preserved!
was hybrid OUT OF KIND
son (seed) of Satan. Cain was a bastard seed,
resulting form the woman Eve (ADAM KIND) and
Satan (ANGEL KIND)! The Law of KIND
AFTER HIS KIND, the First Law of CREATION (named
ten times in Genesis one) had been broken! Adam Man
and the Adam Kind Woman Eve were FREE to choose
between good and evil, between obedience
and disobedience�they were NOT FREE to escape
the consequences of their SIN! The counterfeit
bastard SEED of Cain was the result of �ORIGINAL SIN� in
the Garden of Eden. Satan had sought to circumvent the true
grafting his own seed onto the PURE ADAMIC RACIAL ROOT STOCK,
and thus prevent JESUS CHRIST (YAHSHUA) also coming
forth from this ADAMIC RACIAL ROOT�from being born! Remember: THE
VIRGIN BIRTH was absolutely NECESSARY in order for
to be grafted back onto the True Holy Root of the White
Adamic Racial Root Stock a grafting of pure Adamic Seed (procured
without pro-creation) and thus enable A NEW CREATION of
the Old Adamic Root to be grafted on and thus enable by the
(Yahshua) to begin a NEW CREATION in this earth
from the Old Adamic Stock. This is the true meaning behind the MIRACLE OF
having been Born First sought to claim the Right of
Because He was not born within the LAW of Kind after His
Kind, Cain was DISINHERITED from the BIRTHRIGHT.
Cain was a bastard (Mamzer) mongrel (OUT
OF KIND) being or Seed. As such he could
never enter into the
CONGREGATION of the Eternal God (El) (Deuteronomy
23:2) Because Satan sought to get his seed into the earth as the
Firstborn of the Adamic Creation�The FIRSTBORN was subsequently
passed over by God (Yahweh) in all critical times of
history and we find that SETH and not Cain was chosen. It was
ISAAC and Not Ishmael that counted for the true seed of Abraham.
It was JACOB and not Esau that received the right of the
Firstborn under the Election of God (Yahweh).
(See Genesis 25:23 and Romans 9:10-14).It was
JOSEPH and not Rueben (the firstborn) that received
the double portion from the dying Jacob. It was PHAREZ
and not Zarah (the firstborn) who received the Birthright.
It was EPHRAIM and not Manasseh (the firstborn) who
received the Birthright as recorded in Genesis 48.
The only way that you can ever account for GOD (Yahweh)
choosing the Second Born in preference to the FIRSTBORN
is because CAIN being Born First from the Womb
of Eve had placed a SIN UPON ADAM�S RACE and not until the
Second Adam, JESUS CHRIST (Yahshua),
was born of the VIRGIN MARY was the CURSE LIFTED.
JESUS CHRIST (YAHSHUA), as the last Adam,
was without Mother and without Father, having
neither beginning nor ending of days (Hebrew 7:3) and was the
beginning of a NEW CREATION from the Old Adamic Stock.
Jesus Christ (Yahshua) took on the Seed of
Abraham (Hebrews 2:16)
and began a New Creation from the Old Adamic Stock.
Cain represented the FIRSTFRUITS from the Womb of Eve
and Jesus Christ (Yahshua) the FIRSTBORN
male, born WITHOUT SIN, by means of the Virgin Birth, was the New
FIRSTFRUITS from the New Creation of the new grafting made onto
the old Adamic Root by the Virgin born INCARNATE GOD
Firstborn of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Jesus Christ (Yahshua)
was the Firstborn Male without Sin in the Lineage of the Adamic RACE!
Jesus Christ (Yahshua) was VERY GOD
(EL) and VERY MAN! Jesus Christ
(Yahshua) alone could thus be the PERFECT SACRIFICE
for sin (ORIGINAL SIN) and our actual Savior! Jesus Christ
(Yahshua) was the firstborn male to be born without
ORIGINAL SIN in Adam�s Race. Every member of Adam�s Race after the
FALL was born with Sin. Read Romans 5:12.
Jesus Christ (Yahshua) by circumventing procreation,
and being born of the Virgin Mary had entered into the world WITHOUT SIN,
as a Firstborn Male of Adam�s Race. This is the real MIRACLE and
NECESSITY of the Virgin Birth! Satan�s effort to place his
SEED into the earth as the Firstborn of Adam�s Race from the womb of the
woman Eve was thus denied by the true INCARNATION OF GOD
The Lineage of SATAN-CAIN-CANAN represents a spurious�bastard�counterfeit
seedline in this earth that is NOT of God�s
(Yahweh�s) Planting. (Matthew 15:13). This evil
seedline (The Tares of Matthew 13) will be destroyed when GOD
(YAHWEH) JUDGES the earth the second time by
FIRE, and the Tares, the spurious seed of Satan (the
Canaanites) will be removed from the presence of God
(Yahweh) forever.
(Zechariah 14:21). The true ADAMIC seedline
descending from Seth by the APPROPRIATION of the BLOOD
of Jesus Christ (Yahshua) represents a NEW
Re-Created Seed of Adam with ACCESS to the TREE OF LIFE.
JESUS CHRIST (YAHSHUA) has purchased by His Own
Blood, Eternal Life for US (True Adamic Seed) who were doomed to
DEATH! This is what the true INCARNATION OF GOD
has accomplished! As CHRISTIANS of the True Seed of ADAM,
particularly of the SEED OF ISAAC (Genesis 21:12)
let us this day appropriate
the precious Blood of Jesus Christ (Yahshua), the
perfect sacrifice for SIN, both Original Sin and our
actual Sin. Adam�s Race was barred from the TREE OF LIFE until
CHRIST (YAHSHUA) came and opened the way back. Jesus
Christ (Yahshua) got the
victory over death and the grave and the sentence of death levied against all
ADAM KIND is now lifted if we repent and appropriate HIS BLOOD.
The Death Angel will see the Blood and PASSOVER! In JESUS
CHRIST (YAHSHUA), the Serpent has been crushed and very
shortly, the HEAD of that Serpent will be bruised under the heel
of Everlasting Judgment. You as a WHITE CHRISTIAN, of the Seed of
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, Redeemed by the Firstborn from the dead, JESUS
CHRIST (YAHSHUA), now understand the meaning of
GENESIS 3:15. You by the GRACE of GOD
(YAHWEH) now have the key to unlock the BIBLE�you have
the understanding as to the meaning of Genesis 3:15.
May you use this KNOWLEDGE to the GLORY of JESUS
CHRIST (YAHSHUA) and His Kingdom�or God
(Yahweh) will curse you in your Sin!
I will put enmity (hatred)
between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise
thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.� Genesis 3:15
Two Seeds of Genesis 3:15. No subject in Divine Scripture carries
more weight and deserves our attention with greater emphasis than does the
two seeds spoken of in
Genesis 3:15. If you seek to be a follower of Jesus Christ
(Yahshua), if you are concerned with understanding the Holy
Bible, if you are ever to proceed from the
milk to the
meat state of understanding
Holy Scripture, then you cannot fail to do business with Genesis 3:15.
It is the seed plot of all scripture. The proper understanding of this scripture
is vital to the total pattern of discerning all scripture. The importance of
this subject reaches across the ages to the
very hour that we are living
in. You cannot comprehend National and International news events
without an understanding of
Genesis 3:15. Your foundation of Kingdom Identity Bible
Truth will stand or fall in relationship to what you do with
Genesis 3:15. Failure to understand and divide this subject could
ultimately exclude you from membership in the ecclesia of Jesus Christ
(Yahshua). Let us proceed to discuss
Genesis 3:15
in the light of Bible and Historical Scholarship. What are the implications of
this tremendous verse of scripture? With the unfailing help and guidance of
Jesus Christ (Yahshua) and the Holy Spirit, you will
see�if you were born with �eyes� to see and �ears� to hear and discern
spiritual truths.
First, we must understand that Genesis 3:15
cannot be studied or understood out of the context or
cannon of scripture. This verse of scripture is the judgment
handed down by a Sovereign God
(Yahweh) upon the woman and the
serpent and the verse is specifically directed to the
serpent. To understand what happened in the Garden of
Eden we must distinguish between �sin� and �Original
Sin.� In Genesis chapter three, the Word of
God (Yahweh) is concerned with what was
Original Sin. Genesis 3:15
is the judgment meted out to the serpent and secondly to
the woman�s seed. To understand the implications of this verse of scripture we
must analyze four basic words all of which are basic to the discernment of this
Bible Truth. These four words are
enmity, serpent,
woman, and seed.
Before our examination of these four words let is be clearly understood that the
Bible Doctrine of the Two Seedlines forms a central part of the theological
foundations upon which the Kingdom Identity Truth is
built. Without the proper understanding and placement of this truth into the
total Cannon of Divine Truth there will be very little, if any,
progress made in lifting the veil of darkness from our people now in bondage in
the churches now making up the Protestant and Catholic church world. The
understanding of Genesis 3:15
is the one absolute theological foundation, which must be in place before the
remainder of the Bible and History of this earth, can never be understood. If
you allow any minister of Jesus Christ (Yahshua) and
the Christian Faith to spiritualize
Genesis 3:15
and ignore, neutralize, or do away with the literal truth
of these two seeds in Genesis 3:15
you can never advance to a mature understanding of Scripture or the World
Situation. Again, remember that Genesis 3:15
is the Seed Plot of the Bible and you may be certain
that Satan and his minions will launch a full-scale warfare to remove
the truth of this teaching from your mind. Without this truth, you
stand disarmed, naked, and unprepared for the warfare
that now reaches its climax between the Seed of the Woman and the
seed of the serpent.
other fact that I wish to bring to your attention is that modern theology on
occasion will attempt to say that the woman does not have any seeds and that it
would be biologically impossible for the woman in Genesis 3:15 to
have any seed. It is true scientific fact that a woman does not have seeds. This
is not the point in our discussion of Genesis 3:15 and has no
bearing on the subject at hand because the use of the word seed as used in this
scripture has reference only to that seed which the
woman has been impregnated with. When Almighty God (Yahweh)
was speaking to the serpent in Genesis 3:15
the reference only to that seed was that seed which had been planted in the
woman Eve by both the serpent and the man Adam. You merely have to read the very
next verse, Genesis 3:16, to find the discussion of multiplying
sorrow in conception and sorrow in child
birth to know that we are correct in our evaluation of the physical
seed implanted in the woman Eve.
is very necessary to remember that if you deny the
physical seed of the serpent, you eventually end up identifying them
as the Children of God
(Yahweh) and this is precisely what the nominal Church has
done. If the serpent seed had been properly identified
the modern, church would not be labeling them as the children of God
(Yahweh). Because the serpent seed was not articulated not
identified, they have usurped the place of true Israel,
the seed of the woman. The identity of White Christian
Israel has been lost and the seed of the serpent has not been
articulated. The failure of theologians to identify the serpent seed
also resulted in their failure to identify the seed of the woman.
Today the entire religious world worships the International Jew as the Chosen
people of God (Yahweh) because that wicked
seed was not articulated and identified. There is a reason why
practically every Christian Minister in the western world eulogizes and
exonerates the Jews as the Chosen of God (Yahweh)�that
blasphemous lie has come about because
the seed of the serpent was not identified.
one of these two seed lines is spiritualized,
they both are, and that is where the nominal church world is today. Nearly every
denomination in America
has spiritualized one or both of the two seeds of
Genesis 3:15. When you deny the existence of one you must deny he
existence of the other. Jesus Christ (Yahshua)
clearly divided these two seeds in scripture and we must
do likewise. In speaking to the seed of the serpent, i.e., the Jews, Jesus
Christ (Yahshua) told them that they were
not His sheep (John 10:26).
In this same Chapter, Jesus Christ (Yahshua) said,
�My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.�
What nations have heard His voice and become Christians? What people to this day
have utterly rejected Jesus Christ (Yahshua) and the
Christian faith? These two seeds of
Genesis 3:15
are the seed plot of all theology and must be labeled,
and identified. This is exposition is doing just that.
The word enmity is a key word and is translated from the
Hebrew #342 [�eybah /ay�baw/] or #340 [�ayab /aw�yab/]. In
Strong�s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, the Hebrew word #342 [�eybah
/ay�baw/] or #340 [�ayab /aw�yab/] from which our English word
enmity is translated means to hate, be hostile, be an enemy, hostility, enmity,
hatred. See #342 and 340 in the Hebrew Chaldee Dictionary of Strong�s Exhaustive
Concordance. The word enmity means hatred, hostility, and enmity or warfare
between the seed of the woman and the seed of
the serpent. It is imperative to remember that this word enmity
implies hatred, variance, hostility and warfare between these two seeds and this
hatred was placed there as a judgment from Almighty God
word serpent is a very important word. First, the
serpent of Genesis Chapter three is identified as Satan.
The Word of God (Yahweh) is very clear, as to whom
the serpent is. Revelation 12:7, Revelation 20:2,
which is the Revelation of Jesus Christ (Yahshua) (Revelation1:1)
identifies the serpent as being Satan. The use of the word old
in these scriptures is very significant. The implication being that Satan, the
serpent, has been around for a long time. At one time, the serpent occupied a
position as a very exalted supernatural being in the order of God
(Yahweh). Isaiah 14:12-21 describes how
the serpent, then known as Lucifer, son of the morning, defied God
(Yahweh) and lost his exalted position in God�s
(Yahweh�s) plan. Ezekiel 28:11-19 describes
the exalted position that Satan or the serpent once held as the anointed cherub
of God (Yahweh). This serpent or Satan had been in
the Garden of Eden according to Ezekiel 28:13. St. Paul
tells us in II Corinthians 11:13-15 that Satan is
transformed into an angel of light. Revelation 12:7-9
describes the Great War that once raged between the old serpent, Michael, and
the angels. In Luke 10:18
Jesus Christ (Yahshua) stated that
He beheld Satan as lightning
falling from Heaven.
is imperative that every Bible student know that the serpent in
Genesis 3:15
was Satan and he had appeared as an angel of light to the woman Eve. The serpent
had carried on dialogue, had quoted and misquoted scripture and employed all the
characteristics of a very intelligent being. The word serpent as used in
Genesis 3:15
is from a Hebrew word translated [nachash /naw�khawsh/] and means hiss,
whisper a (magic spell) divine, enchanter, use enchantment, learn
by experience, a snake, a serpent. See #5175 in the Hebrew Chaldee Dictionary of
the Strong�s Exhaustive Concordance to the Holy Bible. The word serpent as used
in the New Testament is such key passages as II Corinthians 11:3,
Matthew 23:33, and Revelation 12:9 is translated
from a Greek root word Ophis and means sharpness of
vision, from #3700 to gaze with open eyes, as at something remarkable, a snake,
fig. (as a type of sly cunning) an artful malicious person, espec.
Satan: Serpent. See the Greek Dictionary of the New Testament in Strong�s
Exhaustive Concordance to the Holy Bible.
conclusions to be drawn thus far are indeed far-reaching. In
Genesis 3:15
Almighty God (Yahweh) is talking to the serpent,
this satanic angel who appeared to Eve as an angel of light. Almighty God
(Yahweh) is thus telling this satanic being, that there
will be enmity,
hatred, or
warfare between
his offspring and the offspring of the woman Eve. For a
very thorough discussion of the serpent and the broad ramifications of
information surrounding this intelligent being please, do not fail to carefully
study Appendix #19 of the Companion Bible, Samuel
Bagster, and Sons Limited, 4 New Bridge Street, London EC4, England. Please keep
in mind that in Genesis chapter three we have neither allegory,
myth, legend, nor fable, but literal historical facts set forth,
and emphasized by the use of certain Figures of speech. A Figure of speech is
never used except for the purpose of calling attention to, emphasizing, and
intensifying, the reality of the
literal sense. Remember this in reading Genesis
Chapter three.
next word, which we need to examine, is the word woman. The woman
of Genesis 3:15
can be identified only as Eve, one of the principal subjects of
the entire chapter of Genesis 3. It cannot be suppressed nor can
Eve�s connection with the serpent, or Satan, be evaded. In
Genesis 3:15
Almighty God (Yahweh) in speaking to the serpent
declared that the woman was to have seed and that her seed would be an
enmity (hatred)
with the seed of the serpent. Genesis 3:16
is extremely important in conjunction with our evaluation of
Genesis 3:15.
There you will take careful note that the woman�s sorrow in
conception, bearing children,
was to be increased because of the sin, original sin
that she participated in during the unfolding of events in Genesis Chapter
Three. You will also take careful note to acknowledge that Almighty
God (Yahweh) told Eve that her
desire would be to her husband, and he would
henceforth rule over her. Read Genesis 3:6 as to the use of the
word desire. Whom had Eve�s desire been directed to in Genesis 3:6?
In the divine punishment inflicted upon the woman Eve in
Genesis 3:16
why did Almighty God (Yahweh) employ pain in
childbirth? What is the purpose of the use of the word conception?
What about the use of the word desire? The truth is
God (Yahweh) made the punishment to fit the crime.
Those who have spiritual discernment can both
see and hear what the truth
of Genesis Three is all about.
next word we wish to examine from Genesis 3:15
is the word seed. The word seed
is one of the most important words used in the Bible. This word is used
about 275 times in the Bible.
The proper understanding of the word seed as it is used in both
Old and New Testament is absolutely imperative. The singular word
seed used in Genesis 3:15
is from the Hebrew word translated #2233 [zera` /zeh�rah/] and means
seed, fruit, plant sowing time, posterity,
from #2232 [zara` /zaw�rah/] bear conceive seed�disseminate. (Emphasis
Ours). Note the use of the word fruit, posterity;
conceive seed, all of which are extremely relevant to an understanding of
Genesis Three. For confirmation of the forgoing Hebrew analysis of the
word, seed see Strong�s Hebrew & Chaldee Dictionary in his Exhaustive
word seed as used in the
New Testament is from a Greek
Word translated [sperma /sper�mah/]. See Strong�s Greek Dictionary of the
New Testament in Strong�s Exhaustive Concordance under #4690. Sperma, from #4687
[speiro /spi�ro/] something sown, i.e. seed (include. The male
sperm � by impl. Offspring: issue,
seed.�) In W.E. Vine�s Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words,
Page. 338 under the word Seed we quote as follows: 1.
SPERMA, akin to speiro, to sow�3. SPORA, akin to No.1 and like No.2, a sowing,
seedtime, denotes seed sown, I Peter 1:23,
of human offspring..." (Emphasis Ours), In
E.W. Bullinger's A Critical Lexicon And Concordance
pages 677 and 678 we read under the word seed
as follows: SEED. 1. that which is sown, the seed or germ of
anything children, offspring, posterity;
also a remnant, a few survivors, like seed kept over
from a former year�3. A sowing, a begetting of children; the
seed sown� (Emphasis Ours). Another very interesting
analysis of the word Seed is found in
Gesenius� Hebrew and Chaldee LEXICON Pages 254 and 255. (3) semen
virile, Leviticus 15:16,
offspring, progeny, descendants,
Genesis 3:15; 13:16; 15:5, 13:17:7, 10:21:13,
etc.;� (Emphasis Ours).
far it has been fully demonstrated that the word seed as used in either Old
Testament scriptures such as Genesis 3:15 or in New
Testament scriptures such as Revelation 12:17 or
Matthew 13:38 has reference to seed, fruit,
posterity, male sperm, offspring,
issue, children, progeny, or
descendants, when going back to both the original Hebrew and Greek root
meanings. In Genesis 3:15
the word seed is referring to progeny,
offspring, children, seed, issue,
or descendants of both (1) the serpent or Satan and
(2) woman. Please take note that the word seed
in Genesis 3:15
is translated posterity in the Smith & Goodspeed
Translation and in the Lamsa Translation of the Holy Bible. The Amplified
Translation, the New Berkeley Version, and the Jerusalem Bible all translate the
word seed as offspring. The word
seed as used in the AKJV of the Bible is an appropriate
word for it means fruit, posterity or to
conceive seed.
is now a crucial point to note that in Genesis 3:15
both the serpent and the woman were to have seed. No scripture of
the Bible has been treated with more
sensitive caution than Genesis 3:15. The
modern church world has
spiritualized this scripture, as they have all
scriptures, to their own utter confusion. Nearly all-modern
theology declares that the
seed of the woman was Jesus Christ (Yahshua)
and that the serpent did not have any literal progeny.
Some Bible Scholars will admit that the seed of the woman
must include the Seed
Line through which Jesus Christ (Yahshua)
was incarnated into a flesh body, but they still deny
that Satan or the serpent could have issue or seed.
ministers of the National and World Council of Churches, and most non-member
churches all are pastored by men who acknowledge that woman of Genesis
3:15 to have an issue but deny that the serpent had an
issue. They are only
consistent in their
inconsistency. The same word translated seed
was used for both the serpent and the woman. If one had
issue the other must of necessity, also have issue
or seed. Any student of the Bible who denies that
the use of the word seed in Genesis 3:15 does not
refer to offspring or children
must also deny the
Biblical usage of the
word seed in more than one hundred other scriptures of
the Holy Bible.
have now established by authority of both the original Hebrew and Greek, that
the word seed in Genesis 3:15 refers to
posterity, progeny, issue, seed, children,
or descendants. It will now be our goal to trace both
the seed of the Woman and the seed of
the Serpent throughout the Bible. The understanding of these
two seed lines is truly one of the most critical theological
questions of our time. To deny the seed lines of the Bible is to deny
the testimony of the Prophets, Apostles, and the very words of Jesus
Christ (Yahshua) himself. Indeed the two
seed lines established in Genesis 3:15
is the central issue at stake in the Gospel of the Kingdom.
When you
spiritualize Genesis 3:15 you have surrendered, compromised, and
watered down the basic theme of the entire Bible and of History for the past six
thousand years.
Our purpose will now be to very briefly trace in
outline form both the
seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent.
Bible Scholars will agree that the seed of the woman
prophesied of in Genesis 3:15 was Jesus Christ
(Yahshua), but well trained Bible Scholars know that Jesus Christ
(Yahshua) was incarnated into this earth in a
flesh body from the seed line that was
established with Seth, who was the seed of
Adam and Eve. Even more important Jesus Christ
(Yahshua) according to the flesh was born into this earth
through the Royal Seed of David, of the Tribe of Judah, of the House of Israel, back through Abraham, Shem, through
Seth and back to Adam.
The seed of the woman in
Genesis 3:15
was preserved upon this earth for about four thousand years before Jesus
Christ (Yahshua) was incarnated into a
flesh body.
seed of the woman then constituted a seed
line through which Jesus Christ (Yahshua)
would ultimately come. Genesis 3:15 was a Prophetic Judgment from
God (Yahweh) that there would be
enmity or
hatred between the
seed of the serpent and the seed of the woman and this
first surfaced when Cain, the
seed of the serpent, rose up to kill Abel. The blood flowed
between these two seed lines for four thousand years unto the
shedding of the blood of Jesus Christ (Yahshua) at
the hands of the wicked seed line of the Jews upon the cross of Calvary.
This same enmity or
hatred has continued unabated during the past 2,003 years unto the
very hour that you and I live in.
singular use of the word seed in
Genesis 3:15
has caused many Bible Students to believe that it was referring to Jesus
Christ (Yahshua) in the singular. They usually quote
Galatians 3:16
in support of this argument. It should be remembered however that the word
seed when referring to offspring,
progeny, or seed-issues is only used in the
singular and not the plural.
Galatians 3:16
in support of this argument. Galatians 3:16
reads: �Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made.
He saith not, and to seeds, as of many; but as of one, and to thy
seed, which is Christ (Yahshua)� What
does this verse mean? First note that in Hebrews 2:16
Jesus Christ (Yahshua) �took not on him the nature
of angels; but he took on him the seed of Abraham.�
Jesus Christ (Yahshua) took upon himself the seed
of Abraham. This seed of Abraham was the
seed of the woman through which the Messiah, Jesus
Christ (Yahshua) was incarnated into this
earth. II Timothy 2:8, John 7:42 and Romans
1:3 all confirm that Jesus Christ (Yahshua)
was made of the seed of David and Romans 9:4-5
declares that the Israelites (from which the tribe
of Judah sprang) were the people who according to the flesh,
Christ (Yahshua)
came. Therefore the singular use of the word seed in Genesis
3:15 refers to the seed line of Isaac
coming down through the Abrahamic Seed Line, of which Jesus
Christ (Yahshua) was the
Seed Royal.
Seed of the Woman was the seed of promise,
the children of promise in contrast to the children of the
bondwoman. See Romans 9:6-14 and Galatians
4:21-31. The seed of promise was the Royal Seed
of the Woman Eve, begun in Seth, recorded for the next ten
generations in Genesis Chapter 5 (Note that Cain is
never listed as Adam�s son in any of the chronology Tables of the
Bible. Take note that in all other cases where Adamic Seed
had corrupted itself in sin, their name still appears in
the Chronology Tables. Cain was not
listed in any Adamic Chronology Table because he was not the son
of Adam.) The second ten generations
of the Seed of the Woman are found in Genesis 11:10-26.
The Chronology Tables of the Bible are very clear in establishing the
seed line of the woman, the Holy Seed, the
promised seedline through which Jesus Christ (Yahshua),
the Redeemer of Israel would come. Genesis
established a seed line of woman in this earth by authority of
God�s (Yahweh�s) Word. In order for the
enmity of
Genesis 3:15
to be fulfilled that seed of the woman would
always exist in the earth.
first twenty generations of this promised covenant seed of the woman
are carefully preserved for us in Genesis 5, Genesis 11,
in the Book of 1st Chronicles, in St. Matthew 1
and St. Luke 3. The specific names of the first twenty generations
of the seed of the woman of Genesis 3:15 are as follows:
Adam, Seth, Enos, Kenah, Mahalaleel, Jared, Enoch, Methuselah, Lamech, Noah,
Shem, Arphaxed, Salah, Eber, Peleg, Reu, Serug, Nahor, Terah,
and Abraham. This was the seed of promise,
the seedline, the racial stock, through which Jesus Christ
(Yahshua) would come as the Kinsman Redeemer.
By the terms of the Law of Redemption, Jesus Christ
(Yahshua) could only qualify as Israel�s Kinsman Redeemer
by being born through
the Holy Seed of the woman. See the Law
of Redemption in Leviticus 25:24-26-48-49.
Please take note that the seed line of the woman was
carried on after Noah
through Shem and not Ham or Japheth. It is also
important to remember that after Terah the seed
line of the woman was carried on by Abraham
and not Nahor nor Haran.
Nahor did however provide a Holy Seed line through which many
wives could later be secured by descendants of Abraham. (See
Genesis 22:20-24). The Holy Seed Line was carried on
through Abraham and here we must take very careful note to
remember that Abraham fathered many children through three different women.
However, the Holy Seed of the Woman of
Genesis 3:15
was carried on through Isaac. Here you should carefully
Read Romans 9:1-33
with particular emphasis upon verses 4-13. It was only
the children of the promise, the Holy Seed of
Isaac that was counted for the
seed. (Note the singular use of the word
seed in Romans 9:8.) Remember it is also
singular in Genesis 3:15
and Galatians 3:16.
All of the other children of Abraham, the children born through Hagar and
Keturah were called children of the
flesh, but Isaac was the seed of
promise. (Romans 9:8-9)
seed of the woman was carried on from Isaac
through Jacob whose name was later changed to
Esau was cast off for he had not only sold his birthright
but he had also married into the serpent seedline. Esau
was rejected of God (Yahweh) from the womb (Genesis
25:21-23). According to the election of God (Yahweh),
Jacob was chosen over Esau. (See Romans
9:10-13). Jacob fathered twelve sons, all of whom were counted as
the seed of the woman, the seed of the
promise, in fulfillment of Genesis 3:15. The names
of Jacob�s twelve sons born to him through Leah, Rachel, Bilah, and Zilpah are
as follows: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun, Dan, Naphtali,
Gad, Asher, Joseph, and Benjamin.
These twelve sons all produced families that greatly enlarged the
seed of the woman and in time they were all taken with the
exception of Joseph who was already in Egypt�down into the land of Egypt as
God (Yahweh) had promised Abraham in
Genesis 15:13-16.
Genesis chapter 46 gives the chronology of the seed of
the woman, the seed of Isaac through
Jacob/Israel that went down into Egypt.
There was a total of 70 souls living in Egypt in B.C. 1706 that were counted as
the seed of promise, the seed of Isaac, or the
seed of the woman of Genesis 3:15. It must
I repeat never be
forgotten that Isaac
himself was the child of the promise, born through a miraculous
process, that foreshadowed the virgin birth
of Jesus Christ (Yahshua). Isaac was
the man-child
of promise through whom the Holy Seed Line
was to be preserved upon this earth. Genesis 12:1-3, Genesis
15:1-21, Genesis 17:1-8, and Genesis 21:12 are all
very important in establishing Isaac as the seed
line of promise, the seed of the woman, as prophesied by
God (Yahweh) in Genesis 3:15.
Read Romans chapter 9, 10 & 11 with the above quoted scriptures.
After Israel�s long sojourn in Egypt, they were organized into a
Kingdom of Priests
under the leadership of Moses and for the next forty years were
confined to an area known as the Sinai Wilderness. After taking
the Promised Land under Joshua, they were ruled over
by a long series of Judges until about B.C. 1095 when Saul became their king.
After a forty-year long reign by Saul, David, and
then Solomon, the Kingdom of Israel, then
representing the seed of the woman on this earth,
was divided into two separate kingdoms or nations,
in about B.C. 975 with death of Solomon. After B.C. 975, the
Kingdom of Israel,
the seed of the woman, became permanently separated into
two separate peoples, thereafter to be known as the House of Israel
and the House of Judah. In all the Pauline Epistles in
the New Testament, the word Gentiles should read
or Israelites and the word
Jew in most cases should read
St. Paul was speaking and addressing all of his Epistles to the peoples of
to those Israel Tribes who had been divorced and
henceforth known as the Divorced Wife or the
Wild Olive Tree.
Kingdom of
began its separate existence after the death of Solomon in B.C. 975, with its
capitol in Samaria, and was ruled over by nineteen different kings, beginning
with Jereoboam and ending with Hoshea.
These nineteen different kings were from nine different dynasties. The
Kingdom of Israel
under evil Kings moved toward a rapid state of moral degeneracy and the
Assyrians after several invasions into the
Kingdom of Israel
managed to deport all the Israelites in about B.C. 721 and moved
them en-masse into the Assyrian wilderness. The
comprised of Ten Tribed Israel, and a portion of Levi,
held their Kingdom only for a period of about 254 years. Following
their departure into the Assyrian Wilderness, they later appeared
upon the stage of history under
new names.
this White Christian/Israel
of the woman made their way westward across
Europe and to the
Isles they were called by many different names. The
Persians called them Sakae. The Greeks called them
Scythians. The Romans called them Dacians.
These white Christian/Israel people were gradually over the
centuries, making their way across all the countries of
and to the
British Isles.
As they settled for a time both North and South of
Black Sea
in their movement across
especially in the region of
we find them mentioned frequently in the New Testament Scriptures. St. Paul
addressed all of his Epistles to the saints who were the Holy Seed
of �the Woman� because St. Paul was
chosen of God
(Yahweh) to be the Apostle to the �Gentiles,�
more correctly translated White Christian �Nations.� The
church at Corinth, Galatia, Ephesus, Philippi, Rome, Colossian,
Thessalonia, and elsewhere were all assemblies or churches (Greek
ekklesia) of the seed of the woman
of Genesis 3:15,
identified as the seed of Isaac or White Christian Israel
people of the Divorced Wife, Wild Olive Tree, Ten Tribed
Israel Kingdom that had been carried away into
captivity by the Assyrians.
Later on in history, this particular branch of the Holy Seed of the
Woman moved westward into
and northward into
and the
British Isles.
They appeared under the names of the Franks, Angles, Goths, Saxons,
Celts, Visgoths, Ostrogoths, Lombards, Belgae, Norsemen, Northmen, Vikings,
Danes, Varangians, Germani, Alemani, Teutons, and others, but they
were still the seed of the woman, Ten Tribed
Israel, moving to the appointed place. In time
all of the foregoing tribal units of Israel people emerged as political states
under the name Germany, Denmark, France, England, Scotland, Holland,
Finland, Sweden, Norway, and other countries of
northwestern and eastern Europe. In time, the descendants of these
same people migrated into
America, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa,
and elsewhere to bring about the fulfillment of the
promises made to
Abraham, that his seed would bless
all the nations or families of the earth.
Southern Kingdom of
made up of the tribe of Judah, Benjamin, and a
portion of Levi, located their capitol in Jerusalem and existed as
a nation until about B.C. 588. This portion of the Seed of the Woman
existed for about 370 years under nineteen kings and one queen, all of the
lineage or Dynasty of David. The first King was Rehoboam,
followed by Abijah, Asa, Jehosaphat, Jehoram, Ahaziah, Athaliah
(Queen), Jehoash, Amaziah, Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, Hezekiah, Manasseh, Amon,
Josiah, Jehoahaz, Jehoiakim, Jehoiachin, and Zedekiah. Every one of
these kings, and the one queen, were all of the Royal Seed of David,
of the tribe of Judah, of the House of Israel, of
the seed line of Isaac, in fulfillment of the seed
that the woman in
Genesis 3:15 was to bring forth upon this earth.
Jesus Christ (Yahshua) was born into this earth, he
was of the same Royal Lineage of David of the Tribe of Judah,
of the Seed of Isaac, or the seed of the woman.
Following the foreign invasion of this Southern Kingdom by the Babylonian or
Chald�an Kings in 606 to 585 B.C. the throne and sceptre of the Royal
House of David was carried by Jeremiah the Prophet
The throne of David has suffered three overturns, from
and will be no more overturned until HE
comes (Jesus Christ) (Yahshua) whose
right it is to
rule and
reign. Read Ezekiel
Chapter 12 and 21.
should be noted that before the Babylonian Invasion of the
Southern Kingdom by Nebuchadnezzar beginning in B.C. 606 and reaching
its completion in the Seventy year Babylonian Captivity beginning
in 585 B.C., there had been an Assyrian Invasion into
the Southern Kingdom of
by Sennacherib in B.C. 713. About 200,000 of the best of the Stock of
Judah were carried away into the Assyrian Wilderness to be
joined with their Israel Brothers who were on their way
toward the appointed places in
Asia Minor,
and elsewhere. Also remember that there is strong evidence of the best part of
Benjamin had left
and joined themselves unto
(See Jeremiah 6:1). Yahweh only left enough
of the seed of Judah and Benjamin
in Jerusalem and in the Babylonian Captivity to carry
forth His purpose of
bringing forth the Birth of
Christ (the Messiah) and the
Ministry of Jesus Christ (Yahshua)
into this earth. See the Assyrian invasion of
in II Kings 118:13.
conclusion you will note that the Seed of the Woman
of Genesis 3:15
is the major theme of
the entire Bible. Nearly all of the Old Testament from
Genesis 12:1 to the Last Chapter of Malachi involves
the seed of Isaac, or the seed of the woman. An
exception would be Esther. All the books of the Law, History,
Prophecy, Poetry, and Literature are
centered and woven around the history of the Seed of the Woman.
The New Testament is no different. All of the Pauline Epistles
are written directly to the Seed of the Woman or the
Seed of Isaac. James and Peter both address their epistles to the
Tribes of Israel. One Book in the New Testament is entitled the book of Hebrews.
Remember the Hebrews were the seed of the woman
coming through Isaac. Remember also that Jesus Christ
(Yahshua) came but into the
lost sheep
of the House of Israel,
(Matthew 15:24)
and he sent his twelve apostles only unto the
lost sheep
of the
House of Israel. Furthermore, Jesus Christ
(Yahshua) came only to Redeem Israel,
the Seed of the Woman through Isaac, Luke
24:21, John 1:31, Luke 1:54-68, and John 10:1-42.
Jesus Christ (Yahshua) came into the earth as the
Kinsman Redeemer of the Seed of Isaac and
that seed was
first planted
in this earth by Adam and Eve. The good seed of the
Parable of the Tares and the Wheat in Matthew Chapter 13 was the
good seed of the Woman. The wicked seed
of the Parable is identified as the children of the
wicked one�
in summary form, we
have traced the Seed of the Woman through the Bible and
have identified the Seed of the Woman on this earth
today as being the White Christian Nations of the Western World.
The true Israel of God
(Yahweh) can today be identified in
the White Anglo-Saxon, Celtic, Germanic
nations of America, Canada, England, Australia, New Zealand, South
Africa, Northwestern Europe and Scandinavians.
The White Western World is now fighting for its very life! All the
nations of the world, headed up by Soviet Russia, are federated against the
SEED OF THE WOMAN. (Read Psalm 83).
The white seed of the Woman (National Israel) is
locked in a death-struggle with the anti-Christ Jew and the international
combine of communist and third world nations who are determined to wipe out, to
utterly destroy from this earth, the seed of Isaac, the
Seed of the Woman. In order to understand the
Battle Lines that are being drawn in the earth today, we must
again retrace our steps to Genesis 3:15
and unveil the Identity of the Seed of the
Serpent. The unveiling of the Identity of
the Seed of the Woman as which Christian
Israel and the Seed of the Serpent as
International Jewry is the seed plot of
the entire Bible and of
understanding the front page of every newspaper being
printed in the western world today. Without identifying, the Seed of
the Woman and the seed of the serpent there
can be no Kingdom Identity Truth. There is no Gospel of the Kingdom
where this message of Genesis 3:15 is deleted, compromised, spiritualized, or
The very heart and soul of the Kingdom/Identity truth is the
exposition, identification and the labeling of these
two seeds in Genesis
3:15. Jesus Christ (Yahshua) labeled,
exposed, and identified these two seeds during
His earthly Ministry
and we can do no less! The
identification of the Seed of the Woman and the
Serpent may not be a
popular doctrine among those who cater to
please the creeds of the National
and World Council of Churches, but I believe that it is time for
every Minister and every Church to get either
or cold about this
Gospel of the Kingdom. I am resolved that true
Kingdom/Identity people will be �hot� about the business of identifying the
Seed of the Woman and the Seed of the Serpent
and in so doing, they will enlighten the eyes of our
people and open their ears to the truth of
Jesus Christ
(Yahshua), the Bible, and
Again, we ask that you read Genesis 3:15. Yahweh our
God (Elohim) is speaking to the serpent,
which is standing before God (Yahweh) as a very
intelligent being. Almighty God (Yahweh)
tells him that there will be
enmity (hatred)
(warfare) between thy seed (the
serpent) and the seed of the woman. The same word
seed that we have previously traced back to both the original
Hebrew and Greek is again the crucial question at hand.
If the woman was to have seed, then the
serpent must of necessity also have seed. We
must be consistent. The only thing consistent about those who wish
to deny or do away with the seed of the serpent is
their inconsistency. They acknowledge on the one hand
that the woman has a seed but they deny that the
serpent has a seed. This type of
spiritualizing away the literal truth of the
scripture is an old practice among not only modern theologians but the practice
or habit of spiritualizing literal Bible Truth is a well known
fact among all schools of theology
dating back for hundreds of years into the history of our white race.
How else do you think we lost the Identity of our White Christian
Seed on this earth? We lost
the truth of the Holy Bible because apostate clergymen, churchmen,
began to spiritualize the literal truth of the Bible
out of existence. Which Christian people have generally been
oblivious to the Jews
and their lies because the Jews were never
identified�either in scripture or in history
by the apostate clergy. [False
Evidence Appearing Real]
very briefly let us chronicle the seed line of Satan
in this earth, first by tracing this seed through the Holy
Scriptures. First, you will note that in the marginal reference column of most
Bibles that Genesis 3:15 when speaking of the seed of
the serpent will refer you directly to such scriptures as
Matthew 3:7, 13:38, 23:33, John 8:44, Acts
13:10, I John 3:8-12 and others. You are
now looking into a very basic, elementary, fundamental truth of Scripture in
identifying the serpent�s seed. The truth of God�s
(Yahweh�s) Word is not complex.
In fact, it is
so simple that most people cannot comprehend it. In every one of
the foregoing Scriptures the serpent�s seed is identified
as the Jew, sometimes called the Pharisees, serpents,
vipers, race of serpents, children of hell, and other such names by
THE NEW TESTAMENT. Jesus Christ (Yahshua)
and every New Testament writer identified the Jews
as the seed of Satan or the seed of the serpent�why
cannot God�s (Yahweh�s) People discern this truth.
Because not everyone
was born with
spiritual discernment, having eyes that see and
ears that hear. If you are one of God�s
(Yahweh�s) Sons, one of His seed through
the Woman, quickened by the Holy Spirit
you will see and hear and
understand the truth that the serpent does
have a literal seed line on
this earth today�and from the time of Genesis 3:15.
Jesus Christ (Yahshua) taught this truth
and so did every writer of the New Testament including St. Paul.
If you cannot see, hear, understand or
contain this basic Kingdom Identity Truth then do not become
disturbed, for until this day some of the Seed of the Woman are in
blindness as to the truth of God�s (Yahweh�s) Word.
In fact, most of the White Christian Israel Seed
of the Woman are in spiritual blindness. Only the
ecclesia, the very elect, can perceive and understand the truth of
the two seeds of Genesis 3:15.
first manifested seed of the serpent upon this earth
was Cain. Cain is missing from Adam�s
genealogy not because he sinned but because he was
not of Adam�s seed.
Satan fathered Cain.
Jesus Christ (Yahshua)
indicted the Jewish Pharisees
whom He called
serpents, a race of vipers, (Matthew 23:33)
with all the righteous blood shed upon the earth, from the blood of righteous
Abel unto the blood of Zacharias son of Barachias, whom they slew between the
temple and the altar. Matthew 23:35. Why did Jesus Christ
(Yahshua) trace the lineage of the
Jewish Pharisees back to Cain? Your
Saviour charged the Jews with all the righteous blood shed
upon this earth for some four thousand years of history�from Cain
(About B.C. 4003) unto the shedding of the blood of Zacharias in
about A.D. 33.
Do not let anyone, I mean anyone, allow you to forget that
Jesus Christ (Yahshua)
traced the Jewish Pharisees back into history for some four thousand years
and he traced them to a seed called Cain.
John 8:13-59 we have another occasion when Jesus Christ
(Yahshua) is witnessing the
enmity of the
Jewish Pharisees. In John 8:38
Jesus Christ (Yahshua) speaking to the Jews
declares �I speak that which I have seen with my Father: and ye do that
which ye have seen with your father.� Who are these two fathers?
If you have eyes to
see and ears to hear�Jesus Christ
(Yahshua) is speaking of two distinct
fathers�the Jews are not
of His seed,
not of His planting.
Jesus Christ (Yahshua) finally tells the
Jewish-Pharisees �ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts
of your father ye will do. He was a murdered from the beginning, and abode not
in the truth, because there is not truth in him. When he speaketh a lie he
speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.� John
8:44. Again, Jesus Christ (Yahshua) traced
the Jews back to Cain�who was a murderer
from the beginning. Let us also be mindful that the same St. John
who wrote about the Jews in the Gospel of John also
authored other New Testament books. In I John 3:11-12 we are told that��Cain, who was
of that wicked one�� Smith & Goodspeed translated that passage �child
of the evil one." The New World Translation of the Christian Greek
Scriptures translates this passage��not like Cain, who originated
with the wicked one�� If you will receive it the same St. John
who recorded Jesus Christ (Yahshua) as saying that
the Jew�s father was a murderer from the beginning� (John 8:44)
also tells you in I John 3:11-12 that Cain was of that
wicked one. You can spiritualize 1 John 3:11-12
until forever�but you will never change the weight of these words�the
Jews are being identified by the scripture
and that is why the Identity Truth�the Gospel of the Kingdom is
different from all other denominational preaching in the western world today.
to return to Cain of the Old Testament. We have seen
plenty of evidence of his descendants
in the New Testament and you are without spiritual
discernment if you have not already been convinced that
the serpent had seed. In Genesis chapter, four
we have almost the entire chapter being devoted to Cain�his
birth, his offering, his transgression, his
sin, and finally his punishment. The
punishment inflicted upon Cain is what we are very much
concerned with at this time. In Genesis 4:11-12 we find that
Cain is being cursed from the earth. The
ground will
not henceforth
yield unto him and he is to be a
fugitive and a vagabond in the
earth. Last but by no means least; Cain was given a
a physical condition that would forever mark him and his seed after him.
Remember, that all of the judgment inflicted upon Cain
became a genetic inheritance of the
seed line of Cain.
All of Cain�s offspring were to carry these
traits in their genes. They would
never earn their
living from the soil, they would always dwell in cities, they would
always be fugitives
and vagabonds, and they would all possess certain
physical and mental characteristics that
would forever brand them as
the seed line of Satan. You will note that
Acts 19:13
calls the Jews vagabond�and this truth is
again declared by David in Psalms 109:10. Noted that Isaiah
3:9 in speaking of the Jews declares
�The shew of
their countenance doth witness against them; and they declare their sin as Sodom, they hide it not��
The International Jew of today, like his ancestors of old, is in
possession of a certain number of physical and mental
qualities that make them different from all other races or peoples upon this
earth. They think differently because they are
different. They look differently because
they have a visage fixed by Divine Decree.
They are the man of
sin, the son of perdition,
and the children of the wicked one in this earth. They were
allowed to be in this earth to fulfill the decree of Genesis 3:15.
After all, how could there be
enmity between the woman and the serpent�unless
the serpent fathered a seed line into this earth�to wage
war and
enmity against the
seed of the woman. The serpent had to have seed or Genesis
3:15 will not fit into the cannon of Divine Truth.
Cain was a man marked
by Almighty God (Yahweh). He was the
seed of the wicked one.
His father was Satan! Jesus
Christ (Yahshua) and St. John both made these
statements more than nineteen hundred years
before this booklet was
written. Cain was a merchant and a trafficker.
The word Canaanite
means peddler,
trafficker. See Hebrew
Chaldee Dictionary of Strong�s Concordance #3669. Cain was marked
with a swarthy skin. He was marked with a nose
that always is his
trademark. Some of his seed, (Jews), would
look like White People only because the seed of Cain
was married into our race. This has often resulted in some
confusion. The children of Cain would
always be
involved in the money
racket [Banking
Cartel] and the baser
things of life. They would
always live in the cities and feed on the sweat of other people�s labor. They
would be the vampire race, the leech of this world. The
Jews would forever
be at enmity with
the seed of the woman. Cain would
exist on this earth as the
accursed seed, as the
bastard race, whose ultimate goal would be the
crucifixion of Jesus Christ
(Yahshua) and the destruction of Christianity
[Seed-line of Woman].
Genesis 4:16-24 we have Cain�s Seed Line
named in the Scripture. Cain having married a wife
from a Pre-Adamic Creation,
immediately went into the business of building cities. He
immediately began to name his offspring by the various names that
were also being used by the Seed of the Woman. In Genesis
4:17-18 we have an Enoch, Mehusael, and a
Lemech. The seed of Cain was then as they are now,
taking the good Christian names of the seed of the woman and
hiding behind these names. It should be noted that the word Cainan
never appeared in Adam�s genealogy. In Genesis 5:9-14
the word Cainan should have been translated
Kenan, and is so translated in the AKJV in I Chronicles
1:2. Genesis 4:16-24 takes us through a great expanse
of time and brings us to the time of Noah�s Flood. It should be
carefully noted that the Seed Line of Cain is carefully
chronicled in the Bible in Genesis Chapter 4.
Cain, Enoch, Irad, Mehujael Methusael, Lamech, Jabel, Jubal, and
Tubal-cain. This satanic seed line
multiplied and grew into a large body of people by the time Noah
of the righteous seed line is born into the earth.
is also very important to remember that during the vast time of history, during
the pre-flood years, the Satanic Seed Line of Cain
was engaged in bringing forth all manner of evil upon this earth
including the foundation of what is later called the Mystery Religions of
Babylon. All of the occult powers of darkness were rampant
among this Satanic Seed. The beginning of Cabalism
and Black Magic can be traced to Cain.
Cain was one of the most powerful and
influential persons ever to appear upon the world stage in terms of
wicked and evil accomplishments. Jewish Cabalism
had its beginning with the man Cain. The
origin of secret societies and subversive
movements all were part of the satanic seed line that began with
Cain. All of the secret occult movements in history
had their origin with the secret oaths and
initiation doctrines promulgated by the Seed
Line of Cain.
we arrive at the time of Noah the earth was apparently well
populated with both 1) the Seed of the Woman and 2) the Seed
of Cain. Both of the two seed lines of Genesis 3:15
can be clearly traced after the flood
because Jesus Christ
(Yahshua) did so in
Matthew 23 and John 8. The important thing to remember is
that Jesus Christ (Yahshua) acknowledged according
to the eyewitness account of two Disciples, St. Matthew, and
St. John, that the Jewish Pharisees
descended from Cain and that this race was
responsible for all the righteous blood shed upon this earth from
righteous Abel down to the Father of John the Baptist. See
St. Matthew 23 and John 8. In
Genesis 9:18
we are told that Canaan
was the son of Ham. It is also very plain that this
was not a blessed seed
of the woman, but apparently was mothered by a
Canaanite woman of the Satanic Seed Line. In
Genesis 9:25
the man
is cursed by God (Yahweh) and this
cursed seed of
became a continuation of the Seed of Cain upon the earth. This
Canaanite Seed Line was all ordered destroyed by
Divine Edict as recorded in Deuteronomy 20:16-18.
Genesis 10:15-20 we are given the satanic seed line
and the names of this satanic line are as follows:
Canaan, Sidon, Heth, the Jebusite, Amorite,
Girgasite, Hivite, Arkite, Sinite, Arvadite, Zemarite, and the Hamathite.
All of these peoples were classified as the family of the Canaanites.
(Genesis 10:18). They settled in an area defined in Genesis
10:19, which places them in the very area that Abraham,
found them in as recorded in Genesis 12:6. These Canaanite
tribes multiplied in time into the seven nations of Canaan
as listed in Deuteronomy 7:1. The Hittites,
Girgashites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, the
Hivites, and the Jebusites. These were the
satanic seed line that occupied the land wherein Abraham,
Isaac, and Jacob were told to go. This satanic
seed practiced every evil and wicked abomination
described under heaven. Their idolatry and wickedness
was so great and so baneful in the eyes of God
(Yahweh) that He
ordered them all destroyed at the hands of His
Israel people.
wicked seed of the serpent (the Canaanite
Nations) were so terrible that God
(Yahweh) had told Israel
(the promised seed of the woman through Isaac) to utterly
destroy their altars, break down their images,
cut down their groves, burn their cities to the ground, and
to utterly consume them. God (Yahweh) even
told His Israel people that if they failed to
utterly destroy this Canaanite seed from the earth that
they would according to Joshua 23:13
be snares and traps unto you, and scourges in
your side, and thorns in your eyes, until ye perish
from off this good land which Yahweh your God (EL)
hath given you. These Canaanite thorns later
plagued the Apostle Paul to no end for they
constantly opposed His teaching the truth of
Jesus Christ (Yahshua) just as they do in America
and all over the western world today.
this point, remember that Esau married into this
satanic seed line when he took to wife Judith the Hittite
and Bashemath the Hittite (Genesis 26:34). The
fusion of Esau and his seed through these
Canaanite women becomes very important in understanding the subsequent
development of this satanic seed line through history. In
Genesis 36:1-43 we have an entire chapter devoted to the Seed Line
of Esau that now becomes fused with the satanic seed
of the Canaanite serpent seed-line. You will take particular note
of Amalek who was Esau�s grandson. The
Amalekites in time became one of the very worst
of the Canaanite seed line. The descendants of
Esau were called Edomites. From Esau�s
marriage into the Canaanite seed line, we pick up two new
names�which are very important to subsequent historical developments. These two
names are the Edomites and the Amalekites.
Read Exodus 17:8-16 to see what God
(Yahweh) said about
Israel�s perpetual warfare
against this Amalek branch of the serpent�s seed.
Isaiah 34:5 describes a portion of the Esau-Edomite line
and calls them Idumea, the people of my curse. The
Edom-Esau portion of the serpent seed line is discussed
in Isaiah 63:16, Jeremiah 49:7-22, Ezekiel
35:1-15, and Obadiah 1:1-21. This Edomite
branch of the serpents seed in time did become and continues to
this day to be, the most satanic and vile portion of
this evil seed. Herod was an Edomite
and you know that he ordered male children of the seed of promise,
of the Woman�s Seed destroyed. The Herodians
were Idumeans and the Idumeans were Edomites.
The Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925, Volume 5 page 41, states, �Edom
is in modern Jewry,�
this is also corroboration by the Biblical Encyclopedia, Volume 2, Col 1187.
This Edomite branch, this Red, Edomite,
Idumean seed line is
today the guiding mind of the Serpent seed upon
this earth.
Another Canaanite intrusion into the Seed of the Woman
took place when
married a Canaanite woman (Shuah) and from this
union three sons were born, Er, Onan, and
Shelah. Shelah was the only one who lived to bear
progeny but the Shelanite faction of the
serpent seed line also caused problems for the Seed of the Woman.
In fact, it was descendants through Esau-Edom and
Judah-Shelah that stood before Jesus Christ (Yahshua)
in John 8 and declared themselves the children
of Abraham. They claimed descent from Abraham through this
type of race mixing. Jesus Christ (Yahshua)
however exposed them for what they really were,
not the children of
Abraham, (John 8:39-44) but the children of Satan.
Please keep in mind that the proper dividing of God�s
(Yahweh�s) Word as to the Seed of
the Woman and the seed of the serpent of
Genesis 3:15 is what St. Paul had in mind when he spoke
of the true seed of Abraham, the children of the promise
in Romans 9. When we
fail to properly divide
the good seed form the evil seed,
we make the word of God (Yahweh) of None
Effect. (Romans 9:6).
is important to remember that at the time of Joshua and the
children of Israel
were trying to take the Promised Land that the Seven Nations
of the Canaanite Seed Line of the Serpent (Deuteronomy
7:1) were also joined by the Adomite, Amalek,
Shelanite, seed line. The serpent seed
is rapidly by this time becoming a fusion of the most
baneful of the genetic seed line of this earth, and
continues to be so Today. For to this very hour the
descendants of this same satanic seed sit in High Places in every
Government in the western world and they
own and
control both the power of
money and the printing presses, radio,
television, and publishing houses of America and every
other government the Western World.
is very important to remember that
(the promised seed of the woman) did not utterly destroy
the seed of the serpent, the Canaanite nations, and
a review of the book of Joshua and Judges will
quickly reveal that large numbers of this Canaanite seed were left
alive and flourishing in the earth. The failure of
to expel and destroy this Canaanite Seed
from their midst was the reason for Israel�s subsequent moral, spiritual, and
political fall.
Any nation that permits this satanic seed line to flourish
will soon find them in total control of the financial institutions,
news media, university chairs, leading
governmental positions and in total power over the very life
and direction that a nation takes. The satanic seed
of the Canaanite/Edomite/Amalek line flourished in this earth in
spite of
God�s (Yahweh�s)
order to have them destroyed and they continued to flourish
in the
and in Western Asia during
Israel�s deportation into the Assyrian
wilderness. In fact, ancient Babylon,
had long been the stronghold of the seed of Satan in
this earth. The central seat of Canaanite authority was always
located in Babylon
until the return of the Judeans and (many
Canaanites) to Jerusalem
following the Seventy Year Babylonian Captivity. Read
Ezra 9 and 10 for a complete history of the fact that the
wicked seed line of Satan did attempt to corrupt and
mix with the seed of the woman following the end of the
Babylonian Captivity. Also, read the Book of Nehemiah,
especially Chapter 7.
the last book written in the Old Testament (Malachi) unto the
first book of the New Testament (Matthew) we have about four
hundred years of history taking place. To find out what happened during this
long four hundred years of Biblical silence you must go to sources outside the
Bible. There are plenty of records available both in secular and
in non-canonical Books of the Holy Bible. Briefly what you have
taking place during this long four hundred year silence in Bible History with
regard to 1) the Seed of the Woman and 2) the Seed of the
serpent is this. The seed of the Woman was primarily in
dispersion, moving slowly across
Asia Minor,
and on to the appointed homelands of our White Race. Another
portion of our Israel Seed of the Woman as living in the very
areas of Asia Minor where the Apostle Paul and other
Writers of the New Testament were doing their
missionary work and they were writing and visiting
these people. Another portion of the Seed of the Woman, mostly of
Judah and Benjamin, was living in and around
to fulfill prophecies concerning the birth and ministry
of Jesus Christ
During the long four hundred year history the seed of satan is the
form of the Canaanite/Edomite/Amalekite seed
line was also flourishing in Palestine, in Jerusalem
in particular, where they had through the Edomite line, ascended
to the highest religious and political positions of
power, and this wicked seed was spread through the
Middle East into all the principle cities and
trade areas. When we arrive at the time of the birth of Jesus Christ
(Yahshua) this wicked seed of the serpent
is in total control of the religious and temple life
of the people in Jerusalem. They had filled Jerusalem with the doctrines
of the Talmud, which the Jews had carried with them
to Jerusalem from
In fact, after about B.C. 536 the Canaanite seed line began to be
called by the name Jew. From the time of the return of
the Babylonian Captivity, the Canaanite seed
line is lost in the name Jew and
Edomite or Herodians.
Jewish Pharisees and scribes represented
this evil seed line in New Testament
times, as did King Herod. Let us look into the New Testament and
see from selected passages how prominent the Jewish seed line
of the serpent was in New Testament times. In
Matthew 3:7-12 we find John the Baptist being opposed by this
satanic Jew seed line and John called them a race of vipers.
Why did he call them a race of serpents? Was it because they were
the seed of the serpent living on this earth in A.D.
26? Notice what Matthew 3:12
says about this chaff (seed
of the Jews) being burned with unquenchable fire. As you read the
Four Gospels, chapter after chapter, you are
confronted repeatedly, with the serpent Jew seed line
of Satan attempting to refute and destroy
Jesus Christ (Yahshua) and
His Truth. This is that
eternal enmity
that was placed between these two seed lines in Genesis
Matthew 13:24-30 and 37-43 we find a most remarkable
Parable and one of the most important parables revealed
by Jesus Christ (Yahshua). Here in this
Parable Jesus Christ (Yahshua) plainly
declared (for those having eyes to see and ears to hear)
Matthew 13:11-13 that while men slept, his
enemy came and sowed tares among
the wheat, and went his way. (Matthew 13:25) Later
Jesus Christ (Yahshua) confirmed in Matthew
13:37-38 that the good seed, the Wheat,
the Seed of the Woman, was sowed in this earth by Jesus Christ
(Yahshua) and that the tares, the
seed of the wicked one, were sown
in this field (the world) by the Devil.
(Matthew 13:37-43) Here is a Parable that take you
right back to Genesis and the Garden of Eden.
Satan sowed his wicked seed in this earth and
this seed has been at
enmity with the
good seed of the woman that
�The Son of Man� sowed in this earth when
He formed Adam
and placed him in the Garden eastward from
You cannot spiritualize this Parable away. The word
seed as used here has already been discussed and you cannot
evade or spiritualize away the
literal meaning of this
Parable. Jesus Christ (Yahshua) clearly
revealed the entire history of the Seed of the Woman and the
seed of the serpent, from Genesis to the end of this
AGE, and they who have
eyes to see and ears to hear will discern the truth of
this parable. Those who cannot will continue to parrot
the same old theological modern church line of the National & World Council of
Matthew 16:8-12 Jesus Christ (Yahshua)
warned His disciples to be
aware of the doctrines of the Jewish Pharisees. The leaven of the
Pharisees consisted in the teachings of the Jewish
Talmud, which originated in
and was all a part of the cabalistic teachings of the seed
line of the serpent. The entire 23rd Chapter of St.
Matthew is an indictment against the serpent seed by
Jesus Christ (Yahshua). In verse 15,
Jesus (Yahshua) told the Jews that
they would compass sea and land to make one proselyte and when
�he is made; ye make him twofold more the
child of hell than yourselves.� Who were the children of
hell? They were the Jews and the Jews are the seed
of Satan in this earth. In Matthew 23:33
Jesus Christ (Yahshua) called them a race of
vipers, and in Matthew 23:35
He charges them with all the righteous blood shed
upon the earth for the past four thousand years. Think about it? What was it
that made Jesus Christ (Yahshua) so
hated by the Jews?
It was that enmity
that your God (Father) placed between the seed
of the serpent and the seed of the woman in Genesis
Mark Chapter 7, we find Jesus Christ (Yahshua)
again at war with the seed of the serpent, the
Canaanite Jews. Jesus Christ (Yahshua)
exposed their traditions. The tradition
of the Jews was the Babylonian Talmud and
all the other
satanic doctrines that had been compiled in
for several thousand years. Again, Jesus Christ (Yahshua)
was at war with the Jews in St.
Luke 11:37-54. By the testimony of Luke Jesus
Christ (Yahshua) laid the blame for all the
righteous Blood of Abel down to Zacharias, upon the
seed of the serpent, the Canaanite Jew. Again, St.
Luke in 12:1 records Jesus Christ (Yahshua)
warning His disciples to
beware of the leaven (the Talmudic Doctrines)
of the Serpent Race of Jews. Read the Parable of the
Husband-men (St. Luke 20:9-19) wherein Jesus
Christ (Yahshua) revealed the plot of the satanic
seed of the serpent to kill him. In John 6:70
Jesus Christ (Yahshua) declared,
�Have not I chosen you
twelve, and one of you is a devil? Keep in mind my friend that
Judas Iscariot had something in his genetic makeup
that made him a son of perdition. Please remember that Jesus
Christ (Yahshua)
never converted one satanic Jew�because
genetically they are the seed of Satan and
cannot be converted to Jesus Christ (Yahshua)
and if anyone thinks they can be converted more power to you�you
did something that Jesus Christ (Yahshua) said could
not be done
because they could not hear
His voice. Judas Iscariot
was of this satanic seed line and John 13:27
only confirms that the spirit of Satan dwelt in a body of satanic
St. John 7:1 Jesus Christ (Yahshua)
could no more walk among the serpent seed of Jewry because the
Jews sought to kill him. In John 8:23
Jesus Christ (Yahshua) told the Jews:
�Ye are from beneath;
I am from above: ye are of this world; I am not of this world.�
Here is a truth if you will
receive it. The Jews are from beneath. Jesus Christ
(Yahshua) declared in Matthew 15:13
that every plant which my Heavenly Father
hath not planted, (in this earth) shall be
rooted up.� The Jews were
not planted in this
earth by the direct creation of Jesus Christ
(Yahshua) but rather by the pro-creative power of the
serpent and if you have not read Enoch�s
account of how the higher order of angels mixed their seed
with that seed of Adam you have never understood Genesis
chapter 6 nor have you considered the fact that the serpent
was not an ordinary
angel but indeed was an arch-angel fully capable of the
power of pro-creation, not creation, but
pro-creation, producing offspring.
John 8:38
Jesus Christ (Yahshua) plainly told the Jews
that He and
They had different fathers. Is
this not what Genesis 3:15
is telling you? Read all of John 8:38-59. This
entire chapter is a continuation of the
enmity that was to exist
between the seed of the serpent and the Seed of the Woman.
In John 8:44
Jesus Christ (Yahshua) told the Jews (and
the Word of God (Yahweh) is telling
you) that the Jews are of their father the
devil and their father is traced back
to Cain. Read Verse 47. The Jews
could not
hear God�s (Yahweh�s) Word because they were
not a
direct creation of God (Yahweh) they
were the seed of the serpent. In John 10:26
Jesus Christ (Yahshua) told the Jews
�But ye believe not, because ye are not
of my sheep, as I said unto you.� Why could the Jews not believe?
Because they were not
the genetic seed of God (Yahweh), they
were not
the offspring or
issue of God
(Yahweh) as was Adam. Remember Jesus Christ
(Yahshua) said that the good seed, the
Seed of the Woman, was sown in this earth by Jesus Christ
(Yahshua). Matthew 13:37.
John 15:22-27 Jesus Christ (Yahshua)
is telling why He came to
speak to this wicked seed line of the Jews. Because
He spoke to them, and
because they refused to hear the truth
and rejected the truth, they are without a
cloak to hide their sins. This will be the justification for
Luke 19:27
to take place and you can be sure that the gathering of this wicked Jew
seed into Palestine
is all to the end that judgment can be pronounced upon them in the very place
where they spilled the righteous blood of Jesus
Christ (Yahshua). The Head of the Jewish
serpent race will be crushed in the very place where they attempted the death of
Jesus Christ.
entire book of Acts records the
enmity waged
between the Jews and the Apostles, or Seed of
the Woman. Note Acts 13:10
where in St. Paul called Elymas, a member of the serpent
race, the child of the devil, and the
enemy of all righteousness.
you read the narrative of the remainder of the New Testament, you
St. Paul
and other of the Apostles and writers of the books
of the New Testament, in constant warfare with the
Jews who are the seed of the serpent. In fact,
Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 calls the Jews the
synagogue of Satan. Why were they called the
synagogue of Satan? Because they were a seed of the serpent
in this earth. The New Testament reveals two races
and two religions. The Seed of the Woman and the
true Faith of Jesus Christ (Yahshua) and
the seed of the serpent and the satanic teachings of
the Jewish Talmud. When the Bible closes its record in
Revelation the seed of the serpent is at total
enmity with the
Seed of the Woman.
you follow the Seed of the serpent through history, he has left a
very vivid trail. For the past nineteen and more centuries, this
serpent race has
attacked the foundations of every
Christian State
on this earth and has fought a relentless
war with the
Seed of the Woman. After 70 A.D. when the Jews were
defeated and banished from Jerusalem
by the Roman armies under Titus, they divided into two groups with
the Sephardim moving along the coast of
and on into
and elsewhere. The Ashkenazim branch of
Jewry moved north and settled throughout
Eastern Europe,
and north between the
and the
into the present State of Russia. In the first centuries of the
Christian era, the Jews were rapidly becoming the
merchants, the tailors, traffickers,
bankers, traders, and usury experts as
well as the power behind the throne of many governments.
Jewish control of the
power of money
was largely responsible for the suppressed economic conditions
that had settled down over
and which resulted in the Dark Ages. When the Jews
were expelled from certain key areas of
Europe a re-birth
of culture began and the European Renaissance was
it is vital that you remember that this Ashkenazim
branch of satanic seed (the Jews) that moved north
and west out of
Palestine after 70 A.D.
made their way gradually into the vast area between the
and the Volga River and this is the general geographic area
out of which the Khazar Empire was spawned. Remember it
was from the Khazaria Empire which stretched from the
Caspian to the
Black sea
with its capitol at Italy
that the branches of the Ashkenazim Jews were to come, and they
were composed of that satanic seed of
Canaanite/Edomite/Amalekite seedline together with other Mongol,
Turkic racial affinities. The
Khazar Kingdom
lasted from about 600 A.D. until 1016 A.D, when it was conquered by the Slavs.
From this time forth the Khazar peoples who had embraced
Judaism, the Talmud, and all the trappings of the
satanic seed, because they were indeed of this Canaanite /
Edomite line of Mongol/Turko blood affinities, began to
move into Poland and other areas of southern
and eastern Europe. It was this
branch of the serpent seed of the
Jewish people that began to migrate en masse, to America in the late 1800�s and early 20th
For a detailed accounting of the Khazar Kingdom read �The
Thirteenth Tribe: The Khazar Empire and Its Heritage� by Arthur Koeslter
(Random House) and the Iron Curtain Over America by
John Beaty, Chestnut Mountain Books, Barboursville, Virginia. You must read both
of these books to complete the detailed history of the
Khazar Kingdom
as the Jewish seed of the serpent moved forth from
this kingdom to engulf Poland
and other European states and moved throughout
and on to
Also remember that #7014 in Strong�s Concordance tells us that the
Canaanite�s were an Oriental Tribe and so were the Khazars.
truth, the serpent seed of the Jews of today are a
of many peoples. First the Canaanite, then the
Edomite, Amalekites, Mongols, Huns
and Turks. They have indeed become the vilest satanic seed
ever to exist upon this earth. You merely have to familiarize yourself with
their Talmud and other Cabalistic writing and their
wrecking of Christian Culture for the past six thousand years to
really understand what the Jews have done to us.
This perfidious race of parasites, this vampire race
of satanic seed, has caused rivers of White Christian Blood
to flow throughout
and all over the World. This satanic seed line of
media-masters, and
mafia criminals, have initiated
every major war in
this century and have kept the White Christian Nations of the Seed of
the Woman in constant
war with each
other�while this satanic seed of the serpent sit in
their counting houses counting the
billions made
from World War I, World War II, and now contemplate
World War III. This my dear White Christian people
is the reason why every Christian man and woman of
the Seed of the Woman must know and understand this Satanic
seed line, and what they have done and are continuing to do upon this
The satanic seed of the serpent of Genesis
3:15, now identified as International Jewry is the most highly organized race of
people on the face of the earth. The Jews have
organized everybody into some type of organization
and they control most or nearly all of the organizations in
existence. The Jews control the Blacks
through the N.A.A.C.P.; they control our foreign policy
through the C.F.R. They Control the Protestant
Christianity through the National and World Council of Churches
and through the National Conference of Christians and Jews. They
control the Catholic Church by infiltrating into
policymaking position of power. The control large
segments of
through the Masonic lodge. They control both the
Republican and Democratic parties. In short, the
Jews control nearly every major organization in existence and thus
direct destiny of the blacks, left and right wing social,
political, and religious organizations as well as all the national
media industry.
Jews have a highly developed network of organizations
through which they exercise total control over all Jews,
the world over. Some of the more well-known Jewish
organizations would be
B�nai B�rith, the American
Jewish Congress and the Anti-Defamation League,
which operates as a secret Jewish Police Squad throughout America.
Another Jewish organization, which few people know about, is the
Jewish Kehilla. This super-secret
organization is controlled by a Board consisting of 300 members
who meet periodically to chart the international course of the
Kehilla. These 300 Jews in reality chart
the financial, political, social, and
religious program of most of the nations of the world and they do
it with 1) unlimited money, 2) the control of all propaganda
and 3) Highly complex organizations.
Jewish Kehilla is the international Jewish Network
that governs the political destiny of most of the world. At the
top of this satanic organization sits one man, known
as the King of the Jews, who is the worldwide leader of
World Jewry. The world is divided into Eastern and
Western Hemispheres under the Kehilla
organization with one man sitting under the King of the Jews for
both the Eastern and
Hemisphere. The leader of the
eastern and western hemisphere is called a
Sponsor. There are only two of these satanic leaders,
one for each Hemisphere. Under each of these two Sponsors
sit, seven Jews called Arch-Censors.
This first echelon is called the 7th degree
of the Kehilla. Each of these knows their leader and each other.
Each of these seven has another seven under them comprising a total of 49
satanic Jews. These are all called Minister and
make up the 6th degree of the Kehilla.
Each of these 49 satanic seed line of Satan has seven men under
him called Herald making the 5th degree.
Each of these 343 Jews have seven Jews under him
called Courtier making 2,401 in the
4th degree. The principle of seven is carried
all the way to the 1st degree. The 3rd
degree echelon is called a Scrivener,
the second degree is called an Auditor,
and the first degree in the seventh echelon is
called a Mute.
Kehilla is so super-secret that beyond
the initial prince of the east or west,
the sponsor who knows the seven Jews under
him, none of the rest of the Kehilla members knows who the others
are. With this super secret, highly organized
network of Jews. This powerful Kehilla can
communicate worldwide policies with a very minimum of effort. Each of
these Eastern and Western divisions of the
Kehilla command about one million Jews. Each man merely
calls the seven men below him and in a matter of minutes
the entire world wide Jewish Kehilla is moving forth to do
whatever is needed at any given time to enhance the serpent
seed on this earth�strikes, revolution,
student riots, welfare riots, or just about any given
act that will increase their concentration of
money control, propaganda control, and the political
and social domination of the Seed of the Woman, White
Christian Israel Nations of this earth.
Basic Policies of the Kehilla are outlined
in the format for the Jewish Domination of this world and are
called The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.
This document sets forth the basic policy of the Kehilla and
anyone can readily see how history has moved forth during this century to
fulfill the policies of these Jewish Protocols. You
will note that Protocol Number III is introduced with reference to
the Jewish symbolic snake representing political
Zionism and its Judaism
counterpart. The head of this satanic snake
was to represent those who were initiated into the very head or
top positions of World Jewry with the body
of the snake not aware of the vile direction that
World Jewry was moving. It is very interesting to note that the
Jews themselves selected the serpent as their
symbol. Good Bible Students will not be taken by surprise because
they know, as do the Jews themselves that the Jew is
the seed of the serpent and they trace their beginning back to a
Bible character named Cain. Dr. Abba Hillel Silver,
a well-known Jew, when writing in the Jewish publication,
Liberal Judaism, January 1949, about the newly created state of
Israeli declared, �For the curse of Cain,
the curse of being an outcast and a wanderer over the face of the earth has been
it any wonder that the Jews have plundered and
wrecked White Christian Civilization for the past six thousand years,
and with increasing success in the past two hundred years, when most
Christian people do not even understand who their
is or where he came
from? Genesis 3:15
is intended to arm the Christian with this knowledge.
There is no excuse for the true Christian who has �eyes� to
see and �ears� to hear�to not know his
enemy and understand where he came from. The
Jew is that satanic seed of the serpent
and the bloody trial that he has left in history as he wages
a relentless war against the
seed of the woman has been stamped and
written in blood in every generation
for the past six thousand years of history.
Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion together
with the Talmud, and other Jewish cabalistic writings,
form the foundation for both Zionism and
Judaism. The Talmud is one of the most
vile, anti-Christian, satanic books ever written.
It consists of 63 volumes of filth and gutter talk
and is directed against Jesus Christ (Yahshua) and
the Christian Faith. The Talmud and not
the Old Testament, forms the foundations
for political Zionism and Judaism.
Zionism is the political expression of
religious Judaism, and both are hatched out of the most vile,
satanic, mind that ever walked this earth�Satan himself in
the form of a shining angel of light.
the historical and Biblical record of both the
seed of the serpent and the seed of the woman
would comprise a large volume of many hundreds of pages. This short expose� is
only intended to be a primer for further research on
your part. For this reason, a Bibliography of books dealing with
both the seed of the serpent and the seed of the woman
is being provided in this study. You should very carefully read and study all of
these books. If you do not own, or cannot afford to purchase these books, you
should work with your group and make a concerted effort to engage other people
in the study of this information and thus make it less expensive.
You must arm yourself with knowledge.
Knowledge is power and the Jew does not want
White Christians, the Seed of the Woman, and White
Christian Israel, to be armed with this knowledge.
You are therefore encouraged to Study to Show
yourself approved before your God (Father). Know who
you are and know who your enemy
is. Know God�s (Yahweh�s) plan for the seed of
the Woman, and God�s (Yahweh�s) plan for the
seed of the serpent. Your God (Father)
is in control of both, but many millions of your
race has perished�in that river of
White Christian Blood,
which has flowed through six thousand years of history�because
they lived in ignorance and believed the lies of
the Jews. Don�t you add to that river of White Christian
Blood by believing the lie that the
serpent did not begat seed through the woman Eve.
Know the truth and the truth will set you free!
for those who may feel that the two seed lines, that of the
serpent, and that of the woman Eve, cannot be valid
because it is a teaching that is preserved in the Mystery Religions of
Babylon please take note. The Mystery Religions of
Ancient Babylon have taken nearly every Bible Truth,
including that of the Seed Lines, and have corrupted this
TRUTH to fit their own particular
purposes. If you would reject the teaching that Satan produced offspring,
if you deny the literal
announcement of Your God (Father) in
Genesis 3:15 simply because it is something that is found in the
ancient religions of Babylon, then you must also reject
such fundamental truths as the Virgin Birth, the
Resurrection, the Godhead, Astronomy, the
Holy Laws of God (Yahweh), and
numerous other SOUND BIBLE TRUTHS, because all of these and more,
have been borrowed and perverted, distorted
and corrupted by the Ancient Religions of Babylon.
The two seed lines, the teaching that the serpent
did father seed, in varying forms, is like many other BIBLE
TRUTHS, inculcated into these Pagan Religions. This does
not lessen the
truth of what the Bible
says about the Seed Lines or any other Bible
Truth that has been borrowed by the
Pagan Religions. Don�t be fooled into discarding from your BIBLE
KNOWLEDGE, one of the most fundamental and essential truths
of all time�that of the two seed lines, announced by God
(Yahweh), confirmed by the Holy Bible, and substantiated by six
thousand years of precious White Christian Blood that has been
spilled by a race of Devils that descended
from a Biblical character called Cain. Remember:
Jesus Christ (Yahshua) according to two
eyewitnesses, St. Matthew and
St. John, identified the Jewish
Pharisees of His
day, as having descended from Cain by way of Satan.
Perhaps another point, which might enhance your understanding of
Genesis, 3:15
is a more detailed Study of Satan, who was that old serpent
called the devil in scripture. Please keep in mind that
Satan, standing in the Garden as an angel of light,
was the only other creature on earth who
the difference between the knowledge of good and evil.
Also, keep in mind that this satanic angel of darkness was not
classified in the realm of ordinary angels. As a part of the order
of archangels, Satan had powers and
attributes that other angels did not have. He did not
have the power of Creation but he did have the power of
Pro-Creation. Please keep this in mind when reading your
Bible, Genesis three, and in conjunction with this study please
read the Book of Enoch (quoted by Jude in the New
Testament) edited as I Enoch by R.H. Charles, D. Litt., D.D. and
published by the Oxford Clarendon Press 1912. This is available from most
Kingdom Book Stores. You will be surprised to find out what
Enoch has to say about many subjects, including the power of the
Angels who left their first estate, and
especially the Archangels. Remember that Enoch was
accepted as scripture by the early Church Fathers.
those of you who might wonder what others have said about the seed of the
serpent, Genesis 3:15, especially the early
Church Fathers, the following quotation from IGNATIUS
(Who wrote several Epistles and who lived A.D. 30-107) had the
following words to say in various of his Epistles. The following
quotations may all be found in The Ante-Nicene Fathers,
Volume I, Wm. B. Erdmann�s Publishing Company, Grand Rapids, Michigan,
containing the Writings of the Fathers down to A.D. 325.
�Flee, therefore, those evil offshoots (of Satan) which produce
death-bearing fruit�These men are not the planting of the Father, but are an
accused brood. And says the Lord (Father), �Let
every plant which my Heavenly Father has not planted be rooted
up.� For it they had been branches of the Father, they would not
have been �enemies
of the cross of glory.� But now, by denying the cross, ad being ashamed of the
passion, they cover the transgression of the Jews, those fighters
against God (Yahweh), those murderers of the Lord
(Yahshua); for it were too little to style them merely
murderers of the prophets.� Keep yourselves, then, from those evil plants which
Jesus Christ (Yahshua) does not tend, but that wild
beast, the destroyer of men, because they are not the planting of the father,
the seed of the wicked one.� (Emphasis Ours).
will find, upon careful examination, that the literal truth of Genesis
3:15 has been a solid building block in the
foundation of Christian Theology, form the writings of
the Old Testament, the teachings of
Jesus Christ (Yahshua)
Himself, the apostles after Him, and by the
early Church Fathers during the first
centuries A.D. The truth of Genesis 3:15
cannot be spiritualized away by the ignorance
of man. For nearly six thousand years, the very presence of both
the 1) seed of the serpent and 2) The Seed of the Woman
has been on this earth. That age-old
enmity planted by
Yahweh, Jesus Christ (Yahshua),
still rages between these two forces. Today it reaches
forth in the grand finale of the Age. The climax of the Ages is upon
us. In
this crucial hour of history, we dare not
surrender, compromise, or talk ourselves out of this most fundamental Kingdom
Identity Bible Truth. This is no time to whitewash the satanic Jew offspring of
Satan. We are this day faced with the very climax of this ENMITY, this WARFARE,
between these two seed lines, and God (Yahweh) give us the courage
the Head of the Serpent race, the very Kehilla itself, shall be CRUSHED, through
the power of JESUS CHRIST (YAHSHUA). Jesus Christ
(Yahshua) described the reapers of this satanic harvest in Matthew
13:41 and you may read
Psalms Chapter 149 and Jeremiah 51:20 for more light.
in the meantime the
races outside the comfort of your living room. Every television newscast,
every Radio broadcast, every major newspaper in
is alive and pulsating with the
ENMITY between the two seeds of Genesis 3:15.
This is the story of history. This is what Jesus Christ
(Yahshua) said would happen as recorded in Revelation 12:27.
�And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with
the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God (Yahweh)
and have the testimony of Jesus Christ (Yahshua).�
Yes the dragon, that international satanic race of Jewish
Pharisees has declared a total
war on the seed of
the woman just as Christ (Yahshua) foretold.
Praise the Name and Power of Jesus Christ (Yahshua)
WHITE CHRISTIAN PEOPLE, the Seed of the Woman,
will have a total VICTORY over
this satanic seed line
as recorded in Revelation 15:2-3. �And I saw as it were a sea of
glass mingled with fire: and them that had gotten the victory over the beast,
and over his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name, stand on
the sea of glass, having the harps of God (Yahweh).
And they sing the song of Moses the servant of God
(Yahweh), and the song of the Lamb, saying, great
and marvelous are they works, Lord God (Yahweh)
Almighty: just and true are thy ways, thou King of saints.�
Again in Revelation 18:20-24: �Rejoice over her, thou heavens, and
ye holy apostles and prophets; for God (Yahweh) hath
avenged you on her�And in her (the Satanic seed of the Jewish Serpent)
was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon
the earth. Again in Revelation 9:6: And I heard as it were the
voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of
might thunderings, saying, Alleluia: for the Lord God
(Father/Yahweh) (YAHWEH�YAHSHUA) omnipotent
reigneth.� Amen and Amen!
In closing, I would like to leave you with the following verse of the great
song, Battle Hymn of the Republic: The following verse of this
great song is no longer used in most churches for obvious reasons. It contains
the final judgment that shall come upon the Serpent and his seed.
�I have
read the fiery Gospel; Writ in burnished rows of steel, As ye deal with my
contemnors, So with you my grace shall deal. Let the Hero born of woman, Crush
the Serpent with His Heal, Since God (Yahweh) is
marching on!�
following books will provide the beginning foundation for knowledge of the
Seed of the Woman. You must discern and take
that which is good, and leave that which is bad.
These books are listed because they have information that will assist you in
following the Seed of the Woman through the Bible and through
History. Again, you must exercise spiritual discernment in your
Apocrypha�containing books no longer in the cannon of Scripture.
Bible Research Handbook, Vol. I & II, Covenant Publishing Co.
Book of Enoch edited by R.H. Charles.
Fox Book of Martyrs edited by Forbush.
Heritage of the Anglo-Saxon Race by Gayer.
History of the Angel-Saxon by Sharon Turner.
History of England
by Hume.
8. Israel
& Judah by Arthur Pachkofsky.
Flavius Josephus � John Winston Co.
10. Judah�s
Sceptre & Joseph�s Birthright by Allen.
New England Clergy & the American Revolution by Alice Baldwin.
One Man�s Destiny by Dickey.
Racial Realities of Europe by Stoddard.
Our Nordic Race by Hoskins.
St. Paul in Great
Britain by Morgan.
Symbols of Our Celto-Saxon Heritage by W. H. Bennett.
The Coming of the Saints by Taylor.
The Drama of the Lost Disciples of Jowett.
The Ante-Nicene Fathers�Erdmann�s Publishing Co.
The Distinction between Judah & Israel by C.C. Ewing.
The Crusades by G.W. Cox.
Today, Tomorrow, & The Great Beyond by Fox.
The Worlds Greatest Throne by Fox.
The Gory of Lebanon
by Mary & Bob Sipe.
The Passing of the Great Race by Madison Grant.
Tracing Our Ancestors by Haberman.
The Northern Ring by Dahana Wood.
Hebrew-Chaldee Lexicon.
Greek lexicon of New Testament Words.
Strong�s Exhaustive Concordance to the Holy Bible.
following lists of books are by no means complete in the study of the satanic
seed line, but they are at least the beginning point. You should carefully study
each of the following books, as they will establish the historical foundations
upon which this race has operated in the earth during the past several thousand
years, beginning with Cain.
Behind Communism by Frank Britton.
Conquest of a Continent by Madison Grant.
Facts are Facts by Benjamin Freedman.
Hoax of the 20th Century by A.R. Butz.
Imperium by Francis Parker Yockey.
Jews Must Live by Samuel Roth.
Jewish Influence on the U.S. Media by Palestine Arab Delegation.
Jewish Ritual Murder by Arnold
Light Bearers of Darkness by Inquire Within.
Lost Books of the Bible by World Publishing Co.
Mystery of the Serpent by B.F. Jackson.
None Dare Call it Conspiracy by Gary Allen.
Paradise Lost by John Milton.
Plot Against Christianity by Elizabeth Dilling.
Plot Against the Church by Maurice Pinay.
Rising Tide of Color by Lothrop Stoddard.
Secret Societies & Subversive Movements by Nesta Webster.
Spotlight on the Great Conspiracy by Conrad Gaard.
Still Tis Our Ancient Foe by Kenneth Goff.
Studies in Genesis by Conrad Gaard.
The History of the Jews by Mullins�.
The International Jew by Henry Ford Sr.
The Jews and Their Lies by Martin Luther.
The Iron Curtain Over America by Col. John Beaty.
The Jewish Problem as Dealt with by the Popes.
The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.
The Rothschild�s by be Federic Morton.
The Thirteenth Tribe by Koestler.
The Nameless War by A.H. M. Ramsay.
The Pawns in Game by Commander Carr.
The Talmud Unmasked by Rev. I.B. Pramaitis.
The Two Babylon�s
by Alexander Hislop.
War! War! War! By Cincinnatus.
Water Flowing Eastward by L. Fry.
What Price Israel
by Lilienthal.
36. World Communist Movement, Vol. I, 1818-1945 by the 87th Congress.
World Revolution by Nesta Webster.
Zionist Network by Senator Jack Tenney.
Ultimate World Order by Robert H. Williams.
following terms are all vital to the understanding of what happened in the
Garden of Eden. You should carefully study and research each word as it appears
in Genesis Chapter Three. Each of these words is loaded
with meaning and must be carefully examined under the
light of the original Hebrew and historical usage.
TREE: Note carefully the usage of this word in
Scripture. Note first that three different types of
implications are involved in the usage of this Word in Genesis Chapter Two &
Three. FIRST: The natural, physical trees they grew out
of the ground and were to be used for food. SECOND: The
Tree of Life. THIRD: The Tree of Knowledge of good and
evil. If the first type of trees were in the �natural� what did, second two
trees represent. For definite clues to this question,
you should carefully study the usage of the word Tree in the Bible.
Note: Carefully read the usage of the word Tree
in each of the following scriptures and you will find
the answer to 1) The meaning of the Tree of Life and the meaning of the
Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Psalms 1:3, Psalms 92:12,
Proverbs 3:18, Proverbs 11:30, Isaiah 56:3, Jeremiah
11:16, Ezekiel Chapter 17, Daniel Chapter 4, Ezekiel
Chapter 31, Matthew 3:10, Matthew 7:17-19, Matthew 12:33,
Luke 3:9, Luke 6:43-44, Romans 11:17-24, Revelation 2:7,
Revelation 22:2-14. You will note that the word TREE
is used to describe people in either
singular or
plural form. The word tree also carries a racial
meaning as in the words of Jesus Christ (Yahshua)
in above named references to the Gospels. The Tree of Life is
identified as Jesus Christ (Yahshua). What personage
was represented by the Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil? Please be
consistent! If Jesus Christ (Yahshua),
was life who was the author of Death?
Satan if you will believe it was symbolized by the Tree of
Knowledge of Good and Evil.
EAT. This is a very important word with profound meaning
in this particular study. The word Eat has several shades of
meaning in the original Hebrew and one of the Hebrew meanings is that the word
eat means to lay. See Strong�s Exhaustive Concordance to
the Bible under #398. Notice that in Genesis 3:3 the woman Eve
told the serpent that she was forbidden from touching or
eating of the tree. What was Eve forbidden to
touch? What was she forbidden to eat? Now let us
carefully notice the usage of the word eat in the
following passages of Scripture. Genesis 3:6, Numbers 25:2,
Proverbs 30:20. The word eat means to lay (among
other uses) and Proverbs 30:20 describes an adulterous
woman whose lusting involved illicit sex. What did God (Yahweh)
mean when He said that Adam
& Eve could not eat of the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil? Remember: The
word eat carried different shades of meaning in the original Hebrew. It was one
type of eating for the natural trees producing food, it
was another type of eating to par-take of the Tree
of Life, and it was still another kind of eating that
was involved with the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.
FOOD: This is a very interesting word and comes from
#3978 Maakal in the original Hebrew. See Strong�s Exhaustive Concordance to the
Holy Bible under #3978 and #398. The interesting thing about the use of the word
food in the original Hebrew is that this word food comes form the same root
meaning (#98) as the word Eat. In this sense the usage of the word
food in Genesis 3:6 is interwoven with the use of the word
eat�which in Genesis 3:6 means to Lay.
The food of this tree of knowledge of good and evil was
illicit sexual involvement with Lucifer.
FRUIT: This is a very important word and it is
absolutely imperative to the understanding of Genesis Three.
First: The word Fruit is Periy #6529 in the
original Hebrew from #6509 Parah. A Prim. Root to bear fruit, (Lit. or fig.)
bear, bring forth (fruit), (be, cause to be, make) fruitful, grow or increase.
See Strong�s Exhaustive Concordance to the Holy Bible. The word fruit conveys
the idea of offspring or progeny. Bear fruit, be fruitful involves offspring.
Look up the word fruitful or fruit as it pertains to seed or children in the
Scriptures. Webster�s 1828 Dictionary describes one of the meanings of
Fruit as follows: �Offspring, young, as the Fruit of the Womb,
of the Loins, of the Body.� What type of fruit did the
woman partake of in Genesis 3:6? This fruit was the
seed of Satan. It was sexual involvement with Satan and resulted in
the fruit or offspring, as evidenced in Genesis
DESIRE: Notice the use of the word desire
or desired as used in Genesis 3:6 and
Genesis 3:16. What did it mean for the woman to desire the fruit of
the tree of knowledge of good and evil? First: The word desire is from #8669
(See Strong�s Exhaustive Concordance to the Holy Bible) and means stretching out
after a longing. What did Eve long for in Genesis 3:6? What was
the desire for? Random House Dictionary of the English
Language defines Desire as �Sexual appetite
or a sexual urge.� What did Eve desire? Why
did God (Yahweh) tell Eve that her desire
would be to her husband Adam in Genesis 3:16? In Genesis,
3:6 Eve�s desire was to have sexual intercourse with Satan. This act is
what the serpent, that (old enchanter) beguiled Eve into doing.
You cannot evade the sexual connotation of the word
WISE: Notice that Genesis 3:6 says that
the tree was �pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one
wise�� How could eating of the
fruit of this forbidden tree make one
WISE? Random House Dictionary of the English Language defines
wise as having the power of discerning and
judging properly as to what is true or right.
Satan had previously tried to deceive Eve into believing that if she would �eat�
(Genesis 3:5) her eyes would be opened and she would be as a god,
knowing good and evil. The use of this word wise carries
far-reaching implications. The pagan idea that has permeated all
Babylonian Religions is that wisdom came through
the power of sexual involvement; hence, the worship of sex
became everywhere manifested in pagan religions. This was the lie
of Satan, the lie that through pro-creation, the act of sex, the woman Eve could
become Wise. Hence, men began to worship not the �creator�
but the �creature� as described by St. Paul
in Romans Chapter 1. The wisdom of the serpent was a lie! The lie
that pro-creation was God (Yahweh)!
That wisdom was not in the Almighty Creator Jesus Christ
(Yahshua) but in the power of pro-creation. This explains why we
have the Virgin Birth of Jesus Christ
(Yahshua); it was carried out without the boundaries of
pro-creation. You now know what the word wise implied in
Genesis 3:6. The belief, the (lie of the serpent to Eve)
was that one could become wise through the power of �god� of pro-creation. The
embodiment of prostitution in many of the pagan
Babylonian religions was the lie of the serpent that sexual power was to
be worshipped as God (Yahweh); hence, the worship of
sex became saturated in all pagan religions.
The worship of sex was the primary reason for the total degeneration
and debasement of the seven nations of
Where and why did men first use the symbol of phallus as
an object of worship? The phallus, representing an image of the
male reproductive organ, was used as a symbol of the generative power in
pro-creation and became an integral power of the religious
worship and ritual of ancient festivals or religious celebrations as is found in
Dionysus or Bacchus. The lie of the serpent was that
wisdom could be discovered in sexual union and from that
day forth, all pagan religions have worshipped sex as an object or as God
PLEASANT: The word pleasant is
very important in this theological controversy of Genesis Three.
The word pleasant comes from #8378 Taavah (original Hebrew) and
means a longing, by impl. A delight, dainty, desire, greedily, lust(ing)
pleasant. See Strong�s Exhaustive Concordance to the Holy Bible. Notice that the
tree in Genesis 3:6 was pleasant to the
eyes. This word is tied directly to our previous
discussion of the word desire and wise.
When Eve saw that the tree was pleasant to the eyes�it involved the cardinal
sins of �lusting after the flesh��the �lust of the eyes��the �pride of life��as
described in I John 2:16.
You now know what is meant when it declares in Genesis 3:6 that
the tree could make �one wise.�
TOUCH: The word touch is used in Genesis 3:3
by the woman Eve. What did Eve mean when she said that she could not
touch the tree of knowledge of good and evil? Let us look at the
original Hebrew and define the word Touch. See #5060 [naga`
/naw�gah/] meaning to lie with a woman. See Strong�s
Exhaustive Concordance to the Holy Bible. The Hebrew meaning of the word touch
has wide and profound implications. It is directly
related to the lie of Satan, that pro-creation, would
make Eve as a god.
NAKED: What does the
use of the word naked
mean? First: Note the use of his word in Genesis 2:25.
Both Adam and Eve were naked and were not ashamed
prior to the act of
original sin in Genesis
Three. What made them ashamed in Genesis 3:8-11? What did
Eve and then Adam do that made them ashamed
of their nakedness? Why did they hide themselves? What was the
sin that they had committed? What did they do to
suddenly become ashamed of their naked bodies? Why
did they make themselves aprons of fig leaves? What part of their
body did the apron cover? Why did they hide or cover
this portion of their nakedness? When you examine the word
naked in the original Hebrew and its usage in
scriptures you will understand why.
The word naked as used in
Genesis 2:25 comes from a different word than does the word
naked as used in Genesis 3:7-11. Why the difference in the
original Hebrew meaning of this word? Here is your answer. In
Genesis 2:25
the word naked is from #6174 arown meaning
nude, either partially or totally: naked. There was nothing wrong
with the state of nakedness before the
original sin of Genesis
Chapter 3. The word naked as used in
Genesis 2:25
from 6174 had no evil or bad implications. Now, how about the use of the word
naked in Genesis 3:7-11. It comes from
#5903 �eyrom� coming form the root word #6191 meaning
which is a prim. Root; prop. To be (or make) bare; but used only
in the Derogatory sense�to be cunning�deal subtly, the
use of the word naked in Genesis 3:7-11
implies something derogatory. What had Adam and Eve done that made
them ashamed of their nakedness? The use of this
word naked is directly involved with the lie of the
serpent to the woman Eve, that pro-creation, sexual
involvement with the serpent would make her as a god.
The attempt to cover the reproductive organs
with an apron made from fig leaves indicates the nature of the
original sin committed in the
Garden of Eden. If they sinned with their eyes by reading or looking
at something, why did they not make themselves blindfolds? Why did
they cover themselves with aprons? Because they were now ashamed. The
Dominion Mandate (Genesis 1:28)
was lost. Now let us notice the use of the word naked as it
appears in Exodus 32:25. Why were the people naked
in Exodus 32:25? What were they doing? See Exodus
32:6. What does the use of the word nakedness
mean as used in Leviticus chapters 18 and 20? The nakedness
of these two chapters involves sexual union or the act of Pro-Creation.
Note the use of the word nakedness in Ezekiel 16:36-37.
What was involved in this nakedness?
Please remember that in the case of Adam
and Eve you must be concerned with two types of nakedness;
First: The act of pro-creation, sexual union between Eve and the
serpent, had brought about loss of the Dominion Mandate (Genesis 1:28)
By ADAM man. They became ashamed of their physical
nakedness, hiding themselves, and covering their
reproductive organs with aprons of fig leaves. Second:
Before the fall, Adam and Eve dwelt in bodies
of light. God
(Yahweh) made them coats of skin after the act of the
original sin. Pagan
Religions of ancient Babylon took this from the
Truth of God�s (Yahweh�s) Word, and
corrupted it into the Clothing of the gods like they did
with the virgin birth and many other Bible Truths,
and it did in time become a part of their pagan religious worship ritual. We
cannot be sure what type of clothing God (Yahweh)
made for Adam and Eve. We do know that
Genesis 3:21
says that God (Yahweh) made them ��coats of
skins...� It is true that Adam and Eve lost
their righteousness and became spiritually naked in
the sight of God (Yahweh) but remember it as their
physical nakedness that caused them to hide from God
(Yahweh), be ashamed of their nakedness, and
cover their reproductive organs with fig leaves.
10.SEED: This word is vital to understanding Genesis
chapter three and this one word seed was primary
reason for the writing of this booklet. Since it has been thoroughly discussed
elsewhere in this booklet, I will not repeat the information here. Remember that
the word seed used about 275 times in the
Holy Bible when traced into the Original Hebrew word comes from #2233 �Zera�
meaning fruit, plant, sowing time, posterity from #2232
Zara meaning to
bear and conceive seed. (Emphasis
Ours). See Strong�s Exhaustive Concordance to the Holy Bible. The use of
this word seed must be carefully traced throughout
scripture. If you do not do business with the word seed
as used in Genesis 3:15
you are in deep trouble throughout the remainder of the
Holy Bible. You cannot evade the truth
of this word seed in Genesis 3:15. When
this word is used in other portions of Scripture as in
St. Matthew 13:24
it is from the Greek
#4690 and means SPERMA�something sewn, i.e. seed (including
the male sperm) by implication, offspring. See Strong�s Exhaustive
Concordance to the Holy Bible. Jesus Christ (Yahshua)
said that the enemy sowed seed
in the field while Adam man slept. (See the
Parable of the Tares in St. Matthew 13). The seed of
Genesis 3:15
was the seed sown in the act of pro-creation, first between
Lucifer and the woman Eve and then between Eve
and the man Adam.
These words are all vital to your understanding of
what really happened in the Garden of Eden. Do not allow yourself
to be a part of those foolish Virgins of Matthew
25:1-13 who forgot to take oil in their lamps. The knowledge of what
happened in the Garden of Eden, the discernment of the
is fundamental to the establishment of all understanding of the BIBLE & OF
HISTORY. Without the oil of the Holy Spirit to give you discernment and
understanding you may try to enter into this age without this oil, without the
knowledge of the two seed lines, and WITHOUT THIS KNOWLEDGE,
you will be unable, incapable, of understanding the
Holy Bible and the unfolding of History. May Jesus Christ
(Yahshua) give you �eyes� to see
and �ears� to hear the TRUTH OF
GENESIS 3:15? This my dear Christian Soldier is the SEED PLOT OF
YEARS. Of the more than 200 times the word seed
is used in scripture look up and read the following scriptures: Psalms
58:3, Psalms 69:36, Psalms 71:6, Psalms 89:4,
Psalms 89:4; Psalms 89:29, Psalms 89:36, Psalms 105:6-10,
and Psalms 109:13, Especially
Isaiah 57:1-5.
The study of Genesis 3:15 as
provided in this booklet has no doubt raised and answered other questions in
your mind about the third chapter of Genesis. All of the following
thought provoking questions are answered by the study of Genesis 3:15.
This verse is the key that
unlocks your understanding of
not only this chapter, but also all of the Bible and History for the past
thousand years of historical events upon this earth. The following questions,
all of which pertain to what took place in the Garden of Eden have
been answered in the discussion of Genesis 3:15
if you have spiritual discernment to perceive the TRUTH OF
JESUS CHRIST (YAHSHUA). Think on each of the following
questions, and then review the meaning of Genesis 3:15
and see if this does not fall into a solid perspective of Divine Truth.
One final word, all of the endless discussion of the events taking place in
Genesis Three will be resolved only when you
nail down the two seeds (seed of the serpent)
and (Seed of the Woman) in Genesis 3:15.
1. You have now identified the serpent of Genesis
Three and you know why he was more subtle than
any beast of the field which Yahweh had made and you understand
his power and purpose for being in that Garden.
2. You now understand the difference between Creation and
Pro-Creation. Only God (Yahweh) can
create, the serpent could only pro-create.
3. You now understand why the serpent was able to converse in a very
intelligent manner with the woman Eve.
4. You now understand why the woman Eve was not to touch
nor eat of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.
Genesis 3:3.
5. You know now what the serpent meant when he told the woman �your
eyes shall be opened, (how were they to be opened?) and ye shall
be as gods, knowing good and evil.� How could they
be as gods? By the act of pro-creation which in time became the very embodiment
of all pagan mystery Religions of the Babylonian World System? Sex
became an object of worship in all pagan Religions.
6. You now understand why the woman saw that the tree was pleasant to
the eyes and a tree to be desired and a
tree that would make one wise.
Genesis 3:6
7. You now understand what the fruit of this pleasant
tree was and you now know what Eve did when she took of
the fruit of this tree and did eat and then gave
also to her husband. Genesis 3:6
8.You know now why the �eyes� of both Adam and
Eve were opened because you understand what they did
Genesis 3:7
9.You now understand the Genesis Three is concerned with
Original Sin as distinguished
from sin in the general sense.
10.You now understand why Adam and Eve made themselves
aprons of fig leaves and why they covered that particular portion
of their body with an apron made of fig leaves. Genesis 3:7
11.You realize now why they became ashamed of their nakedness
and why before this act they had not been ashamed.
Genesis 2:25
and Genesis 3:10-11.
12.You now understand what the woman meant when she said, �The
serpent beguiled me, and I did eat.� First, she was
beguiled, seduced, and or deceived and then
she did �eat.� The sin began in the heart and was consummated in
the act of the flesh. The beguiling was in the heart and
mind and the �eating� was the act which resulted
from the deception or beguiling. (James
1:14-15) (II Corinthians 11:1-3) (Proverbs 30:20)
13.You now understand why the coming of the Messiah in the personage
of Jesus Christ (Yahshua) necessitated the
Virgin Birth. Why the Virgin Birth? The Study of
Genesis 3:15
answers that question.
14.You know also why the sign of the Abrahamic Covenant was the
circumcision of the flesh (why circumcision?
Genesis 3:15
answers this question) and you also know why circumcision of the
heart (where sin begins) was a requirement of the
New Covenant.
15.You now understand why God (Yahweh) multiplied
Eve�s sorrow in conception (Genesis 3:16).
In the light of Genesis 3:15
you know what the judgment is all about.
16.It is now evident why God (Yahweh) multiplied
sorrow in childbirth as revealed in Genesis 3:16.
The truth of Genesis 3:15
has made this punishment a very righteous act of judgment.
17.It is clear to you why the desire of the woman was made
to be to her husband, Genesis 3:16
who had the woman Eve desired before?
Genesis 3:15
has answered this question for you.
18.Your understanding of the Trees in the Garden of Eden is beginning to be clear.
By this time, you have already discerned that the evil race or
seed of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, which was the
fruit of this tree, is that wicked seedline
that John the Baptist said, referring to this seed as a tree,
that it would be ��hewn down, and cast into the fire�� Read Matthew
3:7-12 and again read Matthew 13:24-30 and
Matthew 13:37-43. The tares of
the Matthew Chapter 13 are the same wicked seedline
as the chaff in Matthew 3:12
and the tree as in Matthew 3:10.
See also Luke 3:9.
19.Your understanding is now clear as to who the Tree
of Life represented in the Garden. Every Bible Scholar of
any repute will acknowledge that Tree to be Jesus Christ
(Yahshua). Who then did the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil
represent? Remember it was the fruit of this tree,
which was forbidden. Who was the only other creature on the earth
who was in a position to know both good and evil? Who created Lucifer
or the serpent? Who planted this tree in the earth? God
(Yahweh) was the creator of the serpent but
because Lucifer rebelled against God (Yahweh), he
lost his estate and in the role of Satan, in the Garden of
Eden, he first beguiled or deceived the
woman and then the act that caused all creation to groan
was committed.
20.The knowledge (or Fruit) of Good and Evil
was that of Pro-Creation. When Eve was
beguiled. Satan told her of Pro-Creation. She was
first beguiled and then she did eat or
participate with Satan in the act of Pro-Creation. Their eyes (Adam
and Eve) were opened because of sin,
original sin, which is the
transgression of the Law. Pro-Creation was the
Fruit of that Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. This
was the Fruit, which this evil tree did bear,
and Satan gave Eve of that fruit.
can now read the Bible and have understanding because you have seen the
light of Genesis 3:15. This is
strong meat and it can only be
handled by them ��that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have
their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.�
Hebrews 5:12-14. By exercising your sense of spiritual
discernment, and moving forth into the meat of the
scripture, you have the flood of light that
Genesis 3:15
throws on the Bible, the record of History, and the present world struggle
between Christ (Yahshua) and anti-Christ,
between good and evil, between the seed of the
serpent and THE SEED OF THE WOMAN. You are now of full
age, you are standing in deeper truth and the revelation of scripture is clear
because you have used and exercised your spiritual discernment to
perceive TRUTH. You are an
armed Christian, armed with the knowledge that will one day set White
Christian Israel free, and will crush the head of the Serpent Race,
and when that Head is crushed, the body of that snake,
that race will die! That is precisely what John the
Baptist predicted in Matthew 3 and Jesus Christ
(Yahshua) stated in Matthew 23. You are now fulfilling
Isaiah 28:9-13. You are building line upon line, and precept upon
precept for you are moving into the deeper truth of Jesus Christ
(Yahshua) and His Word and because of this, you now have
�eyes� to see and �ears� to hear what the times are all about. You have
spiritual discernment to see beyond that which the average student of the Bible
sees. You are beginning to unveil the mysteries of the Kingdom
spoken of by Jesus Christ (Yahshua) in Matthew
�And the great dragon was cast out, that old
serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was
cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.� Revelation 12:9
Biblical position on the existence of a personal Satan is clearly
portrayed in the Holy Scriptures of truth. A critical exegesis of
the Holy Scriptures, both Old and New
Testament, sets forth clearly, the
literal existence of a personal Satan who is the adversary
of Yahweh. As we move to the final consummation of this
age, it becomes only more apparent that men would seek to deny the existence of
a Satanic being who stands opposed and in opposition to Jesus Christ
(Yahshua), the Kingdom, and the Children
of Light. The closer we move in time to the ending of this age,
and the beginning of the Kingdom Age, the more deception you can
expect to observe in this world. Perhaps the end of all human deception will be
Satan�s ability to con man into believing that he (Satan) does not
exist. Satan�s most clever act since the Garden of Eden betrayal
of our Adamic Parents will be to convince men that he does not
exist. As we move toward the final ending of this age, it is expected that men
will not only see to deny Jesus Christ (Yahshua) but
to also deny that arch-enemy of Jesus Christ (Yahshua)
whom the Holy Scriptures declare to be Satan. The final
glorification of Satan will come when men not only deny their personal existence
but when they proclaim themselves god, in human form, with absolute knowledge,
and will seek to rule this world through Satan�s religion, which is
need for a good look at the Biblical Viewpoint of Satan has been
increased in this ending of the age with the growth and proliferation
of evil and darkness on every hand. Today the occult
powers of darkness, headed up by Satan, are
everywhere being expressed. Witchcraft, the occult and related
works of evil and darkness are gripping men and
governments throughout the world. Witchcraft and
demonic forces of wickedness are visiting high places in
and throughout the world. In this time of unprecedented
satanic evil and darkness, it is imperative that the
children of light take a careful look at Satan and the
entire occult world of darkness. Never in the history of man, has
it become more necessary to guard against the spirit of deception
than it is today. The warning of Jesus Christ (Yahshua)
in Matthew 24:4, 24 states �Take heed that no man
deceive you�For there shall arise false Christ�s, and false prophets, and shall
shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall
deceive the very elect.� May this Biblical Exegesis of Satan arm
you with the necessary truth avoid the deception now rampant in this nation, and
especially behind the pulpits of our land.
order to understand the Biblical Viewpoint of Satan and his works,
it is first necessary to lay to rest some of the more popular beliefs currently
embodied in the theology of the modern Baal Church World. In
observing what the modern theological position is on Satan, we find
three prevailing schools of thought. First, we have the
amillennial viewpoint of Satan, which presents Satan and God
(Yahweh) as being almost co-equals with one another. One god
is good and the other god is bad.
This type of Dualism, of equating Satan and God
(Yahweh), is not what the Bible teaches, as we shall soon
see. A second viewpoint of Satan is that espoused by the
premillennial fundamental church world. These people, primarily because
of the clergy, see Satan as a supernatural, omniscient,
omnipresent, being who is everywhere on earth at once and at the
same time present in hell torturing millions of living dead. This
premillennial viewpoint of Satan is not what the Bible Teaches
and can seek no place in true Christian Thought. The
third position taken is that of the postmillennial
church world, which sees Satan as almost nonexistent, in many cases as not
existing, and for all practical purposes a Satan who does not really oppose
God (Yahweh) since they see the whole world,
culminating under Jesus Christ (Yahshua) without
His personal return. Again,
this is not the Biblical
Viewpoint of Satan and must be discarded from out Christian
Theology built upon the Holy Bible. Let us examine each of
these three positions now in more detail to expose the faulty teaching in each
of the amillennial, premillennial and
postmillennial positions of thought with respect to Satan.
The Amillennial View of Satan
amillennial view of Satan is a type of Dualism
where both Satan and God (Yahweh)
appear as co-equals. One god is good, and
the other bad. These peoples see the world as moving
under the power of Satan and the power of God
(Yahweh) consistently diminishing in the earth. Ultimately,
they see the entire earth come under the power of Satan and all
people, excepting a small handful, which is snatched out by the saving power of
God (Yahweh). While both God�s
(Yahweh�s) Kingdom and Satan�s Kingdom exist on this
earth, the amillennial viewpoint sees Satan�s Kingdom becoming
triumphant over the
Kingdom of
(Yahweh). The bad god (Satan) wins in the
final analysis. This type of Dualism, of equating God
(Yahweh) and Satan in a power struggle, with Satan the final
winner, is clearly not the Biblical View of Satan. The Holy
Scriptures do not sustain this position and it is most unfortunate that many
people in the modern church world have become victims of this
unscriptural teaching.
The Premillennial View of Satan
premillennial view of Satan is espoused by millions of people who
worship in the fundamental churches of the western
world. Since the theology of premillennial teaching holds
to the idea that Satan is a supernatural, omnipresent,
omniscient being with all power and authority,
it is easy to see how they would surrender this earth to Satan and seek to make
their exit out through the doctrine of the
rapture. The premillennial people see Satan as the
�god� of this world and the final victor over the earth. The only
Kingdom they see is a �Jewish Kingdom� which is
apparently the work of Satan. These people do not believe in
Dualism, in a type of equating Satan and God
(Yahweh) together on an equal plane. They place
Satan in absolute charge. The
Kingdom of
(Yahshua) wanes before the on-rushing power of Satan in
premillennial theology. The final dominion of this earth belongs to
Satan. Satan is worshipped as though he were god. A great amount of all
preaching and worship in the fundamental church world is devoted
to exonerating Satan as a supernatural,
omniscient, omnipresent being who is everywhere on earth
at once and who also is present in hell torturing millions of living souls.
premillennial position ascribes unwarranted power to Satan. It is
not a Biblical View and cannot be supported by the
Scriptures. This theology would surrender the earth and the fullness
thereof to Satan. It seeks to rob man of all responsibility for claiming
dominion of this earth in the name and for the glory of Jesus Christ
(Yahshua). Premillennial thinking has caused man
to evolve a fire-escape religion. Man seeks to escape from this
earth, surrender the kingdoms of this world to Satan, allows the
anti-Christ to rule and have dominion over this earth, and for evil
to be triumphant. It denies victory in Jesus Christ
(Yahshua). Man cannot overcome evil, for Satan is
the god of this world, the prince of this world, and he claims all dominion of
this earth with the enshrinement of the anti-Christ. The only
kingdom the premillennial people see is a Jewish
Kingdom. They see no Christian Dominion under Jesus
Christ (Yahshua), the King of this earth.
They see no Kingdom ruled over by Jesus Christ
(Yahshua) prior to the rule of the anti-Christ. They have
surrendered the world to Satan. Thus, they have evolved a form of
Devil Worship. Satan is worshipped as god. The fear of Satan becomes the
basis for most conversion. It promotes a fear psychosis of Satan
and his power over man and the earth. It denies the Sovereignty of
Jesus Christ (Yahshua) and the ultimate
Victory of His Kingdom over this world. The premillennial
viewpoint of Satan is not a
Biblical viewpoint. It is not Scriptural. It is
indeed a fabrication
of lies, which holds man in moral bondage. Any Christian who
honors Jesus Christ (Yahshua) and the Bible cannot
hold this viewpoint of Satan.
The Postmillennial View of Satan
Postmillennial view of History sees the world coming daily under
the rule of Christian thought and philosophy. It
foresees a final victory of this earth by Christian men and the establishment of
Christ�s (Yahshua�s) Kingdom without a
personal return of Jesus Christ (Yahshua) back to
this earth prior to the victory of this Kingdom over the earth.
The postmillennial theology would see Satan as almost
non-existent, or if he did exist, he would exert little if any power in
the earth. This viewpoint of history and of the Bible denies
Satan any valid position as to power and
authority in this earth. While this position is certainly more valid
than either the amillennial or premillennial position
with regard to Satan, it is not entirely void of weakness. This
position is closer to the truth, but is still extremely far from
the true teaching of the Bible with regard to
Satan. Those who take an extreme position in the
postmillennial viewpoint of history and of the Bible would deny
the personal existence of Satan.
Those who take an extreme position and deny the personal existence of
Satan are probably beyond the stand taken by most postmillennial
Christian people. Those who deny the personal existence of Satan,
who deny that the Holy Scriptures teach the existence of a
personal Satan, and who teach that Satan is only
symbolic of evil or an �evil thought� or �lust�
in man�s mind and/or heart, are unknowingly according Satan his
greatest victory which is to deny that he exists. Satan�s most
overwhelming victory is to convince man that he does not exist. To
deny the personal existence of Satan is just as extreme as those
who accord him supernatural, omniscient,
omnipresent power over the earth, its people, and hell. Neither
position is a valid Biblical Viewpoint. Both extremes are
wrong and both deny the Biblical Viewpoint of Satan,
which will be discussed later.
Those who take the extreme position that there is no personal Satan
usually end up defending this position by trying to argue that Satan
is a scapegoat upon which people can impute their own sins and not
bear personal responsibility for their actions. This type of behavior,
Flip Wilson style, �The Devil Made Me Do It,�
may indeed be used by many irresponsible people who seek to find a
scapegoat upon whom they can impute their sins. This
faulty thinking only demonstrates their utter lack of
Biblical Understanding of Satan and his fallen nature,
which is still a process of captivating the minds of many Christian people.
Those who seek to blame their �sins� upon Satan and
use him as their personal scapegoat have failed to
do business with the problem of sin, and those who would
deny the existence of a personal Satan because people
would say, �The Devil Made Me Do It�, do not understand the
cause of Original
Sin and the result of
Original Sin. Man�s
denial of a personal Satan means that they ultimately
must impute all sin to God
(Yahweh). A denial of Satan means that there
was no original sin for a denial of Satan
leaves us with a first cause. We are left with a result,
�sin,� but we are without a first cause,
the tempter, who tempts, when we deny the existence
of a personal Satan. If we deny the personal existence of Satan
then God, (Yahweh) has no
enemy and if God
(Yahweh) has no
enemy then His
Children are without
If Satan is only a �state of mind� or an �evil
thought in man�s mind� then does this mean that Jesus Christ (Yahshua)
is only a �good thought� or a good presence of mind?
Those who deny the personal existence of Satan have allowed
Satan to score his greatest victory�the victory of conning man into
believing that he �Satan� does not exist is the greatest victory
we can accord the Devil. Those who deny the personal existence of
Satan are trapped in faulty thinking. If there was not
Satan to tempt the first Adam, then the temptation of
the Second Adam (Yahshua) cannot be valid. If
Satan is just an evil thought in the mind, does this mean that
Jesus Christ (Yahshua) is just a good thought in the
mind? If Satan is just an �evil thought� and without
form, does this mean that Jesus Christ (Yahshua) is
only a �good thought� and without form? Those who deny the
personal existence of Satan have openly declared war on Almighty
God (Yahweh). They have denied the
Bible view of Satan, as we shall shortly see. If there is not
personal Satan to bear God�s (Yahweh�s)
Righteous Judgment as the First Cause of �Original
Sin� then can man also expect to escape the judgment
for his sin against God (Yahweh)? Those who deny the
personal existence of Satan and his demons have apparently been
blind to the testimony of six thousand years of history during which time
Satan and his minions, as well as the work of
Original Sin in the heart of Adam Man,
had done its job upon this earth. To deny personal Satan is to
assault the Word of God (Yahweh). It is
humanism carried to the final brink! It is man attempting
to be his own idiot god and to deny the clear record of the Holy
Scriptures of the Living God (Yahweh).
Those who would deny the personal existence of Satan as the first
tempter of Adam man have failed to do business with the most basic
presuppositions of Bible Truth. What was the first
cause of original sin?
What was Original Sin? How
did Original Sin influence
Adam man? What is the difference between the results of Adam�s
transgressions to the heart of Adam man verses the
original cause of his fall? If the
personification of evil (the first cause that prompted the fall of Adam
man) is without bodily form does this mean, the
personification of good (the remedy for Adam�s justification through
Jesus Christ (Yahshua)) can be without body form.
Does the denial of a personal Satan present valid ground for those
who claim that Jesus Christ (Yahshua) was a
historical myth? That he was only an �idea in the mind of
fanatics� who was seeking illusions of grandeur. The result of denying a
personal Satan is to deny a personal Jesus Christ
(Yahshua). The result of the declaration that Satan
was only a symbol of evil is to say that Jesus Christ
(Yahshua) is only a symbol of good. The
denial of a personal Satan in Scripture is an open
declaration of war
against the Truth of God�s (Yahweh�s)
Word. It can only mean the ultimate end of Humanism,
man seeking to legislate His own ideas above the declaration of
Scripture. To teach a denial of Satan is to also teach
a denial of Demons. The denial of a personal Satan also presents a
frontal assault against the personal existence of Angelic beings.
The teaching of the Bible cannot defend this position. If represents the
depravity of man seeking to rearrange the Ordered events of
Almighty God (Yahweh). Let us now proceed to find
what the Bible Teaches about Satan.
Biblical View of Satan is clearly laid out in the Holy Scriptures.
From Genesis to Revelation the
narrative of the sacred scriptures presents one unified picture of a personage
called Satan, the Devil, that �old�
serpent, the Dragon and this being
is presented in the Holy Bible as a Created,
Defeated Rebel who has been Defeated, Judged,
and placed within well defined boundaries by an All powerful,
omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient
GOD (Yahweh) who holds all power and all authority both
in Heaven and in Earth. The Biblical view of
Satan is that while he still stands as the great adversary against
Almighty God (Yahweh), seeking to
impede and intimidate the purposes and plan of God
(Yahweh), he is a defeated rebel
who has already lost the battle. Primarily, the Bible presents
Satan as a created being. The
Bible sets forth Satan as the creation of
Almighty God (Yahweh) The
Creator. Secondly, the Holy Scripture sets forth Satan
as a defeated rebel, one who has been found guilty of
lawless rebellion against God (Yahweh) and a
Fallen Creature who stands under indictment from God
(Yahweh) and absolutely chained within the perimeter established
by God�s (Yahweh�s) Sovereignty.
Thirdly, the Bible does establish
Satan as a person. There is one Satan and many Demons presented in Scripture.
Bible does not present Satan as any type of
supernatural, omnipresent, omniscient being
with all power and authority, but, on the contrary, the Bible presents
Satan as a created rebel, who engaged in
lawless rebellion against Almighty God (Yahweh),
who was openly defeated, and judged, and now knowing
that his days are short in the earth. Satan seeks to lead forth the forces
of darkness as their captain. While the Bible teaches that Jesus
Christ (Yahshua) is the embodiment of all light
and truth, Satan is the captain of darkness and unrighteousness.
They are not coequals for Satan has already been defeated,
his time for opposing God (Yahweh) has been
regulated by God (Yahweh), his sentence of
Death has been handed down, and Satan knowing that his
days are numbered, seeks to lead the forces of darkness in opposition to God
(Yahweh) in these final days of history.
Biblical view of Satan is clearly outlined in
Scripture. First: Satan is presented as an anointed
Cherub, as a leading Archangel of Light. He is a
created being of God (Yahweh) who
sought to become his own god (Isaiah 14:12-21) and through open
lawless rebellion he was, along with a third of the
Angelic Forces (Revelation 12:4) cast out of the
heavens and defeated by Michael. (Revelation 12:7-9).
This was Satan�s first defeat. Again, Satan suffered
mortal wounds in that every generation of history since the advent of Adam, has
witnessed the survival of a righteous and Holy Remnant of the
Abrahamic Seedline in this earth. Satan
has never achieved a total victory over God�s (Yahweh�s)
Family in this Earth. Every generation of Saints has
overcome his wiles. Today after nearly six thousand years of testing, the
Saints of Almighty God (Yahweh), the
Seed of Isaac remain undaunted from the attack of Satan
and his Demons. Satan has been defeated but he continues
to work his work of darkness in this earth. His absolute defeat came when
Jesus Christ (Yahshua) rose form the tomb to
conquer death, sin, and the grave. Now,
Satan has been deposed of his greatest weapon, �death,�
and he stands as a totally defeated rebel of darkness, awaiting
his final judgment here at the ending of this age.
Greg L. Bahnsen is his essay on The Person, Work, and Present Status
of Satan as recorded in the Journal of Christian Reconstruction, Volume 1, No.
2, Winter, 1974, a Chalecedon Ministry, has done a most commendable job of
presenting the Biblical Viewpoint of Satan. Bahnsen writes on
Satan as follows, �Satan is a person. He cannot be
rationalized away as a pre-scientific myth of literary personification. He moves
(I Peter 5:8), works (Ephesians 2:2) knows (Revelation
12:12), speaks (Matthew 4:3), plots (II Corinthians
2:11), desires (Luke 22:31), disputes (Jude 9),
deceives (II Corinthians 11:3), feels emotion (Revelation
12:12; I Timothy 3:6; James 2:19), tempts (I
Thessalonians 3:5), makes promises (Matthew 4:9), sins (I
John 3:8), and engages in many other activities of a personal nature�The
disapprobation felt towards Satan by the inspired writers is
manifest from their designation of him as the evil one (Matthew 6:13;
13:19,38; John 17:15; Ephesians
6:16, I John 2:13-14; 3:12; 5:18-19),
slanderer (Matthew 4:1, 11; Luke 4:2,
6; I Timothy 3:6-7; II Timothy 2:26;
I Peter 5:8; Revelation 12:9; 20:2),
adversary (I Peter 5:8),
enemy (Matthew
13:28-29), accuser (Revelation 12:10), destroyer (I
Corinthians 10:10), and a world-ruler of darkness (Ephesians 6:12);
the recoil from him as a liar and a murderer (John 8:44), angel of
the bottomless pit (Revelation 9:11), roaring lion (I Peter
5:8), red dragon (Revelation 12:3-17, 20:2),
and the old serpent (Revelation. 12:9, 20:2;
II Corinthians 11:3).
the Holy Bible, Satan is presented as the prince of the Demons.
The Bible presents one devil (di�bolos) but many demons (daimonia).
The Bible clearly portrays Satan as leading the demonic
forces and these demons are, according to scripture, the spirits
of the created angels, that left their first estate (Jude 6,
II Peter 2:4, and Revelation 12:4) and who now seek
to inhabit bodies. In Matthew 9:34, Satan
is called �the prince of demons.� The Word of God
(Yahweh) declares in Matthew 12:43-45 and
Mark 5:12
that demons seed to occupy physical bodies and their primary modus
operandi in this earth is to inhabit the physical bodies
of people. The gospels alone record fifty-two cases of demon possession with the
word �demonic� occurring fifty-five times and the phrase �unclean�
or �evil spirit(s)� appearing twenty-eight times. For classic
cases of demon, possession read Matthew 8:28-34, Matthew
9:32-33, Matthew 12:22, Matthew 15:22-29,
Matthew 17:14-18, Mark 1:23-26 and Mark 16:9. The Word
of God (Yahweh) makes a very clear distinction
between demon possession and sickness or disease. Demon
possession is presented in Scripture as an actual occurrence, not merely as a
metaphorical description. St. Luke, a physician
himself, makes this distinction between demon possession and sickness very clear
and separated them in (Luke 4:33-36, 40-41,
6:17-18, 9:1-2). For a thorough
reading on Satan and demons, refer to the excellent article
written by Greg L. Bahnsen in the Journal of Christian
Reconstruction, pages 11-17, previously discussed.
Bible view of Satan presents him to be first of all, a created
Angelic personage who is graphically described in Ezekiel 28:11-19
as being ��perfect in thy ways from the day thou wast created,
till iniquity was found in thee.� The Holy Scriptures thus present Satan as a
created angel of the Living God (Elohim). Ezekiel in
describing Satan had called him King of Tyrus Ezekiel 28:12
and declared that he had been in Eden, the garden of
(Yahweh). The King of Tyrus representing Satan
is not to be confused with the Prince of Tyrus
discussed earlier. The Prince of Tyrus was a type of Satan. The
real message of Ezekiel is clearly discussed in Ezekiel 28:11-19.
He was the anointed cherub (Ezekiel 28:14), he was perfect
in his ways from the day of his creation until iniquity was found in him,
(Ezekiel 28:15), his heart was lifted up because of his apparent
beauty (Ezekiel 28:17), his wisdom was corrupted by reason of his
brightness and he was to be cast down to the ground (Ezekiel 28:17).
All of these conditions describe the fall of Satan as the
created angel of the living God (Elohim).
Apparently, according to numerous scriptures in the Bible,
Satan held a position of great authority and may have even been in
charge of this earth before the formation of the
Adam man. In any event, the Bible presents him as the �anointed
cherub that covereth,� (Ezekiel 28:14) and he had been in the
Garden of Eden (Ezekiel 28:13) something that the
prince of Tyrus had never done by any stretch of the imagination. Ezekiel
31:16 describes his great fall from his position of high rank and
authority. All of Ezekiel 31:1-18 lends itself to the study of
Satan and his fall from high rank and authority. Ezekiel
31:16-18 is absolute evidence that the Bible is talking
about the fall of Satan from a very exalted position as a
created angel of God (Yahweh). In
Isaiah 14:12-21 we have laid before us some very dynamic verses
of scripture regarding the nature of Satan�s sin before God
(Yahweh). Again, Isaiah 14:12
addresses itself to �Lucifer� not to the King of Babylon
as depicted in Isaiah 14:4. The King of Babylon was
only a type of �Lucifer.� Satan was the
primary objective of this Scriptural utterance.
Lucifer, the Day Star, the anointed Cherub,
had involved himself in Lawless Rebellion against
Almighty God (Yahweh). The creature (Lucifer)
sought to be his own god. He sought to exalt his throne above the
stars of God (Yahweh), to ascend above
the heights of the clouds, and do all the other acts and sins outlined in
Isaiah 14:12-14. Isaiah 14:17
clearly points to Satan who refused to open the
house of his prisoners. The �pit� in verse 19
is that bottomless pit of Revelation 20, which is
reserved for Satan. Almighty God
(Yahweh) in Isaiah 14:21
declared that slaughter is for his (Satan�s children) that they
not fill the face of the world with cities. (Isaiah 14:21).
Note that Cain was the fist builder of cities.
Revelation 12:7-9 we have recorded where Satan, that
�old� serpent, the Devil, waged
war against
Michael and his angels and there he was, along with the angels who left
their first estate (Jude 6 and II Peter 2:4) cast
out of heaven. The Dragon, who was that old serpent,
the Devil and Satan (Revelation 12:9
and 20:2) had taken a third of the angelic host
with him in his rebellion against God (Yahweh)
(Revelation 12:4). These angels had left their first estate
and had followed Lucifer, that �old serpent� the
Dragon in his rebellion against God
(Yahweh). Satan�s fall from heaven described in
Revelation 12:9 was also described in Ezekiel 31:16-18.
Revelation 9:1 depicts Satan as a "�Star fall
from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key to the
bottomless pit.� Satan was the star that fell. Jesus
Christ (Yahshua) himself stated, �I beheld Satan
as lightning fall from heaven.� Luke 10:18. Here we have
Ezekiel, Isaiah, John, and Jesus Christ
(Yahshua) all talking about Satan�s fall from a
position of grandeur. Jeremiah 4:23-26 discusses the conditions
that befell the earth when Lucifer, the Day
Star, was cast out of the heavens and into the earth following his
assault against the Throne of God (Yahweh).
When reading Jeremiah 4:23-26 also read Isaiah 14:15-16.
Keep in mind that Isaiah 14:15
declares the end of Satan �Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the
sides of the pit.� The Biblical View of Satan is therefore
one of a created angel, an angel of high rank and authority
who led a lawless rebellion against God (Yahweh),
was soundly defeated and cast down to earth to work his works of
darkness in the earth for he knows that he has only
a short time left. (Revelation 12:12).
Satan is clearly defined under many different titles in the Holy Bible. He is
called Lucifer in Isaiah 14:12, which in
Hebrew is, translated heylel from halal
meaning to shine, to make a show, the morning star. His name Satan
is from #7854 sawtawn from #7853 an opponent, a prim.
Root to attack, accuse (be an) adversary. Satan, the archenemy of
good, adversary, Satan, withstand. The word Satan in the Greek as
used in the New Testament comes from #4567 Satan�s of
chald. Or correspond. To #4566 (with the def. Affix.) the accuser, i.e. the
devil, Satan, #4566�Satan the Devil.
Satan is called the Devil, which in the Greek
New Testament #1228 means di�bolos, from 1225; a
traducer; spec. Satan, false accuser, devil, and slanderer. He is called
Serpent as in Genesis 3:1-14 which in the original
Hebrew comes from #5175 Nachash, from #5122:a snake
(from its hiss) serpent #5172 (nachash) a prim. Root, to hiss, whisper,
certainly divine, enchanter, enchantment, learn by experience,
indeed, diligently observe. Satan is a Dragon as in
Revelation 12:9 which comes from the original Greek #1404
drakon, a fabulous kind of serpent (perh. as supposed to
fascinate): dragon. Satan is called Beelzebub as in
Matthew 12:24
which comes from an original Greek word #954 "Beelzebub, dung-god; Beelzebub, a
name of Satan. Again Satan is called Belial
as in 11 Corinthians 6:15
which comes from the Greek #955 Belial, beeleeal; worthlessness; Belial,
as an epithet of Satan. (Emphasis ours) Satan is
called Abaddon as in Revelation 9:11
which comes from the Hebrew means destruction. Again in
Revelation 9:11
Satan is called Apollyon which in the
Greek means Destroyer. Satan is thus known
by these and many other titles in the Holy Scripture of Truth.
Note: All numbers come from the Strong�s Exhaustive Concordance to
the Holy Bible.
Bible makes its first introduction to Satan in Genesis
3:1-14 when he appeared as a fallen Angel (of light)
II Corinthians 11:1-15, under the title of Serpent.
The Serpent in the Garden of Eden as Satan. This is why
Satan is called that �old serpent� in Revelation
12:9 and 20:2. Remember the word Serpent
used in Genesis 3:1-14 comes from the Hebrew #5175 (Nashash)�a
prim. Root, to hiss, whisper, certainly divine, enchanter, enchantment,
learn by experience, indeed, diligently observe. Satan
appeared as St. Paul declares, as an angel of light in the
Garden of Eden. He was the first cause of
Original Sin. Satan
sought to tell and convince Adam and Eve that they could be their
own god. Satan�s original fall from God (Yahweh)
was that he wanted to be his own god. Now in the Garden of Eden he
sought to convince Eve that she, too, could be her own idiot god
and engage in rebellion. The Original Sin,
in the Garden of Eden, was lawless rebellion against
Almighty God (Yahweh); it was
Adam Man, under the influence of the Serpent, seeking to
become his own god. For a very thorough discussion of the Serpent
in the Garden of Eden, see Appendix #19 in the
Companion Bible, Samuel Bagster and Son Limited,
4 New Bridge Street, London, England
EC4. You must read this Appendix #19
on the Serpent. Your education of the Serpent
will not be complete until you thoroughly read the digest Appendix #19
on the Serpent. I wish to quote one paragraph form this lengthy
article on the serpent as follows:
�But for the figurative language of verses 14 and 15 no one would have thought
of referring the third chapter of Genesis to a snake: no more than he does when
reading the third chapter from the end of Revelation (chapter 20:2). Indeed, the
explanation added there, that the �old Serpent� is the Devil and Satan, would
immediately lead one to connect the word �old� with the earlier and formed
mention of the serpent in Genesis 3: and the fact that it was Satan himself who
tempted �the second man�, �the last Adam�, would force the conclusion that no
other than the personal Satan could have been the tempter of the �first man,
Today the modern church world, with tens of thousands of ministers, teaches that
the Serpent in the Garden of Eden was a
literal snake. They deny that the serpent
was Satan even when the Holy Scriptures declares the
serpent to be Satan as is evidenced in
Revelations 12:7-9 and 20:2. The doctrine that
the serpent in the modern church world.
This is not what the Bible
teaches. The Word of God (Yahweh)
declares that the Serpent in the Garden of Eden
was Satan. He
appeared to Eve as an Angel of light. II
Corinthians 11:1-15. Satan was
the tempter of Adam and Eve. The Serpent, appearing
as an Angel of light was the first cause of
Original Sin. He
beguiled the first Adam man into believing that (EVE)
could be her own god. Original Sin
must be imputed to Satan, the father of lies. He
appeared as a fallen angel, clothed in false light,
he appeared to Eve as if he were GOD (Yahweh),
in fact, Eve apparently thought that the Serpent was
God (Yahweh),
for she thought that Cain was from
God (Yahweh).
(Genesis 4:1). According to St. Paul (II Corinthians 11:15)
Satan�s ministers, those flesh beings who follow
him, are all transformed as though they were ministers of
light. Today the lie of the Serpent, that Man
can be His own idiot god, now covers the earth. For
Humanism, the religion of the �Old Serpent� is now
the religion of this world. The god of Humanism is
sex, and it was through this medium that the �old serpent�
caused our parents to fall. Today the sex of humanism is
worshipped throughout the world as though it were god. The lie of the Old
Serpent goes on unabated and only those with sterile minds
can fail to see that Satan is a real person, still telling the lie
of ancient history, in the Garden of Eden, that Man can
be his own god. The sin of lawlessness
and rebellion still permeates the earth and a group
of flesh beings that Jesus Christ
(Yahshua) called serpents (Matthew 23:33)
stand in the earth to continue the will and work of that �old serpent�
of Genesis 3:1-14.
order to clearly understand the Biblical View of Satan, acting out
the role of that �old serpent� in the Garden of Eden,
it is necessary to examine the first cause of sin
that is Original Sin.
The Original Sin, the
first cause, must be separated from �sin�
the result of the
first cause. When Adam Man was driven out
of the Garden of Eden, he left with a fallen nature.
He had lost his Spiritual dimension in Jesus Christ
(Yahshua). This fallen nature, this root of
sinful lust and passion which the �Old Serpent� planted in
our Race has caused every child of Almighty God
(Yahweh) to fight the
warfare of two nature�fighting for
supremacy. One nature that of the inner man, the
spirit man, the celestial man, is at
war with the
fallen man, the sensual fallen nature of man. Because the Old
Serpent through Original Sin,
the first cause, instituted this propensity to sin,
the fallen nature of Adam man, it was not necessary for
Satan to make a personal confrontation with each member of
Adam�s Race following the
Original Sin. Satan, like a General
commanding a war,
operates a command post and directs the
warfare against the
purposes and plan of God (Yahweh), including the
Children of God (Yahweh). Although he can
become personally involved if he so chooses (as he did the case of Job
and then in the personal temptation of Jesus Christ
(Yahshua), as well as in the life of David in
getting him to number Israel)
Satan now has an army of flesh and blood
beings who are dedicated to his work in this earth. These
satanic children of Satan are clearly labeled
by Jesus Christ (Yahshua) in Matthew 23,
Mark 7, in Luke 11, and in John 8. The
Jews of Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 constitute that
serpent race who today comprise Satan�s army in the
earth. Satan commands this army of evil doers in the
earth today and they seek to prevent the
Kingdom of
(Yahweh) from coming into the earth. Again, you must make a
distinction between �sin� and �Original
Sin.� Original Sin
is now abiding in every seed of Adam and only
Jesus Christ (Yahshua),
His shed
Blood and the Office
and Work of the Holy Spirit can expunge
that sin from Adam man and make him a new
creature. It is imperative that we remember that it was the �old
serpent� the Devil and Satan who was the first
cause of all sin.
Again, the Biblical View of Satan is that he was created,
but defeated rebel against Almighty God
(Yahweh). The Sovereignty of Jesus Christ
(Yahshua) now limits Satan. He is on a stake. The limitations of
Satan are placed there by God (Yahweh). Satan
could only operate within circumscribed limits imposed by God�s
(Yahweh�s) Sovereignty. Satan
has been defeated at every point. He was defeated
when he attempted his assault against the authority of
God (Yahweh). (Revelation 12: 7-9). He
was defeated when he sought to tempt the First
Adam for Jesus Christ (Yahshua) (the
Second Adam) rose from the dead and brought life and
resurrection and conquered death�again bringing
defeat to Satan. Satan also lost when he
sought to tempt the Second Adam (Yahshua),
following His baptism when He had fasted for
forty-days. (Matthew 4:1-11). Again, Satan,
the great tempter of both the First Adam (Adam
in the Garden of Eden) and as the tempter of the
Second Adam (Yahshua), was defeated.
Satan has been judged and found guilty.
His sentence, like all lawless rebellion against Almighty
God (Yahweh), is one of eternal death.
His doom is sure. His end is sealed by the Sovereignty of Jesus
Christ (Yahshua). Satan�s time is now
very short (Revelation 12:12).
He now works and leads as the captain of the forces of
darkness to oppose and impede the progress
of God�s (Yahweh�s) Kingdom into this
final summation, the Biblical View of Satan is that doom is sure.
This Anointed cherub, this highest among the Archangels,
is now defeated, judged, and waits the day of his
binding in the bottomless pit. (Revelation 20:1-2).
In the meantime, he goes forth upon this earth, to lead the forces of
darkness into all corners of the earth. Although chained
and limited by God�s (Yahweh�s)
absolute Sovereignty. Satan is still very strong
and his followers include one-third of the fallen angels, together
with legions of demonic spirits from these fallen angels.
His army is also made of millions of flesh and blood beings whom
Jesus Christ (Yahshua) traced back to Cain.
(Matthew 23:35
and John 8:44).
In addition, according to St. Paul, as recorded in Ephesians 6:10-18,
Satan now commands not only flesh and blood beings
but he has powers, principalities, rulers of
the darkness of this world, and spiritual wickedness in
high places at his command. The command word of God
(Yahweh) in Ephesians 6:10-11 is for the Saints
of the Living God (EL) to
�be strong in Yahweh, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of
God (Yahweh) that ye may
be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against
flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rules
of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God (Yahweh) that ye
may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand��
is imperative to remember that the greatest theatre of Satan�s
warfare against
Almighty God (Yahweh) is behind the
pulpit. The pulpit is the chief battlefield of this
satanic warfare
for Satan will allow much truth to be taught if he can embody his
�big lie.� Today Satan has been successful in causing a
majority of churches (nearly all preachers) and a large number of people to
believe that the serpent, the tempter of the first Adam, was a literal snake and
that the tempter of the second Adam, Jesus Christ (Yahshua), was
not a literal Satan. If you hear this type of heresy
form the lips of any minister you will know that he is under
strong delusion that he should believe such a lie.
Remember that Satan comes with great power and �signs
and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness and
unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received
not the love of the truth��
II Thessalonians 2:9-10. When Satan can
convince men that he does not exist, he has achieved his
greatest victory. For when men deny the
personal existence of Satan, they have bought the
lie of the serpent, that man can be his own god, that there is no
Original Sin, and that all sin
must therefore be imputed to God (Yahweh).
Christian men and woman who walk in the light of
Jesus Christ (Yahshua) and the
truth of the Holy Scriptures
will not be deceived by Satan nor by false
apostles appearing as ministers of light. We will stand
fully armed in this earth wearing the armour of
Jesus Christ (Yahshua), realizing that we are
fighting a personal Satan, as well as a satanic host
(Ephesians 6:12) that not only includes a personal Satan,
put powers, principalities, the rulers of the
darkness of this world and spiritual wickedness in
high places. The original Greek rendering of this verse
will reveal that we face a very formidable army; a
manifestation of Satan is everywhere to be observed. The culmination of
Satan�s work can now be seen everywhere.
Children of the Living God (EL), we
will stand with Jesus Christ (Yahshua), knowing that
obedience to Him and His every Word will bring Satan
to his certain doom and judgment. Today the Children of
Light, the seed of Isaac, the Covenant Seed of the
Kingdom, will stand only in fear of Jesus Christ
(Yahshua), seeking to be obedient to
His every Law. They know that
Satan, though powerful, and standing in this earth as
the captain of the children of darkness, is on a
leash, Satan stands as a fallen angel, as
a defeated Rebel, and his doom is sure. In the meantime, he stands
as a great adversary in this earth to oppose
Jesus Christ (Yahshua) and the Children of Light.
Today the Children of Jesus Christ (Yahshua),
standing upon solid rock of the Holy Bible can be
sure of the Biblical Exegesis of Satan. They can know and
understand their archenemy and be on guard against
his subtlety. For the goal of Satan is still
unchanged from
He seeks to get every Adam man to be his own idiot god.
To engage in lawless rebellion against Jesus Christ
(Yahshua) and the Law. As Children of the
Living God (EL), fighting for the
Crown Rights of Jesus Christ (Yahshua), and
standing strong against Satan, his demons,
and all the powers of darkness, we will, as did the famous
Martin Luther of the Protestant Reformation, stand
with the full faith and assurance in Jesus Christ
(Yahshua) when he declared:
though this world with devils filled, Should threaten to undo us, We will not
fear, for God (Yahweh) hath willed His truth to
triumph through us. The prince of darkness grim, We tremble not for him; His
rage we can endure, For lo! His doom is sure; One little word shall fell him.�