We now go to a subject, which is very important; on with
which people should become more familiar, since it contains areas of
tremendous interest to the Bible student; as it surely should, since it
pertains to the household of the Most High God. We are now going to talk about
you, you, before the foundations of the world, you, before the worlds were
framed you, in the beginning. Strange as it may seem, there is one problem
that has been besetting Christianity for some time, and this is, as they
follow the passages and texts taught in individual denominations to support
areas of doctrines of the faith, and have familiarized themselves within these
areas, dealing with important events, such as events around the Messiahship of
Christ and His atonement; here they have lost all concept of the great
background of our history as it relates to us, before we entered into this
world of experience.
I point out to you, now, that every last one of you who
belong to the White race, every last one of you who make up the great heart
and structure of Christendom today, are children of the Most High God! You
are part of a family, which exists both in heaven and in earth; or could,
for that matter, exist in any part of God�s universe. You are the household of
God, and you are the family of God. There are many passages, which we have
used, and shall continue to use, because they deal with these subjects; and of
course we always have the assurance of the Scriptures concerning the fact that
the family of God is real, and that the Most High God recognizes this family
in both the heavens and the earth.
But when we talk about you, the average concept of the race
at large is that they came into existence the day they emerged from their
mother�s womb and were born into a physical world. Some churches of course
have been quite precise as to the hour of existence; from the moment of
conception, when the physical embryo started its multiplication, and when the
cells were dividing before their change, under the patterns of mitosis, which
were to take place, the cry was, "Here was the beginning." And well it might
be so considered: from the moment of conception, the beginning of the physical
born body, the beginning of the individual that is visible to the eye. But I
am going to talk about something equally important for you to understand,
especially in this vital hour when it is one of the most important areas of
knowledge that your race may possess in order to maintain racial self-respect
and carrying out of the responsibilities of its destiny.
Long before your conception in a physical world, you
existed, because you are children of the Father. If you did not exist before
your conception, then, my friends, you do not belong to the family of God and
there is not very much I can tell you that will do you any good. In the first
place, if you did not exist before the foundation of the world, you would not
have been born at anytime, of incorruptible seed, because these processes are
not something put together by the physical mind, inside the processes of brain
activity, nor is it something that the soul consciousness has created. Being
born of incorruptible seed, is no the acceptance of the words of an
evangelist; nor, my friends, is it a persuasion that you become aware of, in
your mind. Being born of incorruptible seed is a process of the Father, by
which you were begotten in the beginning, before even these worlds were
We must point out to you that we have some evidence of
this. First, we are going to introduce evidence concerning these matters to
you, in order to prove you do not originate in the earth. And since you did
not originate in the earth, then you had to have begotten, to exist in another
plane, another dimension entirely, before you entered into this one. We want
you, for on moment, to separate the patterns of thing from any walls that
might try to block your patterns of vision. Remember, that denominations and
repetitions of error have been built up in the background, throughout the
years, that stand as walls, to revelation. People say: I would like to know
the truth of God; but they have already made up their minds, what they are
going to accept and what they are going to reject. Let God be true, and every
man be in error, if this be necessary.
If I can establish before you that it is Biblical for you
to know that the White race, and you specifically as a people, were the
children of the Eternal Father before the world was framed, I am going to un
hinge your destinies from any worry as to whether or not events of earth are
going to determine your future. I am going to prove that the Most High knew
what He was doing when He sent you into the world, and He wasn�t taking any
chances on you. Nor is there any chance, in the program of God�s Kingdom,
because our Father is a sovereign of great power, Who put the universe
together, holds it in His hand, and because of this, had assured us that
victory shall be obtained.
There is no question about the uniqueness of that which we
see. Jesus, talking to His disciples one day, said, "Do you know that you are
the ones who have been with Me since the beginning? Ye have been with Me from
the beginning." When He talked about His holy spirit, which is referred to as
the "Parakletos," (actually this is the energy-spirit revelation of God�s Own
mind) in the fourteenth chapter of John He tells about the sending of this
wave length of understanding unto the people that actually do constitute His
disciples and His household, and understanding that the world and its "world
order" can not receive. They can�t understand it, they can�t receive it; but
you can receive it, and it will do two things: it�s going to bring all things
to your remembrance, and it�s going to lead you to the full knowledge of all
I want you to understand that nothing could ever be brought
to your remembrance that you had not experienced, or you had not had some
association with; and when He talks about all truth, it shows the
affinity of your consciousness, the background capacities of that spiritual
intelligence that is resident in your body, to unveil to you all things and
all truth. You could not teach Negroes all the truth; you cannot teach
Chinamen all the truth. But White men can be taught all truth! I am
going to point out something concerning this matter: In the first place, there
is a system of wisdom, mystery words that are found all through the
Scriptures. Jesus Himself, speaking unto His disciples, said, "Unto you it is
given to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of heaven; to them it is not
given�" I am not going to unveil to a rebellious force, a rebellious archangel
and his demoniac offspring, the secrets and the plans of My Kingdom. I am not
going to divulge anything, which he has lost all knowledge of, by mutation and
violation of divine law. Therefore, to those who operate in a stupor under his
power and control, I shall not reveal this mystery; but I am bringing it down
to those who constitute the great core of followers that will carry out My
responsibilities. Unto you, therefore, it is given to know the mysteries of
the Kingdom of heaven; unto them it is not given.
Some churches are trying to give away the holy secrets of
God to those who have no concept or understanding and who would trample these
things under foot. I point out to you, that in this instance, the Bible
teaches something. If I tell you it teaches something, then I can establish it
with the Bible. I am going to give you an understanding of the mystery word:
you are "strangers and pilgrims in the earth." Now, when you are a pilgrim in
the earth." it means you have come from some place else, and this is where you
are conducting a pilgrimage under a divine plan for a divine purpose.
Therefore you are God�s strangers in a world where in a world where you were
not created, and the purpose of God is that you occupy it, that you take it
over, that you fulfill during your ministry a certain relationship to the
earth; and that before God has consummated this pattern of His Kingdom, these
who are the children of His Kingdom, who are strangers and pilgrims in the
earth, are going occupy it, rule it, and in your dimension of time in which
you are now living, in this hour of your life-span, God is culminating a whole
chain of events, many of which are tumultuous, concerning the Kingdom and its
occupation of the earth.
You are being challenged by enemies of God�s Kingdom, by
people without spiritual capacities, by soulish forces and by beast like
people. You are being challenged by the powers of Antichrist, by the hordes of
darkness, by the Africans and the Asiatic, and even in your own country there
is a race war being built around the rise of the forces of darkness, stirring
up the Negro to try and take over your destiny by destroying and halting the
Kingdom of God. Now, they do know something. They understand something, in
part, because, among their leadership, there are those who have expressed what
they have discovered, and what they have found, as they read your Bible, and
what they have been influenced by false prophets, to accept.
One thing Negroes know: they know, regarding the God Who
rules the universe, that His children in this earth are White men, possessing
a Christian Bible. They know the contents of this Bible establishes clearly
that you are the household, that you are the people of the Book, and that His
Kingdom, His laws, His standards of righteousness and morality are the laws
set up to govern the earth but they don�t want it. They rebel against this,
and want to follow a god of their own choosing, whom they identify as the
opponent of your God. They have made your God the devil, and their god is the
devilish forces that they serve. Now in this instance, I point out to you: If
I wish to take the time, I can tell you that inside of this book by Baldwin,
on "The Fire Next Time," he tells you what the Mohammedan Negroes believe and
what they intend to put over, as they plan on the extermination of your race.
They say that the devil is, therefore, the father of all White men, and he, by
his creations, created the White man and the White woman; and the Whites have
risen to power under this devilish force, for a cycle of time. This is what he
says: He says that god was originally black and the colored races filled the
universe, and they originally filled the earth, but you are satanic invention.
You are a devilish force and you are trying to take over the world. He says,
you came in and started pushing all the other races around and tried to make
them obey laws that you say are the laws of your God, which happen to be moral
laws and ethical laws. He says you came with a Bible and you conquered Africa,
and you were taking the earth, and then suddenly their dark gods said, "No!"
and they are revolting against you and must exterminate you, to keep the
Kingdom from taking the earth. Now, I am going to tell you this much, whether
this man knows it or not: your God is the Father creator of the universe, and
of course he who is serving the devil would say that you are a devil, because
he believes his god to be right. He understands something even more
thoroughly, though, than do many preachers in the Methodist, Presbyterian and
Episcopalian churches in this community. He understands that you came in to
take over, and to take over for your God. This is a part of your
pilgrimage, and therefore you are not the original peoples in the earth, but
you are the children that were with your Father when this earth was made. You
watched its creations. You watched it being defiled by the forces of Lucifer,
and you are a part of God�s household, ordained to put it back in order.
Now, I turn to various passages, which I think are quite
significant. The Psalmist knew a lot of things concerning this, and he refers
to it, and so do we also find this throughout the Old Testament. First, I am
going to turn over to the words of the Psalmist in this matter. We turn to the
thirty-ninety psalm, and we read that David said, "Hear my prayer, O Yahweh,
give ear unto my cry; hold not thy peace at my tears: for I am a stranger and
a sojourner, as all my fathers were, for Thee." Here I am in the earth; I am a
stranger and a sojourner now I am down here, and I have a problem, and I am
calling to you now hear me. You say, How do we know that this relates to the
earth? Let me take you into the Book of Hebrews, and we read these words
concerning Christians and concerning the household of your race. We have
already used this passage many times: we do again: "Forasmuch as the children
of God are partakers of flesh and blood, so they are in the earth."
We are going to pause here, because this whole second
chapter of Hebrews talks about the fact that God, In His Messiahship, had to
take on the same flesh and blood you had, to be like His kinsmen, since now
the children of God were down here in bodies of flesh. You can read it. There
is no distortion here. It is quite logical; and God declares that you are His
relatives, and He took on a body like you now have, so He could deliver you
from the problems you are in. But in this third chapter of the Book of
Hebrews, the Apostle Paul writes, "Wherefore, holy brethren, partakers of the
heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and High Priest of our profession,
Christ Jesus." Now when I say heavenly calling, this is a significant thing,
because the heavenly calling was the calling of your race to come down out of
the heavens to earth, to put the Kingdom in order. This was a heavenly calling
This was a heavenly promise and a heavenly covenant and a heavenly purpose.
For out of the celestial planes, then in the heaven; it was there that you as
a people volunteered to come, in this pilgrimage and this service of the Most
High God.
To establish this quite clearly, then, I turn over in the
Book of Hebrews, to the eleventh chapter, and we read concerning these great
patriarchs and these men of faith concerning the race, and how they serve God,
men like Abel and Enoch, and coming down through Noah and through Abraham. And
it says, therefore, "Many of these people died in the faith, never seeing the
fulfillment, this victory of God�s Kingdom and this occupation of this earth,
consummated, for they died in the faith, not having received the promises that
were still afar off, and they were persuaded, however, of them and they
confessed that they believed in them, because they were strangers and
pilgrim�s in the earth." Therefore, your race�s great men were strangers and
pilgrims in the earth. And the Scripture tells me that they were pilgrims and
strangers in the earth, of whom the earth was not worthy.
I also read in First Peter, in the second chapter, the
eleventh verse, "I want you to know, dearly beloved, and I beseech you as
strangers and pilgrims, to beware of certain things that are traps in the
earth, that you don�t become involved in them." Peter was one of the apostles
to whom Christ had unveiled these things, and Peter said to them, "I speak to
you now, as strangers and pilgrims in the earth." Why? Because they had been
begotten in the heavens, to begin with, of incorruptible seed that lives and
abides forever. But now they were begotten in the physical world of the
fleshly body of the Adamic race; its wavelength of reaction had descended upon
all men. And the only thing that would restore this, in the physical world,
would be the atonement that Christ accomplished to the purposes of God. But
clearly, the Apostle Paul has made his declaration, and Peter has made his,
and he said, " Now I beseech you as the strangers and pilgrims, that you do
various things and abstain from other things here in the earth." And in this
twenty-third verse of the first chapter in First Peter, he said, "for you were
born, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible seed, by the very essence
of God�s own being, that lives and abides forever.
So therefore, you are a special people. You are a household
of the most High. There are many other passages in the Scripture, which bear
out the importance of these things. When Jesus talks about the beginning, He
said in Revelation, in the first chapter, also the twenty-first chapter and
the twenty-second chapter of Revelation: I am the beginning and I am the
climax of the cycle of events, the things that take place in the earth; I am
the beginning and I am the end. In the twenty first chapter of Revelation, He
makes a declaration also, concerning the creations of this solar system and
the things that relate to the history of the events in the earth. He also, in
the twenty-second chapter, makes again the declaration that, I am the Eternal
God, and I am the beginning, and I am from the beginning.
You start out on the narrative in the Book of Genesis that
has been bound together in what we call the Bible. "In the beginning Yahweh
created or formed the heavens and the earth." And then He turns to His
disciples and says; "Ye are they that have been with Me since the beginning."
I want you to think, concerning what the Psalmist said; the Psalmist said: " I
am Thy stranger in the earth; now listen to me, our Father, for I am Thy
stranger an I am Thy sojourner�" This word, " stranger and sojourner," was
known from the days of the beginning of your Adamic race. It was in the
ancient writings of Seth. It existed in the days of the Books of the Bee. The
Adamic race knew that they had been sent into earth, occupying physical
bodies, living this earthy existence in carrying out the objectives of God�s
plan: God�s pilgrims, God�s household, God�s sojourners, God�s warriors,
Israel, God�s occupying warriors with God, to rule and they came in as
such. They knew this; they understood this. Now I point out to you that in
this declaration where the Psalmist talks about these things, he identifies
himself rather clearly with this purpose.
One of the points we should note, while we are still
dealing in this area, is to be found in the Book of Chronicles. In the
twenty-ninth chapter of First Chronicles we read these words: "For we are
strangers before thee, and we are the sojourners; so were all our fathers; and
all are our days on the earth are like a passing shadow, and there is none
that abides and stays here, because O Lord, we are Thy strangers and Thy
Sojourners, and so have all our fathers been." So now, the voice of the man
writing Chronicles, under the inspiration, appeals unto the Eternal and says:
Remember, our Father, that we are Thy strangers and Thy sojourners in the
earth, and so have all our fathers been and therefore we didn�t start here, we
are not the beginning of creation in the earth; we are Thy household, we are
here to do Thy will and we need help. SO that is understandable.
I point out that this not alone, the only place where we
see this declaration. I would turn over to the Book of Genesis, and I want you
to know that Jacob, whose name was called Israel, was talking to Pharaoh, and
he is explaining to Pharaoh about this super-race of which he is a part, of
this seed, this destiny, and this household, and used again this magic term.
Jacob said unto Pharaoh, "The days of the years of my pilgrimage so far have
been a hundred and thirty years." What does he mean, the days of my pilgrimage
here so far in the earth, have been a hundred and thirty years? He was just
one hundred and thirty years old. He arrived on earth, he had been born, he
had existed here for one hundred and thirty years, and he tells Pharaoh, these
are the days of his pilgrimage. Where did he come from? What was this
pilgrimage? He was part of the Eternal household of the Most High who came to
earth, to carry out the destiny of carrying forward his part, in building this
race and building this Kingdom.
So he goes on and tells Pharaoh: "Now this pilgrimage has
been through a lot of evil days and time, and the years of my life have not
yet attained unto the years of the lives of my fathers in the days of their
pilgrimage." Understand this now: The days of my life in my pilgrimage have
not yet attained the days of my father�s lives, in their pilgrimage. Now, if
you are just born here, and had no origin from any outside sphere, you would
not be on a pilgrimage; a pilgrimage would have nothing to do with this. You
are the children of the Most High, strangers and pilgrims in the earth, for
your Father�s sake, in an inheritance which belongs to you, because, before
you were here, this was your Father�s earth, and He has intended that you are
going to put it in order, and He has given you the responsibility of looking
after it, and being a part of this great era of time and history. After all,
you may say it has been a long time. But it really hasn�t been so long, since
you have been here; 5,400 years before Christ, and 2,000 now, and whereas that
it is a long time for you, when you think about life spans and "three score
years and ten" and "four score," I tell you that in your spiritual background,
a day was like a thousand years unto you, and you never thought that that was
a long time at all.
I point out, now, other interesting facts, concurring with
this pattern and with this knowledge. For instance, David the Psalmist was
with the Father before the world was framed; and so were you. I point this out
to you, by first turning over to the Book of Romans. In the Book of Romans we
read these passages in the eighth chapter, the twenty-eighth verse: "And we
know that all things work together for good to them that love God, who are the
called according to His purpose: For those that He knew aforetime, or
foreknew, He did predestinate that they would be conformed to His Own image,
in the perfect life that He lived in the earth." This was destiny, being
conformed to his image. As He was the first born in perfection among His
brethren, so would also you be conformed to His image, in the earth, in your
time. He not only foreknew you, but He foreordained certain things and
predestinated you, eventually, to conform to his image even if He had to
resurrect you, to see this accomplished!
Now listen! We turn over to the Book of Ephesians, and this
is what I read: "Blessed be the Eternal Yahweh, (this is the proper
declaration, for God) for He, the embodiment of God which we have met in
earth, has blessed us already with all spiritual blessings in heavenly
places." There isn�t a person in this room, according to the Apostle Paul, who
has not already been blessed with all spiritual blessings. You say, How do you
know that? Well, I don�t know how you could bless any individual more, that by
bringing them forth as your issue, begotten of incorruptible seed in the
Shekinah presence of the Eternal Father. You were with the Father in the
heavens in the celestial areas from the time of your conception, ages before
this creation, and He has already blessed you with all spiritual blessings in
heavenly places, in Him, according as He has chosen you in Him, before the
foundation of the world; and has predestinated your ultimate achievement
again, even though you have passed through the earth, to be holy and without
blame. And having predestinated us unto this positioning of children through
Christ Jesus, according to the pleasure of His own good will, He ordained this
to the praise of His glory. And this, my friends, He did when? He did this
before the foundation of the world.
I turn to the passages of the Scripture, which relate to
this, here in the Book of Ephesians. It says: "Of whom the whole family in
heaven and earth is named�" And you are a part of that family, from the
heavens and to the earth. And one of the things we find here, concerning the
ministry of God, your relative and your Father was that He was embodied in the
earth as Christ. This means divine or spiritual embodiment, just as the spirit
in you is the Christ in you that is your hope of glory. Now in this instance,
He said that He came into the earth; and then, after this, He descended into
the netherworld to bring forth captivity captive and to release the spirit of
the imprisoned children of God, that they might again ascend into the
celestial. And so I read here in the Book of Ephesians these words: "That He
descended, and then He did ascend to bring forth captivity captive." And what
was He going to do, to bring His many sons back unto glory?
The Apostle Paul gives us some added concepts of this
matter in Second Corinthians, verse six: "Therefore we are always confident,
knowing that while we are at home in this body, we are absent from the Lord."
You say, What do you mean? While we are resident in this body, we are absent
from that dimension and plane where we actually came from. And so the Apostle
Paul says in the next verse: "For I am confident, to say, that as far as the
spirit is concerned, to be absent from this body is to be present with the
Lord; and while we are here now resident in this body, were are separated from
the plane in which we have come from, in which the Lord dwells."
Now, therefore, when I talk to you, I am talking to a
household of God�s sons and daughters; I am talking to a celestial race, a
divine household; and these are the people that the eighty second Psalm is
talking about, when the Father spoke to you in the congregations and
assemblies if yesterday, and then re-addresses Himself through the lips of the
Psalmist, to say: "Ye are Elohim and all of you are the children of Yahweh."
You, and everyone in this room, were with the father before the worlds were
framed. Your celestial being, which is not necessarily the conscious master at
all times in this physical body, because your ego soul consciousness, capable
of residing in the spirit or in the flesh, is now resident in a physical body,
you react to the senses; but being a son or daughter of God, you are instilled
and moved by a higher pattern and course than physically occupying creatures.
There are peoples in this world who started here; their
physical bodies have been their place of occupation throughout all the ages of
the existence of their race. They have a spirit to their type, and they have a
consciousness, responsible to the archangels and to the Most High God. The
grace of God is going to put them back in order and cause them to respond to
his purposes; and He is going to do that through His sons and daughters and
through His Kingdom, and He is going to join you in the victory of that
family, to see that all of this is completed.
I point out, there are people here, who do not belong here.
We have said that before this is the Negro problem. They came from far off
areas of the Milky Way, during Lucifer�s rebellion. They were brought in, and
have gone into brutishness, and they have degenerated from the condition they
were in, in the days of their creation. They do not have the capacities to be
guided by the spirit, and can only function when instructed, in areas of
emotion; but they can never evaluate, guide, lead, or rule.
One of the greatest catastrophes of our time is this
rebellion against God�s law, which is due, in part, to a lack of truth and an
ignorance that has come over the church error, which should not be. But if the
proclamation of God�s Word can go out across this land, and this is your
responsibility, if we can awaken the peoples to their origin and their
destiny, if we can challenge them concerning their background as to what the
Scriptures say; then, my friends, they are going to know what it�s all
about, and why they say, "Our Father, which are in Heaven, Hallowed by Thy
name," why He taught us to pray, "Thy Kingdom come in earth, as it is in
heaven�" For this is what we are here to bring in the Kingdom and bring it in
we will. We are not about to be integrated, as the President tells us we are;
instead, we are my friends, going to throw off and break this yoke. We are
going to disobey every intent and design to mongrelize and destroy our race.
I have now brought to you attention these passages in
Scripture, which show these situations exist. When Jesus spoke, concerning
you, He said, as to the spirit of God in the heavens, the great creator God,
that each one of you belong to Him in the heavens. Now, in His Messiahship in
the earth, He said, "Mine you are in the earth," He said, "You are not of the
world, even as I am not of the world� don�t take them out of it, however; but
keep them in it." Now, no man can ascend back into the heavens, but they that
came down out of it. Your coming in, and your going out, is known unto the
Lord. If you never came from anywhere and you never existed before, you
couldn�t have come in; and there wouldn�t be anything to bring back to your
I want to point out some things about the Psalmist, David,
the king. In the course of his life time there were moments, even though he
was a king and psalmist, when the great essence of God�s spirit moved upon him
and caused him to remember; and while under this power, he remembered patterns
of events that went way back into the ages of yesterday. Especially did this
remembrance descend upon this great man in days when great problems were
plaguing his reign. Remember, David was king of Israel, a great king over your
race. In his humanity he violated divine law, under conditions, which were
natural and normal considering the pressures, but God always looked upon David
as a man after His Own heart. He was a member of that race who would fight for
the name of God. He would be willing to face the Philistines or the pagan
Canaanites at any turn, in and for the name of God. Not only was David willing
to lay down his life for the Kingdom of God and for its power and for its
destiny, but he loved God with his whole heart. God said, "Here is a man after
My Own heart."
David was beset upon by his enemies; they conspired to
assassinate him, just like they have assassinated some of your statesmen in
your country, in an effort to wipe out the children of the Kingdom. In these
instances he would call upon the Lord, and the spirit would bring back to his
remembrance, things that he had beheld when he was with the Father, before the
world was framed, and he would start to talk about things that happened in the
background of his history. I point out to you, one of these instances, over
here in the writings of the Psalmist, of experiences he had, when the powers
of darkness were about to beset him, and he saw these great dangers coming.
This is the eighteenth Psalm, and it says: "O, I will love Thee, O Yahweh, my
strength, for Yahweh is my rock, my fortress, my deliverer, my El, my mighty
God, my strength; and I will trust in Him, my buckler, the horn of my
salvation, my high tower. I will call upon Yahweh, Who is worthy to be
praised: and so shall I be saved from all mine enemies." He tells about how,
in the antiquity of yesterday, he cried out in distress from God�s holy
Since we are now dropping back through some twelve thousand
years, you may say, How do you know? Because, out of ancient Egyptian writings
concerning their early migration, since the sinking of the continent from
whence they had come, when the sons and daughters of the Eternal God,
celestial beings, capable of being witnessed and he held but not touched and
handled, now dwelling in bodies of flesh but celestial beings, even like the
angels that could appear, served in the ancient pyramid temples of the Most
High on this earth, in the beginning of the challenge of Lucifer�s power.
So David unveils what he saw in his vision. He was a priest
of the Most High God; he was a son in his celestial being, and he was trapped�
he was in the temple of the Most High while Lucifer, with his power and
darkness, was trying to take over the earth and mutate all the patterns of
spiritual truth in his rebellion. David understood and saw these things, and
this is what he said: "In my distress I called upon Yahweh, and cried unto my
God: He heard my voice out of His temple, and my cry came before Him, even
unto His ears." So he showed that his was afar off and in great distance, and
this is what he said. He said, "In that day the very earth was shaking; it
trembled; the foundations of the hills were moved and they were shaken,
because Yahweh was incensed at mine enemies: I saw the smoke that went out of
the nostrils of the adversary: I saw that Yahweh bowed the heavens and came
down with darkness under His feet: He rode upon a cherub, and did fly; yea, He
did fly with the wings of the wind. The adversary made the darkness his secret
place, and the pavilions round about were dark waters and thick clouds in the
skies; but at the brightness of the Eternal Yahweh Who came, Who ruled the
clouds they passed; the hail stones and fire came, for Yahweh came thundering
out of His heavens; the Highest gave His voice and sent His hail stones and
His coals of fire; He sent out His great arrows and He shattered them; He sent
forth His lightning�s and He discomfited them. The channels of the waters were
seen, whole areas of the land subsided, the foundations of the world were
discovered, and rolled and turned under the astronomical impact of the events
that were commanded by Yahweh. At thy rebuke, O Yahweh, at the blast that came
from thee, You sent the enemy in darkness, scurrying; You brought collapse
upon areas of his kingdom: He sent from above and He took me, and He drew me
now out of this area of the swirling waters." Now listen! "He delivered me
from the strong enemies that were now besetting me, and which hated me, for
they were in multitude and great strength, greater than me; and they prevented
me in that day of calamity, but Yahweh was my stay."
Now, we are not going to take time to go through the whole
pattern of this, but I want to point out something. Remember that Lucifer in
his rebellion fought a multiple pattern of warfare, trying to bind up even the
spiritual forces of the sons of God who were still carrying a message unto
those that had not succumbed to his fall. And in this instance, you will note
that the Scriptures bear a great testimony to this kind of power. We have
talked to you about how, in the days of Daniel, Daniel waited for a message;
because he was an oracle of God. He was God�s minister, and he knew that God
answers, even as the ministers of God know that God unveils in pattern, in
revelation, the things He wants them to know. And so it was twenty-one days
that Daniel waited for a message, and when it finally came, he said, "I was
becoming disturbed, I lost my connection, no message was brought unto me."
Then the messenger said, "From the very beginning Yahweh sent me with this
message to you, but the prince of the powers in the air, the evil demons over
Persia have controlled and fought and sought to encircle, and it has taken me
twenty-one days to break their power, to get to you." Now here was an angel
that took twenty one days to deliver God�s message. No wonder that just one of
the celestial children of the Most High, who was down here on a mission in a
temple of the Eternal in the days of the rebellion, and in the attack from
Lucifer, felt that he was lost, and appealed unto the Father: and the Father
moved out and challenged the power. The force of that battle between God and
Lucifer is represented by David, as something he saw, something he experienced
as the Lord took him out now, out of the discovering channels of the rolling,
overturning earth, and lifted him back into His presence.
I could tell you of Isaiah, who, in the instance of his
ministry, is suddenly, challenged by God, who said, "Now you have prophesied a
thing I am going to bring back to your remembrance." Then Isaiah said, "I
beheld the earth and I saw these things that turned clear upside down and I
saw cities shattered: Behold, Yahweh madeth the earth empty; and maketh it
waste, and turneth it upside down, and scattereth abroad the inhabitants
thereof." The land was utterly spoiled, and because the people transgressed
the laws, changed the ordinances and broke the everlasting covenant, they saw
their land devoured by a curse, and they were desolate; therefore the
inhabitants of the earth were burned, and few men were left. "I beheld this,"
said Isaiah.
Jeremiah, another prophet of God, an eternal son who had
witnessed things that transpired, even as you and I who were together in that
hour when Lucifer rebelled, long after the creation of this earth; saw Lucifer
rebel against the revelation of your sonship. He fought struggles against the
Most High, and then he gathered his hosts until Michael the archangel went
out, according to the twelfth chapter of the Book of Revelation, to defeat
him. The twelfth chapter of the Book of Revelation tells about this war; it
tells about this defeat. And in this same channel of events, remember the
words of Jesus: " I saw Satan fall like a star out of the heavens, to join now
in a struggle on earth against the children of God, which are now down here in
bodies of flesh, to wage war against this woman that brought forth the man
child, this Israel of God."
I point out to you that the Book of Job is another one of
these great mysteries. It is a mystery volume, and it is filled with a lot of
very important material. All of these so-called friends of Job have been
challenging Job; they have been saying he was self-righteous, that all these
things, which went wrong with him, were the result of things through which he
had passed. The real fact was, the powers of darkness were challenging God.
God knew exactly what He was going to do with Job. He knew all about Job�s
resistance and Job�s capacities; and how He was going to pour glory on him, so
that the end of his life span would be greater than its beginnings. But in
this, He knew Job: Job was with Him before the foundation of the world. And so
Yahweh answers Job and speaks to him out of the whirlwind, and He said, "Who
are these people that darken counsel by their words without knowledge? Now
gird up thy loins, Job; answer me like a man, and I will demand answer after
answer from thee. Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth?
Declare now; thou hast the understanding. It is not, "if thou has
understanding." It is not, "if thou," or "do you have it?" It is, "thou hast
the understanding." In the earlier text, it is quite clear, and clarified, and
you will notice this if you read the old text. "Who laid the foundations of
the earth? Who laid the measures thereof? Who stretched the line upon it? Were
the foundations fastened? Who laid the corner stone thereof?" speaking like an
architect, talking about a building. But God is talking about the creation of
the earth. "Where were you, Job? Well, I will tell you, Job: I will bring it
to your remembrance. The morning stars, all the arch-angels, sang together,
and all the sons of God shouted for joy�" I don�t think He is talking about
angels. Turn over to the second chapter of the Book of Hebrews, and you will
see, at no time, did He ever say to the angels, Thou art My son. But he said
unto you, the Elohim, You are Elohim: " Ye are Elohim, and I am your Father."
As we have pointed out before, it was God Who said, " I am a Father unto
Israel, and Ephraim is My first-born." Thus your nordic society was begotten
of the Father and he was proud of it, even before it blossomed into all the
great nations, who were to build His Kingdom, the Kingdom your enemies hate so
much today, because out of it comes the law and order of God.
Now, we turn back again to Job, with God telling him how
these thing transpired, and He said, "I want you to know that thou art old,
and thou are filled, not with just the experience of many years in the earth,
but thou has the pattern of experience of agelessness, because you have been
with Me." And therefore God brings out answer after answer, and identifies
this with the knowledge that He has placed in Job, by experience. There is no
doubt that there are a great number of things, which Job describes. The spirit
descends on Job, as he gives the answers to his friends. He tells about
seeing, sweeping across the earth, the great tail of a comet, which drew its
judgments and had upheavals in times past. He tells about experiences he saw,
when whole areas of earth were rolled and turned over, and when great darkness
descended upon the earth. In fact, he even identified himself with having
witnessed a great number of these situations.
Again, we point out to you, another passage which is of
great significance. Jeremiah is another one of the children of the Most High
God. Jeremiah was with the Father before the world was framed. How do you
know? Well, he not only watched all these things, but in the fourth chapter
Book of Jeremiah, the spirit moves on Jeremiah, and this is what he said: "I
beheld the earth, and, lo, it was without form and void; and the earth had no
light. I beheld the mountains, they trembled, the hills moved. I saw that man
was disappearing, and the birds of heaven had fled. I saw the fruitful place
was a wilderness; the cities were all being broken down, in this tremendous
earthquake and upheaval, form the presence of Yahweh and His anger. Thus saith
Yahweh, However, the whole land shall not be desolate, and shall not be a full
end." And he describes how he saw the empty cities: the horsemen, and the
bowmen, the warriors were gone; whole cities swallowed up by wilderness,
growing up where great citadels once existed. I repeat, that what he was
talking about at that time, related to Lucifer�s rebellion and to the
catastrophes taking place in that day. Moreover, under that same situation,
there are other things, which he brings to light. Jeremiah, remembers, was
describing what, in the Scriptures, and is referred to as the creations�
re-creation period. If you go into the Book of Genesis, it tells you in the
beginning, "God created the heavens and the earth." Then you come to the
declaration that the earth was "without form, and void." The word used for
void, in the Hebrew, means "an aftermath of judgment by divine hand." Thus we
have it very clearly that Jeremiah is telling about what happened when the
waters covered the deep, and he said, "I beheld the earth, and it was without
form and void."
God never made anything void, and He proves that the
voiding was a catastrophe, because He tells you what happened to the cities,
what happened to areas of the earth, and how great areas of the earth rolled
over, and the tops rolled over whole areas of it. You say can you prove this?
Yes. Ask any geological engineer what coal beds are, and how they were formed.
I have been down in deep mines in the East, over a mile beneath the earth
surface, and I have looked at ferns, petrified in the solid coal, forty feet
long, and, my friends, over them are mountains of dirt and rock and stone and
material, and they have been folded over, and the compression of the
tremendous astronomical impact of the influence that came, by whole areas of
the earth rolling and heaving, buried these ferns down, to make this coal and
this coal era. So we again point out: the Scripture tells us of antiquity; it
tells us of creative purposes, tells us what God hath done.
We urge you to recognize that all these things are bearing
testimony. Jeremiah said, "I beheld it." Isaiah said, "I beheld it." Each and
every time, it was God bringing back to their remembrance the things which
they had beheld, when they were with Him before the world was framed, I am
going to tell you, we also have testimony out of other records of Scripture
which are preserved unto our time: the records of Enoch and of Job, the
records also of contemporary patriarchal writers who wrote from the things
they had learned, regarding the conditions of Job and of Enoch. Enoch and Job
lived at the same time; they were builders of the city of On. Their wisdom and
their mystery was applied to the building of that city; and later on to the
pyramid. In all the instances of their experiences, they tell about things
that God brought back to the attention of Enoch, when Enoch soared out into
space and was the guest of God, to be shown these things, to have them brought
back to his attention, so that he might return to earth and repeat unto the
children of the Most High, so that they might carry out their destiny.
This was also the experience of the Apostle Paul, as well.
And in this, again, God�s reiteration is "these are My children, this is My
household; I want them to keep this in mind; I don�t want them to forget: they
are My household, transplanted from heaven to earth to build My Kingdom, a
kingdom that shall never be destroyed, a kingdom that shall never be left to
other peoples." We can hardly understand completely what this was like,
because our areas of remembrance have been obscured by the curtain, pulled
down over this remembrance. The Scripture said this had to be done, because,
if you could have remembered, as the Apostle Paul said, the country you came
from, you would have gone right back there. If you could have remembered it,
you would have remembered the secrets, the power, and the law, that belonged
to the sons and daughters of God for reentrance into spiritual planes at any
Jesus never forgot this, because He was the fullness of
God; He knew all about it while He was here on earth. Every time His enemies
tried to stone Him, He disappeared. When they trapped Him down in the bottom
of the temple, He went out through the wall and talked on the outside. He knew
how to get in and out of plane, whenever He wanted to; and yet He was in a
body of flesh, without the radiant aura on Him; because, if He had kept that,
they could not have crucified Him. So in this pattern, you also see that He
had a body just like you have; we are told that in Hebrews. But even with a
body like you have, He could move in and out of plane because He was in
command of the knowledge. God said, I had to pull that curtain down over you,
or you pilgrims would all come home before you finished your pilgrimage.
Yes, I want you to understand this, that a gracious and
loving Heavenly Father has had His hand upon His household throughout all this
time. Not only is this true, but His spirit will abide with you always; even
to the end of the age; and because of this, the Father said, "Of all this, I
am not going to lose anything." And so in the course of these events, He tells
us that you were filled and enveloped in the Shekinah glory of the Most High,
with your celestial body, being a body of light. It was as tangible and real
to you as the body you now possess. You bear within it, the celestial image
that is not visible at this time; but your consciousness, absent from this
body, moves into it, and back into the presence of the Most High God, with
instantaneous reaction. Let me point out to you that this is so.
Remember that the man Christ Jesus, we are told in the Book
of Colossians, was the image of the invisible God, the physical embodiment of
the invisible or celestial being of God. He said, "He who hath seen Me hath
seen the Father." You have behold in the physical form, when you behold
Christ, the physical or energy form of His light being, He, Who is the Eternal
God. You are told in Colossians, all things were made by Him; without Him was
not anything made; He holds all things together. The Apostle Paul again said,
"Whether in the spirit or in the body, I cannot tell;" he couldn�t tell the
difference, in the planes of heaven, when he was in that dimension; life
continued in that dimension, in celestial planes, so filled was it with light
and with glory.
Yes, the Father has acknowledged you as His children. He
tells about how He has blessed you with all spiritual blessings in heavenly
places, how you were in the councils with the Father when the world was
framed; when the great solar systems came into being, when the charge of
divine command set every mentoid up, in all the masses of the particles of
space, and synthesized whole atoms and molecular masses, and out of it came
solar systems and you beheld all this. And every time a new life was
formed, a new sun was born, or a new solar system came into being, you were
filled with joy, like a "fourth of July" celebration; and it said all the
children of God shouted for joy, all the morning stars sang together, the
archangels rejoiced, over each creation, its splendor, its magnitude. My
friends, you are not little people; you are the children of the Most
High, and you are still in a creative work. You know that the White race
produces all the science, the technology, that others have copied and stolen,
others who resented your existence and resented your administration. They
resent you because you came in from the outside, because you are the
representative of the household of the Most High God and they serve the
darkness. And because they serve the darkness, they resent the light. In
serving darkness, they do not want the transition that shall come. But even
they suffer and vibrate under the pains and the terrific vibrations of a world
out of course. Because of this, the Father said that they as well as we, wait
for the manifestation of the sons of God, which will be accompanied with a
redemption, to wit, of your body, empowered and charged to do the work of
celestial sons.
Again I remember those words of Jesus in His humanity, the
fullness of God, the master of men, "O that I might have that glory that I had
when I was in that dimension of spirit before the worlds were framed, before
the earth was." All right. So I tell you that you were with the Father, each
one of you, before the worlds were framed. And I point out to you that a lot
of people are disturbed, a lot of people are worshipping the darkness, a lot
of people are bound down before the "beast system," a lot of people are
acknowledging Lucifer; like Mr. Baldwin who worships his black erroneous Allah
that has no part nor lot with ancient Mohammedans. When I listen to this, I
understand why he is worshipping the beast. It tells me over here in the Book
of Revelations, that those that are worshipping the beast, in his image, are
those whose name were not written down in the Family Book in the heavens
before the world was framed. You say, "How was it that his name wasn�t there?"
Because he wasn�t up there. His name wasn�t there, because he doesn�t belong
to this family. He belongs to a creation that followed Lucifer in rebellion.
He belongs to something that is out of course. But don�t worry. In ultimate
time, God is going to put everything back in order, including Mr. Baldwin. But
believe me, between that time and now, his Negro revolution is not going to
wipe out the White man, as he tells us in his so-called "Best Seller."
I want you to know, therefore, that your names were written
in the Lamb�s Book of Life before the creation of this solar system; and that,
in itself, is good enough for me! There isn�t anyone, devil or man, smart
enough or cunning enough to get my name out of that record. There isn�t any
power that will affect the covenants of God and the eternal security that He
has given unto the life eternal of His children. So I tell you this: remember
we have given you about sixty scriptures in all, proving that you were with
the Father before the world was framed, proving, that you are an eternal child
of the Father Whose love reaches out, throughout all time, and Who gave the
world His best when He sent His Own family down. He, and He alone, put them in
bodies of flesh. He has established a Kingdom, to bring a wayward world devoid
of spiritual connection, back to service to Him! This is the grace of God.
They would hate you, they would kill you, they would destroy you for it. Our
Father doesn�t want the physical body of His Kingdom destroyed, nor does He
want you to submit or not to resist. He calls on you to take a stand, to
conquer the darkness, to break the power of the enemy, and to know that you
can move with a new assurance and a new courage; for His purposes for you, are
abiding forever.
This earth, and the administration of it, is not going to
be left to somebody else. Somebody is not going to come in and look at the
ruins of the great nations of God�s Kingdom, as they look at the ruins of old
empires and say, Here it is, the place where the Christians lived; here it is,
where once, they tried to establish the whole world under the service of their
God. My friends, that history is never going to be recorded, because you
are a part of the endless tomorrows, for you have been with Him from the
beginning, and are going to be with Him in all the endless tomorrows, when
every knee shall bow and every tongue shall proclaim that Christ is God. This
is the message of the Kingdom. This is the great gospel of the true Israel of
God, that mighty household of warriors, occupiers, colonizers, pilgrims,
strangers, and sojourners in the earth. And we have been here long enough now,
to say that we shall occupy this for the Father, forever and ever.