Part 7 of 8by
Brig. Gen. Gordon "Jack" MohrTied in very closely with mongrelization is our present problem of alien immigration. Why has billions of dollars been spent by lobbyists and propagandists to break down our immigration barriers and flood our land with aliens. Now someone is bound to observe that all Americans, with the exception of the native Indians, have been immigrants. This is true! During one fifty year period in the Nineteenth Century, more than 43-million people flocked to our shores, in the greatest mass movement of people in the world's history. But observe closely that the vast majority of these were White people from Northern Europe. While they did not all speak the same language, their heart's language was the same. The majority of them were Christians; they believed in the sanctity of the home and womanhood, they believed in the work ethic; they honored God's laws. But in the past fifty years, since the immigration barriers have been deliberately broken down, America has been flooded with aliens. They are alien in their religion; they are alien in their moral beliefs, they are alien in their political philosophy. It's no wonder that it is among this group that the Communist agents have their field day.
The major reason that America has always been strong, vital and dynamic, Christian and progressive, is because it has been predominately White. Now some of you are bound to violently disagree with this, but it can be easily proven One of the best examples I can think of is the country of Italy. The people in the north, the Lombards, are mostly of white stock and they have produced the great Italian leaders; the soldiers, statesmen, painters, musicians. In the south, the people are of mixed breed and even in Italy have a reputation of being lazy, shiftless and not to be trusted. If you have ever traveled extensively in Italy you know this to be true. There are many other examples. So before you slap a "racist" label on me, remember that history proves that the great scientific civilization of Egypt was a white civilization. Look at the picture on the tombs of the pharaohs and you will find they are all Caucasian. It was not until their military campaign brought black slaves from Ethiopia and Sudan into their palaces and there was integration between White Egyptian and their black slaves, that Egyptian civilization was lost to the world.
In the past fifty years, there has been an underhanded, Jew led campaign in the United States to make White people feel ashamed of their heritage. While it has become popular for Blacks to believe that "Black is beautiful," you are supposed to believe that it is a shame to be White. This is a lie!
It has been the White nations of the world that have abolished slavery, England first in 1834, followed by the United States in 1865, while in much of Africa and Asia, slavery is still practiced and in some places the horrible practice of cannibalism. At no time in the history of the world, have a people fought against an enemy and then turned around and placed those enemy on their feet and nursed them back to health. We did that because we were White and Christian, no colored civilization or race has ever done that. So don't be embarrassed because you are White.
Am I anti-Semitic when I point out that every Jewish organization, rabbi and periodical in this country has backed open immigration. If that makes me anti-Semitic - please explain why?
Many years ago, Gen. George Van Horn Mosley addressed a Congressional Committee. He was one of America's greatest patriots. During World War I, he had been the "right hand" man of Gen. "Black Jack" Pershing, the American Commander of the Expeditionary force we sent to Europe. He was retired, when he made this speech and that he had been joining in protest of neutral legations appears to indicate that the danger was being realized by them. "I consider the immediate suppression of Bolshevism as the greatest issue now before the world, not even excluding the war which is still raging. Unless Bolshevism is nipped in the bud immediately, it is bound to spread in one form or another over all of Europe. It is organized and worked by Jews who have no nationality. Their objective is to destroy for their own ends, the existing order of things. The only manner in which this danger can be averted would be a call to action on the part of all the great powers." (UNQ.)
Illustrating the tremendous power of organized Jewry, it must be noted that the British White Paper referred to was followed by a Revised White Paper, which omitted entirely the role played by the Jews in the Bolshevik Revolution
The statement in the original paper is in accord with what the U.S. Ambassador to Russia, David R. Francis wrote in January, 1918. He said: "The Bolshevik leaders, most of whom are Jews and ninety percent of whom are returned exiles, care very little for Russia or any other country. They are internationalists and they are trying to start a world-wide social revolution for their own ends." (UNQ.)
The JEWISH CHRONICLE of London, carried an article in the April 4,1919 issue, which was in accord with the report from the Netherlands and from France, it said: "There is much in the fact that Bolshevism itself, in the fact that so many Jews are Bolshevists, in the fact that the ideals of Bolshevism are consonant (in agreement with) the finest ideals of Judaism (Talmudism.)" (UNQ.)
In the September 10,1920 issue of the AMERICAN HEBREW AND JEWISH MESSENGER, the following quotation appeared: "What Jewish idealism and Jewish discontent have so powerfully contributed to accomplish in Russia, the same historic qualities of the Jewish mind and heart are tending to promote in other countries." (UNQ.) (Vol. 107, p. 507, THE HEBREW MESSENGER.)
All these quotations and many more can be found in the Congressional Library.
The experience of Russia, where millions of Christians were deliberately and brutally murdered, stands before us as a vivid example. Trotsky, the Jewish Minister of War, who personally ordered the killing of more than 6-MILLION Christians, became our neighbor in Mexico for a short time, until he went to Russia with 247 of the worst Jewish bums from New York's East Side and $20-million donated by the Jew, Jacob Schiff. They were stopped by Canadian Customs at Goose Bay, Labrador and held in custody, until pressure from the American State Department turned them loose to loot and rape in Russia.
Then we had another vivid example in Hungary, where Bela Kun lead the murder squads. When the Hungarian patriots tried to stand against this tyranny in 1956, it was the President of the United States, Dwight David Eisenhower - who had been elected on his promise to do away with the Iron Curtain - who turned a deaf ear to the cries of the freedom fighters. Instead the U.S. State Department sent a cablegram, in the clear, for all the world to read which said: "The United States does not look with favor on countries hostile to the Soviet Union, on the borders of the Soviet Union." The next day Khruschev's tanks rolled into Budapest and crushed the revolution.
If you wonder why Germany hated the Jews, all you need to do is take a look at the terrible experiences they went though after the Armistice of World War I and see how it was Jewish control of economics, that brought the German people, the most industrious in Europe, to the point of starvation.
Germany had been the next State in Europe, after Russia, which was earmarked to go Communist. Fortunately the character of the German people was aroused, and regardless of what you may think of Adolph Hitler, it was under his influence that Germany threw off the Communist yoke.
If any of my readers stupidly accept Communism as 20th Century Americanism, you should read and absorb the Manifesto of the 8th Convention of the Communist Party of the U.S. in April 1934, and note especially the following statement made at this time: "The revolutionary way out of the crisis begins with the fight for unemployment insurance, relief to the farmers - through administrations, strikes, general strikes, leading to the seizure of power, to the destruction of capitalism by the revolutionary people's government."
What they fail to state is that not one - not one - of the countries which has tried Socialism-Communism - has ever succeeded in doing for the people what they have promised.
Then if this does not wake you up, it would be well for you to read what Earl Browder, Communist leader in the U.S., declared in his book WHAT IS COMMUNISM? published in 1936:
"The revolution does not simply happen, it must be made. (P. 163).
"Thus some form of violence is unavoidable. There is no possible choice between violence and non-violence. The only choice is between the two sides of class trouble." (P.169) Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. the Black activist knew this and followed its precepts, even while preaching "non-violence."
Then if you are still unconvinced, you might turn to the Sept. 9, 1928 issue of PRAVDA, (Moscow's official news organ), which declares: "The world-wide nature of our program is not mere talk but an all-embracing and blood-soaked reality. It cannot be other-wise. Our ultimate aim is world communism, our fighting preparations are for world revolution, for the conquest of power on a world-wide scale, and the establishment of a world dictatorship."
This is the same aim of world Zionism. In PROTOCOL III, you can read their plan for bringing this about: "We (Jews) appear on the scene as the alleged Saviors of the workers from the oppression of the aristocracy, those, who have enjoyed by law, the labor of the workers. They are interested in just the opposite - in the KILLING OUT OF THE GOYIM! Our power is in the chronic shortages of food and physical weakness of the workers, because by this they are made our slaves. By want, envy and the hatred which it engenders, we shall move the mobs and with their hands, we will wipe out all those who hinder us in any way." (UNQ)
For heaven's sake, folks, look around you and see how this has been and is being done!
Now at this point, I want to state emphatically, that I do not by any means endorse the proposition that all Jews are Communists, or that all Communists are Jews. In the very nature of things, no loyal Jewish American (by this mean an American of Jewish faith), can possibly be a Communist. That outstanding Jewish American, Samuel Gompers, who at one time headed the American Federation of Labor, was so resolutely opposed to communism that he publicly declared: "I can think of nothing that would constitute a more needless and base betrayal of civilization than American recognition of the Soviet Union." (UNQ.)
Individual Jews can and have been good Americans. But unfortunately, serious embarrassments are placed in their way by organized Jewry which declares that all Jews are a distinct nationality In his book, THE JEWISH PROBLEM - HOW TO SOLVE IT!, the Jew Louis Brandeis said: "Let us all recognize that we Jews are a distinct nationality of which every Jew, whatever his country, his station, or shade of belief is necessarily a member. Organize, organize, organize! until every Jew in America must stand up and be counted - counted with us - or prove himself, wittingly or unwittingly of the few who are against their own people." In other words. You are a Jew first, before you are an American and your loyalty must be first to Zionism!
Such a state of affairs creates a divided or dual loyalty, wholly inconsistent with loyalty to any nation, by those affiliating with organized Jewry. Brandeis' statement cannot be lightly brushed aside, when one keeps in mind that he was elected, along with the Communist Litvinov, to the Jewish Hall of Fame, as being among one of the 120 greatest living Jews. (See 1938 World Almanac, p.413.)
The existence of an organized World Jewry is openly declared in a Fireside Discussion Group Leaflet #VII of the Anti-Defamation League of the Jewish B'nai B'rith, which stated: "Approximately a race, definitely a people and consciously a unit, we are a historic people - a world community." (P.3).
This same idea of Jewish unity was reaffirmed by Rabbi Louis Loeb of Washington, D.C. who proclaimed that his creed was: "Jerusalem as the head capitol of the United States of the World." (UNO) (WHO'S WHO IN THE NATION'S CAPITOL, 1929-30, pp 447, 448.)
Few Christians realize how complete is the Jewish State, as it is organized and operates within the United States. It is a complete nation within a nation, which demands loyalty to its plans. The Jewish people of America, are the only ones among many hundreds of nationalities who are allowed "dual loyalty" in this country.
Our inquiry will also include an investigation of the controlling organizations of this Jewish State, operating within America. The -Big Four are:
(1) THE AMERICAN JEWISH COMMITTEE;There are other powerful Jewish organizations which you will discover as your investigation proceeds. Bear in mind, that this Jewish nation is complete in every respect, including having their own court system.(2) THE AMERICAN JEWISH CONGRESS;
(3) THE B'NAI B'RITH, with its affiliates of the ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE and the JEWISH DEFENSE LEAGUE. (The latter two are the KGB of organized Jewry in America,) and
The question of Communism and National and International control will not be settled as long as this condition exists. We are not interested at this time in the poor, down-trodden communist running down some dark street alley, but in the great power at the top, which interferes in the operation of our own government, in fact controls it.
Since I have had the temerity to challenge this Jewish octopus and to expose it in an effort to protect our Christian people, I have come under attack from them and from their stooges in the churches. In fact I have received more "flack" from the JUDAPHILES behind the pulpits, than from the Zionists themselves. They like to have others do their dirty work for them."
Now there is much for us to remember, we realize that this speech was delivered more than forty years ago and that the power of the Jewish Octopus has grown by leaps and bounds since then. Today, the Anti-Defamation League openly proposes legislation for the benefit of Jews only and intimidates the cowardly Congressmen in Washington into voting for it. If these men show a spark of Americanism and take only a tiny stand against Jewish control, they are immediately "earmarked" for defeat at the polls (See the example of Sen. Fullbright of Arkansas; Sen. John Towers of Texas; Sen. Percy of Illinois, and the tremendous fight to unseat Sen. Jesse Helms in North Carolina It looks as though organized Jewry may have reached its objective with Sen. Helms, for he has suddenly softened his resistance to Zionist control.)
* * * * *
From time to time, freedom loving Americans have been encouraged by the words of the prominent men who have had the courage to "beard the enemy in his den." One of these was the eminent broadcaster, Dean Manion. Over thirty years ago he made a public speech titled: THE HIDDEN HAND THAT CONTROLS OFFICIAL WASHINGTON. Needless to say, it was not well received by organized Jewry or the hordes of "yes" men who cater to them in our Nation's Capitol.
But in recent years, many of us through diligent research and by closing our ears to the smooth words coming from our Judeo-Christian pulpits, have discovered that the American people are not being governed by those we have put into office, but by men and machines whose names seldom appear in print. In other words, our "election process," so rigidly adhered to and so publicly proclaimed in the media, is nothing but a sham.
(Sen. William Jenner of Indiana, once made a full dress speech on this dual government, indicating that we the American people are governed by both a visible and an invisible government.)
In Dean Manion's address, he quoted from an eminent patriot who used harsher words - "treachery and conspiracy."
To confirm his opinion that the American people are victims of wholesale deceit, the brilliant Dean said: "Our national debt is actually twice what our leaders say it is." (At this time, about thirty years ago, the National Debt was officially placed at about $280-billion.) Mr. Manion who spoke over the Mutual Radio Network each week said: "The object of this hidden government is the destruction of our independent Constitutional Government. As a pre-requisite to that end, the Constitutional powers and independence of the States must first be wiped out.
"The power of the President must be made absolute. And then rendered subservient to foreign dictation. At this stage, the matchless wealth and productive resources of the United States will be commandeered by the all-powerful force of a centrally directed International despotism." (UNQ) This of course is the Zionists dream. PROTOCOL V states: "We shall create an intensification of government in order to grip in our hands all the forces of the community." Later on in this same PROTOCOL, they very pompously state: "We (Jews) are the chosen of God Himself, to rule over the whole world. God has endowed us with genius that we may be equal to the task."
Behind this pattern, looms the grim specter of the Kremlin and International Zionism.
To those of us who have earnestly studied this issue, we see a shameful debacle taking place before our eyes. We know that the President of the United States now has the "lawful ability" to become an absolute dictator - all he needs is to declare a "state of national emergency," to gain this power. We also know from his words and actions that this so-called "born again" Christian is completely subservient to world Zionist interests. This is a dangerous situation which our Milquetoast Congress haed ifused to acknowledge.
As events roll along in America, it becomes increasingly clear that the real issue in America today centers on the personality and teachings of Jesus Christ Our very liberty in America hinges on His teachings.
The time is rapidly approaching, as predicted in the Bible, when every person on this earth will be required to stand up and be counted, on one side or the other.
Some of us have already paid a high price for our convictions. We have insisted that a patenallifaith, a copyrighted doctrine and lip praise for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is not enough. We have been branded as "bigots," "racists," and "hate mongers" because we have shown interest in the welfare of our White race and because we have dared to warn fellow Americans about the world-wide Zionist conspiracy to destroy everything they say they as Christians stand for. Our efforts have centered on the effort of International Jewry and their spineless cohorts in atheism, heathenism, materialism, and the religious world, to water down the teachings of our Master.
Let me give you a few symptoms to support my statements.
One of the most important Jewish Rabbis in the State of Oregon, Rabbi Julius Nodel, spoke to his synagogue in Portland and his remarks were reported in a newspaper owned by the Jew Samuel I. Newhouse. Staff writer Henry Platt stated that Rabbi Nodel "in the role of defense attorney for the Jews of the world, Friday night, branded the New Testament as a work of malicious libel and the story of the events leading up to the crucifixion of Jesus, as dragon seed from which has come misery blood-shed and suspicion."
The world promoters of "materialistic brotherhood" want the Christians of American and the nations of Christendom, to join with individuals like Rabbi Nodel, because they, at heart, agree with him In most cases it is not expedient for them to say it as frankly as the Rabbi did. Any monitoring of the American press will reveal that the Rabbis of American have never repudiated Nodel's statement.
An article by Dr. Bob Schuler of Los Angeles, a well-known and popular Methodist preacher, deplored the fact that the Methodist Church had allowed the following statement to appear in their Sunday School Quarterly for adults: "Then the dispute over the true Israel became very bitter and led to the anti-semitism found in the fourth Gospel (John) and Revelation."
Dr. Schuler rightly pointed out that we should not be surprised at the contents of this Quarterly, since for years modernists and other types of unbelievers (he didn't mention Jewish writers) had wormed their way into the text-book department of the Methodist Church."
So here we see a Jewish Rabbi and one of the largest Christian denominations, stating that the Gospel of St. John is "anti-Semitic," and that John was a "hate monger." They can of course substantiate this by reading his Epistles, where in 1 John 2:22, 23 he clearly states: "Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist that denieth the Father and the Son. Whosoever denieth the Son, THE SAME HATH NOT THE FATHER..." (Emphasis added.)
Many clergymen know this campaign has been underway for years, but few will stand against it for this would mean they would have to expose the idol of Judaism, before whom they consistently bow. They have preferred to stand back and hold the garments of the "Christ-haters," while those who have stood for God's truth have been stoned.
The blasphemy of Rabbi Nodel was too much for one Episcopal minister in Portand who issued a special bulletin regarding Rabbi Nodel's speech, in which he said: "Rabbi Nodel's attack against Christianity as reported in Saturday's OREGONIAN, cannot be allowed by the pastor of any Christian church to go unanswered. He attacked the historicity of the four Gospels with the wildest distortion of historic fact.
"Nodel seems to have the opinion that the passion of our Lord is used annually to justify persecution of the Jews. This indicated a complete misunderstanding of the Christian passion.
"I will consider it an act of disloyalty for anyone in this parish to give support and comfort to Rabbi Nodel by attending any function at which he may be the speaker and where he might have further opportunity to spread his anti-Christ philosophy. I have called on all school children under my jurisdiction to refuse to attend any school function where the Rabbi might be the speaker.
"I feel it is my duty as a pastor and a director of the spiritual welfare of my people to say that one cannot support a blasphemer of Christ and still call Christ, Lord and Master.
"Whether or not you follow my directions is between you and God. I will not judge you. I can only say that I cannot understand how anyone could sit at this Rabbi's feet and then come to this altar to receive the body and blood of our divine Lord." (UNQ.)
This concerned pastor was apparently "bursting' at the seams," as a lot more of them should be doing, over Jewish blasphemy of our Lord. Instead, most of them glorify God's worst enemies, by raising them to the elevation of His Chosen People. Maybe more of our pastors should read 2 Chronicles 19:2 - "... Shouldest thou help the ungodly? and love them that hate the Lord? Therefore is wrath upon thee from before the Lord."
To give you some idea of the Jewish contempt for Jesus Christ, I am quoting from a book titled: YOU TAKE JESUS - I'LL TAKE GOD! In which the author states: "Christians say Jesus is their God and that He was born as a human baby. This means he must have come in his diapers. Somehow, I couldn't worship a god who made in his diapers."
Now you know as well as I do, what a scream of "discrimination" would be made against any Christian who made a similar statement concerning Judaism. The Talmudic expert Rabbi Mordecai Twertski, of Ft. Collins, Colorado, responded to a statement I made in January 1984, concerning Talmudic hatred against Jesus and His church. While acknowledging that the TALMUD version of the founding of Christianity "is slightly different from that of the Christian Bible, he says: "The TALMUD does not contain any derogatory statements about Christ or Christianity." So put this on for size: "This is what the Talmud says: "She (the Virgin Mary) who was descendant of princes and governors, played the harlot with a carpenter." (Found in the SANHEDRIN volume of the TALMUD, 106a - 106b).
All rabbinical sources ascribe to Jesus: "...illegitimate birth ... the seducer was a German soldier from the Roman garrison at Nazareth, named Pandira."
The Jewish Encyclopaedia, under the heading of JESUS, says: "The legends regarding Jesus are found in three sources, each dependent on the others -
(1) in the New Testament and Christian polemical works (an aggressive attack on the opinions of others.);It is the tendency of all these sources to belittle the person of Jesus by ascribing to him "illegitimate birth, magic, and a shameful death."(2) In the TALMUD and MIDRASH, and
(3) in the life of Jesus, TOLEDOT YESHU that originated in the Middle Ages.
"It was necessary for the Jews to insist on the illegitimacy of Jesus as against the Davidic descent claimed by the Christian Church. Magic was ascribed to Him because of the miracles recorded in the Gospels." In Matthew 12:24, when Jesus cast a demon out of a man who was blind and dumb, the Pharisees said: "...This fellow doth not cast out devils, but by Beelzebub the prince of devils."
According to the TALMUDIC record, Jesus learned magic while He was in Egypt and performed His miracles by means of it.
In His blasphemous book THE PASSOVER PLOT, Jewish Rabbi Hugh Schonfeld, suggests on P.55 that Jesus planned His own crucifixion, that He schemed to have His body taken down from the cross while He was still alive. (In other words, Jesus never really died on the cross and therefore could not have been raised from the dead.) If these words are true, then in the words of the Apostle Paul, Christians "are of all men the most miserable."
Schonfeld goes on to say that Jesus had a high member of the Sanhedrin, Joseph of Arimathea, as an accomplice in this fraud (Joseph was the Virgin Mary's uncle.) He then states that when Jesus was given "wine on a sponge," Matthew 27:48, it was drugged and put Him in a catatonic (state of suspended animation) state. He recovered from the drug, Schonfeld says and after being placed in the tomb recovered enough to get out and past the guards. (How He accomplished this, pushing aside a huge stone which took a lot of power to move and got past the guards, this Jewish Rabbi does not attempt to explain.)
Another Jewish group in the Northwest, the Abelard-Reuchlm Foundation in Washington, have an even more startling explanation for Christianity. They claim that the New Testament was written by a Roman named Calpurnius Pisos who hated the Jews and invented Christianity to combat Judaism. His twelve sons played the part of the New Testament characters of Christ's disciples.
Marcus Eli Ravage, a Jewish writer of note, in his book A REAL CASE AGAINST THE JEWS, says: "Our tribal customs have become the core of your (Christian) moral code. Our tribal laws have furnished the basic groundwork of all our august constitutions and legal systems. Our legends and our folk-tales are the sacred lore you croon to your infants. Our poets fill your hymnals and your prayer books. Our national history has become an indispensable part of the learning of your pastors and priests. Our kings, our statesmen, our prophets and our warriors are your heroes. Our ancient little country is your Holy Land. Our national literature is your Holy Bible. Jewish artisans and Jewish fishermen are your teachers. A Jewish maiden is your ideal of motherhood and womanhood. A Jewish rebel prophet (Jesus) is the central figure in your religious worship. No conquest in history can even remotely compare with this clear sweep of our conquest over you." This is Jewish egotism, pure and simple!
Now unfortunately, most of the Christian world has accepted this version of Christianity. They have completely forgotten the admonition of the Apostle Paul in Titus 1:14, where he clearly warns Christians not to "...heed Jewish fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth."
Ravage's statements are not true, because none of the descriptions he gave refer to the people we today call Jews. They were true Israelites, who are an entirely different breed. They refer to the descendants of our Anglo-Saxon and related peoples and have nothing to do with an Asiatic creed of Satan worship, known as Judaism. That the Jews of Jesus time did not believe and follow the teachings of Moses was clearly pointed out by our Lord in John 5:46 when He said: "Had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me; for he wrote of me." Marcus Eli Ravage was not even a true Jew, if there is such a creature, but was one of those spoken of by our Lord in Revelation 2:9, when He spoke of "Those which say they are Jews (Judeans) and are not; but are of the synagogue of Satan." Ravage was an impostor, a Turco-Mongolian by ancestry, whose background was in the steppes of Russia, not the hills of Palestine. Like a vast majority of these people we today call Jews, not one of their ancestors ever set foot in the land of Palestine, or were of the lineage of Abraham. So it is quite natural, that these impostors, these "counterfeit" people, are trying to usurp our Israel heritage.
How our pastors, many of whom are Godly men, can remain silent in the face of this barrage of anti-Christ Jewish propaganda is beyond my comprehension. Either they are like the early Christians who went in "fear of the Jews," or they are traitors to their God and their race, and most certainly to their country.
Today in America, we see a vicious campaign underway to discredit anyone who is a Christian Patriot, especially if you are of the Identity persuasion. The Jews who are behind this campaign, know that if Christians ever found out who they were, the Jewish stranglehold over America would be broken. It is quite apparent today, that the Jew controlled media is determined to brainwash gullible Americans into believing that being a Christian patriot is tantamount to subversive actions against the American people. Unfortunately, we always have a few "hot heads" whose actions would give you this impression. Behind this program of lies and deceit, we find a sinister organization called the ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE. In almost every news story where Christian patriots are being maligned, you will find some reference to this alien organization. * * * * *
In the March 5,1985 issue of NEWSWEEK MAGAZINE, owned by Jewess Katherine Meyer Graham, with a weekly readership of over 2.9-million people, appeared this article title VIOLENCE ON THE RIGHT. It was highlighted by a "cross burning" ceremony which was supposed to have taken place at the ARYAN NATIONS SUMMER CONFERENCE in Hayden Lake, Idaho in July 1984. After two and a half pages of outright lies, half-truths and innuendoes, they make this statement on page 26 - "The Aryan Nations two-day summer congress, according to sources at the B'nai B'rith's A.D.L., included demonstrations of guerrilla skills such as building homemade detonating devices, planting explosives on bridges and railroad tracks and igniting gasoline in city sewer systems. Gordon "Jack" Mohr, the 69-year old brigadier general in Harrell's C.P.D.L. military who gave the lessons in sabotage, said the instruction was for self-defense. The A.D.L. HOWEVER IS SKEPTICAL. David Leher, Regional Counselor for Los Angeles said: 'If they are running a course on a state of war against the U.S. government, no one should be shocked if they go out and practice what they have been taught."
Now let me set you straight, since I was there and was teaching this class. In the first place, the classes were not on guerrilla warfare, as NEWSWEEK stated. They were classes on how an American patriot might survive if we were ever taken over by Communism, either from an outward invasion or an internal upheaval. There were no demonstrations of homemade detonating devices, or the planting of explosives, in fact I did not even use the blackboard for illustrations.
Who is this alien organization that has become so strong in the U.S. that it has actually become a part of the Justice Department and acts as counselor to them?
About thirty years ago, a book titled CROSS CURRENTS, was written by two Jews, Arnold Forster and Benjamin Epstein of the A.D.L. It was one of a series of books put out by the ADL. Each book became bolder and more reckless than the preceding one and they have become a stench in the nostrils of decent, knowledgeable Americans.
General Talford Taylor, the Chief Prosecutor at the infamous Nuremberg Trials at the end of World War II, in a review of CROSS CURRENTS, in the New York Times Book Review Section, March 25,1956, shows his skepticism as to the way- this book was put together. He said: "Obviously, persons representing or reporting to the ADL have extensively interviewed such interesting German specimens as Werner Nauman ... as well as their principle correspondents in America. Who were these interviewers? In what sort of atmosphere did these conversations take place? On questions of real importance - the reader is left in the dark."
These are the same "experts" who have been brainwashing apathetic Christians into accepting their version of the Holocaust, without any facts to back it up. According to Jewish statistics, there were about 3.7-million Jews in territory occupied by Germany, we know that many of these escaped, because they are the ones who are benefiting from the Holocaust story by receiving reparations from West Germany.
Doubleday, the publisher of CROSS CURRENTS, in a paid ad in the New York Times, March 22,1956, assured readers that "Here is a carefully documented, shocking expose of hate mongers ... examined and dissected with facts drawn from the files of the ADL ... PROFESSIONAL IN METHOD..."
Just how well these professionally, carefully documented facts will stand up under careful scrutiny is a matter for conjecture. When one reads this book, you cannot help but wonder how a publisher as reputable as Doubleday, could have made himself responsible for such trash. At best, the advertisement for this book showed a reckless disregard for whether the things presented were true or false.
It is long past time for Americans to be frank. The Irish, the Scotch, the Germans, the Polish, the Italians and many other groups, still constitute a majority of our population and they do not find it necessary to raise the cry that everyone is "anti-them." But the Jews in America have made a business of denouncing as "anti-Semite," anyone who disagrees with them, or who has the guts to expose what they are doing.
What is anti-Semitism anyway? To the Jews who make up the personnel of the A.D.L. it is anyone who makes a critical remark, however slight, against anything a Jewish organization or individual may do. That the statement may be true, has nothing whatsoever to do with the charge.
My personal opinion - and I am going to be accused of being "pro-Jewish" by some of the "Hardliners" - is that the majority of our Jewish citizens are good Americans. The evidence proves this. In all probability, the Jews of America have been treated better in the U.S. than anywhere else in the world. No country has given them more respect, or allowed them to have more privileges. But unfortunately, scattered throughout Jewry, are the kind of Jews who make up the membership of such organizations as the ADL, and these will not tolerate criticism of any kind, right or wrong.
The term "anti-Semite" was coined by these Jews as an "epithet" - a smear word. When the Economic Council in 1936, first declared its belief that Communism was a growing danger in the U.S., patriots who were anti-Communist were immediately labeled as either "fascist," "anti-Semitic" or both. These words were coined by Jewish communist leaders at the Communist Internationale meeting in Moscow in the summer of 1935. They have been the mainstay of Jewish criticism ever since.
Very few of the people we know as Jews today are Semites. In fact, according to their own statistics, probably less than 5% Off them. According to their own authorities, the Turco-Mongolian stock applies almost 100% to those Jews who are known as Ashkenazi. The true Semites of the Arab nations, outnumber the Mongolian Jews, many times over.
Ever since the General Assembly of the United Nations voted to give Palestine to the Jews, there has been a deepening problem between these real Semites and "those which say they are Jews and are not; but are of the synagogue of Satan," (Revelation 2:9).
When the American Economic Council opposed the course of Israel in 1947, which could only lead to the alienation of hundreds of millions of Arab Semites, who had been friendly with the United States and which could lead to World War III, they were immediately labeled as being "anti-Semitic." Have you ever heard a Jew, who very probably is not a Semite - have you ever heard them called "anti-Semitic" because of their treatment of the Semitic Arabs? Of course you haven't.
The publications put out by such Jewish organizations as the ADL clearly show that their purpose is not to oppose "defamation," as much as it is to "defame any person or group" with whom the ADL disagrees.
These publications all talk about "hate monger," and "bigots", ad nauseam. But the publications of the ADL make it the greatest hate organization in the world. Many patriotic and conservative organizations in this country are dedicated to the preservation of a "free America," and "Constitutional government." But these have been attacked by the ADL, often because they were anti-communist. When I spoke for the John Birch Society I was often labeled as an "anti-Semitic hate monger," because I warned people about the dangers of Communism. Not once, had I ever mentioned the Zionist control of communism, because at that time I did not know about it. This made no difference with the Jewish haters. They never hesitated to use lies, half-truths, and innuendoes to smear me and make me appear as a horrible creature who hated everyone who did not believe as I did.
Anyone who has ever taken the time and effort to study the current situation, knows there is no question regarding the secret intimidation exercised by members of these Jewish organizations over timid Congressional members. Today, Zionists in our government formulate most of our Foreign Policy and have done so since World War II. They have been responsible for funneling countless billions of America's tax dollars into illegitimate help for communist countries and "those who hate the Lord."
The International Jewish clique, for which the A.D.L. is the mouthpiece, is constantly scheming for more control over America. They were back of the demand to destroy our Immigration Laws and allow hordes of aliens to flock to these shores. They were back of the movement which destroyed the Monroe Doctrine; a doctrine which had guarded this hemisphere from foreign subversion for decades. They were behind the formation of the Federal Reserve System, which has given control of our economy into the hands of the International Jewish bankers, and has left us to the tender mercies of the Babylonian money system of usury which is strangling our economy. They were behind our entry into the two great wars which ravaged Europe in the Twentieth Century; they instigated the "give-away" of the Panama Canal into communist hands. They have worked secretly and furtively and have become a menace to decent Jews and Christians alike.
On November 4, 1955, Henry Schultz, National Chairman of the A.D.L. wrote a letter to Lt. Gen. George E. Stratemeyer, one of America's most distinguished generals. He chastised the general for supporting the publication of a book written by Col. John Beaty, titled THE IRON CURTAIN OVER AMERICA, which outlined by name, date and full documentation, the Jewish part in the overthrow of Russia and Jewish control in the United States. Among other things the ADL letter said: "It is never a pleasant duty to impose distressing problems upon public personalities such as yourself, and for some time it has been our hope that this letter might not be necessary.
"Just a year ago, the publishers of IRON CURTAIN OVER AMERICA began distributing, as part of their sales campaign, copies of what purported to be a letter from you to Col. John Beaty, the author, endorsing this volume and recommending it for Americans in general.
"At that time we withheld writing you because we felt that inevitably the facts about Mr. Beaty and his book would be brought to your attention and that you would take appropriate action.
"It is our feeling that you may want to consider the advisability of some public action which can assure the American people, who have held you in such high regard, that you repudiate religious hatred...
"We would appreciate your response." (UNQ)
They got more than they bargained for. They did not have to wait long for a reply. In his forthright and unmistakable manner, General Stratemeyer answered on October 12. He said:
"First, I want to make it clear that I am not, nor ever have been, anti-Jewish. I have many Jewish friends who are loyal Americans.
"As for your use of the meaningless phrase 'anti-Semitic' it makes no sense. According to the dictionary, the word "Semitic" pertains to the descendants of Shem, which includes Assyrians, Hebrews, Phonecians, Arabs, Abysinnians, etc.,
"Who are you and your organization to tell me what I should read and what I should recommend other loyal Americans to read? By the way, just what is the purpose of your organization?
"Not until I read Col. Beaty's book, did I learn what was going on in the United States while I was overseas fighting for my country.
"When the U.S. reaches the point where a citizen cannot read what he desires and recommend such reading to his friends, then we shall have reached the status which exists in Soviet Russia. THANK GOD, we are still free men in America. As I interpret your letter, you and your organization would have people read only what your organization would let them read... This I resent as a free American citizen.
"I do not understand your statement, "we do not propose to burden you at this time, etc." Is this a veiled threat to my free expression and thoughts? If so, resent this also!
"Your letter is the most outrageous communications I have ever received in my life and I intend to give it the widest possible publicity, including my Jewish friends." (UNQ.) SIGNED: Lt. Gen. George E. Stratemeyer, USAF Ret.
In spite of the fact that the ADL is the unlicensed agent of a foreign country, operating illegally in the United States, they enjoy full tax deductibility. This means that you, the American Christian taxpayer, foot a large portion of the ADL's scurrilous campaign against Christianity.
As loyal Americans, we need to demand that our government crack down on this alien force and end their defamation of anyone who disagrees with them.
I would urge any citizen who is interested in knowing more about the ADL, to obtain THE WILCOX REPORT. This can be obtained from EDITORIAL RESEARCH SERVICE, P.O. Box 1832, Kansas City, KS 64141. In February, 1984, Mr. Wilcox made a thorough investigation of the ADL and following are some of his remarks: * * * * *
"In October 1980, the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights contracted with the Anti-Defamation League of the Jewish B'nai B'rith, a private watchdog organization for Zionist interests to produce a report, utilizing ADL information and intelligence sources. This was to cover groups in the United States which the ADL felt were promoting bigotry and violence. The terms of the contract was that the ADL was to receive twenty thousand dollars for its work. On November 4, 1980, the ADL provided the Commission with its proposed outline and on December 4, thed agceived the first government payment in the amount of $6,666.66.
In April 1981, the ADL presented a copy of its draft report, entitled VIOLENCE PRONE HATE GROUPS IN THE U.S. In a letter dated April 30,1981, written to the ADL, Fact Finding Director Irwin Suall, who was primarily responsible for the project, the Deputy Staff Director for Regional Programs of the Civil Rights Commission, advised Suall that the Commission needed to see another draft with appropriate footnotes, so that they could back up the ADL's charges with proper documentation. Suall was also advised that the report would be reviewed by the Commission for legal sufficiency then it would be re-submitted to the Commission for review and approval.
Suall was also advised in April 1981, that in the event the "Commission determines not to publish the report as a Commission document, I foresee no problem in your being granted a non-exclusive right to publish the report so long as the usual acknowledgment of Federal Assistance' is properly indicated. Any publication by you will be non-copyrightable." (UNQ.)
Suall submitted another draft which consisted mostly of newspaper articles which were hostile towards the activities they were reporting and various ADL publications and sources cited by the ADL, as documentation. The report also had a new title: RACISM AND VIOLENCE; THE AMERICAN HATE MOVEMENT!
In a letter dated October30, 1981, John Brinkley, Deputy Director of the Office of Regional Programs for the Commission, advised Suall that the Commission needed the addresses of the 51 individuals potentially "defamed and/or degraded" by the ADL, in order to give them the "right of response in connection with our customary defense and degrade procedures."
Suall provided the addresses from the ADL intelligence files; less than ten were unknown. The Commission then contacted the potential "defenses" ... of these, ten responded and a summary of their response is contained in a letter dated March 8, 1982 from the Asst. General Counsel of the Commission to Paul Alexander, Acting General Counsel. After initial remarks explaining the purpose of the letter, an account of the ten responses was made
One man objected to the "salt-and-pepper shaker" use of emotionally loaded, imprecise "terminology of abuse" in the ADL's allegations towards him and further noted that the material "seems roughly as inaccurate as it is epithet ridden." Another man denied specifically that he was ever an inmate of Folsom prison, as alleged in the ADL report. Another expressed concern about the liberal use of epithets "as a substitute for logical arguments." He specifically objected to his former organization being characterized as being "neo-Nazi." The remaining responses were similar. They objected to factual errors, bias, character assassination and inaccurate quotes. One individual threatened legal action if the report was published.
On March 8,1982, the report from the General Counsel to the Acting Staff Director of the Civil Rights Commission said: "We do not find it necessary to mix epithets and emotionally laden labels with the facts. The ADL report is rank with such epithets and labels and only serves to distort the factual accountings...
"The liberal use of hyperbolic epithets throughout the ADL draft sets a tone that probably precludes correction through simple, adjectival laundering. The alleged inaccuracies and misrepresentations noted by the respondents presents very serious problems...
"The basically journalistic approach of the ADL report, which borders on jingoism, (extreme nationalism - in this case Jewish - ED) requires the Civil Rights Commission either to publish an unverified report that would seriously undermine the agencies reputation, or to refrain from publishing a report whose underlying thrust we believe to be true."
In a letter to Irwin Suall of the ADL, dated March 26,1982, the Civil Rights Commission advised the ADL that the Commission would not publish their report.
Smarting under this rejection of their defamatory attack on their ideological critics, the ADL decided to publish it themselves. They did a re-write job, shifting paragraphs, adding some new material, graphs and revising some figures and re-titled it: HATE GROUPS OF AMERICA! A RECORD OF BIGOTRY AND VIOLENCE. (Naturally they left out the "left wing" groups; the Communists, and of course, their own violence prone Jewish Defense League - ED).
This new report appeared complete with copyright notice, which was completely illegal. To date, nothing has been done by the government to counteract this deliberate thwarting of the law.
This book is economically priced at $3.00 and has been made available to the public schools of the nation. It's primary purpose is to aid in a major ADL campaign to promote and pass "anti-para-military legislation" in every State legislature. To date they have been successful in over a dozen states. This statute is basically a conspiracy-type law of the kind which is frequently attacked by Civil Libertarians. In every state, the State legislators have maintained the threatening features of the ADL draft, which is that the law punishes "whoever teaches or demonstrates to any other person ... whoever assembles with one or more persons for the purpose of training with, practicing with, or being instructed in the use of dangerous weapons..." In other words, this law is not aimed at violent acts, or a clear-cut conspiracy to commit violent acts, but rather at the transfer of knowledge, instruction, spoken or written communication and the teaching of skills. It would be possible for a blind quadriplegic to violate this statute and be subject to prosecution and imprisonment.
In spite of all the furor in the news, it is not the "radical right" who has committed dangerous acts in the past ten years in the United States. According to the 1982 FBI report, 26 out of 51 terrorist incidents involved radical Puerto Ricans; eight were by the JDL. A comparison between violence attributed to the "right," over the period from 1968 to 1982, the "radical left" were overwhelmingly, more active than the "far right." In terms of lives lost, property damage, injuries and arrests, the "leftists" lead on the order of ten to one. The type of violence is also different. The "right wingers" are more apt to act in a "one on one" basis, while the "left" tends to use mass violence, which endangers innocent lives. Most of the convictions obtained by the law against the Klan, for instance, has been on the basis of "conspiracy to commit a crime," and not for its commission. In addition, it has been the "rightists" who have been targeted by the police and Federal Intelligence operations for harassment, often at the urging of the ADL.
The news media has recently gone into a furor of activity over a little group of patriots in Idaho who call themselves the ARYAN NATIONS. They declare them to be "homicidal maniacs" who are conspiring to destroy the United States. The ADL has gone as far as to infiltering their operatives into this group over a two year period and the doctored up statements which were made by ARYAN NATIONS leaders to make them say what the ADL wants to convey. They are following in the footsteps of their notorious kinfolks of Jesus time: "And the Chief Priests and all the council (Jewish) sought for witnesses against Jesus to put Him to death ... many false witnesses were brought against Him, but their witness agreed not together," (Mark 14:56, 57).
It is interesting to note that the same media which carries all the statements and accusations of the ADL, seldom uses any space to warn Americans about the more than 100,000 enemy agents the FBI state they know are in this country. Under existing U.S. law, they cannot do anything to stop their activities until they make an overt move against this country. Why is it that ABC "20-20" or CBS "Sixty Minutes" never carries a story about this enemy activity?
There is a good deal more to the WILCOX REPORT, including a great deal of documentation and you should read it. Then when you see anything in the news which says: "The ADL reported!" You can take it "with a grain of salt."
Continue on to Part 8 of 8:- The Enemy Within