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Babylonian Talmud: Tractate ShabbathFolio 48acausing heat to ascend,1 [peat] of olives causes heat to ascend, but not [peat] of poppy seed. Rabbah and R. Zera visited the Resh Galutha,2 and saw a slave place a pitcher of water on the mouth of a kettle.3 Thereupon Rabbah rebuked him. Said R. Zera to him: Wherein does it differ from a boiler [placed] upon a boiler?4 — There he [merely] preserves [the heat],5 he replied, whereas here he creates it.6 Then he saw him spread a turban over the mouth of a cask and place a cup7 upon it. Thereupon Rabbah rebuked him. Said R. Zera to him: Why? You will soon see,8 said he. Subsequently he saw him [the servant] wringing it out.9 Wherein does this differ from [covering a cask with] a rag?10 he asked him. There one is not particular about it;11 here he is particular about it.12 [NOR WITH] STRAW. R. Adda b. Mattenah asked Abaye: Is it permissible to handle flocking in which one stored [food]?13 Said he to him: Because he lacks a bundle of straw, does he arise and renounce a bundle of soft flocking?14 — Shall we say that the following supports him: We may store [food] in wool clip, hatchelled wool, strips of purple [wool],15 and flocking, but they may not be handled? — As for that, it is no proof: this may be its meaning: if one did not store [food] in them, they may not be handled. If so, why state it?16 — You might say, They are fit for reclining:17 hence we are told [otherwise]. R. Hisda permitted stuffing to be replaced in a pillow on the Sabbath. R. Hanan b. Hisda objected to R. Hisda: The neck [of a shirt] may be undone on the Sabbath,18 but may not be opened;19 nor may flocking be put into a pillow or a bolster on a Festival, and on the Sabbath it goes without saying? — There is no difficulty: one refers to new ones, the other to old ones.20 It was taught likewise: Flocking may not be put into a pillow or a bolster on the Festival, and on the Sabbath it need not be stated; if it falls out, it may be replaced [even] on the Sabbath, while on Festivals it goes without saying. Rab Judah said in Rab's name: One who opens the neck [of a shirt] on the Sabbath incurs a sin-offering.21 R. Kahana objected:
Shabbath 48bWhat is the difference between this and the bung of a barrel?1 — Said Raba to him: The one is an integral part thereof, whereas the other is not. R. Jeremiah pointed out a contradiction to R. Zera. We learnt: The fuller's loosely stitched bundle,2 or a bunch of keys, or a garment stitched together with kil'ayim thread3 are counted as connected in respect of uncleanness,4 until one begins to undo them. This proves that they are [regarded as] joined even not at the time of work.5 But the following is opposed thereto: If a stick is improvised to serve as a handle for an axe, it is counted as connected in respect of uncleanness at the time of work. [Thus,] only at the time of work, but not otherwise? — There, he replied, a man is wont to throw it [the handle] among the timber when it is not being used. Here, a man prefers [that pieces remain together]6 even not at the time of work, so that if they are soiled he can rewash them.7 In Sura the following discussion was recited in R. Hisda's name. in Pumbeditha it was recited in R. Kahana's name-others state, in Raba's name. Who is the Tanna responsible for the statement of the Rabbis: Whatever is joined to an article is counted as the article itself? — Said Rab Judah in Rab's name, It is R. Meir. For we learnt: The receptacles on a stove for the oil-flask, spicepot, and the lamp are defiled through contact, but not through air space: this is R. Meir's opinion. But R. Simeon declares them clean.8 Now, as for R. Simeon, it is well: he holds that they are not as the stove. But according to R. Meir, — if they are as the stove, let them be defiled even through air space; if they are not as the stove, let them not be defiled even through contact? In truth, they are not as the stove, but the Rabbis decreed [uncleanness] in their case. If they decreed it, let them be defiled even through air space too? — The Rabbis made a distinction, so that people might not come to burn terumah and holy food on account of them.9 Our Rabbis taught: A shears of separate blades10 and the cutter of a [carpenter's] plane are [counted as] connected in respect of uncleanness,11 but not in respect of sprinkling.12 What will you: if they are both [counted as] connected, [they are so] even in respect of sprinkling too; if [they do] not [count as] connected, [they are not so] even in respect of defilement? — Said Raba: By Scriptural law, when in use they are [counted as] connected in respect of both defilement and sprinkling, when not in use, they are [counted as] connected in respect of neither defilement nor sprinkling, - To Next Folio -
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