Adam's Commission #1
Adam's Commission #2
The Two Creations Theory
Controversy Over the 6th and 8th Day Creation Theory
Origin of the 6th and 8th Day Creation Theory
6th and 8th Day Creation Fallacy
Lies Masquerading as the Truth #1 A Critical Review of the Book,
The Two Creations
Lies Masquerading as the Truth #2 A Critical Review of the Book,
The Two Creations
Lies Masquerading as the Truth #3 A Critical Review of the Book,
The Two Creations
Lies Masquerading as the Truth #4 A Critical Review of the Book,
The Two Creations
Lies Masquerading as the Truth #5 A Critical Review of the Book,
The Two Creations
Lies Masquerading as the Truth #6 A Critical Review of the Book,
The Two Creations
Lies Masquerading as the Truth #7 A Critical Review of the Book,
The Two Creations
The Chronicles of Genesis
The Only True Adam of Genesis 1:26-27 & 2:7 #1
The Only True Adam of Genesis 1:26-27 & 2:7 #2
The Problem with Genesis 4:1
The Race of Genesis 10
Nine Covenants with Adam-Man
Yahshua to Jesus, Evolution of a Name
Which Is It, "Lord" or "Yahweh"?
Yahweh singular-Elohim
Rebuttal to the Jesus Only People
"Jews" are Neither Israel Nor Judah
Did Esau Receive the Birthright and Blessing Instead of Jacob?
Born Under Contract
Baptism - In What?
Unforgivable Sin, Step By Step Explanation
The Unpardonable Sin
What Scripture Teaches About the Unclean
Yahweh the God of Segregation vs. Satan the god of Integration
Old Jerusalem Shall Never Rise Again
Resurrection Life, How, When & For Whom?
The Day the Word Became Flesh
The Premeditated Murder of Yahweh in the Flesh #1
The Genealogy of Yahshua the Messiah
Responsibility for the Crucifixion of the Christ
The Three Tribes of Judah
Whom Did Judah Marry?
Crosby's "Unveiling the Fears and the Denials Behind 'The Passion of the Christ'"
John 3:16, What it Says and What it Doesn't
The Lie of Universalism
They're Your Children, Do You Really Care?
The Immigration Problem and Biblical Prophecy
Broken Bottle Nation
Be Kind to Your Kind
The Power of the Dog
Arabs, Friend or Foe?
Both Jews & Arabs are Serpent-Seed
Misconception of Arabia & Arab Peoples
Mexicans Traced to Cain (Son of Satan)
The Words Mestizo and Ladino
Early Church Era on Two Seedline
Early Celtic Church Taught the Physical Seduction of Eve
The Unseen World Within Our World
How Long Can Queen Elizabeth II Live?
History of Israel with Edward Hine and Conclusion
British Christians In Rome Before Paul Ever Arrived
Merits & Shortcomings of British-Israel #1
Merits & Shortcomings of British-Israel #2
Merits & Shortcomings of British-Israel #3
In Defense of Matthew & Luke
Death of a Kingdom & Rebirth of Another
Who are the Hunters?
Spiritual Sperm
Classical and Biblical Records Identifying the Phoenicians
Irish and Scottish Genealogy
The Irish Branch of the Scarlet-Thread
Following the Trail of the Scarlet-Thread
The Roman Branch of the Scarlet-Thread
Daniel Prophesied the Roman Catholic Church
That there Should Be Time No Longer
Early Rain vs. Latter Rain
Clergy Claims God Committed Fraud
Founder of Waldenses was Not Peter Waldo
The Fallacy of the Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements #1
The Fallacy of the Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements #2
Noon to Noon Madness #1
Noon to Noon Madness #2
Noon to Noon Madness #3
Noon to Noon Madness #4
Noon to Noon Madness #5
Noon to Noon Madness #6
Noon to Noon Madness #7
Sacred Calendar Chaos #1
Was Christ Politically Correct?
Why Did Christ Heal the Daugther of the Canaanite Woman?