Take Your Choice
Separation or Mongrelization

By Theodore G. Bilbo


God has lent us the earth for our life; it is a great entail. It belongs as much to those who are to come after us, and whose names are already written in the book of creations as to us; and we have no right, by anything that we do or neglect, to involve them in unnecessary penalties, or to deprive them of benefits which it was in our power to bequeath. -John Ruskin
TIME AND time again throughout our history, great statesmen have warned the people of the United States that physical separation of the white and black races is the only way permanently and adequately to solve the race question which has confronted us for so many years. Sixty centuries of racial contact in world history prove that there are only two permanent solutions to any race problem, and the time has come when the American people must face this fact. We must choose between the two alternatives: physical separation of the races or amalgamation.

As long as the two races are in contact, the race problem will continue. Remedial measures may lessen racial friction, but the race problems exist until the races are either separated or amalgamated. Unless the races are physically separated the problems will continue until amalgamation has reached such a point that racial lines no longer exist. Then of course a Nation of hybrids and mongrels of mixed blood would have neither race nor race problems.

The dangers of amalgamation have already been pointed out, and without a doubt the great majority of our people realize that the mixing of the blood of the white and black races in the United States would be fatal to the future of our Nation. They know that amalgamation is undesirable from a scientific and historical standpoint and that it is revolting when considered from its ethical and moral aspects. But here is the danger. Until we take the active steps necessary to adopt the program of physical separation of the races, we are on the road to amalgamation. If the white and Negro races continue to dwell together, they will eventually amalgamate and both races will be destroyed.

"Where two distinct species are located side by side," says Madison Grant, "history and biology teach that but one of two things can happen; either one race drives the other out, as the Americans exterminated the Indians, or as the negroes are now replacing the whites in various parts of the South; or else they amalgamate and form a population of race bastards in which the lower type ultimately preponderates. This is a disagreeable alternative with which to confront sentimentalists, but nature is only concerned with results and neither makes nor takes excuses. The chief failing of the day with some of our well meaning philanthropists is their absolute refusal to face inevitable facts, if such facts appear cruel."1

Earnest S. Cox has written: "The nature of race problems limits their solution to that of amalgamation of the races, or that of the separation of the races.... Race problems endure. They last as long as races exist side by side. Race problems are eventually solved, but they cannot be solved except by mixing the races or separating them. The nature of race problems precludes other forms of solution. From the alternatives of separation or amalgamation we cannot escape and between these alternatives we must choose. We are witnessing the process of the solution of the Negro problem by the amalgamation of the races. If amalgamation is not to be the ending of the Negro problem in this nation, we are confronted by the need of devising means for a final separation of the races."2

This warning that amalgamation is already underway in the United States brings us to the consideration of the fact that our policy of racial segregation is totally insufficient to guarantee the preservation of the white race in this Nation. The white South has waged a gallant fight against mongrelization. For three hundred years, racial segregation and the color line have kept the white and black races distinct and prevented the swamping of white blood beneath the flood of miscegenation. White Southerners must be credited with the most practical anal most successful attempt to preserve racial integrity which has been made in all the history of mankind. Racial segregation, enforced by law and by custom, has been the established policy of the South.

The time has come when we must face the facts. The color line has preserved a white South, but it has not prevented a partial mixing of the races. Some 3,000,000 mixbreeds with a mixture of white and black blood are today classified with the Negro race. With these millions of mongrels around us, we see the evidence of the historical truth that the blood of the two races living side by side will eventually mix. "In the presence of millions of mixbreeds, the White South looks backward through three hundred years of contact with the Negro, and feels that the color line, however strongly supported, does not offer a guarantee that the white race is to survive. "3

The South must stand condemned for the part which she has played in the mongrelization of the Nation. Even though the Southern white people have established a world record in preventing miscegenation of the races, there have been those who have sinned against race and family by crossing the color line. The men who have been responsible for the flow of white blood into the blood stream of Africa must ever stand in humility and shame before the white women of the South who have preserved the integrity of their race and produced white children whose blood purity could never be questioned.

There are several things which should be noted in connection with the presence of the mixbreeds in the United States. The fact that the hybrids number into the millions indicates that miscegenation has been more widespread than in reality it has been. It must be remembered that the percentage of the hybrids which are the offspring of first crossings is small; many of them are the products of marriages between mixbreeds. Some of them are several generations from the original crossing of the white and Negro parents and have only a small portion of white blood. This is given as factual information, not in any way to condone miscegenation, for every white-Negro union, legal or illegal, has been one too many.

White men of the South cannot be blamed for all the mixbreeds in this Nation, although many writers assume that they are. Records show that a considerable number of the slaves who were brought from Africa had some touch of white blood. In addition to this, many slave traders, not a few of whom were New Englanders, took advantage of slave women, and some of these Negro women bore half-white children shortly after their arrival in the United States.

As early as 1681, twenty out of every hundred of the slaves in Chester County, Pennsylvania, were classified as mulattoes. And the proportion of mulattoes and mix-breeds in the cities has always been greater than in the rural sections. Thus, there is no foundation whatsoever for claiming that the plantations of the South furnished the only broodland for mulattoes.

It is true that there was some mixing of the whites with the Negro slaves on the plantations of the South, but the overseers, who were often Northerners cannot be said to have been any less guilty than Southern slave owners. In fact, any truthful survey will show that the code of morality of the average Southerner concerning unions with Negro women has not been any worse than that of the average Northerner.

Another factor which must not be overlooked is the Union Army which was so long in the South both during the War Between the States and in the post-war period of military occupancy. The colored writer, W. H. Thomas, in his book The American Negro, points out that everywhere the Federal armies camped, Negro women flocked to their quarters. He says: "All occupied cities, suburban rendezvous and rural bivouacs, bore witness to the mad havoc daily wrought in black womanhood by our citizen soldiery. We have personal knowledge of many Federal officers of high station and some of strong prejudices against the race, who openly kept Negro mistresses in their army quarters; nor do we doubt that the present lax morality everywhere among Negro womankind is largely due to the licentious freedom which the war engendered among them."4

It is also true that many of the Northern carpet-baggers who came to the South following the war lived with Negro women. Perhaps they were following the example of Senator Thaddeus Stevens, who led the fight in the Senate to legislate racial equality following the War Between the States and who has been reported on good authority to have had a Negro mistress.5

Thus, we see that those who hurl the charge at the South that Southern whites have been solely responsible for the racial mixture which has occurred in the United States have no foundation whatsoever for their denunciation. The North and South must each be blamed for its share in the amalgamation which has occurred in this country. With the millions of mix-breeds around us, all white Americans must now realize that the color line is not sufficient to preserve the white race in this Nation.

Many of the racial equality advocates and Negro propagandists have referred to the presence of the hybrids as proof that white people have no "inborn prejudices" and have no dislike of mixing with Negroes. This is an utterly false assumption. As Stuart Landry has pointed out:

The writers who argue this wise are not practical psychologists and biologists. They over look the fact that such interbreeding is 'lefthanded.' It is the result of the male sexual urge which is most often indiscriminate and casual. For the same reason men patronize the oldest profession in the world. While they despise the scarlet woman, they use her, and then throw her into the sewer of life to float away to perdition. In like manner men use the women of inferior races. It is not a matter of love, since they do not often marry their dusky mistresses. If children are born the fathers are as unconcerned as Rousseau, who is said to have left several of his progeny on the doorsteps of foundling homes. The moralist must view such conduct with grave concern, but that it is common cannot be denied.

The interbreeding of whites and dark-skinned peoples is accomplished by white men 'on the loose' with women of the darker race, who are more than willing and even pleased to bear children by palefaced males. Seldom do white women marry or give themselves to dark-skinned men. Women are the protectors of racial purity, and if the women of inferior races were as particular as their white sisters, there would be less race mixing. Ninety-nine per cent of the mulattoes are the result of the union of white men and colored women, and this fact is a striking admission of the lack of racial pride on the part of colored women.6

Any student of biology knows that races which live side by side will eventually mix, and the mixing will occur, as it has in the United States, when organized society does its best to prevent it. In view of this condition, it would seem that efforts would be underway throughout this country to draw the color line tighter and enforce segregation in the strictest manner. Instead, we find a constant campaign to destroy all racial barriers which now separate the races. Whatever motive may be behind those who preach racial equality, they threaten the very existence of the white race with every attack they make on segregation and the color line. They wish to destroy the remedial measures which we now have against mongrelization. It may be true that these measures have not prevented the practice, but they have checked it, and those who would destroy the racial barriers wish to open the floodgates for the complete mongrelization of the Nation.

The race problem has now reached alarming proportions. With racial segregation, which at best is insufficient to preserve the white race, constantly being attacked, the South now asks the other sections of the country to consider her plight. And to be sure, it is the plight of the entire Nation, for the race question is national in scope. All sections must unite to bring about the condemnation of amalgamation as a final solution to the race problem and to work for the only adequate answer, which is the physical separation of the white and Negro races.

"The one and only solution of the race question which confronts the South is complete separation," says Archibald Coody, "and that is the physical removal of the negro to a country of his own. Less than this is not a solution, but an armed truce. All have overlooked, or ignored, this elemental proposition.... After four hundred years the Hebrews were still aliens, and their flight from the land of adoption serves to indicate that separation, wide and complete, is the only sensible treatment of race troubles. Compromise and concession, with practiced expediency, make it possible to have relative peace and order but offer no prospect of permanent solution."7

The pages of history tell us what our fate will be unless we adopt the policy of physical separation of the races. In every place on the globe, in every century, in every record known to man, races which have lived side by side have intermingled and mixed their blood unless there was some sort of physical separation. No amount of argument can change what fate will bring upon us if millions of Negroes remain within our midst. Any student of racial history knows that if the Negroes remain in the United States, the last American will be an octoroon or a mongrel with some portion of Negro blood. If the Negroes are not removed, this condition may come about in three to five hundred years: THE FACT THAT IT WILL COME SOONER OR LATER IS A CERTAINTY.

Physical separation is the only way to insure a white America for all time to come. Our present policy of segregation, even in the South where it is enforced in the strictest sense, is not sufficient to save us, as has already been noted. As long as the Negroes remain in this country, we must enforce racial segregation and draw the color line tighter and tighter so that we may use all the power at our disposal to keep the races distinct and separate. However, racial segregation can only prolong the eventual and inevitable mongrelization of the races; it cannot prevent it. This is why the people of this Nation must be urged to adopt the policy of physical separation before it is too late.

Alfred P. Schultz has written: "What is to be done with our negroes? If conditions that now exist continue, nothing need be done.... As soon as the amount of blood of coloured races in our veins will be equal to the amount that flowed in the veins of the Spaniard or Portuguese when they came to America, the Negro problem will have ceased to exist. There will no longer be any talk of separation of the races, of social inequality, or of disfranchisement. The prospect of a negro son-in-law will seem not at all hideous to a sub-white melanoid Southern Senator, with muddy skin, broad face, protruding cheeks, big ears, thick nose, and thick lips. The sub-white American girl, no longer a beauty, will be well content with a tenth, eighth, seventh, quarter, half, wholly red, black-yellow-white, or anything at all mixtum-compositum spouse. A worthless herd will infest the land." 8 And then our boasted Anglo-Saxon civilization will speedily disappear, and our fate will be the same as that of the whites of ancient Egypt and India whose civilizations were lost, engulfed, and forever submerged in a muddy sea of mongrelization.

The above statements do not present a very inviting picture to be sure, but perhaps they will serve to awaken some Americans. There is no other adequate permanent solution to this grave race problem except physical separation. Any plan short of this will eventually end in amalgamation.

In a recent broadcast, America's Town Meeting of the Air sponsored a discussion enabled "Are we solving America's race problem?" There were two white speakers and two Negro speakers, and it is interesting to note what they had to say about the race question. Irving Ives (white) and Elmer Carter (colored) took the position that we are solving the race problem in the United States while Congressman Jerry Voorhis (white) and Richard Wright (colored) argued that we are not solving this great domestic issue. Let us see what solutions were offered by the four speakers.

Elmer Carter, Negro journalist, proclaimed that the "walls of fascism and racial bigotry and intolerance are cracking and tumbling down." He pointed out many advances which the American Negro has made in World War II as compared with World War I and contended that one by one "racial inequalities" are being abolished. Stating that "in the South there is a growing revolt against the evils of segregation and discrimination," this colored speaker, who asks for complete racial equality, offered no adequate and permanent solution to the question. He said he was aware of the fact that the "race problem" is not solved but believes that "America moves forward toward a solution." He did not say so, but the solution which we are "moving" and drifting toward unless the Negro is removed from among us is amalgamation.

The next speaker, Richard Wright, Negro author, who was born in Mississippi, denounced the "gradual solution" as set forth by Carter. He advocated "a nation in which there will exist no residential segregation, no Jim Crow army, no Jim Crow navy, no Jim Crow Red Cross Blood Bank, no Negro institutions, no laws prohibiting intermarriage, no customs assigning Negroes to inferior position." In the next breath Wright was forced to admit that "racial segregation is our national policy, a part of our culture, tradition, and morality." Yet, this he wishes to tear down and he wants to do it immediately! No gradual solution or gradual amalgamation for this colored writer; he wants the floodgates opened now. And unless his suggestions are adopted, Wright warns the Nation that "violence may be upon us." The removal of all racial barriers and all forms of segregation would result in the mongrelization of this Nation, and Wright knows it. Furthermore, this is what he and the other Negro leaders want and it is the condition for which they are fighting and striving. Wright may say that he does not "advocate the solution of the Negro problem through intermarriage," but how can anyone believe this statement when he says that the thirty states which prohibit the intermarriage of the races must wipe the statutes from their books and when he himself is married to a white woman ?

The third speaker, Irving Ives, member of the New York State Assembly and author of the Ives-Quin Anti-Discrimination Law recently passed in New York, said that the antidiscrimination statute in his state was put into operation "to solve the race problem." Mr. Ives explained the law in the following manner:

This New York law applies primarily to discrimination in employment. Even in this field certain exceptions are made. Social clubs and fraternal, charitable, educational, or religious associations or corporations not organized for private profit; persons in the domestic service; and concerns with fewer than six employees are not included. (Author's note: If this law "gives reality to the great principles of our country" as Mr. Ives quoted Governor Dewey as saying, then why the exceptions?)

Its coverage is therefore not so broad as to make it unworkable. It is sufficiently inclusive, however, to cover most employees in New York State.

The law applies to employers, labor organizations, and employment agencies. It lists certain unlawful employment practices and provides for the establishment of a five member commission for its administration and enforcement. Its operation is simple. If I refuse to give a man a job and he claims discrimination, he may file a written and verified complaint. Then comes an investigation by one of the commissioners who must try to settle the matter by conference, conciliation, and persuasion. If this effort at mediation fails, there follows a hearing before three other members of the commission. Then if it exists I am ordered by the commission to cease and desist from this unlawful employment practice. Under these conditions, I may institute a judicial review. If I am then found by the court to have practiced discrimination and refuse, in defiance of the court, to desist from such practice, I may be held guilty of a misdemeanor.

The two most important features of this law are its mediation and educational provision. As I have already stated, conference, conciliation, and persuasion are required at the outset and the records of our Federal FEPC and the New York State War Councils Committee on Discrimination in Employment show that well over 90 per cent of cases of this kind can be and are being settled by peaceable discussion.

What Mr. Ives referred to in the last paragraph is not mediation and conciliation, but in reality it is a method of intimidation. The so-called fair employment agency uses bluffs and threats to force employers to hire colored workers in direct defiance of the freedom which is a part of our American way of life. Any law which is designed to legislate racial equality is doomed for failure.

In practical application of the Fair Employment Practice Committee, as sponsored by Mr. Ives, it is the white race which suffers discrimination. This is true because the average employer will discriminate against the white race for fear of becoming involved in the toils of the law should he for any reason discharge a Negro man or woman from his business. There is already on record a case where a corporation had been employing white Gentile, Negro and Jewish women. When it became necessary because of lack of orders to release a hundred of these women employees, the manager discharged all white Christian Gentiles and kept the Negroes and Jews. When he was accosted about the action, he said that he had chosen this policy because he did not wish to go into courts to defend his corporation against a charge of discrimination which would have been true had he fired even one Negro woman. Therefore, he just dismissed Christian Gentile women and retained the Negroes and the women of Jewish faith!

Before his speech was finished, Mr. Ives stated his position on this problem which he claims to be solving. "If we can eliminate discrimination from the field of employment, we shall have gone a large share of the way toward removing it generally," said this New York legislator. Thus he placed himself on record as favoring the abolition of all racial barriers, the intermarriage of whites and blacks, and the final solution of amalgamation to the race problem.

The last speaker, Congressman Jerry Voorhis of California, took the position that America is not solving the race problem although he said, "we are making some progress." As examples, he cited the abolition of the poll tax in Georgia, increased funds for Negro education in North Carolina, and the anti-discrimination law passed by New York. He said that there still exists today "prejudice" against minorities and gave the maintenance of separate racial schools as one illustration. His speech indicated that he thinks the race problem could be solved by full racial equality with no segregation or racial barriers. He dodged the question of intermarriage by repeating his contention that the problem "is to make it possible for every American to have the fullest opportunity to make his full contribution to the life of the Nation." However, the Congressman must know that the removal of all racial barriers would serve to further the intermarriage of the races and to hasten what is to be the final solution of the race problem in this Nation unless the Negroes are removed - amalgamation and mongrelization.

The discussion among these speakers on this nation-wide broadcast gave evidence that any solution of the race problem which falls short of physical separation must eventually end in amalgamation. Neither the white nor colored speakers offered any plan to prevent the mingling of the races; on the other hand, each of them is an opponent of segregation and may be said to be an advocate of full equality. Their suggestions on the race question, though differently stated, would all result in the mongrelization of the American people.

Stuart 0. Landry has pointed out three possible solutions to the Negro problem in this country. He says: "In this chapter I have suggested three solutions, any or all of which are feasible. Emigration (by this Mr. Landry means repatriation) will not be the solution because of the reluctance of American Negroes to leave this country. Intensive segregation may come about in the course of time, since it offers many advantages to the Negro from a social and economic standpoint. This leaves the third solution as the probable one -- that is, the maintenance and development of a bi-lateral civilization, in which Negroes and whites, living side by side while maintaining the distinction of race, will enjoy the same political rights with equal educational and economic opportunity. Each race will then be free to develop the highest type of civilization of which it is capable."9

Only the first plan which Mr. Landry has termed the emigration of American Negroes to another country and under which he includes repatriation of the Negroes to their fatherland, West Africa, is a solution to the problem. The other two plans, intensive segregation and the maintenance of a bi-lateral civilization, are only methods of relieving racial tension and offer no permanent solution. By intensive segregation, Mr. Landry means "the grouping together in cities or communities of several hundred thousand or more Negroes, such as we find in Harlem, a section of New York." But as the author observes, "To gather Negroes into such groups or communities on a large scale is in a manner more difficult than arranging for the emigration to Africa." In addition to this objection, the intensive segregation would still leave the Negroes in this country, and with their presence the many race problems would continue. Such a plan would have the tendency to check the mixing of the races, but the races would still be in contact and amalgamation would be the ultimate result. India tried the strictest form of segregation through caste, but it failed miserably.

Mr. Landry has written an able and worthwhile book and has made a profound plea for the preservation of racial integrity. However, if he will make a visit and survey the conditions which now prevail in Harlem, he will surely conclude that his second plan, intensive racial segregation in this country, will not work. If he should then need further proof, he should buy a ticket to the "black belt" of Chicago. This should be more than sufficient, but an excursion to the Negro section of Detroit will furnish collateral evidence.

The third plan, the development of bi-lateral or parallel civilizations for the two races in this Nation, is, in practical operation, impossible. If such a plan should be universally accepted by the members of both races, it might have a tendency to relieve racial tension, but it would also result in the final amalgamation of the white and black races in this country. The program, according to Mr. Landry, would consist of "a civilization within a civilization - a race living side by side with another race - with it but not of it." If this objective could be accomplished, it would be acceptable, in that it would preserve the white race while benefiting the black. But all the pages of history are against the practical operation of the dual civilization theory. When races live side by side, the blood will eventually mingle and racial lines will disappear. It is this fatal racial mixture which we must avoid. Furthermore, the plan for "parallel civilizations" would not remove the cause of the constant friction over the race issue, and the campaign for the full equality of the races would still be forever before us. As Mr. Landry says: "Equalitarians and some Negro leaders oppose the idea of 'parallel civilizations.' They are seeking social equality, and any theory or arrangement that prevents its realization is unsatisfactory to them."

It would be extremely difficult, if not impossible, to bring about the maintenance of "parallel civilizations" in this country. Even if both races announced approval of this plan, they would still be in contact and the dangers of amalgamation would still be present. Would it not be much more practical to launch a program to bring about the physical separation of the races? Separation, which removes the cause of the trouble, is the only adequate solution to the problem.

William P. Pickett, an outstanding white scholar, who made a thorough study of the Negro problem in this Nation some years ago, arrived at this conclusion:

We have carefully examined the current remedies proposed for the country; could we but regard these possibilities as they shaped themselves to the prophetic eye of that master student of the negro question, we would consider no effort too arduous, and no outlay too extravagant, which bore the promise in the end of emancipating our country from the evils resulting from the African element in our population."12

When William Pickett's dream, so beautifully and convincingly outlined above, comes true, we can then say - and it will be everlastingly true - that there will be no North, no South no East, no West. The white man in America will be free from the one great threat to his national integrity, and he can be assured that his blood will always be kept pure. Our laws will be written and our policies formed without the blighting influence, intimidation, and fear of the Negro vote. The minds, hearts, ambitions, dreams, and efforts of a united pure Anglo-Saxon people will at once become dedicated and consecrated to the continued growth and expansion to perfection of the ideals of the Founding Fathers who created this white man's country with a white man's scheme of Government. Our people and our Nation shall then be united and solidified and shall lead the way in ushering in a golden era of peace, prosperity and happiness until the light of a new day will be like unto the coming of the millennial dawn.

Physical separation of the races will not only benefit the white race and insure a white America for future generations, but this solution will also save and benefit the Negro people. This is the only method by which the integrity of both races can be guaranteed. The pure African faces complete annihilation in this country. Already some one-third of the Negroes in the United States are of mixed blood and within five or six generations the birth of pure Negro babies will have practically ceased. Unless the Negro welcomes the mixture of white blood, he faces the absolute necessity of leaving this country. The American Negro must choose to repatriate to his fatherland, if his racial integrity is to be preserved, and every decent, straight-thinking Negro wants his blood kept pure.

Just as the white race would be left free to maintain and improve their civilization in the United States after the removal of the Negro, so the Negro race would be free to develop their own culture in a land of their own. If the chance were offered to the black race to establish a country of their own, how great would be the opportunity of Negro leaders to lead their people forth to a new and promising land, as the Israelites of old were led out of Egyptian bondage into the better and brighter land of Canaan.

In the United States, the Negro is bound to play "second fiddle" as long as he remains a distinct race. And amalgamation which will be the final solution to the race problem unless a program of racial separation is brought about offers destruction to the black as well as the white race. There could be no progress for a land of mongrels. But with the Negroes in a land of their own, the white race would be left to continue progress in this Nation, and the Negro would have the door of opportunity opened to him in his own government. There he could enjoy political freedom, industrial opportunity, mental and spiritual development. Just imagine the degree of happiness and respectability that could be attained in an all Negro government for the black race. With the help of the United States in giving them a start in the new land and with trained leaders from this Nation, the Negroes could have a country in Africa which would take its rightful place among the Nations of the earth.

We must not listen to those people who say that physical separation of the races is impossible. Of course, it will be difficult to put such a program into operation, but it is not impossible. To refute those who speak of the impossibility of the repatriation of only some twelve or thirteen million Negroes to their homeland, West Africa, let us remind them that we have Just finished a War in which we enlisted about 12,000,000 men and women; more than two-thirds of these were transplanted to all the battlefronts of the world. Many of these fronts were twice as far away as West Africa. The cost of such a program is not prohibitive because the money which will be required will be expended over a period of fifteen to twenty-five years. Furthermore, the American people will gladly pay the cost of this undertaking, since it will be an investment to save white America from total mongrelization, yea, to save our entire civilization.

Both races will have to cooperate in this plan for racial separation in order to save their own blood from destruction. When a person says that separation is impossible, ask him what solution he has to offer. There can be but two permanent solutions to the race problem - separation or amalgamation. Every person must take a position as favoring one or the other of the alternatives.

When the people of the United States have decided that physical separation is the only permanent and adequate solution to the race problem and make their opinions known, the Congress of the United States will take the necessary action to promote the plan. The Federal Government could obtain sufficient territory in West Africa and make all the arrangements for locating American Negroes in a land of their own. The Government would provide the ways and means of transportation and offer aid to the settlers for a specified length of time. The important thing now is to convince the whites and Negroes in this country that this plan must be adopted, and then the details will be worked out by the Congress.

Millions of American Negroes have already expressed their willingness to return to the land of their forefathers. The plan will of course be wholly voluntary; no one can or should be forced to go. At first, the number will be small, but as the news of the new land comes back to those who remain in the United States, the number of volunteers will increase. With the program being sponsored by the government of the United States, it will succeed. The migration to Africa will be gradual, as well it should be, but with this plan underway, every year that passes will find the race problem in this country in the process of being solved permanently and adequately for the benefit of both races.

The plan is practical; it must be adopted, for it is the only way to preserve both the white and black races. Some of the greatest statesmen which this Nation has produced have advocated that American Negroes be colonized in a land of their own. These were wise men of sound judgment, and their expert testimony on behalf of this plan of separation will be presented in the next chapter.

Amalgamation will make America negroid, destroy race, culture, and hope for the future. Separation will make America white, guarantee the preservation of the white race and the maintenance of our white civilization.

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  1. Grant, Madison, The Passing of the Great Race, p 69.

  2. Cox, Earnest S., The South's Part in Mongrelizing the Nation (Richmond: The White America Society, 1926), pp. 7, 13.

  3. Cox, Earnest S., The South's Part in Mongrelizing the Nation, p. 15.

  4. As quoted in Landry, Stuart 0, The Cult of Equality, p. 310.

  5. See Chapter III, p. 35, footnote 9.

  6. Landry, Stuart 0., The Cult of Equality, p 303.

  7. Coody, Archibald, The Race Question, pp. 89, 34.

  8. Schultz, Alfred P., Race or Mongrel, p. 547.

  9. Landry, Stuart 0. The Cult of Equality, p. 536.

  10. Pickett, William P., The Negro Problem: Abraham Lincoln's Solution, p. 537.