Are You Free
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Do you really think you are free today?


When over 40% of your hard-earned money (?) is stolen by fraud via income taxes to support a central government bureaucracy gone mad?

When you can�t drive on �free�- ways or public streets without a driver�s license and vehicle registration, or be thrown in jail?

When you must pay �ransom� to the insurance company monopoly before you can drive your own vehicle on public streets or highways?

When you must send your children to a government licensed school or the State will confiscate your property, kidnap your kids or put you in jail?

When your State-approved �tax-exempt� church, teaches only the one-world religion of obedience to man�s government?

When the nations police are more of a threat to life, liberty and property than the so-called �common� criminals?

When you must ask the State for permission to marry?

When you cannot practice �free� enterprise without being regulated, licensed and taxed by local, State, and Federal Governments?

When you will be jailed for exercising �Constitutional� rights without some corrupt, degenerate judge�s permission?

When the State tells you when, where and how to build on your own property and even denies you the right to modify unless you ask their permission first, and regulates to whom and IF you can sell?

When America has more political prisoners under lock and key than any other nation in the world, and is busy building �concentration� camps to house even more?

When government knows every financial transaction you make, and your private banking records are made available to their prying eyes without your knowledge or consent?

When your President is more concerned about a One World Order and a United Nations than the Sovereignty of the Country he has sworn to protect.

When government and the people have no common interest whatsoever and must live together in a state of perpetual hostility?

When everything you and your children will ever own is mortgaged to the world�s international bankers and collectable on demand?

When you cannot trust the established news media to learn the truth because this �controlled� media prints and states only party-line propaganda?

NO, dear fellow Americans, if you think America is the LAND of the FREE you are living in a dream world and still believe in fairy tales. WAKE UP!

Our forefathers, George Washington and Thomas Jefferson argued that

No law was valid if it deprived a man of his natural rights.

PATRIOTS WHERE ARE YOU? Its time to take a good hard look within ourselves. Do you have what it takes to be a FREE man or woman and cast out the tyrants as our brave forefathers did, or are you a gutless, sniveling coward? They can only do to you what you let them do!




�Make yourselves sheep and the wolves will eat you�


Ben Franklin

January 5th 1773