Thymus Booster
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The Booster functions by emitting an electromagnetic infrared energy field that coincides with the harmonics of your body.  This seems to help the thymus and thyroid glands to begin to function like they are intended to.  The unit works off of household current by plugging the AC/DC adaptor into an outlet.  You can also plug into your vehicle and do a treatment while driving by using the 12-volt adaptor provided for that purpose.  People have been using the device for all kinds of experimental things; such as placing over body tumors or growths of sorts and seeing them go away. My wife uses it over her heart, which has resulted in the deep creases in her ear lobes go away. People with under active thyroid glands have taken there under arm temperature before and after using the Booster with good results.  Many are experiencing more energy within a very short period of time with regular use.

The Boosters come with complete instructions for its operation.  It also comes with a money-back guarantee. At this time, I am the only one in the USA that is building them. I mainly build them for a Dr. Paul Klebs out of South Dakota. He is currently doing research with his patients and selling them in different parts of the country; as well as Canada.

I look forward to receiving an order from you.  I would very appreciative of any testimony you may wish to offer.  Only your initials and state would be used to protect your privacy.  Thank you very much for your consideration on the above.




Paul Burnham

RR 3 Box 149A

Nevada, Mo   64772

Phone (417) 944-2518





Thymus and Thyroid Booster with AC/DC Vehicle Adapter     $150.00



Handling & Shipping

USA    $7.50

CANADA    $12.50



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