There is a time, we know not when
A point we know not where,
That marks the destiny of men,
For glory or despair.
There is a line, by us unseen
That crosses every path;
The hidden boundary between
God's patience and his wrath.
-Joseph A. Alexander
OUR NATION is now standing at the crossroads, and we
must choose between a white or mongrel America of the
future. The Negro problem can be adequately solved
only by the physical separation of the races. There
are but two roads - separation or mongrelization -
and we must take our choice.
We must choose not only for ourselves but for our posterity.
Without a doubt the policy of separation would be adopted
within a matter of months if we thought the tide of
mongrelism would overtake those of us now living. However
the fact that the calamity of amalgamation may not
spread over the Nation for several generations should
not make us hesitate to begin now to put into operation
a program of Negro repatriation. The problems caused
by millions of Africans within our midst increase as
the years go by; the time for a permanent solution
is now.
If we continue to bequeath to the next generation the
task of solving the race problem, it will assume such
proportions that any solution except the amalgamation
of the races will be impossible. Every day that we
hesitate, the mixing of the races continues. and we
approach closer and closer to the precipice of mongrelism.
We must act now so that we may be certain that our
descendants will not fall into depths of miscegenation
from which there can be no return. Unless we take the
necessary steps to bring about the physical separation
of the races and insure a white America for the future
generations, we are unworthy of our ancestors, untrue
to the blood which flows in our veins, and a curse
to our posterity.
White Americans must now decide what is to be done with
the ten per cent of our population who belong to the
African race. When we have determined that the mixing
of the blood of the races will not be tolerated in
this country and that racial integrity must be preserved,
we shall then be ready to begin our program of repatriation.
Fundamentally, the question is one for white Americans
to decide. The white race claims this country as its
own, and it is the right and within the power of the
white man to determine what the future policy of the
United States will be regarding the 12,865,518 American
citizens who are colored. We must make our decision
as to whether the Negroes will remain in our midst
and the future American be partly colored or whether
the United States will forever become a white man's
land. If the latter is our choice, then the Negroes
must be resettled in a land of their own.
All obstacles which stand in the was of the physical
separation of the races must be overcome. Since there
are only two ways of solving the race question, everyone
who does not favor the separation of the races must
be assumed to endorse amalgamation. The time for permanently
settling the question has come; every American citizen
must choose one or the other of the solutions. If we
fail to adopt the policy of separation and do not repatriate
the Negro to a country of his own, then we have made
a mistake which can never be corrected. Failure to
solve the race question by separation will doom our
race to mongrelization, our country, our institutions,
and our civilization to decay.
Race tension today is reaching an all-time high. .Americans
in all walks of life, North and South, East and West,
are becoming conscious of the race problem and of the
many dangers that are involved. Race riots and minor
incidents are insignificant when compared to the great
and grave threat of mongrelization which faces this
country. Remedial measures and temporary compromises
may relieve the tension and ease the friction, but
it is toward a permanent solution that we must devote
our efforts.
Temporary measures are, of course, necessary even after
we adopt a program of physical separation and begin
on the plans for the repatriation of American Negroes
to a country of their own. Since this will be a gradual
process, migration will continue for a number of years.
While repatriation is being carried out, every possible
effort should be made in this country to keep the color
line intact and to prevent any further mixing of the
races. Segregation must be rigidly enforced, both by
law and by custom, as it is now in the South. The eighteen
states and the District of Columbia which now permit
intermarriage should join the other thirty states in
enacting measures to insure the purity of the white
race by prohibiting interracial unions. Steps should
be taken by the leaders of both the white and the black
races to suppress racial friction and to improve racial
relations. Economic progress and education of Negroes
should be encouraged so that they will be better trained
and ready to assume the responsibilities in their own
Let us again view the two alternatives. If we choose
any plan short of the physical separation of the races,
we are in effect adopting the scheme of amalgamation
of the races. We have thousands of years of racial
contact in world history to prove to us that where
different races live side by side, their blood will
intermingle and a mongrel people will be the result.
The road of amalgamation and mongrelization leads to
the destruction of both the white and the Negro races
and to the decay of our civilization which is the product
of the white man. This plan insures nothing except
a mongrel Nation where there can be nothing except
stagnation and chaos. At best, Caucasian man progresses
but slowly; and when his blood is mixed with that of
the African, his half-breed offspring spring is below
the creative level. If the white race in the United
States is to mix its blood with that of the millions
of Negroes within our midst, then the Nation is forever
doomed and the next centuries will find the only evidence
of American greatness in the history books. Mongrelization
will destroy our race, our civilization, our Nation
On the other hand, if we choose the other alternative,
a program of physical separation of the races, we shall
be preserving our race, institutions, and culture for
the future generations of Americans. A white America
will retain civilization and continue to progress.
The future of the white race will be insured in a white
America, and the black man will be given the opportunity
to develop his own culture in a land of his own with
the aid of the most powerful Nation on earth. It is
difficult to believe that any sane and reasonable man
can view these two alternatives and fail to choose
the separation of the races.
The road of physical separation leads to the development
of both the white and the Negro races to the highest
point of which each is capable. The United States will
become a white man's land, as the Founding Fathers
intended that it should be, and our people will be
left to carry on the torch of civilization unhampered
by the millions of Africans now in our midst. A white
America can lead the world in progress and continue
to blaze the trail for the uplifting of the standards
of living of all the races of mankind the world over.
The strength and greatness of the United States of
America can be a blessing to the world, and it shall
be if this Nation continues to be the arsenal of the
civilization of the white race.
When we have adopted the plan of physical separation
of the white and Negro races, we shall have the comforting
knowledge that with every month that passes, the perplexing
race problem is being forever solved. And finally,
when the program shall have been completed, the integrity
of the two races will be preserved and each race will
then be free to work out its own destiny. White America
will continue her civilization to new heights; a black
Nation in Africa will develop her own place in the
sun. Is there any greater goal toward which we could
Since the preservation of racial integrity which can
only be assured by the physical separation of the races
is in accordance with the laws of God, surely He will
bless our efforts. A program of repatriation of American
Negroes to their fatherland, Africa, will insure a
white America, and it will carry to the dark continent
Negroes who have been trained in the new world and
who have been taught the Christian religion. They will
go as teachers back to the land of their forefathers
to lead the Negro race in establishing an independent
culture and to Christianize their black brothers who
are lost in darkness. God works in mysterious ways
His wonders to perform. Perhaps it was in His divine
scheme of things that out of the institution of slavery
in the new world would come thousands, yea, millions,
of Negroes who would return to Africa as leaders of
the Negro people to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
The Negro question as we observed in the opening chapter,
is our greatest domestic problem. Now that the War
is over and the Nation is settling down to normalcy,
it bids fair to reach even new proportions. The danger
signs are already out. We must now make preparations
to launch a program for the adequate and permanent
solution of this issue at the earliest possible date.
Thousands of Negro soldiers have had the opportunity
to visit Africa and have witnessed first-hand that
this is one of the richest continents on earth. The
time is now propitious for the Congress to take the
necessary steps to put the repatriation program into
Throughout the pages of this discussion, we have observed
again and again that there are only two solutions to
the race problem; separation or mongrelization. We
have found that only separation can preserve the white
race which has produced all the great civilizations
of the world. The mongrel has never created a worthwhile
civilization and has never been able to retain a culture
which was thrust upon him. No matter what the cost
of saving Americans from mongrelization, it is a price
which must be paid.
America cannot be saved from the fate of mongrelism
except by the physical separation of the races. If
the races continue to live side by side, the mixing
of the races will make us a Nation of mix-breeds just
as surely as night follows day. Throughout American
history, the Negro problem has been a constant source
of friction and bloodshed, and now the time has come
when the color line and segregation cannot save us
much longer. It is absolutely necessary that we continue
to enforce this policy of segregation as long as the
Negroes are in our midst, but we must realize that
this is a temporary measure, designed to postpone or
prolong, not to prevent the eventual amalgamation of
the races.
Those who are today waging the campaign for full racial
equality in this Nation can be expected to oppose the
program of repatriation. They are opposed to everything
except the scheme which will finally mongrelize the
entire country. They preach that the races are equal
and plead for equality in the name of science, democracy,
and religion, when they know that their arguments are
utterly false and without foundation. Our people must
realize the dangers of amalgamation and arise to condemn
all the individuals and organizations, white, black,
and mixed, who are devoting time and effort to bring
about a mongrelized America.
There are only two roads - separation or mongrelization
- and America must choose. It is a choice which the
entire Nation must make because no one section can
solve the race problem alone. This is a matter which
confronts every state in the Union, and all American
citizens must join in bringing about the proper solution,
physical separation of the races. The South alone is
not responsible for the Negro problem, and the Southern
people cannot permanently settle this issue without
the help and cooperation of the other sections, North,
East and West. The plan of repatriation must be accepted
as a national policy and carried out by the Federal
The Negro race should be just as anxious as the white
to select the proper solution to the race problem.
Just as separation is the only way to protect the integrity
of the white race it is the only way to protect the
integrity of the black race. Remaining in this country,
the Negro faces mongrelization just the same as the
white man. Negroes as well as whites who have respect
for their race and for their blood abhor the idea of
miscegenation. Millions of American Negroes have already
asked that they be given a chance to return to the
land of their ancestors to establish a government of
their own. They have faith in the future of their race
and want to have the opportunity to build a Nation
which will take its place in the affairs of the world.
This is the type of American Negro who must join with
the white Americans in adopting and carrying out to
a successful conclusion a program of repatriation.
Such a combination can remove any obstacle and surmount
all difficulties. The group of Negroes and whites who
favor mongrelization will be completely helpless when
all self-respecting and honorable white and colored
Americans join to preserve and protect the racial integrity
of both their races.
No time can be lost. We must here and now begin to make
preparations to adopt and launch a repatriation program.
Again, let it be stated that the plan will be entirely
voluntary; it will merely provide the ways and means
for those Negroes who wish to return to Africa to establish
a Nation of their own. They will be cared for and protected
by the United States Government until they are able
to continue on their own. Millions of American Negroes
who know that they will always be discriminated against
in this country are ready to go to their fatherland
to find equality and unlimited opportunities.
Since millions of American Negroes are now willing to
return to Africa, the task will be much easier than
most people have been led to believe. When the rank
and file of the Negro masses begin to leave this country,
the half-breeds, mulattoes or mongrels, many of whom
are exploiting the masses of their own race and living
on the "fat of the land" will follow in the
course of time. They will get lonesome and be more
than glad to go. Some of these Negro preachers who
are desecrating their pulpits by inciting race hatred
and clamoring for social equality will have empty pews
- their congregations will be back in their fatherland.
Negro lawyers will have no clients - they will be in
Liberia. Negro doctors will have no patients - they
will be ailing in their forefathers' homeland. Negro
dentists will have no teeth to fill or pull- their
clientele will be in Africa. Negro editors will go
out of business - their readers will be gone and the
news will be stale before the papers can be shipped
to Africa. Negro teachers will have to close their
schools - the Negro children will be in better schools
in Liberia. Negro undertakers will be out of business
- their potential victims will be dying of old age
in their fatherland.
Let us hasten to provide for the voluntary repatriation
of American Negroes in their fatherland, West Africa.
The great majority who are suffering the discrimination,
doing the manual work, and who are discouraged with
toil and humiliation are now ready to go. We need not
worry about the objectors. They may be howling their
protests today, but they will soon be on their way
- Africa bound!
Public opinion must make itself known. It will be necessary
for white and colored Americans to cooperate in convincing
their leaders that the policy of separation must be
adopted. When the majority of Americans desire such
a program, the Congress will enact the necessary legislation
to carry it out. Let Americans state the ultimate goal
- a white America for the white race and a Negro Nation
for our colored population - and then the lawmakers
will find a way to accomplish the objective.
This is a plan for men of strong will and determination.
Of course, there will be difficulties, problems, and
opposition from many sources. Sacrifices will be demanded.
But the program can and must be carried out; once it
has been begun, the success is assured. When the Negro
Nation has been established, those who have remained
in this country will find it easier to make the decision
to migrate, and the number of volunteers will increase
yearly. With the guiding hand of the Government of
the United States, the program can not fail.
Thomas Jefferson and many more of our greatest statesmen
pointed to this solution to the race problem many decades
ago. Abraham Lincoln knew that colonization of American
Negroes in a land of their own was the only proper
solution to the race question. If he had lived, the
plan might have been carried out immediately following
the War Between the States. The politicians cast the
policy of separation aside when Lincoln was assassinated,
but no longer can the American people afford to permit
any groups or individuals, powerful though they may
be, to prevent the adoption of the only solution which
will guarantee the preservation of the blood of both
the white and the black races.
White Americans received the heritage of the white race.
We live today under the greatest Government on earth,
which is the product of our forefathers. Shall we devote
the necessary efforts permanently to settle the race
problem which threatens our national existence? Or
shall we permit this race issue, our greatest domestic
problem, to become the cause of the downfall of our
Nation? The physical separation of the races will insure
that the future generations of Americans will be born
white with centuries of progress before them.
It will be easy for us to do nothing about permanently
solving the race problem and drift into the path of
mongrelization which will make of us a negroid people.
We are, in fact, on this road now, and the mix-breed
in our midst as well as the weak, misinformed, and
degenerate of both races are crying out that we must
continue in the way we are going. But this is the broad
road which leads to destruction. The real Americans,
brave, strong, and courageous members of both races
who believe in racial integrity, must arise and demand
the enactment of the necessary legislation which will
place this Nation safely and surely on the straight
and narrow path which leads to physical separation
and the preservationof the blood of both races. In
the sermon on the mount, the Lord said: "Enter
ye in at the strait gate, for wide is the gate and
broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and
many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is
the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto
life, and few there be that find it." (1)
We are today standing at the crossroads, and there are
but two roads ahead. Separation leads to the preservation
of both the white and Negro races, to a future which
belongs to God. Mongrelization leads to the destruction
of both races, to the destruction of our Nation itself.
Take your choice - separation or mongrelization. The
America of tomorrow - white or mongrel? Let us pray
that Almighty God will guide our feet upon the road
to a white America which will continue to lead the
world in civilization and culture.