Colonel Jack Mohr

The Watchman's Corner [Student Archive]

Col. Jack Mohr (Author - Evangelist - Lecturer)

Col. Gordon "Jack" Mohr, Aus Ret.
About the Author and new address
Colonel Mohr Has Finished the Fight

Bible Studies

  1.  Things Christians Need To Know - About Jews, Judaism and Zionism
  2.  Christ's Return! - An in Depth Discussion from Matthew 24 and Luke 21
  3.  Phariseeism or Anglo-Saxon Identity? - Scriptural evidence of our Israel heritage
  4.  Seed of Satan - Literal or Figurative?
  5.  Who Are The Gentiles? - A Scriptural study into the meaning of the terms Gentile and Israelite
  6.  Race, Not Grace! - A discussion on Israel Identity from a Scriptural and historical background
  7.  Conspiracy to Deceive the Elect!! - About Raptures and Anti-Christs
  8.  A Place of Safety! - Safety in YHWH
  9.  Proofs of Identity! - Answers the question "Who are God's Chosen People?"
  10.  Firearms and Freedom!
    1.  Part 1 of 2
    2.  Part 2 of 2
  11.  The Plot To Destroy Christianity! - The Jewish Conspiracy
  12.  Background To Betrayal! New Edition! - A Message of Warning to Sleeping Christian Americans!
    1.  Part 1 of 2
    2.  Part 2 of 2
  13.  JESUS -- The Rock That Will Not Roll - An Expose of Satan's Minstrels of Music
    1.  Part 1 of 3
    2.  Part 2 of 3
    3.  Part 3 of 3
  14.  Who are the Jews? - With excerpts from Nord Davis, Jr., STAR WARS
    1.  Part 1 of 2
    2.  Part 2 of 2
  15.  If Jews Are Really Persecuted - Why? - Truth is Stranger than Fiction!
  16.  A Study In Anti-Gentilism! [ PDF Edition]
    1.  Part 1 of 3
    2.  Part 2 of 3
    3.  Part 3 of 3
  17.  Battle For The Truth! - Christianity vs. Judeo-Christianity
  18.  Satan's Kids - Facts every American Christian should Know about the International Jewish Conspiracy to control you
    1.  Part 1 of 3
    2.  Part 2 of 3
    3.  Part 3 of 3
  19.  The Great Conspiracy - Who's Stomping on Christian Civilization?
    1.  Part 1 of 3
    2.  Part 2 of 3
    3.  Part 3 of 3
  20.  The Psychopolitical Indoctrination of America - How the Talmudic/Communist Blueprint for American subjugation has taken place
    1.  Part 1 of 2
    2.  Part 2 of 2
  21.  What Does Ezekiel 38 and 39 Really Say? - A New Look at Ezekiel 38 and 39!
    1.  Part 1 of 4
    2.  Part 2 of 4
    3.  Part 3 of 4
    4.  Part 4 of 4
  22.  Behold the International Jew! - Knowledgeable men, Jew and Gentile, speak out regarding the International Zionist Conspiracy
    1.  Part 1 of 9
    2.  Part 2 of 9
    3.  Part 3 of 9
    4.  Part 4 of 9
    5.  Part 5 of 9
    6.  Part 6 of 9
    7.  Part 7 of 9
    8.  Part 8 of 9
    9.  Part 9 of 9
  23.  The Satanic Counterfeit - A review of THE PROTOCOLS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION; the Communist textbook PSYCHOPOLITICS, and Henry Ford, Sr's, THE INTERNATIONAL JEW, placed in historical perspective. Dedicated to Rev. Kenneth Goff.
    1.  Part 1 of 6
    2.  Part 2 of 6
    3.  Part 3 of 6
    4.  Part 4 of 6
    5.  Part 5 of 6
    6.  Part 6 of 6
  24.  Brain-Washing (Mind-Changing) - A Synthesis of a Russian Textbook on Mass Mind-Control (Psychopolitics). Introduction by Pastor Sheldon Emry. [ PDF Edition]
    1.  Part 1 of 3
    2.  Part 2 of 3
    3.  Part 3 of 3
  25.  The Mystery of True Israel - Describes who the real Israel is and where they are.
    1.  Part 1 of 9
    2.  Part 2 of 9
    3.  Part 3 of 9
    4.  Part 4 of 9
    5.  Part 5 of 9
    6.  Part 6 of 9
    7.  Part 7 of 9
    8.  Part 8 of 9
    9.  Part 9 of 9
  26.  Thank God! My Savior Was Not A Jew! - A critical look at the historical Christ, free of Jewish distort! Introduction by Evangelist William Smith.
    1.  Part 1 of 8
    2.  Part 2 of 8
    3.  Part 3 of 8
    4.  Part 4 of 8
    5.  Part 5 of 8
    6.  Part 6 of 8
    7.  Part 7 of 8
    8.  Part 8 of 8
  27.  The Effects of the Talmud on Judeo-Christianity - Introduction by Harry L. Werner, Jr. [ PDF Edition]
    1.  Part 1 of 11
    2.  Part 2 of 11
    3.  Part 3 of 11
    4.  Part 4 of 11
    5.  Part 5 of 11
    6.  Part 6 of 11
    7.  Part 7 of 11
    8.  Part 8 of 11
    9.  Part 9 of 11
    10.  Part 10 of 11
    11.  Part 11 of 11
  28.  Which Day Shall We Worship? - A study of the Christian Sabbath Day
  29.  Is There Such A Thing As Christian Justifiable Homicide?
  30.  The Hitler Cult!
  31.  An Objective Look at Black America! - (Synthesis of the book "WHOLE NIGGER OR NONE", by Black businessman Albert Lee Burton) with editorial comments by Jack Mohr
    1.  Part 1 of 3
    2.  Part 2 of 3
    3.  Part 3 of 3
  32.  Salt Without Savor!
  33.  Satan's Weapon of Fear! - Fear not - "I will never leave thee or forsake thee."
  34.  What Happened To Our Children? - A study of the new generation of Amerikans
    1.  Part 1 of 2
    2.  Part 2 of 2
  35.  Know Your Identity! - Tells about the lost Heritage of the sheep of Israel
  36.  Truth Equals Freedom!
  37.  From Darkness Into Light! - A Personal Trip from "Brainwashed Confusion, into Scriptural Enlightenment"
  38.  Exploding the Chosen People Myth - Christ or Communism Which Will It Be
  39.  Letter from Bosnia - A letter about the war in the Balkans
  40.  Are You a True American? - A Patriotic Message
  41.  The Formula for Survival! - A Biblical study of The Formula for Survival!
  42.  Red Cloud Over America - A Biblical Message on Ezekiel 38 - 39
  43.  The Shadow of the Bear - A Bible study of Communism
  44.  The Inside Story of International Judaism! - A brief summary of Dr. Benjamin Freedman's book FACTS ARE FACTS. Must reading for every concerned Christian.
  45.  The Assault on Freedom - Tells Who is behind the assault on America's freedom and the why of it?
  46.  Fifteen Years on the Front Lines! - An account of conversion to a new belief, (not a new religion), and a man's fifteen year search for scriptural truth in fulfillment of a promise made to God when he was a prisoner of the Communists in Korea in 1948.
  47.  Friend or Foe - An Objective Look at U.S. Foreign Policy Since World War I
  48.  The Sermon on the Mount - A Biblical study of the Sermon on the Mount Matthew 5:7 - 7:28
  49.  The Brainwashing of Christendom! - Address given at the International Conference of the League of Rights. Calgary, Alberta, Canada, October 29, 1983
  50.  The Marks of Israel - A biblical study of the identification of GOD's Chosen People
  51.  Ben Freedman on the Jews - A speech given in New York to a military organization in 1974.
  52.  The Brainwashing of America! - An intimate look into what has caused the United States to change from a Christian Constitutional Republic into Democratic Welfare State
  53.  War Crimes - U.S.A. - A study of American War Crimes - U.S.A. - A Book Review on OTHER LOSSES by James Bacque
  54.  Communist - Terror - Jack Mohr's experiences in Communist Captivity (Must reading for all you "Better Red than Dead Folks")
  55.  Are You a Brainwashed Christian? - Read this tract and find out.
  56.  The Undeclared War! - The B'nai B'rith, Big Guns in the Zionist Plot to Destroy Christianity.
  57.  A Warning - A Very Important Timely Message for American Christians
  58.  WANTED! - A FEW GOOD MEN! - A call for volunteers in the army of the Lord!
  59.  Treason in High Places! - By Lt. Col. F. P. "Bud" Farrell, U.S.A.F. Ret. (Published By: Col. Jack Mohr)
  60.  Who is True Israel? - A Bible study of Who is True Israel?
  61.  Up-Date for Survival! - Jack Mohr's August 1987 Intelligence Report
  62.  Ultimate Terrorism - A study of the Soviet Threat to the Free World from a Biblical Perspective
  63.  Prelude to Terror! - A study of the AIDS problem in the world - (Facts about AIDS never mentioned in the news)
  64.  Naked Aggression - Must reading for every concerned Christian!! - The Next Government Victim Could be You!!
  65.  You Decide Who Is True Israel - A Bible Study of the Marks of True Israel
  66.  Redemption Draweth Nigh - A Bible Study of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ
  67.  Letter from a Jewish Foundation - Original letter from the Abelard Reuchlin Foundation and Col. Mohr's defense
  68.  Christianity Affirms Racial Integrity - A Bible study on Racial Integrity
  69.  The Christian Soldiers Psalm - True safety comes only through the mercies of YAHWEH God! - A Close look at Psalm 91 - the Soldiers Psalm
  70.  America - Wake Up!! - It's Later than you think
  71.  Don't be a Foxhole Christian! - An up-to-date revision of an old, very important subject!
  72.  A Jew Speaks Out! - A brief summary of Dr. Benjamin Freedman's book FACTS ARE FACTS. Must reading for every concerned Christian.
  73.  Woe Unto Ye Fundamentalists! - A scathing denunciation of those Christians who praise and support anti-Christ Zionism - by a fundamental Baptist evangelist.
  74.  Race Mixing A Social and Spiritual Disaster - Miscegenation Is The Enemy's Blueprint For White Destruction!
    1.  Part 1 of 2
    2.  Part 2 of 2
  75.  Blueprint For The Anti-Christ - A Bible study of the dangers facing America today
    1.  Part 1 of 2
    2.  Part 2 of 2
  76.  Know Your Enemies! - An in-depth look at the Jewish and Israel Identity Question from a Scriptural and Historical perspective. Foreword by Howard B. Band, LL.B. Dedicated to Dr. Howard B. Rand.
    1.  Part 1 of 4
    2.  Part 2 of 4
    3.  Part 3 of 4
    4.  Part 4 of 4
  77.  America's Destiny - Christ or Anti-Christ? - Dedicated to Pastor Sheldon Emry.
    1.  Part 1 of 5
    2.  Part 2 of 5
    3.  Part 3 of 5
    4.  Part 4 of 5
    5.  Part 5 of 5
  78.  The Hidden Power Behind Freemasonry - A Bible study of the Masonic Lodge [ PDF Edition]
    1.  Part 1 of 8
    2.  Part 2 of 8
    3.  Part 3 of 8
    4.  Part 4 of 8
    5.  Part 5 of 8
    6.  Part 6 of 8
    7.  Part 7 of 8
    8.  Part 8 of 8
  79.  The Mind Slaves! - This story was first written as a "Top Secret" Operations Research Technical Manual, TM-SW7905.1, titled SILENT WEAPONS FOR QUIET WARS.
  80.  Odds and Ends About.... - An article about many things.
  81.  The Master Plan! - (Yes, Virginia, there is a conspiracy!)
  82.  From the Horse's Mouth - (and others)
  83.  Jewish Power - By Kenneth Goff and Edited by Jack Mohr - (Reprint of two articles from the DEFENDER MAGAZINE, September and October 1955 editions, written by Kenneth Goff, Englewood, Colorado.)
  84.  Red Dawn - Could It Happen Here?
  85.  Two Saviors - (Which will you choose - Christ or Judaism?) - Which Will It Be?
  86.  Forewarned Is Forearmed! - A study on how to perpare for the days ahead
  87.  Christian Warfare! - (The undercover war)
  88.  The Rapture - Scriptural Fact or Man-Made Fiction
  89.  Does It Really Matter? - by W. Finlay and Edited by Jack Mohr
  90.  Religionism - A Bible study of the wrong was to "be saved"
  91.  Are You Following a New False Religion? - A Bible study of the new false religion
  92.  Signs and Wonders! - (Endtime prophesies as explained by the King himself!)
  93.  Where Are We Going? - The things which are "politically incorrect", and which most Americans shy away from.
  94.  He Could Not Have Been A Jew! - (Exploding the false theology which states that Jesus was a Jew, and that the Jews are the Chosen People of the Book)
  95.  To Deceive the Elect - The Rapture Fact or Fiction
    1.  Part 1 of 2
    2.  Part 2 of 2
  96.  The Only Solution!
  97.  The Enemy Within
    1.  Part 1 of 8
    2.  Part 2 of 8
    3.  Part 3 of 8
    4.  Part 4 of 8
    5.  Part 5 of 8
    6.  Part 6 of 8
    7.  Part 7 of 8
    8.  Part 8 of 8
  98.  The Gog-Magog Alliance - A Bible study of the coming invasion of America. (An updated revision of "A Closer Look at Ezekiel 38-39") Dedicated to Billie Black.
    1.  Part 1 of 3
    2.  Part 2 of 3
    3.  Part 3 of 3
  99.  To Seduce the Elect
    1.  Part 1 of 7
    2.  Part 2 of 7
    3.  Part 3 of 7
    4.  Part 4 of 7
    5.  Part 5 of 7
    6.  Part 6 of 7
    7.  Part 7 of 7
  100.  Satan's Kids! And the German Connection! - Dedicated to Col. John "Dick" Niemela, USAF Ret.
    1.  Part 1 of 4
    2.  Part 2 of 4
    3.  Part 3 of 4
    4.  Part 4 of 4
  101.  The Birthright or The Right to Govern - Seedlines in The Bible
  102.  Who Are You And Why Are You Here? - Who Are You And Why Are You Here?
  103.  The Choice Is Yours - How utterly ridiculous it is to believe that Christianity could spring from the bigoted ranks of antichrist Judaism.
  104.  Communist Terror in Peaceful Heaven - A Study of a Communist Takeover of Korea
  105.  S.O.S. Ship of State
  106.  This Time Bomb Called Zionism
    1.  Part 1 of 4
    2.  Part 2 of 4
    3.  Part 3 of 4
    4.  Part 4 of 4
  107.  Be Proud to be a White Christian American!!! - One Nation Under GOD!

More Messages & Notes

Crusade for Christ - Intelligence Reports

Prison Ministry

  1.  The Effect of Paul's Teaching on the Kingdom Movement! - Teaching on Romans sent to Jack Mohr's Prison Ministry
  2.  Is There a Solution to Your Problem? - A Biblical study of How to be a Christian
  3.  Letter to a Judeo-Christian Pastor - November 1, 1999
  4.  Jack Mohr's Letter TO: Police Chiefs; Military Leaders; Politicians; Educators, and Christian Pastors. SUBJECT: AN ANALYSIS OF THE F.B.I. PROJECT MEGIDDO!
  5.  Annual Report on CRUSADE FOR CHRIST PRISON MINISTRY - 1999
  6.  Letter to Rabbi Daniel Lapin - TOWARD TRADITION
  7.  [Unknown]
  8.  Who is the Real Hater? - A review of the Writings of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch's Reporting on the Branson Spring of 2000 Meeting of Songs for Our People.
  9.  A Letter to: Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein - International Fellowship of Christians and Jews