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Regional Meetings:  Washington, D.C.

OCTOBER 26 - 27, 2001

Tickets will go on sale for $50.00 per person, including meals and applicable processing fees on or about July 15, 2001.

Seating will be limited: early registration is strongly encouraged.


For additional information call us at (540) 710-9255.


To be held in
The United States House of Representatives
DAR Constitution Hall

Allan C. Carlson
The Howard Center for Family, Religion, and Society

Janice Shaw Crouse
Beverly LaHaye Institute

Hon. Jo Ann Davis
U.S. House of Representatives

Hon. John T. Doolittle
U.S. House of Representatives

Dinesh D’Souza
American Enterprise Institute

Patrick Fagan
Heritage Foundation

Babette Francis
Endeavour Forum

Elder Ralph W. Hardy
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Jeanne E. Heade
National Right to Life
Hon. Mokhtar Lamani (Invited)
Organization of Islamic Conference to the U.N.

Rabbi Daniel Lapin
Toward Tradition

Lt. Col. Robert Maginnis (USA, Ret.)
Family Research Council

Michael Medved
National Radio Talk Show Host           

Austin Ruse
Catholic Family & Human Rights Institute

William L. Saunders
Family Research Council

Rita Thompson
Fairfax County Virginia School Board

Richard G. Wilkins
World Family Policy Center


With special musical performances by

Michael McLean
Jenny Oaks Baker

Jenny Naylor Richards


Presented by
Family Action Council International
in association with...


Beverly LaHaye Institute
BYU Management Society
Catholic Family & Human Rights Institute
Concerned Women for America
Family Research Council
Heritage Foundation
The Howard Center for Family, Religion, & Society
Southern Virginia University
Toward Tradition
World Family Policy Center


October 26-27 2001

ALLAN C. CARLSON, Ph.D., is a historian and the President of The Howard Center for Family, Religion and Society, convening organization of the World Congress of Families. He has written several books on issues impacting the family in society today.

JANICE SHAW CROUSE, Ph.D., is Senior Fellow of the Beverly LaHaye Institute: A Center for Study in Women's Issues, in Washington, DC, and former Director of the Ecumenical Coalition on Women & Society, of the Institute on Religion & Democracy.

HONORABLE JO ANN DAVIS represents the 1st Congressional District of Virginia. Although only in her first term, she has already distinguished herself by getting pro-family legislation introduced and signed into law.

HONORABLE JOHN T. DOOLITTLE, first elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1990, represents the 4th District of California. He sits on the powerful House Appropriations Committee, where he is a strong advocate for pro-family issues.

DINESH D'SOUZA, a research scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, served as Senior Domestic Policy Analyst in the Reagan White House. He is the author of several best-selling books, including Illiberal Education and The End of Racism.

BABETTE FRANCIS, a journalist and activitist, is the National and Overseas Coordinator of Endeavour Forum, Inc., a pro-family, pro-life lobby based in Australia. She has a lengthy record of fighting for the traditional family at home and at U.N. Conferences.

ELDER RALPH W. HARDY, JR., is a partner in the law firm of Dow, Lohnes & Albertson in Washington, D.C. A senior official in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, he has appeared before Congress on matters of religious freedom.

JEANNE E. HEADE, a registered nurse, frequently represents National Right To Life at U.N. conferences affecting the family. She has been described by her colleagues as "the most effective advocate" for family issues in New York.

RABBI DANIEL LAPIN is President of Toward Tradition, a national educational movement of Jews and Christian Americans seeking to advance the nation toward traditional, faith based principles of government, the rule of law, and a moral public culture.

LT.COL. ROBERT L. MAGINNIS, U.S.A. (Ret.) was a member of the U.S. Army's Study Group examining the military ban on homosexuality. In 1993, he joined the Family Research Council, where he recently became Vice President for Policy.

MICHAEL MEDVED is film critic, best-selling author and nationally syndicated radio talk show host. His best-sellers include Holly~wood vs. America and Saving Childhood Protecting Our Children From the National Assault on innocence.

AUSTIN RUSE is founder and President of the Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute, based in New York. A former businessman and publisher, he now edits C-Fam's Friday Fax, an international e-mail service supporting family and religious liberty

WILLIAM L. SAUNDERS, J.D., is Human Rights Counsel and Senior Fellow, Human Life Studies, with the Family Research Council. In 1998 he headed a FRC trip to Sudan to document government sponsored persecution of Christians and others.

RITA THOMPSON, J.D., is a national spokesman for Concerned Women for America. For twenty years she has been a community volunteer, educational leader and political activist. Recently she won election to the Fairfax County Virginia School Board.

RICHARD WILKINS, J.D., is a Professor of Law at the J. Reuben Clark Law School and Director of the World Family Policy Center at Brigham Young University. He is a former Assistant to the Solicitor General, U.S. Department of Justice
Tickets will go on sale for $50.00 per person, including meals and applicable processing fees on or about July 15, 2001.
Seating will be limited: early registration is strongly encouraged.
For additional information call us at (540) 710-9255.
Friday, October 26, 2001
7:30 P.M. - 9:00 P.M.
The United States House of Representatives
Saturday, October 27, 2001
8:45 A.M. - 4:00 P.M.
DAR Constitution Hall, Washington D.C



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