Letter #30
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Monthly Letter #30; October 2000 By: Teacher Clifton A. Emahiser

1012 N. Vine Street, Fostoria, Ohio 44830; Ph. (419)-435-2836


ISRAEL Covenant Two Seedline Racial IDENTITY





This is my thirtieth monthly teaching letter and continues my third year of publication. I was browsing through the channels on television recently, when I came across a so-called �Christian Channel� in this area. They had a man on this station advising his listeners how to get their finances in order. It was a call-in type of program. Never did he advise them not to go into debt in the first place. Anyway, one of his desperate Christian listeners asked advice on how she could work her tithe into her budget. It was interesting what this Christian financial adviser was counseling this woman to do. He simply instructed the woman, she could pay her tithe to anyone she chose. This type of advice was totally unbiblical. The first mention of tithe in the Bible is Abraham paying his tithe of war spoils to the Priest of Salem who was no other than Shem. So, from the beginning, the tithe was to be paid to the senior priest of the family race-line. It remained this way until Reuben was disqualified for the job, at which time the sceptre bypassed Simeon and Levi and fell on Judah. The birthright was taken from Reuben and given to Joseph (the first born of Jacob by Rachel). The promise of the priesthood was taken from Reuben and later given to Levi. When the Tribe of Levi became the priest-tribe, the tithe was directed to be paid to them. This continued to be true until the time of John the Baptist. When the Messiah called his disciples, He called everyone from the Tribe of Benjamin except Judas, who was of the satanic seedline. Later, Yahshua personally replaced Judas with Paul who was a Benjamite. Therefore, all twelve of Yahshua�s apostles were Benjamites. The Benjamites were sent with the Gospel to the Israelite people proclaiming our Redemption. It would be ridiculous to suppose the apostles should not have been supported by the tithe, but where do we find qualified Benjamites today for this purpose? The key word here is the word �Gospel.� The term �Gospel� has become synonymous with �truth.� Obviously, it would be quite impossible today to find Levites and Benjamites to receive our tithes. Therefore, today, the tithe should be paid to proclaimers of the Kingdom. There are three cardinal attributes to the Gospel of the Kingdom which are imperative today: (1) The Identity of Israel, (2) The message of the conspiracy, and (3) The identification of the �Jews� as the genetic Satanic enemy of Genesis 3:15. Anything short of this is not the �truth.� Therefore, the cardinal advice this so-called financial counselor should have told this woman, was to pay her tithe to the one proclaiming to her the entire truth. Obviously, the financial adviser, in this case, meant some Judeo-Christian church. If the true proclaimers of the Kingdom had only a fraction of the money sent to the Judeo-Christian, so-called preachers on television, this message could take the world by storm. I hope this explanation of biblical tithing has cleared up any questions you may have had on the subject. Not only is one responsible for paying the tithe to the proper source, but any tithe paid to non-truthful sources is like giving aid and comfort to the enemy. I am sure, when the day of judgment comes, many who thought they were paying their tithe, will be given zero credit as they paid it to the wrong fountainhead. In the end, we are the ones responsible for determining the truth, as we are instructed to �study to show thyself approved unto Yahweh, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.� This passage of Scripture shifts the responsibility right back to our doorstep.


There is only one way to establish the truth in the Identity message. We have to consider that everything we have ever been told in the past may not be correct. As a matter of fact, most of the things we have been taught in the past are 180 degrees from being right. They are just the opposite from what we were told they were. Therefore, it is immensely important to erase everything from the blackboard of our minds and start all over again from the beginning. This, many are unwilling to do.


In the last few lessons, I have been trying to set the stage for the story of Esau. When I started this series, I had no idea that there would be so many background materials to cover. With this lesson, I am going to diverge somewhat from this theme. Because Ted R. Weiland recently wrote a booklet, �Eve, Did She Or Didn�t She?� mentioning my name 14 times along with several other good Two Seedline teachers, I thought it was about time to give him my retort. I have also sent him a copy of the following:




The devil is the father you are sprung from, and you want to carry out your father�s wishes. He was a murderer from the first, and he has nothing to do with truth, for there is no truth in him. When he tells a lie, he speaks in his true character, for he is a liar and the father of them.


You can see, then, this verse is not speaking in a spiritual sense, as most one seedliners would have you to believe. If so, how would one murder someone spiritually? It would be absurd to interpret this verse in a spiritual manner. When it is speaking of murder in this verse, it is speaking of Cain murdering Abel. It is not speaking of Cain murdering Abel spiritually, but physically. I am not the only one who understands this verse in such a way. The New Treasury of Scripture Knowledge, edited by Jerome H. Smith, published by the Thomas Nelson Publishers, page 1203, understands John 8:44 to be speaking of the murder of Abel by Cain, for it makes reference to Genesis 4:8. This is an entire book of cross-references. As far as I know, this book is in no way promoting the Two Seedline doctrine, nor does it have an ax to grind on this subject. Let�s take a look at Genesis 4:8 to which this book makes reference from John 8:44:


And Cain talked with Abel his brother: and it came to pass, when they were in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel his brother, and slew him.


For evidence to help prove that John 8:44 is speaking of the �Jews� as being descendants of Cain, and that Smith & Goodspeed has translated this passage correctly, we will check on the word �OF�, like in �Ye are of your father the devil.� The Strong�s number in the Greek is 1537. The New Testament Word Study Dictionary by Dr. Spiros Zodhiates devotes five pages to interpret the word �OF� as used in the Greek, pages 529-534. Obviously, I cannot quote this entire document here, but cite only that which is relevant to John 8:44:


1537. �... Preposition governing the genitive, primarily meaning out of, from, of, as spoken of such objects which were before another ... Of the origin or source of anything, i.e., the primary, direct, immediate source ... Of persons, of the place, stock, family, condition, meaning out of which one is derived or to which he belongs ... Of the source, i.e., the person or thing, out of or from which anything proceeds, is derived, or to which it pertains...�




We really need to examine the word �OF� in John 8:44, for it is very critical in understanding that the �Jews� are the descendants of Cain. The word �OF� is the Greek word #1537 in the Strong�s Concordance. Most one seedliners will claim John 8:44 should be taken spiritually only, that it is not speaking of a literal genetic offspring of Satan through Cain. Jeffrey A. Weakley (a one seedliner) in his 1994 booklet The Satanic Seedline, Its Doctrine and History, page 24, in his attempt to discredit the Two Seedline teaching says this of John 8:44 (this is an �Argument� and �Answer� debate conducted solely by him in his booklet): �This does not show that Cain was of that wicked one physically, but rather he was of that wicked one spiritually. Let�s look at part of 1 John 3:8: �He that committeth sin is of the devil...� When one studies out 1 John 3:8-12 the meaning becomes crystal clear. It must be talking about who we are serving spiritually. If it is talking about physical descendants, then all of us are physical descendants of Satan because we all have sinned. �For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God...� (Rom 3:23) ... So if we have all sinned and if he that committeth sin is of the devil, we must conclude that all of us are of the devil ... So what is it saying? Are you of the devil by physical descent or are you of the devil because you serve him (or have served him in the past)?� ...  �ARGUMENT [of the two seedliners]: John 8:44 says, �Ye are of your father the devil ... This shows that the devil is their physical father� ... �ANSWER [by Jeffrey A. Weakley]: �Wrong. This once again shows that the devil is their spiritual father (the one that they serve).�


We must then determine whether John 8:44 is speaking of a spiritual devil or a physical devil. The word �OF� is critical in John 8:44 for determining this. The word in the Greek is #1537. In John 8:44 the Greek form is: �6, which is sometimes �>. You can check this out in most any of the Greek interlinears. The New Testament Greek Study Aids by Walter Jerry Clark says on page 230 about the Greek word �6: �out of ... with the genitive: by means of, out of.� The Intermediate New Testament Greek by Richard A. Young, page 95 says the following about the Greek word �6: �6 often conveys special extensions �out of� or �from.� For example, the prophet said that God would call His Son out of Egypt (Matthew 2:15)� From the Greek to English Interlinear by George Ricker Berry, page 31 of his �Greek-English New Testament Lexicon�, we have this on �6: �6 or before a vowel, �>, a preposition governing genitive, from, out of.�  The Thayer Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, page 189 expresses �6 this way: � ... out of, as separation from, something with which there has been close connection...� In other words, the �Pharisees� in John 8:44 had a close genetic connection out of or from �the devil.�


There are 32 other places in the New Testament where this Greek word (1537) �6 is used in the same sense. Let�s see if these other passages are speaking of physical or spiritual beings: In Matthew 1:3 it speaks of �Phares� and �Zara� being �OF� �Thamar.� Does that sound �spiritual�? Again in Matthew 1:5 it says �Booz� begat Obed �OF� Ruth. Again, does that sound �spiritual�? In Matthew 1:18 it speaks of the �child� being �OF� the Holy Ghost. Again, does that sound �spiritual�? In Matthew 1:20 it again speaks of the �child� being �OF� the Holy Ghost. Again, does that sound �spiritual.�? In Mark 5:8 the Redeemer commanded an unclean spirit to �come out �OF� the man.� Does the �man�, from which the spirit was cast, sound �spiritual�? In Luke 2:36 it speaks of one �Phanuel� �OF� the tribe of Aser. Does this sound like a real person or a spirit? In Acts 13:21 it speaks of �a man �OF� the tribe of Benjamin.� Again, are we talking �spiritually� here? In Romans 1:3 it speaks of Yahshua being �made �OF� the seed of David according to the flesh.� How do the one seedliners claim this one to be �spiritual� when it states outright, �flesh�? After all, it�s the same word �OF� as used in John 8:44?!?! In Romans 16:10 it speaks of �them which are �OF� Aristobulus� [household].� Can we ask again if this is someone who is a real person or something strangely �spiritual�? In Romans 16:11 it speaks of �them that be �OF� the [household] of Narcissus.� Does the word �OF� here apply to some real person or do we have to relegate it to something �spiritual�? In 1 Corinthians 11:12, it says �the woman [is] �OF� the man.� I can just imagine some ardent one seedliner explaining to his wife she is not a real person! In Philippians 4:22 it speaks of �they that are �OF� Caesar�s household.� I guess that we Two Seedliners are now supposed to believe that Caesar was something spiritual! In Hebrews 7:5 it speaks of �the sons �OF� Levi...� and �out �OF� the loins of Abraham.� I guess the one seedliners would now have us Two Seedliners to believe that Levi and Abraham were some kind of a �spiritual� mirage!  In 1 John 3:8 we are told: �He that committeth sin is �OF� the devil.� The devil (Satan) was the original lawbreaker, and that is what sin is all about! In 1 John 3:12 it further describes, �Cain [who] was �OF� that wicked one.� The one seedliners really do some rhetorical gymnastics with this passage. Jeffrey A. Weakley said this passage was also �spiritual�. In Revelation 3:9 it states: �I will make them �OF� the synagogue of Satan.� A synagogue is a worship house of Satan. The �Jews� truly do worship Satan their father and they admit with their own words that they are descended from Cain. I have in my possession a quotation from a publication Liberal Judaism published January, 1949 by a Rabbi Dr. Abba Hillel Silver who states in part, speaking of the then new State of Israel: � ... the concept of the wandering Jew ... For the curse of Cain, the curse of being an outcast and a �wanderer� over the face of the earth has been removed...� It is only the one seedliners who do not understand that Cain was to be a �vagabond�, a �wanderer� and having the �curse of Cain� upon him. Name one other group today that fits this category. In Revelation 5:5 it speaks of �the Lion of the tribe �OF� Judah� Are we also supposed to believe that this is something �spiritual�, and deny that Yahshua came in the flesh? In Revelation 7:5-8 we have: ��OF� the tribe of Judah ... �OF� the tribe of Reuben ... �OF� the tribe of Gad ... �OF� the tribe of Aser ... �OF� the tribe of Nepthalim ... �OF� the tribe of Manasses ... �OF� the tribe of Simeon ... �OF� the tribe Levi ... �OF� the tribe of Issachar ... �OF� the tribe of Zabulon ... �OF� the tribe of Joseph ... �OF� the tribe of Benjamin.� If we are to be consistent, (a word which the one seedliners like to use), if the same Greek word that is used in all these references is physical in nature, so, too, is the word �OF� in John 8:44!!!!! Very convenient to throw up the word �spiritual� whenever you want to forge a barrier and not accept the truth, which Yahshua spoke: �Ye are OF your father the devil.� Yahshua was simply saying to the �Jews� that they were chips off the old block.


Also, I suggest that most people who use the word �spiritual� in this way don�t even know what the word means. The dictionary might lead to the idea of a disembodied soul or a ghost, something mysterious or mystic. The Bible meaning for �spiritual� is: life as opposed to death. How does such a description of the word �spiritual� fit John 8:44? It�s obvious, it doesn�t!




I now wish to give you a very good example of the �enmity� of the two seeds of Genesis 3:15 from the book �Germany Must Perish� by the American �Jew�, Theodore N. Kaufman:


Page 11, For quite patently, to fight once more in democratic defense against Germany with any goal in view save that country�s extinction constitutes, even though it lose the war, a German victory. To fight, to win, and not this time to end Germanism forever by exterminating completely those people who spread its doctrine is to herald the outbreak of another German war within a generation.


Page 15, And so it is with the people of Germany. They may respond for a while to civilizing forces; they may seemingly adopt the superficial mannerisms and exterior behaviorisms of civilized peoples but all the while there remains ever present within them that war-soul which eventually drives them, as it does the tiger, to kill. And no amount of conditioning, or reasoning, or civilizing  � past, present or future will ever be able to change this basic nature.


Page 83, There is in fine, no other solution except one: That Germany must perish forever from this earth! And fortunately, as we shall now come to see, that is no longer impossible of accomplishment.


Page 86, Quite naturally, massacre and wholesale extinction must be ruled out. ... There remains then but one mode of ridding the world forever of Germanism and that is to stem the source from which issue those war-lusted souls, by preventing the people of Germany from ever again reproducing their kind. This modern method, known to science as Eugenic Sterilization, is at once practical, humane and thorough.


IN SHORT: This is why the �Jew� today is encouraging every White woman to jump in bed with a Black, Mexican or Mongolian! When one is talking about the �Germans�, one is talking about the same tribe as Yahshua the Redeemer. The Germans are the true Tribe of Judah along with the Irish and Scottish, and the �Jews� are the false tribe of Judah. Maybe now we can know what �Planned Parenthood� is all about. (Say you want to continue to go to a �Jewish� doctor?) If you can�t see the natural �enmity� between the �Jews� and Germany, you have to be blind! This �Jewish� hatred is not isolated to Germany alone, but anyone of German blood wherever Germans, Irish and Scots might live.  Yes, I am saying that the one seedliners are, like the �Jews�, �blind guides.� The two �seeds� of Genesis 3:15 are at war, and it is to the death of one or the other.




At a �Jewish� conference, January 12, 1952, in Budapest a �Jew�, Rabbi Emanuel Rabinovich, spoke before the Emergency Council of European Rabbis. The following is part of that speech which can be found in William Guy Carr�s book, Pawns In The Game on pages 105-106:


� ... I can state with assurance that the last generation of white children is now being born. Our Control Commission will in the interest of peace and wiping out inter-racial tensions, forbid the whites to mate with whites. The white women must cohabit with members of the dark races, the white men with black women. Thus the white race will disappear, for mixing the dark with the white means the end of the white man, and our most dangerous enemy will become only a memory. We shall embark upon an era of ten thousand years of peace and plenty, the Pax Judaica, and our race will rule undisputed over the world. Our superior intelligence will easily enable us to retain mastery over a world of dark peoples.�


The �Jews� went on to brag: � ... We are about to reach our goal. World War II furthered our plans greatly. We succeeded in having many millions of Christians kill each other and returning other millions in such conditions that they can do us no harm. There remains little to be done to complete our control of the stupid goyim.�




The following declaration of intent was given in 1912 by a British top-level Communist theoretician, Israel Cohen, as recorded in the booklet Who�s Who In The World Zionist Conspiracy by James Combs, page 40:


�The �Race-Mixing� program�. We must realize that our party�s most powerful weapon is racial tension ... In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the negro minority against the whites, we will endeavor to instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the negroes. We will aid the negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause.�




As I promised you last month, I will bring you information on an archaeological find at a place known as Ebla. I will now quote from The Thompson Chain-Reference Bible, the �Archaeological Supplement� in part, pages 1791-1793. As this archaeology supplement is being continually updated by Thompson, your edition may read differently than what I am quoting here:


� ... The most impressive of these mounds is known as Tell Mardikh, which lies some 30 miles south of modern Aleppo, rises 50 feet above the plain, and covers an area of 140 acres ... In the spring of 1964 Dr. Paolo Matthiae, professor of Near East archaeology at the University of Rome, obtained a permit to excavate Tell Mardikh with his wife, Gabriela, and an efficient archaeological team of assistants.


�During the first few years they carried out soundings in various parts of the mound. Uncovered were city gates similar to those of Solomon at Gezer and Megiddo, and two small chapel-type temples like the famous temples of Shechem, Megiddo and Hazor all dating between 2000 and 1600 years before Christ, the period called Middle Bronze I and II.


�In 1968 the archaeologists discovered a royal statue which bore a dedicatory inscription to one Ibbit-Lim, �Lord of the City of Ebla, to the goddess Ishtar.� It soon became clear that they were excavating the remarkable metropolis of the kingdom of Ebla, an immense Semitic empire whose center was set on the plains of modern Syria. From occasional references to it in ancient inscriptions from Ur, Lagash, Nippur, Mari, and Egypt archaeologists had long suspected the presence of such a civilization in North Syria. Many places and events of history would now fall into proper place.


�In 1973 work was begun in Early Bronze Age Ebla, which dated between 2400 and 2225 B.C. Excavators found a tablet indicating the city at this period was divided into two sections an acropolis (high city) and a lower city. The acropolis contained four building complexes: the palace of the city, the palace of the king, the palace of the servants, and the stables. The lower city was divided into four quarters, each of which had a gate: the gate of the City, the gate of Dagan, the gate of Rasap, and the gate of Sipis.


�In 1975, while excavating in the palace of the city, the chief administrative center, they came upon the ruins of a large three-story royal palace building which had flourished four generations before the birth of Abraham. It contained a spacious audience court (100 to 170 feet, with a portico of carved wooden and stone columns adorned with gold and lapis lazuli), a tower room, and smaller rooms at the entrance of the courtyard. In the tower room were 42 cuneiform business tablets and a small school exercise tablet.


�During the following year they worked in the two rooms at the entrance of the courtyard. In the first room were about 1,000 business and administrative tablets, which were found �rather spread out and disordered.� The second room was a large library the authentic royal archives containing 15,000 tablets that had been regularly arranged on wooden shelves. When the palace was destroyed by fire, however, the flames devoured the wooden shelves, and the tablets settled on top of one another...


�In a nearby room were another 1,000 tablets. Along with writing implements. This they took to be the scribe�s room. In yet another room were 800 tablets, along with beautifully carved wooden figures, seal impressions, and plaques of wood, gold, and lapis lazuli. One sheet of gold was found ... Professor Pettinato found that the major portion of the tablets were written in Sumerian wedge-shaped cuneiform script the world�s oldest written language. The tablets themselves, however, dated from the middle of the third millennium B.C. One large tablet was a dictionary giving the Sumerian equivalents of some 3,000 Eblaite words. With the help of this lexicon, Pettinato was able to dicipher [sic] many other Eblaite tablets. About 20 percent of the tablets were written in a northwestern Semitic language, which Pettinato called Paleo-Canaanite, or Old Canaanite, although the script used was also cuneiform Sumerian. This he says was the language spoken in Ebla and is closer in vocabulary and grammar to biblical Hebrew than any other Canaanite dialect, including Ugaritic.


�Contents and Significance of the Tablets�


�The tablets so far unearthed number nearly 20,000, the majority of them large. Those which have been translated only a fraction of the total tell of the economy, administration, education, religion, trade, and conquest of a great commercial empire of which all memory had been lost in the historical traditions of the Near East.


� ... what they have found already throws a flood of light on so many aspects of research in the field of ancient history and biblical archaeology that in many quarters the Ebla Tablets are now considered more significant for elucidating ancient history and the early backgrounds of the Bible than any other archaeological discovery ever unearthed.


�With its empire, the city of Ebla, whose population is given in one tablet as 260,000, constituted one of the greatest powers in the Ancient Near East during the third millennium B.C. Its commercial and political influence extended far beyond its own borders from Sinai in the southwest to Mesopotamia in the east. As a major trade center, it controlled east-west commercial routes for grain and livestock from the west, cedar timber from Lebanon, and metals and textiles from Anatolia the home of the Hittites along with trade in silver and gold and the several other commodities from Cyprus and other Mediterranean countries.


�Ebla was a flourishing Semitic civilization. Her �arts prospered and her craftsmen were renowned for the quality of their metal work, textiles, ceramics and woodworking�s. They made cloth of scarlet and gold, weapons of bronze, and furniture of wood. Their educational system was far advanced. They kept records in their own language on tablets of clay which they stored in archives deep in the cellars of the royal palace.� All this existed more than a thousand years before the brilliant civilization of David and Solomon.


�Ebla had a king and a queen. Like Israel, it anointed its kings and had prophets. The king was in charge of state affairs, and his queen was held in equally high regard. The crown prince helped with domestic and administrative affairs, while the second son aided his father in foreign affairs. The tablets are quite explicit about the structure of the state and about the royal dynasty. Six kings are listed, among which is Ebrum. The resemblance of his name to Eber, the father of the Semites, according to Genesis 10:21, is astonishing, since it is virtually the same name as the biblical Eber, a direct descendant of Noah and the great-great-great-great-grandfather of Abraham.


�Other names found in these texts and later used by biblical characters are: Abraham, Esau, Saul, Michael, David, Israel and Ish-ma-il (Ishmael).


�The gods worshipped at Ebla numbered around 500, and included El and Ya. El is a shortened form of Elohim, used later by the Hebrews and in the Ugaritic tablets. Ya is a shortened form of what some think might be Yahweh, or Jehovah, and was used for their supreme god and gods in general. Other principal gods were Dagan, Rasap (Resef), Sipis (Samis), Astar, Adad, Kamis, and Milik...


�In recording the trade and treaty dealings of Ebla, the tablets give the names of hundreds of individual place-names, among which are Urusalim (Jerusalem), Geza, Lachish, Joppa, Ashtaroth, Dor, and Megiddo, as well as cities east of the Jordan. One tablet (No. 1860) mentions the cities of the plain in the same order as in Genesis 14:2 (Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, Zeboiim, and Bela, or Zoar) as being cities with which Ebla carried on extensive trade. This was the first time these place-names had been found outside the Bible. Dr. David Noel Freedmen had pointed out that this record precedes the great catastrophe involving Lot, which many modern scholars have regarded as entirely fictional.


�The texts contain Canaanite stories of the Creation and the Flood and a Canaanite code of law. The creation tablet a beautifully inscribed ten-line poem is closer to the Genesis account than anything else discovered. In essence a part of it reads:

There was a time when there was no heaven, and Lugal (�the great one�) formed it out of nothing; there was no earth, and Lugal made it; there was no light, and he made it.


�The Flood story is given in five columns on a small tablet ... Ebla is only partially excavated, yet a part of the royal palace, two temples, a fortress, three city gates and tablets which now number nearly 20,000 have been exposed ... At one time Ebla even ruled over and collected tribute from Mari. Reverses came, however, and ancient Ebla was destroyed. Apparently the destruction was incomplete, for Ebla enjoyed something of a second life during the early part of the second millennium B.C. ... Around 1800 B.C. Ebla became a vassal state of the great kingdom of Aleppo, spoken of in the Mari letters as Yamhad. Around 1600 B.C. Naram-Sin, king of Akkad, defeated Ebla in battle and destroyed the city. From this disaster the city of Ebla never recovered, and it remained buried under its own debris until modern excavators began to resurrect it...�


We find, from all of this, the peoples of this time period were far more advanced than we ever imagined. In the next lesson, I will be taking up more of the subject of Egypt. Egypt very definitely affected the life of Esau as he married Bashemath, a granddaughter of Abraham and the Egyptian Hagar. The story of Egypt may be a lengthy, but an interesting one.