Amos | Amos. | Judg. | Judges. |
Chron. I | Chronicles I. | Kings I | Kings I. |
Chron. II | Chronicles II. | Kings II | Kings II. |
Dan. | Daniel. | Lam. | Lamentations. |
Deut. | Deuteronomy. | Lev. | Leviticus. |
Ecc. | Ecclesiastes. | Mal. | Malachi. |
Est. | Esther. | Mic. | Micah. |
Ex. | Exodus. | Nah. | Nahum. |
Ezek. | Ezekiel. | Neh. | Nehemiah. |
Ezra | Ezra. | Numb. | Numbers. |
Gen. | Genesis. | Ob. | Obadiah. |
Hab. | Habakkuk. | Prov. | Proverbs. |
Hag. | Haggai. | Ps. | Psalms. |
Hos. | Hosea. | Ruth | Ruth. |
Isa. | Isaiah. | Sam. I | Samuel I. |
Jer. | Jeremiah. | Sam. II | Samuel II. |
Job | Job. | S.O.S. | Song of Songs. |
Joel | Joel. | Zech. | Zechariah. |
Jonah | Jonah. | Zep. | Zephaniah. |
Jos. | Joshua. |
Ab. | Aboth. |
'Ar. | 'Arakin. |
'A.Z. | 'Abodah Zarah. |
B.B. | Baba Bathra. |
Bek. | Bekoroth. |
Ber. | Berakoth. |
Bez. | Bezah. |
Bik. | Bikkurim. |
B.K. | Baba Kamma. |
B.M. | Baba Mezi'a. |
Dem. | Demai. |
'Ed., 'Eduy. | 'Eduyyoth. |
'Er., 'Erub. | 'Erubin. |
Git. | Gittin. |
Hag. | Hagigah. |
Hat. or Ha. | Hallah. |
Hor. | Horayoth. |
Hul. | Hullin. |
Kel. | Kelim. |
Ker. | Kerithoth. |
Ket., Keth. | Kethuboth. |
Kid. | Kiddushin. |
Kil. | Kil'ayim. |
Kin. | Kinnin. |
Ma'as. | Ma'asroth. |
Ma'as Sh. or MS. | Ma'aser Sheni. |
Mak. | Makkoth. |
Maks. or Maksh. | Makshirin. |
Meg. | Megillah. |
Me'il. | Me'ilah. |
Men. | Menahoth. |
Mid. | Middoth. |
Mik. | Mikwa'oth. |
M.K. | Mo'ed Katan. |
M.Sh. | Ma'aser Sheni. |
Naz. | Nazir. |
Ned., Neda. | Nedarim. |
Neg. | Nega'im. |
Nid. | Niddah. |
Oh., Ohol. | Oholoth. |
Or., 'Orl., 'Orlah. | 'Orlah. |
Par. | Parah. |
Pes. | Pesahim. |
R.H. | Rosh Hashanah. |
Sanh. | Sanhedrin. |
Shab. | Shabbath. |
Sheb. | Shebi'ith. |
Shebu. | Shebu'oth. |
Shek. | Shekalim. |
Sot. | Sotah. |
Suk. | Sukkah. |
Ta' or Ta'an. | Ta'anith. |
Tam. | Tamid. |
Tem. | Temurah. |
Ter. | Terumoth. |
Toh. | Tohoroth. |
Toho. | v. Toh. |
T.Y. | Tebul Yom. |
'Uk., 'Ukz. | 'Ukzin. |
Yeb. | Yebamoth. |
Yom. | Yoma. |
Zab. | Zabim. |
Zeb. | Zebahim. |
ad loc. | At that place. |
Adreth | R. Solomon b. Adreth (or Rashba; 1235-1310). |
A.J.P. | American Jewish Publications. |
A.J.V. | American Jewish Version. |
Alfasi | R. Isaac b. Jacob Alfasi (1013-1103). |
Ant. | Antiquities, by Flavius Josephus. |
Ar. Comp. | Aruch completum, ed. A. Kohut. |
A.R.N. | Aboth Rabbi Nathan. |
'Aruch or 'Aruk | Talmudic Dictionary by R. Nathan b. Jehiel of Rome (1106). |
Asheri | R. Asher b. Jehiel (1250-1327) |
A.T. | Die Agada der Tannaiten, by W. Bacher. |
A.V. | Authorized Version. |
b. | ben, bar, son of. |
Ba.H. | Bayith Hadash, Glosses by R. Joel b. Samuel Sirkes (1561-1640). |
B.C.E. | Before the Christian Era. |
B.D.B. | English and Hebrew Lexicon, by Brown, Driver and Briggs. |
c. | About. |
C.C. | Columbia College Manuscripts. |
C.E. | Common Era. |
cf. | Compare, refer to. |
Chajes Z.H. | Notes by Chajes, Zebi Hirsch b. Meir (1805-1855) in the Wilna Roman edition of the Talmud. |
C.P.B. | Companion to the Authorized Daily Prayer Book, by I. Abrahams. |
Cur. ed(d) | Current edition(s). |
Derenbourg | Derenbourg J., Essai sur l'Histoire et la Geographie de la Palestine. |
Der gal. 'Amh. | Der galildische 'Am-ha-arez, by A. Buchler. |
D.E.Z. | Derek Ere; Zutra. |
Dor | Dor Dor Wedoreshaw by I. H. Weiss. |
Doroth | Doroth Harishonim by 1. Halevy. |
D.S. | Dikduke Soferim by R. Rabbinowicz. |
e.g. | For example. |
E.J. | Encyclopaedia Judaica. |
Ekah Rab. | Midrash Ekah Rabbah. |
Et. St. | Etymologische Studien, Joseph Perles (1835-1894). |
E.T. | English Translation. |
E.V. | English Versions of the Bible. |
f. | Following verse or chapter (plural ff.). |
[G] | This symbol is used in place of a Greek phrase, word, or letter in the original Soncino text. Readers to whom the original Greek is important should consider purchasing a printed copy of the Babylonian Talmud from Soncino Press. |
Gen. R. | Genesis Rabbah. |
Geogr. | Geographie, by A. Neubauer. |
Gersh. | R. Gershom, the Light of the Exile, (960-1040). |
Geschichte | Graetz H., Geschichte der Juden (4th ed.). |
G.K., Ges.K. | Gesenius-Kautzsch, Hebrew Grammar. |
Glos. | Glossary. |
Golds. | Translation of the Babylonian Talmud in German by L. Goldschmidt. |
Graetz. | Graetz, H., Geschichte der Juden (4th ed.). |
G.V. | Gottesdienstliche Vortrage, by L. Zunz. |
[H] | This symbol is used in place of a Hebrew (or Aramaic) letter, word, or phrase in the original Soncino text. Readers to whom the original Hebrew is important should consider purchasing a printed copy of the Babylonian Talmud from Soncino Press. |
Han. | R. Hananel b. Hushiel of Kairwan (about 990-1050). |
HAN. | v. Han. |
Hananel. | v. Han. |
Heb. | Hebrew. |
Hildesheimer | Hildesheimer, H., Beitrdge zur Geographie Palastinas. |
Hiph. | Hiph'il. |
H.M. | Hoshen ha-Mishpat. |
H.U.C.A. | Hebrew Union College Journal (Annual). |
i.e. | That is. |
J., Jer. | Jerusalem (Jerushalmi). |
Jast. | M. Jastrow's Dictionary of the Targumim, the Talmud Babli Yerushalmi and the Midrashic Literature. |
J.E. | Jewish Encyclopaedia. |
J.Q.R. | Jewish Quarterly Review. |
J.T. | Jerusalem Talmud. |
Kes. Mish. | Keseph Mishnah, commentary on Maimonides' Yad, by Joseph Karo. |
Klausner J, | [H] |
Koh.Rab. | Midrash Koheleth Rabbah. |
Levy | J. Levy's Neuhebraisches u. chaldaisches Wdrterbuch uber die Talmudim u. Midrashim. |
lit. | Literally. |
loc. cit. | Loco citato; In the place cited. |
Lowe's M.S. | Text of Aboth in the MS. of the Mishnah edited by W. H. Lowe and reprinted by Taylor in his Sayings of the Jewish Fathers. |
LXX. | Septuagint (see Authorities Consulted 0r Quoted). |
Ma'aseh Rab. | Glosses by R. Bezalel Ranschburg (19th cent.) included in recent printed edd. of Horayoth. |
Maharam | Meir b. Gedaliah Lublin (d. 1616). |
Maharsha | R. Samuel Eliezer Halevi Edels (1555-1631). |
Maim. | Moses Maimonides (1135-1204). |
Malbim | Commentary on the Bible by M. L. Malbim (1809-1879). |
Me'iri | Commentary on Yebamoth by Menahem b. Solomon Me'iri (1249-1306). |
Mek. | Mekilta. |
M.G.W.J. | Monatschrift fur Geschichte and Wissenschaft des Judentums |
Mid. Tann. | Midrash Tannaim 0n Deuteronomy, edited by Dr. D. Hoffmann (Berlin 1909). |
MS. | Manuscript (Plural MSS.). |
MS.F. | Florence Codex of the Talmud. |
MS.M. | Munich Codex of the Talmud. |
M.T. | Massoretic Text of the Bible. |
M.V. | Mahzor Vitry; an 11th cent. French Prayer Book, edited by S. Hurwitz, Nurnberg, 1923. |
N.B. | Neue Beitrage zur Geschichte and Geographie Galilaas, S. Klein. |
Neubauer | Neubauer, J., Beitrdge zur Geschichte des biblisch talmudischen Eheschliessungsrechts. |
N.H. | Neo Hebrew. |
N.S.I. | North Semitic Inscription, Cooke. |
Obermeyer | Obermeyer, J., Die Landschaft Babylonien. |
Orah. Mishor | Novellae 0n Nazir, Johanan b. Meir Kremnitzer (17th century) |
P.B. | The Authorized Daily Prayer Book, S. Singer. |
Pir. R.El. | Pirki di R. Eliezer. |
P.R.E. | Pirke Rabbi Eliezer. |
R. | Rab, Rabban, Rabbenu, Rabbi. |
Rabaad. | Abraham b. David of Posquieres (c. 1125-1198). |
R. Jonah | R. Jonah (he-Hasid) Gerondi (d. 1263). |
Ra. N. | Rabbi Nissim b. Reuben of Gerondi (14th century). |
Ran. | Rabbi Nissim b. Reuben of Gerondi (14th century). |
Rashal | Notes and glosses on the Talmud by R. Solomon Luria (d. 1573) |
Rashb., Rashbam. | Rashbam. Commentary of R. Samuel b. Meir (d. about 1174). |
Rashi. | Commentary of R. Solomon b. Isaac (d. 1105). |
R.E.J. | Revue des Etudes Juives. |
Ronsburg | Marginal Glosses by Bezalel Ronsburg (1760-1820) in the Wilna edition of the Talmud. |
R.V. | Revised Version of the Bible. |
Sanh. | Sanhedrin. |
S.B.H. | Salomo ben. Hajathom. |
Schurer | Geschiche des judischen Volkes im Zeitalter Jesu Christi, 4th ed., by E. Schurer. |
Sem. | Semahoth. |
Sh.ha-Sh.Rab. | Song of Songs, Midrash Rabbah. |
Sof. | Soferim. |
Sonc. Ed. | Soncino Press Editions, London. |
Soph. | Sopherim. |
Strashun | Annotations by Samuel Strashun (1794-1872) in the Wilna edition of the Talmud. |
s.v. | Sub verbum; Under the [word] entry (used for dictionaries, encyclopaediae, and other compendia). |
T.A. | Talmudische Archdelogie by S. Krauss. |
Tal. Mun. | Talmudische Munzen and Gewichte, by B. Zuckermann. |
Talm. Arch. | v. T.A. |
Talm. Gew. | Talmudische Munzen and Gewichte by B. Zuckermann. |
Tan. | Midrash Tanhuma. |
T.J. | Talmud Jerusalemi. |
Tob. | Commentary on the Mishnah by R. Yom Tob Lipmann Heller (1579-1654) |
Toledoth | Toledoth Tannaim we Amoraim, by A. Hyman. |
Tosaf. | Tosafoth. |
Tosaf. Ri | R. Isaac b. Samuel of Dampierre (Ri the Elder) (d.c. 1200). |
Tosaf. Yom. | Tosafoth Yom Tov. |
Tosef. | Tosefta. |
Trani. | Commentary by R. Isaiah di Trani the Elder (d. about 1250) in the Wilna Romm edition of the Talmud. |
Tur. | Tur Yoreh Deah, by Jacob (d. before 1340) son of Asher b. Jehiel (Asheei). |
Tur. Y.D. | See Tur. |
Wahrmann N. | Untersuchungen uber die Stellung der Frau im fudentum im Zeitalter der Tannaiten. |
Wilna Gaon. | Notes by Elijah of Wilna (1720-1797) in the recent printed editions of the Talmud. |
Yad. | Yad Hahazakah, by Moses Maimonides. |
Yad Ramah. | The Yad Ramah of R. Meir Moses b. Todros ha-Levi Abulafia. |
Yalk. | Yalkut. |
Z.A.W. | Zeitschrift fur alttestamentliche Wissenschaft. |
Z.D.M.G. | Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenldndischen Gesellschaft. |
Z.D.P.V. | Zeitschrift des deutschen Palaestina-Vereins. |
Z.M. | Zuckermandel (Tosefta). |
Zuck. | Zuckermandel's edition of the Tosefta. |
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