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Bertrand L. Comparet

For many years Christianity has been under constant, bitter and treacherous attack, until the major churches are now in disorganized retreat. The attacks, by those who are openly atheists or communists, have done little damage. It couldn't appeal to anyone but our enemies, in any event. The most vicious attack, and the most successful, has come from men who have gained high positions of power in church hierarchies. They have used this power to destroy everything that brought Christianity greatness and kept it great. It is the old Marxist strategy of infiltration and destroying from within.

The first step of this plot was to keep the church congregations ignorant of the real Biblical basis for Christian doctrine. The average person has no training in analysis of the Bible. Even if they wished to, they could not spare the great amount of time necessary for the years of studies, which are required.

Let's face it; the average person doesn't have the capacity to undertake such a study independently. They must trust their minister to give them the results in a predigested form. However, his trust is far too often betrayed. How much of what is actually in the Bible were you ever taught in your church? Think back over your own church going experience. How many Sundays did your minister ever tell you what was in more than just one verse of the Bible? Remember, he took just one verse as his text. That is the point of departure at which he left the Bible, never to return to it during that sermon. The rest of the sermon may have caused you to admire the cleverness of the man. However, when did he give you word for word, what the Bible itself said?

I remember noticing, just a few months ago, that the text for the Sunday morning sermon, in one of the great churches here in southern California was, "The Horse That Played Baseball"!! Naturally, I wouldn't expect a modernist minister to know anything about the Old Testament. He would be strangely proud of his ignorance saying he was a New Testament Christian. Very well, let him produce the verse in the New Testament where he found the text for that sermon!!

In my library, I have eleven different translations of the Old Testament and twenty-one different translations of the New Testament. It is not possible to find the text for that ridiculous sermon, in any of these translations. Was it possibly an attempt to amuse the congregation, in the hope of getting more of them to attend the services? People could get enough amusement at the movies, but where can they hear the word of Yahweh, instead of the word of man, if they can't get it at their churches?

The first step of the plot is, to keep the congregations ignorant of what is really in the Bible. Go to almost any church you may select, and you will see an obvious success of keeping the congregations in ignorance. The next step is to fill this vacuum, created by these falsehoods, with false doctrines, which are not derived from the Bible. Any man made doctrine can be dressed up plausibly in nice words. Look at communism for example, you know how they actually behave in every country they control. You know the brutal massacre of whole classes of the population, and the degrading slavery and poverty they force upon those who are allowed to survive. You certainly don't find any of this in communist literature. They talk as though communism were the most compassionate, generous and warm-hearted movement, which has ever existed. Man made doctrines can also be dressed up in nice words and then passed as religion, and so they are.

The process is simple and familiar. First they attack the existing social institutions of our civilization as cruel and evil. When this comes from your minister, the man you have been taught to regard as a man of Yahweh, it is very easy for him to give you a guilt complex about every actual virtue you may have. The ministers preach that you are selfish, because you love the members of your own family more than you love the people who would reduce your neighborhood to a jungle. A place where no woman is safe day or night, even in the corridors of the government buildings. These ministers and priests preach you are wicked and unchristian because you don't want to bring this blight into your own neighborhoods, and make it a menace to your own children. When your own minister, the man you have been led to trust tells you this, it is hard to avoid a sense of guilt.

Those who have preached such things to you are false prophets, who bring you actually satanic doctrines, under the false guise of Christianity. The very Christ, to whom they give lip service, warned us of them. In Matthew 24:24 and Mark 13:22 Yahshua warned us that one of the signs of the end of this age would be the coming of false prophets. They would teach a false Christ instead of the real one. This is exactly what we are seeing today on a vast scale.

The most outstanding example of this is an article in the May 18, 1965 issue of Look magazine. The director of The National Council of Churches' commission on Religion and Race makes a bitter and abusive attack upon the white race, supposedly in the name of religion! The article contains so many utterly false statements that I cannot let it go unchallenged. It is my purpose to take up his points one by one and prove how false they are.

The director of the N.C.C. begins by making this astonishing statement. "For years, most of our churches have aided and abetted the Anglo Saxon white conspiracy. If an indictment were to be prepared, it might very well read like this: The Christian churches have not influenced their adherents to practice racial justice in housing, education, job opportunity and public accommodations. The Christian churches, in their own internal life, have practiced discrimination and built barriers to prevent open membership in the very household of faith."

Since this man appoints himself the supreme authority on what constitutes Christianity, we are entitled to test his knowledge of that subject. Of course the Anglo Saxon white Christians are proud of their race and want to keep it pure. We honor the equal right of the Negro and the Asiatic to be proud of their race, and want to keep it pure so that it will continue to have the qualities of which they are proud. While I don't condone the Black Muslim's threat of violent revolution, I do respect them for their own self-respect. They should be proud of being Negroes and don't want to become an imitation of white men. In that spirit, they can accomplish wonders in raising the Negro to a level higher than he has ever attained in the past. However, we insist on that same right for ourselves. We want to be able to be proud of the white race and its accomplishments. The right to preserve it free from any mongrelization, which would forever destroy its present qualities.

For any man to call this basic right a conspiracy is crass impudence, which should not pass without rebuke. It is a fair example of the tactics of the extreme left in their infiltration and subversion of the white Christian culture. If the white race were the hardhearted monsters, which our enemies pretend we are, this tactic would be a total failure. It is only because the white race, above all others, is conscientious and deeply concerned with being righteous in all their dealings with others, that these infiltrators can give some of our people a guilt complex by means of false accusations.

The white Anglo Saxons have a record of love and charity, which stands absolutely alone in all of history. Find me just one black nation in all of Africa, which is pouring out its wealth to help others, even to help their fellow Negroes. Don't tell me they are too poor to help anyone! Their vast mineral wealth, the plantations in their fertile soil, these produce wealth when the white man operated them. Remember, this was one of the favorite accusations of our professional bleeding hearts, that the white man was exploiting the wealth of Africa.

Find me just one Asiatic nation, which is prodigally pouring out billions of dollars in aid to others, even to their fellow Asiatics. Don't tell me they can't do it. Japan is one of the world's great industrial nations. The rice, rubber and tin of Southeast Asia brought in great wealth while the white man ran this area. China's poverty is the obvious and inevitable fruit of the way the Chinese are running it. The British were accused of pumping great wealth out of India. Now the British are gone, why can't the Hindus spread some of that immense wealth around, if they claim they are our equals? If there isn't any wealth there, why and how can they falsely accuse the British of exploiting it?

Never make the mistake of doubting that this is a black revolution. The Negro congressman, Adam Clayton Powell, said this about it. "The white man is running scared. The whites won't interfere with you. We are now in the majority in the world. The whites are afraid of us. The Negro has to learn how to fight. This is a black movement. It is ridiculous for the white man to try to lead the Negro. This is our land! The white Christians have made it what is. We stand in the middle of the black man's revolution and make no mistake about it! This is a revolution. No black man should be anything but a fighter."

Christianity, and the true church, has always been the solid core around which our civilization was built. Our present civilization is the visible expression of those ideals. Like all human efforts, it has some imperfections. However, it is in every respect the highest civilization the world has ever seen. Not one of its critics would like to live anywhere else in the world. This is the most eloquent testimony to the virtues we have developed.

There are those who are trying to reverse all of our efforts and take this civilization out of the control of the white men who created it. They want to give complete mastery to the various alien minority groups, who now hold the balance of power. These men also want to abolish the barriers, which have thus far prevented the large-scale mongrelization and eternal destruction of the white race. Perhaps they have some fatuous notion there is some vague good in all of this. In truth, it is the height of wickedness.

Americans successfully resisted these attempts, to subvert our civilization, until a new weapon against us was discovered. This infiltrator's weapon was the infiltration of our churches and under the guise of modernism, changes church doctrines until our clergy would constantly condemn our people for wanting to keep the good heritage, which Yahweh has given us. This tactic has been amazingly successful, because our ministers have long ago ceased to tell us what is in the Bible. They have only taught us the church doctrines of modernism, occasionally reinforced by a partial quotation of a single Bible verse, taken out of context. Then they apply this verse to something the Bible was not talking about.

This is not new; it is just a repeat performance of the same attack upon our religious beliefs. It is performed in the same way and with the same success as in the time of the prophet Jeremiah. In Jeremiah 5:30-31 we were warned, "A wonderful and horrible thing is committed in the land: the prophets prophesy falsely and the priests bear rule by their means; and My people love to have it so: and what will ye do in the end thereof?"

A vision of this evil was also given to the prophet Ezekiel. Yahweh showed him how the corruption of the true religion had penetrated to the very temple itself, under the leadership of the priests. Then it brought upon them the Babylonian captivity as a punishment, just as in our own days the same evil will bring equally severe punishment. As Yahweh said in Jeremiah 12:10, "Many pastors have destroyed My vineyard." How true this is today!

Let's get back to the article in Look magazine dated May 18, 1965. The writer tries to make us believe that Yahshua wanted everyone jumbled together in an indiscriminate hash. The writer calls Yahshua, the head of the church, the friend of Samaritans, the destroyer of class distinctions of all kinds. Except for the words the head of the church, the other descriptions are totally false, as I will now prove.

First let's take up the phrase, friend of Samaritans. The Bible only records two instances in which Yahshua had anything at all to do with Samaritans. One instance was recorded in Luke 17:12-19 which tells that Yahshua healed a group of ten lepers, and one of the ten was a Samaritan. The other incident recorded in John chapter 4, tells how Yahshua talked for a few minutes with a Samaritan woman who gave Him a drink of water. On the request of the Samaritans, who lived in the village, He stayed there for two days and preached to them. Does this make Him a friend of the Samaritans? Remember, Yahshua also preached to the Pharisees. Who will pretend that this shows that He was the friend of the Pharisees?

What does the Bible tell us about Yahshua's real attitude toward the Samaritans? In Matthew 10:5-6 we read that He sent out His 12 disciples on a preaching mission. He forbade them to even so much as enter a city of Samaria. "These twelve Yahshua sent forth, and commanded them saying, Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritan enter ye not: but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel." By Yahshua's express command, they were not to try to convert the Samaritans, but to take the message to the true Israelites.

Was Yahshua the destroyer of class distinctions of all kinds? Both Matthew 15:22-28 and Mark 7:25-29 record the incident of a woman of the Phoenician coast of Syria, who asked Yahshua to heal her daughter. She first appealed to Yahshua as Son of David, the way a true Israelite could appeal to Him. Matthew 15:23 records, "He answered her not a word." When she still followed Him, asking for help, did He invite her to join the disciples? Definitely not! Yahshua refused her again saying, "I am not sent but to the lost sheep of the house of Israel".

When the woman still persisted, Yahshua told the woman that it was not proper to take the children's bread and give it to dogs. Does that sound like the destroyer of class distinctions of all kinds? Not until she recognized and accepted her place, and acknowledged the good things of the kingdom of Yahweh, including healing of the sick, must first come to the true Israel. After Israel, the benefits could come to the others when they were ready to accept them in the right spirit. Not until then did Yahshua heal her daughter. After Yahshua called the woman a dog, she answered him, "Yes, master: yet the dogs under the table eat of the children's crumbs. And he said unto her, For this saying, go thy way: the devil is gone out of thy daughter". You notice the woman did not become angry at being called a dog. Did she understand more than the present day ministers and priests do?

There is still more. Remember that every time the disciples traveled between Judea and Galilee, they passed through Samaria; there were a few Samaritans in Judea and Galilee also. Did this friend of the Samaritans seek to bring them into the church? Certainly not! In Matthew 7:6, Yahshua warned His disciples, "Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you."

Yahshua wasn't so foolish as to think His disciples were going out to the barnyard and preach to the four footed animals there. These dogs and swine, of which He spoke, were all the two-footed varieties. They were men but not the kind of men who should be brought into His church on a basis of equal and indiscriminate fellowship. The entire Bible record of Yahshua's whole earthly life shows that He was carefully selective of those whom He brought into His church. The only exception was Judas Escariot, and that was for the purpose of allowing the prophesies of Yahshua's martyrdom to be carried out. Besides, it was a good lesson that if a Jew could walk with Yahshua for three years, and still betray Him, can we ever trusts a Jew?

The writer of the article in Look magazine also makes the absurd statement, "It is only by mutilating Christ that men can justify theories of racial superiority". Remember that Yahshua stood firmly upon the fact that He was not sent to anyone but the lost sheep of the house of Israel. If that is not the strongest theory of racial superiority, how could you make it any stronger?

Yes, these left wing modernists are ashamed of Yahshua's own words, and they try to make a socialist out of Him. Yahshua gave them their answer in Mark 8:38. "Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of Me and of My words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed when he cometh in the glory of His Father with the holy angels."

Believe me! I don't envy these modernists their position, but it is one of their own choices!