ERM - Answer Of The Lord To The Powers Of Darkness Bk 12 Vol 2


Report by Ella Rose Mast


Booklet 12,  Volume 2

by Joanna Southcott


Have you Satan considered my servant Job, he is an upright man and there is none like him in the earth? (Remember that Job is an example of Israel in the earth, this makes it more meaningful for us.) Satan said, sure, I have seen Job. But you have put a hedge about him, and about his house and about all that he hath on every side. Thou hast blessed the works of his hands, and his substance is increased in the land. Put forth thy hand now and touch all that he hath, and he will curse thee to thy face.

The LORD then said unto Satan--behold all that he hath is in thy power. Only upon himself put not your hand. So Satan went forth from the presence of the LORD. When Satan did not have much luck in tempting Job so back to the LORD he goes. And he was given permission to touch Job's skin, but he was not to take his life. So Satan smote Job with sores, all over his body---boils from his foot unto his crown. And Job was of course pretty miserable but in spite of advice from so-called friends. And yes, even from his wife he would not curse God or blame him for his troubles.

Here then Satan disputed against job to no avail even tho Job lost everything, even his children. And then God said:--He that reproveth me let him answer this mystery. Job did not reprove his God. And now the LORD says that as he let Satan come against Job, this symbol of Israel then they also come against Joanna.

She is also a type of Israel, and HE allows this as a testing. For all that Joanna has written at her father’s house shall shame both men and devils. Now YAHWEH is clear in judgment and will be just in condemning the unjust ways of men and devils. And whether men will judge themselves or not the truth shall be known. The seals on her writing were to be broken and made known before the year was thus out. And by Christmas time every letter thou has sent to Pomrey, Moore and Nitcombe and other ministers must be put in print and made know by the world. Let the ministers know that I have spoken out of Zion, and I shall utter my voice in the midst of Jerusalem for I am the LORD God of Israel, ready for battle, and my voice shall be strong in the midst of my people. I have a two edged sword in my hand to cut down the powers of Darkness. For where two or three are gathered together in my name there I will be also in the midst of them. (Remember here that Israel had gone thru the dark days and then the resurgence of the faith came again and much misunderstanding had gone out from the shepherds, but now the people are to be honored as they gather to him, for where two or three are gathered "IN MY NAME" THERE HE is also.)

Joanna had attended a sermon in which was this quotation from Malachi and she was much impressed. She says that from then on people that feared and loved the LORD begin to speak often one to the other, and the LORD heard it and a book of remembrance was written for them that feared the LORD, and that thought upon his name. ----"They shall be MINE, saith the LORD, in the day when I make up my Jewels.”

In the book of Revelation we read: 'And another Angel came and stood at the altar, having a golden censer, and there was given unto him much incense, that he should offer it with the prayers of the Saints upon the golden altar which is before the throne. And the smoke of the incense which came with the prayers of the Saints ascended up before God out of the Angels hand.

These texts were explained to Joanna as being alluding to the last days. The deliverance of the children of Israel in bringing them out of Egypt into the promised land was a type of the LAST days. Their being sealed today will be as great a protection as the blood on the door posts were at the time of the Exodus.

The day shall come that shall burn like an over. The meaning of this is that all the proud and the wicked shall be burned up. (Now remember--HE comes this time in the Spirit thus the fire is Shekinah light.) As your Faith is --it will happen unto you. If you believe He came first in the body and made himself free and familiar with men then you must believe he shall come again more familiar in the spirit when he comes to bring in His kingdom unto (Adam) man. And makes you joint heirs with HIM, and shows to you His salvation that is to be revealed, and in this shall reveal to you the story of the 'Tree of Life' to all who believe He will show his salvation unto them, and then will His righteousness be revealed that he hath done what is right by men, devils, and fallen Angel. This was what the SPIRIT OF TRUTH told Joanna in 1792.

Now she is to declare this and to keep nothing back. After all no other could promise such to the people of earth, for this was the Great God of the heavens speaking.

Exodus:---( )Thou shalt take of the water of the river and pour it upon the dry land and the waters which thou takest out of the river shall be come blood upon the dry land. The answer to this quote:----As I destroyed the Philistines and Egypt so shall I now utterly destroy the Turks and their land. I shall give them into the hands of Israel. For their land shall become a land of blood. They are a people that Satan set up and worked their hearts to work wickedness, and every cruelty is in their hands. (Turks at that time from the seed of Esau.)

But now THE SPIRIT says that the axe is to be laid to the root, and every branch shall fall for I shall utterly destroy all the works of the devil. But unto them that seek After me, to know my statutes and keep my judgments, and abide in MY LAW, unto them shall the Son of righteousness arise with healing in his wings, and I will dwell in the midst of my people Israel. As it was by Faith that Abraham received the promises, so by Faith shall they now be saved who trust in ME for their salvation. I will destroy and I will save. For I am the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. And now I will be the God of my family upon the earth, and all those who believe. For now all shall know his God, and I will know my people. I am present and I see all those who are for ME and who are against me, and my kingdom. I see those who are like the Laodiceans, who are neither hot nor cold, just lukewarm, and I shall spew them out of my mouth.

Now I shall chain Satan down and then you shall see what (Adam) man really is when there is no devil to deceive him. When Satan is sealed up then he shall feel the effects of my anger as they did when they were destroyed (in the Tarim Basin for instance.) But as Noah was saved in the Ark and then was to fill the earth once more, so shall Satan be let loose at the end of the 1000 years. If he is reformed then he may find some mercy. But if not he shall find no pity. If he attempts to tempt(Adam) man again.

Now says the Spirit of truth:--I could not by rights let Satan run out the full time first and then give him no space of repentance, as I gave (Adam) man. It must be a tried repentance and a proven repentance. Thus Satan also must be tried and confined for his sins. But if he breaks the law again he must be hanged. So if Satan tempts man again he shall

be cut off from the society of men forever. (In other words the spirit then says that the wicked and his works have to be destroyed utterly for (Adam) man is to tread down the wicked, in his last times. And if the roots remain so they like weeds come up again, so even the roots must be destroyed. Thus God begins like a husbandman and goes on like a man of war.)

"Think ye---that when believers are joined with unbelievers the latter thinks the former are mad." Then the spirit answered and said:---Fear not thou worm, Jacob, nor be dismayed Ye men of Israel. For I am your God and I will be with thee, to protect you, and I will shame all that shame you, and confound you. For as you, (Joanna) have begun, the Shepherds of the flock must follow. For the LORD shall send faithful laborers into his vineyard as the harvest is nigh at hand. Actually it will not be necessary for men to sign their names because they will find that there is no man who will have a part in this 'Tree of life' whose name is not written there, and the seal given unto him. For these are the leaves for the healing of the nations. The pure river of life that proceeds out of the throne of God, and the Lamb is THE PURE WORD OF GOD.

This tree in the midst of the river is a pure tree, The Tree of life. And thus the leaves fall from this tree in the fall, so shall all things fall---speaking of the evil tree, in the fall of the year. For the nations (of Israel) shall rise as God's kingdom is unveiled.

Now the spirit of truth explains the facts as to the woman, why she is in this position to expound the truth of scriptures. Ans:---The women followed ME to the Cross and stood weeping as I was crucified. They were first at the sepulture to see My Resurrection. They showed their love before man showed any. It was by a woman that I came into the world in the form of a man. And now by a woman I shall reveal myself unto men in and thru the woman as much in the spirit as I did them in the flesh, make my appearance to the world from the woman. I do this so that no man may boast, nor be worshiped in MY stead. For there is that False Christs that will arise from men.

Therefore I am all in all, and acknowledged by the woman (Joanna) and now come to heal the fall of women which first must be healed before man's redemption can come. How then could the man, born of the woman, be free from the fall, or from his original quilt, before the original guilt is taken away? However deep men may apply their bibles, the fountain must be cleared before the vessel can bring forth clear and living waters.

This is the reason for the wine having to have new bottles. The spirit then speak again:----He that will not believe that the sun of righteousness will arise with healing in his wings, to heal the fall of the woman will never be healed in this world. I will for this be inquired of by the house of Israel and every (Adamic) man must set his seal that God is true. HE said the woman should be a helpmate for man, and now as a helpmate---receive her. This shall be acknowledged by all men who live to see MY kingdom established in earth.

Again the spirit speaking:--I said I could scarce find Faith upon the world at my coming. I was thinking of the unbelief of the world of old. The unbelievers of Sodom and Gomorrah, so I said, shall the coming of the 'Son of man' be. But fear not little flock, for it is my Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom as I establish it in righteousness and Peace. For I will take away the foxes that hurt my vines and the singing birds shall come for all that believe. For the voice of the turtle is now in the land. Therefore tremble ye mountains, that build your foundation on the sands of your own wisdom. Be afraid ye trees that have not root in ME. For the north winds will blow ye down, the south wind will root ye up. For now I will come into my garden, and eat my pleasant fruit with those who wait for my coming.

So now, therefore, be ashamed ye husbandmen and b lush ye wine dressers, who dress not your ground with the true dressing of my word. The promises made thru faith must be obtained by faith. And unto you was the promise made thus to you it must be fulfilled.

You, oh, faithful, who build on the Rock of Ages, who judge Him faithful who has promised, and who will do it. No remedy was instantly provided and help was laid upon one that was mighty, for the 'seed of the woman' shall bruise the serpents head. Thus unto you (Israel) the sun of righteousness shall arise with healing in his wings, and ye shall see the curse of the Serpent above every living creature, and shall tread him down as ashes under the soles of your feet. For as the hills stand around Jerusalem so will I stand around my people for every more. As firm as mount Zion which cannot be moved. So firm is my covenant with (Adam) man for my delight shall be ever with this man, the work of my hands, my throne shall be established in righteousness and Peace for he that troubleth Israel shall be cut off. The prophets prophesied of all that I have told you. And I shall show every chapter I have mentioned that now thou art come (Joanna) to show them how it shall be fulfilled and who are the heirs of the promise. The woman's hand brought the knowledge of the evil fruit. So perfect now is the enmity between the serpent and the woman. That now thou will bring them to this knowledge of the good. How all is positioned, as the good fruit must destroy the evil.

Eve brought forth her children by natural birth, but now they shall come forth by spiritual birth. She plucked the evil and the evil remained and the good was taken from the evil to come. But now, comes the good fruit and the evil must be removed from the good, for they must be of one mind and heart, those who live to possess my kingdom, or how shall I establish it in peace. Neither shall I show my loving kindness to men before they have shown their love of me.

The LORD hath promised many things---NOW I WILL DO IT. The new heaven and the new earth, as it is in heaven, so here below that you have as yet not possessed. The new earth is making all things new. I will so improve the earth that it shall be as the garden of Eden to man. Every barren mountain shall become a fruitful field. And I will throw down and build up until every house is made pleasant for man. Gardens and vineyards shall join to their houses. I will throw down your towns, and built them anew with gardens and vineyards to every man's dwelling. Such shall Jerusalem and all of the borders be built anew.

As to man, I shall make him anew, that is, his heart shall be enlarged his wisdom increased, and his understanding enlightened. A new heart I will give him, and a New spirit will put within him and I will write my laws upon his heart and put my spirit in his inner parts, and he shall walk in the delight of His God, and the love of his neighbors. Righteousness and truth shall meet together, and Love and Peace shall kiss each other. I will cleanse the blood that I have not cleansed and bind up the broken hearted and set the captives free. All the earth shall Praise MY Name and walk in the law of the LORD. I THE LORD HAVE PROMISED IT AND NOW I WILL DO IT.

When was this promised to be done? Not until she travaileth (Israel) and had brought forth her children, and her children are taught of the LORD. All that I promised thru the prophets shall now be fulfilled. No sooner was (Adam) man formed for happiness than Satan robbed him of it by the woman's hand. I will turn back the blow for Satan's hand hath now ruled too long. The woman hath now trodden down Satan under her feet by the strength of argument. But those, who screen the devil to condemn themselves, let them go down with him, and then they will know him better. So do not grieve at the judgment of men, all this must be to fulfill the scriptures. The Lord hath concluded all men in unbelief, so that all men may be saved.

You ask, --when is it written that you perish thru unbelief? The Jews stumbled at the prophets, they expected all things to be fulfilled at my first coming. So they stepped in to receive.

Now the believer shall be called the children of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, for now in Israel shall all of the families of earth be blessed. The fearful and unbelievers shall be cut off from the face of the earth.

Let not your heart be troubled or be faint within thee. I am thy God and will be with thee. I am thy Savior and will redeem thee from the power of men and devils.

Now Joanna receives a letter from Mr. Foley, and he had received a letter from a minister that said the sealing in the book of Revelation was meant to be only in baptism. The spirit of truth then came to Joanna to explain this. And HE asks,--how can baptism seal your redemption? Aren’t all types of people baptized? Some are then thieves and murderers and adulterous in their life time. But who fights then under the banner of The Christ? You fulfill your baptism as you become followers of the Christ, and fight for his kingdom. Only those enrolled in heaven and seal in earth are those who will hear at his coming these words:--'Well done my good and faithful servant, enter into the joy of your LORD. For here is your calling, here is your election, now strive to make it sure.’

Now what use was there for that fiery serpent that Moses did raise upon the pole? Could that heal the sting of the serpent? This only showed for a type of things that they judged was bother them. What use was of ME spitting on the ground and making a paste to cure blindness? Think about that. Since I came now in Spirit, then read your bibles and weight these things deep. Then you shall see that this time must be in Spirit, when few believe for it is written:---“They shall crucify the LORD afresh, and put him again to shame, and this they do daily." Thus let it be know to all (Adamic) men that I am come already in the spirit and scarcely found faith in the earth. Then in a day thought little of I will come in Majesty and great Glory. But as I first went thru my office in the physical and then expired on the cross. So now I will go thru my office IN THE SPIRIT, and bring the cross on Satan. And every man who preserves the beast (the world order) that is rebellious like the sin of witchcraft is cast off. Can the LORD be offended to hear you sing the Song of Moses and the Lamb? So as Moses then destroyed the pharaoh, so Christ will destroy this pharaoh who is the devil.

They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain, for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea. (Isa. 11:9) Then verse 11,---and it shall come to pass in that day that the LORD will set his hand again a second time to recover the remnant of his people.

Now she says that men read the bible without weighting the words in the 24th chapter of Matthew where he told his apostles and disciples of the destruction to come on Jerusalem, and their coming persecution and false prophets who would arise among them. How did the vagabond Jews then try to act as my disciples----ANSWER ME THAT? What sorcery and witchcraft were then used among the people. And how they delivered up the disciples to be killed.---Remember that? And how they were hated for My sake, you do not discern what is past and what is yet to be fulfilled. The persecution I spoke of, followed my disciples and now this same spirit is risen against you once again. But he that endureth to the end shall be saved. For NOW MY GOSPEL IS TO BE PREACHED TO THE WORLD. (Rev.)

(Now this is why I said that Joanna was the forerunner of the preaching of the Gospel of Christ, for After her came the British Israelite teaching, But my thinking is that this did not blossom fully until the time of the Swift ministry. Then that teaching of ALL Israel included spread out over the Christian world, reaching the Children of the kingdom not only in America but in some of Europe as well. Even with his teaching still many so called, Identity minister did not grasp the full measure of meaning for altho they tried then something always seemed to get in the way. Today altho many people hang on to this teaching still the devil seems to still be having his way. However, things seem to be coming to a climax almost 2000 years After the writings of Joanna Southcott.)

Now she says that the reader must keep in mind these verses, the better to understand the true meaning of the Book.

"And his tail drew a third part of the stars of the heavens, and did cast them to earth. And the dragon stood before the woman who was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.”

Then Revelation 19:7--- Let us be glad and rejoice and give thanks for the marriage of the Lamb hath come, and his wife hath made herself ready."

Revelations 22:7--Behold I come quickly, blessed is he that keepeth the sayings of this book.

And then Revelations 20:l--And I saw an angel come down from heaven with the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand.

Thus, you begin with the woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet. Then be glad for the marriage of the Lamb is come and the wife has made herself ready. Then come and partake of the 'waters of life' freely. Then an Angel comes down from heaven with the chain in his hand for the Satan is to be chained in the bottomless pit for 1000 years. And he is now cast into the bottomless pit. And he will not be released until that amount of years is over.