The following study of the twelve sons of Israel is prompted by my questions of: Why twelve? How are these twelve meaningful to history? Are they symbols of something more than a large family? Do their names mean something? Do the blessings given by their father and later by Moses mean something for the history of their tribes? Certainly, symbolism was paramount among the people of this ancient culture; they seemed to live with a focus upon symbols. For every special event, they would create a monument to forever symbolize that event. Every name given at birth had an important symbolic meaning. The fact is that our Bible is a book of symbols, with every event and name and series-of-events symbolizing something for the future. Every one of such things belongs to a paradigm or model which will be fulfilled again at a future time, so each model really serves as a prophecy for something in the future.


        To the best of my knowledge, no one has ever studied the twelve tribes of Israel from this perspective. Yet, there seems to be a real emphasis of this kind of meaning which underlies Bible history. Also, most scholars only look at Old Testament studies through the Hebrew language, assuming it to be the original language of the patriarchs. Evidence abounds that Hebrew only came into being after the Assyrian captivity, resulting from the mix of the Israelites� native Phoenician language with the Aramaean language they were forced to learn during their captivity. Phoenician is the direct parent of Greek, and with Aramaic is co-parent of "Hebrew." At the time of Jacob, about 1850 BC, they spoke Phoenician, but the Greek language which developed from it is very close. We can find that the names of the twelve sons, and their mothers, have some pretty significant relationships to the ancient Greek language, which I am referring to as Phoenician/Greek.



Four sons from LEA - Λεία

The Phoenician/Greek root for Lea�s name is Λεα/Lea, which means a stone weight which was used to keep threads of the warp straight on the loom. In this case, God would use Lea to provide six sons of the twelve necessary for God�s plan.


RUBEN - Ρουβην [b. 1852 BC, Son of Lea]

The Phoenician/Greek root for this name comes from ροβα/rhoba which means "dress or garment." For Lea this son is something to cover her humiliation, something to make her more lovable to her husband.

Birth: Gen 29:31-32; "When the Lord God saw that Lea was hated, he opened her womb; but Rachel was barren. And Lea conceived and bore a son to Jacob, and she called his name Ruben, saying, �Because the Lord has looked on my humiliation, and has given me a son, now my husband will love me.�"

Blessing by Jacob at death: Gen 49:3; "Ruben, you are my first-born, you my strength, and the first of my children, hard to be endured, and self-willed. You were insolent like water, burst not forth with violence, for you went to the bed of your father; then you defiled the bed, whereupon you went up."

Moses blessing: De 33:6; "Let Ruben live, and not die, and let him be many in number."

Tribe Symbol:  MAN

Countries: Denmark, Greece, Iceland

After Rachel�s death, Ruben had sex with Balla, Rachel�s slave and mother of Dan & Nephtali. Thus Ruben lost favor and birthright to descendants of Joseph & Juda (Gen 49:4; I Chr 5:1)

Ruben�s 4 sons: Enoch, Phallus, Asron, & Charmi (Ex 6:14)


SYMEON - Συμεών [b. 1853 BC, Son of Lea]

The Phoenician/Greek root for this name is the first three letters συμ- which would become in Latin the prefix "syn" meaning "with." In Greek the word is used as a prefix to mean "ally, to be in alliance with." For Lea, this son would be her ally, since she was hated by her husband.

Birth: Gen 29: "Because the Lord has heard that I am hated, he has given to me this one also; and she called his name Symeon."

Blessing by Jacob at death: Gen 49:5; "Symeon and Levi, brothers, accomplished the injustice of their cutting off. Let not my soul come into their counsel, and let not mine inward parts contend in their conspiracy, for in their wrath they slew men, and in their passion they hamstringed a bull. Cursed be their wrath for it was wilful, and their anger, for it was cruel; I will divide them in Jacob and scatter them in Israel."

Moses blessing: none

Tribe Symbol: SWORD, sec. is GATE

Countries: Britain, Ireland, Scotland, Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark

Symeon�s sons: Jemuel, Jamin, Aod, Jachin, Saar, & Saul (son of a Phoenician woman)


LEVI - Λευεί [b. 1854 BC, Son of Lea]

The Phoenician/Greek basis for this name is largely the color "white;" also as it is used in λεύσσω/leusso (look or gaze upon). It is probably the latter sense which Lea intended, sort of "look what I have done for him; now he will look upon me more favorably."

Birth: Gen 29:34 "In the present time my husband will be with me, for I have born him three sons; therefore she called his name Levi."

Blessing by Jacob at death: Gen 49:5; "Symeon and Levi, brothers, accomplished the injustice of their cutting off. Let not my soul come into their counsel, and let not mine inward parts contend in their conspiracy, for in their wrath they slew men, and in their passion they houghed a bull. Cursed be their wrath for it was wilful, and their anger, for it was cruel; I will divide them in Jacob and scatter them in Israel."

Moses blessing: Deut 33:8; "Give to Levi his manifestations, and his truth to the holy man, whom they tempted in the temptation; they reviled him at the water of strife. Who says to his father and mother, I have not seen you; and he knew not his brethren, and he refused to know his sons: he kept your oracles, and observed your covenant. They shall declare your ordinances to Jacob, and your law to Israel: they shall place incense in time of your wrath continually upon your altar. Bless, Lord, his strength, and accept the works of his hands; break the loins of his enemies that have risen up against him, and let not them that hate him rise up."

Tribe Symbol: none since Levi was throughout all Israel

Countries: throughout all Israel

Levi�s sons: Gedson, Caath, Merari. Caath begat Ambran

who married Jochabed and begat Aaron & Moses (Ex 6:20)


JUDA - Ιούδαν [b. 1855 BC, Son of Lea]

The Phoenician/Greek basis for this name is twofold: ιό is the color violet or purple, the color of royalty which would be Juda�s destiny, though it may not have been on the mind of Lea at this time. Her feeling is probably that of ιού which is a loud expression of sorrow or joy, perhaps reflecting her feeling of frustration and sadness from failing to win her husband�s love. So she resigns herself to this, and turns to the Lord with thanks, and doesn�t get pregnant the next year. Though she would bear again the following year.

Birth: Gen 29:35; "Now yet again this time will I give thanks to the Lord; therefore she called his name Juda, and ceased bearing."

Blessing by Jacob at death: Gen 49:8; "Juda, your brothers have praised you, and your hands shall be on the back of your enemies; your father�s sons shall do you reverence. Juda is a lion�s whelp, from the tender plant, my son, you are gone up, having couched you lie as a lion, and as a whelp; who shall stir him up? A ruler shall not fail from Juda, nor a prince from his loins, until there come the things stored up for him; and he is the expectation of nations. Binding his foal to the vine, and the foal of his ass to the branch, he shall wash his robe in wine and his garment in the blood of the grape. His eyes shall be more cheering than wine, and his teeth whiter than milk."

Moses blessing: Deut 33:7 "Hear, Lord, the voice of Juda, and do visit his people: his hands shall contend for him, and you shall be a help from his enemies."

Tribe Symbol: LION, secondary are 3 LIONS, SCEPTER, GRAPEVINE.

Countries: Britain, Netherlands, Scotland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Belgium



Two sons from BALLA - Βαλλά

The Phoenician/Greek basis for this name means "to throw or cast." Balla is Rachel�s servant, and we might see this name symbolizing Rachel�s act of giving her servant to Jacob for purpose of a baby.

DAN - Δάν [b. ca.1849 BC, Son of Balla, Rachel�s servant]

The Phoenician/Greek basis for this name is δάνος which means gift or present.

Birth: Gen 30:6 "God has given judgment for me, and hearkened to my voice, and has given me a son." (Rachel�s statement)

Blessing by Jacob at death: Gen 49:16; "Dan shall judge his people, as one tribe too in Israel. And let Dan be a serpent in the way, besetting the path, biting the heel of the horse (and the rider shall fall backward), waiting for the salvation of the Lord."

Moses blessing: Deut 33:22; "Dan is a lion�s whelp, and shall leap out of Basan."

Tribe Symbol: SERPENT, sec. is HORSE. Brigade symbol. is EAGLE

Countries: England, Scotland, Netherlands, Saxons


NEPHTHALI - Νεφθαλεί [b. ca. 1848 BC, Son of Balla, Rachel�s servant]

The Phoenician/Greek basis for this name comes from two words: νεφ/neph means "cloud;" θάλος/thalos means "child." Rachel seems to be naming him "cloud-child." But Jacob�s blessing makes use of another Greek word for the second part of the name: θάλλω/thallo, which relates to plants, meaning "sprout, grow, thrive, luxuriant, copious, flourishing."

Birth: Gen 30:8; "God has helped me, and I contended with my sister and prevailed." (Rachel�s statement)

Blessing by Jacob at death: Gen 49:21; "Nephthalim is a spreading stem, bestowing beauty on its fruit."

Moses blessing: Deut 33:23 "Nephthali has the fulness of good things; and let him be filled with blessing from the Lord: he shall inherit the west and the south."

Tribe Symbol: HIND

Countries: ?


Two sons from ZELPHA - Ζελφα

The basis for this name is the three letter Greek prefix ζηλ/zel which means "jealousy." Zelpha is the servant of Lea, who became jealous that Rachel had children through her servant while Lea had seemingly become barren. So, Lea would copy Rachel�s tactic of using her servant as surrogate.


GAD [b. ca.1846 BC, Son of Zelpha, Lea�s servant]

The Phoenician/Greek basis for this name may be γαίω/gaio which means "rejoice, exult." Lea�s statement at this birth implies this meaning.

Birth: Gen 30:11; "It is happily." (Lea�s statement)

Blessing by Jacob at death: Gen 49: "Gad, a plundering troop shall plunder him; but he shall plunder him, pursuing him closely."

Moses blessing: Deut 33:20; "Blessed be he that enlarges Gad; as a lion he rested, having broken the arm and the ruler. And he saw his first-fruits, that there the land of the princes gathered with the chiefs of the people was divided; the Lord wrought righteousness, and his judgment with Israel."

Tribe Symbol: KNIGHT

Countries: ?


ASER - Ασήρ [b. ca.1845BC, son of Zelpha, Lea�s servant]

The Phoenician/Greek basis for this name is αση/ase which means "loathing, distress, vexation," along with ασηρός/aseros which means "causing discomfort, disdainful." Lea seems to be actively causing vexation to Rachel, and claiming her position as primary, the one whom other women will esteem. Her statement at the birth is a direct claim of this position in this house.

Birth: Gen 30:13; "I am blessed, for the women will pronounce me blessed." (Lea�s statement)

Blessing by Jacob at death: Gen 49:20 "his bread shall be fat."

Moses� blessing: Deut 33:24; "Aser is blessed with children; and he shall be acceptable to his brethren: he shall dip his foot in oil. His sandal shall be iron and brass; as your days, so shall be your strength."

Tribe Symbol: GOBLET

Countries: England, Scotland


Two more sons from LEA

ISSACHAR - Ισσάχαρ [b. ca.1846 BC, Son of Lea]

The Phoenician/Greek basis for this name is ισσα/issa, an exclamation of triumph over another�s distress.

Birth: Gen 30:18; "God has given me my reward, because I gave my maid to my husband."

Blessing by Jacob at death: Gen 49:14; "has desired that which is good; resting between the inheritances. And having seen the resting place that it was good, and the land that it was fertile, he subjected his shoulder to labor, and became a husbandman."

Moses� blessing: Deut 33:18;  "Rejoice, Zabulon, in your going out, and Issachar in his tents. They shall utterly destroy the ἔθνη, and you shall call there, and there offer the sacrifice of righteousness; for the wealth of the sea shall suckle you, and so shall the marts of them that dwell by the sea-coast."

Tribe Symbol: LADEN-ASS

Countries: ?


ZABULON - Ζαβουλών [b. ca.1845 BC, Son of Lea]

The Phoenician/Greek basis for this name is twofold: ζά/dza is a more ancient Greek word which in Koin became δια/dia meaning "through," and βουλή/boule which means "will, determination of the gods, council, design." So, Lea is exclaiming that it is through her deliberate determination that she is the primary wife of Jacob, by virtue of bearing six sons. We must imagine that Jacob�s household was not a peaceful place with these two women rivals!

Birth: Gen 30:20; "God has given me a good gift in this time; my husband will choose me, for I have born him six sons."

Blessing by Jacob at death: Gen 49:13; "shall dwell on the coast, and shall be by a haven of ships, and shall extend to Sidon."

Moses blessing: Deut 33:18;  "Rejoice, Zabulon, in your going out, and Issachar in his tents. They shall utterly destroy the ethne, and you shall call there, and there offer the sacrifice of righteousness; for the wealth of the sea shall suckle you, and so shall the marts of them that dwell by the sea-coast."

Tribe Symbol: SHIP

Countries: England, Holland, Scotland, Denmark, Netherlands



Two sons from RACHEL - Ραχηλ

The Phoenician/Greek basis for her name is ραχός/rhachos which means "thorn-hedge." Rachel has certainly been such a thorn-hedge in her battle with Lea, for Jacob still loves her most, in spite of all the children that Lea produced.


JOSEPH - Ιωσηφ [b. 1852 BC, Son of Rachel]

The Phoenician/Greek root for this name is based on ιός which means "one." Rachel is saying, "here is the One!" At long last Jacob has a son by Rachel whom he loves most, and Jacob/Israel makes clear during the rest of his life that he loved Joseph the most. When it came time for Israel�s death, he called Joseph�s sons, Manasse & Ephraim to his bedside and gave them the primary blessing, and then calling his other eleven sons to him.

Birth: Gen 30 24; "God has taken away my reproach, and she called his name Joseph, saying, Let God add to me another son."

Blessing by Jacob at death: Gen 49:22 "Joseph is a son increased; my dearly loved son is increased; my youngest son, turn to me. Against whom men taking evil counsel reproached him and the archers pressed hard upon him. But their bow and arrows were mightily consumed, and the sinews of their arms were slackened by the hand of the mighty one of Jacob; thence is he that strengthened Israel from the God of your father; and my God helped you, and he blessed you with the blessing of heaven from above, and the blessing of the earth possessing all things, because of the blessing of the breasts and of the womb, the blessings of your father and your mother � it has prevailed above the blessing of the lasting mountains and beyond the blessings of the everlasting hills; they shall be upon the head of Joseph, and upon the head of the brothers of whom he took the lead."

Moses blessing: Deut 33:13; " His land is of the blessing of the Lord, of the seasons sof sky and dew, and of the deeps of wells below, and of the fruits of the changes of the sun in season, and of the produce of the months, from the top of the ancient mountains, and from the top of the everlasting hills and of the fulness of the land in season: and let the things pleasing to him that dwelt in the bush come on the head of Joseph, and on the crown of him who was glorified above his brethren. His beauy is as the firstling of his bull, his horns are the horns of a unicorn; with them he shall thrust the nations at onece, even from the end of the earth: these are the ten thousands of Ephraim and these are the thousands of Manasse."

Tribe Symbol: his two sons had the tribe symbols

Countries: see Ephraim & Manasse


BENJAMIN - Βενιαμίν [b. ca. 1835 BC, Son of Rachel]

The root for this name doesn�t seem to be Greek. "Ben" is an Aramaic word meaning "son of." Rachel had named him "son of my pain," but Jacob changed that to "son of" something else, perhaps the Aramaic word for "right hand." These Phoenician speaking Israelites were living amidst and surrounded by Aramaic speaking peoples, thus there was a lot of language mixing and adoption of commonly used words. Benjamin was born much later than the other eleven who were all born within a seven year period. Benjamin would be different from all the others, and proved eventually to be a tribe of dysfunctional offspring, peculiar in some ways.

Birth: Gen 35:18; "And it came to pass in her giving up the ghost, for she was dying, that she called his name, �The son of my pain; but his father called his name Benjamin."

Blessing by Jacob at death: Gen 49:27; "as a ravening wolf, shall eat still in the morning, and at evening he gives food.

Moses blessing: Deut 33:12; "The beloved of the Lord shall dwell in confidence, and God overshadows him always, and he rested between his shoulders."

Tribe Symbol: WOLF

Countries: none known today





(Prior to blessing all the other sons)

Gen 48:15; "The God in whose sight my fathers were well pleasing, Abraam and Isaac, the God who continues to feed me from my youth until this day; the angel who delivers me from all evils, bless these boys, and my name shall be called upon them, and the name of my fathers, Abraam and Isaac; and let them be increased to a great multitude on the earth. 17And Joseph saw that his father put his right hand on the head of Ephraim � it seemed grievous to him; and Joseph took hold of the hand of his father, to remove it from the head of Ephraim to the head of Manasse. 18And Joseph said to his father, �Not so, father; for this is the firstborn; lay your right-hand upon his head.� 19And he would not, but said, �I know it, son, I know it; he also shall be a people and he shall be exalted, but his younger brother shall be greater than he, and his seed shall become a multitude of nations.� 20And he blessed them in that day, saying �In you shall Israel be blessed,� saying, �God make you as Ephraim and Manasse;� and he set Ephraim before Manasse. 21AndIsrael said to Joseph, �Behold, I die; and God shall be with you, and restore you to the land of your fathers.�"


MANASSE - Μανασση [b. ca. 1820 BC, in Egypt, eldest son of Joseph & Aseneth, d. of Petephres, priest of Heliopolis]

The root meaning of this name is probably not from Greek. Joseph was a high-official in Egypt when these two boys were born, and their names may reflect something of that culture. The Phoenician/Greek language was spoken in the region, but the Egyptian language was also in use.

Birth: Gen 41:50; "And Joseph called the name of the first-born Manasse; for God has made me forget all my toils, and all things of my father."

Blessing by Jacob at death: Gen 48:19; "he also shall be a people and he shall be exalted."

Moses� blessing: Deut 33:17; Joseph�s blessing is passed on to his two sons. See last line of Joseph�s blessing for mention of Manasse: "and these are the thousands of Manasse."

Tribe Symbol: OLIVE BRANCH, secondary is ARROWS (see Seal & Insignia of U.S.; in eagle claws are 13 olive branches and 13 arrows.)

Countries: America, England, Scotland, Holland, Netherland

Manasse had sons (Gen 46:20/LXX - not in Masoretic), one Machir was born to a Syrian concubine.


EPHRAIM - Εφραίμ [b. ca. 1820 BC in Egypt, Son of Joseph & Aseneth, d. of Petephres, priest of Heliopolis]

The root meaning of this name is probably not from Greek. Joseph was a high-official in Egypt when these two boys were born, and their names may reflect something of that culture. The Phoenician/Greek language was spoken in the region, but the Egyptian language was also in use.

Birth: Gen 41:52; "And he called the name of the second, Ephraim; for God has increased me in the land of my humiliation."

Blessing by Jacob at death: Gen 48:19; "younger brother shall be greater, and his seed shall become a multitude of nations.�

Moses� blessing: Deut 33:17; is through Joseph to his two sons. See last line of Joseph�s blessing for mention of Ephraim: "these are the ten thousands of Ephraim,"

Tribe Symbol: BULL or CALF

Countries: Britain, Scotland, Saxons, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, Greece, Iceland

Ephraim had sons (Gen 46:20/LXX - not in Masoretic), Sutalaam & Taam