The Choice Is Yours
Lt. Col. Jack Mohr AUS Ret.The Greek world had a great deal of influence on Christianity. Not only was Greek the "universal" language of the first century A.D., but it was the Greek Christians, who stood up and resisted attempts by the early Judeo-Christians, who insisted that Christians must become Judaized before they could be Christians. This in itself should give some answers to honest Bible scholars regarding Judeo-Christianity.
Rabbi Adolph Moses, writing in his book YAHVISM AND OTHER DISCOURSES, says on page 1: "Neither in Biblical nor post-Biblical, neither in Talmudic or much later times, is the term Judaism ever used."
According to the footnotes in Malcolm Ross' book CHRISTIANITY VS. JUDEO-CHRISTIANITY, p. 59, he said: "This is not an uncommon impression and one finds it sometimes among Jews as well as Christians - that Judaism is the religion of the Hebrew Bible. It is of course, a fallacious impression."
Michael Rodkinson, a translator of the TALMUD into English, says in his book THE HISTORY OF THE TALMUD, p.70: "The Talmud is the written form of that which in the time of Jesus, was called the 'Tradition of the Elders,' and to which He makes frequent allusions." Jesus as you remember, used some of His choicest criticism against these traditions.
Modern Jewish historians such as Graetz and Klausner, distinguish between the "pagan Christians (Greek) and the Judeo-Christians (Judaizers)". It is interesting to note that it was the Greeks who fought this fatal trend, while the Judeo-Christians, then as now, had friendly relations with the blasphemous Talmud.
We cannot condemn Peter and the other disciples for clinging to the vestiges of Judaism, since it was all they knew until Christ came.
Actually what they had been taught was HEBREWISM, not JUDAISM. The early disciples were bothered by some of the same problems which "bug" the Christian church of today. Are the written Ten Commandments and the Law, as given to Moses on Mt. Sinai for our use today? How much of the old law should we retain and what if any should we reject?
The early Jews suffered a great deal from inbreeding and knew that they would gain if they could Judaize the non-Jews among whom they lived. Apparently they had done a good job by the time of Christ, for one of His harshest criticisms was directed against their proselytizing efforts: "...when he is made, ye make him twice the "child of hell as yourselves," (Matt. 23:15).
So being Jews, and devious as always, (remember what Jesus called them in John 8:44 "liars from the beginning,") they would grant their new convert admission to Judaism, as "proselytes of the gate." These strangers might become Judaists, but they were never considered to be Jews. You could only be a Jew through birth. The same holds true today.
When Christians ignore this basic distinction between Jews and those who had been Judaized, they fail to realize that even if the eleven disciples, who were Galileans and who practiced Judaism, were of a different racial origin from the Jews, they were not considered Jews. There is much proof, that these Galileans were Aryan Gentiles (from the nations of Israel).
Circumstances made the Jews and Galileans neighbors, but it did not make them of the same racial background. On occasion they fought each other and at different times they were allies against common foe. It is interesting to note, that the first time the word "Jew" is used in the King James Version of the Bible, is 2 Kings 16:6, when the "Jews," were fighting against the Israelites. (Didn't your pastor tell you that "jews" and "Israelites" were the same people?)
The Galileans showed few Jewish traits. They were extremely nationalistic and were known for their love of freedom. They were despised by the Jews in Jerusalem as "country bumpkins." I guess in modern terminology, they would have been called "hill billies," or "red necks." Even the Talmud comments on these differences, by saying: "They are more anxious for honor than for money." Of course the contrary was true of the Jews.
While the Jews tried to leave the impression that the Galileans were an illegitimate people, they were evidently envious of Galilee's natural resource and the superior contacts she had with the outside world.
It is rather absurd for anyone, Bible student or pastor alike, to say that Jesus came from the parasite race of Jewry, just because it is to the benefit of the Jews to have us believe this. The contrast of His character, with those of the Satan's brood in Jerusalem should cause an intelligent individual to ask some searching questions.
The burden of proof, that Christ the Son of the Living God, belonged to a group which He characterized as "children of Satan," "poisonous reptiles," and "hypocrites," should rest on the shoulders of those religious simpletons who would foist off this age-old heresy on the Christian world.
The story of Jesus at the well of Samaria is a good illustration of the deep animosity between Jews and Galileans. Here Jesus was mistaken for a Jew, and unless you do some deep study on this passage, you might get the idea that he was accepting this title. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Some may say: "But Jesus was not the enemy of Judaism!" and I could truthfully answer: "Only as light is the enemy of darkness." Christ came to show mankind the only way to God.
Yes, He followed the customs of Hebrewism, such as the Passover, since this was a national as well as a religious feast. He taught in their synagogues, since that was the place where public speakers spoke. When He gave His disciples His parting instructions in Matthew 28:19, 20, He did not tell them to abandon Judaism, He said: "preach the gospel of the Kingdom." This amounted to the same thing, for Christianity was a "non-Jewish" religion from the very beginning, although its first converts were Jews by religion. Christianity was an "all-inclusive" religion to which all men could come; as they were called by the Father. Judaism was a closed religion, suited only to a "contrary people."
Christianity was not a religion of racial superiority. It did not envision Israelites as dictatorial rulers with thousands of heathen slaves. This was the vision of Judaism as seen in the TALMUD, where each Jew was promised 2,000 "goyim" slaves. In Christianity, the Leader said: "first learn to serve... He that Levites his life shall lose it; he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it." These principles were completely contrary to what Judaism taught.
If you are honest my friend, can't you see the depth of the abyss which separates Judaism from Christianity? Judaism said "An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth." Christianity teaches "do unto others, as you would have them do unto you." Judaism makes men slaves of a heathen philosophy. Christianity sets men free.
Judaism is a narrow, bigoted religion, fit only for that peculiar people whom the Apostle Paul said: "Pleased not God and are contrary to all men," (I Thess. 2:15). Where Judaism says "only Jews may know our God," Christianity says: "Whosoever will may come!"
How utterly ridiculous to believe that the magnificent freedom of Christianity could spring from the bigoted ranks of Judaism.
Christ was not a revolutionary, as many try and picture Him. He was "evolutionary." By this, I mean, He did not come to destroy other religions, but to preach the kingdom of God. His was a positive ministry. He came, so He said, specifically to the "lost sheep of the house of Israel." This did not refer to unsaved Jews, as many preachers try and explain. He came to the house of Israel, which was scattered abroad as punishment for their evil ways. He came to bring them together again as a "nation of priests ... show forth the praises of God who had called them out of darkness, into His marvelous light," (I Peter 2:9).
When Peter began his ministry, he went to those he knew. These were people who were already Judaized; probably most of them were not Jews. He emphasized the Judaic concepts because this was all he knew. But this compromise between Christianity and Judaism could not endure. The two are irreconcilable. The Jewish leaders knew this and after publicly murdering the leader of the new faith, they set out to "stamp it out." They forbade the Apostles from performing acts of healing and public preaching. They threw them into prison, they beat them up, they harassed them from house to house and city to city.
In Russia, this trend toward destruction can be seen, when in the first year of Jewish-Communist occupation (al this time, over 90% of the top leaders in Communism were Jews), 31 bishops, 1650 ministers and priests, and over 2-million Christians were brutally murdered. This included the murder by a Jewish assassin of the Emperor and his entire family. In the years that followed, millions were driven to death by the rigors of the slave camps and by planned starvation, which in the Ukraine alone, killed over 6-million people.
To date, a conservative estimate of official murders by Communist regimes around the world, stands at the terrible figure of 140-million.
While some "little Jews" deny this holocaust, Jewish leaders gloat over it. Shortly after the takeover of Russia in 1918, Rabbi Stephen Wise, the top Jew in the United States was asked his opinion of the revolution. He replied: "Some call it Communism: I call it Judaism." The JEWISH CHRONICLE, for April 4, 1919 said: "...there is much in the fact of Bolshevism itself, in the fact that so many Jews are Bolshevists, in the fact that the ideals of Bolshevism are consonant with the finest ideals of Judaism..."
Count Mensdorh, the Jewish Ambassador from Austria to England, stated at the end of WWI - "Israel won that war; we made it, thrived on it, profited from it. It was our supreme revenge on Christianity."
M. Hermalin, a Jew, wrote in 1917, "The Russian Revolution was made by Jews. We created secret societies and planned the Reign of Terror. The Revolution succeeded by our convincing propaganda, and our mass assassinations in order to form a government truly ours."
THE AMERICAN HEBREW, leading Jewish newspaper in the United States, carried an article in its August 10, 1920 edition which said: "The Bolshevik Revolution is Russia was the work of Jewish brains, of Jewish planning, whose goal was to create a new world order. What happened in Russia, shall also, through Jewish mental and physical forces, become a reality over all the world."
The Jewish periodical, THE JEWISH WORLD, London, January 16, 1919 carried an article which said: "International Judaism forced Europe into the war (WWI), not only to seize a large part of the gold but to start a new Jewish World War (W.W.II) by the help of this gold."
I could go on with hundreds of pages of quotations from Jewish sources, where they brag about their destruction of Christendom and their intentions of world power in the future.
Judaism has always been a contradiction. While it calls itself International, it has always been International. While it claims to be the source of the Christian religion, it calls its founder an "illegitimate bastard." While it preaches "pacifism," it has been the source of all wars for over 150 years.