Letter #47
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Monthly Letter #47; March, 2002 By: Teacher Clifton A. Emahiser

1012 N. Vine Street, Fostoria, Ohio 44830; Ph. (419)-435-2836


ISRAEL Covenant Two Seedline Racial IDENTITY




This is my forty-seventh monthly teaching letter and continues my fourth year of publication. Since my last mailing in February, I have purchased a new Martin Yale model 1501 automatic paper folder. I had been looking for a good paper folder for nearly three years. It appeared that it might require a $1,500 investment. Then a couple of people searching on the Internet found two different places selling folding machines. I inquired from them, but neither would give me the specifications on what kind of folds they would make, and I wasn�t about to spend that much being in the dark as to their capability. Finally, I noticed a folding machine in an OfficeMax catalogue. I called OfficeMax for its specifications, and they gave me the telephone number of Martin Yale, who in turn confirmed that their folder would do everything I needed. Furthermore, this folder sold for $582.99 including tax and delivery. In my mailing for December, 2001, I had to manually fold 3,600 brochures. It�s impossible to imagine the task of doing this manually unless one has ever done it. This new folder should give me a lot more research time for my writings.


While speaking of my brochures, I use ivory colored paper as that reduces eye fatigue. That can make the difference between a person reading the whole content or not. I have also experimented with various fonts to find the easiest to read, which is important when using small type. The cost of pastel colored paper is about three times that of white. While this is expensive, it�s not nearly as costly as the toner.


In my last mailing for February, when I mailed out my January and February Watchman�s Teaching Letters #45 and #46 along with Special Notice To All Who Deny Two Seedline #11 and #12, I had made a margin setup error on my computer for Special Notice #12 which shifted some words in column 4, paragraph 2 from the end of the line to the middle of the line. I had recently started to break words at the end of the line which generally allows me five or six extra lines on each brochure. Therefore, there were two words which appeared as: �Christi- anity� and �su- preme�. Because of this, I now have one more thing to watch for when I make up my master pages. I wish to apologize for any inconvenience I may have caused you. For anyone who wishes corrected copies of Special Notice #12, please send along an SASE with your request.


I need also to mention that in my last Watchman�s Teaching Letter #46, I had a problem replicating the text exactly from the History Of The Norwegian People by Knut Gjerset, Ph.D., for he used some characters which I was not familiar with. These characters were �� and ��.� I was told to substitute a �d� for ��, which I found to be correct. Sometimes the pronunciation for this letter is almost silent. The other letter unfamiliar to me was ���, looking somewhat like a cross between a �b� and a �p�, and I am advised is pronounced �th� or �ye.� (Check: Ency. Britannica, ninth ed., vol. 8, page 351 & Collier�s Ency. (1980), vol. 1, page 598.) I recently tried to overstrike the �b� and the �p� which was successful. Then I tried to overstrike an �o� and an �x� but was unsuccessful. I then went to the character map on my computer to see if I could find a combination of letters that would work. It was then that I discovered I already had these two unusual fonts on the character map. Actually, these letters are Old English. As I will be quoting from this book again in this lesson, I will be able to reproduce these letters correctly. This should also help you in pronouncing any words where these characters are found.     


You may recall that we are now on the subject of Norse Mythology. We were on the topic of Egypt until diverted to the present subject when we found that on the Egyptian obelisks, mention was made of an �ashet tree.� Then it was discovered that the Norse had a similar term called the �ash tree.� As we continue studying about Norse Mythology, let�s consider again the terms �Asgard� (also spelled Aasgaard) and �ash tree.� There may be some who still don�t comprehend the connection of these two terms. If one will go to Webster�s New Universal Unabridged Dictionary (an 8 lb. book which retails for $100), and look up �Asgard� it says: �... n. Scand.  Myth. the home of the Aesir and location of Valhalla and the palaces of the individual gods: connected with the earth by the rainbow bridge, Bifrost [<Old Norse Asgarthr, equivalent to as god (c. Old English os) + garthr yard; see garth]� Then looking up �garth� it indicates a �yard� or �garden.� Question: Could it be referring to the Garden of Eden? The key here is the designation �os.� Because this Webster�s doesn�t have a section on Indo-European roots, it was necessary to refer to the The American Heritage Dictionary under �os� which says in part: �Ash tree.� Therefore, the term �Asgard� is synonymous with �ash tree.� With this fact verified, let�s continue where we left off quoting the History Of The Norwegian People by Knut Gjerset, Ph.D. from page 100 in lesson #46:


�... He also discovered the runes, but only by making another great sacrifice. The �H�vam�l� gives the following account of it:


��I know that I hung on the windy tree nine nights together, wounded by a spear, sacrificed to Odin, myself to myself, on the tree which no one knows from what roots it springs. Neither with food nor with drink was I refreshed. I looked carefully down and raised up the runes; crying I raised them up, and fell then down.�


�Even this great pain Odin is willing to undergo to discover the runes, for through them he gains occult knowledge, and becomes the god of sorcery, the wisest and most powerful of all the gods.  From his throne Lidskjalv (Old Norse Hli�skj�lf) he overlooks the whole world. He is always thoughtful, and meditates on great problems. Evil and good are equally interesting to him, for both reveal some secret of life.  He contemplates the mystery of existence and the approaching end of things; he is never glad, because he knows too much.�


It appears from this there was a deep concern on Odin�s part to acquire knowledge. It says here for �occult knowledge.� While this may be true to some degree, we can be certain his quest for knowledge went far beyond that. It says that he �discovered the runes.� No doubt, the runes contained the wisdom of writers of his past (maybe even sprinklings of Scripture). It also seems that Odin was willing to suffer to great lengths in order to gain such knowledge. Here, Odin is interested in both sides of the story, for it indicates that he is concerned equally with both the �evil� and �good.� Ironically, today we have some in the Anglo-Israel message who proclaim there is no �evil� outside of the �flesh�, thus totally refuting the Cain-Satanic-seedline which Messiah Himself taught. They reduce the two �seeds� of Genesis 3:15 to simplistically mean the so-called dual nature of man.


It seems that Odin realized the importance of learning and gaining wisdom, for it says: �He is always thoughtful, and meditates on great problems.� This is precisely what Scripture instructs us to do, and no leader, such as Odin, could fulfill his duties without knowledge. Proverbs 4:4-7 enjoins us thus:


�4 He [my father] taught me also, and said unto me, Let thine heart retain my words: keep my commandments, and live. 5 Get wisdom, get understanding: forget it not; neither decline from the words of my mouth. 6 Forsake her not, and she shall preserve thee: love her, and she shall keep thee. 7 Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.�


While we must get understanding, we must acquire true wisdom rather than false. There is without question a counterfeit wisdom masquerading as truth. In order to shun false wisdom, one must always check the premise. If the premise is incorrect, then all conclusions derived from that false presupposition will be flawed. This is spoken of in Psalm 119:104:


�Through thy [Yahweh�s] precepts I get understanding: therefore I hate every false way.


In order to obtain true wisdom, one must endeavor, with great trepidation, to avoid any degree of fallacy. Thus, when one discovers that all wisdom is derived from the Almighty, one will with all humility seek His knowledge. There are already too many going around picking things out of the air and passing them on as fact. Rather, man�s wisdom is spoken of as foolishness in 1 Cor. 3:19:


�For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with Yahweh. For it is written [Job 5:13], He taketh the wise in their own craftiness.�


When one approaches the truth with fear, one must be very prudent. Be that as it may, while we are admonished to tell the truth without any wavering, we are not bound to give vital intelligence to an enemy. In other words, there is a proper time to evade or sidestep the truth. Actually, on one occasion, Yahweh instructed Samuel to act in a deceptive manner. The story is found in 1 Samuel, chapter 16. The story goes that Yahweh had directed Samuel to take his horn containing anointing oil and go to the House of Jesse and anoint David as king in place of Saul. Samuel then told Yahweh he couldn�t do that because Saul would kill him. 1 Samuel 16:2-3 says:


�... And Samuel said, How can I go? if Saul hear it, he will kill me. And Yahweh said, Take an heifer with thee and say, I am come to sacrifice to Yahweh. And call Jesse to the sacrifice ...�


Now Samuel�s primary mission was to anoint David as king, not to make a sacrifice. On another occurrence Rahab, the so-called harlot, lied and it was accounted to her as righteousness. The story is found in Joshua (pronounced Yahshua) chapter 2. It seems that someone reported to the king of Jericho that she was sheltering two Israelite spies. On this news, the king sent his policemen to Rahab�s residence inquiring of these two men. Her answer is recorded in verse 4:


�... There came men unto me, but I wist not whence they were ... �


Not only did she know who they were, but she sheltered them; made an agreement in league with them; misdirected their pursuers and gave them aid and comfort. Thus, her lie was increased fourfold. If one were to ask the average preacher of today, he would say that Rahab was a Canaanite and also a whore. If one will read Far Above Rubies by Isabel Hill Elder, one will discover that Rahab was of the Tribe of Ephraim, and that she ran an Embassy, not a whorehouse, (pages 41-51). Interestingly, if true, that would make our Redeemer from both Judah and Joseph, but lineage always follows the father.


For telling this lie and aiding the Israelite spies, we are told the following about Rahab in Hebrews 11:31 & James 2:25:


�By faith the harlot [Embassy keeper] Rahab perished not with them that believed not, when she had received the spies with peace.�


�Likewise also was not Rahab the harlot [Embassy keeper] justified by works, when she had received the messengers, and had sent them out another way?�


It is apparent that it is not a matter of lying, but who, when, where, why and under what circumstances we are to avoid the truth. It is evident that one is not required to tell an enemy the truth, even sometimes on occasions when they are our kinsmen. Usually, our kinsmen become our enemy when they have been influenced by the Cain-Satanic-seedline. But if one listens to the anti-seedliners, they will indicate one must not be influenced by the flesh. Furthermore, there are times when certain unscrupulous prying people ask questions which are really none of their business, for which one is not obligated to give a true answer. Returning now to the subject of the �fear of Yahweh� being the beginning of wisdom mentioned in Psalm 111:10:


�The fear of Yahweh is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do his commandments: his praise endureth for ever.�


When we consider all these things concerning wisdom, we can begin to comprehend Odin�s quest for �knowledge.� There�s more to this thing of gaining �knowledge� than meets the eye! We also observe that Odin had a long-range view of things; desiring to know how all things will end. Like many of us who are aware of Israel Identity and the great conspiracy, Odin, too, �is never glad, because he knows too much.� Have you ever noticed how the average person today hasn�t the slightest clue as to what is really going on; actually undermining their best interest? Then getting angry if one tries to inform them! Now continuing from the History Of The Norwegian People by Knut Gjerset, Ph.D., page 101:


�In Aasgaard (Old Norse �sgar�r) the gods built a beautiful hall, Gladsheim, for the gods, and another, Vingolv (O.N. Ving�lf), for the goddesses, but greater than any of these was Odin�s own hall, Valhal (O.N. Valholl). To this hall the valkyries bring the dead warriors who fall on the field of battle, and they are feasted and entertained by Odin himself. All who die a natural death are excluded. The heroes find their pastime in fighting, and many fall every day, but they rise again unharmed, and return to feast in Valhal as the best of friends.�


Again, we must pause to comment. Here we notice that it says: �All who die a natural death are excluded.� At this point we should consider what happened to those Israelites mentioned in the Bible who were killed in battle, for they too were given special status. One of the main focuses in Israel was the family, and every effort was made to preserve it. Therefore, when an Israelite soldier was slain in battle, and had not fathered a child (especially a son), his brother was obligated to father an offspring by his widow, for they both carried identical seed and the sibling was considered the widow�s slain husband�s child. This is similar to Seth taking Abel�s place, for they both were carrying the same seed. That is one of the main indicators that Cain was not Adam�s son. It would be interesting to ascertain whether the Norse still practiced this type of marriage in Odin�s time.


This type of union was considered a Levirate marriage, and is spoken of in Deut. 25:5-10. Not only were there Levirate marriages to preserve that family, but a newly wedded male was given a year of exemption from serving in the military to start a family. According to the way this passage reads, Levirate marriages were also established other than for military men. Now continuing from the History Of The Norwegian People by Knut Gjerset, Ph.D., page 101:  


�Another divinity who in the Viking period must have undergone a great change, and who seems to reflect the new spirit of that age, is Balder. The opinions of scholars with regard to the Balder myth are hopelessly at variance. A. Olrik thinks that Balder is an old sun god, that his death signifies the victory of darkness over light, while H. Sch�ck thinks that he was not a real god till shortly before the advent of Christianity.  According to Saxo Grammaticus, he was a young and impetuous warrior who waged many combats with his rival Hother, by whom he is finally slain. He is a son of Odin, but lives on the earth. Sophus Bugge considers this to be the older form of the myth. In the �Volusp� and the �Gylfaginning� he is pictured as the gentle god of innocence and righteousness, so bright that a light of glory surrounds him. He dwells in the hall Breidablik (the far shining hall), where nothing impure is found. He is wise, kind, and eloquent, and so just that his decrees cannot be altered. His wife is Odin�s granddaughter, the faithful Nanna; his son is Forsete, the god of justice and reconciliation. While Balder lives, evil can gain no real control in the world, but bad dreams begin to trouble him, and as this portends some great misfortune to the �sir, Odin saddles his eight-legged horse, Sleipne (O.N. Sleipnir), and rides to Niflheim to learn what evil is thus foreboded. He calls the volva from her grave, and asks her for whose reception they are making preparations in Hel�s kingdom, and she answers that it is for Balder, who will soon die. This news causes great consternation among the �sir, and they assemble in council to discuss the matter. Frigg, Balder�s mother, requires everything in the world to take an oath not to harm her son. The gods now feel secure, and in their joy that the danger is averted, they amuse themselves by throwing all sorts of things at Balder to show that nothing will hurt him. But Loke comes disguised to the assembly, and learns from Frigg that there is a tiny plant, the mistilteinn, which she has not required to take the oath, because it seemed too small. He pulls up the plant, brings it to the assembly, and asks the blind god H�d (Ho�r) to throw it at Balder. H�d does so; the plant pierces him through, and he falls dead. The greatest misfortune has happened; Nanna�s heart breaks of sorrow, and she is buried together with her husband, who is received by Hel in her kingdom. But there is a hope even in this great calamity. While Balder lies on the bier, Odin whispers something in his ear. This episode is mentioned in the �Vaf�r�dnism�l,� where Odin asks the wise Vaf�rudne:


�What did Odin � Whisper in his son�s ear � before he was laid on the funeral pyre?�


�This is a riddle which even Vaf�rudne cannot solve. He answers: �No one knows � What, in the beginning of time, � thou didst whisper � in thy son�s ear.�

�No one knows; but it was, no doubt, a promise that he should not remain forever in Hel�s realm, but that he should return when the world of strife had passed away, and the new life of peace and righteousness had begun.

�In Norse mythology, as elsewhere in old religious systems, the ideas of the life hereafter are often vague, even contradictory. Mythology is a growth, a product of long periods of a people�s intellectual development, in which old ideas have constantly been mixed with new conceptions. It represents a march of the human mind forward to new light, rather than a once for all perfected system.  The Hel myth is an illustration.  Hel, the name both of the goddess and of the realm over which she rules, is sometimes thought of as the home of all the departed, where even Balder goes after death. Hence the Norwegian expression at slaa ihjel, i.e. to kill, to deprive one of life so that he goes to Hel. But Hel is also thought of as the place for the wicked. Hel, the goddess, is white on one side and black on the other, and her hall is described as a frightful place.  We have seen that from the earliest times, the Norsemen believed in a life after death, which is shown by many burial customs. In course of time they began to construct large burial chambers where all the members of the family could be interred together. Professor H. Sch�ck thinks that these graves first engendered the idea of the lower world. He says: �A primitive people does not think of death as annihilation, but rather as an entrance into new life. Only by premising such a belief can a number of antique burial customs be explained�. At first the dead person lived this new life in the grave itself, and these large family graves gave origin to the idea of the realm of the dead.�  According to the oldest belief, then, all the dead came to this realm where Hel ruled. But it was a shadowy, joyless existence, and the feeling that heroes and good people deserved something better gave rise to new creations; to Valhal, Odin�s hall; Folkvang and Sessrymne (Sessrymnir), where Freyja entertains one half of all the fallen heroes; Vingolv (Ving�lf), where all heroes are entertained by the goddesses, and to the idea that all women who die unmarried go to the goddess Gefjon. Hel and her kingdom fell into disfavor, and were painted in ever-darker colors.�


We must take into consideration that the author of this book, while very informed on Norse life, customs and religious beliefs, hasn�t the slightest idea that the Norse and related people are the Lost Tribes of the Children of Israel. Thus, when he states �Mythology is a growth, a product of long periods of a people�s intellectual development, in which old ideas have constantly been mixed with new conceptions. It represents a march of the human mind forward to new light, rather than a once for all perfected system.� In actual truth, Norse Mythology has at its base the old Hebrew teachings in an aberrant form. But, it must be remembered that this is the people the Potter was going to rework back into an unmarred vessel, Jeremiah 18:4-6. If you are kinfolk to these people, don�t be surprised if you feel the pressure of the Potter�s hand forcing you into the configuration He wishes.


From the foregoing, we can see the Norse had a special admiration for those who fell in battle. In other words, they were patriotic. Today, there is a big cry about being �patriotic.� It seems that this term includes everyone of every race living in our country. In order to be �patriotic� one must have a �patriarch.� The Indo-European root word is similar to �pater� (f�der) meaning �father.� Our patriarchs are Abraham, Isaac and Jacob! How can others claim �patriotism� when only Israelites are instructed to: �...look unto the rock whence ye are hewn, and the hole of the pit whence ye are digged�, Isaiah 51:1? Where do all those other races get off claiming they are also �patriotic?� Therefore, �patriotism� = Covenant people!


It should also be noted that the Norse looked toward a resurrection to life after death, as we see this confidence expressed time and time again in their belief system. Therefore, they didn�t hesitate to give their life for their brethren. They seem also to have looked forward to the last great battle which they termed Ragnarok, or the great consummating struggle against the children of darkness.


As for the one the Norse called Balder, I addressed that in a former lesson, and I still believe that Balder could represent our Messiah. Noticeably, this article, as quoted, has several opinions on that matter. At that time, surely our people still had some insight that a Savior for Israel was to come. The general story may have become quite distorted over several hundreds of years, but the fundamental idea is recognizable. It�s similar to the legend of Achilles in Greek mythology who is said to be the son of Peleus and had been a mighty warrior in the Trojan War. One of the stories goes that when Achilles was young, his mother dipped him into the River Styx to protect him in battle, but neglected to wet the heel by which she held him. Therefore, Achilles was vulnerable only at his heel. It is apparent that there is a similarity between Achilles and the prophecy of Genesis 3:15. Also, another similar legend is that of the German Siegfried, who, upon fighting and killing a dragon bathed in its blood; was thus invulnerable except in one spot between the shoulders on which a leaf fell before the blood dried. While these legends are considerably corrupted from the bruising of Yahshua�s heel, they were, no doubt, a dim memory of the prophecy of Genesis 3:15. Therefore, we should not look for perfection in these folklore. We can see, also, with some of these basic views, why they were so ripe for conversion to accept the long awaited Gospel Story of a promised Redeemer. It also appears that today we are fighting that same �dragon� system which Siegfried fought against, which the anti-seedliners deny exists.


Then, we see that Odin speaks something in Balder�s ear as if it were some very important and secret matter. Seemingly, it is something that relates to the very �beginning of time�, and something which is not for everyone to hear. If, in this case, Odin represents the Almighty and Balder our Savior, what kind of a message could this be? Do we have such an example as this in Scripture? Yes there is, and it is found in Psalm 78:2 and Matthew 13:34:


�34 All these things spake Yahshua unto the multitude in parables; and without a parable spake he not unto them. 35 That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, saying, I will open my mouth in parables; I will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world.�


Continuing, it speaks of the goddess of Hel thus: �Hel, the goddess, is white on one side and black on the other, and her hall is described as a frightful place.� One might wonder from this if �Hel� is not well �integrated�, and that we are now living in such a state. I am advised that the term �Hel� matches perfectly with the Hebrew concept of the �underworld�, and when Lazarus died, Luke 16, he was taken to the white side, while the rich man went to the black side. Continuing now to quote the History Of The Norwegian People by Knut Gjerset, Ph.D., page 104:


�Loke did not escape punishment. He was tied by the �sir in a rocky cavern where poisonous adders drop venom into his face, and there he will have to lie till Ragnarok, or the end of the world. But his faithful wife, Sigyn, stands always by him, and gathers the dripping venom in a cup. Only when she empties the cup does it drop into Loke�s face, and then he writhes in pain so that the earth quakes.  H�d, the slayer of Balder, is also punished.  With the goddess Rind, Odin has the son Vaale, who kills H�d. But revenge cannot remedy the mischief done. Balder the Good has perished, and evil triumphs. In her hall Fensale Frigg weeps for her son; the end is approaching, Ragnarok, when gods and men must perish, and the present world will be destroyed.�


Again Loke (Loki) is mentioned, and we have addressed how, when the Norse were converted to Christianity, they associated him with Satan. It says here that �He was tied by the �sir in a rocky cavern ...� Are we not told in the book of Revelation that Satan was to be bound for a thousand years (Rev. 20:2)? Further, it continues �and there he will have to lie till Ragnarok, or the end of the world.�


There is a lot of confusion as to the time period when Satan was to be bound. Any thoughtful person with all of his mental faculties knows beyond all doubt that Satan, for the last few hundred years (in the form of the �Jews�) has been fulfilling this prophecy to a tee. Well, maybe anyone except the anti-seedliners. When they were confined to the ghettos, they were bound in the �bottomless pit� from which they could not escape until the Almighty permitted them to. Once they got their filthy hands on our money system, they were released for a season to go forth and deceive the nations. Today that �Jewish� instigated organization is called the United Nations. If Satan (the �Jews�) is going to deceive the nations, they better do it now for they will never have a better chance. The old marginal notes (which offended King James) in the Geneva Bible written by the reformers made these observations on Revelation 20:2. I will first quote from New Geneva Study Bible with KJV Text and then quote from a facsimile of the 1599 edition of the Geneva Bible:


�20:2 bound him. Satan�s power to influence the nations is suppressed. Premillennialists and some postmillennialists associate this event with the beginning of an extraordinary future era of peace and prosperity, contrasting with the present [time of the reformers] (1 Thess. 2:18; 1 Pet. 5:8). Amillennialists think that the binding of Satan has already taken place through Christ�s death and resurrection (12:9; Matt. 12:29; John 12:31; Col. 2:15). The present [time of the reformers] spread of the gospel to the nations, as initiated in Acts, is the result of a restriction on Satan�s power to deceive. Possibly this restriction on Satan�s power is closely associated with the present [time of the reformers] temporary demise of the beast (Rev. 17:8).�


As I quote now from a true Geneva Bible, I will be changing the spelling to our modern-day English, except for a few words, for easy reading:


�This chapter hath two parts, one of the dragon overcome, unto the 10th verse, the other of the resurrection and the last judgment unto the end of the chapter. The history of the dragon is double: First of the first victory after which he is bound by Christ unto the 6th verse. The second is of the last victory, whereby he was thrown down into everlasting punishment, thence unto the 10th verse. This first history happened in the first time of the Christian Church, when the dragon [was] thrown down from heaven by Christ, went about to molest the new birth of the Church in the earth Chaps. 12, 17, 18. For which cause I gave warning, that this story of the Dragon must be annexed unto that place. 2- That is of hell, whither God threw down the Angels which had sinned, and bound them in chains of darkness to be kept unto damnation, 2 Pet. 2:4; Jude v. 6. 3- The first whereof (continuing this history with the end of the 12th chapter) is the 36th year [69 A.D.] from the passion of Christ, when the Church of the Jews being overthrown, Satan assailed to invade the Christian Church gathered of the Gentiles, and to destroy part of her seed. Chap 12:17. The thousandth year falleth precisely upon the time of the wicked Hildebrand, who was called Gregorie the seventh a most damnable Necromancer and sorcerer, whom Satan used as an instrument when he was loosed out of bonds thenceforth to annoy the Saints of God with most cruel persecutions, and the whole world with dissensions, and in all most bloody wars: as Benno the Cardinal reporteth at large. And this is the first victory gotten over the dragon in the earth. 4- Namely, with that public and violent deceit which he attempted before, Chap. 12 and which after a thousand years (a lake for woe) he most mightily procured in the Christian world. 5- Which being once expired, the second battle and victory shall be, of which verses 7 & 8. 6- A description of the common state of the Church of Christ in earth in that space of a thousand years, for which the devil was in bonds: in which first the authority, life, and common honour of the godly, is declared, verse 4. Secondly, newness of life is preached unto others by the Gospel, after that space, verse 5 ...�


You can see by their notes in the Geneva Bible the idea of a future millennium was totally foreign to the reformers way of thinking. With the next lesson, we will go into this topic further and show historical evidence of Satan�s binding and loosening. We will also be continuing the subject of Norse Mythology from the book History Of The Norwegian People by Knut Gjerset, Ph.D.