

I can't claim that I know the absolute truth, but I have come to see a large picture, into which most of the perplexing theological questions seem to fit and make sense. It's this large picture that I want to share here as simply as I can.

I consider Mind to be the basic matter of reality. By this I mean that all knowable and seeable reality is nothing but an emanation from some ultimate supreme Mind. Without trying to determine the source of this mind, which is probably impossible anyway, I'd like to begin with Mind as the given, and my concern is then the activity of that Mind, activity which is a dance between two opposing forces. It is this oscillating dance that makes up both the earth-stage and the performance of our world. For the physical sciences these two dancing forces are studied as positive versus negative. For the mental sciences the forces are expressed as behaviors and beliefs which promote either health and well-being versus those which promote self-destruction and illness. But it is the spiritual science I want to address because I believe the other two are expressions which manifest from spiritual forces. Spiritual science studies these two forces as good versus evil.

Religions have been fundamental to our civilization as men sought to understand the causes behind events. The primary causes behind the design of our reality are spiritual in nature. Physical manifestations are but symbols of those spiritual causes.  For seekers-of-truth, the search for understanding has always been spiritual. Most simply, that which they struggle to explain is the relationship between two dancers, named Good and Evil. Good is a root word for God.

I am convinced that intelligent Mind operates this physical reality, both for good and for evil. There is too much that cannot be explained by physical science theories to reject the notion that a higher-intelligent-force designs the plot of the play. Now, in order to understand my theory of how these two forces relate to each other in this dance, it is necessary to consider them as functioning in cycles; that is: they oscillate taking turns being dominant, and they do this repetitively, at all frequencies: from the 25,000 year precession-of-equinoxes cycle down to the tiniest fraction of a second where an electron pulsates. I've laid history out on a time-line of 25,000 years and the plan makes sense! [Print out a copy of the SINE-WAVE DIAGRAM for handy reference.] One thing that helps to make this long-term historical plan meaningful is to incorporate the zodiac symbols onto the timeline. I'm talking about the simple names for the twelve parts of the precession-of-the-equinoxes (25,000 years), each part (age) being about 2,100 years long. I'm not talking about horoscopes or occult divination practices.

Without knowing how much the ancients actually understood, it now seems incredible that these zodiac signs can be so meaningful to the historical events, especially within the context of Biblical history. For instance, (1) Jesus was born at the very beginning of the age of Pisces (fish), and we find the life of Jesus focused about fish and the early church used the symbol of a fish. (2) Abraham lived at the beginning of the age of Aries (lamb), and he instituted a religion focused around the lamb. (3)At the end of Aries (lamb), Jesus was born as the Lamb-of-God just as Abraham had promised. (4)The story of Adam and Eve occurred near the beginning of Gemini (heavenly twins), and her two sons were fraternal twins. (5)The Sphinx (half woman & half lion) was built between the ages of Virgo (virgin) and Leo (lion),. While many Christian scholars arrogantly scorn such information as irrelevant to history, I think the relevance is quite obvious. It does not threaten my faith to consider there might be more truth to discover than was known to theologians of the dark-ages.

So, whatever the ultimate Mind might be, that we refer to as God, I'm convinced there is design and order to the program of civilization. And I have, for so many years now, watched events and studied historical events, wondering if they fit my theoretical plan or conflict with it. I've been unable to find any person or any evidence which might refute this idea; all things seem to fit perfectly within these cyclic patterns, patterns which actually define civilizations. Anyway, whatever ultimate Mind might be that is behind all this, it is usually called "God," and I want to refer to it here as God.

Ultimate Mind, God, is expressed through the dynamic interplay between two polar forces of good and evil; this expression becomes the very performance of the play. By "expression" I mean that God extends Himself forth through a Word into experiences. It is the Mind of God that manifest Itself as the two Forces, and as Time, and as Form, and as Change, and as Experience. The force of Good is expressed as Christ, hence Christians tend to think of God as only Good. Evil appears as Satan, not being a direct representative of God, but being that energy which is relative and opposite to Good, namely the negative which is essential to the existence of Good. In other words, Good is only good to the extent that there is an equal and opposite evil making a balance of forces. Positive and Negative are always balanced; it is impossible to have more of one than the other. While these terms need more defining, and that isn't my purpose here, I'll just use the terms as generally understood, for sake of simplicity.

Well, during the half-cycle period (approx. 12,500 years on the sine-wave diagram - from Scorpio thru Gemini) in which civilizations deteriorated, the plan of God was achieved through the gradual disappearance of good from the world until the force of evil had all the power. On an oscilloscope we watch the positive energy decline to zero power, then crossing the neutral line as it changes to become negative energy. During that path of degeneration of civilization, under the negative force of evil, it came to pass that there were no people left on earth representing good. The people who remained were totally evil. Then, just as society (see the energy line) was to bottom out, God introduced (or revitalized) a race of people who would express Good again: these were Adam and Eve. This newly empowered race would share God's Spiritual Mind, which gave them an instinctive motivation to reject evil and struggle toward the positive goodness. Only the white race has this kind of innate Mind. To this day, the dark races still demonstrate their totally-primitive natures of emotional Mind, with its violence and sex and its obvious lack of positive nature. Any instances where they have risen above the primitive level, or accomplished anything philosophical or technological, have been with the help of the white man, or a result of racial cross-breeding. The continuous changing nature of forces (neg. vs pos.) are quite interesting on the sine wave curve. Notice where the positive force, Adam, is introduced on the line: just prior to the very bottom. That force acts kind of like the force of sun-gravity when the sun pulls a comet's orbit closer to itself, speeding the comet up until it slingshots the thing away again. Just so does the positive force affect civilization's decline, to turn it upward toward the neutral-line again. The way I see the plan is that civilizations express this process throughout successive periods of history.

At our present time of 2,000 A.D. in this process, we are ascending toward Good, and crossing the neutral line. The forces of good and evil are quite evenly matched right now and there is a powerful magnetic-like pull in each direction; things are very unstable, but the momentum will carry us across the line; the negative force will lose its dominance as the positive gains power. In religion this is stated in terms of Satan being defeated while Christ is anointed as the new ruler.

Whatever influenced the writing of the Old and New Testaments, I am convinced that something did deliberately design these writings to provide us a picture of this historical process. Those writings can't possibly be accidental or they wouldn't have been so accurate in describing the theme and plot of this play, along with predicting future events. The descriptions of future events from ancient prophecies and descriptions of battles between the two forces - these things are just too accurate, too pertinent, too significantly meaningful to be ignored. I see in those writings of thousands of years ago the whole plan described in terms of "God will do this or that." And it has happened, just as described. I want to give an overview of some of this, by scanning the history of one special race of God's people, the white race. This is an incredible story, one the Christian church isn't yet willing to admit!

A basic knowledge of the history of our race is helpful. Starting with Eve: her son, Cain was fathered by Satan. Even though raised in a holy family, he jumped across the line to join the earth people who already populated the world, marrying and propagating the race of Cain to represent evil. Cain's twin, fraternal brother, Seth, became progenitor of the white Adamite race to represent good for the play then commencing on the world-stage. From the three sons of Noe (Sem, Ham & Japhet), only one son, Sem, was chosen to carry the blessing. Ham's descendants went to Egypt and built pyramids. Japhet's line went west into Europe. Sem's line went to the area of Iraq, where Cain's race had already established their society. It was there in Mesopotamia that the dynamic-relationship between the good race and the evil race would battle. Often, through the Old Testament story of the races, there were families in which one son was chosen to carry the blessing while the other son became evil; this is important to the plot. We can only understand the play by watching these sons. Without getting too detailed here, just keep in mind that Abraam lived around 2,000 B.C. Abraam's sons were Ishmael (the illegitimate one) and Isaac, the chosen one. Isaac's sons were Esau (the wicked one) and Jacob, the chosen one. Jacob's name was changed to Israel and he had 12 sons who became the twelve tribes of Israel. About 1,500 B.C. the Israelites had been in Egypt nearly 400 years and had become slaves, of a sort, and Moses led them out of Egypt to their "promised land" where Abraam and kin had lived before. Then around 1,050 B.C. King David ruled over the Israelites. The period in which a King ruled over all twelve tribes of Israel was quite short, having only as Kings: Saul, David, and Solomon. After Solomon, the kingdom split into two parts, the northern kingdom called Israel under his son, Jeroboam and the southern kingdom called Judah under his son, Rehoboam. These two kingdoms had strife during their years of separation and Jereboam did evil in God's sight by building statues of golden bulls for worship in Samaria, instead of going to worship in Jerusalem, in the southern kingdom, where the temple was. In this case, Jereboam's evil did not doom the entire nation of Israel because God had already made an unbreakable promise, but it did result in a curse which we will talk about next.

Okay, that's a brief overview of the history, showing how the two kingdoms of Israel and Judah came to be. About 745 B.C. God cursed Jereboam's northern kingdom with the seven-times-curse, which would last for a period of 2,520 years. God said that during that 2,520 years the children of Israel would be scattered to other lands, would never be known as "Israel" again, would forget their origins completely, would worship other gods, and would never return to the Palestine area again. At the end of 2,520 years they would, according to God's plan, be regathered into a new nation in a distant land. Well, that period of 2,520 years was just completed when our Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776 A.D. God's promise was perfectly fulfilled when the true Israelites founded the United States of America.

There is a lot of interesting history during the period of that curse, regarding the migrations of the Israelites out of Palestine into Europe with their tribal names and symbols like the "Lion of Judah" which still signifies British Royalty. There is information about how the prophet Jeremiah carried the stone-of-Jacob (representing the throne of David) to Ulster in northern Ireland about 550 B.C. He also carried a princess of Judah from the Pharez/Judah line, by the name of Tea Tephi, and she married the king of Ulster who was from the Zara/Judah line, thus re-uniting the two Judah lines of Royalty in a new land. Tea (Tamar) Tephi's grave still exists in Ulster today. The throne of David (represented by the stone-of-Jacob) later went to Scotland, and from 1296 AD until 1996 has been in the Coronation Throne in Westminster Abbey in London. In September, 1996 it was returned to Edinburg, Scotland On a wall in the Abbey there is a large genealogy chart which traces the lineage of England's Royalty back to King David, so it is true that God's promise was never broken that the throne-of-David was never to be vacant, and neither would the true Israelites ever return to the Palestine area again..

Anyway, I guess what I am trying to illustrate is that the ancient prophecies have clearly and amazingly been fulfilled, and America is the latest scene of the play. This is also the scene where the greatest battle will occur between good and evil. In the Bible there is a lot of information about the end-times-battle in which there will be wars and physical catastrophes. It is also prophesied that Evil will cruelly dominate the world just before Satan is vanquished. It is especially exciting to study the Old Testament prophecies regarding these times. In the New Testament, Jesus spoke about these times quite a lot and in Matthew 24 He described some of the trauma. Parts of Revelation are meaningful regarding this. Anyway, it isn't possible to ignore the fact that things of the future were described thousands of years before the events came to pass. But sacred literature is very different from scientific literature; the Bible is a strange and puzzling book until the reader becomes adjusted to the sense of this kind of writing. Religious writings are written in ways quite foreign to the scientific mind, yet there is a validity to be found here that is astounding and something which science should not reject entirely.

In my opinion, science and spirituality are easily reconciled once one considers the picture as a whole plan which functions through repetitive cycles. I would like to recommend very highly a booklet by E. Raymond Capt, titled, Abrahamic Covenant, which provides a survey of the plan of history, giving all the Biblical references. Once one sees the pieces of the puzzle formed together in this way, one must at least find it very interesting. How anyone responds then is a personal matter and I don't believe any one person can stand in judgment of any other person's path. Each person must seek Truth for himself.

Perhaps it would be helpful to add some information about the plot of this stage-play. The plot is simply this: on a neutral stage of this planet where animals and earth people serve as props, God introduced two races to play out the epic battle between good and evil. The two races are actually brothers, one good and one evil. Both races have "divine" origin, giving them Minds that can invent, philosophize, and think original thoughts. These special talents are used by one brother to carry civilization from the primitive level, upward technologically, intellectually, and spiritually, while they are perverted by the other to attack and destroy whatever is good by cheating, lying, murdering, and perverting all good values. In other words, life on earth is a contest between these two opposing forces of good and evil, and two races play this out on our planet stage.

The force of evil is expressed through the race of people who descended from Cain, joined later by Esau. After God cursed his good children to be lost for 2,520 years, and put upon them the Assyrian Exile and then the Babylonian Captivity, running them out of Palestine forever, the true good children were pretty much off-stage. The evil ones dominated the stage during the curse period, including the time of Christ, and the Dark Ages That's why those years were dark. From the line of Esau, the Edomites took over the Jerusalem temple before Christ was born, calling themselves "Jews," pretending to be the continuation of the Royal line of Judah which, unknown to them, had actually been transferred to Ireland about 550 B.C. by Jeremia. Those so-called "Jews" were the pretenders whom Jesus railed against and exposed as liars and frauds, as he told them God was not their father; rather their father was the devil. He said that those who say they are Jews, but are not, are really the synagogue of Satan. "I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan." (Rev. 2:9; cf 3:9) Jesus made it dramatically clear for us that there is a great gulf between the forces of good and evil, and that the Edomite Jews, led by Satan, were playing the Evil side while He, himself, would lead the Good side. This entire contest is an eternal hostility between two brothers, Jacob and Esau. Jacob is represented by the white-race Israelites who migrated into Europe and then America; these are the ones who live by basic instincts of honesty, fairness, justice, compassion, benevolence, advancement of technology for man's sake, stewardship of natural resources, and all the characteristics we consider good. Esau is represented by his descendants from Edom who migrated to Eastern Russia as the Khazarians, and then into Europe as Jews; they are the Jews of today, and their lives are driven obsessively with deep natural instincts of lying, cheating, fraud, and exploitation of Jacob's descendants (us). They are convinced, under their horridly-wicked Babylonian Talmud and under Satan's leadership, that the world is destined to be dominated by them, and their destiny is to farm God's chosen children of Jacob's line like ants farm aphids, while all products and power rightfully belong to them. The Jews' term for us is goyim, which means cattle. Their philosophy has brought them into a present situation where they do dominate the earth. They own the world's major banks and they own the Federal Reserve System (a private corporation) which manipulates the American economy for their own interests. Their philosophy developed into Freemasonry, from which came the Illuminati, the CFR, the Trilateral Commission, the World Bank, the I.M.F., the Committee of 300, and many many other organizations that now control the economies and politics of the world. Nearly all of our political leaders are part of these groups or are manipulated by them, but that is material of other books, not the subject of this paper. Whatever face our enemy shows, whether politician, educator, jurist, insurance company, publisher, broadcaster, loan-shark, land-baron, or banker, (never productive-worker), all have the same agenda: the exploitation of the goyim: the descendants of Jacob. Like Jesus demonstrated, we Christians are like lambs being led to slaughter. We fail to recognize our crucifiers. We fail to listen for our true shepherd's voice, and we innocently invite the wolf into our flock while murmuring contentedly the word, "peace." We practice ignorance as a religion, shutting our minds to anything we hadn't learned in Sunday School. We scorn any notion of standing up like David, who charged against Goliath saying, "I'll show you there's a God for Israel." Most so-called Christians will one day plead, "Lord, Lord, I believe," only to hear the reply, "Depart from me, I never knew you." That is a terrible judgment which Jesus made when He foretold it, but such is the fruit of justice. We've been abundantly warned, and only those willing to stand up bravely will be rewarded. Those who are content to live placidly have never really lived and will never know the life-to-come. They are best spoken to with the words of Sam Adams, who said in 1776, "If you love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen." My belief is this: God gave you a life to spend, not to keep. It's value will be determined by how you spent it.

But here in this paper, all I want to do is introduce the concept that a great battle between the forces of good and evil is in action right now; we are in the midst of a great spiritual battle, and only by understanding the plot of the play can one recognize the players and decide if, how, and where he should stand on this stage. The day has arrived when every person must make that decision, consciously, accepting the consequences willingly.

by Roger Hathaway, May 9, 1996

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