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Standards of Israel

By Dr. Wesley Swift


The marching standards of Israel and the great na�tions of God's Kingdom, where they are, who they are, and how they are known but a subject of this proportion cannot be handled completely in one message. There are many things that we would have you know, and we will cover as much ground as we can. There are certain things that must be taken in their order. While many things which we will discuss may be known to many of you, the whole pattern of them should fit in one solid mosaic until you can see the great purpose which God has established among you as nations and you in this nation, as God's great instrument for this hour.

We have mentioned in previous messages that the great White race started with Adam. The Scriptural account relates particularly to Seth and his descendants. It is written that Adam begat Seth "in his own image, " free from error or vi�olation of divine law, and selected by the Most High God to carry down the holy seed which He had thus planted. The descendants of Seth are described in the Scriptures, to the time of Noah. As you will recall, Noah begat three sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth. We are interested now in Shem, because it was his lineage and household that suc�ceeded in retaining the spiritual heritage in keeping the blood line pure The Ham and Japheth lines in later generations became largely absorbed by integration with the ancient races. But the Shemetic strain retained almost perfect purity and, today, every White man you see on the face of the earth is a Shemite. There are a few who may be by-passed products of the crossing of the bridge of the races that took place in early mi�gration; from the steppes of the upper Pamir Plateau, but today all the White men of earth are found in the nations of God's Kingdom, all iden�tified with nations that have emerged out of the line of His covenant.

Thus it is that the grandson of Shem, Eber, is the father of all the people called Hebrews, and every White man on .the face of the earth is a Hebrew and a descendant of Eber, as far as the nations of the world go today. I also want to cite, and we will have more to say about it later, that there are millions of Jews in the world who are not Hebrews and, though they use some�times the word Hebrew, they have no partner lot in the history of Eber or his descendants, and every White man of every Christian nation is a Hebrew and a descendant of Eber. And when the Apostle Paul, direct from the revelations of God, writes the Book of Hebrews, the people who re�ceive it are you who are Christians today, and no one else has the Book of Hebrews but you.

When we talk about the people of Israel, it is important for you to know that God placed on your race the name of Israel (which means rulers with Him, His offspring in the earth), even before the calling of Abram who became Abraham, when it was used in the days of Enoch. For Enoch was told that these, his brothers in the earth, were Israel, rulers with God (children, or issue, ruling with God). In fact, this was known even earlier in the history of your race, for Seth, in "The Books of Seth, " says that God said we were His rulers (and the word is Is-ra-el) in the earth .

I now point out a significant thing to you concerning the great nations of the earth. God called Abram out of the land of Ur of the Chaldees to establish the line through which the Kingdom would rise to its administration, to bring in the rule of God in the midst of the earth, to bring in peace and righteousness and justice. He changed his name from Abram to Abraham. Remember the careful selection that was made for a bride for Isaac by his father, Abraham, under spiritual guidance? We see again the same guidance, in the matter of selecting a wife for Isaac's son Jacob, who became the father of twelve sons. With these twelve sons start the great pivotal determination of the Kingdom of God.

Now there is a specific value in the number twelve, because back during the periods of the prophecies which were given unto Enoch, Enoch said that the hour would come when the Kingdom of God would come marching in its order, like the signs of the heavens. That is one of the reasons why the measure is quite significant. There is one son for each month of the year, by measure, and Jacob had twelve sons. I think it is rather significant, as you go into the background of the prophecies of God's Kingdom, that to Abraham were the promises made. A great nation and a company of nations were to come of Abraham, - and God had promised, "I will be a God unto him and his seed after him in all their generations. " As you read through the entire course of Genesis, and especially the thirteenth and seventeenth chap�ters, these patterns of revelation become more clear, as God tells you what He intends to do with the seed of Abraham and what they are to do in the earth.

I want to cite that in no instance do the Jews at any time fulfill these prophecies. They are not a great nation, they are not a company of nations. They have never been a great nation or a company of nations, as such, in the earth. There have been nations that have been identified with them, because of the impact of their religion, but they have not provided the government and the leadership that is referred to in the Scriptures concerning this matter.

In the past I have talked to you about the olive tree. The olive tree was given as a symbol unto the house of Israel. It was a symbol of God's race even before the calling of Abraham, and was recognized as the symbol of your race in the an�cient mystery schools of your people. That is why the Apostle Paul also identified the olive tree with Israel, as it was identified even before the calling of Abram, back in the days of the Prophet Enoch. You remember that Enoch was told that all God�s children who had come down out of the high steppes, were His Israel, but some of them were wild olive branches, others were natural olive branches. Later in the days of Israel, when it was separated into two kingdoms, when the northern kingdom was separated from the southern kingdom, they were called wild olive branches. The Apostle Paul, in the Book of Romans, tells us very clearly that the gathering and the grafting back into God's great racial tree of the olive branches, which was the gathering of the nations, sometimes called Gentiles even in your King James Version, is the gathering together of Is�rael. But in the gathering together of all these nations, blindness in part has happened to Israel, not concerning who God is, but concerning who they were. They even thought they were Gentile, meaning "not My people. " But the Prophet said, even in that place where it was said they were not My people, it shall be revealed that they are My people, like the sand of the sea shore, and like the stars of the heaven. "A great multitude.�

Concerning the writings of the Apostle Paul in Romans about the olive tree, you remember he said, "The gathering in, and grafting of the wild olive branches back into their own tree, is the process by which all Israel shall be saved as it is written. " So the gathering together of the peoples of God's Kingdom and the great national unity of God's Kingdom is a part of that process. They were gathered around the message of the Messiah, and when they came together, they were established back in their own tree. No longer was Jerusalem the live tree, for the very life of the Kingdom was in-the life of the spirit which was now resident throughout the nations of God's Kingdom.

Let us go back for one moment to the testi�mony of the olive trees. We told you last week that the two olive trees in the Book of Zechariah are the two great witnesses that stand by God in the whole earth. The olive trees are the mark of the race or the great divisions of the Kingdom of Israel; the candlesticks were their spiritual worship. The Old Testament church and the New Testament church are the candlesticks, the illu�mination which the spirit gives, as the very life and the very energies of the Kingdom are poured in with vision and understanding into the illumin�ation of the candlesticks, or the centers of wor�ship. In the Book of Revelation, Jesus tells John in the very beginning of the Book of Revelation that the candlesticks are the churches. And thus it is, the Old and New Testament church were candlesticks of light and illumination. The olive tree was God's Kingdom; and the two branches of the olive tree are the two great branches of God's Kingdom which, we will discover, developed in the history of your race.

When Moses was up on the mountain and met with God and the great company of His adminis�tering sons that had come down out of the heavens and settled their great crafts above Mt. Sinai, God met there with Moses and the nobles of Israel; and God gave Moses the order for the building of the tabernacle - and Moses built the tabernacle accordingly, the movable temple of your race. We have previously studied the great significance of the spiritual center of the Holy of Holies, of the great center of the inner court where the con�firmation of God's wisdom came, and the outer court where the service was made to the nations. After the setting up of the tabernacle, God told Moses, then, to gather the children of Israel and to number the children of Israel and to set them in their marching order around the tabernacle of the Most High God.

We turn in the Book of Numbers to the place where this declaration is given and read in the second chapter: "And the Lord spake unto Moses and unto Aaron and said, Every man of the chil�dren of Israel shall pitch by his standard, and with the ensign of his father's house, and far off about the tabernacle of the congregation shall they pitch. And on the east side towards the rising sun shall they plant the standard of the camp of Judah, and they shall pitch round about the armies of his encampment. And those that pitch next to him shall be the tribe of Issachar, and next to him shall be the tribe of Zebulun. " So unto Judah on the east, two tribes were set up, one of them was the tribe of Issachar, the other the tribe of Zebulun. 

"On the south side of the tabernacle thou shall set up the standard of the camp of Reuben, and accordingly thou shall add to his captains and his armies, those that pitch by his side shall be the tribe of Simeon and the tribe of Gad. " So on the south we have the household mark of Reuben, Simeon, and Gad.

We turn now to the next grouping. "On the west side shall be the standard of the camp of Ephraim according to his armies, and by him shall be the tribe of Manasseh and the captains of the children of Manasseh, and pitched by their side shall be the tribe of Benjamin and the cap�tains of the sons of Benjamin. "

"The standard of the camp of Dan shall be on the north side, and with Dan shall be also the standard of the tribe of Naphtali, and with the tribe of Naphtali shall go also the encampment of the tribe of Asher. " So on the north side, we have the tribe of Dan, the tribe of Asher, and the tribe of Naphtali.

Now we have the positioning of the tribes of Israel on the four sides of the tabernacle; this is the way they encamped. This is the way they formed their positions, and this is the way they occupied the land of Palestine in relationship to their order. These are great and mighty group�ings of people. By this time, as you can see by the numberings which we have not taken time to read unto you, there are many, many thousands of men in their armies, there are many thousands upon thousands of people that are joined to each one of these tribes. The significant thing about these tribes was that each one of them had a des�tiny and was to make up a nation or to be a part of many nations that these tribes were to be the highest strain of racial purity to be found upon the face of the earth. They were to carry for�ward the destiny of God's Kingdom. They were to be nations that would grow up, which would be the power and the manifestation of God's covenant and wisdom in the earth.

Now listen. There are four basic standards that the Bible tells about, as the symbols of these four encampments. I think that the significance of this is quite unique, because all through the Scriptures we find, and most Masons will remem�ber this too, that the four living creatures are the living standards of God's Kingdom. And so we have the camp of Ephraim in which Manasseh and Benjamin are found, and the standard for the camp of Ephraim was the symbol of the calf, sometimes referred to as the bull or the ox, but it was the symbol of the calf. Upon the side of Judah we have the emblem of a lion, which was the standard that flew the highest over the en�campments of Issachar and Zebulun and Judah.

We turn now to the tribes of Asher, Dan, and Naphtali; and the sign there, while they are sym�bolically in the sign of Scorpio, was interpreted also as the sign of the flying eagle. According to the "Star Gospel, " which Noah and many of your forefathers understood, and was known from the days of the time of Enoch, whereas Scorpio became the satanic symbol in the sign, there was also in Scorpio, the sign of the flying eagle, as you will find in the star map and the flying eagle was to the north parts. So the flying eagle was used by these three tribes as their marching symbol on the standard of the grouping of their house. Now, upon the south side, where Simeon, Reuben and Gad were, was the sign of a man, and of-course the pattern of its measure is the symbol of Aquarius.

In the Book of Isaiah, you will remember, when Isaiah beheld the throne of the Most High, how he was lifted up to the glory and majesty of God's throne in the vision which God gave him. He saw that around the throne were the armies of God's household or family. He saw them iden�tified as four living creatures. The living crea�tures are referred to again, in the Book of Rev�elation, when John enters into the presence of the Most High, beholds the throne of the Most High, and sees around the throne the four living creatures. Now, symbolized around the living creatures is the symbolic significance of the six wings to each creature, and it refers to the fact that each one had six wings.

In the ancient knowledge of the light carriers of ancient Masonry, they knew what the six wings were. The six wings were known in the days of Enoch, even before these marching symbols had been definitely allotted to specific peoples and tribes. In the first place, these are zodiacal signs, and the great central sign which divides the group is the separation into four divisions of the four corners of the measure of the zodiacal progression. These signs represent the Kingdom of Heaven on earth, these are the symbols of the race of God's Kingdom, symbolically written in the "Star Bible. " The astronomical measure, the units of twelve, both among apostles and disciples in the New Testament, as well as patriarchs in the Old Testament, are also geared to this mea�sure. We point out to you that, in looking at these four signs, you may ask, "Where are six wings?" There are three major signs on each side, and each one has two wings. These are the six wings on each of the four creatures - which are the deacons, one on either side of each of the major signs. Every one of the tribes of Israel had a marching emblem of a sign of the zodiac woven into its heraldry, emblazoned into its purpose, and these deacons, one on each side, were the symbols of the constellations of the course through which the Kingdom traveled in the "Star Bible" of destiny. Thus it is, the wings or the deacons are marked by the knowledge and wisdom con�cerning God's spiritual guidance in the measures of prophecy and carries them through the course of heavens. In fact, in the nineteenth chapter of Exodus, you Remember God said, "And howl bore -you on eagle's wings, and I brought you unto Myself. "

Symbolically, in the ancient mystery schools, one of the strongest symbols of the spiritual des�tiny of God's Kingdom, marked only by its com�parison to the lion, was the symbol of the eagle. It was used at all times. The winged symbol of God's guidance through the cycle of heavenly des�tiny was thus measured. So the six wings, or the two deacons on each one of the three major signs, marked each of the four central creatures, which marked the course of the heavens. Each one of the tribes carried its zodiacal mark, and all twelve signs of the zodiac were woven into the heraldry of these tribes of Israel.

Now we are to note this, that as they were thus set up around the tabernacle in that day, so also were their signs inside the temple that Solo�mon built, each according to its marching order. This was not cast aside in the New Testament era, because when we see John taken into the dimension of the spirit when God opened the door in the atmosphere and said, "Come in hither, " and when John went inside, he saw these signs, these creatures and symbols around the throne, and this was the household of God in their King�dom destiny.

Now we point out to you something about God's Kingdom, about its eventual empowering force, the great new world order, the new Jeru�salem. You remember that John is told in Rev�elation by the Spirit, "Come here and I will show you the bride, the Lamb's wife. " I will show you the people to whom God is married, to produce His family, the builders of His Kingdom in His new world order. And he said, "He carried me away in the spirit and He showed me the new Jerusalem that had been descending out of heaven from God, surely from the days of Adam on down to our time. " And he said, "I saw the gates upon this city. " Do you know how many gates there were? There were three gates to each side. There were just as many gates in God's new world order as there were tribes positioned around the tabernacle, and the names on the gates were the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Is�rael.

Remember this now: God's new world order, the administration of the earth is here revealed to be the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel; and God's Kingdom in the earth, the administration of His sheep nations, which must emerge, will be in the hands of the nations and people who have come out of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel, which people will be Chris�tian, which people will be His household and His sons.

I would have you to remember that the disper�sion of these tribes, resulting in many events of history which have taken place, have been in ac�cordance with divine purpose. If you reflect on the early days in the history of the Kingdom of the Most High God, you will remember that these tribes grew and expanded until they were virtually great provinces, with capital cities in those pro�vinces, no mean cities in the land of Palestine. You will remember that from Saul to David to Solomon, the throne of the Lord had increased. And you may remember that God's covenant with David was one showing His great love for this man and the dynasty of this household, and He said that never would there lack, as long as the sun, moon and stars were in the sky, one to sit upon the throne of David. Why? Because David, as we pointed out to you last week, was being told by the Most High, "This is My throne that you sit on; you hold this throne as a vice-regent for Me. " And we read to you how Solomon took the throne of Yahweh and sat upon the throne of his father David.

You may remember also that when the Angel Gabriel tells the Virgin Mary about the birth of Jesus, he said that Yahshua, the incarnate Mes�siah, would sit upon the throne of His father Da�vid. So the throne of the Lord and the throne of David become symbolically the throne or the symbol of God's Kingdom and His administration.

I think it rather significant that you realize that in the days of David and Solomon, all these twelve tribes made up one kingdom. It was not a king�dom of Jews. They didn't have any Jews there, except those that emigrated in and didn't go out when they should have. But there were no Jews in the land of Palestine, from the twelve tribes of the children of Israel, for Israelites were not Jews.

As he aged, Solomon violated some divine laws. I don't know whether senility entered into it, but we have some evidence, out of the records of the ancient Zohar, records which are most significant concerning what happened. It was a violation of divine law when Solomon started to trade with the ends of the earth and started to bring in some of the "outlander" women, referred to as "outlandish women" by the Prophet Ezra. They were not only brought into the country, but many of them were joined to Solomon's household; and the violations of law which he committed are imputed to these people that he brought in, in violation of divine law. God warned the people of Israel that they were not to mix with other races, not to mix their blood, not to bring the strangers in, for as He had told Moses: "If you bring in these strangers, they will find some way to woo and bring pressure on you to worship their gods, and you will adopt their pagan ways and their philosophy. " So God ordained racial self-respect and maintenance of this standard.

In the aging of Solomon, though he had been one of the wisest men that ever lived, we can well see that by the processes he followed, he had lost some of that wisdom. Surely he had lost much of his peace. One of the things we see transpiring in the days when Solomon violated these laws, the Scripture tells us, was that there were even those who worshipped Ashtoreth, the goddess of the Sidonians; and Chemosh, the god of the Moabites; and Molech, the god of the Ammon children: even this was permitted in Solomon's kingdom, to please some of these pagans he had brought in. Of course the Prophet Ezra, later, had the an�swer for this: for they sent all the outlandish women and all their pagan children out of the land, because that was the law of the Most High God for the preservation of the racial stream.

I point out to you that God spoke, then, to the people, and He said, "This I am going to do. " This is in the thirty-first verse of First Kings, the eleventh chapter. God 'said to Jero�boam through a prophet Ahijah: "Take thee ten pieces: for thus saith Yahweh, the God of Israel, Behold, I will rend the kingdom out of the hand of Solomon, and will give ten tribes unto thee. Howbeit for David his father's sake. Because of My covenant with David, I will not lake the kingdom out of Solomon's hand, for I will let him rule as long as he lives, but I will take the king�dom out of his son's hand, (which was Rehoboam) and I will give it even unto thee, Jerusalem, even ten tribes. But unto the son of Solomon I will give one tribe, beside Judah, for David My ser�vant's sake. " So one tribe was left unto Reho-boam, the son of Solomon, and this one tribe was the tribe of Benjamin. So God permitting the tribe of Benjamin to remain with the tribe of Judah at Jerusalem, and Jeroboam and ten tri!><�:-; departed from the administration of the tribe of Judah in Jerusalem.

Someone once asked,   "Is this an important thing for us to know? " It is a most significant thing, because you will learn that, in his time, Rehoboam was like some of the leadership we have had. When he came to power, instead of turning to the wise heads of his race and following the policies of God, which were the conservative policies, he turned to a group of young liberals, many of whom were strangers who had come into the nation from the outside. He listened to them, we are told, instead of the old men and to the wisdom of his time. The people were already oppressed with great taxation, for all the riches and all the things that had been done in the latter days of Solomon, for his own enhancement, and they were asking for tax relief from their bur�dens.

The moment these strangers come in and start influencing the rulers of your society, al�ways the expenditures will be way out of balance, and the things that are done will not be neces�sarily for the good of the people.

So the people called for tax measure of re�lief; and you will discover that Rehoboam turned and consulted not the wise men and not the elders of the law of God, but he consulted those who were the spendthrifts and those who moved in from the outside, who were the pagan forces and young men who were the liberals. This was his answer: He said, "My father made your yoke heavy; I will add to your yoke. My father chastised you with whips; I will chastise you with scorpions. "

When the representatives of the great city-states of Israel came in, with Jeroboam as their spokesman, they gave Rehoboam the king one more chance to change this position, but Reho�boam became firmer than ever, concerning what he would do. - And so, said Jeroboam, "To thy tents and to thy horses, O Israel! " So it was that Israel, ten tribes of them, revolted and departed, and they formed what was known as the northern kingdom of Israel.

Now this has its importance because we know what happened to that northern kingdom. There came a time, because of violations of divine law and the foolishness of some of its leaders, when they didn't hold their defenses and they permitted their society to be infiltrated by wrong advice and wrong activity. Now we note here - I am reading out of Second Esdras, in the thirteenth chapter and the fortieth verse, where it tells us about these ten tribes: "These are the ten tribes that were carried away prisoners out of their own land in the time of Hoshea the king, whom Shalmaneser the king of Assyria led away captive, and he car�ried them away, over the waters, so they came into another land. Now in a period of time they took counsel together among themselves that they would leave the multitude of the heathen and go forth to a further country where never spiritual mankind had dwelt."

Now, Shalmaneser saw the wisdom and the creative abilities and the initiative of this people and, even though he held them captive, he saw that they were a good people and that their God was powerful. Though from the days of Sennach�erib, the Assyrians had warred against Israel, the fact remains that Shalmaneser said, "These are a good people and I feel impelled to give them their liberty. " He wrote out a liberation chart and he delivered this into the hands of the leaders of Israel] in captivity, and those ten tribes of Is�rael went out of the land of Assyria, through the Caucasian Pass, and into Europe.

This I want you to know: When these Israel�ites came through the Caucasus, people were already living in Greece. They were Scythians, or Danai. You say, "Where did they come from? " Sixteen hundred years before Christ, long before the division which had taken place in the tribes that revolted against Rehoboam, the tribe of Dan went out and went into seafaring missions. They went restlessly to sea in ships.. They became explorers, and they fulfilled the destiny which you read in the forty-nineth chapter of the Book of Genesis. You have the story of some of the things that* were prophetically prophesied as it related to these sons of Jacob which were to be�come great tribes, and some of the things that they were to do. You will note that one of the things that marks Dan, Dan shall be a judge over his people. He shall be one of the first, we are told, among the tribes of Israel, and his trail or path across the earth shall be like the track of a serpent. It shall be a path winding all over, and this was one of the marks of Dan.

We point out to you that Dan went out in 1600 B. C. , and some of the Danites settled in early Greece. They joined themselves with the con�tinual infiltration of Scythians that managed to get away and come through the passes. And when Israel came through, some of them remained with these Scythians and Danai and remained in Greece, while others kept their migrations going. The mark of the tribe of Dan you can find all over the map of Europe. You can see the word Danube, Daniester; and everywhere you will see cities, things and places with Dan's name on them, scat�tered throughout the land of Europe.

One thing that never died out in all the history of Israel was the wisdom schools of Israel, the great schools of the light carriers of the Masonos, later known as Masonry, though the Apostle Paul knew them as Master Builders and Masonos and Masons in his time. The Light Carriers were a people carrying tradition that had remained with Israel at all times. In fact, some of the mem�bers studied under both schools of wisdom, the Rose Cross and the Masonos, which had both come from the days of Enoch to the time of Moses. In the days of Moses, the wisdom was continued among the mystery schools of Levi. These schools were for all of the children of Is�rael who desired wisdom and knowledge of God and the application of His wisdom. That is one of the reasons why in the Temples of Solomon, among the outer courts, there were schools where wise men taught the great wisdom.

When the children of Israel went into their migrations, there were those who carried these truths and this wisdom. Though they were in captivity, they never forgot the symbols, they never forgot the wisdom, they never forgot the significant pattern of the order with which their race was held together. They might at times be affected by pagan philosophies and religions of the countries through which they passed, but never were their mystery schools broken. Always the symbols of their race held together. Always they knew who they were, where they were, and what they were here for. As far as the race was con�cerned, the knowledge was retained in the wisdom schools, by those who were called Light Carriers; and wherever they settled, wherever they went over the continent of Europe, the Light Carriers, and Light Bearers knew who they were.

I think it is most significant, that after com�ing through the passes into Europe, a certain amount of dispersion of all the tribes of Israel, among other tribes of Israel, took place. How�ever, the separation of these tribes according to their specific commands and their background history, was predominate, and the majority of people that would make up the house of Joseph would move together, as the house of Joseph, but there might be some of Asher or some of Dan that would join them, from their connections, as they crossed the continent of Europe. There would be some lands where portions of several tribes would exist, but, predominately, the iden�tification of every tribe is known today. The background of their wisdom has been preserved in the records which still remain from the mys�tery schools that were set up, such as the one in London, from ancient Druid background that car�ries some of the mysteries, and the Masonic foundations that were interwoven with the history of Britain.

The Apostle Paul, who went early to Britain, knew where the tribes were. In the "Apocalypse of Paul" and in the special letters which he wrote, Paul talks about the tribes. We have some of these letters in the Scripture, others we do not have; but he wrote to every tribe of Israel, in its location, by its territory, and that is one of the things which helps us to discover the areas where these letters went, the areas where this message was to go. Some of this message and some of these letters have been the heritage of people from early time, and in some instances we dis�cover that it was long afterwards, as Christendom expanded in these areas, that the letters of Paul became so prized, as important contacts of the first Apostle of Messiah with the tribes of the Kingdom.

Let me cite unto you, that at no time was the tribe of Levi mentioned, in the numbering of the tribes of Israel. Someone asked, "What happened to the tribe of Levi?" Because God had called the tribe of Levi to be a ministry unto Him, to establish the holy order, to follow through as his ministers for the worship of God, God told Moses that when he numbered the tribes of Israel ac�cording to their armies and according to their strength, he was not to number the tribe of Levi, for He had given of Levi to the whole house of Israel, to be spiritual guides and to be teachers before them, and to be His ministers to all gener�ations. And so the house of Levi was a ministry, scattered among all the tribes.

This I want you to know: When the division occurred in the twelve-tribed Kingdom of Israel and the ten northern tribes set up their own in�dependent kingdom, the Scripture tells us that some  of Judah, as well as  some of Benjamin, went out with the  ten-tribe Israel. In fact�there, was some of Judah that returned, but great numbers of them did not return and went out with, Israel, not only in the hours of the kingdom sep�aration, but later going into Assyrian captivity with the ten northern tribes. So we have the ef�fected measure.

We discover that the house of Joseph is re�ferred to in the Scripture with added significance. Going back to the forty nineth chapter of the Book of Genesis, you will see that God gives through the lips of the man Jacob, as the patriarch blesses his children, a special blessing as it relates to the house of Joseph, his children, a special blessing as it relates to the house of Joseph. You will note here in the forty-eighth chapter, that before a blessing was placed upon any of the sons of Israel, that Joseph brought his two sons Ephraim and Manasseh be -fore his father Jacob.

These are the two sons born in Egypt. They were the two sons who were born of the Princess Asenath, who was the daugh�ter of Potipherah, high priest of the Temple of On, a White priesthood since the time of Enoch and Job - and Israel they were, because God had told Enoch that these people were Israel. So God recognized the union of the Sethite house with the house of Joseph through Abraham, and the two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh, were White men of the purest line; and this is proved by the fact that Jacob the grandfather placed his hands upon Ephraim and Manasseh, and he said, "Let my name be named on these two lads; let Israel, the name Israel, pass on these two lads." And he said, concerning these things, one of them was to be a great nation, and the other was to be a company of nations. This was a part of their destiny.

Joseph had placed his sons before Jacob Israel, Manasseh the older near Israel's right hand, and Ephraim the younger near Israel's left hand. Then Israel blessed Joseph and Joseph's two sons. But when Israel placed his right hand upon the head of Ephraim, Joseph said unto his father, "Not so, my father; for this is the first�born; put thy right hand upon his head. " But his father refused and said, "I know it, my son, I know it. He shall be great and become a great nation: but truly his younger brother shall be greater and become a multitude of nations.

In that prophecy it was here declared, "I know concerning these sons, so he placed his "hands in a different order than expected. He laid his-right hand on the head of Ephraim and his left hand on the head of Manasseh, and in the instance of this he said that Manasseh shall be a great people; his younger brother shall be a multitude or a great number of peoples by their size, by their numbers in the earth, and in the latter days the nations of Israel are going to say, God make us like these two great nations of the house of Joseph. In the marching signs of Israel, not the tribe of Joseph, but the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh are numbered. So Ephraim, Manasseh and Benjamin are on the west.

We know, of course, that Levi is scattered throughout all the tribes of Israel. It is my be�lief, today, that the called ministry which the holy spirit calls into the ministry of God's King�dom, scattered throughout the tribes, is pre�dominately the carrying forward of the sowed seed of Levi, because this is God's covenant even forever. But I think we have a lot of professional clergy who do not have the inspiration that God covenanted with His priesthood, and such clergy�men would not be of the house of Levi.

We point out to you that the kingdom, which had been thus established, was now in two divi�sions, after the separation of Judah and Israel. Judah and Benjamin were one group, and we have the ten tribes of Israel as another group. We have told you the ten tribes of Israel came through the Caucasian Pass and they settled in Europe.

There were some of Dan already in the Isles of t-he Sea. There was a great concentration of Dan in the land we, today, call Denmark, or Dan's land. We know where Denmark is, and we know where Dan is, Dan is in Denmark. But some of Dan is in Ireland and in Scotland, because some of them dwelt in the Isles of the Sea. And they have always been outstanding purveyors of the identity of Yahweh, laying great foundations in the early Druid religion, even hundreds of years before the larger groups of Israel and its other branches were to arrive.

Let us now take a look at the north side, where Dan and Dan's land is, in northern Europe. You will also know that there are two others here, Asher and Naphtali. In the early mystery schools of wisdom, the ancient Masonic house gave the symbols and the measures of Asher to the land of Sweden, and Naphtali to the land of Norway, though later there was to be joined unto them a great number of the house of Benjamin, which provided great spiritual insight and leadership. Woven with Asher and Naphtali, in fact with many of the peoples of the tribes of Israel, was the sign and the influence of Benjamin. But the fact re�mains that Naphtali, as well as Asher, were in Scandinavia, in Norway and Sweden; and we know that Dan is still on the north side, still camped in its proper place in relationship to Israel.

In the eightieth Psalm, you hear the cry of Israel, and because you are a part of the house of Joseph, this is very significant: "Give ear, O Shepherd of Israel, Thou that leadest Joseph like a flock: Thou that dwellest between the cherubim�s, shine forth. Before Ephraim, and Ben�jamin, and Manasseh, stir up the strength that  shall come to save us." So all Israel knew that the great day of trouble and time would come when out of the west would come the strength and power of the house of Joseph - Ephraim and Manasseh and Benjamin, for the salvation of the nations of God's Kingdom in the hour of the great testing.

We note that the house of Joseph was to be a great nation and a company of nations. In fact, we can well understand the symbols of its mea�sure. One of the symbols of Manasseh, carried specifically upon its own standard, was the sym�bol of the flying eagle. This symbol of the flying eagle was the marching sign that was carried on the standards of Manasseh, and was also carried among the Welsh in the early days of their cam�paigns, when with Britain there was much trouble and much fighting back and forth. They knew they had the symbol, the mark of their identity. In fact, all the standards of Israel were set up in the mystery schools of the ancient lodges of Brit�ain. And when they set up the Round Table at Camelot, all the standards of Israel were set around that circle, and they voted in proxy for those they said were not represented there.

Let me tell you something: Today, Great Britain is the house of Ephraim. Now, some think that because we have fifty states, that we are the company of nations. But the British Em�pire, or Great Britain, is the house of Ephraim. The United States, with the outstretched wings of the eagle, is the house of Manasseh. The symbol of the unicorn, and the mark of the uni�corn which belongs unto Ephraim, is a part of Britain - and the lion, which is the symbol of the throne of David, is also on Britain.

The tribe of Benjamin is found among the peoples who are called Normans and Bretons. So the people of Normandy and Brittany are also "light carriers" of a special message, for this was Benjamin's job. Benjamin's symbol was the ravening wolf, and one of the reasons why we can see Benjamin's leadership all through Scandinavia is because that sign of the wolf was found not only on the great ships of the Norsemen as they went out, but woven into their marching standards was the mark of Benjamin, the sign of the flying wolf. And of course Iceland, even today, is almost pure Benjamin, and that can be proved, both by Pyr�amid measure and by the timing of events, for the timing of Iceland becoming an independent nation was exactly the proper year to the day, from the time Benjamin went into captivity.

The tribes of Israel were to emerge in the latter day, as Christian nations and present forms of government, in the prophetic measure of "seven times" (7 x 360), or 2, 520 years after the time the various tribes v/ere taken into captivity. Ben�jamin was taken by the Babylonians in 576 B. C. , thus Iceland became an independent nation 2, 520 years later, in 1945. It should also be noted that Manasseh was taken by the Assyrians in the year 745 B. C. , and the United States became a nation, also 2,520 years later, in 1776.

We will next consider the area to the south. In the south we have Reuben as the head, accompanied by Simeon and Gad. There was long a discussion in the wisdom schools, because of a splitting in the migration of one of the tribes. Into the Pyr�enees, along with Simeon, went some of the house of Reuben. The other portions of Reuben fought their way against barbarians in central Europe, and they made their way up and settled along the sea. The peoples of Reuben, today, are in Hol�land and Belgium. They not only know that, but they refer to themselves as the tribe of Reuben. They used to have folk songs in which they refer�red to their Israelitish identity. You have long heard the old song, "Reuben, Reuben - Rachel, Rachel, " proclaiming their Israel identity. Also, a part of Reuben had traveled southward with Gad, and Gad again pitched itself to the south.

Gad is found all through Italy, but especially among the Lombards in northern Italy. Gad is also found up in the Pyrenees along with some of the house of Reuben, but Simeon settled in Spain. You turn back to the prophecies and you will read about the marching warriors of Simeon, and it says they seem with their implements at times to be cruel. But in the prophecies that are written in the Zohar concerning Simeon, it is said that Simeon also was to be a colonizer. He was to continually push westward for new lands, for new power, for new riches, and the extension of his message, to the ends of the earth. We can well recognize that whereas some superstitions were later to affect the thinking of the peoples of Spain, that the Span�ish conquistadors did push out, they did reach out for new lands and for new riches - and every�where they went they made sure that everybody accepted what they had to say or they took off their heads. But the fact remains that Simeon was cruel and he did fulfill his destiny; and Sim�eon today, and Gad, can well be found. The only part that didn't pitch to the south was the part of Reuben that settled in the area that is today called Holland and Belgium.

Now let us look to the east,  for here in the east is one of the great and important patterns of identity today. We discover that in the migra�tions of those tribes that had gone into Assyrian captivity, that many of the peoples of Judah were also included. The first ones settled in Saxony, which was one of the oldest settlements of the house of Judah that existed in Europe. In the days of the Round Table, and even in periods far ear�lier than that, back when the early plantings of Israel took place in the Isles, the inhabitants of the Isles knew they were related as kinsmen to the peoples of Saxony.

They also knew that the peoples of Saxony were of the house of Judah. Some of Judah, because of the interplay of their business and of their faith and because they were frequent allies in battling against strangers that came in from Asia, some of Judah went into Scot�land, and some to Ireland, but most of them in Ireland eventually came back to Scotland. So there was a little Judah in Scotland, a fusing of the blood, but the majority of Judah were in Sax�ony at the beginning, or in that part of Germany where Saxony is. The great development of the incoming of the large part of Judah was to come later.

One tribe had been left "for David My ser�vant's sake, " to the house of Judah, which was the house of Benjamin. The tribe of Benjamin, and the remainder of the tribe of Judah, were taken away in the days of the Babylonian captivity, and remained captive until the conquest of Babylon by the Medes and Persians under the conquest of Darius. And under Artaxerxes, those who wished to do so, were given permission to go back to Jerusalem and rebuild the city. It was just a remnant of Judah and Benjamin that went back to Jerusalem - and with them came an unassimilable group of Babylonians and Asiatics.

Let us remember that Judah, Issachar and Zebulun were on the east - and they are there to this day. Judah is the Germanic peoples of Europe. They make up the heart of Germany and Austria. They make up the Germanic house in the heart of Europe.

The Slavic people of Eastern Europe are Zebulun. The house of Zebulun is found in all the countries that border the Baltic, Black and Adriatic seas, particularly Rumania, Bulgaria and Yugoslavia, and even Czechoslovakia.

Issachar is Finland. They not only know they are Issachar, but Finland has a great lodge of wisdom that has cemented them together, all through the years. Yes, over the diversified household, blue eyes and brown eyes, blond hair and brown hair, they are Israel and one house�hold. But let me tell you this: Issachar, we are told, was like the ass caught between the two staves. The prophetic destiny of this was known, for the final settling of the peoples of Issachar in Finland was between European and Asiatic civilization. They were caught 'between the two. But the people of Finland knew their identity, knew they were children of the Most High, knew their Israelitish origin and had in their heraldry and symbols, all the marks. Even the deacons, on each side of their emblem, are found in the heraldry of Denmark.

I think this is most significant: On the day when the hordes of the Soviet moved in on little Finland back in the early days of World War II, as the sky darkened with the bombers of Moscow bombing Helsinki, and as the hordes of thousands of Mongols swept into Finland, you may remember that Baron von Mannerheim was the leader of the peoples of Finland. On that occasion he spoke over the radio, and he called from Helsinki for every Finn to stand: "Men of Issachar, stand and die. But nothing but scorched earth cursed by God will fall into Antichrist hands. " That ancient heraldry was called in their hour of need: "Men of Issachar, stand and die. . But nothing but scorched earth cursed by God will fall into the Antichrist hands. " And little Issachar put up one of the most terrific struggles of all time and history.

There were other symbolic factors upon the standard of Issachar. In the center of the stan�dard is the head of an ass, and around it are the many pointed blades - and the symbols of the four creatures are upon the flag. You will recall the prophecy of Jacob to Issachar: "Issachar was like the patient ass between the two staves. The Book of Zohar says: "The prophecy was that his back shall be strong, he shall stand mightily to�gether, and in the day of the liberation he shall, destroy mightily the armies of the enemy.� So there is coming a liberation for Finland. And Finland will be fighting side by side with every other great Christian nation when they are liber�ated from the curse of world communism.

We have the signs and we have the symbols, and we understand their significance. We have all the tribes of Israel located, in this day, ac�cording to their major groupings. But of course, many Israel people are scattered interchangeably through all nations that are predominantly White and Christian.

In this great nation under the .symbols of Manasseh, basically, most of the Puritan settling of our nation was the result of the coming of Welsh people who helped to make up the original Puritan pilgrims who came to this land. More than that, one of the things that stood out, was that Manasseh was to have a great destiny, for out of this house of Joseph was to come, through one of its households, the great gathering of the people. Great numbers of those people knew their identity early. George Washington, with his Masonic wisdom and his knowledge, spoke out. One of the things which he pointed out was that, here, God was gathering all of His people together, to build this great temple nation unto God, which was symbolized by the promontory of the high mountain and the "all-seeing" eye of God. Now that is why George Washington pushed so many Israelitish symbols into the heraldry of America, and Prof. Totten recognized this when he was assigned by Yale to go into the investigation of the symbols of the nations of God's Kingdom.

Now people say, "But the tribe of Judah is the people known as Jews.� Under no stretch of the imagination are the Jews, today, to be called Judah. Also I want you to know that when Ben�jamin was living in the land of Palestine, as they later did when some of them went back to rebuild the temple, there were prophecies warning her about her problems. In the first place, this mixed multitude had taken over and dominated Judea. They gained control of the Temple, and we will not at this time go into the machinations they used to gain control - that is a subject in itself. By the time of the birth of Christ as Messiah, the Sadducees, the Asiatics, the non-Israelite stock, ruled the Temple of Jerusalem. Their false priesthoods were oppressive and they sought to crush down the real truth of revelation. They were those who, with the king of the Jews who had come from Pergamus, none other than Herod, even tried to exterminate Christ at His birth.

But you remember that during His ministry, Christ often spoke to the Jews and said that they could not understand His speech because they couldn't hear His words. They lacked the spiritual ca�pacity to understand. And whereas, generally, they referred to Judea as the land of the Jews, because they dominated it politically, the peoples of Judah and Benjamin, true Israel, were caught in the trap of this dominant control over their religion and their house. But they did not con�sider themselves Jews, for in Galilee they con�tinually referred to Jesus and things of His min�istry, but said, "No man dare speak openly of Him for fear of the Jews. " In fact, the Jews themselves would say, "Search and see if any prophet cometh out of Galilee, " - and they looked down upon the Galileans. Benjamin dwelt in Gal�ilee. Some of Judah dwelt in Galilee, and some of them maintained their residence in the land of Judea proper.

During the ministry of Christ, Christ spoke unto Benjamin and He spoke unto true Judah. He spoke of them as "the lost sheep of the house of Israel, " and they came to Him and received His word with gladness. The great awakening that took place in Palestine and the evangelical work of the new church, did not bring Jews into the church, it brought the children of Israel of the land of Galilee into the church, for the Jews never did accept Jesus at any time. That is one of the reasons why the Apostle Paul could not be a Jew by any stretch of the imagination with which people refer to him as such. He had been caught in the religion of the Jews, but he soon got out of it, after the spirit of God showed him who he was and what it was about, but he said, "I am an Is�raelite of the tribe of Benjamin, " and so he wasn't of the house of Judah, anyhow. "I am an Israelite of the tribe of Benjamin, of the sect of Jews, " but that was before his conversion. If you want to know what the Apostle Paul thought about them, you read in the Book of Thessalonians, Paul said, "The Jews are against God and contrary to all men. "

Now we go back to the declarations that relate to Judah. Judah was to be a nation, and it was to be a powerful one, because it was a leader of one of the great camps of Israel. Remember that the scepter, according to the prophecy of Jacob, was not to depart out of the hand of Judah. Now when the king line was set up, from the days of David and Solomon on down, this was the king line of the house of David, in Judah. So we turn to the fulfillment of this prophecy. From that day, all the way down through history that is where the kings have come from, in the house of Israel. The scepter is still in the hands of Judah.

spoke to you a short time back on the fulfillment of the prophecies in Ezekiel, when God transferred the kingdom from the green tree to the dry one, and made the dry tree the green tree. In other words, the ten tribes, which had gone out first in captivity and first settled in Europe, were considered the dry tree; for the true center of worship was Jerusalem, and there the spirit was supposed to make it the symbol of the green tree. But in the fall of Jerusalem, God transferred the throne, through Jeremiah's leadership, and brought the throne and Tea Tephi, as we told you, from the green tree. The throne of David, in Judah, was transferred to the "Is�lands of the Sea, " when the daughter of Zedekiah was married to the king of Ireland. The "three overturns" prophesied in the twenty-seventh verse of the twenty-first chapter of Ezekiel, were ful�filled, when the throne was transferred from Jerusalem to Ireland, from Ireland to Scotland, and from Scotland to Wales - and which is now in Westminster Abbey. But the throne of Britain �was the throne of Judah, ruling in the house of Joseph.

You will remember that all of northern Eu�rope's royalty came out of this household. In fact it continued to be so, even long after the full structure of Judah had settled in central Europe: the throne of Germany, the throne of Austria, the throne blood-line that twice went into Sweden and Norway, and among those German princes who, in order to roll back the hordes of Genghis Khan, set up a kingdom in Russia and established there, their administrator. During World War I, the Czar of Russia was none other than a cousin of King George and Kaiser Wilhelm. "Who is thy mother?" These rulers and princes of Israel. A "lioness," for the lion of Judah is their symbol, These are regencies of a throne that symbolically rules as a pattern of government over God's King�dom, until the hour when Christ Himself shall assume the government, upon the throne of His father David, which the Scripture tells us will bring together the great unity of all the nations of God's Kingdom, against the powers of evil, forever.

You say, "How can we tell anything about Judah?" Well, after the ascension of Christ and long after the formation of the early church, Titus the Roman led an army against Jerusalem, be�cause the Jews (who were the people that inhabited the city in that day), were in revolt, refused to pay taxes, and continually threatened to wreck the Empire by pulling out the money, unless the Emperor gave in to their endless demands. Jeru�salem was destroyed by Rome, as a result of this trouble, in the year 70 A. D. But just prior to this time, remnants of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin were still living in the land of Palestine.

Now I want you to listen to something that Jeremiah had told the children to remember, con�cerning this period of time that they were going to go through. Jeremiah the prophet warned the tribe of Benjamin, and this is what he said in the sixth chapter of Jeremiah: "Now hear, O ye chil�dren of Benjamin, gather yourselves together and flee out of the midst of Jerusalem, blow the trumpet in Tekoa, set up a sign of fire in Beth-haccerem, for evil will come out of the north, and great destruction shall come, therefore I have likened the daughter of Zion to a comely and del�icate woman, and the shepherd of the flocks shall preserve her." - Now Benjamin, you get out of the land of Jerusalem when you know that the armies are going to come. Don't you share in the guilt of this place, but leave.

So, do you know what Benjamin did? The leaders of the communities of Galilee petitioned Rome for permission to migrate out of that coun�try. And the father of Titus the Roman, who was the Emperor of Rome, gave permission for their migration out of the province of Galilee, and all the Benjaminites and all that remained of any true Judah, that were still left there, migrated out. Their migration was the final arrival of the Normans in the north parts of Europe, and the coming of the Visigoths, the second wave, into the heart of Europe. You have been told of course, by some historians, that these peoples who were called Goths and Visigoths were a group of bar�barians, but their culture, their music, their architecture, and their wisdom were to give a whole pattern of culture to Europe. In the writ�ings of many Romans which I have, they refer to the mathematics, they refer to the architecture, and they refer to the skill in weapons, and the use of metallurgy of these people. They talk about how a second migration of them came in, and how they must have been like unto the first, because they quickly joined together in their tribes and in their houses.

You have the exact measure of the coming 6f the Benjaminites and the remnant of Judah, timed with the migration of the Normans and Visigoths, before Titus' invasion in 70 A. D. When they went out, the people who were left in Jerusalem were a people made up of Hittites, Amalekites, Edomites and Canaanites who had settled down there and were not Israelites at all, for God said unto them, "Ye have descended from your father Cain. Ye are guilty of the blood of Abel. " Jesus knew that the people called Jews who controlled the Temple of the religion and dominated the land, were not His household. They were not sheep of the house of Israel and had no spiritual capacity to understand what He said.

Now let us see if this would fulfill the pro�phecies of the prophets. In the Book of Zechariah, starting with verse eleven of chapter four, we learn that God talked about the two great olive trees, which are the two branches of Israel. Who are they? They are the house of Joseph and the house of Judah. These are the two olive trees, the two branches of God's Kingdom. Whereas you have four sides of leadership of God's King�dom, two stood out above all others.

In the sixteenth and seventeenth verses of chapter thirty-seven, in the Book of Ezekiel, God says, "Son of man, you take one stick, one scep�ter, one symbol of power, and write on it for Judah, and for the children of Israel his com�panions. And you take another stick and write on it for Joseph, the stick of Ephraim, and for the house of Israel his companions. " So you have God dividing Germanic and Anglo-Saxon Israel into two groups. He said they are both great powers. Now let me tell you something. You have never heard of the Jews ever being a great nation in your life, and this Israeli is just an abortive state formed in your time - but you have never heard of two great nations that were Jews, by any stretch of the imagination.

You have two great Israelitish powers, in the house of Israel and the house of Judah. Jeremiah said the new covenant was going' to be made with the house of Israel and the house of Judah. They both were going to carry the name of the Messiah. They both were going to be Christian. They both were going to be mighty cultural centers in God's Kingdom. Judah was to be warlike and powerful, and so also was the house of Joseph to abide in strength. God promised unto this portion of Israel the control of the seas and the gateways of their enemies. I want to call to your attention the fact that these two great sticks of power existed in your time, and we have looked upon them.

Now listen to what God said He was going to do in these last days, in this hour when the hordes, which He describes in the thirty-eighth chapter of Ezekiel, will come down out of Russia. God said (in Ezekiel 37: 16-17), Be�hold, I am going to take the stick of Joseph, v/which is in the hand of Ephraim in the tribes of Israel his fellows, and I am going to put it together with the stick of Judah, and I am going to make them one in My hand. - I am going to make the power of the Germanic peoples and the power of the An�glo-Saxon peoples as one great and mighty power, for this is My Kingdom now welded into a great striking power. And whether you know it or not, that is what is going on right now, as this new alignment of nations have Germany, one of the strongest areas of defenders that will be, side by side with you, in the battle against the forces of darkness.

When Communism comes with its armies, which has already occupied East Germany, it will naturally roll over Germany first. If you go into battle to save any part of the nations of God's Kingdom, the first place you are going to be bat�tling, to try to throw back the Russians, will be in Germany. You say, "How do you know?" I turn over to Zechariah and I read these words, as God makes His statement in the seventh verse of the twelfth chapter: "And the Lord shall save the tents of Judah first. "

One of the identifying factors, (and there are a great number of them that we won't have time to go over this afternoon, concerning Judah and the peoples of Germany) it says (in Zechariah 12: 4), the day was going to come in the struggles and battles which would occur among the peoples of Israel, when "I will smite every horse .with .astonishment, and his rider with madness; and I will open Mine eyes upon the house of Judah, and I will smite every horse of the house of Judah and its people with blindness. Someone asked, "Did this ever happen?" Yes. It only happened one time in history. It only happened to one peo�ple.

It was in the time of World War I, when the Scottish Highlanders and the troops of Britain were fighting against the flower of the German cavalry. Here was the cream of the Aryan race, in a struggle that had been precipitated by the Amalekites. Here would have been a disaster that would have been devastating to both the British Empire and the Allies, and disastrous also to the Germanic peoples. Sud�denly, as they were moving in this great charge, do you remember what happened'? All the Scottish Highlanders saw what looked like angels, many feet higher than natural men, standing shoulder to shoulder with swords in their hands across that battle line that separated the English from the Germans and the Scotch from the Germans.

Now we are told that the German, soldiers didn't see anything, but suddenly their cavalry in this charge, their horses, reared up, refused to go forward. They stopped as though walls were in front of them, and they wouldn't move. The riders spurred their mounts and used the whip, they did everything they could, but the horses refused to move. So the cavalry had to beat a hasty retreat. But they couldn't ride their horses, they had to lead them, because the horses had become blind and couldn't see. In fact, three days later they shot every one of the horses in that cavalry, because they were stone-blind.

The British saw the armies of the Most High stretched across the field, when the horses of Judah had been struck with blindness. And what might have been one of the greatest massacres of history became a victory, from position stand�point, for the West, at that time - but at the same time it saved the destruction of the cream of the troops of both sides. Now God said, in that day there would be a mark: Where is Judah? "I will strike their horses with blindness. " - It will be & mark in that day of battle. And in times after this, if you want to know where Judah is, Zechariah provides some additional, helpful infor�mation. He says (in Zechariah 1Z: 6), "And the governors of Judah shall say in their heart, The Inhabitants of the new world order shall be the strength of the Lord. In that day will I bring the governors of Judah like a hearth of fire that de�vours the wood, like the torch of fire in a sheaf, they shall devour and enclose all the people round about, to try to make Judah strong. " - A gover�nor will come but of Judah that shall be like a fire and a flame - he will devour and enclose. The Aramaic text says, "He shall join unto him�self by conquest all the people of his house. "

Now, after World War I, in which the horses of Judah were stricken with blindness, did you ever hear of a specific governor, among the rulers of Europe, who rose up and decided he was going to make Germany strong; and when he was through, he had devoured or brought together all the Ger�manic peoples, which are Judah peoples, such as Austria and other states, all of them into one cause? You remember that Zebulun includes Czechoslovakia, that Zebulun includes Rumania; id everything that was under Judah's banner, except Issachar, was brought in, in the days of Adolph Hitler, and the governors that ruled with him.

So you have World War II, and you have Judah gathering all the governors round about. You say, "How do we know?" Because He said, "I will pour out My spirit on the house of Israel and the house of Judah,� - and you know as well as I do that Germanic peoples are basically as Christian as Anglo-Saxon peoples. If you want the evidence of this, the great Reformation with its spiritual force that gave fire to Europe, started with Mar�tin Luther and the German princes. So we have this, and many other passages, to mark these hours of destiny.

The oldest churches in Europe, even older than the one in Rome, were located in Britain; and the churches in Britain were never at any time under the control of Rome, except during the reign of certain ruling princes who were brought under the influence of Rome. But never was Rome able to extend its power over the abbeys and over the people of Britain.

The outstretched wings of the American eagle has lifted up Manasseh to be a leader among the nations. The prophecies of George Washington and our other founding fathers were geared into the prophecies of this Book. The great nation of the outstretched wings of the eagle, the mighty nation of God's Kingdom, the most powerful nation of the house of Israel, comes out of the house of Joseph, and out of Joseph is going to come this guiding leadership to the nations that call for it. And Benjamin everywhere has been the messen�ger. Benjamin everywhere has been an evangel, and Benjamin today is a spiritual force among the nations of Anglo-Saxondom and the West.

Now, where do you find yourself? You are traditionally, the West. You are still on the side and the symbol of the West where destiny has put you. We have no time to finish this subject, but I want you to know that the identification of God's Kingdom, His covenants with His people, the people who are known by His name, continue to be identified with you and with the nations of Wes�tern Europe. Every one of these nations have in their history, in their heraldry, in the things which they have been taught, their identification with this truth. One of these days we are going to know more about the spiritual forces which God has set in motion, because there is much that can be said. We are now researching evi�dence that covers how fast and how deep the an�cient wisdom and mysteries were carried in the peoples of Europe that came all the way from the days of Enoch.