Part #1
It has long been the conceit of the rich and super-rich
that their vast wealth, and the political power it brings, gives them license
to the change the world. The House of Rothschild, for example, the world's
richest banking dynasty in the 19th century, used its economic leverage and
political influence in numerous (though not always successful) attempts to
remold Europe's political landscape in an effort to prevent the outbreak of
war. This gained the family a reputation in some quarters as "militant
pacifists". "[W]hat Rothschild says is decisive," opined one Austrian
diplomat, "and he won't give any money for war." The family attitude was best
summed up in a statement allegedly made by the wife of the dynasty's founder,
Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812): "It won't come to war; my sons won't
provide money for it." Yet the Rothschilds' motives in preventing warfare were
hardly benevolent; with the family's power and fortune resting on the
stability of the international bond market, avoiding war was a matter of
economic survival. "You can't begin to imagine what might happen should we get
war, God forbid," lamented one of Mayer Amschel's sons in 1830, "... it would
be impossible to sell anything." 1
Such is the banality of greed: good outcomes are acceptable only when they are
In the past century, however, the rich have become more
overt in their efforts; in fact, using their wealth to bring about global
changes has been transformed into a noble enterprise--one that usually follows
a spiritual epiphany, when the decades of ruthlessly amassing a fortune are
followed by a sudden desire to employ for the "common good" rather than
self-indulgent material luxuries. The acknowledged pioneer of this approach is
Andrew Carnegie (1835-1919), one of the so-called "robber-barons" of the
"Gilded Age" in the late 19th century when the US economy was dominated by the
"trusts", among them Carnegie Steel. Having sold his company to fellow magnate
J. P. Morgan in 1901, Carnegie devoted his remaining years and his fortune to
a crusade for world peace.
Now celebrated as the father of philanthropy, Carnegie
believed that only the rich minority had proven themselves qualified to change
society, so the multitude must be excluded from such decisions. "[W]ealth,
passing through the hands of the few," he wrote, "can be made a much more
potent force for the elevation of our race than if distributed in small sums
to the people themselves." 2
Similar logic drives many of today's philanthropic social engineers, including
Ted Turner, Bill Gates and George Soros, each of whom devotes their billions
to "worthy" causes in support of their own particular visions of a "just"
global society.
This naturally brings us to the Rockefeller family, which
has used its fortune, originally amassed in the 19th century, to establish a
philanthropic network that has had a significant influence on government
policy throughout the world for nearly a century. This fact has long been
recognized by researchers into the "New World Order", who contend that
Rockefeller family members are among the key players, if not the
primary architects and paymasters, behind the alleged secret plot to establish
a dictatorial "One World Government". Back in the 1970s, for example, Gary
Allen declared in his book, The Rockefeller File, that "the
major Rockefeller goal today is the creation of a 'New World Order'--a one
world government that would control all of mankind". Contemporary NWO
researchers have been no less certain of Rockefeller culpability. The
ever-controversial David Icke describes the Rockefellers as a pivotal family
in the "bloodline hierarchy" that is striving to implement the "Brotherhood
Agenda" of "centralized control of the planet". Were it not for the
Rockefellers and their "manipulation of the United States and the wider
world", writes Icke, there would be "far greater freedom" in America and the
"world in general". 3
That the emerging New World Order is the product of
decisions made at the behest of the power-elite, among them the Rockefellers,
is not in dispute here, for the evidence is considerable. However, some key
issues remain unresolved, with opponents of globalization divided over whether
the NWO stems from a process in which "socialist" supranational institutions
are subverting the sovereignty of all nations, including the United States, by
stealth, or is in fact a process of US-led transnational "corporate
capitalism", with global organizations relegated to a secondary role.
By examining the specific proposals of the Rockefellers, we
can see that for the elite architects of the NWO it has not been a case
of either global institutions or a one-world market, but a careful combination
of both approaches, with regional blocs as stepping-stones to the
establishment of an authoritarian, market-oriented system of "global
governance". 5
In fact, the Rockefeller family has been at the forefront
of efforts to convince, cajole and coordinate governments in support of this
project throughout much of the 20th century through to the present day.
Indeed, the strategies commonly associated with both the "corporate-led" and
"collectivist" models of global governance--i.e., American leadership, the
United Nations, free trade, neo-liberalism, international financial
institutions, regional free trade blocs, population control, global
environmental regulation, Atlantic Union and world federalism--the
Rockefellers have supported for nearly a century either directly or through
the various elite policy-planning organizations they have funded, founded or
The purpose of this article is to review the origins and
evolution of the internationalist ideology of the Rockefellers, from John D.
Rockefeller, Junior, through his most influential sons--John D. III, Nelson,
Laurance and David--to their own offspring, covering the period from the 1920s
through to the present day.
The story of the Rockefellers' embrace of internationalism
begins not with speculative tales of their "reptilian" origins or with John D.
Rockefeller, Senior (1839-1937)--the uncompromising patriarch and founder of
Standard Oil, the very basis of the Rockefellers' power--but with John D.
Rockefeller, Junior (1874-1960), who controlled the Rockefeller fortune during
the first half of the 20th century. This may seem at odds with prevailing
orthodoxies and other more entertaining accounts, but the Rockefellers did not
subscribe to the globalist ideology until Junior's time.
Despite his numerous trips to Europe and attempts to
capture foreign oil markets (resulting in a clash with the Rothschilds at one
point), Rockefeller Senior had shown little interest in international affairs.
Besides his vast fortune (the equivalent of nearly US $200 billion in today's
terms), Rockefeller's only other enduring legacy to his extended family, and
by extension the New World Order, was a philosophy of philanthropy in service
of his professed interest in improving humanity.
The basis for Rockefeller Senior's philanthropy, according
to Rockefeller biographer Ron Chernow, was his "mystic faith that God had
given him money for mankind's benefit". Rockefeller was a devout Baptist, and
his religion determined much of his early philanthropy. He was also influenced
by Carnegie's argument that the rich should use their money to dampen social
tensions stemming from growing inequality, rather than leave it to their heirs
to waste on hedonistic lifestyles. Carnegie wrote in the North American
Review (June 1889) that "The man who dies thus rich dies disgraced".
Inspired by Carnegie's missive, Rockefeller embarked upon a vigorous program
of philanthropy, though he avoided direct gifts to the needy. Citing the need
to "abolish evils by destroying them at the source", he poured his money into
educational institutions, hoping their graduates would "spread their culture
far and wide". Rockefeller was unwilling to upset the social hierarchy,
subscribing to the Darwinian view that those at the bottom of the food chain
were there because of personality defects and "weakness of body, mind or
character, will or temperament"--though he believed that through his
generosity he could create the necessary "strong personality" among the weak,
leading to "the wider distribution of wealth".
6 For Rockefeller,
changing how people thought rather than their material circumstances was the
more worthy cause.
But there were also some more pragmatic calculations behind
Rockefeller's establishment of a philanthropic empire. Following Ida Tarbell's
scathing history of Standard Oil in McClure's Magazine in 1902, Rockefeller
was obsessed with improving his public image. By institutionalizing his
giving, Rockefeller hoped to "prove that rich businessmen could honorably
discharge the burden of wealth" (Chernow) as well as dampen further inquiries
into the origins of his fortune. The other reason, which emerged once Woodrow
Wilson introduced income taxes in 1913, was that gifts to philanthropic funds
were tax exempt. Hence, the incorporation of the Rockefeller Foundation in
1913 protected much of his vast wealth from inheritance taxes. This was a real
concern to Rockefeller, who opposed even the recently introduced six per cent
income tax, declaring that "when a man has accumulated a sum of money ... the
Government has no right to share in its earnings".
During the mid-1890s, Rockefeller gradually retired from
publicly running Standard Oil, while pouring a sizeable portion of his fortune
into the Rockefeller Foundation and other charitable trusts. From 1915, he
turned over his remaining wealth to his only son and designated heir, Junior.
Unlike his shrewd and ruthless father, Junior was shy, tormented by
self-loathing and clearly burdened by the weight of his father's expectations
that he would now run the Rockefeller family's business and philanthropic
affairs. It was to help him manage this awesome task that in 1920 Junior
employed the lawyer Raymond B. Fosdick (1883-1972) as one of his key strategic
advisers. 8
The Persuader: Raymond B. Fosdick
It is remarkable that Fosdick's name is absent from most
New World Order histories, for his relationship with Junior is crucial to any
understanding of how the Rockefellers became involved in the NWO. As one of
Junior's closest confidants as well as a Trustee (1921-1948) and, later,
President (1936-1948) of the Rockefeller Foundation, Fosdick had a pivotal
role, as it was he who had first urged Junior to embrace the
liberal-internationalist creed of President Wilson. This was not surprising,
for Fosdick was a lifelong supporter of Wilson, as he acknowledged in a 1956
lecture at the University of Chicago when he said, "from the first day I had
met [Wilson] until he died, he had my wholehearted admiration and respect".
Fosdick also claimed to have had a "long and occasionally close association"
with Wilson that dated from 1903 when he had started studying at Princeton
University, where Wilson was the president.
That first meeting at Princeton proved to be the start of a
long and productive association for Fosdick, with Wilson taking more than a
passing interest in his career in the years that followed. During Wilson's
campaign for the presidency in 1912, Fosdick was personally appointed by
Wilson to be Secretary and Auditor of the Finance Committee of the National
Democratic Committee. He went on to hold a variety of positions in the Wilson
Administration, including Chairman of the Commission on Training Camp
Activities in both the Navy and War departments. As a civilian aide to General
Pershing, Fosdick accompanied Wilson to Europe for the Paris Peace Conference
in 1919. During this period, Fosdick also cultivated close relations with
Wilson's enigmatic adviser, Colonel House.
Fosdick obviously made a substantial impression, for in May
1919 he was asked by Wilson to accept an offer from League of Nations
Secretary-General Sir Eric Drummond to become an Under Secretary-General to
the League. A keen supporter of the League, Fosdick had enthusiastically
accepted the offer and, in July 1919, took up his new appointment. It was a
significant advance for Fosdick, as it made him one of only two Under
Secretaries-General in the League (the other was French technocrat Jean Monnet,
the future founder of the European Community) as well as the highest-ranking
American in the organization. 10
But Fosdick's dream run was to be short-lived, when
opposition in the US Senate to American membership in the League reached
breaking point later that year as Senator Henry Cabot Lodge persisted in his
attempts to "Americanize" the League of Nations Treaty. Although convinced
that Lodge's actions stemmed from a "degree of immaturity in our ideas and
thinking", Fosdick knew the controversy had made his position untenable and so
he resigned from the League in January 1920. Declaring himself to be finally
released from a "burden of silence", a bitter and disappointed Fosdick now
resolved "to speak [his] faith before the world". Realizing Wilson's vision of
a New World Order thus became Fosdick's obsession.
At this point, it is important to review exactly what
Wilson's original New World Order vision entailed. There were four main
The first, and most well known, was the League of Nations,
conceived by Wilson as "a community of power" and "an organized common peace",
with the League acting as a global forum to settle territorial disputes
through arbitration, but it would also have the power to enforce those
settlements. According to Henry Kissinger, Wilson's bold vision for the League
"translated into institutions tantamount to world government".
Second, Wilson was a strong advocate of global free trade,
including in his Fourteen Points a demand for complete "equality of trade" and
the "removal ... of all economic barriers". Wilson was attempting to realize
the vision of 19th-century British free-trade advocates Richard Cobden and the
so-called "Manchester School" of economists, of a world in which war would be
banished, once it was linked together by free trade. But Wilson was also
concerned that American industries had "expanded to such a point that they
will burst their jackets if they cannot find a free outlet to the markets of
the world". Entrenching free trade through a binding global treaty, he
reasoned, would save US manufacturers.
Third, Wilson was a supporter of regional integration at
both political and economic levels, evident in his abortive "Pan-American
Pact" proposal of 1914-15--the purpose of which, according to his adviser
Colonel House, was to "weld North and South America together in closer union".
Wilson and House also believed that the Pan-American Pact could serve as a
model for political organization in Europe, and thus the world.
Fourth, Wilson believed the US should assume a global
leadership role so it could "play the part which it was destined she should
play", and lend its "power to the authority and force of other nations to
guarantee peace and justice throughout the world".
Wilson's invocation of "peace and justice" should, of
course, be treated with the caution that most political rhetoric deserves,
especially in view of the myriad paradoxes in Wilson's political career. It
was Wilson, after all, who campaigned for the presidency in 1911-1912 with the
claim that he would stand up to the "masters of the government of the United
States ... the combined capitalists and manufacturers". Yet he relied heavily
on the generosity of those same "masters of the government", with just 40
individuals providing a third of his campaign funds. This exclusive group
included Wall Street bankers Jacob Schiff (Kuhn, Loeb & Co.) and Cleveland
Dodge, the stockbroker Bernard Baruch and numerous industrialists, including
the owners of the International Harvester Company (also known as the
"Harvester Trust"). This was also the same Wilson who expressed his opposition
to the "credit trust" of the bankers, but went on to found the Federal Reserve
System, fulfilling Wall Street's dual aims of internationalizing the US dollar
and controlling currency and credit creation in the United States.
Given that Wilson was captive to those same "trusts" he had
so publicly attacked, it was probably inevitable that one of his most devoted
followers would go on to serve one of the greatest trusts of them all.
Driven by a desire to see Wilson's ambitious model of world
order become a reality, Fosdick had lobbied for US involvement in the League
of Nations, founding the League of Nations Association in 1923. In January
1924, Fosdick had visited the ailing Woodrow Wilson to seek some final
inspiration and guidance. He was not to be disappointed, as Gene Smith relates
in When The Cheering Stopped: [Wilson] said to Fosdick that it was
unthinkable that America would permanently stand in the way of human progress;
it was unthinkable that America would remain aloof, for America would not
thwart the hope of the race. His voice broke and he whispered huskily that
America was going to bring her spiritual energy to the liberation of mankind.
Mankind would step forward, a mighty step; America could not play the laggard.
Fosdick was young, and when Fosdick rose to go he pledged in the name of the
younger generation that they would carry through to finish the uncompleted
work. 17
Sure enough, Wilson's final testament--he died a month
later--reinforced Fosdick's globalist zeal. Utterly convinced that the only
way to ensure world peace was through some form of world government, and that
only US leadership could make it happen, Fosdick devoted his energies to
trying to influence elite and public opinion in that direction. In 1928,
Fosdick published The Old Savage in the New Civilization, which
endorsed "a planetary consciousness" and "a collective intelligence". Fosdick
argued that if nations were to co-exist without conflict, then: "... we must
have some centralized mechanism, some established procedure, by which we can
determine the understandings and rules of common life ... The assertion of the
absolute sovereignty of the state has become in our time the supreme anarchy."
The Willing Pupil
The greatest asset in Fosdick's crusade to draw the US back
into Wilson's scheme for world order was to be the pious, guilty and
impressionable John D. Rockefeller, Junior. Though the designated heir to the
Standard Oil fortune, Junior lacked his father's ruthlessness and shrewdness.
Loyal to his father's prejudices, Junior had been a staunch Republican,
rejecting both Wilson and the League of Nations, yet the slaughter of World
War I had also seen him toy with the idea of international cooperation. He had
embraced interdenominational, participating in the Interchurch World Movement
which had sought to combine the resources of all Protestant Christian churches
in an attempt to "Christianize the world". In Junior, Fosdick claimed to have
found a "remarkable man" of "great sincerity ... with a lively sense of
responsibility" who "wanted to be convinced, not deferred to". Not
surprisingly, convincing Junior to embrace his globalist ideology became one
of Fosdick's goals. 19
Although Fosdick's memoirs do not admit it, he was very
effective in shaping Junior's worldview. Fosdick's fawning biography of Junior
suggests that his growing sense of internationalism stemmed solely from a
combination of youthful globetrotting and a religiously instilled "awareness
of human kinship and of the bonds that unite the world". Yet, with Fosdick
working closely with Junior from the 1920s into the 1940s as one of his senior
advisers, there is also a definite and otherwise inexplicable trend of Junior
expressing increasingly sophisticated internationalist sentiments as well as
supporting the League of Nations and funding the Eastern Establishment's
premier body, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). Inexplicable, only if we
ignore Fosdick's tacit acknowledgement that Junior was very malleable--"his
opinions were invariably marked by tolerance, and inflexibility was not part
of his character"--and therefore open to his suggestions.
Evidence of Junior's conversion to Fosdick's ideology
abounds. One of Junior's initiatives during the 1920s was the establishment of
International Houses for foreign university students. Junior viewed the
International Houses as a "laboratory of human relationships" and a "world in
miniature" through which he hoped an "atmosphere of fellowship can be
developed". In a 1924 speech to foreign students, Junior spoke of his hope
that "some day ... no one will speak of 'my country', but all will speak of
'our world'".
Inevitably, through Fosdick's urging, Junior became more
interested in supporting the League of Nations. Fosdick introduced Junior to
Arthur Sweetser, one of the few Americans still working at the League, who
also encouraged his interest in the world organization. The impact was clear,
with Junior directing the Rockefeller Foundation to grant money to the Health
Organization of the League of Nations, and later giving some $2 million of his
own funds to establish the League Library. During the 1920s he also
contributed $1,500 a year to the CFR, then dominated by supporters of Wilson,
and in 1929 provided a further $50,000 towards the Council's new headquarters
in New York, Harold Pratt House. 21
The enduring influence of Fosdick's Wilsonian
internationalism was also evident in a 1938 address by Junior, in which he
made a number of observations about the impact of technological change and
growing interdependence. In effect, Junior predicted the end of the
nation-state, and thus charted a course that his sons would endeavor to make
into a self-fulfilling prophecy:
With each passing day, with every new invention which increases the
rapidity of travel and the ease of communications, cooperation between men and
nations becomes constantly more important. The nations of the world have
become interdependent as never before. The hands of the clock cannot be
turned back. The old order of geographic isolation, or personal or national
self-sufficiency, can never return. The future of civilization will be
determined by the degree of success with which men and nations learn to
cooperate, to live together and let live.
The culmination of Junior's embrace of Fosdick's
internationalism was his decision in late 1946 to donate land in New York for
the headquarters of the newly created United Nations (UN)--the site still used
to this day. But arguably Junior's greatest legacy was the impact of his
newfound globalist zeal on his children. The effect was twofold: firstly, he
passed on Senior's philanthropic philosophy of using Rockefeller wealth to
change society, embedding it in a plethora of institutions and organizations
that gave the Rockefellers "an unrivalled influence in national affairs";
23 secondly, he established in them an enduring
belief in Fosdick's ideology of international cooperation and governance,
itself based on Woodrow Wilson's League of Nations vision.
Junior had six children: a daughter, Abby; and five sons,
John, Nelson, Laurance, Winthrop and David, four of whom would go on to play
leading roles in establishing the New World Order ... and it is to those
Rockefeller brothers that we now turn.
About the Author:
Will Banyan, BA (Hons), Grad. Dip. (Information Science) is
a writer specializing in the political economy of globalization. He has worked
for both local and national governments as well as some international
organizations, and was recently consulting on global issues for a private
1. Quotes in Niall Ferguson, The House of Rothschild: Money's Prophets,
1798-1848, Penguin Books, 2000, pp. 231-232.
2. Peter Krass, Carnegie, John Wiley & Sons, 2002, pp. 242, 410-411.
3. Gary Allen, The Rockefeller File, '76 Press, 1976, p. 77; and David
Icke, The Biggest Secret, Bridge of Love, 1999, pp. 1-2, 267-268.
4. The literature on both these interpretations is considerable. For recent
examples of the "corporate-led globalization" theory, see: David Korten,
When Corporations Rule the World, Kumarian Press, 1995; Naomi Klein, No
Logo, Flamingo, 2000; Paul Hellyer, Stop Think, Chimo Media, 1999;
and Anita Roddick (ed.), Take It Personally: how globalization affects you
- and powerful ways to challenge it, HarperCollins, 2001. For classic and
recent examples of the "socialist one-world government" theory, see: Gary
Allen, None Dare Call It Conspiracy, Concord Press, 1972; James Perloff,
The Shadows of Power, Western Islands, 1988; William F. Jasper,
Global Tyranny ... Step By Step, Western Islands, 1992; Gary Benoit, "Globalism's
Growing Grasp", The New American, February 28, 2000; and William F.
Jasper, "Global Tyranny ... Bloc by Bloc", The New American, April 9,
5. For recent examples of this combined agenda, complete with obligatory
rhetoric on protecting democracy, see: The Commission on Global Governance,
Our Global Neighborhood, Oxford University Press, 1995; George Soros,
Open Society: Reforming Global Capitalism, Little, Brown & Co., 2000; and
Peter Singer, One World: The Ethics of Globalization, Text Publishing,
6. Rockefeller and Carnegie quoted in Ron Chernow, Titan: The Life of John
D. Rockefeller, Sr., Warner Books, 1998, pp. 467, 313-314, 469.
7. ibid., pp. 468, 566.
8. ibid., p. 638.
9. Raymond B. Fosdick, "Personal Recollections of Woodrow Wilson", in Earl
Latham (ed.), The Philosophy and Policies of Woodrow Wilson, University
of Chicago Press, 1958, pp. 28-29. Note that Fosdick was also a trustee of all
the philanthropic boards created by John D. Rockefeller, Jr, including The
Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, the General Education Board, the
International Education Board, The Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial, the
China Medical Board and the Spelman Fund of New York.
10. Arthur S. Link, Wilson: The Road to the White House, Princeton
University Press, 1947, p. 479; Fosdick, "Personal Recollections", pp.
29, 35, 39-41; and Raymond B. Fosdick, Chronicle of a Generation: An
Autobiography, Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1958, pp. 188-189, 195-196.
11. Fosdick, Chronicle of a Generation, pp. 204, 211.
12. Wilson quoted in Thomas J. Knock, To End All Wars: Woodrow Wilson and
the Quest for a New World Order, Princeton University Press, 1992, pp. 98,
112; Henry Kissinger, Diplomacy, Touchstone, 1994, p. 234.
13. Link, Wilson: The Road to the White House, p. 24; and Wilson quoted
in Ross A. Kennedy, "Woodrow Wilson, World War I, and an American Conception
of National Security", Diplomatic History, Winter 2001, p. 23.
14. House quoted in Charles Seymour (ed.), The Intimate Papers of Colonel
House, vol. 1, Ernest Benn Ltd, 1926, p. 215.
15. Wilson quoted in Knock, To End All Wars, p. 112.
16. Link, Wilson: The Road to the White House, pp. 524-525, 490, 403,
485; Wilson quoted in Lester V. Chandler, "Wilson's Monetary Reform",
in Latham, Woodrow Wilson, p. 126, and J. Lawrence Broz, "Origins of the
Federal Reserve System: International Incentives and the Domestic Free-Rider
Problem", Harvard University, May 1998, pp. 27-34.
17. Gene Smith, When The Cheering Stopped: The Last Years of Woodrow Wilson,
Bantam Books, 1964, pp. 230-231 (emphasis added).
18. Quoted in Fosdick, Chronicle of a Generation, pp. 215-216, 224-225,
19. ibid., pp. 215-216; Raymond B. Fosdick, John D. Rockefeller, Jr: A
Portrait, Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1956, pp. 205-207.
20. Fosdick, John D. Rockefeller, Jr., pp. 388-90; and John Ensor Harr
and Peter J. Johnson, The Rockefeller Century, Charles Scribner's Sons,
1988, pp. 155-156.
21. Rockefeller quoted in Fosdick, John D. Rockefeller, Jr., pp.
390-394; Harr & Johnson, The Rockefeller Century, p. 156; and "The
Library Benefactor: John D. Rockefeller, Jr.", at UNOG Library website
22. Rockefeller quoted in Fosdick, John D. Rockefeller, Jr., pp.
397-398 (emphasis added).
23. Peter Collier and David Horowitz, The Rockefellers: An American Dynasty,
Holt Reinhart & Winston, 1976, pp. 486-487.