Part 9 of 9

by Lt. Col. Gordon "Jack" Mohr, USA Ret.
(Honorary Brig. Gen. C.E.D.S.)

"The Lord hath poured out upon you (Israel) the spirit of deep sleep, and hath closed your eyes: the prophets (preachers) and your rulers (politicians), the seers hath He covered . Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honor me, but have removed their heart far from me. . . Therefore, behold, I will do a marvelous work and a wonder among them: for the wisdom of their wise men shall perish, and the understanding of their prudent (those who take part in the political process) will be hid." - Isaiah 29:10, 13


The following information is taken from a pamphlet written by S. A. and F. R. Ackley and printed by the CHURCH OF THE COVENANT, Pastor Curtis Claire Ewing.

"To intelligently answer the question of whether Jesus of Nazareth was a Jew, we must first undertake to define our terms, and strange as it may seem to some, it will even be necessary for us to define what we mean when we say "Jesus of Nazareth," for there are those who say that Jesus was the man, and Chrit was the ideal for which He stood - that while in a way, He represented the ideal, yet it was somewhat apart from Him. There mg. In fact, it has several different legitimate meanings which have been assigned to it through ignorance or carelessness.

"First, let us review its origin. It is derived, by the way of French, Latin, Greek, and Aramic in turn, from the Hebrew word YEHOODEE or YEHUDIM (plural). It originally had many different forms, and although many writers claim a difference in meaning between JEW and JUDAHITE, we have been unable to find any ethnological or historical evidence for some of the modern acquired meanings applied to the term JEW.

"All things considered, however, it would seem that either JEW or JUDAHITE, is a proper translation of the Hebrew word YEHOODEE; first found in the King James Bible in 2 Kings 16:6. Please remember the Bible reference, for it has a very important bearing on what we shall say later.

"Now for a little history, Biblical and secular. In the book of Esther, we find the JEWS in captivity in Persia, where a plot is hatched to wipe them out. Some of them learn about this and Queen Esther, herself a JEWESS, succeeds in circumventing the plot and turns it around. As a result ". . . many of the people of the land became Jews; for FEAR OF THE JEWS fell upon them." (Esther 8:17.)

What kind of JEWS were these? We read in Esther 9:30, that there were 127 provinces in the kingdom of Ahasuerus at this time. It extended all the way from Greece to the western borders of India, and from the Caucasus Mountains on the north to the Persian Gulf and the Indian Ocean. It included Egypt, Mesopotamia, Assyria, Babylon, Afghanistan, and parts of Turkestan. It is hard to think of a race which was not included in this vast territory, unless you suggest the American Indians, and we might find some relatives of them.

"Of all these races, many became JEWS. Not from love of God and His law; not because of a sense of righteousness, but merely because of fear. Obviously this did not change their racial characteristics: the new religion did not enter their hearts, so it is no space here to go into the lengthy "pros" and "cons" of the question, but we can at least state our own conviction. (REMEMBER NOW - THIS IS BEING WRITTEN BY AN IDENTITY CHRISTIAN - AUTHOR!)

"True it is that the name Jesus and the name Christ have different meanings and that they are used separately under certain specific conditions, but it is equally true that they are used together, and that, used together or separately, they refer to one individual and only one in the entire Bible. In the Old Testament, God reveals Himself by a number of different names. This does not mean that there are a number of different gods, or a number of conceptions, but each name represents some attribute of God, and when we take them all together, we have a fuller understanding of God than what we may have received through one name.

Similarly in the New Testament, all the various names applied to Jesus Christ of Nazareth, refer to ONE SINGLE INDIVIDUAL - God the Son, come in the flesh, born of a Virgin. These names are not the result of diverse or conflicting conceptions or ideals, but rather each name supplies its share of the whole truth, and it requires all of them together to give us an adequate understanding of this one unique individual. 'Jesus' means 'Savior,' and is generally used when His humanity and Saviorship are being emphasized. 'Christ' means; 'the Anointed One,' and is usually used when emphasizing His Diety and Messiahship. Both names belong to and fit the same individual and only one. So we are told "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved." (Acts 16:31.)

"Christ was not by any means an ethereal ideal divorced from the human 'Jesus.' Both names were necessary to encompass - in a small degree - the one identity.

"Next, we must try and define, briefly, the term JEW. What is a JEW? This question deserves an entire article in itself. (I would suggest you read my booklet, WHO ARE THE JEWS, - AUTHOR.)

"The term has been used so loosely and carelessly for so many years that today there is the greatest confusion as to its real meaning. In fact, it has several different legitimate meanings which have been assigned to it through ignorance or carelessness.

"First, let us review its origin. It is derived, by the way of French, Latin, Greek, and Aramic in turn, from the Hebrew word YEHOODEE or YEHUDIM (plural). It originally had many different forms, and although many writers claim a difference in meaning between JEW and JUDAHITE, we have been unable to find any ethnological or historical evidence for some of the modern acquired meanings applied to the term JEW.

"All things considered, however, it would seem that either JEW or JUDAHITE, is a proper translation of the Hebrew word YEHOODEE; first found in the King James Bible in 2 Kings 16:6. Please remember the Bible reference, for it has a very important bearing on what we shall say later.

"Now for a little history, Biblical and secular. In the book of Esther, we find the JEWS in captivity in Persia, where a plot is hatched to wipe them out. Some of them learn about this and Queen Esther, herself a JEWESS, succeeds in circumventing the plot and turns it around. As a result ". . . many of the people of the land became Jews; for FEAR OF THE JEWS fell upon them." (Esther 8:17.)

What kind of JEWS were these? We read in Esther 9:30, that there were 127 provinces in the kingdom of Ahasuerus at this time. It extended all the way from Greece to the western borders of India, and from the Caucasus Mountains on the north to the Persian Gulf and the Indian Ocean. It included Egypt, Mesopotamia, Assyria, Babylon, Afghanistan, and parts of Turkestan. It is hard to think of a race which was not included in this vast territory, unless you suggest the American Indians, and we might find some relatives of them.

"Of all these races, many became JEWS. Not from love of God and His law; not because of a sense of righteousness, but merely because of fear. Obviously this did not change their racial characteristics: the new religion did not enter their hearts, so it made very little difference in their ideals; and it had very little effect on their instincts. Yet they technologically became JEWS and entered the blood stream of the present JEWISH people.

Then when the remnant of the JEWS returned from captivity, one of the first things they did was violate God's injunction against inter-marriage. The principle people from which the JEWISH men took wives were the Hittites. This is where the typical so-called JEWISH nose came. The profile of the Hittites carved by Egyptian sculptors on temple walls in Thebes, Egypt, over 3,000 years ago, is the same "typical JEWISH look" of today.

Dr. James H. Breasted, in his book ANATOLIAN HITTITE EXPEDITION, Vol. XII, Chap. 12, p.1266, says: "their nose was acquired by neighboring Semites, including Canaanites and Hebrews." (It is not found among the Khazar JEWS, who are Turco-Mongolian by blood - AUTHOR.)

"With reference to this question, see the Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. VI, pps. 610-612, 1904 edition 'Intermarriage;' see also 'PROSELYTES', vol.10, pps. 220-224."

"It is also stated by Anatole Leroy Bealiu, in ISRAEL AMONG THE NATIONS, that the Jews engaged in the slave traffic often circumcised the slaves. He further mentions 200,000 Black Jews of Abyssinia (Ethiopia.)

He goes on to state: 'Towards the eighth century, to the north of the Black Sea, in the Scythian steppes, a people of Finno-Turkish stock, the Khazars, went over in a body to the old law.

"The same author also states that a large number of emigrants from Persia adopted the JEWISH religion and later became Tartars. In the JEWISH cemetery of Tabreez, Fikkovitch has discovered Hebraic inscriptions bearing Turkish names in Hebrew characters. He says the JEWS in this area, bear Hittite features.

"So you can see, the JEW as we know him today, is vastly different from the JEW of several centuries ago and is entirely different from the 'pure-blooded' Hebrews. To put it into other words, the term JEW in a racial sense may have many different meanings.

"The word JEW as first appearing in the Bible in 2 Kings 16:6, is applied to the entire kingdom of Judah, including the House of David, which was part of that kingdom, but had been set apart from Judah many years before (see 2 Sam. 7:11, 12.)

"Much later, the term JEW was used in a religious sense and was applied to those who observed the religious forms described in the Old Testament. This was the corrupt outgrowth which can be observed at the time of Christ's first coming.

(Judaism at this time, had been corrupted by the Satanic influence from Babylon, which had already begun to produce the BABYLONIAN TALMUD. This religious book set aside Mosaic teachings and began to substitute the traditions of men for the commandments of God [Mark 7:7, 9, 13].)

"It is to be noted that Christ faithfully observed the Hebrew religion in its purity and repudiated many of the barnacle-like regulations which had been man-attached to the Old Testament ceremonials.

"Now for a few facts about Christ Himself and we will be ready to answer the question about whether Jesus was a JEW.

Of course, being the Son of God, Christ could have been only half-Jewish at most, unless you go to the extremes of saying that God was a Jew. But we are only discussing the questions which concern His earthly ancestry."

Father Arthur Klyber, C.S.&R. Chaplain and Founder of the Catholic REMNANT OF ISRAEL group made these statements in a September 1988 Newsletter, addressed to DEAR FELLOW APOSTLES IN REMNANT OF ISRAEL: (I am quoting only in part): "During our Lenten season each year we of the Catholic Church (the Universal Synagogue) come face to face with our Jewish people. We re4hink the farewell words of One whom we call the Divine Rabbi Jesus: the Messiah. There on the crossbeams hung this Rabbi of all Rabbis, Prophet of all Prophets, the Anointed Redeemer of His Beloved Jewish People and of all the nations in the world; and we can't help wondering how it was possible that this GOD CHOSEN JEWISH NATION (chosen to bring this very Messiah into the world - failed to recognize Him and still to this very day - does not know Him.)

"We ask: Do our Jewish people need the Messiah? Yes, we answer. . . perhaps more than ever they need Him. It is said that a high proportion of Jews have above average intelligence: why not? Didn't the Almighty talk to them for thousands of years? Yet, it seems this intelligence did not help them to see in this groaning Rabbi-on-the-Cross, their long-expected Messiah. (Let me stop here long enough to point out that God never spoke to a Jewish people; He spoke to Israel - there were no Jews in existence for thousands of years, after God first began to speak to Abraham - AUTHOR.)

"The explanation could be that Faith in this Messiah means Divine Intelligence received without mere brainwork; that brain-work without faith, ends only in ignorance, or in atheism. (To this I will whole-heartedly agree - AUTHOR.)

"The ONE GOD finally sent His Only Son here, AS A JEWISH BABY. He grew up as a very devout JEW; died professing His JEWISH religion; but came to life again - STILL A JEW - for the salvation of His OWN people FIRST, and then for the gentiles. He was, and is the Glory of Israel, and a Light of Revelation to the Gentiles.

"This JEW of JEWS built the Universal Synagogue on Himself as the Cornerstone - with twelve JEWS as the superstructure. (Only one of them was a JEW, the traitor Judas; all the rest were Galileeans from the Tribe of Benjamin -AUTHOR.) This Divine 'skyscraper' could never crack or crumble because its Cornerstone was and IS the Adonai Echod (the Everlasting Rock of AGES), God Almighty in the Person of His Son, the Redeemer. (I want you to notice how clever this converted (?) Jew is in brainwashing the Catholic people to whom he is writing - AUTHOR.)

"Now, please hold on your hat while Rabbi Jesus informs us that gentile-believers in Jesus cannot be anything but JEWS IN RELIGION! (Notice carefully how Fr. Klyber has used a small "g" when he referred to "gentiles" - AUTHOR.)

"Believers in Jesus CANNOT BE ANYTHING BUT JEWS BY RELIGION! Note the words 'Jews in religion'; not 'born' as JEWS. A good number of JEWS today have a disturbing fear that the JEWS, as a people, are slowly disappearing as a VISIBLE PEOPLE OF GOD by absorption into the general population. This, they fear, will come about especially through Belief in Jesus as Messiah. I say sincerely - not ironically - that our JEWISH PEOPLE WILL be more visible than ever in the UNIVERSAL SYNAGOGUE OF THE MESSIAH (the Church). Here the words of Jesus are quite convincing. He then quotes from some portion of Scripture which I have been unable to find, these words: 'I have not come to destroy (I do not destroy - I am life eternal) but I come to complete the way of worship which I myself bestowed on them through Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.'

"Was there ever, in some 5,000 years of Jewish history, anyone like Jesus of Nazareth? (Jewish history only goes back to about 742 BC as far as the Christian Bible is concerned -AUTHOR) who dared to proclaim to His Jewish followers:

I am the LIGHT for Israel.

I am the WORD for Israel, I am the WAY for Israel.

I am the TRUTH for my JEWISH people.

I am the LIFE for Israel.

I am the VINE in which my JEWISH people can grow into eternal life.

I am the SHEPHERD for ISRAEL. I am the DOOR through which they can pass into everlasting life.

I am the BREAD of life.

Born a JEW - I'll die a JEW;

Born a Gentile - I will also die a JEW!

(It is extremely important at this point for my readers to note how this Jew convert, very possibly one of those the Apostle Jude warned of in Jude 4 - "For certain men are crept in unawares ungodly men, turning the grace of God into lasciviousness, and denying the Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ." This is exactly what this Jew is doing, as he deliberately lies to his Catholic listeners - AUTHOR.)

Let's continue with this most unusual letter: "The above heading points forcibly to a letter written by Rabbi Saul of Tarsus to a community of gentiles (still a small "g" - AUTHOR) who had become believers in the Messiah Jesus. Paul is telling them about the JEWISHNESS of their new found religion, COMPLETED JUDAISM. (Again, I need to interrupt to ask this question. How can Christianity be COMPLETED JUDAISM, when Jesus said Judaism was from Satan and that it's converts became "twice the child of hell" as the Pharisees who taught it? Matt. 23:15 - AUTHOR.) An excerpt from Ephesians 2 makes clear the unity of Paul's COMPLETED RELIGION and the COMPLETED JEWISH RELIGION of the formerly pagan Ephesians. Just as a half-finished banquet is not the whole banquet, so too the former Testament of God is not the whole Message of God. The several Covenants were not NEW RELIGIONS JUST AS God, who spoke in those Covenants, was not a NEW GOD.

"St. Paul often proclaimed the oneness of CHRISTIANITY with JUDAISM; and today there is need to repeat basic Catholic Doctrine as Cardinal Ratzinger, did in his statement of October 1987. This was the subject of the editorial in the WANDERER, Feb.11, 1988, written by one of the REMNANT OF ISRAEL advisors. It centers around a quote from the New York Times:

"Cardinal (Ratzinger) said that the aim of dialogue was to arrive at truth rather than to exchange opinions. 'The Pope has offered respect, but also a theological line.' The Cardinal is quoted as saying, 'This always implies our union with the faith of Abraham, but also the reality of Jesus Christ, in which the faith of Abraham finds its fulfillment.'

Cardinal Ratzinger then cited the case of Edith Stein, a Jew converted to Catholicism, who became a Carmelite nun and was murdered by the Nazis.

"On finding faith in Christ, she entered into the FULL INHERITANCE OF ABRAHAM", Cardinal Ratzinger said: "She turned in her JEWISH heritage to have a new and diverse heritage. But in entering into unity with Christ she ENTERED INTO THE VERY HEART OF JUDAISM." (Again, how could this be, when Jesus said of the Jewish religious leaders: "Ye believe not, because YE ARE NOT OF MY SHEEP . . "(John 10:26) - AUTHOR.

Klyber continues: "The Divine Messanic Seed was planted by the Divine Sower Himself; where else could it come from? The Messiah replaced Adam, and His Virgin Mother, replaced Eve. (I have never read anything about the Virgin Mary replacing Eve, at least in the Scriptures - AUTHOR.)

". . . the glorious blossoming of the SEED which 'crushed satan's head', and pushed open the portals of what can be called EVERLASTING JUDAISM.

"Jesus the Redeemer did not Himself need Redemption: He was not in any sense a COMPLETED JEW, but He became completely JEWISH, when God implanted Him in the womb of His Virgin Mother. Jesus did not have to await the arrival of the Messiah since He was the Messiah. Jesus did not have to complete anything in Himself except His Redeeming Sacrifice on the Cross. He had created the Commandments, but did not have to obey them; yet He did obey them in His adopted humble position as one of us, for the Redemption of all of us.

"Thank God that Heaven is actually full of JEWS - COMPLETED JEWS - the best kind of JEWS. ("They please not God, and are contrary to all," 1 Thess. 2:15 - AUTHOR.)

"All completed JEWS are taken totally by surprise when they meet the Messiah. (He then gives examples of some famous Jews who have become Catholics - AUTHOR.) (UNQ.)

This rather lengthy portion has been written to give you some idea of how subtly Jews have infiltrated themselves into the church. I have had considerable experience with Jewish converts and have noticed one thing which seems to conform to all of them that I have met. They become exceedingly active in their Christianity, attending all the meetings in the church, often with a tape recorder, then they take voluminous notes. They always talk about their JEWISHNESS, not their CHRISTIANITY, and almost without fail, sometime after they have been accepted into the Christian church, they caused trouble in that church. We have been adequately warned by the so-called Rabbi Saul, to watch out for these people. Yet many Christians will believe the "hogwash" put out by Jews such as Fr. Klyber, because he claims to now be Christian. Could it be that many of these converted JEWS are like the Marranos of the 15th Century who infiltrated the church in Spain. By day they were Catholics, even priests and cardinals, by night, in their secret enclaves, they were JEWS, laughing about the manner in which theexisd fooled the "stupid goyim." In a meeting of Jewish leaders in Europe during the 13th Century, a set of PROTOCOLS was sent to Jewish leaders throughout that part of the world. One of these PROTOCOLS stated: "Make of your sons, clergymen, so they may infiltrate the Christian churches and destroy them from within." They have done a pretty good job of this in the Twentieth Century.

Dr. Benjamin Freedman, in his book FACTS ARE FACTS, which I have quoted from before, says on p.6 - "The worldwide network of diabolical conspirators who are implementing this plot against the Christian faith while Christians seem to be sound asleep, can be laid at the feet of the Christian clergy who appear to be more ignorant or more indifferent about this conspiracy than ordinary Christians. They seem to bury their heads in the sands of ignorance or indifference like the legendary ostrich. This ignorance or indifference on the part of the Christian clergy has dealt a blow to the Christian faith from which it may never completely recover.

Christians need to be blessed in this crisis with a spiritual Paul Revere to ride across this nation warning Christians that their enemies are moving in on them fast!

"Of equal importance of pin-pointing the enemies who are making war upon the Christian faith from outside (a perfect ex ample is what is happening in the Christian church over the blasphemous movie THE LAST TEMPTATION OF CHRIST, where Christian leaders seem more concerned with Christian disturbance which may cause them to have anti-Semitic feelings, than with the fact that the disturbances is caused by JEWS -AUTHOR) is the necessity to discover the forces working inside the Christian faith which make it vulnerable to its enemies on the outside. (We can see this at work within Identity, unfortunately, as there are some leaders who are more interested in their position and prominence within the Movement, than they are in the unity of the Movement, these will use most any excuse to cause a disturbance between them and anyone who will not dot their "i's" and cross their "t's" like they do - AUTHOR.)

"The minds of countless thousands among the Christian clergy are troubled by the mysterious pressure from above which prevents them from exercising sound judgment in this situation. (I recently received a letter from a young Baptist preacher who stated: "What is this strange force within Baptist circles which will not allow me to point out what the Zionists are doing? - AUTHOR.)

If the forces being manipulated against the Christian faith from inside can be stopped, the Christian faith will be able to stand like the Rock of Gibraltar.

"The utterances of the Christian clergy which confuses Christians the most is the constant repeated utterance that 'Jesus was a Jew.' That appears to be their favorite theme. This misrepresentation and distortion of an incontestible historic fact is uttered by the Christian clergy on the slightest pretext. They utter it constantly, almost without provocation. They appear to be 'trigger happy' to utter it. They never miss an opportunity to do so. Informed, intelligent Christians cannot reconcile this truly unwarranted misrepresentation and distortion with incontestible historic fact by the Christian clergy with information known by them now to the contrary, which comes to them from sources believed by them to be equally reliable.

"They (the Christian clergy) can extricate themselves from their present predicament now only by resorting to 'the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth'. That is the only formula by which the Christian clergy can recapture the lost confidence of Christians. As effective spiritual leaders they cannot function with this loss of confidence. They should make this their first order of business." (UNQ.)

Dr. Freedman then goes on with page after page of evidence proving that Jesus could not have been a Jew. For copies of this book FACTS ARE FACTS, write to THE SONS OF LIBERTY, P.O. Box 214, Meatarie, LA 7004.

Now back to the Ackley's and their article on Jesus.

"Let us see what evidence His genealogy offers. Notice that the Old Testament places a very strong emphasis against the inter-marriage of Israelites with aliens. Regarding the line of Christ, with the exception of a few rare occasions, when for His own good reasons, God permitted especially selected aliens to enter the line, under specific circumstances. We say 'apparent' because the mere fact that they were citizens of another country did not necessarily mean they were not Israelites. When we read that Ruth was a Moabitess, it could very easily mean she was a Moabite -citizen, and her ancestry may have been pure Israelite. But with these few exceptions, the bloodlines had been kept substantially pure, at least until the time of David. (We know that David had a fair complexion and was not of the swarthy color that the true Jew shows for 1 Samuel 17:42 says: ". . . he (David) was but a youth, and ruddy (having a healthy reddish look) and of a fair countenance - AUTHOR.)

"It might be well to note here, that while Bathsheba, the mother of Nathan and Solomon was the wife of a Hittite, she was the daughter of the Israelite Ammiel (1 Chron. 3:5). So no alien blood entered here.

"It is significant to note that in both the Matthew and Luke genealogies, there is not a single name which is not of Hebrew origin. According to Young's Concordance, there are nine names in Luke and one in Matthew, which might be considered as 'probable' of Hebrew origin and one which is listed as Recertain.' This is 'Melas', the fourth generation from Nathan. All the others are definitely Hebrew and appear early in the Old Testament, before the captivity.

"While this is not positive proof, it is a strong evidence of the racial purity of our Lord.

"Can we find anything about the racial appearance of Christ, which might throw light on His racial background. The letter of Lentulus, to the Roman Senate, which some claim is spurious, but which has been known at least from the 11th Century, and was considered by some authorities to date back to the 3rd Century, describes Jesus as having fine features, long, wavy brown hair, with a reddish beard. A similar description is credited to Pontius Pilate and agrees with this. In the catacombs of Rome, there is a picture on one of the walls which experts say must have been painted by an artist who had seen Jesus in person. This picture harmonizes with the description given above.

"There is a similar picture on the walls of a baptistry on the island of Crete, said to have been painted by a Greek artist who had seen Jesus. Dr. F. M. Rayall, for 40 years a missionary in Palestine, states this also fits with other descriptions. While all these are very ancient, no one knows whether they are authentic.

"The Cyclopaedia of Biblical and Theological Literature, by McClintock and Strong, says the painting in the catacombs shows features which are neither Greek, Roman, or Jewish.

"So in summing this all-too brief discourse on the blood origin of our Lord, we can say that in the sense that the word was first used in the Bible to apply to those who came from the Southern Kingdom, He was a Jew. In the sense that He worshiped as Moses worshiped, He was a Hebrew. But in the racial sense of the "Jew of mixed blood," who was predominate in Jesus' time no - HE WAS NOT A JEW! The purity of His blood explains His gentile-Aryan appearance, since He was a 'true Israehte.' " (UNQ.)

To a great extent, the same things which have been said about Jesus, would apply to all His disciples with the exception of Judas, who was a JEW. The others were all Benjamites, as was the Apostle Paul.

Chapter XXII

In the introduction to her interesting and helpful book, BASICS OF NATIONAL IDENTITY, Martha 0. Andrews, of Decatur, Ga. says this: "There is a Bible within the Bible - the personal, salvation, spiritual message, and the national, identity, Kingdom Message.

"The spiritual message is of primary importance, THE MILK OF THE WORD, the way through which one becomes a citizen of the Kingdom, the foundation upon which Christian growth depends.

"The KINGDOM MESSAGE is STRONG MEAT. The National Message gives understanding of world events past, present and future, and the responsibility of God's people through precept and example in the furtherance of the Kingdom." (UNQ.)

I can verify this from personal experiences and from having "rubbed shoulders" with tens of thousands of people who have come out of denominational churches. Almost without fail, they will say: "The Bible has opened up to me as never before, since I came to the understanding of who I am." Of course it does: It was written for you! God wants you to understand it! But you will never fully understand the Word, no matter how well trained you may be in theological procedures, until you know who you are and what your responsibilities before God consist of.

That the Kingdom message will not be understood by all is a foregone conclusion since the Bible tells us in Daniel 12:9, 10, that certain words were "closed up and sealed till the end of time . . . none of the wicked shall understand: but THE WISE SHALL UNDERSTAND."

In Christ's Parable of the Sower, (Matthew 13), He says in vs. 23 - "But he that receiveth seed into good ground is he that heareth the word, and understandeth it: which also beareth fruit, and bringeth forth, some a hundred fold, some sixty, some thirty."

There is no question that Jesus said His mission was to the "lost sheep of the house of Israel," (Matt. 10:6.) In fact, He indicates in one place that He was sent ONLY to Israelites (see Matt. 15:24.) "He (Jesus) answered (the Canaanite woman) I am NOT sent but unto the LOST SHEEP OF THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL." (Emphasis mine.) This word "lost" does not refer to the "spiritual" condition of Israel, but comes from two root word in the Greek "apo" and "ollumi," which put together form the word "appolumi" and mean: "those who have been banished for punishment." This is what happened to Israel and the prophet Ezekiel 34:11 says: "Behold I (God), even I, will both search my sheep, and seek them out."

Jesus' primary mission was to the "lost sheep of the house of Israel," those who had been "divorced" from their God. They were "lost" in the eyes of the world, as well as in the memory of their identity, yet n6t for one moment were they lost to the One who shapes all human history.

The Gospel which Jesus proclaimed during His earthy ministry was the Good News, not only of personal salvation to all mankind who would believe, but the fact that He came to establish a perfect government on this earth. The disciples were charged with the responsibility of carrying this Kingdom message to these lost sheep.

Chief among the lost sheep was the tribe of Manasseh, our own wonderful, United States of America. Our destiny began that day when the patriarch Jacob/Israel lay dying, and inspired of God, said of Manasseh: ". . . he also shall become a people, and he also shall be great," (Gen. 48:19).

As we carry the message of the "one true God" to men everywhere, and of His Kingdom of peace on this earth, we are but fulfilling the basis on which the English speaking world has existed for centuries. In 1378 A.D. over 600 years ago, when John Wycliffe wrote his English translation of the Bible, he said: "This Bible is for the government of the people, by the people, and for the people." No form of government has ever been conceived by man which can succeed, unless it is based on the law of God. For this reason, America has existed as a free nation for over 200 years. But now, our people are tinkering with "democracy," which is the will of the people, supreme over everything, even the will of God. We can see the mess we have made of things. But "praise God," one of these days, soon I believe, we are going to pass into the Kingdom Age, where once again God will be in charge and things will be run His way. In Zech. 2:11 we read: "And many nations shall be joined to the Lord in that day, and shall be my people: and I will dwell in the midst of thee, and thou shalt know that the Lord of Hosts hath sent me unto thee." Then in Zeph. 3:13 - "The remnant of Israel (not the Jews) shall do no iniquity, nor speak lies; neither shall a deceitful tongue be found in their mouth: for they shall feed and lie down, and NONE SHALL MAKE THEM AFRAID." (Emphasis mine.)

When we realize that we are Israel, then the Bible will have an entirely new meaning to us, for it is the history of our people and contains God's promises to us!

In Numbers 23, when Balaam was called by King Balak of Moab to curse Israel (Numbers 22:6), we find in verse 8 his answer to the king: "How shall I curse, whom God hath not cursed? or how shall I defy, whom the Lord hath not defied?"

Then in a moment of divine inspiration, he looked into the distant future and saw Israel-America, I believe, when he said in vs. 9: "For from the top of the rocks I see him, and from the hills I behold him; lo, the people shall dwell alone, and shall not be reckoned among the nations." God has been good to us in America and we can once again have His blessing, if we will apply the Formula for our Survival to our problems. It is found in 2 Chronicles 7:14 - "If MY people, which are CALLED BY MY NAME, will HUMBLE themselves, and PRAY, and SEEK MY FACE, and TURN FROM THEIR WICKED WAYS; then will I (God) HEAR FROM HEAVEN, and will FORGIVE THEIR SIN, AND WILL HEAL THEIR LAND." (Emphasis mine.)

Aren't you as a Christian, about ready to give God's Formula a chance?


KNOW YOUR ENEMIES, (137 pages covering Identity and the Jewish question.)


SATAN'S KIDS. (A look at Jewish control over the media, TV, radio and Hollywood; naming names.)

PSYCHOPOLITICS, THE ART OF BRAINWASHING. (A Communist textbook showing the blueprint for the takeover of America.)

WHO BROUGHT THE SLAVES TO AMERICA. (Documentary evidence that the early slave trade was carried on by Jews.)

THE ENEMY WITHIN. (Prophetic speeches from 30 years ago, warning of the Jewish danger.)

BEHOLD THE INTERNATIONAL JEW. (Documented facts regarding International Jewish plans for a One World, Jews controlled government.)

WHO ARE THE JEWS? (Must reading to understand who these strange people really are.)

THE GREAT CONSPIRACY. (The blueprint of Zionist plans for world conquest from the time of the Illuminati in 1776, until the present, naming names.)

SPECTRE OF POWER. (By Canadian author Malcolm Ross. Showing how the Zionists have taken over power in Canada and their threats to Christianity.)

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