Chapter II
Race and Civilization (1)
The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ, Mores on: nor all your Piety nor wit Shall lure it back to cancel half a line, Nor all your Tears wash out a Word of it. -The Rubaiyat of Omar KhayyamTHE RACE problem has existed as long as there has been racial contact. Just how long this has been is a matter of uncertainty and dispute. But most of the experts agree that there is a record of some six thousand years of racial contact in Africa and of some four thousand years of the white man's dealings with the colored races in Asia. Surely this is long enough for us to judge the accomplishments of the various races, their relation to civilization as well as the results of racial contact. The three great divisions of mankind, the white (Caucasian), the yellow (Mongolian), and the black (Negro) races, have each written a history upon the pages of time. It is our purpose to study race relations between the Caucasian and Negro races (2) in world history so that we may gain knowledge which will aid us in solving the race problem which confronts our Nation. The great civilizations of the ages have been produced by the Caucasian race. History shows that civilizations founded by the white man have been maintained for centuries, but when the blood of the white race has become mongrelized, civilization has never survived. It has further been proved that prolonged contact between the white and colored races has resulted in the mixing of the blood. The intermingling process may be slow, but it is inevitable. Let us survey the pages of history and view the rise and fall of great civilizations and cultures which have been produced by the white man and lost by the mongrel.
The early Egyptians were a Caucasian people, and they were the first conveyors of the arts of civilization to the Negroes of Africa. A survey of Egyptian civilization will show that the period of greatness was in the earlier centuries, and after a prolonged period of decline, this ancient civilization was not overthrown; it decayed. Egyptian history covered by the reign of the Pharoahs has been divided into thirty dynasties or family reigns. Culture in this kingdom had already progressed far when the first Pharoah, Menes, came into power. He is said to have ruled over a people with a well established background of tradition and attainment, able to divert the waters of the Nile, to reclaim the swamp lands of the Delta, and to wage warfare against the Negroid peoples of Nubia. The period of Egyptian history known as the Old Kingdom and including the Third, Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Dynasties was from 2928-I475 B.C. This was the period of Egyptian greatness and in religion, government, society, industry, and art, Egypt was a well-constituted nation. The Egyptians made considerable progress in astronomy; they studied medicine, surgery, and chemistry; they were a religious people, believing in the resurrection of the body after death and in the immortality of the soul. But perhaps it was in the use of metal tools that the people of Egypt found their lasting claim to greatness. With these instruments placed in skilled hands and with the desire to build imperishable monuments to their power, the Egyptians entered what we have later referred to as the age of the mighty pyramids. These people were architects and engineers, and great pyramids have stood for centuries as conspicuous evidence of the ability of the Caucasian civilizers of Egypt. The great civilization of Egypt was produced by a people who showed no evidence of Negro blood, and a form of caste served for awhile to prevent intermarriage with the colored races. It is only natural that we find the first traces of Negro blood in Southern Egypt where the people were nearest to the Negro tribes of Africa. Negroes gradually filtered into Egypt, and the waging of war against the African tribes served to intensify racial contact. As racial contact continued, Egyptian history records what has certainly been proved to be the result of long continued contact - blood admixture. The large number of black women found in the harems of the rich, and even in the huts of the common people, quickly impaired the purity of the race, even among the upper classes of the nation, and the types began to resemble that of the Negro tribes of Equatorial Africa. The language fared no better in the face of this invasion, and the written characters soon became as corrupt as the language. The taste for art decayed; technical ability began to deteriorate. The moral and intellectual standards declined and the mass of the people showed signs of relapsing into barbarism.The type of the Egyptian showed certain evidence of Negro blood by 1500 B.C. although it is impossible to estimate just to what extent the blood of the African had mixed with that of the white civilizers of Egypt at this date. We do know that the Egyptians continued to go into the South and that Negroes continued to come into Egypt as soldiers, slaves, and workers. The Africans not only went to Egypt, but they remained to mix their blood with that of the proud Egyptian and to mongrelize his race. As mongrelization continued, the civilization of Egypt became stagnant and finally decayed. Art, science, and literature were dead, and nothing remained of Egyptian greatness when a mulatto inherited the throne of the Pharoahs in the Twenty-fifth Dynasty (663-525 B.C.). This mongrel prince, Taharka, ruled over a Negroid people whose religion had fallen from an ethical test for the life after death to a form of animal worship. The degeneration of the Egyptian religion gives a picture of the degraded state of mind of the Egyptian mongrel. The early religion of the Egyptians was a monotheism. Their writings speak of one god, the creator of heaven and earth. The local divinities were mere personifications of the attributes of God. The papyrus of Ptah-hotep, composed under Dynasty V, speaks of God, showing that the writer had the idea of one god. What did this religion become in time? Julius Africanus tells us that, in the reign of Kaiechos, it was established that the bull and the goat were gods. Later the Egyptians became infatuated and worshipped the cat, the bug, and eventually vegetables.The story of Egypt-the unsurpassed greatness of the Old Kingdom, the three thousand years of progress, the height of power as typified by the Great Pyramid, the decline and decay of this civilization down to the day when a mulatto sat on the throne of the Pharoahs and ruled a Negroid people, the three thousand years of stagnation - should be sufficient warning to white America! Prolonged racial contact will inevitably result in mongrelization; the process may be slow, but the result is just as certain as the rising of tomorrow's sun.
When the Hindoos, Aryans of the migratory Caucasian race, arrived in India, they found themselves surrounded by a mass of yellow-black-white mongrels. The earlier Caucasian conquerors of India had become submerged in the black mass about them, and the civilization and culture which they had produced had decayed. The Aryans who now came as aristocrats because of race and culture held themselves aloof from the natives and knew that intermarriage must be prohibited. Although these fair, tall, high-nosed invaders of Northern India some forty centuries ago were conquerors and looked upon the black multitudes as inferior, they did not attempt to expel them. Instead, they sought to keep themselves white by imposing laws against racial admixture and supporting these regulations by religious doctrine. By the extraordinary and ingenious system of caste, the population was divided into four groups: warriors, priests, agriculturalists and merchants and laborers. Those of purest Aryan descent belonged to the first division; natives belonged to the latter group, although there were large segments of the population whom the conquerors did not honor with caste. The rights of the members of each caste were hereditary, and intermarriage between them was absolutely forbidden by law. But in spite of legal restrictions, there were whites who crossed the color line. The races lived side by side; the blood intermingled. The illegitimate offspring of these unions were despised, and under the law they were outcasts to be refused admission into the towns and villages. This contempt for the half-breed probably did more than anything else to prevent the mongrelization of the Hindoos for thousands of years, but regardless of the hate and scorn thrust upon him, the half-white mongrel existed. And he lived to threaten the purity of the race and to finally destroy it. The white invaders of India produced a great civilization which even today we view with amazement and awe. They excelled in science and were the first to perform many surgical operations. Undisputable evidence of their culture may be found in art, poetry, drama, law, and philosophy, but the progress continued only so long as the blood of the conquerors remained white. As the blood became corrupted, the culture and civilization became stagnant and decayed. The caste system which for centuries enabled this race to produce art, science, and a great religion had no power to vitalize the blood when it became mongrelized. The early records of Aryan history in India show that these people believed in one all-powerful God and in the immortality of the soul after death. Their religion demanded active virtues, work, and self-sacrifice and taught that the faithful and virtuous believer was rewarded by a final union with God and eternal life. Nothing demonstrates the superiority of these white civilizers of India over the yellow masses around them more vividly than the fact that for a thousand years Buddhism existed without being able to destroy the exalted religious teachings of the Brahminical order of the Hindoos. However, the teachings of Puddha, a mix-breed who sought to level the races by wiping out the caste system, appealed to the mongrel masses, and Buddhism, which taught passive virtues and offered confession and eternal death, finally spread throughout India. The white civilizers of India gave the world a great civilization, and it would seem that nothing could have caused their deterioration, but mongrelization over hundreds of years destroyed race and civilization. The Hindoos used caste, supported by law and religion, to keep their blood pure. They used every remedial measure known to man except physical separation of the races in order to maintain racial integrity, but all their efforts failed and the result may be written in one word - amalgamation or mongrelization. Men who call themselves Hindoos still exist but in name only. The blood of the proud, aristocratic Aryan of India was submerged in the yellow-black-white swamp and lost forever in the mongrel marshes.
The pages of history continue to prove that civilization is the product of race. The Caucasians have out-distanced all other races in producing high civilizations, but they have maintained their culture and continued to progress only as long as their blood has remained pure. Race, not location nor environment, explains the power of the Phoenicians, a people who erected cities on the arid lands of the Syrian coast. These Caucasians succeeded in extending their influence over much of the entire world. The Phoenicians were the first to create an extensive colonial empire, and they communicated their arts, including that of writing to the nations of the Mediterranean Sea. The prosperity of this country attracted immigrants, and since the Phoenicians were in need of workmen for their industries, they permitted all races to come. The newcomers with the blood of the white race, of the yellow race and of the Negro race surrounded the Phoenicians; intermarriage was the inevitable result; and finally, the nobles who had maintained racial purity were governing a people of different blood and speaking a different language from their own. With such a condition existing, need one ask what caused the decay of Phoenicia? The race which had created this great civilization had been destroyed, and the Phoenician-Chaldean-Egyptian-Negro-Greek mongrel was worthless. The mongrel not only lacks the ability to create a civilization, but he cannot maintain a culture that he finds around him or one that is thrust upon him.
From Phoenicia with its mongrel population and bloody revolutions, the governing class fled to Carthage, which had been one of the colonies. In time the Carthaginian Empire became very extensive, extending from the Atlantic to Cyrenaica and including Malta, the Balearic Islands, and Sardinia, as well as settlements in Sicily, Gaul, and Spain. It was from this City that the history of Phoenicia was continued. The Empire flourished and the civilization seemed to be of lasting duration. But Carthage fell. The downfall has been explained in the following manner: In Africa her subjects consisted of three classes, Lybio-Phoenicians, Lybians and Nomads. The first were the products of intermarriage between the Lybians and earlier colonists of Phoenicia. They were regarded by the Carthaginians with suspicion. The Carthaginims of pure blood had in mind the fate of mongrelized Phoenicia. The Lybians were of entirely different race, and most of them did not understand the Punic language. They were therefore not considered dangerous. The suspicions of the Carthaginians concerning the Lybio-Phoenicians were well founded; for, being related to the Carthaginians to some extent intermarriages soon took place and African blood was introduced into their veins, As the immigrants from Tyre had not been very numerous, those intermarriages could not but affect the fibre of the race. The early history of the Hellenes, an Aryan race, who settled in Greece, is the first chapter in the history of Europe. The great qualities and outstanding characteristics of this race, which attained a high degree of culture as early as 1,OOO B.C., are beyond dispute. These people produced a civilization which has for centuries brightened the pages of human history. In government and law, in religion and science, in art and architecture, in literature and philosophy, the Hellenes excelled. The fortifications, the palaces, the tombs, the fountains, the works of art found in Mycenae, one of the oldest of the Greek towns, furnish examples of the skill of the ancient Greeks. The immortal Homer sang his mighty songs in praise of this early Hellenic culture, and the Iliad and the Odyssey will forever reveal the genius of the Greek. As soldiers the Greeks were unsurpassed in their strength, courage, and heroism. After the Persian wars, these people turned from warfare to rebuild their cities and to attain new heights in civilization and culture. The works of art produced during this period were masterpieces at the time of their creation; they are masterpieces today. As the power and wealth of Greece increased, the number of immigrants and slaves in the industrial cities also increased. The resident aliens, who were mainly Aryan-Hamitic-Semitic-Egyptian-Negroid mongrels, were given the rights of citizens, but they could not be given the characteristics of the Greek race. With these people living among the Hellenes, intermarriage resulted; mongrelization was inevitable; and finally the Greek cities were filled with Greek-speaking mongrels. Civilization is a product of race; Greek civilization was the product of the Hellenes. And as the Hellenic blood was corrupted, the culture declined. The cities, the power and wealth deteriorated, and Macedonia was the only part of Greece that was still Greek. After the time of Alexander, who came from Macedonia, there is very little of Greek history that is worthy of the Hellenic name. When Alexander attempted to spread Greek culture over the East, he encouraged intermarriage among the different races and the mongrels. His efforts may have given a Hellenic varnish to other nations and other peoples, but he succeeded in further mongrelizing the Greek race, and when the blood was corrupted, the true Hellenic spirit and its productive genius were destroyed forever.
Produced by the crossing of related Caucasian groups and very close inbreeding for several hundred years, the Romans were a very strong and powerful people. In little over a hundred years, they made Rome the center of civilization and built the great Roman Empire which extended their power over most of the known world. The accomplishments of the Romans have been blazed across the pages of history for all posterity to read. But the success of the Romans destroyed them. The strength of their race was the source of their power, and when the blood of the race was changed, the power declined. Rome invited the whole world to come and share her glory; Gauls, Greek mongrels, and Hamitic-Semitic-Negroid mongrels flocked to "the Eternal City." The decline of the Empire is the story of the decay of the people who had made the Empire great. Foreign races flooded Rome after Sulla's time, and Oriental and African blood combined with that of the Pan-European mongrel to further bastardize the Romans. As the mongrelization continued, the deterioration of Roman civilization and culture became complete. The Roman constitution, a product of Roman genius, could not rule a mixed blood population, and there followed bloodshed, revolution, and anarchy. When Caesar became dictator in 49 B.C., Rome was no longer inhabited by the race which had made her the most powerful city in the world. And by the time of Caracalla, the amalgamation of the races and the corruption of the blood was virtually complete. He bestowed citizenship upon the mongrel masses, and the complete downfall of the Roman Empire was then only a question of time. As we compare the proud Romans who composed the citizenry of Rome when the City was at the height of her power and the degenerate mongrel herd who filled the City at the time of the downfall of the Empire, we might paraphrase the Biblical quotation in the following manner: "What doth it profit a Nation to gain the whole world and lose her soul?"
Civilizations, the product of race, have been maintained only so long as the race which created them has maintained racial integrity. The Caucasian has founded all great civilizations, and this race, remaining white, has not lost civilization. But when the blood of the white man has become mongrelized, civilization has not been maintained. The mongrel can neither create nor continue civilization. The record of written history offers the proof. We have also learned from history that prolonged racial contact between the white and colored races has always resulted in mongrelization. When different races live side by side in close contact, the blood will eventually intermingle and mongrelization is inevitable. The white race has never survived continued contact with the Negro race over a long period of time. This is just as true as the fact that when the white blood has been altered by an infusion of Negro blood, civilization and culture have decayed. The civilization and culture of the United States of America and the might and power of our great Nation may be the greatest ever attained by man, but with one-tenth of our population belonging to the Negro race, can we expect history to reverse itself? Definitely not. Shall we slumber until ours is the fate of the Caucasian civilizers of Egypt, India, Phoenicia, Carthage, Greece, and Rome? Or shall we wake to realize that physical separation of the races is the only permanent solution of the race problem which threatens our future. Jefferson, Monroe, Madison, Lincoln, and Grant were not wrong. A white America or a mongrel America - you must take your choice!