// Infoplease Hot Words Search Application ($Revision: 1.1 $) // Copyright (c) 2000 The Family Education Company. // All rights reserved worldwide. var IPHWversion = "1"; var IPHWstr = ""; var IPHWnum = 0; // Test for compatibility var IPHWcompatible = 0; if ((navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer" || navigator.appName == "Netscape") && parseInt(navigator.appVersion) >= 4) { IPHWcompatible = 1; var IPHWwhitespace = new RegExp('([ \\t\\v\\f\\r\\n]|%0D|%0A|%20)+', 'g'); } // Search within window W for a text selection. function IPHWntg (w) { var str; var rng; if (w.document.getSelection != null) { str = escape(w.document.getSelection()); str = str.replace (IPHWwhitespace,"%20"); } else { if (w.document.selection.type == "Text" ) { rng = w.document.selection.createRange(); str = rng.text; } } if (str) { return (str); } return ""; } function IPHWgrab() { IPHWstr = IPHWntg(window); if (IPHWstr.length > 0) { window.top.status = 'Click to look up "' + unescape(IPHWstr) + '"'; } else { window.top.status = 'Infoplease Hotwords: select text to look up'; } return true; } function IPHWout() { window.top.status = ""; return true; } function IPHWgo() { IPHWnum++; if ((IPHWstr.length > 0)) { url = IPHWdest + '/search.php3?query=' + IPHWstr + '&hw=' + IPHWid + IPHWversion + '&in=all'; childwin = window.open (url,'IPSearch'+IPHWnum,'toolbar=yes,location=yes,directories=no,status=yes,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,copyhistory=no,menubar=yes,width=620,height=460'); } else { var tm = String.fromCharCode(174); alert ('To use the HotWords' + tm + ' lookup button:\n\n1. Highlight a word or phrase you want more information about.\n2. Click the lookup button.\n3. A new window will pop up with all the search results on our site for your word or phrase.'); } return false; } // Finally, print out the button itself. if (IPHWcompatible) { document.write ('<a href="#" onMouseOver="return IPHWgrab();" onMouseOut="return IPHWout();" onClick="return IPHWgo();"><img src="' + IPHWimg + '" width=' + IPHWimgwidth + ' height=' + IPHWimgheight + ' border=0 vspace=' + IPHWvspace + ' hspace=' + IPHWhspace + ' alt="' + IPHWalttag + '"></a>'); }