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Folio 27aHe replied: But on your own argument [that all these are unspecified], how are we to explain [the following] which we learnt: R. Simeon b. Gamaliel said that if [a nazirite] brings three animals and does not say explicitly [what they are for], the one which is fit to be a sin-offering shall be offered as a sin-offering,1 the one fit to be a burnt-offering2 shall be offered as a burnt-offering and the one fit for a peace-offering3 shall be offered as a peace-offering?4 Now why should this be so? Do you not say that animals are not regarded as earmarked?5 — [R. Shimi b. Ashi]6 rejoined: [The explanation is this.7 In R. Hisda's case] the reason8 is because the All-merciful has said, And she shall take [two turtle doves, the one for a burnt-offering and the other for a sin-offering],9 and also, And [the priest] shall take [the one for a sin-offering and the other for a burntoffering10 showing that they can be earmarked] either when the owner takes them or when the priest offers them. [In R. Simeon b. Gamaliel's case] too
Nazir 27bwould it be possible to say that the one that should be the sin-offering is to be the burnt-offering, seeing that one is female and the other male?1R. Hamnuna raised an objection: Do we really say that an animal which has a blemish is regarded as unspecified? Come [then] and hear [the following]: What are the circumstances in which a man is permitted to poll at the expense of his father's naziriteship? Suppose his father had been a nazirite and had set apart the money for his nazirite sacrifices and died, and [the son then] said, 'I declare myself a nazirite on condition that I may poll with my father's money,'2 [then he may do so].3 If he leaves unspecified moneys, they fall to [the Temple treasury to provide] freewillofferings. If there were animals set apart, the sin-offering is left to die, the burnt-offering is to be offered as a burnt-offering, and the one for a peace-offering is to be offered as a peaceoffering.4 Is not this the case even if the animal is blemished?5 — No; only if it is without blemish. But if a blemished one is unspecified, why is money' mentioned?6 The text ought to read: If he left a blemished animal, it is to be used to provide freewill-offerings?7 — That is precisely what it means. For a blemished animal is made sacred purely in respect of the price it will bring; and this price is [included in] 'money'. Raba raised an objection: [It has been taught: The expression] his offering8 [signifies] that he can discharge his obligation with his own offering but not with that of his father. It might be thought [that this means merely] that an obligation with regard to a serious offence cannot be discharged with an offering set aside by his father for a less serious offence or vice versa, whereas he could discharge an obligation entailed by a less serious offence, with an offering set aside by his father for a similar offence, or [an obligation] entailed by a more serious offence, with [an offering set aside for] a similar offence. Hence Scripture repeats the words, his offering,9 [to show that] he can discharge an obligation with his own offering but not with that of his father [even in this instance]. Again, it might be supposed that [the rule that] he cannot discharge an obligation with his father's offering applies only if it is an animal set aside by his father albeit for an offence of a similar degree of gravity, since [there is a similar rule] that a man cannot make use of his father's [nazirite] animal for polling in respect of [his own] naziriteship,10 but that he could discharge his obligation with motley set aside by his father, and even [transfer it] from a serious offence to one less serious or vice versa, for a man can make use of his father's [nazirite] money for polling in respect of [his own] naziriteship, - To Next Folio -
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