Lost Israel Found CHAPTER 3


Dan's migration- A colony to Greece -- At the sacking of Troy -- Settlement of twelve cities in Asia Minor -- The Lacedemonians, Israelites, by Josephus -- Dan's escape with Simeon to Ireland -- Simeon in Wales -- The other Dan escapes to Denmark, via north of the Black Sea, giving his name to every river crossed -- His final settlement in Denmark

Dan's Migration to Ireland

Dan's migration- A colony to Greece

From historic evidences that have come to light recently, it seems that Dan had long been familiar with the then Western World; that he had been accustomed to the performance of voyages with the Phoenicians all over the Mediterranean Sea, and beyond outside the Straits of Hercules; and that alone, unaccompanied by any of his neighbors, he had sailed to Egypt, and from thence into Greece, taking with him a colony of his own people; and that these Danai are said to have been among the first settlers in Greece. (See "Wanderings of Israel," by Oxouian.)

At the sacking of Troy -- Settlement of twelve cities in Asia Minor

It is farther stated, that Dan was engaged in the sacking of Troy; that afterwards he conquered Macedonia, and that Alexander seems to have descended from this very tribe of Israel. It is furthermore stated, that Dan settled, after the sacking of Troy, in that very region, where he built twelve cities.

The Lacedemonians, Israelites, by Josephus

Josephus says that the Lacedemonians were the very kindred of the Jews. (See Antiq. XII, IV, 10 and XIII, V, 8.)

Dan's escape with Simeon to Ireland

Now, with these historic data before us, is it strange that Dan and Simeon, having been left by Shalmaneser, undisturbed in their own lot, yet cut off from all connection with the Kingdom of Israel, to which they belonged, from which they were now separated eternally, so far as they knew -- that they should flee to some far distant land beyond the reach of their oppressors, where they might form for themselves a kingdom of their own, beyond all fear, and beyond all knowledge of their enemies?

   Accordingly, we find this the very resolution they adopted. Having been long acquainted with the (to them) far-western lands, and having ships of' their own, it is found that, having embarked with whatever of their effects they could carry, they set sail, (B. C. about 720) and going westward, by the way of Tarshish, now Tartessus; thence through the straits of' Hercules, and around into the great Atlantic, northward.

Simeon in Wales

What their ultimate destination was is not now known, but being far out at sea, they were driven by a storm far to the north, and landed somewhere upon the coast of Norway. But here they did not remain; sailing away from here, they directed their course south towards the sun, and finally landed on the northern coast of Ireland; where Dan made his camp, placing Simeon, the meantime, directly over on the coast of Scotland, where it is said he remained a while, and then migrated down south into Wales, where he is today. But Dan established himself, permanently, in the north of Ireland, where we shall find him hereafter, with a regularly organized government.


It has been stated that the colony of Dan, which settled in the extreme north of Canaan, was carried off by Shalmancser, with the rest of his brethren. What now shall he do? It would seem that the perpetual separation from the parental stock of his own tribe was far from agreeable to him. What shall he do, therefore? Whether he may have learned of Dan's and Simeon's escape to the islands far west, is not known.

But Dan being naturally a kind of pioneer, soon starts off' in his wanderings to find his brother Dan, yet not knowing whither he should direct his course; but some unseen guide points his way westward. On and on he goes, following his unknown guide, yet leaving his track behind him, and that, too, so permanent that it is seen today bearing his own name.

This is found at his encampments, ill crossing rivers, and in his finial resting place. His first course, located as lie was between the Caspian and Black seas, was northward, for if he went south of the Black Sea he would expose himself to the Assyrians, and thus his flight be cut off: To the north then he goes, and the first river he crossed he gave his own name, Dan, (now the Don.) The next he called Demiester, (now Dniester.) The next he crossed he named Danieper, (now Dnieper.) The next great river was Daube, which name the philologists tell us means the settlements of Dan. Here he seems to have made a longer tarry than at any former encampment.

The other Dan escapes to Denmark, via north of the Black Sea,
giving his name to every river crossed
His final settlement in Denmark

But that unseen hand still beckoned him onward, for this was not his rest. On he goes, therefore, up the Danube, making no known settlement till he reaches the very source of the great river. Here, it is said, he made a circuit in search of a place to rest, but finding none, he was led by the same unseen Guide northward, whither he directed his steps, wandering hither and thither like Israel of old in the wilderness, till finally his Guide marked his camping ground in Danemarsch, (Denmark.)

Here Dan fixed his camp, from which he spread out into Holland, into Norway and Sweden, peopling all that country by the help of some other tribes, which came hence afterwards.

In reviewing the ground now gone over we find that Dan and Simeon have both been located -- Simeon in Wales, where he made his permanent abode, and Dan, the elder, on the north coast of Ireland, while Dan, the younger, is fixed in Denmark. (Eldad, an eminent Jewish writer, says: "In Jeroboam's day, 975 B. C., Dan refused to shed his brother's blood; and rather than go to war with Judah, he left the country and went in a body to Greece, to Juvan and to Denmark.")

Chapter Four

