By Dr. Wesley A. Swift
Now tonight the subject we announced we were going to speak on was "Taking Away The Tares". The reason I say that is because the Los Angeles Times had the subject "Taking Away The Fares". It might be interesting to some people and we�re not going to take the "Fare" for it had nothing to do with the subject so we mention this. This may be an accident, but anyhow the proof was right and the other newspapers had it right, so apparently they decided to change the subject, maybe there was a tare or two involved.
We are greatly concerned, however, about the situations that effect our Nation in our time and what we think about it is also important to our enemy. This might seem strange, but on a subject like this, they want to cover it, so lets turn to the basis of this subject which is important to us tonight, for we find in going back into the Book of Matthew that Jesus is teaching His Disciples and laying the foundation for an understanding concerning a great many of the mysteries that effect His Kingdom and unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven, to them it's not given.
Someone said, there's a difference between the Kingdom of Heaven and the Kingdom of God in the earth. No, my friends, there is no difference between the Kingdom of Heaven and the Kingdom of God on earth. That Kingdom is made up of peoples with an inheritance and an administrative responsibility and an ultimate inherited destiny. The people who constitute the Kingdom of Heaven and constitute the Kingdom of God are the same people and the people that make the Kingdom of God today in the earth came down from Heaven to build the Kingdom here and , "a little secret", the Kingdom of Heaven is within you and what you have been taught to pray for is "Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done In Earth, As It Is In Heaven" and that's absolutely sovereign, victorious and administrative.
I like God's plan for the earth. I'm not conceited enough to think it can be improved on, it can't. I'm perfectly happy to see it fulfilled and I'm going to do everything in my power to implement its fulfilment because only by doing this can you or I discharge our responsibilities in the earth. Of course, men can only do what they know and what they understand, but there is no excuse today for not knowing what God purposes to do. The building of His Kingdom and the development of His Kingdom is the development in the earth of the Family of God transferred from Heaven to Earth by the process of birth, not the accident of birth.
Lets get this clear tonight, there is no accident of birth. He knew everyone of you before the foundation of the world. He wrote your names down in the Lamb's Book of Life before the foundation of the world. If you are not written down in the Lamb's Book of Life before the foundation of the world, you are an unfortunate people, but don't worry about that, I don't see anybody in this auditorium tonight that's not White. I don't even think they send an agent in here that's not white now, because he's liable to be told he's in the wrong auditorium.
The fact is, the most important thing for you to understand tonight is who you are and what you are here for. You are here, as we said this afternoon, to occupy until the ETERNAL GOD, who placed you here, joins you to finish the task that He sent you to do.
I want you to know tonight that no place within the structure of spiritual prophecy of God, His promises of the development of the Kingdom and your occupation of it the great creative genius which He would spiritually inspire in your race to help implement the development of it and spread of its knowledge, its wisdom and understanding, He never promised it was going to be an easy course. He never told you that it was not going to be without opposition.
In fact, from Genesis to Revelations it's the story of opposition. The Book of Revelations is filled with the Revelation of opposition. The words of Jesus talk about the opposition and without going through all the subject of the opposition, I can brief you up tonight. Lucifer and his offspring have a very heavy part to play in what we call opposition to the Kingdom of God which was made up of God and His Family. A Kingdom is an inheritance. A Kingdom is Government and administration by the process of the King and His Offspring retaining the control of the Kingdom.
Now a lot of people will say, we�re against Kingdoms and we�re opposed to all Monarchies. It depends on whose it is. We are not opposed to the Kingdom of God nor are we opposed to the offspring of God carrying out His purpose for administration. It doesn't have to be tyrannical because it's liberating those that are set free by the Eternal God. They are free indeed. Those that may think they are free that are under the bondage of error and superstition are more bound than people could be bound under any political or social cause.
I tell you tonight that the Kingdom of God is an important reality and all the Nations within do not necessarily have to, while they are a part of the Kingdom of God, be a part of a Monarchy because they are not. This is a great Republic, or was a great Republic and shall be again. We affirm that it is a Republic, even though they try to tell us it's not. This great Nation under God is one of the Nations of God's Kingdom, there happens to be Monarchies within it, limited, there are Republics within it, but it is the race and the offspring that make up this Divine Family. The perfect state of Government is God ruling, sovereign, complete, without question or opposition. We carry before you, therefore, the pattern and the blueprint of the Kingdom. The Kingdom of God stretches throughout the vastness of God's Universe, but for people that are dwelling on the earth, the important thing is the aspect of it as it relates to the earth.
There is much that could be said about the Kingdom of God, because we are told by the Apostle Paul that in the NAME OF THE ETERNAL YAHWEH-YAHSHUA, OR, THE CHRIST, IS THE WHOLE FAMILY IN HEAVEN AND EARTH NAMED. What family? The family, Your family. This is an important thing. Someone says, it doesn't make any difference who you are, where you came from or how you were born. But it makes a lot of difference who you are and where you came from and it makes a lot of difference how you were born. Let me tell you tonight, the most important thing that could have been your experience was to be twice born. The Apostle Paul told this to Nicodemus. Now this isn't some strange metaphysical application of a transition of thought that happens to you somewhere when you heard the truth. This is something that starts with the Father in the posterity which He begat.
If you are born, you are born by the will of the Father and you were twice born. You were born in the spirit before the foundation of the world and you have been born of water in the Adamic Race from the hour of your birth in a physical world. Thus, there isn't anybody in this room who is a member of the Adamic Race that has descended down through the House of Seth and Abraham, Issac and Jacob that is not twice born. There is not one in this room tonight that is not twice born, don't let an evangelist tell you that your are not. Don't let somebody come along and say that you have to have another birth and it's still ahead of you, because it's not. Well, you say, this upsets Orthodoxy. We�re not interested in Orthodoxy. We�re interested in truth. There is a great spiritual force today that is doing a work of regeneration. Regeneration is to reactivate the life that you possess in conscious awareness. Your spirits are Eternal. Your physical bodies which hold within it the spirit which is eternal needs in its soul consciousness and in its mental capacities a reactivation of spiritual power that belonged to your race when it was first placed here. This we call regeneration. Don't ever confuse this with another birth. This regeneration is a reactivation of a consciousness by the spirit of the Living God, your Father, which can happen to you and to your race.
I point out to you that the Kingdom of God is tangible and real and that God talked with you and your family in the Celestials of the ages of yesterday long before you ever made this visit to earth and dwelt here. He talked about the purpose of His Kingdom. So, lets turn to what Jesus brings back to the remembrance of His Disciples. The Disciples that He tells in His revelation, "Ye are they that were with Me in the beginning before the Cosmos. Ye are they that were with Me from the beginning".
Now, by the Holy Spirit which Jesus refers to in the 14th Chapter of John, leading them into the knowledge of all truth, He brings new things to their remembrance again. He tells them parables. In the 13th Chapter of the Book of Matthew, Jesus said, the Kingdom of Heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in the field and while this man apparently slept, His enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way. But when the blade was sprung forth and brought forth fruit, there appeared the tares also and so the servants of this householder came and said, Sir, didst not thou sow good seed in the field? From whence then hath it tares? He said, Why an enemy hath done this. And the servants said, Maybe we should go out in this wheat field and pluck the tares, wilt thou now that we gather up the tares? He said, Nay, lest while you gather up the tares, you root up also the wheat with them. Let them both grow together until harvest time and in the time of harvest, I will say to the reapers, Gather ye first the tares and bind them in bundles to burn and we'll gather the wheat into the barn.
Now the beauty of this is that it wasn't organized or developed by any area of theology that you might ascribe to as being the theology of some man's denomination. This parable wasn't written by John Wesley or Calvin, it wasn't the result of an encyclical of a Pope, it wasn't the work of a Presbytery. Now we have no opposition to the good work or the good revelations that may have come or the great designing organizational ability of Christians or any phase of Christianity that was trying to promote the Kingdom of God. But we tell you lots of times that they create ideas and set around them sets of thought that are not necessarily the final word and are not always correct. This particular parable was virtually given by dictation to Matthew, it was the result of a direct conversation and information given to His Disciples and to the company of your race that stood around to listen. So He told them several other parables and the Disciples pondered on these things.
It tells us here in the Book of Matthew, as soon as they got Jesus alone and Jesus had sent the multitude away and He went into the house with His Disciples, they came unto Him and said, declare unto us the parable of the tares of the field. Of all the parables He gave them, this one interested them the most and I'm going to tell you something, of all the parables He gives right at this moment, it should interest you the most too, because since that day and now, we've passed some 1900 years. We are very close to the end of the age. Now we have ways of showing you that we have approached the end of the age. Jesus sent the multitudes away and the Disciples said, "DECLARE UNTO US THE PARABLE OF THE TARES OF THE FIELD". He answered and He said, HE that soweth the good seed is none other than the ETERNAL GOD, THE EMBODIED ONE, the One you see standing before you as THE SON OF MAN, INCARNATE DEITY. The word, son of man, is translated here often reveiling the pattern of MESSIAHSHIP, THE EMBODIMENT OF GOD AS A MAN. So He that sowed the seed is none other than deity, the ETERNAL GOD and the good seed which He sowed. The field is the world. He doesn't leave anything here for your guessing or your imagination, the field is the world. He further said, the good seed are the Children of the Kingdom. Now, if you doubt this, let me tell you that God has a posterity in the earth. They are made up of His Holy Seed. He very carefully warned the Prophets that there was not to be a mingling of the Holy Seed. He based the pattern of His law on the preservation of racial integrity, of kind begetting like kind, seed having life in itself. We tell you tonight that one of the great crises of your time is an attempt upon the part of your enemies to choke out that good seed. We'll have more to say about that.
The good seed are the Children of the Kingdom, they are the WHEAT, THE LIVING SEED. Now the field is the world, the good seed are the children of the Kingdom, the tares are the children of the WICKED ONE, THE PROGENY OF LUCIFER. The tares are the progeny of Lucifer. Someone said, well, Dr. Swift, if the children of the Kingdom are the good seed and the children of the Kingdom are the household that He established through the Adamic Race having planted them in the world, then who are the Tares? Does that mean that all those that are not of the good seed that He planted are tares? No, there's other things in the field besides wheat, there are a lot of other plants in the world besides wheat and they are not making any inroads in the wheat field. There are a lot of peoples and there are races here, but they are not, my friends, the wheat. You and your race are the Children of the Kingdom. You are the wheat in the field. You are the good seed, therefore, the tares are the children of the wicked one and an enemy which sowed them is none other than the DEVIL and the harvest is the end of the world, or the age, the era. The reapers are the administering spirits, in some translations called the Angels. Therefore, the tares are gathered and burned in the fire. So shall it be at the end of the age. They shall be removed and they shall be discarded even as the tares. The Eternal God shall send His administering spirits and they shall gather out of His Kingdom all things that offend and them which do iniquity and they shall be placed, in the original text the constellation of ARA, far out in the edge of space. The weaping, wailing and gnashing of teeth is only an old phrase symbolism of great unhappiness that they have been removed from the areas where they were such successful parasites.
There isn't any question in the language that Jesus here expresses the tares are going to be plucked up. Another statement that Jesus made is every plant that My Father did not plant shall be plucked up by its roots. Now this may be objectionable to some people that want to assimilate everything and fold it into one common world organization and put them all together in one field irrespective of what chokes out wheat. I want to point out to you that God has a plan for His field. As the Master Gardener, He says we are going to take the tares out first. Someone says, who, Dr. Swift, can these tares be? I don't think we've got too much trouble finding tares. In the first place, Jesus said, the tares are the Children of the Devil and that's His word, the tares are the Children of the Devil. You say, He doesn't have children. He had a lot of children. Someone said, He's a fallen angel, He couldn't have children. Well, He could have children. He didn't keep His first estate and His unassimilatable offspring are all over. There are so many of them in Los Angeles that we wish they would have an exodus! The tares are the CHILDREN OF THE EVIL ONE. Let me pause for one moment to see if we can get any Scriptural clue about Children of the Evil One. I turn again over here in the Book of John and discover that Jesus has made it quite pointed. In these passages, Jesus has been talking about the truth and He has been talking about those that were in opposition to it and in the 44th verse in the 8th Chapter of John, Jesus turned to the jews, NOW LISTEN, and said, YE ARE OF YOUR FATHER, THE DEVIL. I don't even think I need any more verse even to prove who the Children of the Devil are, Jesus said to these jews, YE ARE OF YOUR FATHER, THE DEVIL and you read that Chapter and you will see who He is talking to, what it's about. More than that, He tells you a little bit about the nature of the Devil because He's a murderer and a liar. He doesn't abide in the truth and there's no truth in Him and when He speaks a lie, He speaks of his own, for he's a liar and the father of it. The jews answered and demanded by what authority He said these things. He told them by what authority He said these things. He said, Ye are of your father, the Devil. Now, I'm just going to make a flat statement and include this in the parable. The jews are the Tares and the Tares are enemies of God's Kingdom. You'll never have the Kingdom arriving at its destiny until you pull the tares out. Someone says, you can't advocate that, Dr. Swift. Let me tell you, there's a lot of things we can advocate and a whole lot more we are going to.
I don't like to be repetitious, but I don't like to miss a tape that might get out somewhere where it will do some good. Here is a piece in the Los Angeles Times. "Infiltration probe of stations is now being rapped. The Internal Security SubCommittee of the Judiciary is investigating a group of radio stations under a foundation known as Pacifica.". The reason why they are investigating these stations are that they have Communists, like Dorothy Heeley, and they permit Communists to express their Communist views and their slanted propaganda over these radio stations. Which may very well be an abuse of the Communication Commission's License to these stations. For there are Institutions and individuals who advocate the overthrow of the United States Government. There is a branch of our Senate as there is a branch of the House which is charged with finding out and informing both the Senate as well as the unAmerican Activities Committee informs the House on the actual situations that may threaten the security of our Country so remedial legislation can be made. There is a purpose in the unAmerican Activities Committee. There is a purpose in the Internal SubCommittee of the Judiciary on internal security. Let me point out to you that in investigating these stations that have had Communists and continue to have them and carry lots of slanted opinions and have a lot of people connected with them in their staff who are left-wingers and are identified with the Communist Fronts, that all of the screaming protection comes from the American jewish Congress which put pressure on Lyndon Johnson this week, the Vice President, to try to get him to use his influence to crush the hearings.
If Lyndon Johnson can use his influence to crush a Senate Judiciary and Internal Security hearning, then, my friends, we had better shake that down and find out how it's done. We had better find out what they've got on Lyndon Johnson if they can make him perform like this, too. The American jewish Congress put the pressure and it's here stated along with other jewish organizations on Newton Menol, the Chairman of the Federal Communication Commission. Of course, we know what he looks like, but they put pressure on him to crush this hearing with his power and his influence. Then they called on all the jews to put pressure on the Senate itself and on Mr. Dodd to crush the hearing. They said this is an attempt to infringe on the lst amendment and free speech and no committee should have the right to interrogate any area of transit radio or any of these areas because that's free speech. I just want to point out something to you. You start investigating Communism and the people that come to the front to protect it and the people that show their interest in it, are the American jewish Congress and jewish organizations.
When you get this much courage to get this in your contemporary newspapers then, my friends, with a bulletin-head on one side and expose the jews on the other side, then you know that it's coming out. You can just be so obnoxious and so jewish that you just can't hide it anymore. That's what's happening in America. The word EVIL, the word OBNOXIOUS, the word JEWISH being synonymous. Don't be embarrassed for the TRUTH, just LEARN IT! I don't imagine Jesus blushed at all when He gave this parable. Now listen, I just wanted to insert this so the listeners on the tape circuit all over the United States would get a little idea about whose putting the pressure on to try to protect the Communists.
If we had a list here of what Internal Security and other Branches found out concerning the Atom Bomb and I were to list for you the names of the spies who gave away our Atomic Secrets, outside of Elizabeth Dently, it would look like a jewish Rooster of Farifax. If you don't live around Los Angeles, Fairfax, is where there are more jews than any place else around Los Angeles. These jews aren't interested in free speech. They tried one time to put us off a radio station just because we identified the House of Israel and it wasn't them. We watched them threaten a Movie Star who was half-owner of the station. They were going to cancel his contracts if he didn't get us off and this man didn't back-up we finally took him off the hook by permitting him to cancel the contract, but he didn't do it by his own will.
Let me tell you this, the tares are out to destroy the Kingdom. They are out to stifle the wheat. Now, the part of this that I like is that these tares, and there is an unprecedented number of them, are not going to be here forever. Let me point out to you that the 12th Chapter of Revelations deals with a part of the struggle in our time. Today all the conspiratorial programs which the tares implement and catalyse as the offspring of Lucifer follow the superworld government program headed by their economic and political masters. It involves an attempt to subordinate all Christian Nations into a procedure of entrapment by the lying cunning and the deception that they have received from their father. Their entree like the Trojan Horse in a Christian Nation after Christian Nation is with a cry of persecution and the appeal to be admitted that they might survive as refugees and then they inoculate in the body politic of the nation they enter a deadly revolutionary virus of great evil and they seek to destroy their would be sufferers. Do you know what America and the White World needs? It needs to know THE TRUTH AND THE TRUTH WILL MAKE THEM FREE and it needs to elect representatives that will abide by divine law and by the truth.
Let me tell you, if our forefathers had been cognizant of this truth, as what Benjamin Franklin said, from the beginning to this time, there wouldn't be a jew in these United States today and there wouldn't be any way for one to get in. Now this message is being taken down word for word, but it won't do little Bobby any good unless they have decided to make a law concerning the establishment of religion and cut out THUS SAITH THE LORD and the day they do that, we�re going to cut a whole lot of things out of America and cut them out permanently.
This 12th Chapter of the Book of Revelations makes this declaration, "there was a great war in Heaven and Michael and His Angels fought against the Dragon and the Dragon fought with His Angels, but he didn't prevail". Michael with all the Host of Heaven, the Mighty Space Fleets of God, the great and tremendous power that was in His hands, He defeated Lucifer. Michael rolled him out of his portion of the Milky Way and the defeated and broken Lucifer made earth and this Solar System his last refuge. Lucifer upset the peoples of earth, captured their ancient civilizations, and subordinated them to his false claims of Deity, Lucifer perverted the peoples of earth by his influence and then sowing of his unassimilatable seed, mongrelization in their races and producing a MOST EVIL PRIESTHOOD, THE FALSE RELIGIONS THAT SWEPT THE EARTH and the earth has been out of God's Grace. God said, We'll do something about this. Into this area will we send MY OWN SONS TO BUILD MY KINGDOM to increase and multiply, to overthrow the darkness, into the FIELD, WHICH WAS THE WORLD, HE SOWED HIS SEED, THE EVIL ONE SOWED HIS SEED, WHICH WERE THE TARES.
Now, in this age old battle, and don't be deceived by the Dragon, the Dragon, the Serpent, the Devil, Satan, all these are synonymous words. You are told in the 12th Chapter of Revelations, that the great Dragon that was cast out is that old SERPENT, called the DEVIL, called SATAN, once was LUCIFER. That doesn't leave anything for your imagination. Don't say, well, Dr. Swift, you are just speculating on this. No, I'm telling you some God given facts. Now, this Dragon which begat an unassimilatable seed, a mongrel offspring who carry with them the mark on their countenance or in their ears or in their action and when they don't have that and if they even change their faces, there is a certain aura of repugnance that comes out from them that pushes you away, they are repulsive. You know why? There's an aura of darkness that moves out from them in conflict with the light that's in you. Even these people that say they love them in brotherhood, are lying. They don't, they don't want them next door.
Listen, and the Dragon, looking upon your race, realized that your race had brought forth this MAN-CHILD, for out of this race had come the visitation of God and his enemy had followed him to the earth. Now, I want you to know that in the Book of Revelations Jesus tells John that this Dragon has been making war on your race. This Dragon has cast out of his mouth an unassimilatable race mass of evil like the waters of a flood and they want to swallow you up. The conspiracy of the tares is to try to become so perfuse that they choke out the wheat. The conspiracy of the tares envolves, also, a poisoning of the crop and, in their political world conspiracy, to mongrelize your entire society to eliminate the opposition by breaking the Holy Seed. In that conspiracy, there is nothing more deadly than their program of World Government. There is nothing more satanic tonight, even though it's cloaked with good intentions in order to take you in, there is nothing more diabolical and evil tonight, than the United Nations. With its plans for supposed disarmament and peace, it works to disarm you and place you in the hands of the Communist World, and the Africans and the Asiatic to out vote you.
I was looking at a little clipping tonight of a little country named Brunde in the United Nations. It's a "Nigger" country. Someone said, "Negro''. No, don't misunderstand me, I said, "Nigger", it's just off the Nigra River. You say, well, that's not good grammar, Dr. Swift. It's very good--that's the word, they've been called by that name for years, they know all about it. I'll tell you about it. They tell me that there isn't a half a mile of paved road in all Brunde. They sent a message to the United Nations the other day, "Don't send us any more money, we�re hungry, send us more White People". See what I mean when I say, "Nigger". You want a shock? That little chunk of African jungle made up of hostile tribes that wants more White People for dinner has the same amount of power in the United Nations to vote as you do. He gets one vote. ONE VOTE! Anti-Christ has so suppressed the power of your great Nation in the voting ranks of the United Nations that this cannibalistic little hole in the jungle, with a half of mile of pavement, where the Chief can get out and ride in his jew bought Cadillac up and down, back and forth, half a mile, one vote. The fact is that these new little negro cannibal tribes and Asiatic villages are coming in as Nations so fast, that it isn't going to be long before they are going to be able to outnumber you many, many times by vote as well as every other White Nation in the United Nations. That's why we continue to say, no message will ever be complete unless it gives the instruction God gave the Church to tell the Nation, "COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE". Come out of her my people quickly now or you are going to partake of her plagues and her judgements. God said, I'll pour the judgements out on her, too.
Yes, the tares came in and the tares have surrounded the President of the United States until they have just about choked out all the wheat with breath in his Irish soul. You know, he appointed two more the other day, one was an Ambassador and he appointed another as a judge and both of them were JEWS. It doesn't seem like there turns a Christian thought in his head anymore. That's what you call choking it out. They not only are trying to swallow you up, they are trying to integrate your land, pack your society. They have already mesmerized the thinking of many of your Judges and have had judges upon your highest court to reinterpret your Constitution. They have no authority to do this, but in the course of these decisions, they have decided again on the tare program, we�re going to swallow this people up, we�re going to integrate their land.
They are advocating a unscientific and unbiblical position of the equality of all people. This is not American, this is not Constitutional. Nobody can legislate the difference in Genes, in mental capacities, in background and heritages, or in race. If people think that there isn't any difference between an African and a White Man, then what are we talking about? "You couldn't tell the difference if there wasn't any". What we have got to do is point out the incapacities of the Negroes and a whole bunch of them will try to get in here and you'll see they are different from the people that are in here. THERE IS A DIFFERENCE. You don't do that with paper. You don't write-off and change the background of a SPECIES which is different than yours. You accept the purpose of God whose grace is sufficient, whose power is constructive and whose plan is greater than all the conspiracy. The Powers of Darkness don't want this plan successful. They don't want the darkness and superstition overthrown. They don't want any development within this Negro society under those that God placed here to administer and to guide. They do not want to lose control of these superstitious masses with their false priesthoods because by this shock power of masses, they hope to engulf you like a flood.
I read here that this Serpent, who cast out of his mouth these racial streams like a flood, hopes to carry you away in the flood. It says here that the earth is going to open up its mouth and swallow up this flood which the Dragon cast out of his mouth. I hope they are all swallowed up very quickly, and when the earth swallows them up, sometimes it's an earthquake, sometimes, my friends, it's just a 4 by 6-2 ft. by 6 ft. hole.
I want to point out to you something that is rather interesting. I told you that we were at the end of the age, if we�re at the end of the age, we are very very close to seeing the tares gathered out, which is very important. I tell you that your economic crisis today, your socialist-communist crisis today, your strange and funny-minded changes in Government today spring from the mentality of these people who speak with a forked-tongue. They have been looting and robbing and despoiling you until at this very moment, they are scattering your wealth all over the world. They are annexing it from this confiscation called taxes by their administrative influence in the areas of Government. They are padding their pockets and they are bleeding you because they are parasites. That's one thing that the tares do, they sap the strength away from the wheat. In fact, they would crush out the wheat if it were permitted to continue.
There is always one attribute about tares. The wheat farmer knows this. If you have been raised in the country, you know this, too. That when the blades first come up, you have to be a pretty expert biologist to tell the tare from the wheat blade when it's just a little green shoot. As it gets a little taller, you can begin to designate it, but you still have to give it scrutiny. If you wait towards the harvest time, you don't have this problem. When you get towards the harvest time and the warmth and the heat and the moisture starts to be absorbed, the stalk of the tare turns rusty and then red. So, at harvest time you can tell the wheat with its golden grain from the rusty tare that has now become red. I tell you throughout the world the tares have turned red. It's pretty easy to identify the tares and the Communist because they are equated, just as Zionism and Communism are equated, and Communism and jewry are equated. If you were to lock-up every conspiratorial enemy of your society of the ranks of Communism, if you were to take every spy, every purveyor of communist propaganda, every crooked, phoney representative of the Soviet Union and those that are carrying on its lip service and its propaganda, if you were to pick-up its OGPU and those that wait for the day of revolution and you would put them all into one big prison, it would look like a jewish concentration camp. Oh! there might be a few saps in there along with them, but they would get real unhappy about that time.
Now I want to point out something to you tonight. The Government of the United States by the work of the tares has watched itself become a part of a great number of illegal treaties. A treaty, you know, really isn't legal unless it stays within conformity of the Constitution of the United States as it relates to your rights. Unless it is a treaty that is ratified or is capable of being ratified without conflict of your rights by the Senate of the United States, it really isn't legal. The President of the United States does not have real authority to make an executive agreement if that treaty doesn't conform with the character and the nature of the Constitution of the United States. Some people don't know that. Before we as "Christian Americans" get through, they are going to know that we are not bound by any agreement or any treaty made by the instrument of anti-Christ that conflicts with the intent of our Constitution. At the present time, by acceptance, you are now a part of a World Government Organization that is unconstitutional to be a part of. You have already surrendered your Army, Navy and Air Force, in token, by agreement, and signed in public law to completely sign this and eventually, your armaments over to this organization in violation of your Constitution.
As we said last Sunday night, we are in the period of the down-trodding of the Holy Army. This is out of the Book of Daniel. Now, I know we are very close to the end of the age because the President said we couldn't even defend ourselves without the permission of this United Nations anti-Christ Organization and Mr. Uthant. I know we�er getting pretty near the end of the age when we sent a red nigger like Bunch down to the Congo to represent us. He's representing a satanic program that actually is a program of the Russians and not the program of the Christian Americans. I know we have reached the end of the age when a little Asiatic Buddhist represents us and heads a World Government that we�er a part of.
I want you to go with me to the Book of Daniel and I'll show you that we'er at the end of the age. In the 12th Chapter in the Book of Daniel, there is a passage here that is very significant. You want to know about the end of the age? It's when our enemy shall have accomplished the scattering of the power of the Holy Peoples. When he, our enemy, the forces of anti-Christ shall have scattered the power of the Holy People, it says here. When they have scattered the power of the Holy People, then all these things concerning iniquity shall be finished. Right now, you are a part, due to the work of the tares, of the scattering of the Holy People's power. They couldn't scatter your power much further without taking you over so completely that you cease to be an entity.
Someone says, what does it mean scatter the power of the Holy People? When you can take America, Britain, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Belgium, Holland, Spain and Germany which White Nations stand together to tell the world where are we all going to go and by what process they are going to arrive and constructively lift the world into its greatest area of development in all time and history which is their destiny. When these people through this medium of the United Nations can be out voted and out manoeuvered and are six times out numbered by people and by conspiracy and by design and by internal suppression, there's suppression of the power of the Holy People. When a great Nation like this that is built on Liberty, the right for you to pick your community, to live with your kind of people, to raise your children with Christian Americans, to determine who is going to live in your apartment house or rent your room or who you are going to sell your property to or the right to retain contract or the right to exclude those you don't like or accept those that you do, when you lose that right, there's suppression of the power of the Holy People.
When they can tell you whether you like it or not they are going to integrate your housing, mongrelize your children and start a process of operation they expect that is going to integrate and intermarry your society until you cease to be, there's suppression of the power of the Holy People. By integrating your areas of education where they have the power to demand where your children go to school, they are scattering the power of the Holy People. They are planning on swallowing you up like a flood, corrupting the Holy Seed. There is something else I like about this, they have gone about as far as is possible to go without implementing this which is your racial destruction.
This is what they design, they said so when they gathered together in their Asiatic Conference. They said, we must bring about the absorbion of the WHITE RACE so they can no longer stand as a block against our objectives. Whose objectives? The objectives of member nations of the United Nations in SATO. Those are supposed to be your friendly nations. Though at that conference in Burma, Red China wasn't allowed to come, though she was in the enemy's camp. These things are unexplainable from any normal standard, but not when you deal with the forked-tongue of Satan's children.
I turn over here now, then, this is what it says, when they shall have scattered the power of the Holy People, then all these things shall be finished. You know, the Kennedys have helped to scatter that power right now, too. The British are disturbed with us. The French are at odds with us. The Germans are at odds with us and all the people that are our natural allies are disturbed because of the fantastic direction that they seem to be taking in this great Nation of the Outstretched Wings of the Eagle of this same 12th Chapter of Revelations we referred to. They are out to battle you, these seed of Satan, these sons of Lucifer, the jews of Christ's identity and the Tares of Matthew. They are going to make war, it tells me in the 12th Chapter of Revelations in the last verse, against those that have the Commandments of God and the Testimony of Jesus Christ. If you want to know who ISRAEL is "THEY ARE THE PEOPLE WHO HAVE THE TESTIMONY OF JESUS CHRIST".
It may be good political propaganda for the Times and these papers to have a whole page of jewish activities in the synagogue going on every day in the newspaper, but let me tell you something, THAT'S NOT ISRAEL, THAT'S THE LIE, THAT'S THE USURPER. Through usurpation they have tried to take your place while they seek to destroy you and then laugh that they have taken you over and fooled you. Someone said, you wouldn't deport these people would you, Dr. Swift? I would deport every last one of them. Let me point out to you, since they have been working to accomplish the scattering of the Holy People, they have got us as close to this as they can and then the Scripture says, all those things shall be finished. It's the finishing part that I like. I turn now to the first verse of the 12th Chapter of the Book of Daniel. You say, what can we do under these circumstances? Well, the first thing, you had better start calling for Michael. You say, who is HE? Well, if we could charge your remembrance, when one day you stood in the presence of the Father and you saw the great struggle that was swirling off in the Milky Way and the mighty fleets of the Armies of the Most High and the great Archangel that was in command that served your Celestial Family, you would know that the one in charge of a thousand times a thousand, that's a million, times ten thousand times-ten thousand times a hundred million and the one in charge of that many space craft and all those fleets was MICHAEL. That was a long time ago and He has had a good many thousand years of experience at this. He's not just a new novice at interplanetary travel or space flight. Michael has a good record. He never wrecked a space craft or a good P.T. Boat and I'm mighty concerned right now about the wreckers in our ship of state. I would never trust a large ship to somebody that couldn't run a P.T. Boat.
Now, it tells me here in this 12th Chapter of the Book of Daniel that in that time, the time when they try to break the power of the Holy People, when they have infiltrated your land, when they seek to tell you how to change your culture, when they want to mongrelize your race, they want to subordinate you to a bunch of cannibals that look upon you as a hopeful meal, when they plan on socializing the world and reducing you to the status of political slaves, in that time, you are going to get some deliverance, you are just going to call. Now, you don't have to be ashamed to call, if you've got a Commander of as many crafts at His disposal as does Michael and you don't use them, you are foolish because I know to have a big victory, you try to do it all by yourselves. In that time shall Michael stand up that great Prince that stood up for the Children of thy people and there's going to be now a time of trouble such as there never has been since there was a Nation and at that same time, all thy people, the people of the Eternal, shall be delivered, every last one of them whose name was written in a Book, including every one of you in this room because your name was there from before the foundation of the world and HE said so! You ask a lot of preachers how we�er going to be delivered and they tell you we�er going to fly off in these space crafts, don't you believe it. We didn't come down here to fly away, we came down here to WIN!
It tells me over here in the Book of Luke, as Jesus was giving another approach to this subject, as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the days of the coming of the Son of Man. He said, the rascals have come in and whereas people did eat and drink and they married wives and they were giveing in marriage until the day that they entered the Ark and the flood destroyed this enemy around them. Now, He says, as it was in the days of Noah, so it's going to be in the days of the coming of the SON OF MAN. Someone says, there's nothing wrong with eating and drinking and giveing in marriage. No, depends on what you are eating. Something wrong with the way cannibals eat. Nothing wrong with giveing in marriage. Depends on who you marry because one of the principles that's a violation of Divine Law that brings the greatest catastrophes is the mongrelization of the Holy Seed and your race and it's because of this, that God wiped out the mongrelizers who by force are trying to absorb your society. There is nothing wrong with drinking if you are temperate, but there's a lot of drinking today that is not temperate and it's by this that a lot of the minds of your race has been bemused and subject to their control. Someone said, Dr. Swift, we don't want to get narrow-minded. Depends on what's involved in this. If we mean narrow concerning selecting God's people to do God's work to preserve God's Kingdom, then we've got to be very narrow, because it's a narrow road and this broad road to the United Nations is destruction and too many people are traveling down that road. "THERE IS A WAY THAT SEEMETH RIGHT UNTO MEN, but they have been sold a bill of goods, and THE END THEREOF IS CATASTROPHE, EN-SLAVEMENT, WAR AND DEATH".
Listen, likewise, as it was in the days of Lot when he went out of Sodom. So, God says, these are the ways it's going to be, there are two men together, one taken and one left; two women together, one taken and one left, in bed, at the mill, in the field, there's one taken and one left. Someone said, what does this mean? Is this a deliverance, is this the Kingdom of God gone away now? This is God with an intense salvation taking the tares away. Now, lets get the picture straight. It isn't the Kingdom of God and it isn't the Christians that are about to go somewhere. GOD SAID, WE ARE GOING TO GATHER THE TARES OUT FIRST! In fact, we don't have to wait for the Angels to do all of this, you can gather some of them in bundles. One Country was blamed for gathering them in bundles and burning them in ovens. This would have been prophetic, but they didn't do it. Almost all those bundles are walking around in Main St. Their six million story goes up in smoke. Their own Chief Rabbi from Berlin said, they only had a half of million over there before the war. That's before they got out and sold their properties and left.
I talked to one American who formerly dwelt in Germany and he had been met by a weeping jew that passed off for a doctor, killed about four or five people in surgery before they found out that he had never gone to a Medical School, now he transferred over to a builder of Hospitals. Anyhow, this jew had been trying to win the sympathy of a lot of people, telling about how all his family were put to death and burned in ovens, of his mother and his father, but he forgot who he told the story to and as this man took his leave from Germany, he met at the station just before he went to the airport, this jew, and he said, where are you going and he said, I'm going to Los Angeles, he says, well, my mother and father are down in Santa Monica with a great apartment hotel down there and a great elderly retirement plan program and he said, they put the money from selling their property here, before Hitler, in that hotel, I wanted to go visit them.
This man looked at him and he got white with anger and he said, you happen to forget that you are the phony doctor jew that was trying to play on our feelings and on our emotions by telling us how your mother and father were put to death in an oven. They've got a apartment hotel down in Santa Monica and the rest of the brothers are over here living on the moneys that they sold their properties for long ago. That's about what happened to most of these people, but that doesn't mean they are going to get away from this big oven because we are looking strictly on "THUS SAITH THE LORD" tonight. He said, the tares are going to be gathered out.
Now, if you go back to the other passage concerning the flood, you'll remember who was taken away and who was left. Noah and his wife and his sons and their wives, they were left. Up in that great Tarim-Basin Country where the flood occurred, the ones that were gone were all the unassimilatable offspring of Lucifer and the giants and the peculiar perversions of society that were seeking to destroy God's Kingdom, God took them all out of the way, drowned them and they were gone and in this other passage, He said, the ones that were taken out of the way, were the evil ones. When Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed, it wasn't Lot that disappeared, it was Sodom and Gomorrah that went up in smoke and I tell you this for in the Book of Matthew, it was the tares that are going to be taken away. Who�s going to do it? I'm sending My Holy Angels and My Administering Spirits and My People In The Earth and we are going to do this.
Jeremiah says these are bad FIGS, uneatable. Jesus cursed that FIG TREE because the fruit was not eatable and He said never would this TREE bring forth any eatable FRUIT again forever. The jews, the Chief Priests and the Saducees plotted how they might put Him to death because they perceived He spoke this thing against them. You know what God said? He said, I'm going to stir up My people, I'm going to gather My Fishermen and My Hunters and they are going to hunt these bad figs right out of the Country. You know, you don't mean that God meant that? Yes, He meant that. You know, one of the best sources of defense in these United States are sportsmen, that's why they are trying to disarm all the sportsmen, these people got kind of an inkling that their communism may be a boomerang and in the hour they try to overthrow us, it's going to be the sportsmen of America and the intelligent American Citizen that's prepared that's going to help defend his community. If these Mau Maus break out tomorrow because these tares have turned them loose on the wheat and you have to have defense, you have a mighty good Police Department here, but it's not big enough to take care of all the Mau Maus in the Los Angeles area. It's going to be the sportsmen that are going to stand up and help turn the tide. God says, we�er going to hunt and fish them right out of the land. Let me go a little further. God says, My People are going to be awakened, they are going to hear what's going on, they are going to get so angry, you know the most angry man I ever saw was a Preacher who taught all his life the jews were the chosen people. He found out who was behind the communist activities that tried to stamp out the Christmas Service in his community and then when he found out who they are and found out what the Bible said and found out how foolish he had been, he was the most angry man I ever saw. He needed a restraint. The last of the Book of Zechariah says, the wrath will rise up in thy countenance until there won't remain a Canaanite in the House of God. They somehow get an emanation of this and they leave.
They knocked at the door of Brazil and said, let us poor refugees in, there�re about to throw us in the ovens in the United States.
You know, Mr. Truman recognized ISRAELI and that was an error, but I wish they would go there, they wanted it so badly because we live in a NEW JERUSALEM. Listen! I'm going to send My Administering Spirits and they are going to take away the tares. I'M GOING TO GATHER THE TARES OUT FIRST.
Significant, right now, every awakening American should join with the great right wing and call for the Internal Security and Un-American Activities Committee to get more busy than they have ever been before, even add members to the Committee, don't take it and cut it down. We should be calling on the Government of the United States to protect us from this anti-Christian plot to destroy us. We should as a mighty spiritual force inside the Church, call on our Representatives to get us out of the United Nations NOW!, to abide by the Constitution NOW!, but never stop pointing out the tares.
I believe they may prematurely start their revolution and the judgement is going to fall on the creator of it in America and there is nothing that's going to be able to protect them. I think that you are going to find surprised moves that are not very far removed in which the enemy is going to use all of his sudden surprise and cunning betrayal to try to entrap you and frighten you with a great catastrophe. When Khrushchev threatened to blow up New York, the tares cried out "don't hit here, not at the present time". It wouldn't surprise me that one of the enemy's own designs to hurt you, will destroy tares. It will not surprise me that in the midst of one of the greatest struggles of all time, I can tell you something tonight that there is no question about the inevitablility of it because you are not only not alone, but there are moving through space and around this planet craft that are in the heavens that are in the thousands and the millions. As many times as not I can go into the High Sierra and turn loose the finest of astronomical equipment and in the course of a few hours find flying objects at great height or moving across the face of the moon. No, not an illusion. There aren't two nights that we cannot find or pick-up these objects moving through space around you, not meteors or not something that's following the course of the progression of the planets. I know we�er not alone. I know we�er very close to the end of the age. I know your Country has spent millions of dollars in investigation of this matter and they've never stopped. I know they have tried to suppress this because there are people who are afraid. I'm going to tell you this, when God moves in your defense, if there is any that haven't left, there will not remain one single jew in these United States that won't be gathered up and carried away by the space fleets of God, not a one. They will be carried away to the constellation of Ara, sometimes called THE ALTAR, sometimes called THE LAKE OF FIRE. They are going to be isolated out there, the saddest bunch of parasites in the world because they are going to have to produce by themselves and live on one another.
I listened to one silly Preacher over television the other day and he said, you know a great curse falls on any nation that doesn't bless the jews, if the jews leave that country, he's doomed. Well, some jew taught him that because if the jews left, it would be the greatest area of prosperity for the people that remained in all time and history. Don't let anyone tell you that if they go we�er doomed. You haven't had a just set of weights and measures and a sound economy since they tampered with it. Soneone said, well, how are we going to save their souls? Let me tell you something, Judas Iscariot was Satan's own son, was the typical jew, the only thing was he didn't ask as much as I would have expected him to ask. He was prophetically limited by prophecy when he sold Christ, but after walking with the Creator, Author God who stilled the wind and the waves, who opened the eyes of the blind, who once stopped deaf ears, who stopped funeral processions and restored the dead to the living, after he witnessed this, after he saw it closer than Rome did that believed according to its records, after he had gone through all these experiences, this son of Lucifer would sell his God. If you can, walk with Jesus for three years and not be converted, there is no Minister on the face of the earth that can convert one for what you have is the power that He had and I'm going to say this, that out there in the Constellation of Ara by the time we reach that endless era called the fullness of time, they are going to be willing to say FATHER, they are going to be willing to say GOD, this is the CREATOR, they are going to be willing to look at you and say each one of you are the CHILDREN OF GOD and we acknowledge that you are our superiors, we are going to worship the ONE GOD. You say, how long does that take? I don't know how many million years that takes, but there's plenty of time. I'm never going to miss them. God says, I'm going to gather the tares out first. Now, He didn't say you had to wait for that tare gathering. He said, you should start becoming aware now that you are at the end of the age and you are living spirits and you are administering spirits and you, also, are a part of this great commission of His.
I think it's time in this great Nation of God's Kingdom that we started limiting tare power right now. I think if we ever woke up as a society, and God's will we shall, and this year it's going to be a part of that and remove tares, why it will be one of the greatest revelations in History as to progress. If the tares were gone, the wheat stalks would fill right out. You wouldn't have any scarcity in the areas of finance. You wouldn't have any scarcity in the areas of food. There wouldn't be any scarcity of the fine houses out here in Beverly Hills. Let me tell you this, if you didn't have any tares in your country, you would suddenly stop supporting every evil purpose on the face of the earth with your tax money. If it wasn't for the tares, the Soviet Union would have to surrender. Did you ever stop and think about how much of the enemy you finance. This is his cunning. God tells you about how they have robbed you, how they have lived as parasites upon you. God says, what good is a clinging vine tree, it doesn't have any wood like the other trees of the field. The vine tree isn't any good and He said, these JEWS ARE A VINE TREE, THE INHABITANTS OF JERUSALEM ARE LIKE A PARASITE VINE, IT'S NOT GOOD FOR ANYTHING BUT TO BE CUT OFF THE TREE, and I tell you tonight that the taking away of the tares is the great project, it's just ahead as God moves in your Kingdom. He may use a lot of His Living Administering Spirits to help carry this out and a lot of them are going to be deported for their dual allegiance for their voting in Israeli elections in their local synagogue and for their plot against you. I sent My Administering Spirits and they gathered out the tares. The mighty fleets of Michael are going to gather them out. You say, well, how are they going to know? There is a lot more than you realize of the representation of heaven walking the streets in your midst that you'll ever see. There are already Angels unawares walking the streets of many of your cities and they possess a capacity of discernment that they know who is around. There is one thing I can tell you, there is nobody who is able to hide from your deliverers. Someone said, Dr. Swift, you don't really believe that this can really happen. I know it will happen and I know that as the anger rises in your countenance a lot of the tares are going to be gathered in bundles and they are going to leave your society for fear of this. Don't ever let anyone deceive you, these are peoples that live in the earth, walk around, ware clothes, cunningly do business with you and you who are the seed of God are the Children of God in the earth. Fear not little flock, you are the minority, you know you are only one-sixth of its population.
We love the Constitution of the United States, we love its freedoms, we love this great Nation, we love its Flag, but we despise its destroyers, its betrayers and its treasonable enemy. Because we love America and God's Kingdom and God's Plan, it is your responsibility and mine to try to take the tares out of power with all of the ingenuity at our command.