The Primer is a short book, serving as an INTRODUCTION to ideas which are more fully explained in chapters which follow. The twelve chapters are briefly introduced as follows: Click on a link to go to the chapter.
1. WHAT IS THE NEW COVENANT? While Christians claim the New Testament as their foundation, nearly all think it means the last 27 books in the Bible. Testament means "covenant" and is a contract with God. It is a contract that is stated in the Bible, in two places. Where it is written, and the wording of it are unknown to nearly every so-called Christian. Isn't that amazing? But, if you become acquainted with it, you will understand why preachers and theologians avoid it.
2. WHAT IS THE OLD COVENANT? That covenant is the centerpiece of Old Testament religion for nearly fifteen hundred years between Moses and Jesus. Because that contract was breached, a "repairer of the breach" was necessary. The parties to that contract are different than evangelistic preachers will admit. Until one understands this, the religion of Jesus can't be understood.
3. WITH WHOM DID GOD MAKE THE ABOVE COVENANTS? While the Bible is explicit on this matter, modern evangelists have made a religion out of denying this simple truth.
4. WHO WERE THE "LOST SHEEP OF ISRAEL" TO WHOM APOSTLES WENT? The so-called "lost tribes of Israel" were never really lost, but were divorced from God, after which they migrated to Europe where they still fly the flags testifying to their Israelite identity. There is also a lot of historical record and other evidence which gives a complete record of their migrations. White race Europeans are those "lost sheep" for whom Jesus came.
5. WHAT IS THE BIBLE'S DOMINANT THEME? The Bible is the story of one particular race of Men, with God's special protection and guidance because they were "born from above" with a special destiny for which they must be prepared. They differ from all other races. This world serves as an arena for a dynamic struggle in which many are called but few chosen. We battle against principalities and powers with a special weapon given us by God. The theme of the Bible is this dynamic struggle between good and evil.
6. WHAT IS THE TRUE GOSPEL? The "good news" was quite simple to the apostles because they knew their history. Today's church doesn't appreciate or understand Old Testament history, or its theme, or its goal, with a result that it cannot know what the true "Gospel" really is. Modern Christianity is equivalent to children playing "church" without knowing much about it.
7. WHO IS CHRIST? The answer is simple, but different from that which is taught from modern pulpits.
8. WHAT IS HEAVEN? Sunday School kids learn it is another dimension of reality, up in the sky somewhere with God, a place good people go after they die. I wish that childish concept was limited to small children, but it is also taught by adult preachers and theologians! We are very close, now, to making a transition from World to Heaven; it actually is our future, in the ages to come, just as the Bible clearly says. Theologians can't explain "heaven" to you because they don't understand it.
9. WHAT IS HELL? Hades and Gehenna aren't really difficult to define; one just needs to look in the lexicons. Unfortunately, if one does that, the fantasy place of eternal fire and brimstone isn't supported. So it is that theologians, even though they can't explain hell to you, are yet content with that kindergarten idea.
10. OUR PAST. Here is a brief outline of our history. Until you understand who we are and where we came from, you can't know where we are really going.
11. OUR FUTURE. Every day, each one of us struggles with decisions which influence our paths and what future we will know. But if you know the historical plan of God, daily struggles are made easier and you can walk excitedly and confidently into your own future.
12. THE PATH OF RIGHTEOUSNESS. If you are a branch on Jesus' vine, a member of the body of Christ, then "righteousness" is your path. Then you are one of His holy ones, and your life will reflect that. This is what every Christian should be concerned with, at every moment.
Basic teachings of the Bible are often confusing or conflicting because theologians have never understood the big picture of God's grand pageant. They do not see the course of history as an expression of God's orderly design, or see how historical patterns are cyclic. When one realizes the divine order in events of history, then the big picture begins to develop, and a fresh interpretation of Scriptures is obviously needed. Suddenly, the Bible becomes a consistent and rational presentation of God's program. This "Primer" is but a brief introduction to ideas which are developed in greater detail in other writings which I am putting on this web-site. The most comprehensive, and theologically academic explanations, are in the book, CHRIST'S NEW COVENANT. It's chapters are not parallel to the items below, but many of the following ideas are developed there as exegetical studies or as lengthy dissertations. This Primer should get you started.
I need to make it clear, before you read the following, that while I am critical of sectarian theologians, I am not angry at them. I understand why God has hidden His true church (body of Christ) in a morass of factions and doctrinal disagreements. As a member of this body of Christ, under Jesus, I feel nothing but love toward all true Christians. While I often sound frustrated and critical of fellow theologians, in the end I would happily excuse them all and rejoice in the fact that we are diverse members of the same body. While I believe there is but one ultimate Truth, I do not believe that we seekers-of-Truth must be in complete agreement, especially while struggling through this confusing darkness of the World, to be brothers in Christ's grand corpus.
1. WHAT IS THE NEW COVENANT? We all know that the 27 books written after Jesus lived are called the "New Testament." The word "testament" means "covenant." Ask most any preacher or Christian what the New Covenant is, or where it is found, and he won't know because his religion is about something else. Can any question be more basic to Christianity than this? We Christians live under a contract with God, a covenant, and Christians know little or nothing about it! The new contract with God was the very purpose of Jesus; it is what He came to accomplish. Like Jesus said, "Are you a teacher of Israel and know not these things?"
The New Covenant was foretold by Jeremiah, in chapter 31, and is restated in Hebrews 8. "This is the Covenant I will make with the house of Israel after those days," saith the Lord; "I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people. And they shall not teach, every man his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying, 'Know the Lord:' for all shall know me, from the least to the greatest. For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more."
If you read it, suddenly it becomes clear why Christian teachers don't address it. In this contract the only clause which obligates us to do anything is that which requires us to "not teach" our fellow men to "know the Lord." Ponder the contract closely; think about it! Isn't God saying something like this? "You preachers and teachers step aside. These are my children. I'll take over from here. I'll work in their hearts and minds, and the idea of "sin" won't even be a factor." It's pretty clear that God is saying exactly that! But, that puts a Christian's mind in a tailspin, with all kinds of questions demanding immediate answers: What about Church every Sunday? What about fellowship? What about the Law which convicts us of "sin?" What about hell? Wouldn't that be the end of religion? I tell you that those are questions you should be asking yourself, as an individual in whom your immanent God works directly. But, that is uncomfortable, isn't it. Must we throw the Old Testament out? Well, that brings us to another elementary teaching that we need to look at.
2. WHAT IS THE OLD COVENANT? The first 39 books of our Bible are named after this one particular contract. There were other covenants between God and man, but this one at Mt. Sinai stands above all others. The Old Covenant is a contract of Law. Most Christians know that "Old Covenant" means God's Law. God revealed Himself through Ten Commandments, advising Israelites that this lawful behavior is required of His children, and they will be greatly rewarded for it. But if they fail, they will be severely punished. The Israelites agreed to the contract when all with one voice shouted out, "All this we will do." Done! It's a deal! As we know, Israelites breached that contract; they broke it, and according to the sacrificial system in place the only acceptable payment for the "breach of contract" was the death of a perfect, unblemished, innocent victim. Of course, Israel had no such perfect one to offer in payment. So, God expressed His own Son as the victim offering. Jesus died to make that payment. He settled the "breach of contract," an action which terminated the contract, freeing Israel from its obligation of obedience to Law.
Some churches preach Law just as though we are still obligated to that old contract. Illogically, many want it both ways, teaching that one is still under God's Law, but that Jesus forgives one for violating it IF he will buy the rest of the sectarian package that is being marketed. Of course, the church is twisting God's Word to satisfy its own agenda. The truth is that Israel was relieved of the obligation to Law when the "breach of contract" was settled by Jesus. The New Covenant which Jesus secured frees Israel from any concern about "sin," with God's promise that He remembers it no more. So, where is the threat which preachers might use to frighten people into bringing their wallets into painted sepulchres? How dare I suggest that we are freed from the Law? How dare I suggest that Jesus proclaimed full freedom for those who had been captive to the old contract? The Christian religion solved the dilemma by neutering the Truth, claiming that Jesus' forgiveness of those contract violations is conditional upon a person's act of submitting to the church's religious requirements. In Christian sects, Jesus' settlement of the "breach of contract" is reserved for those who buy into their denomination beliefs, quite contrary to the real words of the contract!
3. WITH WHAT PEOPLE DID GOD MAKE COVENANTS? Christian churches preach from the highest pulpits that the Law obligates ALL human beings of the world, and that Jesus died for ALL people of the world. The Bible clearly states, in unmistakable words, that God made the two covenants with one particular genetic race of people called "Israel." Israelites are the physical descendants from one man, Jacob, whose name became Israel. It was ONLY Israelites who stood at the base of Sinai and shouted "All this we will do." No other people were given God's Law! There were no other parties to that contract. Look it up for yourself. Israel, ONLY Israel!
If Christians really understood God's program, and if they had more integrity than vanity, they would refrain from going all over the world, to all races of people, threatening them with God's Law, under penalty of hell, insisting that they need Jesus' forgiveness in order to go to heaven after they die. It is a grandiose lie to which missionaries and preachers dedicate their lives. I sit dumbfounded that men who are supposedly well-meaning could miss the simple truth of the Bible so terribly! How does this happen?
If I grant the very kindest interpretation to this puzzling question, I would say that it happens because of the deep and Godly compassion of men's hearts, that they want to "save" the whole world. Therefore, they interpret the Bible as a book of God's love toward the whole world. And, truly, I do think that most Christian teachers feel that way. And, since they grew up in churches which twisted, denied, and scorned basic Biblical truths, thus inuring them to illogic and confusion, it is consistent for them to believe such error in spite of Scripture's clear statements.
What are those clear statements? Read the Old Covenant contract at Sinai, and see to whom it was that God gave the Law. Read the New Covenant of Hebrews 8 and see that it is still ONLY ISRAEL who gets the new contract. Read Jesus statement that "I was not sent except unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel." I have challenged many Christians to address that clear statement of Jesus, but have never had a single person attempt to do so. They change the subject, switch tracks, or just ignore the question. My wife said she heard a preacher once, state that Jesus spoke those words just to test the woman's faith, that He didn't really mean it! He was just kidding? He lied in order to test someone's faith? Might God then be lying to us, in other instances, to test us? If so, must we pick and choose what might be His lies? Nonsense! But I give that preacher credit for at least trying to deal with Jesus' statement.
Simply, now, very basic, at an elementary, kindergarten level here, let's consider this. God made a contract with Israelites at Sinai. They broke the contract, so they had to pay a penalty. Only Israel had the contract. Only Israel broke it. So, ONLY Israel needed a "repairer of the breach." When Jesus came to repair that breach, why would it be necessary for Him to come to anyone except Israel? Any school child understands that if he makes an agreement with someone, it is only him that is responsible to keep that agreement, and it is only he who will pay the penalty if he breaks it. This isn't difficult stuff, is it? Yet the entire Christian church has perverted the teaching for the sake of evangelizing the whole world. Oh, the history of this false teaching is clear enough; it happened after 300 AD when the early Roman church adopted some of the common religion of Paganism into Christianity, making it a political power over ALL races of the region. Later, Pope Gregory the Great adopted all the Pagan festivals as Christian festivals, and established the Pagan mother-goddess religion as Roman Catholicism. While the apostles had gone ONLY to the lost sheep of the house of Israel in Greece and Europe, the new doctrine of UNIVERSAL (the word "catholic" means "universal") gospel was adopted by the Roman church for political purposes, to rule over all people of the world.
4. WHO WERE THE LOST-SHEEP OF ISRAEL TO WHOM THE APOSTLES WENT? The apostles knew exactly where their fellow Israelites were. From the Assyrian dispersion of 721 BC, the "ten tribes" migrated into Greece, Italy, Spain, Britain, and central Europe. Many crossed the Caucasus mountains, which explains why Europeans are called "Caucasians." The ancient language of Phoenician, which our Biblical ancestors spoke, evolved in the Hellenes to become Greek. The Welsh language in Britain is still today nearly identical with the ancient Phoenician. [Side note: it was the mixture of Phoenician with Aramaic that became the language of "Hebrew" during the captivities, a mongrel language that had no prior existence]. Without going into a lengthy review of Israel and Juda history, the Judahites of Palestine (like Paul and James) knew exactly where their northern kingdom brethren had gone, and they felt a great animosity toward those "lost sheep of Israel" who had built the Samarian idols and caused God's great displeasure. Paul, as a Judean (of the southern Kingdom of Juda, being Benjaminite) had real difficulty forgiving northern Israelites for their apostasy, and, like Jonah's feelings, he did not want to go to them with Jesus' forgiveness. He was filled with bitterness about this, but finally accepted it, and in his letter to the Romans made the statement that the Greeks (which included the white-race Romans) and Jews (Judahites) were the same family. Of course they were! Both the southern and northern kingdoms were descendants of Jacob/Israel!
When Jesus, His disciples, and Bible authors spoke of their own people of Juda and Israel they often used the Greek word "ethnos," which is a root for our word, "ethnic." Jesus and His friends used the word frequently when referring to their own "ethnic group" of Israelites. When the King James Bible was translated, the word "ethnos" was translated into the English word "gentile," which came from the Latin gens and from the Greek "genos," both of which mean "race." "Gentile" meant "genteel," in King James English, an elite race. So, to Jesus' disciples, "ethnos" meant "race" in the context of "our own ethnic group or race." During the past couple centuries, with the missionary fervor of Christianity, the word "gentile" has gotten twisted to mean "non-Jew." How this could happen leaves a linguist scratching his head. "ethnos" never meant any thing like "non-Jew!" Today, every Bible reader understands "gentile" to mean "non-Jew," which confuses Jesus' gospel message so terribly that no one can explain it. In spite of Jesus' clear statements to the contrary, the church pushes contentedly forward with its evangelism to charge innocent races with guilt for breaking a contract to which they were not party. It's no wonder Christians are so confused!
The answer to the question: "Who are the lost-sheep of Israel?" is: the European Caucasian race. Besides all the ancient historical records of the dispersion and migrations into Europe, including Homer and Virgil who speak mainly of the line of Zara Juda into Greece and Britain, and besides the linguistic witness, and besides the ancient British historians like the Venerable Bede and Geoffrey of Monmouth who tell the story, the most conspicuous evidence is the European flags. Yes, the very flags which still fly over nations of Europe proclaim to the world that they are the tribes of Israel. By "flag" I loosely include their official banners, emblems, and insignia. The Lion of Juda represents England and the Sovereign who sits on the throne of David there, which Jeremiah brought to Ulster about 580 BC. In Westminster Abbey hangs a genealogy chart which shows Queen Elizabeth's family tree back to King David! The Lion of Juda is also used by Germany. The Ship of Zebulun is a symbol used by Holland, Scotland, Denmark, Netherlands, and England. The Sword of Simeon is used by Britain, Ireland, Scotland, Netherlands, Sweden, and Denmark. The Man of Reuben is used by Greece, Iceland, and Denmark. The Bull of Ephraim is used by Britain and most Scandinavian countries. The Eagle of Dan is used by Germany and the U.S. The Olive-branch and 13 arrows of Manasse are used prominently by the United States, and also used somewhat by England, Scotland, Netherlands, and Holland. Jesus wouldn't have any trouble identifying His "lost sheep of the house of Israel," for they still display their ancient tribal symbols! It is only modern theologians, who ignore all the evidence in order to maintain their religious orders, in which they have vested interest, who close their eyes to the truth!
5. WHAT IS THE BIBLE'S DOMINANT THEME? In a very general way, Christians accept the Bible as a message from the Supreme God who relates to all human beings as His children, a God who placed laws over all people, and who punishes them for violations and rewards them for obedience. They believe God appeared as Jesus with a gospel of general love and forgiveness to all who obey Him, promising heaven as a reward after they die, or hell if they are wicked. However, that description is a mere kindergarten explanation, terribly misleading, and somewhat wrong. Let's get beyond the elementary grades here. Print out a paper copy of this SINE-WAVE DIAGRAM to understand the following.
The dominant theme of the Bible is the story of God's long-term designed program. His program is a dynamic struggle between good and evil. While we think of God as pure "good" because His Son, Jesus Christ, portrays pure "good," the actual Father is a complete dynamus, expressing Himself into a Word as both positive and negative energies. Those two energies take turns being the dominant influence, each of them governing a half-cycle period of history. One cycle equals one precession-of-equinoxes (astronomical term) which is about 25,000 years in length. Just as every cycle has two polarities, the negative energy rules for about 12,000 years and then the positive rules for about 12,000 years. The negative half-cycle is called kingdom of "World;" the positive half-cycle is kingdom of "Heaven." The intelligence (the god) which rules over "World" is called Satan, while the intelligence over Heaven is God's Son, the Christ. You can plot this cycle on a sine-wave curve, with the negative, bowl-shaped curve, below the horizontal line, followed by the positive, dome-shaped curve, above the line. At this moment in history, we are still in World, just about to transition across the line into Heaven. The term "End-time" refers to the end of the negative half-cycle of World, a breakdown in worldly society, after which a new society will be founded with a more spiritual nature.
Our planet serves as an arena for this contest between good and evil. On this planet live many different types of creatures and many races of men. All those creatures and most "humans" do not have divine spirit or life-after-death; they are manifested into appearance as symbols of things which God's divine race believes. In this world of diverse creatures and races there are two races who never die, and who play out an adversarial contest of good versus evil. One race, from Adam, represents "good," and possesses divine spirit which never dies because it is part of the everlasting Father Himself. The counter race, from Cain, represents the adversary whose divine origin comes from the fallen angel, Lucifer. In Genesis 3:15, God told Satan "I will put enmity between your seed (sperm) and her seed (from Adam)." In John 8:44 Jesus told the Edomites who ran the Jerusalem Temple that their father was not God, but was the devil, who was a liar and murderer from the beginning. Jesus was referring to the act of Cain who murdered his brother, Abel. But, I jump ahead by introducing Edom into the picture here.
The Old Testament tells the story of the descendants from Adam, making of primary importance the exact lineage from generation to generation. THE GENETIC-LINE FROM ADAM IS OF PARAMOUNT IMPORTANCE TO GOD! I put that sentence in upper-case because it is the single-most primary, dominant, paramount theme of the entire Bible. God introduced a race of His own children who would struggle against evil and eventually bring it from World to Heaven where they will then represent Him as administrators of it. It is this single physical race which God nurtured, guided, protected, spoke-with, punished, made-captive, dispersed, anguished-over, reclaimed, loves, wreaks-vengeance-for, disciplines, and prepares for a special destiny in the kingdom to come. The Old Testament reveals Him to His children, as He relates to them, sometimes even visibly or audibly. The Bible concerns itself with NO OTHER RACE than this one, excepting its adversary divine-origin race which descended from Cain.
Cain married into neighboring primitive races and built cities. His descendants were the metal-workers, builders, scientists, mathematicians, and the musical instrument makers. They have a special instinct to work with WORLDLY physical materials because they own this kingdom of World. Adam's descendants have instincts opposite from those of Cain, and when we get to God's kingdom, we who are "born from above" will have the advantage. But this World is NOT our kingdom; it is Cain's. It was Cain's Nimrod who built Babel, and who began the religion of Paganism, and who built Babylon. Cain's descendants still control the economies of the world today. The Cain race has always lived neighboring to, or among, the Adam race, always tormenting and exploiting us. This eternal contest was given new life with the birth of the twins, Esau and Jacob, sons of Isaac, grandsons of Abraam. Jacob became Israel. Esau married into neighboring Cain races to father the Edomite race. In 312 BC the Edomites were chased out of Edom by the Nabateans, migrating into Judea to mix with the true Judeans of the tribe of Juda. By 132 BC the Edomites were causing so much trouble for Jerusalem that the king, John Hyrcanus, forced them to convert to the Jerusalem religion of Judaism (Babylonian Talmudic Phariseeism), which they did with enthusiasm. Here is Jacob inviting Esau, his mortal enemy, into his home, almost giving back the birthright which Esau had sold! Within a few years the Edomite Herod was king of Judea and Edomites controlled all of Jerusalem, the economy, and the Temple; they drove most Israelites to the edges of the city where they lived in poverty. Edomites called themselves "Judeans" (Jews) because they lived in and controlled Judea. Jesus came and called the true Israelites (His sheep) out of there, whence they became known as Christians. Never again would the body of Christ be called "Jew!" The Edomites had displaced the true Judeans, even taking their name; and have been known as Jews ever since. None of Christ's sheep are Jews!
Back to our question: What is the Bible's dominant theme. It is the contest between good and evil as played out by two adversaries, Israel (European white-race) versus Edom (Sephardim and Ashkenaz Jews). During the negative half-cycle of history, the Jews have the advantage over us because their instincts are "of" this World. We cannot defeat them, for this is their God-given, rightful time of dominion. We should not try. Nor should we hate them. Our task is to grow spiritually, and stay innocent. We may be killed, but that is only a worldly-flesh thing and not important. This is a time of struggle and difficulty and injustice for us, but all these trials strengthen us and draw us into closer relationship with our Father. As Jesus promises in His Revelation, those who "overcome" will receive the crown of life. It is not the devil that we are to overcome, for this period of history belongs to him rightfully, but we must overcome our human tendency to love mammon instead of our Father, and to love World-life better than Spiritual-life. Jesus said we must hate this world, and our own lives also if we are to be his disciples.
When you understand the simplicity of this dominant theme of the Bible, then other pieces of the puzzle fall easily into place. You can diagram historical periods and find repeating patterns or paradigms. While one long cycle of 25,000 years has a negative half and a positive half, so do each of the twelve included sub-cycles of about 2,000 years each (as represented in the zodiac). Each zodiac age reveals the same pattern of historical declines and progress. Each of the zodiac ages can further be divided into twelve parts or into seven parts, always expressing the same cyclic patterns of historical process.
Such a program of frequencies, and harmonics that we see in history is but a demonstration of the laws of physics where those frequencies are studied as electrical, or in astronomy where the same patterns are revealed in the universe. It is only when one begins to see the "big picture" that these parallels are visible, and the pieces of God's great puzzle start falling easily into place.
6. WHAT IS THE TRUE GOSPEL? The good news which Jesus asked His friends to spread regarded the two covenants. The Old Covenant, a contract which Israel had breached, would be settled by Jesus' death. Israel's descendants had been dispersed into Greece and Europe from the time of the Assyrian purge about 700 BC. God had divorced the people from Himself. The prophets said they would be scattered to distant lands and would forget their God, and their origins, and would follow after strange gods. And that is exactly what happened to the so-called "ten lost tribes of Israel." With Jesus' settlement of the contract breach, Israel's punishment was over. The Law was no longer over them as an instrument of condemnation. God's children, Israel, would return to their true Father. And that is exactly what happened, as the good news of Jesus' work was carried to them. The second part of "Gospel" is news of the New Covenant, which we already discussed above. The Holy Spirit would work in their hearts and minds a new INSTINCT by which they would know their true Father, a loving God who threatens no condemnation from violating His eternal Law, and who promises that their sins will not even be remembered by Him. The two covenants, which Jesus completed, were "good news" to those lost tribes of Israel. (Note: the only unforgivable sin is rejection of the Holy Spirit which works the new instinct in one's heart and mind.)
I'm not worried about the destinies of multitudes of Christians across our land who are playing religion like kids play house, without understanding the truth. They really do have some simple concepts right. They really do love God, even though they don't know much about Him. And they really do claim Jesus as their Lord, even though they don't know much about Him. The people are like simple children, in whom the New Covenant instinct is strong. They love God and live as best they know how. And when the time is right, the veil will be pulled from their eyes, and they will know the truth. I'm not worried about my brothers and sisters in Christ! I wish they could walk toward their Father a little faster, for their lives would be so much happier. But, I can only point my finger in that direction. They must do their own walking. I certainly don't condemn them; rather, I feel protective and loving toward them.
Until one knows the players in God's pageant, and the plot of the play, one might ignorantly adopt the kindergarten concept of "gospel" which the modern Christian churches teach: that if you believe in Jesus' name (a meaningless phrase unless one knows the truth) you will be forgiven and go to heaven when you die. Forgiveness did truly result from Jesus' nullification of the old contract, covering ALL Israel automatically, "once and for all." All God's Israelite children are forgiven; it's a done-deal. They should stop doubting it, and stand up boldly as God's elect heirs of the kingdom. And "heaven" is not some place off in the ethers where one goes after this life, but is the future here on this planet after the transition from negative energy to positive, a change from devil's rule to rulership under Christ.
7. WHO IS CHRIST? What does it mean that Christ is the Son of God? Let's begin by imagining the Supreme Father as that ultimate Mind who expresses Himself through a time and space construct, like a dream. Perfect "Man" is the mental-character ideal through whom God expresses Himself and experiences life. Perfect Man is God's offspring, an actual extension of Himself into this finite, limited reality where time permits events to happen in sequence, where there is an opposite reaction equal to every action (physical laws), and where a contest of dynamic struggle can be fought. The Christ is that perfect Man in God's imagination and expression. In this great arena, this maya of reality, God experiences the dynamic struggle through His Son, the Christ. The Christ is a body with many members. The Adamite/Israelite race make up the body of Christ, the "Man" of God's image. As we have already discussed above, there are two races which have divine origin. One race lives by instincts to do good, and the other by instincts to do evil. The good race, from Adam and later from Jacob, makes up the body of God's Son, the Christ. Jesus presents Himself as the head of this body, of whom we Israelites are members. We are one body, made up of many members, like the stars of the sky make up one universe.
There seem to be two classes of members in the body of Christ: first are the Elect who have special immortal spiritual natures being direct emanations from the Father Himself, numbering 144,000. Second are the innumerable multitudes of Adam's descendants, and Israel's descendants whose spiritual natures are more vulnerable to worldly attractions. These multitudes are Christ-in-the-trench-warriors who struggle with evil at the most terrible levels. These are the ones through whom God experiences the most extreme sensations of temptations and struggles. They are like cells of a living body. . They are ones who can deny the Spirit of God which lives in them, and can claim citizenship in Satan's World. Like biological cells, they can become diseased and be rejected by the body (Ex. 15:26; Deut. 12:12-15). Their struggle is REAL, and the consequences are real. It is no sham fight. We are the Christ, with Jesus as our Head, and God as our Father. God experiences life through us; he feels the full spectrum of physical, emotional, and mental struggles. Our experiences are what He feels, because His Spirit dwells within us and empowers us. Once we know this fact, we no longer NEED a threat of penalties to keep us from breaking His Law, for we WANT to live to please our loving Father. We now love His laws, without fear of punishment. His Law is a wonderful guide for our lives, and His Spirit works the understanding and strength and will in us to live to please Him. It becomes clear that God is not a puppeteer who just wants obedience, but that He wants us to fulfill our potential for divine happiness; He wants us to have the glorious gift of life, something beyond what we can yet imagine. It is from His great love that He pleads for us to stand up and walk toward Him, just as any loving Father rejoices in seeing his baby take those important steps.
If we are the members of Christ's body, warring for Good in the dynamic battle between good and evil, then the other side of the coin is also valid: our opponents make up a similar type of membership in the body of the devil. The marquee reads "Christ versus Satan," but in the great arena we find millions of members of each body. The actual battle is played by instincts. Each of us is born with certain instincts, and by acting according to our inherited instincts we represent our fathers appropriately. As a member of Christ, I need to develop my good instincts, to understand what God expects of me. I need to take my instincts into real battle, for sitting idle is worthless. God wishes to express pure goodness through me, a powerful goodness, a strong, bold expression, a dynamic life! I must follow my General, who said, "Don't think I came to bring peace. I came not to bring peace, but to bring a sword." That statement only becomes meaningful when one understands the contest being waged in this arena.
8. WHAT IS HEAVEN? There are two meanings for the word "heaven." When Jesus said the kingdom of Heaven is within us, He meant that it is the play which we are performing on the earth stage. It is the kingdom of our spiritual mind, which is part of God. We can say, Earth is the stage, Heaven is the play! And we are the performers who represent God. The other use of the word comes from the Gospel of Matthew, who said "Kingdom of Heaven," where other Gospel authors quoted Jesus as saying "Kingdom of God." The Kingdom of God is the half-cycle period when positive energy rules life. It is during that coming kingdom that we will perfect our performance in God's pageant, and thereby realize the "Heaven" which Jesus said is within us. The non-positive half of the cycle, when negative energy rules, is called Kingdom of World. Right now we are completing a 12,500 year period of World, under rulership of negative energy (Satan). World is physical, material, finite, and limited; it is a place where God's spiritual offspring are at a disadvantage. For us, World is heavy and dark, a place where we can hardly move; our legs carry us grudgingly. We feel as though we've been drugged, trying to swim upward through thick mud; this place just ain't home! The physical nature of World doesn't permit us the freedom which we faintly remember in the distant memories of our minds. Yes, there is within our ancient memories a feeling of what freedom really is, a lightness of being, when movement happens as quickly as thought, when whatever we imagine appears before us, and when we are as open and innocent as newborns who have no knowledge of fear.
The end of "World" is upon us; we live in the terrible end-times when this civilization must crash so a new one can be born. We are in the death throes of the devil's convulsions, when he, like a drowning person tries to save himself by pulling us down. According to my calculations, the historical paradigms seem to point to about the year 2,000 as the final moment of the negative kingdom, but the date may be off by a few years. I'm writing this in 2001. I readily admit that I cannot be exact. We are not supposed to know the exact date, anyway; we are supposed to live as though each day might bring the cataclysmic event.
When World ends, there will be a reversal of the earth's electromagnetic field. Your north-seeking compass will suddenly point to the south instead of north. The planet will not roll over; only the magnetic field switches in polarity. The earth will wobble somewhat, finally stabilizing on a new rotational axis that physicists calculate could be as much as 15 degrees off from the present axis. Tectonic plates will shift, volcanic gasses will find relief filling the skies with ash. New mountains will rise, and old ones will sink. Tidal waves will wash many miles inland, perhaps three to five miles in depth. Only about a third of the earth's population will survive.
Then the Kingdom of God will begin, under rulership of Christ. In the previous segment we discussed who Christ really is. So, it is the destiny of Christ/Israel to represent our Father as rulers of the new kingdom. Instead of developing a society which is ruled by corrupt politicians, Heaven will be of spiritual nature, with perfect freedom and perfect justice, where all peoples of the world, of all races, can live to their fullest potentials without being exploited or suppressed. All races of people will recognize the true God and will recognize Christ as God's Son who governs a heavenly kingdom of glorious happiness for all who live according to God's loving wishes.
Heaven is not a place to which we go after we die, but is a state of mind which we will perfect during the next period of history, for a 12,500 year half-cycle, in which positive energy defines a reality much more fluid and relative than this limited World prison. While we consider the sun to be the source and nurturer of all life in our World, that will not be the case in that kingdom. Electricity will not function at all, nor will it be necessary as we learn to achieve our goals through pure thought. When you say to the mountain, "be moved," it will be moved.
Jesus made that statement that the kingdom of heaven is within us. Obviously, heaven must be something more than a physical change in the planet and in ourselves. Heaven, is a state-of-mind, or an at least an attitude. It is the performance one gives during his time on the earth stage. Earth is the stage; Heaven is the play. I will try to explain it this way. You can have heaven right now, if you can achieve it. God's grace and power enable you to achieve it, but you have to be willing, and that is the difficult part! It is not complicated or even esoteric; the difficulty is due to our human natures. We have bonded ourselves to this limited kingdom of World, and we are reluctant to release those ties. We have constructed our own prison bars, and we feel secure behind them. We don't really want to fly free because true freedom is frightening. All the things that make our lives comfortable, like homes and cars and electricity and telephones - we fear losing the material comforts if we stop clinging to them. We work career jobs BECAUSE we've been taught that the "good life" depends on our own labors. Jesus once even said, "Do not labor for food." One's immediate fear is that he will starve if he doesn't dedicate his life to laboring for food. Such a focus is not upon God, but upon one's own efforts. We don't really believe we will be provided-for unless we work for it.
We have hopes and dreams for the future, for growing old. We want a nice life, so we dedicate part of our lives to retirement plans, investment portfolios, and all kinds of insurances. We live in a state of fear, that if we don't work hard and prepare for the future, we will be destitute, starve to death, or die of exposure because we are homeless. We live as though it is all up-to-us to care for ourselves in the future, and we have no trust in God's promise that He will provide what we need. Our lives demonstrate a real lack-of-faith, in spite of the nice sounding phrases we learn in church.
Heaven is the very opposite of the attitude I just described. Jesus said, "except you become a child again, you cannot see heaven." I know of a baby who is a thrill to be around. She is pure happiness. She is delighted to be picked up; and equally delighted when put down. She smiles delightedly toward any person who walks into the room, even if a stranger. Everything in her world delights her. She doesn't worry about being fed today or tomorrow. She doesn't worry about what she wears or what the future holds. She just feels delight in living-the-moment. She experiences heaven. As she grows older, she will be taught that she must fear the absence of things which she "needs" to survive, and her innocent joy will be gone. She will learn to succeed in the kingdom of World by all the same techniques that brought unhappiness to those who are teaching her. If she could maintain that innocent delight in each moment, truly she would be guided through life by her loving Almighty Father. Now, I'm not saying that one need do nothing in life; no, to the contrary. The truth for me is that I must find delight in living each moment by living it to the fullest. I am an experience of God, and anytime I default on living that experience as best I can then I am failing my Father. You see, He lives my experiences. It is through me (and you) that God lives and experiences whatever life may bring. My life is not something separate from Him; He is not a distant Father to whom I might turn when I want something. My life is His life, and it is up to me to be content, even delighted, with that fact. It is true freedom when one knows this Truth, and charges into each new moment to live it as fully and as Godly as one can (like a baby does), uncaring about future security and worldly cravings and social-strictures and worldly possessions. One's security is not even an item to be questioned, for it is God's life one is living, and one can be content that God will design tomorrow as surely as He has designed today. Jesus' "beatitudes" each begin with the word "Blessed." That word in Greek means "happy." To be content and happy and delighted with all events of life - then one is truly blessed! Certainly there will be many trials and tribulations in one's life. Those, too, are experiences of God. They are not just your troubles, but God will experience your feelings and your attitudes as you deal with them. You just need to know that each experience is "of" God, and don't get caught up in fears and passions and emotions and angers and rage and hatred. Deal with each difficulty as best you can, and be content with the result, knowing that you tried your best for His sake. Tomorrow belongs to Him, and you can be content and delighted that you might or might not live to share it with Him.
9. WHAT IS HELL? The Bible uses the Greek word "hades" which is "hell" in English. Another word used by Bible authors is "gehenna." The Bible gives no definition of hell as being some literal place of eternal fire and torment. The picture of hell which Christian churches teach came from the early Roman Catholic church which created the idea in order to terrify the people. The Vatican got rich by offering to sell salvation-from-hell for money, writs known as "indulgences." That might be childish nonsense, but it worked! Dante wrote about the "Inferno." The Flemish painter, Bruegel, gave frightening image to "weeping and gnashing of teeth." But, if we want to understand what "hades" and "gehenna" really mean, we need to see the big-picture.
God's children from Adam, and later from Israel, were "born from above." Unlike the other races, they have divine origin, empowered by the living Spirit of God, individual spirits which can never die. While we might go through lifetime after lifetime and death after death, it is only the fleshly temporal bodies which die. The real you (if you are one "born from above") is part of the body of Christ, who existed from time before the world began. Yes, you have lived for countless ages, performing as God's expression in this great pageant.
As for "reincarnation," it was commonly believed at the time of Jesus. The disciples believed in it as they asked Jesus whether John the Baptist was the reincarnation of Elijah. Jesus said, "yes." Consider this point: since the belief was common among everyone, if it was not true then surely Jesus would have said something to correct their mistaken assumption. Secondly, if it was an important doctrine, Jesus probably would have given it some attention, which He did not, except to confirm the disciples' suspicion about John. Of course, Jesus' resurrection was a demonstration of reincarnation. We can conclude that it is true, and that it is not something important for our attention. The present life is what we are given, not to hoard but to spend boldly. To worry about any future lifetime is a real waste of God's time.
So, we, who have lived from time immemorial, will never die. We are part of God, members of the body of Christ. We don't get amputated. We might get temporarily divorced or punished or disciplined, but never any consignment to some kind of "hell-fire and brimstone" in a subterranean chamber. The words "hades" and "gehenna" are descriptive terms, indicating the unpleasant state of mind when we are separated from the loving care of our Father, when we are apostate and prodigal, when we serve mammon or world instead of our own Christ-body. It is at those times that the fires of passions and emotions and angers and hatreds and fears fill our souls, and we experience "gehenna." The word "gehenna" refers to the Valley of Hinnom, a hot dry valley running past the southwestern edge of Jerusalem. It was terribly unpleasant to be in that valley; nothing could live there. One nearly burned up in the scorching heat and dryness. The people understood that kind of feeling as a metaphor which described those who are acting against God. We might say simply that when one is estranged from his true Father, life is hell. The concept of "hades" describes the negative half-cycle, under the devil's rule, when God's children are persecuted and killed and suffer at the hands of the children of Satan. In this way, the half-cycle is "hell" for those who don't yield themselves totally to their true Father. Prodigals do not have His protection, and will suffer the torments of a world which is hostile to the body of Christ. Then, after they are resurrected in the future, they can try again to be more Godly.
10. OUR PAST. We, Adam/Israel/Man have lived since time began, since Christ began, as an expression of our Father, the ultimate supreme Mind behind all that is. Our story, for this segment of history anyway, begins in the Biblical "garden of Eden," which was the Pamir Plateau, in Tajikistan, just north of present-day Pakistan. The Pamir is a high plateau region from which rivers flow toward all four cardinal directions. After the "fall," we went eastward to the Tarim Pendi basin of western China. Hundreds of perfectly preserved mummies have recently been found there at the base of the Tien Shan mountains, mummies of blond, blue-eyed Caucasians with sophisticated woven-woolen clothing with tartan patterns, felt shoes and hats, and tools unknown to the rest of the world at that ancient time of many thousands of years ago (see book: Mummies of Urumchi). The flood of six-thousand years ago probably happened in this great basin. We next appeared in the Punjab of northwest India, where our white-race left evidence of our spiritual natures in what later became the Hindu Vedas and Upanishads, and in a "caste" system which was natural to God's race. Paralleling our migration over the long term was the race of Cain, our adversary, who settled in the Babylon region before we got there. Mixing with the neighboring African races, they became the Aramean race. The Cain race began the first-known great civilization of technology and worldly magnificence. About 2,000 BC we find our patriarch Abraam living there in Chaldea. God called him away from there to a land of new promise in the Palestine region.
The Old Testament stories tell of our ancestors' struggles from that time, and demonstrate the everlasting contest of Cain/Esau against God's people who were "born from above." Our people were warned to not mix with other races, and were repeatedly punished for doing so. A Phineas priesthood was even established to correct such misbehaviors. Preserving the genetic lineage of the body of Christ from adulteration with non-divine people or Cain's race was of primary importance to God. The Bible tells our history up through the time of Christ.
After Christ, the Edomites (Jews), who are Jacob's natural and eternal enemies, became persecutors of the new Christian movement. New Testament authors tell about the persecution from the Jerusalem temple which was run by the Edomites, who were then calling themselves Judeans, later known as "Jews." By the time of Christ, the Edomite Jews already had a large community in Rome where they fostered close ties with the Roman emperors and influenced the persecution against Christians. Josephus and Eusebius state that the Jews always had special favors from Rome, and were never persecuted by them. That Roman attack against Jerusalem from 67 to 70 AD was an isolated incident caused by a couple of trouble-making Edomite Jew leaders in Jerusalem. Many early Christians were martyred by the Romans during the first three centuries. Finally, about 300 AD, the emperor Constantine solved the problem by having the common religion of Paganism (with its Madonna and "lamentations" over the death of her son, along with statuary of the Piet�) to be combined with Christianity so the people would accept it as their new religion. The mixture of races in Italy at that time, with only a small minority of Caucasians, was predominately Jewish race (Edomites) and north African immigrants. Those paganists adopted Christianity, and used it for political purposes, pushing Papal powers into Europe and Britain. Charlemagne, in late 8th century, conquered all of Europe even up into the area of Prussia to place it under rulership of the Pope. Then the cruel tyranny of Rome began.
The subsequent centuries of persecution and inquisitions were a continuation of Esau's efforts to kill Jacob. Europe was a massacre ground where the Edomite mother-goddess cult of Roman Catholicism slaughtered white-race Europeans to a number that historians estimate at about fifty million. Esau's slaughter of true Israelites lasted until Luther's Reformation in the 1500s. At that time, God began a migration of His children from Europe to a newly discovered land, the last "promised land," America. God, like a chess-player, moved His children to safety for a while. Eventually, the Jews of the International Banking cartels came to conquer America. Jewish slaving ships foisted blacks onto the colonists that they didn't want at first. The industrial north was easy to control, but the prosperous agricultural South refused to submit. A new Republican party was formed to represent the Jewish bankers, and their President Lincoln attempted, with some difficulty, to get a war started between the North and South who did not want to fight each other. Finally, he did get the war started, and defeated the South, whereupon the Carpet Baggers (Jewish bankers) bought the Southern farm lands at tax-auctions for dirt-cheap prices. Lincoln instituted a Central Bank for the Jews, but his Vice-president who followed him, Andrew Johnson got rid of it. Johnson was impeached for that, but not convicted. Also, by this time, Marx's Communist Manifesto of 1848 (defining Jewish political aims) was becoming a movement. Based on Hegel's "dialectic," the Jews planned to conquer the world by promoting both "thesis" and "antithesis" so their predetermined "synthesis" would be achieved. It is a clever scheme of working both sides of every issue, thus causing chaos and discontent between two opposing groups (conservatives and liberals) which permits them to always settle problems with ever more government controls and power.
The Bolshevik Revolution in eastern Europe put the Jewish race of Khazars in control of Russia, whereupon Stalin massacred an estimated fifty to sixty MILLION Germanic-race Christians of northern Russia between 1920 and 1940. Germany was so strictured by the outrageous agreements following WWI that it could not survive unless something was done. Germany was being destroyed and the people would have followed any leader who would lead them toward a correction of their plight. That they followed a crazy(?) man is understandable. Even at that, Hitler's only aim was toward Stalin in Moscow who had been exterminating the German race. In 1939 the Jewish Zionists published a book, titled Germany Must Perish, in which they promoted extermination of the entire Germanic race. Germany had good reason to defend itself by attacking Stalin. They had lost over fifty-million of their own race. Then, after Germany lost the war, General Eisenhower turned the German people over to the Jewish Communists who proceeded to massacre nearly nine-million more of them.
So, the story of God's children in this foreign kingdom of World is a terrible one. We, Jacob, have been persecuted continuously by Esau, the "Jew." Yet we live on and on, for they can never kill us all. Our bodies can be killed but our Spirit cannot disappear from this great arena.
In America, our God-inspired founding-fathers gave us a Godly form of government, where we were free to achieve and excel. And we did! Until the Jewish International Banks of the inner "City of London," became our Central Bank in 1913 under Woodrow Wilson. Wilson later stated, "I have unknowingly destroyed our country." But, he could not undo his treason, and we became a farm of "goyim" (Khazar/Yiddish/Jewish word for us, meaning "cattle") whom their Federal Reserve System of Jewish banks has milked and milked. Now, the Jewish Illuminati are attempting once again to destroy our race through forced race-mixing as they flood us with third-world races and force their integration into our race.
When you understand the plot of this great pageant, you will read the Old Testament prophets with greater delight, for you will understand why they foretell God's vengeance and destruction of Esau/Edom, sometimes called Mt. Seir or Idumea. Perhaps our history could have been less traumatic for us, and less destructive, if we had clung more tightly to our true Father. But we did not, for we are a stiff-necked and stubborn race. Now we must hope that our rebellious strength might benefit us in the end-time struggle at hand. We have some terribly difficult days ahead.
11. OUR FUTURE. What lies ahead for this white-race of Jacob? The prophets speak of difficult times as we make the transition from World to the kingdom of God. Psalm 91 is the treasure which we can carry in our pockets or tack-up on our walls, something to turn to when things get tough. Jesus' Revelation to John speaks of the downfall of Babylon, which is the political machine of power and wealth that rules over us. Babylon is the entire modern civilization of greed and power, of technological wonders and terrible warfare, and of idolatry whereby we serve many masters in order to get the "good-life." That "Beast" of worldly materialism has become our lord, as we devote our lives to achieving all the wonders the "world" has to offer. The Wall Street investment world is no longer anything but a paper-image, something which has no substance behind it except the confidence of gamblers who mutually believe they will keep winning. Prosperity-cults have replaced Christ's teachings with the hollow sounds of beast-drums, calling us to parade behind the devil who has the riches of his world to offer. The Prayer of Jabez is popular now, as so-called Christians try to justify their lust for worldly wealth. But Jesus says to follow Him on a path to Golgotha and a cross. It's a tough call, to turn away from an easy life to follow a leader into probable death. A true Christian must stand all alone, despised and forsaken, unless he turns away from Jesus who said to not worry about what one will eat or drink or wear; He said we should follow Him who has no place to lay His head. He said we must actually hate this world, and our own lives also if we would be his disciples. In the small town of Eagle, in the interior Alaska where I lived (until summer 2002), except for the few who have independent incomes like pensions or Social Security, one is either destitute, for there are no jobs here, or else one accepts the bountiful handouts of government programs and grants which the Beast has to offer. It's a very real dilemma for many of my friends, and I anguish about it. I grieve to see some of them give-up their Godly stand for the sake of surviving. Jesus calls us to a path of sorrows, perhaps death, but very few are up to it. I can weep for those who fall, but I can't walk their walk for them. And then there is the last great battle, called "Armageddon." If our people can't even stand up against the devil's temptations, how will they stand up as warriors in the great war? God will have to intervene with some mighty miracles, won't He?
Okay, that paragraph addressed the immediate future, and then comes the cataclysmic fall of this civilization and World. By the time the disaster is completed only a small percentage of the world population will be alive to begin a new kind of society in a very different world. During the negative half-cycle which is now ending, we've known a physical, material world in which we were relatively powerless. Only with difficulty and physical labor can we do anything; at least this is what we believe in our conscious minds. We live in a heavy atmosphere, where we are physically heavy, and sluggishly mobile. In the next kingdom of God, our minds will be the operative tools by which we will create our reality. Spiritual minds, when cleared of the dissonance, static, confusion, and ignorance of our present state will then easily and freely produce at will whatever one imagines. It will be as natural as dreaming, where we do the same thing already while sleeping. A clean, pure mind is a spiritual mind rather than being worldly as it is now. A spiritual mind is content, and participates in the flow of God's design and will. To act contrary to God's perfect will is to be unsuccessful in one's life.
Refer to your SINE-WAVE DIAGRAM printout. The next half-cycle is about 12,000 years, and is divided into seven ages of 1,786 years each. The seven churches of Revelation hint at the nature of each age. The kingdom of God (Heaven) is not an ethereal dimension of reality where we experience only bliss, but is a continuation of life on this planet. The difference will be the ruling energy force, when the positive force will reward spiritual Godliness and punish worldly wickedness, a reversal of the present situation in kingdom of World in which we live right now. The kingdom of God will take work and some time to develop. The process will take a few thousand years, being a continuation of the path God's children are already pursuing at this time. During the first age of Ephesus, only God's Elect will live in order to found the spiritual kingdom of God. At the end of Ephesus, all the remaining children of God will live again. The dynamic struggle will then be renewed as the children of evil have a small amount of power restored to them. At the end of Smyrna, about 5538 AD, the devil will be cast into the lake of fire (Rev. 20:14). During Pergamos God's children will achieve their spiritual perfection and walk with God in oneness. At the beginning of Thyatira, about 7287 AD, Satan will reappear to again renew the dynamics of the play. Sometime after 8162 AD, still during the Church-age of Thyatira, and also during the zodiac age of Scorpio, Satan will tempt mankind into another fall. Scorpio is the serpent of the Genesis story. Then mankind will be attracted once again to worldly power and sensual gratifications, leaving perfect mind and righteousness behind him. The entire historical process can be diagrammed on the sine-wave diagram. The spiritual path of civilization is defined by the twelve zodiac ages. The path of human history is defined by the twelve blessings given to Jacob's twelve sons. And the path of God's Elect, the Church, during the Kingdom of God, is defined by messages to the seven churches in Revelation.
12. THE PATH OF RIGHTEOUSNESS. Although Jesus came as a contract agent for Israel only, it is clear that all people of the world should acknowledge the true God and do His will for He is the God of all creation. The key to their happiness and success is to live according to Godly precepts. Beside that general truth for everyone, there is a very special path for those who are members of the body of Christ, God's "Elect" ones. It is to these that I speak.
Jesus prayed that we might be one with Him just like He is one with the Father. We are branches of Him, the vine. Jesus said those who saw Him have seen the Father. "In Him we live and move and have our being." The Bible declares Israel to be His special family, a chosen race, a holy people. It is important to know this about ourselves; our lives will be different because of it! We are members of Christ, like arms are members of one's body. As a group, we are Christ, with Jesus as our Head. And Christ, the Word, is God. "And the Word was God." (John 1:1)
In previous chapters, I spoke of God expressing Himself through us. We need to think of ourselves as individuals through whom God lives and feels and experiences life. That concept was newly introduced with Christ; the Old Testament period had been quite different. Back then, God was a separate and distant Being, who dwelt in the Holy of Holies where His children could not visit in person. We worshiped Him from a distance. All that changed with Christ. The tearing of the temple curtain represented the removal of any barrier between us and Him. Jesus taught us to call God "Father," indicating a personal and intimate relationship that had never been promoted before. Jesus was being more bold than Jewish (Edomite) priests could allow by claiming such a close relationship with the distant God. Jesus "did not consider equality with God as something to be grasped." Changing the Israelites' concept of their relationship to God was a quantum leap. Jesus hinted at an ever closer relationship of "oneness," but not until these end-times are we able to make that next big step to realize that our Father is not separate from us but is the very source of the beings whom we are. We exist in God's imagination, somewhat like a figment in a conscious "dream," wherein He thinks us into being. Just like in our dreams, the person dreamed always represents the dreamer. The dreamer experiences something of life or something feared or something desired by creating an image in his dream. So also does God create us as representations of Himself, as expressions of many potential characteristics. Now I can think of God, not merely as a Father, but as the Spirit of my own self. This is not to say that I am God, for that would be a case of the figment claiming he is the dreamer: nonsense; but it is to say that I am an expression of God, or I am a living experience of God. Once I realize this, my first desire is to live up to my responsibility, to be as Godly as I can be.
What an awesome responsibility it is to know that I am an expression of Him! What if I fail Him? Let Him down? Fall short of His expectation? If He has given me the mind and talent to achieve something great, is it not because He wants the experience of achieving that? If I settle back to be content with doing as little as possible, have I not then lived in vain? Been a disappointment to Him? So, how can I live up to my responsibility?
That is the question I would leave with any Israelite who reads this piece. I cannot answer it for anyone, and wonder if I can even answer it honestly for myself. But I can look at Jesus' words with a new understanding, knowing more about the plot of the program, and perhaps finding a niche where I can bring honor to Him who lives through me. I can understand that as a member of the body of Christ, whoever sees me sees my Father! As I go about my daily tasks, what are observers seeing in my life? Are they seeing a representative of Good? Are they seeing a slackard, who chases the worldly good-life? Did Jesus chase after prosperity? As a member of Christ, how can I justify doing things that He spoke against? Or do people recognize some kind of special light in my life? Do I shine forth the light of Christ? As a member of Christ, should that light not be visible to others who see me? Now that I know who Christ really is, and who I am as a part of Him, my life is a candle which God introduces into the darkness in order to bring the Light of Christ to the world. Isaiah 49 becomes personally meaningful, in that I know now that I am part of that "light to enlighten the ethnos," our family of Israel.
Many Christians wear pins which read "WWJD?" What Would Jesus Do? That is a wonderful step in the right direction! Now we can amplify that concept more fully by asking what WE should do as members OF Christ. Many of us are going to have to step forward soon to stand tall and bold and admit that we are members of Him, one with our Lord and our God, that we are not separate beings from Him at all. The morning light will soon dawn, and we will step forth into a new day to fulfill the destiny for which we were born.
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