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Author Details Page

Author: Rav Michael Broyde

Rav Michael Broyde

Number of Shiurim online: 1

Biography: Rabbi Broyde is Associate Professor of Law at Emory University School of Law and the Academic Director of the Law and Religion Program at Emory University. He received a juris doctor from New York University and published a note on the Law Review. He clerked for Judge Leonard I. Garth of the United States Court of Appeals, Third Circuit. In addition, Rabbi Broyde received yoreh, yoreh and yadin yadin ordination from the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary (RIETS), an affiliate of Yeshiva University.
Rabbi Broyde is founding Rabbi of the Young Israel of Toco Hills, Atlanta, and a member (dayan) of the Beth Din of America, the largest Jewish Law Court in America. He served as director of that court during the 1997-98 academic year while on leave from Emory.
Rabbi Broyde has published more than 60 articles in various aspects of law and religion and Jewish law, and a number of articles in the area of Federal courts. His first book, The Pursuit of Justice and Jewish Law was published by Yeshiva University Press and his second, Human Rights and Judaism by Aronson Publishing House.


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