Watchman Willie Martin Archive


������ FW: Dresden, Germany ‑ A True Holocaust and Act of Heinous Terrorism

� Date:

������ Thu, 6 Mar 2003 11:41:31 +1100

� From:

������ "Paul Dewitt" <[email protected]>

��� To:

������ <[email protected]>

����������������� The Dresden Holocaust

���������������� �Dresden � A True Holocaust and Act of Heinous Terrorism�


��� Fifty‑eight years ago, on the evening of

��� February 13, 1945, an orgy of genocide and

��� barbarism began against a defenseless German

��� city, one of the greatest cultural centers of

��� northern Europe. Within less than 14 hours, not

��� only was it reduced to flaming ruins, but an

��� estimated one‑third of its inhabitants �

��� possibly as many as half a million � had

��� perished in what was the worst massacre of all

��� time.

��� As Americans continue to bemoan the loss of

��� fewer than 3,000 at [the] World Trade Center and the Pentagon as they themselves prepare

��� to slaughter many times that number in an act of unprovoked aggression in Iraq, few know

��� � less care � about the campaign of cold‑blooded [state] TERRORISM conducted against

��� German civilians during World War II, culminating in the extermination of over 300,000.

��� The following account, taken from the Feb. 1985 issue of the NS Bulletin, tells us what a

��� REAL holocaust is like.

��� Toward the end of World War II, as Allied planes rained death and destruction over

��� Germany, the old Saxon city of Dresden lay like an island of tranquility amid desolation.

��� Famous as a cultural center and possessing no military value, Dresden had been spared the

��� terror that descended from the skies over the rest of the country.

��� In fact, little had been done to provide the ancient city of artists and craftsmen with

��� anti‑aircraft defenses. One squadron of planes had been stationed in Dresden for awhile, but

��� the Luftwaffe decided to move the aircraft to another area where they would be of use. A

��� gentlemen�s agreement seemed to prevail, designating Dresden an �open city�.

��� On Shrove Tuesday, February 13, 1945, a flood of refugees fleeing the Red Army 60 miles

��� away had swollen the city�s population to well over a million. Each new refugee brought

��� fearful accounts of Soviet atrocities. Little did those refugees retreating from the Red terror

��� imagine that they were about to die in a horror worse than anything Stalin could devise.

��� Normally, a carnival atmosphere prevailed in Dresden on Shrove Tuesday. In 1945,

��� however, the outlook was rather dismal. Houses everywhere overflowed with refugees, and

��� thousands were forced to camp out in the streets shivering in the bitter cold.

��� However, the people felt relatively safe; and although the mood was grim, the circus played

��� to a full house that night as thousands came to forget for a moment the horrors of war.

��� Bands of little girls paraded about in carnival dress in an effort to bolster waning spirits.

��� Half‑sad smiles greeted the laughing girles, but spirits were lifted.

��� No one realized that in less than 24 hours those same innocent chilren would die screaming

��� in Churchill�s firestorms. But, of course, no one could know that then. The Russians, to be

��� sure, were savages, but at least the Americans and British were �honorable.�

��� So when those first alarms signaled the start of 14 hours of hell, Dresden�s people streamed

��� dutifully into their shelters. But they did so without much enthusiasm, believing the alarms to

��� be false, since their city had never been threatened from the air. Many would never come

��� out alive, for that �great democratic statesman�, Winston Churchill � in collusion with that

��� other �great democratic statesman�, Franklin Delano Roosevelt � had decided that the city

��� of Dresden was to be obliterated by saturation bombing.

��� What where Churchill�s motives? They appear to have been political, rather than military.

��� Historians unanimously agree that Dresden had no military value. What industry it did have

��� produced only cigarettes and china.

��� But the Yalta Conference was coming up, in which the Soviets and their Western allies

��� would sit down like ghouls to carve up the shattered corpse of Europe. Churchill wanted a

��� trump card � a devastating �thunderclap of Anglo‑American annihilation�� with which to

��� �impress� Stalin.

��� That card, however, was never played at Yalta, because bad weather delayed the originally

��� scheduled raid. Yet Churchill insisted that the raid be carried out � to �disrupt and confuse�

��� the German civilian population behind the lines.

��� Dresden�s citizens barely had time to reach their shelters. The first bomb fell at 10:09 p.m.

��� The attack lasted 24 minutes, leaving the inner city a raging sea of fire. �Precision saturation

��� bombing� had created the desired firestorm.

��� A firestorm is caused when hundreds of smaller fires join in one vast conflagration. Huge

��� masses of air are sucked in to feed the inferno, causing an artificial tornado. Those persons

��� unlucky enough to be caught in the rush of wind are hurled down entire streets into the

��� flames. Those who seek refuge underground often suffocate as oxygen is pulled from the air

��� to feed the blaze, or they perish in a blast of white heat � heat intense enough to melt

��� human flesh.

��� Women and children targeted

��� One eyewitness who survived told of seeing �young women

��� carrying babies running up and down the streets, their dresses and

��� hair on fire, screaming until they fell down, or the collapsing

��� buildings fell on top of them.�

�� �There was a three‑hour pause between the first and second raids.

��� The lull had been calculated to lure civilians from their shelters into

��� the open again. To escape the flames, tens of thousands of civilians

��� had crowded into the Grosser Garten, a magnificent park nearly

��� one and a half miles square.

��� The second raid came at 1:22 a.m. with no warning. Twice as

��� many bombers returned with a massive load of incendiary bombs.

��� The second wave was designed to spread the raging firestorm into

��� the Grosser Garten.

��� It was a complete �success�. Within a few minutes a sheet of flame

��� ripped across the grass, uprooting trees and littering the branches of

��� others with everything from bicycles to human limbs. For days afterward, they remained

��� bizarrely strewn about as grim reminders of Allied sadism.

��� At the start of the second air assault, many were still huddled in tunnels and cellars, waiting

��� for the fires of the first attack to die down. At 1:30 a.m. an ominous rumble reached the ears

��� of the commander of a Labor Service convoy sent into the city on a rescue mission. He

��� described it this way:

��������� �The detonation shook the cellar walls. The sound of the explosions mingled with

��������� a new, stranger sound which seemed to come closer and closer, the sound of a

��������� thundering waterfall; it was the sound of the mighty tornado howling in the inner

��������� city.�

��� Melting human flesh

��� Others hiding below ground died. But they died painlessly � they simply glowed bright

��� orange and blue in the darkness. As the heat intensified, they either disintegrated into cinders

��� or melted into a thick liquid � often three or four feet deep in spots.

��� Shortly after 10:30 on the morning of February 14, the last raid swept over the city.

��� American bombers pounded the rubble that had been Dresden for a steady 38 minutes. But

��� this attack was not nearly as heavy as the first two.

��� However, what distinuished this raid was the cold‑blooded ruthlessness with which it was

��� carried out. U.S. Mustangs [fighter planes] appeared low over the city, strafing anything that

��� moved, including a column of rescue vehicles rushing to the city to evacuate survivors. One

���assault was aimed at the banks of the Elbe River, where refugees had huddled during the

��� horrible night.

��� In the last year of the war, Dresden had become a hospital town. During the previous night�s

��� massacre, heroic nurses had dragged thousands of crippled patients to the Elbe. The

��� low‑flying Mustangs machine‑gunned those helpless patients, as well as thousands of old

��� men, women and children who had escaped the city.

��� When the last plane left the sky, Dresden was a scorched ruin, its blackened streets filled

��� with corpses. The city was spared no horror. A flock of vultures escaped from the zoo and

��� fattened on the carnage. Rats swarmed over the piles of corpses.

��� A Swiss citizen described his visit to Dresden two weeks after the raid:

��������� �I could see torn‑off arms and legs, mutilated torsos and heads which had been

��������� wrenched from their bodies and rolled away. In places the corpses were still lying

��������� so densely that I had to clear a path through them in order not to tread on arms

��������� and legs.�

��� The death toll was staggering. The full extent of the Dresden Holocaust can be more readily

��� grasped if one considers that well over 250,000 � possibly as many as a half a million �

��� persons died within a 14‑hour period, whereas estimates of those who died at Hiroshima

��� range from 90,000 to 140,000.1

��� Allied apologists for the massacre have often �twinned� Dresden with the English city of

��� Coventry. But the 380 killed in Coventry during the entire war cannot begin to compare with

��� over 1,000 times that number who were slaughtered in 14 hours at Dresden. Moreover,

��� Coventry was a munitions center, a legitimate military target. Dresden, on the other hand,

� ��produced only china � and cups and saucers can hardly be considered military hardware!

��� It is interesting to further compare the respective damage to London and Dresden, especially

��� when we recall all the Hollywood schmaltz about the �London blitz�. In one night, 16,000

��� acres of land were destroyed in the Dresden massacre. London escaped with damage to only

��� 600 acres during the entire war.

��� In one ironic note, Dresden�s only conceivable military target � its railroad yards � was

��� ignored by Allied bombers. They were too busy concentrating on helpless old men, women

��� and children.

��� If ever there was a war crime, then certainly the Dresden Holocaust ranks as the most

��� sordid one of all time. Yet there are no movies made today condemning this fiendish

��� slaugher; nor did any Allied airman � or Sir Winston � sit in the dock at Nuremberg. In

��� fact, the Dresden airmen were actually awarded medals for their role in this mass murder.

��� But, of course, they could not have been tried, because there were �only following orders�.

�������������������������������������������������� Photo by Walter Hahn. Irving collection.

��������������������� The above photo shows one of the pyres on Dresden�s Altmarkt

��������� ������������square, February 25, 1945. Thousands of incompletely‑burned

��������������������� human bodies had to be publicly cremated after the

��������������������� American/British air raid, to avoid an epidemic.

��� This is not to say that the mountains of corpses left in Dresden were ignored by the

��� Nuremberg Tribunal. In one final irony, the prosecution presented photographs of the

��� Dresden dead as �evidence� of alleged National Socialist atrocities against Jewish

��� concentration‑camp inmates!

��� Churchill, the monster who ordered the Dresden slaugher, was knighted, and the rest is

��� history. The cold‑blooded sadism of the massacre, however, is brushed aside by his

��� biographers, who still cannot bring themselves to tell how the desire of one madman to

��� �impress� another one led to the mass murder of up to a half million men, women and

��� children.



��������� Note 1:

��� �����Although it will never be possible to obtain an exact count of the victims, a reasonable estimate can

��������� be adduced by taking the number of registered inhabitants of the city, doubling it by a factor of 2+

��������� to account for undocumented refugees in the city at the time, and then extrapolating the number of

��������� dead from analogous instances in other German cities subjected to saturation bombing and aerial

��������� atrocitiy during World War II, notably Hamburg, Darmstadt and Pforzheim, inter alia.� back

��� Apocalypse 1945: the Destruction of Dresden

��� by David Irving


Reference Materials