John Wilson and Edward Hine
By Marie King
John Wilson was born at Kilmarnock,
Scotland, in 1779 and commenced his Inquiry into the Israelitish origin of the
Anglo-Saxons in the year 1837. Studying at great length in the library of
Trinity College, Dublin, he succeeded in tracing the Anglo-Saxons as far back
as Media.
In the following year he gave a series
of lectures, which proved to be most successful. Owing to their popularity, he
published his lectures in book form in 1840 under the title Our
Israelitish Origin, in which he traced the migrations of the peoples of
Israel as they made their way across the continent of Europe to these Isles. He
brings evidence to bear from Diodorus and from Ptolemy, supporting the earlier
history of the Israelites. He studied the works of Rawlinson, Herodotus and
Josephus and quotes extensively from Sharon Turner.
The Lectures given by John Wilson
attracted the attention of very distinguished men, amongst them being none
other than the eminent Sharon Turner himself, also Piazzi Smyth (Astronomer
Royal for Scotland and one of the first interpreters of Great Pyramid
prophecy), the Rev. F. R. A. Glover (compiler of the genealogical chart of Her
Majesty Queen Victoria), and Dr. George Moore, author of The Lost Tribes, or
Saxons of the East and West.
It was at one of these lectures that
Edward Hine had his heart and his eyes opened to the glorious heritage, which
is ours. Upon the realization of the tremendous responsibilities of this, God�s
(Yahweh�s) servant nation, he from that time forward devoted a large part of
his life to the study of this wonderful truth, lecturing for several years in
England, Ireland and Scotland, later touring America for about three years.
His first book to be published was Seven
Identifications, followed by Twenty-seven Identifications. These
were soon increased to Forty-seven Identifications. Not long afterward
he started a monthly publication, Life from the Dead (1873); this was
followed by Leading the Nation to Glory, which was afterward renamed The
Glory Leader.
In Mr. Wilson�s house near St. Pancras
the �Anglo-Israel Association� was founded (1874). �The British-Israel Identity
Corporation� followed this about 1880, of which Edward Hine was the founder. A
weekly publication named The British-Israel and Judah Prophetic Messenger
and Universal News was started, which later was renamed The Messenger,
and later still changed its name once more to The Covenant People.
After the death of Edward Hine, The
Banner of Israel became the weekly journal of Anglo-Israelites throughout
the world. This journal, together with The Covenant People, was
incorporated in The National Message, which came into circulation two
years after the inauguration of the British-Israel World Federation (1921).
Let us conclude with a few words of
these two worthy gentlemen, quoting first the Rev. John Wilson:
Upon this nation, and
the �multitude of nations� to whom they have given and are giving birth in all
�the ends of the earth�, has fallen the lot of ministering the Word of the Lord
(Yahweh) to all the nations of the earth. God (Yahweh) has done for them, and
enabled them to do, great things for themselves and others. But in nothing have
they been more signally favored than in this, that to them has been committed
that which was taken from the Jews � the keeping of the oracles of God (Yahweh) �
the ministration of the Bread of Life to all [Israel] people � causing
to be proclaimed in all languages �the wonderful works of God (Yahweh).� Soon
may the Spirit be poured upon us from on High, giving a clearer understanding
of the words which have been uttered; so that all our lives and voices shall be
attuned to welcome our returning King, who is about to come forth in glorious
majesty to reign. ...
It is not my province
to write a book. ... I am without ambition that way; my great desire is to
serve my country, giving forth such flashes of light to the people as shall
convince them that they are the Heirs to the greatest temporal, political and
social blessings our God (Mighty One) has ever vouchsafed to any one particular
and distinct Nation.
Nation upon Earth preserved by an Oath
from God (Yahweh)�, concludes
with these words:
Hence it becomes a
very material thing to England to be identical with Israel, for while all
Gentile (heathen) Nations may, and most of them must, in a few years collapse,
we English, on the contrary, never will, because, if so, God (Yahweh) would be
unfaithful, and blessed be His great Name, that He never can be.
toward establishing the modern identity
of the Israel people.
�From The Youth Message, London,
Reproduced from Destiny Magazine, January
By: A. B. Grimaldi, M.A.
John Wilson was born at Kilmarnock, in
Ayrshire, in the Lowlands of Scotland, the same country made famous by its
greatest son, Robert Burns. Some unpublished poetical pieces by Wilson, which I
obtained from his daughter, may be the result of his reading the poems of the
great poet of the Lowlands. John Wilson was born June 8, 1788, (notice
discrepancy of date of birth in article by Marie King) his parents being
educated, intelligent and religious members of the Established Church. His
father, also John Wilson, had two sons. After a home education he went to the
Glasgow University where he labored diligently in the prescribed course, as is
proved by his college notebooks which came into my possession. There he studied
Latin, Greek, Hebrew, Logic, Philology and the Scriptures. He also attended
Greville Ewing�s Theological Academy, and a book of Skeleton Sermons is
among his extant manuscripts. He showed a decided talent for languages, and in
two weeks obtained a sufficient knowledge of Hebrew to pass the preliminary
examination. It had been the intention that he should enter the Scotch
ministry, but being of a very independent mind, he thought he could be more
useful as a layman.
Enters Public Work
On finishing his collegiate studies, he
spent some years in private study, teaching, lecturing and preaching. At this
time phrenology (study of the character of an individual thought to be revealed
in conformation of the skull) was attracting attention. Wilson took it up and
made a deep study of it as founded on the Scriptures. When proficient, he gave
lectures and developed characteristics. His application of phrenological
principles to Gospel teachings was a remarkable and unique feature of his
From the first he was a very close, deep
student of the Bible, and among his manuscripts are several volumes of notes
upon most books of the Bible; and voluminous manuscript on the �Animals of the
Bible�, considered nationally, historically, symbolically, analogically. Etc.
Wishing for a larger sphere of labor, he
entered England and after lecturing on phrenology and other subjects for some
time, he passed over to Ireland. In 1828 he took part in the Dublin City
Mission work, also in that of the Irish Evangelical Society, and assisting
Daniel Hasmith. In 1830 he wrote on the �Law and the Lord�s Prayer�, in the Dublin
While staying at Mr. Lyng�s, at Dysart
Ennis, some Romanists, instigated by their priest, drew up a Memorial against
him and Mr. Wyng, another devoted evangelist, and attacked the latter�s house.
In 1838 he lectured on Scriptural
phrenology with great success at Cork, and also at Clonmel. He was now adding
greatly to his collection of books and reading very extensively.
Rediscovery Of Israel
John Wilson�s mother had early called
his attention to the extraordinary blessings pronounced on Joseph for the later
days (Genesis 49). After conducting an evening service at Cork one Sunday, Miss
Cummins of Glenmire asked him the meaning of Jacob�s prediction of Joseph, �His
bow abode in strength� (Genesis 49:24). He confessed his ignorance, but
proposed they should both study the matter and compare notes the next Sunday.
With his usual thoroughness and energy,
Wilson, during the week, read, searched and pondered concerning this subject.
One day he accidentally, as it seemed, discovered in the Saturday Magazine where
it mentioned that Sir John Fortescue, an English medieval judge declared that
�The might of the realme of Englande standyth upon her archers�, and observed
that all the great battles of England, i.e., Cressy, Pocctiers,
Agincourt, etc., were gained by the English long bow.
Wilson was greatly struck with this, and
while pondering it deeply, a light (he said) seemed to flash into his mind,
with the thought, �Can there be any connection between the bow of Joseph and
the bow of England?� He dedicated the rest of the week to this line of
investigation, and when he met Miss Cummins on Sunday, told her he was not yet
fully prepared with an answer but had gained such an insight that he would soon
give a lecture on it. He purchased Henry�s voluminous History of England,
read at Trinity College Library, Dublin, obtained fresh books from old book
shops and friends, and at length obtained sufficient evidence to lay the matter
before others in a lecture.
Begins His Public Witnessing
After further study and obtaining
further confirmations, he gave his first course of lectures upon �Ancient
Israel�, in one of the Dublin theaters in 1837. He repeated them in Cork and
Rev. G. Roe of Kilkenny assisted him in them there. In all these places they
excited great interest.
In 1838 he gave his course at
Booterstown and in that year he met Robert Mimpriss, whom he convinced, and
they remained firm friends, and often co-workers, for life. Some of the other
leading Christians who became friends of Wilson were Glover, Bickersteth,
Campbell, Macneil, Grant and Yates. In 1839 he delivered his lectures in the
north of Ireland, while residing in Dublin, using a very large map of Israel�s
progress from Media to the West. In Ireland he was very much encouraged by the
interest excited and the sympathy he met.
Work In England
This success determined Wilson to enter
upon the larger field of England. He commenced in 1840 with courses at
Liverpool, Leamington, Kenelworth, Warwick and Cheltenham, receiving great
appreciation from large and most attentive audiences, who generally requested a
repetition of the lectures. Many questions, objections, etc., were brought
forward after each lecture, and these gave additional evidence, as his answers
always either convinced or silenced his objectors by their masterly character.
Many now requested him to print his lectures and at length friends in Liverpool
enabled him to bring out his first work entitled Our Israelitish Origin in
1840. (This and subsequent publications mentioned in this article are not now
available, e.d.) It had a large
scale, and five editions have appeared, that in 1876 were edited, revised and
enlarged by his daughter. His influence in preparing the way for other workers
has been enormous, making him truly the father of the rediscovery of Israel.
Cheltenham And London
In 1841 he resided at Cheltenham, where
Mimpriss was settled as a publisher and map engraver. There he gave lectures
and issued some small but valuable tracts on Israel.
He still gave information and advice on
Scriptural phrenology and among his papers I found a copy of his Bookplate, which
I conclude was engraved at that time by Mimpriss. It has on it a collection of
accurately engraved skulls, lying in different positions, marked with sectional
names, while beneath is: �J. Wilson, Professor of Phrenology.� There is a copy
of it in the great Franks Collection of Bookplates in the British Museum, No.
32087. Castle has engraved it also (English Bookplates, 1894, p. 140).
Wilson�s first meeting in London was
held that same year, but he continued to hold Bible classes at Cheltenham as well.
His first London meetings were presided over by the excellent Bishop Alexander
of Jerusalem; whose remarkable tomb, with inscriptions in English, German,
Greek and Hebrew, I saw in the Protestant cemetery on Mount Zion when at
Jerusalem in 1908.
In 1842 Wilson issued a series of
valuable millennial tracts, which he afterward published as a book entitled The
Millennium. He now planned a Christian Association for the systematic and
deep study of Israel, etc., but I am not aware that he met much encouragement
in this. He gave lectures at Birmingham, and on June 21, and 22, he held a
public discussion at Cheltenham with Campbell, a follower of Robert Owen, the
Welsh Socialist.
In 1843 Wilson lectured for the last
time at Bristol, also at Carlisle, Kilmarnock, Glasgow and London. He engaged a
chapel in Aldersgate, city of London calling it the Witness Hall, and gave
services on Sunday, and Israel lectures on weekdays. It was here that Edward
Hine, when 15, heard for the first time about Israel. Wilson also lectured at
Bath and published his Phrenology Consistent with Reason and Revelation.
Palestine And The
In 1843 Wilson issued a monthly paper
called The Time of the End while residing at Islington (Memoir of
Edward Hine, 1909, p. 12). He lectured at Reading, held open-air services
at Blackburn and had discussions with Secularists.
In 1845 Wilson lectured at Carlisle,
Newcastle and other northern towns, continuing his services at the Witness
Hall. He thought he ought to visit Palestine, but Mimpriss at that time asked
his help in his great work, The Gospel Harmony Treasury. He had prepared
elaborate maps to explain Christ�s life, but desired notes to accompany them.
Wilson considered this a providential call to prepare a work that would supply
the rising generations with Scriptural knowledge, of which he found great
ignorance, and so prepare them to receive Israel truth. He therefore gave up
Palestine and gave himself to this work with great ardor and labor.
In 1846 he published his Book of
Inheritance, a less popular [work] because a deeper book than his first. He
lectured at Carlisle and Keswick, while Cockermouth, Penrith, Alston and Hexham
are also mentioned. Among his Carlisle hearers was Mr. Louthian, a retired
farmer, and he was so much impressed with Israel truth that he sold his
property and settled in Beyrout, where he introduced various improvements,
helped to establish schools and wrote, advertising others to settle in
Palestine and help to prepare the people for Israel�s return.
In 1847 Wilson published various
excellent Tracts on Israel, and induced others to do the same; also Questions
On Our Israelitish Origin. He lectured, by request, at the Egyptian Hall,
Piccadilly, London, on a large Model of Jerusalem, receiving remuneration, and
also visited Lancaster and discussed Scripture subjects with some infidels.
In 1848 Wilson lectured to good
audiences at Plymouth and opposed the removal of Jewish political disabilities
in a pamphlet entitled Forty Reasons for Resisting the Removal of the Jewish
In 1849 he worked on the Treasury
Harmony, at Hastings, where he had removed for greater seclusion; also
lecturing at the Egyptian Hall and visiting Bodnien.
In 1851 he wrote an essay called A
Vindication of Christ�s Character as a Prophet, not printed until 1879.
This is a masterly and unanswerable work, perhaps his finest intellectual
effort. In 1853 he lectured at Hurstmonceaux, Worthing, Brighton, to which
latter place he permanently removed. In 1855 he prepared a most elaborate Index
to the Treasury Harmony and an abstract of the Apocalypse.
The Treasury Harmony was received
with the greatest satisfaction and approval. It became the foundation and
pattern for all subsequent Scripture teachers and manuals and passed through
various editions. Its influence has been incalculable. These three great
undertakings of John Wilson, viz: his Israel lectures, his Israel
writings and the Gospel Harmony, prepared the ground for the rapid
reception of Israel truth by other workers later on. [It is not clear whether �Treasury
Harmony� is the same as �Gospel Harmony� or two different works by
In 1856 Wilson gave a course of lectures
upon the mission of Elijah to prepare all Israel for the Second Advent. In 1857
he held discussions with working men at King�s Cross, London upon atheism and
created very favorable impressions. His arguments are of remarkable lucidity,
logical cleverness and depth and were printed in a little book entitled The
Being of God, which had a large circulation. He also conducted open-air
services on the Level and at the Battery at Brighton. In the years 1858 and
1859, Wilson continued his open-air religious services at Brighton, where, at
the same time, he was engaged in important Sunday School work, connected with a
Presbyterian Church.
His Last Labors
In 1860 he lost his devoted wife, who
had aided him in all his educational, Israelite and Christian labors. She died
October 13 and was interred in Brighton cemetery. In 1861 Wilson published his Mission
of Elijah, a remarkable work, of which Mrs. Melville issued a second
edition, to which I contributed an Introduction in 1881. He also gave courses
of lectures at Brighton.
In 1863 and 1864, he continued his
studies in Scriptural phrenology, giving lessons and characters (genetic
origins) and writing on the subject in the Brighton Gazette, which
letters were afterward issued as a booklet.
In 1866 Wilson commenced his monthly
magazine, The Watchmen of Ephraim, an unequalled periodical of Israelite
literature, and it was continued until 1868. His health then visibly declined.
In 1870 he issued his last work, The Migrations of the English People, which,
like his first, was upon the subject of Israel. He then gradually sank until,
full of faith, peace and love; he quietly passed from his labors, cares and
trials here below. His revered remains were accompanied by a large number of
persons to the cemetery, where they were laid beside his wife�s. A well
executed granite headstone was erected bearing these words: �Here Rest The
Mortal Remains of John Wilson, Author of �Our Israelitish Origin� And of His
Faithful Helpmeet, Agnes Wallace Wilson. �In sure and certain hope of the Resurrection
to Eternal Life Through our Lord Jesus Christ.��
His coat of arms is on the cover of Lights
and Shadows by Elizabeth Wilson, 1881. It contains a wolf rampant, under
three stars, with a demi-wolf for crest, and �Facta non Verba,� (deeds
not words) for the motto. The name Wilson is said to be derived from wolf, the
zodiacal emblem of Benjamin; the stars are taken as referring to Ephraim,
Manasseh and Benjamin.
His son Rev. E. S. Wilson, became Vicar
of Winterton, married and died, but had no family. Another son John, went to
Beyrout but died in Syria, young and unmarried. His daughter, Elizabeth,
married Mr. Alexander Melville and died without issue.
John Wilson�s life, works, and labors
were all of a remarkable character, showing originality, learning and piety in
a high degree. His perseverance, strength of will, kindness of heart, love of
his fellowmen, strength and purity of character, were all of a very high order;
and he was marked out to become under Providence, a great leader and teacher �
to be, in fact, the father of the rediscovery of Israel.
Reproduced from Destiny Magazine,
November 1950.
Who Was Sharon Turner
By Marie King
Sharon Turner was a widely read and
profoundly learned historian. He was also an eminent London attorney and was in
practice for himself in the Temple until failing health forced him to retire.
For the remainder of his life he used talents in studying, for historical
purposes, the origin of the Anglo-Saxons from the Cottonian Library of the
British Museum. He was born in London in 1768 and died there in 1847.
In his day, and for a number of years
afterwards, historians constantly quoted him as an authority upon Anglo-Saxon
origins, life and literature. The English Cyclopaedia, published in
1857, says of him: �He was the first English author who had taken the pains, or
had had sufficient knowledge, to investigate the valuable remains left to us in
Anglo-Saxon records. He consulted the original manuscripts with great industry
and intelligence, and the result has been that, though his views have been more
than once assailed, they have been generally sustained, and that the study of
Saxon literature has been more appreciated and the authenticity of his
materials more generally understood. The work History of the Anglo-Saxons soon
took a permanent place in the historical literature of the country.� To which
the Dictionary of National Biography adds that his writings are �almost
as complete a revelation as the discoveries of Layard.�
P. W. Thompson, in his book Britain
in Prophecy and History, writes: �From the fact of his having enjoyed a
pension of �300 during the last years of his life it would appear that his
contemporaries thought highly of him.� Sir Edmund Gosse speaks of him as �a
careful imitator of Gibbon, who illustrated the Anglo-Saxon period of our
chronicles.� Lord Macaulay refers to Turner�s History as an authority
consulted by him in his researches concerning Sedgemoor. The elder Disraeli
wrote of Turner in terms of warm appreciation: �Hume despatches, comparatively
in a few pages, a subject which has afforded to the fervid diligence of my
friend, Sharon Turner, volumes precious to the antiquary, the lawyer, and the
philosopher� (page 68). Again, on pages 166-167: �Now, remembering in what
estimate Southey held his Life of Wesley, when regarded in its relative
order of importance as contrasted with others of his own works, it is
illuminating to be faced with the fact that Robert Southey, D.C.L., Poet
Laureate, one of the most deservedly appreciated authors of his own day, could
find no worthier recipient for the dedication of this favorite book than his
esteemed friend Sharon Turner. This, remember, is the deliberate judgment of a
contemporary; Southey could afford to be independent in his choice in
conferring the honour, and he chose Turner for the highest honour which he, as
a foremost writer, had it in his power to bestow.� These extracts help us to
see the esteem with which Sharon Turner was held in his day.
In his History of the Anglo-Saxons he
tells us three successive waves of people populated Europe � first the
Kimmerian, then the Scythian, Gothic and �German�, and lastly the Slavonian.
The inhabitants of Britain are descended from the Kimmerians and Scythians
(Book I). The second stock is peculiarly interesting to us, because from its
branches the Anglo-Saxons, Lowland Scotch, Normans, Danes, Norwegians, Swedes,
among others, have unquestionably descended (Book II). At some period after the
Kimmerians reached the shores of the North Sea a portion of them passed over
and settled themselves in Britain. �It is agreed by the British antiquaries
that the most ancient inhabitants of our island were called Cymry. The Welsh, who
are their descendants, have always called themselves Cymry. ... The Cymry of
Britain have sprung from the continental Kimmerians, who were once sovereigns
of the Kimmerian Bosphorus (Crimea).�
After the Kimmerians, came the
Scythians, and the Saxons who came to Britain in the fifth century A.D. were a
Scythian tribe. Sharon Turner says the name �Saxon� was derived from �Sacae�
(Sakai), and traces the Saxons back to the region of the Crimea. The Behistun
inscription of Darius the Great shows that �Sacae� was the Persian name for a
people vaguely called �Gi-mi-ri� (�the tribes�) by the Babylonians. The Black
Obelisk of Shalmaneser, now in the British Museum, calls the Israelites of the
ten-tribed House of Israel, Khumri. The Assyrians called the House of Israel
Beth-Khumri, or �the House of Omri� (Omri was pronounced Khumri, the initial
vowel being guttural), after Omri one of the most notorious of their kings (I
Kings 16:16). It is well known that our Anglo-Saxon ancestors at one time
inhabited the region now known as the Crimea. We see, therefore, that in the
region where Bible history leaves the ten-tribed House of Israel, secular
history finds our own ancestors.
In quoting Sharon Turner we must remember
that the Anglo-Saxons, etc., are not of German origin. The fact that they
passed through the region now known as Germany does not constitute them
Germans. The following testimonies of the noted ethnologists are of great
importance and value. Professor W. J. Ripley: �This ethnological comparison
proves that the Anglo-Saxon peoples must be of an entirely different stock from
the present German race, and that they therefore do not belong to the Teuton
stock.� Dr. Latham: �Throughout the whole length and breadth of Germany there
is not a village, hamlet, or family which can show definite signs of descent
from the continental ancestors of the Angles of England. There is ample
evidence of the whole Anglo-Saxon peoples leaving Germany.� The Anglo-Saxon
Chronicles state that when the Angles and Saxons came across to Britain
they came in a body, leaving few of their kindred behind. The modern Saxons,
living in Southern Germany, in the main are not the descendants of the ancient
Saxons, but of other tribes who adopted this name.
So with regard to
the Germans we cannot agree with the eminent Sharon Turner, but as far as we
know he knew nothing of British-Israel identity. He was a great historian and
in his work has rendered us an invaluable service. [Marie King�s opinions
concerning the Germans should be scrutinized, as this was a common stance of
�British Israel Identity� to justify British hostility against the Germans, and
at the same time, embrace the bad fig, Cain-Satanic-Edomite-Canaanite �Jews.� c.a.e.]
�From Youth Message, London,
Reproduced from Destiny Magazine, July
The Ten Lost Tribes Of
The Anglo-Celto-Saxons
Edward Hine
[Previously Abridged]
What Edward Hine Saw
As stated in my first Epistle, I did not
aspire, at the time I sat down to commit my thoughts to paper for the issue of
this Work, to add conspicuously to the literature of the country [England]. I
found myself in possession of light that I had received in boyhood [15 years
old], which had taken so firm a hold upon my mind as to be always present with
me, and under the influence of which I invariably read the Word of God. The
matter grew upon me, until, in the course of years, I clearly saw that the
Identity of the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel was the one grand essential [message]
of the age � the one thing to be accomplished before the sublime conceptions of
the mind of the Almighty, given forth in His eternal Word, could be realized
before the entire [Israel] nations of the earth, constituting in them the Call
to seek [their already purchased] Redemption in Christ (Yahshua), when all
creation shall be engrossed in the all-absorbing theme of Glory unto Him.
By an influence, not of earth, I have
been led to come before the Nation [England] with my views. The Almighty has
sanctioned my effort. No other power but His has led to such great success. I
put forth my Work solely in faith, that Yahweh would give to it His Breath of
Life. The Work of the Identity I took to be the Work of Yahweh, and in faith
left it to Him to give the success; so that, without advertising, within three
years the result has been that two hundred thousand copies have been sold. The
Work has gone to all parts of the world � it has been reproduced in America,
and in some of the Colonial newspapers; gone largely throughout Germany and
other Continental States; has brought me fifteen thousand letters of high
commendation; and has caused me to stand before many thousands of our people at
lectures, conferences, and so forth. Taking a fair average, each copy of the
Work has been read by ten persons, so that the minds of more than a million
people have been exercised by its influence [probably by many, but presumably
an over estimate]. This surely, beyond a doubt, justifies the statement, that
the success has come by the power of Yahweh; and seeing this, we are led to
believe that the Work, really successful so far, is yet but in its infancy �
because, if owned by Yahweh, it becomes glorified by the power of truth; and
the whole nation must come to it, so that the numerous numbers of readers
obtained thus far represents but a fraction of the many who cannot help coming
to the study of this great subject.
I have been pained by oftentimes hearing
the questions asked, �Well if we are Identical with the Ten Tribes of Israel,
what difference will it make? What object will be gained or results realized?�
Epistle to the
The Identity of the Anglo-Saxons with
the Ten Lost Tribes will, among other vital points, realize the following
It will supply the grandest
evidence of the truth of Yahweh�s Word ever yet given, 2 Peter 1:19, 21.
It will lead infidel
Israelites to believe the Sacred Scriptures, Isaiah 41:21-22.
It will give Yahweh His
full glory before all Nations, Isaiah 45:17, 19; 63:14.
It will secure the
outpouring of the Spirit upon all Israel, Isaiah 32:13-15; 60:1-2.
It will ultimately reveal
and unite true Israel, Hosea 1:10.
It will give us kinsman
unity, Isaiah 52:8.
It will exalt us to the
position of �The righteous nation�, Isaiah 26:1-2; 60:21.
It will secure for the
country righteous legislation, Deuteronomy 4:8; Psalm 147:19-20.
It will give us equitable
taxation, Isaiah 60:17.
It will give us rest from
war, securing for us �Jacob�s rest,� Leviticus 26:7-8; Isaiah 26:12.
It will secure for us
abounding prosperity, Isaiah 35:10.
It will restore Israel to
her former status of peace and economic well-being, Jeremiah 30:10.
It will empty prisons when
fully understood, Isaiah 60:18
It will secure to our
Israel countries a general amnesty, Deuteronomy 15:6.
It will abolish pauperism
and establish a common kinsmanship, Isaiah 32:18.
It will end our sighing and
sorrowing, Jeremiah 31:10, 12.
It will give us universal
gladness and rejoicing for our people, Isaiah 60:21.
It will secure for us
Ministers of Yahweh�s Word after His own heart, Jeremiah 3:15.
It will obliterate the
errors of religious Ritualism, Jeremiah 33:7, 14.
It will secure the
restoration of the Tribe of Judah (not the Jews), Isaiah 11:12.
It will secure Yahweh�s
long promised blessings and glory upon us, Joel 2:24, 27.
It will lead to our
darkness being made light, and crooked things straight, Isaiah 42:12, 16.
It will remove the veil of
blindness presently upon all Israel nations, Isaiah 52:12.
It will manifest the
Almighty power of Yahweh in sight of all [Israel], Isaiah 55:12.
will [be the means to] fulfill the Covenants made by Yahweh with our
forefathers, Isaiah 63:14.
It will lead to a speedy
conversion of the many nations of Israel in Yahweh, Isaiah 54:8.
(aa) It will lead to the coming of Yahshua�s
Kingdom in the earth, and prepare the way for His Second Advent, Acts 1:11.
The time is now at hand when Yahweh will
bless us more largely than ever. He promises to do this to Israel long before
our swords are beaten into plough shares (sic). The positive promise that He
�will do better unto us than at our beginnings�, Ezekiel 36:11, is almost
immediate; we shall begin to realize this directly after we have effected our
Identity Nationally. Yahweh will not affect it for us, without inquiry from us,
Ezekiel 36:37, therefore let the Ekklesia plead for it: it is our duty; it is
vital to us, for when established, it is our Peace. The disciples were
Israelites, of the tribe of Benjamin; that one tribe that was purposely left behind
to be a light in Jerusalem in the days of Yahshua, I Kings 11:13, 32, 36.
Yahshua privately instructed these Israelites about the very times in which we
now live, Matthew 24:3. They wanted to know about the latter days, and were
told that the last days would not be until:
Ye hear of wars, and rumors of wars ...
nation shall rise against nation,
and kingdom against kingdom ... and
there shall be famines ... and
pestilences ... and earthquakes (Luke
[At this point, I am deleting a paragraph,
as I believe if Edward Hine could have seen into the future during his lifetime
in the 1800�s, he would not have written what he did in this space.]
In the foregoing, I simply hint at the
grand temporal and political blessings Yahweh is now waiting to pour upon us
when our Identity with Israel is seen by us. But my primary object is the Glory
and Success of the Church of Christ; by this I do not mean Establishments, or
Denominationalism. Of these we have had enough, but the embodying and consolidating
of the Christians of our land and possessions into one united body; the
bringing about of that glorious time when we shall all see �Eye to Eye� with
each other in the Service of God, and All worship Him with �One Consent�: Ye
that love Yahweh � this time can never arrive until after Lost Israel is
reorganized. I confidently challenge the learned of our Country [England] to
produce a single passage from Yahweh�s Word promising such an event before
Israel�s discovery ... Such a result would be contrary to what the Bible
declares shall be; ourselves, i.e., Israel as a Lost people, were commissioned
first to preach the Gospel among all people as a witness; this we have done,
and have secured the only result that was ever promised to this witness [more
The Identifications
Our most famous Seats of Learning �
Universities, Colleges, Schools, etc., � have for centuries past been set at
defiance by their inability to solve two important and vital questions: 1st �
Where are the Lost Tribes of Israel? 2nd � Who were the real Progenitors of the
My object in coming prominently before
the country [England] is to prove that the Anglo-Saxons are identical with the
Lost Ten Tribes; and to do this, I propose to advance many and positive
Identifications, that shall be supported by 500 Scriptural proofs.
It is needless to enter into the early
history of Israel. The reader is supposed to know that the Twelve Tribes were
once united under one king, and afterward became divided into two kingdoms �
the House of Israel under King Jeroboam, and the House of Judah under King
Rehoboam. They have been separated ever since. It is most important to bear
this separation in mind because it is through our people not generally remembering
this fact that so many errors are made, and the prophecies of the Bible become
misunderstood. When Yahweh, in prophecy, speaks to the House of Israel, He does
not refer to the �Jews�; and when He refers to Judah, it is generally as
distinct from Israel. Yet it is a most common mistake with biblical students to
think that when God (Yahweh) speaks to the House of Israel He always refers to
the �Jews.� Even among themselves, when an Israelite is spoken of, the
conclusion is jumped at, directly, that a �Jew� is referred to. Every
knowledgeable �Jew� will readily confess that the Ten Tribes are not now among
their people. A �Jewish� scholar told me recently, that not only do the �Jews�
know these Tribes to be lost, but they firmly believe that, wherever they are,
a descendant from David is reigning over them. The Scriptural House of Judah is
composed of Two tribes [really three] � i.e., Judah, Benjamin and Levi [and are
not the same as the �Jews�]. These [tribes] are not the �Jews� of the present
day. They [the bad fig, Cain-Satanic-Edomite-Canaanite �Jews�] never have been
lost, it being the desire of the Almighty that they should be known wherever
they go by all people, (Isaiah 3:9).
At the time of the separation, and up to
the siege of Jerusalem under Titus, the House [the remnant nation] of Judah
contained the Tribe of Benjamin. But that Tribe separated from [the remnant
nation of] Judah before the siege, by virtue of the prophecy commanding them to
do so (Jeremiah 6:1), so that Benjamin is not now with the [bad fig,
Cain-Satanic-Edomite-Canaanite] �Jews.� Indeed, it is almost unpardonable to
allude to the �Jews� as embodying Judah and Benjamin.
The term Ephraim is synonymous with
Israel, and embodies the Ten Tribes as a consolidated people. Manasseh is a
thirteenth Tribe, decreed by the Almighty to be a great people � i.e., a
distinct nationality; nevertheless Ephraim was to �be greater than he� (Genesis
48:19) � that is, a distinct nationality from Manasseh. Ephraim and Manasseh
must be two distinct nations, though of the same stock. Therefore, in seeking
for Lost Israel, we need not deal with Manasseh for the present.
[The following underlined is an error
concerning the �Jews� on the part of Edward Hine.] The Jews are �of Israel�,
purely Israelites [absolutely not true], but the people of the Ten
Tribes were never �Jews.� This is an important distinction to bear in mind [man
is it ever!]. Scripture often speaks of Judah under the term of Israelites,
especially the Prophet Ezekiel; yet when this term is applied to Judah, and it
becomes needful to distinguish the Ten Tribes from her, it is done by using the
terms �all Israel�, �the whole House of Israel�, �the House of Israel wholly.�
These terms are copyright to Israel and never applied to Judah. [It is apparent
that Edward Hine in these early years of this newfound evidence that the
Anglo-Saxons and related peoples were Israelites, he was totally unable to
distinguish the difference between the Tribe of Judah and the bad fig,
Cain-Satanic-Edomite-Canaanite �Jews.� His message is otherwise great. Some
people are still making this same tragic mistake today.]
The Ten Tribes are at the present time
inheriting an entirely different class of prophecies to those that apply to the
�Jews�; by examining just a few of them, we cannot fail to see the marvelous
distinction of the two Houses, as those applying to Judah are known by us all
to have an actual fulfillment among the �Jews� of this day. It is only logical
to conclude that the prophecies given of Israel must also, in our own days, be
having an equally positive and literal fulfillment. The Scripture references
are all from the Prophets, and apply respectively to each House during their
times of exile � i.e., each class must receive fulfillment contemporaneously
with each other; therefore, while Israel was under blessings, Judah at the same
time must be under curses. [Actually there are three different groups of people
here rather than two: (1) The House of Israel (2) The House of Judah and (3)
the bad fig, Cain-Satanic-Edomite-Canaanite �Jews.� There are correspondingly
three types of prophecies that must be separated from each other. The true
Israelites of the Tribes of Judah, Benjamin and a few of Levi were incorporated
into the other ten tribes. When the remnant of Benjamin left Jerusalem in 70
A.D., all, which were left, were the bad fig, Cain-Satanic-Edomite-Canaanite
�Jews.� I will try to correct Edward Hine whenever he goes in the wrong
The Lost Tribes
When Last Heard Of
Bible students know that the House of
Israel went into captivity about B.C. 725. This was the Assyrian captivity,
from which they have never returned. The reader must remember that the Assyrian
captivity of Israel and the Babylonish captivity of Judah are not the same,
because Judah remained in the land about 134 years after Israel�s captivity.
[Edward Hine is not including the portion of Tribe of Judah that was taken into
the Assyrian captivity with the Ten Northern Tribes. Actually all of Judah
except Jerusalem was taken into Assyrian captivity. Evidently Edward Hine was
not aware of this part of Judah�s history, as so with many others who are also
not aware of this today. (This history of Judah being taken into Assyrian
captivity happened under Sennacherib, 705-681 B.C.) We have to appreciate
Edward Hine, though, for his efforts and for what truth he knew in his day.]
Judah [the remnant left after the Assyrian invasions] was not captive until
about B.C. 588 (2 Kings 25), and then for 70 years, whereas the records of the
Scriptures, which include the return of the Jews (Judahites, some pure, but
many mixed) from Babylon (2 Chronicles 36:21-23; Zechariah 7:5), declare most
emphatically, that though the Jews (Judahites, some pure, but many mixed) had
returned from the Babylonish captivity the Ten Tribes had not [returned from
Assyria]. Saying �So was Israel carried away out of their own land to Assyria
unto this day� (2 Kings 17:23; 1 Chronicles 5:26), which can only mean that up
to the day that these historical books were compiled, Israel had not returned,
but were still �in the cities of the Medes� (2 Kings 17:6), and that they
remained in the region of Media even in the days of Yahshua and the times of
the Apostles, we may be quite sure, because when Yahshua commanded them to:
Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and
into any city of the Samaritans
enter ye not: but go rather to the lost
sheep of the House of Israel
(Matthew 10:5).
� They went into this very region; so
that in going after these �lost sheep�, i.e., these exiled tribes, in order
that the Scripture might have fulfillment which says, �Yet does He devise
means, that His banished be not expelled from Him� (2 Samuel 14:14), they went
into the very neighborhood of Media, and thence to Pamphylia, Galatia,
Cappadocia, Bithynia, Illyricum, and by the region of the Euxine Sea. In favor
of this, we have the testimony of Josephus, for he says:
But, then, the entire body of the people
of Israel remained in that
country; wherefore there are but two
Tribes in Asia and Europe subject
to the Romans, while the Ten Tribes are
beyond Euphrates till now, and
are an immense multitude, and not to be
estimated by numbers.
The Identity � The object of the Identity is to show
that in the very region, and at the very time that the exiled Tribes are
clearly traced in the days of the Apostles, there the ancestors of the British
people are also traced.
Prove from history that our ancestors
came from the very quarter where Israel was last heard of, and we obtain a
grand advantage at the very outset of our pursuit. Who were the ancestors of
the Anglo-Saxons? Sharon Turner says in his �Anglo-Saxons� (volume 1, pages
It is peculiarly
interesting to us, because from its branches not only our own immediate
ancestors, but also those of the most celebrated nations of modern Europe, have
unquestionably descended. The Anglo-Saxons, Lowland Scotch (sic), Normans,
Danes, Belgians, Lombards, and Franks, have all sprung from the great fountain
of the human race, which we have distinguished by the terms �Scythian, German,
or Gothic.�
According to Herodotus, �The first scenes of their civil existence, and have
their progressive power, was in Asia, to the east of the Araxes.� (The
identical part, which Israel had been, carried captive.) �Here they
multiplied and extended their territorial limits for some centuries, unknown to
Europe.� The account of Diodorus is, �That the Scythians, formerly
inconsiderable and few, possessed a narrow region on the Araxes; but by
degrees, they became more powerful in numbers and in courage. They extended
their boundaries on all sides; till, at last, they raised their nation to great
empire and glory ... In the course of time they subdued many nations between
the Caspian and Moeotis, and beyond the Tanais.� �In the time of Herodotus they
had gained an important footing in Europe, and had taken a westerly direction.�
Having reference expressly to the Saxons, Sharon Turner observes, �They were
German or Teutonic, i.e., a Gothic or Scythian tribe, and of the various
Scythian nations which have been recorded, the Sakai, Sacae, are the people
from whom the descent of the Saxons may be inferred, with the least violation
of probability. They defeated Cyrus, and reached Cappadoces (Cappadocia) on the
Euxine. That some of the divisions of this people were really called Sakasuna
is obvious from Pliny; for he says that the Sakai, who settled in Armenia, were
named Sacassani, which is but Saka-Suna, spelt by a person who was acquainted
with the meaning of the combined words� ... It is also important to remark,
that Ptolemy mentions a Scythian people sprung from the Sakai, by the name of
These extracts are invaluable to our
purpose, as they call to our aid
Strabo, Herodotus, Diodorus, Pliny, and
Ptolemy, to prove that our
so-called Saxon ancestors came from the
parts where Israel was lost. In
obedience to our Almighty�s command, we
find the Apostles making their
journeys to the precise localities where
our British forefathers then were.
When Did Israel�s
Captivity Take Place?
The captivity of Israel took place about
B.C. 721 � i.e., about the eighth century before Yahshua. This becomes a most
important fact to remember, as it brings out a most telling distinction from
the Babylonish captivity of Judah, which did not take place until B.C. 588, or
the sixth century before Yahshua.�
Israel�s captivity was complete. �There was none left but the House of
Judah only� (2 Kings 17:18). [Here, again, this statement is not entirely
correct for all of Judah except Jerusalem went into Assyrian captivity along
with the Ten Northern Tribes. All that was left was the House of Judah in
Jerusalem, and this point is very critical.] So complete was it that
there was not a single Israelite left to teach the Gentile (non-Israelite)
people who had been imported into Palestine about the God of Israel � that when
these Gentiles (non-Israelites) entreated that some Israelites might return to
teach them, the King of Assyria only allowed one man for the work (2 Kings
17:27). Whereas the Babylonish captivity of Judah was not complete, but
partial, the poor of the land being left behind (Jeremiah 40:7). Israel never
returned (2 Kings 17:23). [A remnant of] Judah did return from Babylon
(Nehemiah 7:6).
We have found that the great classic
historians declare that the ancestors of the British people came from the
region where lost Israel was exiled. Hence it becomes necessary to inquire what
was the precise time that our British forefathers did occupy that region.
Sharon Turner, in his �Anglo-Saxons�, tells us that according to Herodotus, our
ancestors first made their appearance in that quarter in the seventh century,
but that, according to Homer it was the eighth century before Yahshua. Hence we
find that, according to Homer, the first appearance of the British ancestry in
Media was at the exact time of the Assyrian captivity of Israel. [Note: You
will notice the names of Ptolemy and Homer used as reference without some
actual evidence from them by Hine. As this article has been previously
abridged, this may be the reason this evidence is left out. Other early British
Israel writers also used Ptolemy and Homer for reference, so it is no
exceptional matter.]
Was Media The Cradle Of The Israelitish Nation?
No, but in the sense of the nationality
of their tribeships, Palestine was their cradle. Sharon Turner, entirely apart
from the view of discovering the Ten Tribes, which was not his purpose � his
sole object being to give a true solution of the difficult question of �Who
were the ancestors of the Anglo-Saxons?� � succeeds in tracing our British
ancestry into Media, gathering the fact that we first appeared there in the
eighth century before Christ (Yahshua), and also, upon the testimonies of Homer
and Herodotus, that Media was not our cradle. This is a most important point,
because, in identifying the British nation with lost Israel, we trace our
ancestry to Media at the exact time of the Assyrian captivity, with express
historical testimony that it was not the land of our origin, neither was it the
birthplace of Israel, so that we secure a third valuable link. ...
Lost Israel�s Location
Must Be The Isles
Scripture can give no plainer testimony
than that, wherever lost Israel are now, they must be an insular (isolated)
people. The [bad fig, Cain-Satanic-Edomite-Canaanite] �Jews� were to become a
despised people throughout all the nations of the earth (Jeremiah 15:4) �
precisely the position they occupy to this very day; and it would, indeed, be
unreasonable, illogical, and unscriptural to suppose that the prophecies of
Judah were to be fulfilled, but not those of Israel. If the one is, both are.
[Here, again, Edward Hine is confusing the �Jews� with those of the Tribe of
Judah.] Hence Israel must be found in the Isles. The following prophecies from
Scripture apply to Israel, and are only given to Israel, and that, after they
have become a lost people: � �Keep silence before me, O Islands�, (Isaiah
41:1). �The Isles shall wait for His law�, (Isaiah 42:4). �Sing unto Yahweh a
new song, the Isles and the inhabitants thereof�, (Isaiah 42:10). �Listen, O
Isles, unto me� (Isaiah 49:1). �Hear the word of Yahweh, O ye nations, and
declare it in the Isles afar off, and say, He that scattered Israel will gather
him, and keep him�, (Jeremiah 31:10). �Let them give glory unto Yahweh, and
declare His praise in the Islands�, (Isaiah 42:12). �To the Islands will he
repay recompense�, (Isaiah 59:18).
Israel�s Isles Must Be
North-West From Palestine
Thanks to the �sure word of prophecy�,
(2 Peter 1:19), we are not only told that lost Israel must be an island people,
but also most literally the very point of the compass where these isles would
be situated. Israel in her lost estate is most plainly directed to glorify the
�name of the Mighty One of Israel in the isles of the Western Seas�, (Isaiah
24:15). �To the islands will he repay recompense, so shall they fear the name
of Yahweh from the West�, Isaiah (59:18,19). Then we learn that these islands would
not only be in the West, but in the North-West, because the very word sent
after Israel when she returns, is sent to the North, �Go and proclaim these
words towards the North, and say, Return, thou backsliding Israel�, (Jeremiah
3:12). So that the islands must constitute a north country, because the
Almighty, speaking of the time of the return of Israel and Judah (the one
cannot return without the other), says, �They shall come together out of the
land of the north�, (Jeremiah 3:18), when they shall forget the song of Egypt,
and henceforth sing, �Yahweh liveth which brought up and which led the seed of
the house of Israel out of the North country�, (Jeremiah 23:8). As this has
never yet been sung, it follows, the Bible being true, that the time is yet future;
so that Israel must be now in a North-West locality from Palestine, the Seat of
Prophecy, Yahweh declaring that when He assembles them together, prior to their
return, �I will gather thee from the West�, (Isaiah 43:5).
The Identity is obvious. The British Isles are to
the northwest from Palestine � they are �afar off� from there � they are in the
�Western Seas� � and they constitute most emphatically a �North Country.� We do
not ask the reader to accept the identity upon this one identification alone,
but to add it to the five foregoing, and we get at more than a coincidence.
Israel Must Be A Nation
The �Jews� can only be said to be a
nation in the sense that they are destined in the yet future to have restored
to them their national privileges [not true of the bad fig,
Cain-Satanic-Edomite-Canaanite �Jews� and the old Judah of Palestine, as a
nation, shall never be restored]. At present they are nothing more than
a dispersed people. But Israel must now be a nation, or the oath and honor of Yahweh
would be at stake for he says:
Thus saith Yahweh
which giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of
the stars for a light by night, which divided the sea when the waters (waves)
thereof roar; Yahweh of Hosts is his name: If those ordinances depart from
before me, saith Yahweh, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a
nation before me forever, (Jeremiah 31:35-36).
Israel is nowhere spoken of in the
Scriptures as a Church, but always as� a nation.�
Hence it becomes a dangerous and unwarranted to take liberty with Scripture to
allude to Israel as a Church. To believe that Israel was not now a nation would
be to discount the promises of Yahweh.
Israel Must Be
With The Tribe Of Dan
It is not true that all of the ten
tribes of Israel were carried into the Assyrian captivity; some of them
escaped: those who were carried captive and those who escaped are both directed
by Scripture to the same meeting point of �the isles�, (Isaiah 66:19). We are
not told the names of the tribes that escaped, but most reasonable supposition
would point to those of Dan and Simeon. These two tribes were to the south of
the land, near to Egypt, and had the Mediterranean Sea coast for their borders.
The men of Dan were the great ship owners of Israel; hence Dan had the
facilities for escape. �Why did Dan remain in Ships (Judges 5:17)?� The
territory of Benjamin completely overlapped and protected Dan and Simeon.
Benjamin was at that time part of the Kingdom of Judah. The King of Assyria was
not at war with Judah, therefore, could not touch Dan and Simeon without going
through the territory of Judah. It is doubtful whether they would have been
able to do this. So that, in many senses, these two tribes would have had the
opportunity for flight. It is not likely that Dan, having the means of escape,
would leave Simeon behind, and it is utterly impossible for Israel to be
anywhere, at the present time, without Dan being united with them; therefore,
to find the tribe of Dan is virtually the same as finding the whole tribes of
The Identity is a very remarkable one. We have ample
evidence of the tribe of Dan settling in Ireland about the period of the
Assyrian captivity. This is a matter of history, and can be claimed as another
historical link. The Tuatha Danian did this, which is no other than the Tribe
of Dan, whose early marks exist to this day in the names of places given by
them, which are purely Hebrew, such as �Dan Sobairse�, pronounced Dan Sovarke,
or Dan Swerick, near Carrick Fergus, and shown in Ptolemy�s map of Ireland, and
which is literally Hebrew for Dan�s resting-place, Dan�s habitation; whereas,
Dan Sovar � also Hebrew � means Dan in exile. It is also a historical fact that
with the Tuatha de Danna both the Hebrew language and words were introduced
into the North of Ireland, and as there was no other Tribe of Dan, who could
introduce the Hebrew, it clearly follows that this must have been the
Israelitish Tribe of Dan, and, as at the same time, another people can be
traced to have settled on the West Coast of Scotland, who also introduced very
many Hebrew words, therefore, they must have had intercourse with the East; and
as the people gradually migrated southwards, ultimately settling in Wales, and
from whom the Welsh are the veritable descendants, and who, to this day, retain
a vast number of purely Hebrew words, it likely gives us the more than
probability, as the Tribe of Dan is clearly traced, that the Welsh people may
come out as identical with the Tribe of Simeon, (an ancient Welsh tribe was
known to the Romans as Simeni, which is but a latinized form of Simeonites),
setting on the eastern coast, while Dan took the western coast, that the
tribeships might remain separate, by virtue of the custom of their nationality.
The ethnology of the Welsh clearly proves that they cannot claim to be
descendants of the Ancient Britons in any other light than that of being the
first of the Israelitish Tribes who arrived in Great Britain, making their
debut with Dan about B.C. 720; whereas it can be proved that the other tribes
did not arrive until A.D. 449.
Israel Exhausted When
They Arrived
Scripture plainly relates that Israel,
between the times of her leaving Media, to the time of her arrival in the
isles, would go through much exhaustion, and become diminished in strength.
This was because she could only make her way through the Northwest Passage by
the prowess of warfare; she would have to force her way through the different
states and peoples. It would be a long series of marching and encampments; and
no doubt St. Paul had his eye upon the troubles they would have to go through
when he advises them to abstain from marriages, telling them he did not speak
with authority, but from his knowledge of times of �distress.� Hence, we find
the Almighty addressing Israel upon their arrival in the isles, saying:
Keep silent before Me, O islands, and
let the people renew their
strength, (Isaiah 41:1).
It would be absurd to accept this as
meaning the Church, because Yahweh has his Church (Congregation of Called Out
Ones) on the Continent as well as the islands, everywhere; but as showing
Yahweh addressed the nationality of Israel, He makes it more plain saying,
�Thou Israel, my servant, Jacob whom I have chosen, the seed of Abraham, my
friend ... I have chosen thee, and not cast thee away. Fear thou not ... I will
strengthen thee� (the same chapter, 8-10). So that, when Israel had arrived in
the islands, we have this testimony from Yahweh that He had not forsaken His
�righteous� i.e., His �chosen� people, and as showing that the isles were to
the West, and not in the East. He calls Israel to �speak� with Him. �Let us
come near together� near to Him �who raised up the righteous from the East�,
(verses 1, 2). If the isles had been to the east, they would have been raised
from the west, so that their isles must have been to the west, or they could
not have been raised from the east. Why did Israel require renewing their
strength? Because of the long season of warfare they had passed through.
Israel Was To Bear �Another Name� In Captivity
It would be contrary to the teachings of
Scripture, when Israel had settled down in their new Island Home, to be found
retaining their old name of Israel. Yahweh plainly declares that from the time
that the curses came into operation upon the [bad fig,
Cain-Satanic-Edomite-Canaanite] �Jews�, and the prophecies of Israel began to
take effect, that Israel should lose her old name and be called �by another
name�, (Isaiah 65:15). It is impossible to find Israel anywhere upon the earth
bearing her old name. Scripture is not contradictory, if we only apply
ourselves to understand the contexts, and properly compare Scripture with
Scripture; there is always a beautiful harmony. We are told of Israel, through
Hosea, that for her sins she should not be known by the name of �Ammi�, or My
nation, My people, which the name of Israel implied, but that this name should
be taken from her, and she should be known as �Lo-ammi�, i.e., not my nation
(Hosea 1:9). So with her name and ancestry lost to recollection, not only to
themselves, but also to [the good figs of] Judah; hence Israel says, �Doubtless
thou art our father, though Abraham be ignorant of us, and Israel (i.e., the
Jews who are of Israel [the good figs of Judah]) acknowledge us not, thou, O
Yahweh ... art our Redeemer; ... return for thy servants� sake (a term always
applied to the ten tribes) the tribes of thine inheritance�, (Isaiah 63:16,
17). Hence so lost, no wonder it is said of her, �She shall not find her
paths�, (Hosea 2:6). It is in this way, her old name being withdrawn from her,
that �Blindness in part is happened to Israel�, (Romans 11:25). Yet Yahweh, in
many scriptures, pledges His word in this state to bless them, saying, �I will
bring the blind by a way they knew not�, (Isaiah 42:16).
Israel In Exile To
Speak �Another Tongue�, Not Hebrew
The Almighty expressly tells us that He
would not speak to Israel, when in their captive or exiled state, in the Hebrew
tongue, but that he would address them in �another tongue;� because, addressing
Israel, He says �With stammering lips and another tongue will He speak to this
people�, (Isaiah 28:11). This would be untrue if applied to [the bad figs of]
Judah, the Jews almost universally using the Hebrew; and it follows, as we have
proved that, it being the design of Yahweh that Israel should be lost, that if
they still retained their old tongue, this in itself would frustrate the design
of Yahweh; because, to find any great people upon the earth using the Hebrew
language, would immediately lead to their identity.
It is most clear that the physiognomy
(facial appearance) of Israel was to materially differ from that of [the bad
figs of] Judah, because the Jews were destined to be known throughout the
world, when their curses had overtaken them, as a mocking, a taunt, a by-word,
(Jeremiah 24:9); and this was to be effected in the words of Scripture by �the
show of their countenance witnessing against them�, (Isaiah 3:9); whereas
Israel was to be unknown in their exile, and, of course, if their countenance
was to witness against them, as well as the [bad fig] �Jews�, then Israel could
never have become lost; therefore, anthropologically, it would be impossible
that Israel could be found with the same physiognomy of the [bad fig] �Jews.�
This is so conclusive as to need no further comment; yet a volume could be
written upon this subject. [Yes, we do need more comment. The good fig members
of the Tribe of Judah would appear with the same physiognomy as the other
Israelites of the ten tribes, and would not be recognized either. Again, Edward
Hine is blind to the difference between the bad fig,
Cain-Satanic-Edomite-Canaanite �Jews� and the good fig members of the Tribe of
Judah.] The Identity is supported by the fact that the physiognomy of
the British materially differs from that of the �Jews.� (The �Jewish�
countenance sprang from intermarriage with Mediterranean races, particularly
the Hittites.) [It is not clear whether the last sentence enclosed in
parentheses is a footnote by Edward Hine or a comment by an editor. If Edward
Hine was aware that the �Jews� were mixed �with Mediterranean races,
particularly the Hittites�, this should have flashed a red signal to Hine that
the Jews with a different �physiognomy� were not of the true Tribe of Judah.
Even if Edward Hine did not add this footnote, his own text proves he was aware
of the fact that the Jews were racially different from that of the Israelite
stock (which would include true Judah.)]
Israel To Be A
Multitude In Exile
When Israel arrived in the isles and was
promised a renewal of her strength, Scripture promises an increase of her
population. The Almighty tells us that �in the place where it was said unto
them, ye are not my people� � i.e., where they are called by �another name�,
this was not effected until they became reunited in the isles. Therefore, when
in their isles:
The number of the children of Israel
shall be as the sand of the sea,
which cannot be measured nor numbered, (Hosea
The increase to the seed of Israel would
be given to them when in their exile, and not in Palestine after their return.
Isaiah, alluding to the return of Israel to their land, quotes from Hosea, and
says, �For though thy people Israel be as the sand of the sea, a remnant of
them shall return�, (Isaiah 10:22; Romans 9:27), which means that, on account
of the largeness of their numbers and the comparative smallness of their land,
a portion only would return; the Almighty gives the proportion saying:
I will take you one
of a city and two of a family and bring you to Zion,
(Jeremiah 3:14).
Hence, Israel must, whilst in their
exile, have become an immense multitude. The Identity declares that
since our location in the British Isles, we have become a multitudinous people,
and that no other island people can be compared with us. [Evidently Edward Hine
portrays in his mind a small percentage of Israelites returning to Palestine,
and this is not what these scriptures are saying, although he does make a point
in Israel becoming very densely populated. This is not speaking of a return to
Palestine, but migration to America and other places.]
Israel Was To Find The
Isles Too Small
We take it that few of the birthright
promises were realized to Israel when they were in the land of Palestine. Their
seed was not then as �the stars of heaven�, (Genesis 15:3-6), or as �the dust
of the earth�, (Genesis 13:16) for multitude; neither had they become �a
company of nations�, (Genesis 35:11). These promises were not intended to apply
to Israel when in that land, but rather when they were in exile, during which
time all, excepting prospective ones, had their fulfillment. We are told that,
after Israel had arrived in the isles, and had increased her population, she
would find the isles too small for her people. Scripture is most explicit upon
this point, as we find in chapter 49 of Isaiah, where Israel is indicated as
being within the range of the then prophetic forecast, dwelling in the isles,
the chapter beginning with, �Listen, O isles, unto me;� and that the chapter
applies to Israel may be known, because in the 3rd verse Israel is addressed by
name: �Thou art my servant, O Israel, in whom I will be glorified.� So that we
plainly gather that the event narrated in this chapter could only happen when
Israel was dwelling in the isles. When Yahweh tells Israel:
Thy waste and thy
desolate places, and the land of thy destruction, shall even now be too narrow
by reason of the inhabitants, (Isaiah 49:19).
The isles would become to strait for
them, so that they would require new territory. �The land of thy destruction�
means the land of their exile; and this event must have been after they had
broken away from the Assyrians, who alone were the people that had swallowed
them up: �And they that swallowed thee up shall be far away� � i.e., Israel
would now be West, and the Assyrians about the East, with no power over them.
This Scripture could not intelligently
bear a spiritual interpretation, and therefore must apply to the literal
affairs of Israel: the Church never has been too small to hold her converts;
and the love of Christ is so abounding as to hold �whosoever will.� It is
equally certain that it cannot apply to the [bad fig, Cain-Satanic-Edomite-Canaanite]
�Jews�, because it is so directly contrary to all their experience, so to apply
it to them would be to falsify the �Sure Word.�
The Identity is easy to substantiate. The British
are the only people who found their isles too small for them �by reason of the
inhabitants.� If we had had no possessions to emigrated to, we should have been
so overpopulated, that Great Britain would have been as one great charnel house
(place for dead bodies). Whether we look for Israel East, South, or North, it
matters not; for in every direction from the isles they migrated to, there will
we find them.
Israel Must Be In
Possession Of Colonies
Colonies seem to be the next step in the
order of Identification. Israel must have them. Scripture would be at fault if
this were not the case; prove the jots and tittles of Scripture to be true �
prove the iotas of prophecy to be living powers, and you substantiate Yahweh�s
Word. We maintain that Colonies must now be an institution of Israel�s, because
the prayer that Israel raised when in the isles was heard by Yahweh; Israel
prayed to Yahweh, saying, �The place is too strait for me: give place to me
that I may dwell�, (Isaiah 49:20); and we are told in the same chapter:
Thus saith Yahweh, in
an acceptable time have I heard thee ... and I will preserve thee and give thee
... to establish the earth, to cause to inherit the desolate heritages (verse
These �desolate heritages� are Colonies:
Israel never could become �a nation and a company of nations� (Genesis 35:11)
without them; neither could that Scripture be fulfilled that declares of
Thou shalt break forth
on the right hand and on the left, and thy seed shall inherit the heathen�s
land, and make the desolate cities to be inhabited, (Isaiah 54:3).
It would be untrue to apply these
Scriptures to the [bad fig, Cain-Satanic-Edomite-Canaanite] �Jews.� They never
have possessed inheritances. They never have been over-populous � they were not
to be; on the contrary, they were to be few in number, (Jeremiah 15:7). [What
Edward Hine is saying here about the Canaanite Jews is true, but he may be
misapplying Jeremiah 15:7 to the wrong people. He should have used a different
Scripture to prove his point.]
The Identity fixes upon us the fact that the British
nation does possess Colonies. That since we have been in these isles we have,
by them, broken �forth on the right hand and on the left;� that all the
�desolate heritages� that were in existence when we went forth to colonize have
come into our possession. That they were promised only to Israel, but have all
come to us, ergo, we must be Israel; and by virtue of our being identical with
Israel, we can declare we are the only nation upon the earth that has
succeeded, and that we cannot help succeeding in colonizing. The Dutch nation
once tried it, but woefully failed. The Spanish nation also tried, and gave
promise of succeeding, but has ignominiously failed, and what paltry
possessions they now hold must very soon cede away from them. The French virtually
have none. The Germans have tried, and failed, but the British nation has
flourishing Colonies in all parts of the World, and urgently requires more yet.
Israel�s Colonies Must
Be In All Zones
This identification may be considered
unimportant, yet anthropologically it is essential. When the Colonies were
promised to Israel, it was that they, �the prisoners�, i.e., in their lost and
captive state, might �go forth�, that they who were then �in darkness� i.e.,
blindness in part having happened to them (Romans 11:25), might �show
themselves�, and their �pastures� or possessions be �in all high places.�
Unlike Judah [the bad fig, Cain Satanic Edomite Canaanite �Jews� who�s name
would be left for a curse] in captivity, who were to be �hungry� and �thirsty�
(Isaiah 65:13), Israel should �not hunger nor thirst;� their different pastures
should provide them with all things needful, �neither shall the heat nor sun
smite them�, (Isaiah 49:10), for Yahweh would �have mercy upon them.� So that
from �the isles in the Western Seas�, in the cool and balmy shades of the
Temperate Zone, to their Colonies under the Tropics, Yahweh would be with them.
The Identity has only to state the fact that the
Colonies of the British nation answer exactly to these particulars; are in all
the Zones, and provide all things needful, and that though at times we may have
forgotten Yahweh, yet we inherit this promise given to Israel, �yet will I not
forget thee�, (Isaiah 49:15).
Israel�s Colonies Must
Belt The Earth
To encircle the earth, occupying the
outside boundary, is a most important mission that the Almighty has given to
Israel to accomplish. It is a work of sublime magnitude, and could not possibly
be given to two nations. It has been allotted only to Israel to carry out. We
are distinctly told:
When the Most High
divided to the nations their inheritance �� when he
separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the people (i.e., the heathen
peoples) according to the number of the children of Israel. For Yahweh�s
portion is His person; Jacob is the lot (i.e., girdle, belt, cord, measuring
line, outside circle) of His inheritance (Deuteronomy 32:7-9).
Hence, Jeremiah, referring to the
heathen peoples, says:
The portion of Jacob
is not like them, for he is the former of all things. Israel is the rod
(measuring rod) of His Inheritance (Jeremiah 10:16; 51:19).
The Psalmist says:
Remember thy
congregation, which thou hast purchased of old, the rod of thine inheritance,
which thou hast redeemed, (Psalm 74:2).
Hence, St. Paul was justified in telling
the �men of Athens�, that Yahweh �hath determined the times before appointed�
(i.e., for the heathen peoples), �and the bonds of their habitation� (Acts
17:26), so that we get at the amazing fact, that the Colonies of Israel must be
so situated as to form a direct circle, outside girdles, so as to completely
surround all other nations of the globe; so that it cannot but be seen that if
Israel is to occupy this outside position upon the earth�s surface, then they
must mainly possess the �sides of the earth�, �the coasts of the earth�, �the
ends of the earth�, �the uttermost parts of the earth�, all these descriptions
being applied in Scripture to Israel when in exile.
Israel Must Have A
Nation From Her, But Independent Of Her
It would be impossible to find Israel
unless we found a great nation having sprung from her that had become
independent of her. This will be a sure clue in the identification of Israel;
and, in order to see this, we must impress upon the minds of the reader the
fact that there can only be �twelve tribes of Israel� [At this point, there
will be a portion of Edward Hine�s presentation deleted as he somehow reasons
that, at the time of his writing, the House of Judah (consisting of Judah and
Levi) are still to be united with Israel. If he had understood the entire
history of Judah, he would have known they were already incorporated with
Israel during his time. His reasoning was that Benjamin separated from the
nation of the Jews just before the siege of Titus against Jerusalem in 70 A.D.,
which is correct. But the true Tribe of Judah had separated from the nation of
the Jews long before 70 A.D. Edward Hine believed that the House of Judah was
the Jews along with Levi and that they would be united with the House of Israel
at some future date. While Edward Hine does a remarkable job on Israel, he
leaves something to be desired with Judah]�
... In Joseph was invested the birthright; he had two sons, who were to
become the representatives of two distinct nations. In Ephraim, the younger
were consolidated the Ten Tribes of Israel. Hence, again and again, we find the
Almighty alluding to Israel under the name of Ephraim. Ephraim and Israel are
synonymous terms. Therefore Ephraim being the representative of a nation,
Manasseh also became the representative of another, and distinct nationality.
This is most plain. It is Joseph�s fruitful branches running �over the wall�
(Genesis 49:22) � i.e., extending beyond the veritable boundaries of the Kingdom
of Israel, even to the creation of another nation. The fact of Israel becoming
�a nation and a company of nations�� i.e., a nation with colonies � is in no
sense due to Joseph being fruitful. Joseph, as a part of Israel had no power in
himself, apart from the rest of the tribes to form this �company of nations� �
i.e., this work did not consist of the fruitfulness, but the forming of a
separate-and-independent nationality made up of his fruitfulness. It was this
great fact that sent his branches over the wall. Hence it was said of Manasseh:
He also shall become a
people, and he also shall be great, (Genesis 48:19).
What is to become �a people� but to
become a nation? And his becoming �great� was the creation of himself into a
great nation. Hence we get hold of the fact that Manasseh was to become a great
nationality; but, then, it was expressly said of his younger brother Ephraim,
who become the embodying � the focusing, as it were � of the Ten Tribes into
one kingdom, that �truly his younger brother shall be greater than he� (same
verse). A greater what than he? Why, of course, a greater nation should be made
of Ephraim than would be made of Manasseh. So that we have in these two boys
the creation of two distinct nationalities, yet both of the same stock. Hence
it is, that later on we have the express promise that Yahweh would bless
�Ephraim as Manasseh and Manasseh as Ephraim � i.e., though as nations they
would be separate and independent of each other, yet both should be under equal
favors from Yahweh, notwithstanding one would be a greater nation than the
other. A good deal is made of the two half tribes of Manasseh; they simply made
up the one tribe of Manasseh. When Israel entered Canaan under Joshua,
provision was made for thirteen tribes, because, though Levi had no territorial
division, it was yet a tribe, and fared the best of all the tribes; and it,
too, must be yet in existence as a tribe, because, when the time of Sealing
shall come, 12,000 shall be chosen from her tribe ship (Revelation 7:7).
After the separation of the two Houses,
Jeroboam had ten tribes under him, nine tribes of Israel and one of Manasseh,
while Rehoboam had three tribes, the �one tribe� of Israel (Benjamin) and the
two tribes of Judah (Judah and Levi � 2 Chronicles 11:12-14), making thirteen
tribes in all. At the time of the Assyrian captivity ten tribes did go into
captivity, because the tribe of Manasseh, this thirteenth tribe, was one of
them. Then comes the question � When did Manasseh become separated from Israel?
Yahweh never intended this independence to be effected until after Israel � as
ten tribes, including Benjamin, who must then have become separated from Judah
(Jeremiah 6:1) � had settled as �a nation� in �the Isles.� Not until the Isles
had become �too strait� would Manasseh become an independent nationality;
because in the very chapter where Yahweh promises to give Israel colonies on
account of the isles being �too narrow by reason of the inhabitants� (Isaiah
49:19), the Almighty, alluding to these very colonies, says � �The children
which thou shalt have, after thou has lost the other� (verse 20). Who is the
�other� but Manasseh? Who had raised the cry of �the place is too strait for
me; give place to me that I may dwell;� and who had found a large colony, and
had gone forth to it, and had become strong and had declared her independence
of Israel, and had become a distinct nationality, and so become �lost� to
Israel. Thus we are told that, even after this �declaration of independence� on
the part of Manasseh, Israel would still continue to multiply, because:
The children, which
thou shalt have, after thou hast lost the other, shall say again in thine ears, the place is too strait for me.
The cry had been raised before, and was
to be raised �again.� It had to do with locality. �Place�, therefore, referred
to colonies. So it is plain that, having lost one, they were to gain others,
which they would retain and never lose. Hence we get in the 49th chapter a
beautiful clue to the fact that the blessings poured upon the heads of Ephraim
and Manasseh have been literally carried out; that the two did become
independent, the one becoming a �great people� the other �a nation and a
company�, and truly the �greater� of the two, yet both under equal blessings,
and pre-eminently under Divine favors, which will continue, because, when the
time arrives for Israel and Judah to return, Yahweh has provided that the land
shall be divided in thirteen parts, and that one should be allotted to
Manasseh. (Ezekiel 48:4). [It is not clear here just what kind of a point
Edward Hine is trying to make except maybe to prove that Manasseh was a single
bona fide tribe of Israel and not two half tribes just because they were
divided by a river formerly in Palestine.]
The Identity is substantial and plain. There is much
reason to thank Yahweh that America can celebrate year-by-year her �Declaration
of Independence.� Truly she is from us, though quite independent of us; and
quite true it is that she is �a great people�, and must continue so until the
end of time. That is a remarkable Identity, causing the Nation of America to
stand forth as a brilliant witness to the truth of Yahweh�s �sure word.� How
marvelously this view shows the Word of Yahweh to be inspired. What a power it gives
to the Bible. For of what value would Yahweh�s promises be, to intelligent,
thinking minds, if they could never be traced as having a real
fulfillment?� Let it only be seen that
all His words come to pass, we immediately beget substantial confidence in the
same; but cruelly wrong these words by placing needless spiritualizing and
�private interpretations� to the sure destruction of their literal
signification, and we destroy all faith in His promises. Would to Yahweh that
we had real intelligence in the Christian Church! What wonderful strides would
the Gospel make then. Come, Yahweh, help us to follow thee, and not our blind
guides! Then shall �Thy Kingdom come,� and �Thy will be done in earth� �
Matthew 6:10. What a libel upon truth, to allude to Yahshua�s Kingdom as being
in heaven. It is His kingdom �on earth� which can never �come� until our
Identification with the lost Israel is nationally established.
Look at this Identity. The Americans are
of our stock, they came with us from Media, settled with us in these Northwest
Isles, found �the place too narrow� for them; and from these Isles went forth,
colonized the United States, declared their independence, and in this sense
became �lost� to us.
Israel�s Isles Must
Have Been Found Too Narrow More Than Once
We need not dwell upon this fact, as it
is really brought out in the foregoing, that the people when in the isles
should �say again in thine ears, the place is to strait for me.� We name it
separately; bring it out more forcibly.
The Identity, that after the Americans became
independent of us, we did have to raise this cry �again�; notwithstanding the
vast Continent of America being opened up to our seed, and the immense numbers
that have left for their shores, yet that outlet was not adequate for our
overflow, making it incumbent upon us to acquire other possessions; because our
people, after we had lost America, were obliged by the increase of �the
inhabitants� to �say again�, �the place is too narrow�, �give place to me that
I may dwell.� Hence we acquired Australia, New South Wales, New Zealand, etc.
This is a most telling Identity.
The Canaanites
Must Be About Israel
It was the will of Yahweh, when Israel
was in their land, that they should drive out the Canaanites, (Judges 11:3).
Israel � finding themselves sufficiently comfortable, and the work of driving
out somewhat difficult � disobeyed the command, and suffered the Canaanites to
dwell among them. This displeased Yahweh, who decreed that �henceforth�, as a
punishment for their disobedience, they should continue with them as their
troublers, declaring that these Canaanites should be:
Pricks in your eyes,
thorns in your sides, and shall vex you in the land wherein ye dwell (Numbers
The Identity declares the people of the South of
Ireland to be descendants of the Canaanites, who spoke the Phoenician language,
having an alphabet of sixteen letters. The Irish language is identical with the
Phoenician, containing the veritable sixteen letters. They themselves boast of
this descent. There are many ethnological proofs that they are so descended.
They, and they only, are �thorns in our sides� as Fenianism, Home-Ruleism,
Party Processions, Manchester and Clerkenwell testify.
[It is obvious that we cannot condemn a
people wholly for the language they speak or for their political positions. but
ethnological make up is entirely another matter. Whether or not the people
cited here by Edward Hine, are Canaanites, is a matter for further
confirmation. If they are truly the Canaanites of old Palestine, which Israel
was to totally exterminate, then they should be in every Israel land today, not
just the South of Ireland. Obviously, Edward Hine was blind to the real
Canaanites, the �Jews� (Revelation 2:9 and 3:9). Otherwise, he is very correct
when he proclaims the Canaanites must be living among Israel countries today.
There are many people, even today, who do not understand or have come to
recognize the �Jews� are of a Canaanite admixture. The danger is and was,
Edward Hine was ready to accept the bad fig, Cain-Satanic-Edomite-Canaanite
�Jews� into the Israel ranks as being of the Tribe of Judah, which they
are not. This would amount to a very grave error!]
Israel Must Have Been
Without A King Many Days
We are distinctly told by the Prophet
Hosea, that a time would come to Israel when, for some time, they would be
without a king.
For the children of
Israel shall abide many days without a king, and without a prince (Hosea 3:4).
This prophecy was issued against Israel
when they were in their land, and at a time they had a king, some sixty years
before they went into captivity. It was given them B.C. 785, at a time that
they had grieved the Spirit of Yahweh by their exceeding wickedness, when the
sentence of exile was pronounced against them, and could only have received
accomplishment from the time they became a vassal people under the
non-Israelite Assyrians, to the time of their arrival in the isles, a period of
time that would make �many days.�� But
that this desolate state continued to them after their settlement in �the
isles� would be impossible, because it would so directly contradict many
prophecies that are known to have already been accomplished. Moreover, we must
never forget that the bulk of Israel�s prophecies could never begin to take
effect until they had re-united in the isles, a point which must be manifest
from the ground we have already passed over; so that the time of their having
been many days without a king must have long since run out.
The Identity presses upon the reader the great
historical links that were given at the commencement of these Identities, that
the British ancestors came from the spot where the Assyrians carried Israel
captive; were found there at the very time of the captivity; that this region
was not their cradle; and the important point that they are known not to have
been there prior to this captivity. These grand points, taken with the many
Scriptural proofs since given, that we are identical with Israel, and coupled with
the fact, that we all know our ancestors came over here as wandering tribes,
without government, and under temporary and unsatisfactory headships, yet
possessing almost a perfect knowledge of what things should be, comparatively a
rude people, yet with the most refined and highly cultivated language under the
sun, in itself utterly precluding the idea that they had sprung from a
barbarous or unrefined ancestry, are amply sufficient to establish the fact,
that we also were for many days without a king. Hence a telling Identity.
Israel Must Now Be
Under A Monarchy
Nothing can be clearer than that Israel
must now be under a monarchy. If this were not an established fact, we might to
all intents and purposes throw the Bible to the winds. The Almighty would have
broken his oath to Abraham, if this were not so; because He promised Abraham:
Kings shall come out
of thee (Genesis 17:6)
A nation and a company
of nations shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins (Genesis
By which we see that attached to this
decree is the promise that he should be �a father of many nations�, his wife �a
mother of nations� (Genesis 17:5, 16); and as Israel, when in their land in
days of old were never �a nation and a company of nations�, it follows that
this promise could only be realized to them in its fullness when in their
captivity � the time when we are distinctly told that �the shout of a king
should be in their midst� [or �is among them�] (Numbers 23:21), the veritable
time when they had settled in the isles, when we are told that �Kings shall be
thy nursing fathers, and their queens thy nursing mothers� (Isaiah 49:23; see
verse 1). The position of the monarchy is really established by so many
Scriptures that it is needless to insist upon the point. Thus:
There shall not fail
thee a man in thy sight to sit on the throne of Israel (1 Kings 8:25). I will
build up thy throne to all generations (Psalm 89:4). I will establish the
throne of his kingdom over Israel for ever (1 Chronicles 22:10).
The Identity will be satisfied by the mere mention
of the glorious fact, that the great British Empire is under the most powerful
and enduring monarchy that has ever been founded in any age of the history of
the world � a monarchy that carries with it true liberty, and that has lifted
us up to be the happiest, the wealthiest, and the most highly privileged of all
the peoples of the universe. Yahweh be thanked for the British Monarchy!
Israel Must Have The
Line Of King David Ruling Over Them
Yahweh is not a man
that He should lie, neither the son of man that He should repent. Hath He said
and shall He not do it, or hath He spoken and shall He not make it good?
(Numbers 23:19).
It therefore follows, from the clearest
of Scriptural evidence, that the seed of King David would be perpetuated
purposely to provide rulers over the kingdom of Israel:
Yahweh has sworn in truth unto David, He will not turn from it; of the fruit of thy body will I
set upon thy throne (Psalm 132:11).
I Will establish the
throne of his kingdom for ever. Thine house and thy kingdom shall be established for ever. (2 Samuel 7:13, 16).
I will establish the
throne of thy kingdom upon Israel for ever. (1 Kings 9:5; 1 Chronicles 17:11-12).
Ought ye not to know that
the Mighty One of Israel gave the kingdom over Israel to David for ever, to him and to his sons by a covenant of
salt? (2 Chronicles 13:5; 21:7).
Thus saith Yahweh, if
ye can break my covenant of the day, and my covenant of the night, and that
there should not be day and night in their season, then (mark, not without) may
also my covenant be broken with David my servant, that he should not have a son
to reign upon his throne (Jeremiah 33:20-21).
Of course, we do not accept the teaching
sometimes offered, that these Scriptures apply to Yahshua, because they would
be totally false if they did. Yahshua has never reigned upon earth as yet. He
will do so, but the time is yet future. He cannot reign unless all give Him
allegiance, and all enemies are cast under His footstool. This has never yet
been the case. Take the converts from millions of people, the heathen and
idolaters of all climes (climatologically), and in comparison they would
resemble but a thimbleful of water out of the ocean. [Here, again, Edward Hine
is misapplying the context of the Scriptures. When it is speaking of making
�thine enemies thy footstool�, it is speaking of the bad fig, Cain Satanic
Edomite Canaanite �Jews�, Psalm 110:1; Matthew 22:44; Mark 12:36; Luke 20:42,
43; Hebrews 1:13; Hebrews 10:13. Redemption is for kinsmen only! If you are not
a kinsman to Yahshua, you don�t get redeemed! Redemption is #1350 in the
Strong�s Concordance and in every case (96 times) it means �kinsman redeemer�,
so the non-Israelites will not be included in the Kingdom.] This state of
things exists to this very day. Hence honest intelligence can only maintain
that they refer to the literal seed of David, Yahweh�s servant, and not His
Son. David�s sceptre ruled over the people up to the time of the Babylonish
captivity, when Zedekiah the King had his sons killed before him and his eyes
put out, and he was taken to Babylon; but though his sons were slain, his seed,
the legitimate ruling seed, was not extinct, because he had daughters. �The
King�s daughters� (Jeremiah 43:6), and they escaped. (According to Hebrew law,
if the male line failed, the female carried the inheritance.) They were
specially entrusted by the Almighty to the care of Jeremiah the prophet. Yahweh
distinctly promised that:
The remnant that is
escaped of the House of Judah (which was David�s house) should again take root
downwards and bear fruit upwards (Isaiah 37:31).
It was especially given to the prophet
Jeremiah, by prophesying to destroy the then kingdom, because he was bid �to
root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down� (Jeremiah 1:10);
and, having done this rooting, he was given a second commission �to build and
to plant� (same verse) � i.e., rooting it up in one place, he was to
re-establish it in another, Yahweh declaring to Jeremiah that �it shall be well
with thy remnant�, and that he would cause everybody, while in the execution of
his mission, �to entreat him well in the time of evil and in the time of
affliction� (Jeremiah 15:11) � i.e., notwithstanding difficulties might arise,
yet he should pass safely through them all � nothing should prevent him
carrying out the instructions Yahweh had given him; so that we have the plain
statement by Yahweh that the thing should be done; so that, even if we could
not trace Jeremiah executing his work, fidelity to Yahweh requires that we
should believe it was literally and successfully done, for Yahweh could not
negate His Word. All Christians must be quite certain that the kingdom, with
this particular branch of the royal seed, �the King�s daughter�, was replanted,
because we are so expressly told �the zeal of Yahweh of Hosts shall do this�
(Isaiah 37:32). The prophet Ezekiel, who lays hold of the substance of the
foregoing and embodies the matter in �a riddle�, speaks of the royal seed under
the figure of its proper emblem, �the high cedar�, where we are told that
Yahweh would take �the highest branch� � i.e., the legitimate succession of the
ruling line, and that this branch should be �a tender one� � i.e., of the
feminine, and not of the masculine gender, or, in other words, �the King�s
daughter�, and would �plant it upon an high mountain and eminent, in the
mountain of the height of Israel will I plant it� (Ezekiel 17:22), where the
kingdom should �bring forth boughs�, �branches, and shoot forth sprigs� � i.e.,
beget colonies; and that �under it shall dwell all fowl of every wing�� i.e.,
that every nation should trade with it, and consider it essential to be
represented by their ambassadors and consuls.
We have the proofs. We possess all the
links. There are none missing. There is not a flaw. History comes honestly and
majestically to our help. It is an undeniable historical fact, that about B.C.
580 i.e., the very time of the Babylonish captivity, a �princess from the East�
did arrive in the north of Ireland. Her name was Tephi, purely a Hebrew word, a
proof in itself that she must have had Eastern extraction, and she was
accompanied by a guardian known as the Ollam Fola, another Hebrew word, showing
Eastern origin, and which means a Revealer, which is the same as a Prophet.
This Prophet was accompanied also by one Brug, no doubt Baruch, because
Jeremiah and Baruch were undoubtedly together (Jeremiah 43:6). From this time
many new things were introduced into that part of Ireland of a clear Hebrew
origin; thus the name of the place, Lothair Grofinn, was changed to Tara
(Taura), a Hebrew word signifying �The Law of the Two Tables.� The Mur-ollamain
was established, Hebrew for College of Ollams, or School of the Prophets. The
Iodhan Moran was created, also Hebrew for �a Chief Justice.� The Rectaire,
Hebrew for the Judge. The king of Ireland then reigning, one Eochaid, we are
informed, by historical record, married this Tephi by the consent of the
Prophet, who imposed upon the king that he should renounce his false religion,
Baalism, and worship the Mighty One of the Hebrews, with many others
conditions. The king accepted them all, hence the Law of the Two Tables. The
Ten Commandments were accepted as the law of the land from that time, and a
whole system of new things, having direct Hebrew origin, appeared at Tara at
the same time, the very time of the Babylonish captivity, B.C. 580; and taking
these in connection with the commands of Yahweh to Jeremiah, that they should
be accomplished, we surely must be slow of heart to believe the words of
Yahweh, if we cannot accept these historical proofs, that the Almighty�s great
plan was worked out in this way. This Tephi, the �Princess from the East�, the
veritable �king�s daughter�, was married, and from her we obtain a direct and
unbroken line of ancestry to Fergus the First, who went from Ireland to
Scotland, and from Fergus the First of Scotland, we get the same unbroken line
to the time of our James the First; and from James the First of England, we get
the same unbroken line to our beloved Victoria, the present glorious Queen of
Great Britain and Ireland; for though our George came from the Continent, he
married the grand-daughter of King James the First, and so the line was
preserved intact. The seed came in by a woman, was preserved in a woman, and
the declaration of our Redeemer that He will make a great work of our Identity
and restoration a �short work upon the earth�, �cutting it short in
righteousness� (Romans 9:28), coupled with the promise that we shall have
longevity restored to us upon the work being completed, it will not be
strange if the seed goes out by a woman.
Israel Must Have
Jacob�s Stone With Them
It is impossible to suppose that Jacob�s
Stone can be actually lost, because it must exist as a signet ring to the
Almighty, i.e., as a seal of witness that the promises He made to Israel
through Jacob should be verified; therefore, wherever Israel may be, at the
present time, they must have this Stone in their possession. Jacob was out late
at night; too late to enter the city of Luz, the gates of the city, like our
Temple Bar, and other gates found in nearly every town, being shut. He had to
stay outside, took a stone, laid his head upon it, and slept. Yahweh met him
here, told him about the future of his seed, that they should be ejected from
the land, become for numbers �as the dust of the earth�; should �spread
abroad�, or beget Colonies, in �the west�, �the east�, �the north� and �the
south�; and that while occupying these positions, in his seed should �all the
[Israel] families of the earth be blessed�; a clear proof that this could not
apply to the �Jews�, because though they are dispersed everywhere, they are not
known to be the means of blessing of the [Israel] nations, neither are they as
�the dust� for multitude, but the reverse in each case (Jeremiah 11:12; 15:7).
It can only refer to Israel, the ten tribes, Yahweh telling Jacob that after
his seed having gone through this work, should be brought back to their land
again, saying through him of Israel:
Behold I am with thee,
and will keep thee in all places whither thou goest, and will bring thee again into this
land; for I will not
leave thee until I have done that which I have spoken to thee of (Genesis
And the stone was afterwards converted
into a pillar of witness, that the pledges Yahweh had given should all be
fulfilled; therefore, as Israel has not yet returned � as the work has not yet
been accomplished � and as the stone is to be a seal of witness when all has
been completed � it follows that the stone must be in existence, otherwise it
could not give its witness. This stone was known to be in the Temple at the
time of the Babylonish Captivity; it was �The Eben Schethia�, or Chief Corner
Stone of the Temple in the sense of testifying to the presence of Yahweh.
Jeremiah the Prophet knew its value. He was a royal high priest � must have
valued every article he knew Yahweh to be interested in � he did not go to
Babylon � he was allowed to do as he pleased � enjoyed free access to the
Temple � and was afforded ample time to secure everything in his judgment that
was required to be preserved. Hence it is most reasonable to suppose that he
secured the stone when he had ample means to do so.
The Identity is really an important one. We have a
stone which, long before our identity with Israel was thought of, has been
known for years and years as �Jacob�s Stone.� It is an object of interest to
thousands who visit Westminster Abbey, as seen under the Seat of the Coronation
Chair, the Chief Seat of the Empire, and ever since its introduction to this
country it has been used in the Coronation Services. Its account is historical,
giving us another of the very many historical proofs we possess in support of
our identity. It was taken to Ireland by Jeremiah and Baruch at the time they
took Tephi there, and replanted the kingdom of David. It was received into
Ireland under the name of the �Lia Phail�, signifying a �precious stone�, or,
as the word �Phail�, which in Hebrew, implies, �The Stone Wonderful.� Tephi,
herself, who became the queen of Eochaid, was crowned upon it; so were all the
monarchs to Fergus the First of Scotland, who had the stone taken there, and so
were all the monarchs from Fergus to James the First, and from James the First
to Victoria; and should there ever be another coronation with us, this
�wonderful� stone will inevitably be used. Dean Stanley, who may be accepted as
an authority upon this point, says of the stone in his �Memorials of
Westminster Abbey�:
chief object of attraction, to this day, to the innumerable visitors of the
Abbey is, probably, that ancient Irish monument of the Empire, known as the
Coronation Stone.� � p. 66.
So that, as Israel must have with them a
precious stone, it is interesting to know that we have such a stone; hence an
Israel Must Be �A
Nation And A Company Of Nations�
Israel must be �a nation and a company
of nations�, (Genesis 35:11). Our wish in bringing this point out is, to show
that Israel must be a nation with colonies, and that these colonies would form
a company of nations governing themselves, controlling their own local affairs
� not in the sense of Manasseh, who must have declared her entire separation and
independence of Israel � but as having separate legislative parliaments, and
yet having a bond of connection, an affinity [attraction or relationship] that
would bind them over to the �a nation� or parent country, and the Identity
shows that this is just the connection that our great colonies maintain with
England. Australia has a Parliament of her own, the same as is enjoyed by our
kinsmen of Canada; our great empire of India has a separate legislative
Government; and the same is found to exist in New Zealand; � yet they all have
alliance with the mother country, who has power to exercise sufficient parental
control as to prevent these dear children running in excesses or adopting
changes that would violate the Constitution; so that they literally assume the
dignity of being �a company of nations�, with power to regulate their own
affairs. We meekly suggest to them the wisdom of managing their own business
without permitting any undue interference on the part of the Canaanites, and
think it the more needful to offer it from what we have observed has befallen
Manasseh. [If Great Britain has had the policy of not permitting any undue
interference on the part of the Canaanites with their colonial possessions,
they surly have been negligent in their duty. Maybe Great Britain is unaware
that the Canaanites are the �Jews�, as we have the same problem in the United
States today. Yahweh commissioned Israel to completely exterminate every
Canaanite on the face of the earth, thus we better know for sure who they are.
Also there should be a disclaimer placed on India, and other British-controlled
countries populated with strangers, which certainly can�t be counted as part of
the Israel nations. If our people control these areas, it is rather because it
was promised that we should �possess the gate of those which hate� us, Genesis
Israel Must have The
Emblems Of The Lion And The Unicorn
It could end in nothing but vanity
unless we are agreed to draw our conclusions about Israel from Scripture,
therefore we maintain that the Almighty has Himself fixed upon Israel the
emblems of the Lion and the Unicorn. Thus it is said of Israel, �He hath, as it
were, the strength of an unicorn� (Numbers 23:22); and in the next chapter the
same thing is said of them when in captivity, where we are told �He hath, as it
were, the strength of an unicorn, ... he coucheth, he lay down as a lion, and
as a great lion: who shall stir him up? ... Israel shall do valiantly� (Numbers
24:8, 9, 18). �His glory is like the firstling of his bullock, and his horns
the horns of unicorns: with them shall he push the people together�
(Deuteronomy 33:17). �But my horn shalt thou exalt like the horn of an unicorn�
(Psalm 92:10). And then through Micah we are told, years after their exile, therefore,
certainly, applying to them now:
And the remnant of
Jacob shall be among the heathen in the midst of many people as a lion (Micah
These passages are pointed to Israel;
they could not apply to [the bad figs of] Judah; they must have significant
meanings, otherwise they would be useless.
The Identity reasonably
supplies the meaning. We have, and we alone of all the nations, the emblems of
the lion [true Judah] and the unicorn [Israel]; they are integral parts of the
heraldry of the British nation. We have the rampant lion of Judah, [and] of
King David�s house, which came to us through the proper channel at the proper
time through James I., when it was definitely re-united to the unicorn of
Israel; and without any straining, the �firstling of the bullock�, the ox being
oft-times applied to Israel, may fairly be said to emblemise the world-famed
power of �John Bull.�
The Army
There are many different points in
connection with the army of Israel, needful to bring out in separate identities
in order that their intrinsic import may be fairly seen. Israel, from the
first, was a strong war power, and they could not have been this without an
army. When in exile, they were to be �as though they were not cast out�, i.e.,
to be exactly the same kind of people out of the land as they were in the land,
so that, as they were with an army then, they must have an army now. Yahweh
said to Israel that:
All the people of the
earth ... shall be afraid of thee (Deuteronomy 28:10). Happy thou, O Israel,
... thine enemies shall be found liars unto thee, and thou shalt tread upon
their high places (Deuteronomy 33:29). He increased His people [Israel] greatly
and made them stronger than their enemies (Psalm 105:24).
These Scriptures were said of Israel,
with scores more to the like effect, when they were in the enjoyment of the
land, but the following were issued to Israel after their captivity, so that
they must apply to them at the present time, and establish the position we have
laid down of their being in possession of a powerful army. �Therefore shall the
strong people glorify Thee� (Isaiah 25:3) [This last verse misapplied by Hine].
�They that strive with thee shall perish�, ... �they that war against thee
shall be as nothing� (Isaiah 41:11, 12). �The nations (non-Israelites) shall
see and be confounded at all their (Israel�s) might� (Micah 7:16).
The Navy
Israel could not be powerful in the army
without being well supported in her navy, because she had to occupy the best
part of the time of her exile in an insular position, in the �coasts of the
earth�, and the �isles of the sea.� Therefore, if strong in one, she must be
strong in the other. Her very training in times of old would fit her for
maritime affairs, because the whole Mediterranean coast was occupied by Israel.
Judah had no seacoast except the worthless border of the Dead Sea. Israel knew
seamanship, because �Hiram sent in the navy his servants, shipmen that had
knowledge of the sea, with the servants of Solomon� (1 Kings 9:27). The tribe
of Dan were ship owners; also Zebulon. Yahweh speaks of Israel as those who:
Go down to the sea in
ships, that do business in great waters (Psalm 107:23).
We also have clear historical evidence
that Israel did trade with Britain for tin, which could not have been done
without ships, and after their settlement in the isles. Their naval prowess is
recorded in Scripture:
Ye that go down to the
sea, and all that is therein, the isles, and the inhabitants thereof (Isaiah
42:10). His seed shall be in many waters ... and his kingdom shall be exalted
(Numbers 24:7). And
when in search of Colonies, Yahweh promised to lead them, even by springs of
water shall He guide them (Isaiah 49:10).
So that we have clear evidence that
Israel, wherever they are, must know the use of ships, and be powerful by them;
and it is enough for the Identity to say that �Britannia rules the
Israel Cannot Be Conquered In Their Isles
When once Israel had become located in
the isles, it would be impossibility for any heathen nation to defeat her.
Scriptures tell us this, but it is not said to any other people. Yahweh gives
this promise only to Israel, therefore the work of discovering Israel lies in a
nutshell. Immediately we find an island nation in the northwest, undefeated, we
get the equivalent of finding Israel. This is expressly said of the descendants
of Israel, after they had gone into captivity, therefore applying to them now,
that �the remnant of Jacob shall be among the heathen as a ... lion, ... who,
if he go through, both treadeth down and teareth in pieces, and none can
deliver.� �Thine hand shall be lifted up upon thine adversaries, and all thine
enemies shall be cut off� (Micah 5:8, 9). Israel is described after their exile
as the people �terrible from their beginning hitherto� (Isaiah 18:2). This was
Israel�s birthright: �Let thy seed possess the gate of those which hate them�
(Genesis 24:60). It follows, that if the promises given to them before their
exile are repeated to them after their exile, that they were not forfeited to
them by their exile. Thus, again, after exile it is promised to them, �Thou art
my servant; I have chosen thee and not cast thee away ... they that war against
thee shall be as nothing, as a thing of nought� (Isaiah 41:9-12); �No weapon
that is formed against thee shall prosper� (Isaiah 54:17). If they prevailed
only once, there is a prevailing; whereas the Scripture say there shall be
The Identity shows beyond all doubt that they have
literally verified; the British nation being identical with the nation of
Israel, to whom these Scriptures were given. We are the only undefeated nation
upon the earth. We never have been defeated since the Norman Conquest, and the
Normans were a tribe of Israel. The last of the Ten Tribes arriving in this
country, it was necessary to receive them into our constitution, otherwise
Israel could never have become re-united and consolidated into a �strong
nation�, in compliance with the will of Yahweh. We believe the Normans to correspond
with the tribe of Benjamin, who as we have before shown, must have separated
themselves from Judah (Jeremiah 6:1). Thus from that time no weapon formed
against us has prospered; all who have warred against us have been as nothing,
and no other existing nation can say this. This must be verified in Israel; it
is verified in us. It can only be verified in Israel; it is only verified in
us, ergo, we must be Israel. [Again, it is necessary to delete a small portion
of Edward Hine�s text.] ... The British stand out alone as a nation never
defeated, a fact, in itself, which establishes our Identity. Some Identities
may be common to other peoples; yet string them all together, and they are
common to none else. But this Identity is unique to Israel, is solely her
property, and found only in the British.
Israel Conquers Against
All Odds
It is the peculiar prerogative of Israel
to obtain decisive victories by the use of only a small force. The privileges
of Israel were not forfeited by the event of their captivity. Hence one of the
seals of Yahweh�s favor upon them that they hold to this day, is that:
Ye shall chase your
enemies, and they shall fall before you by the sword; and five of you shall
chase an hundred, and a hundred of you shall put ten thousand to flight; and
your enemies shall fall before you by the sword (Leviticus 26:7-8). When thou
goest out to battle against thine enemies, and seest horses and chariots and a
people more than thou, be not
afraid of them for Yahweh thy Mighty One is with thee (Deuteronomy 20:1).
The Identity. We are the only nation that can dare
to face fearful odds. This seal of Identity with Israel was verified in the
Peninsular War, when the Duke of Wellington bravely withstood, by a small army,
nearly the entire forces of the Continent. We withstood the people of China,
computed by millions, with only a few boatloads of men, and prevailed against
them. We hold India, with her teeming millions under the power of a few white
men. We prevailed against Russia at the Crimea with but a very small force. We
went into Abyssinia with but a handful of Englishmen, and put their millions to
the right about with scarcely striking a blow; and only recently Captain
Glover, now Sir John Glover, who played perhaps the most difficult part in
subjugation of the Ashantees, had only ten white men in his company, including
himself. Thus again we produce a seal given only to Israel, and which Israel
must have with her this very day, proving that we must be Israel. This Identity
comes out more beautifully, seeing that we have never had the advantage of
meeting the enemy in our own country, but have always performed the most
difficult and costly task of transporting our army in ships suffering the great
disadvantage of having oceans intervening between the battlefield and the
resources of the mother country.
Israel Must Be Above
All Other Nations
Yahweh promises that the nation of
Israel shall be high above all other nations upon the earth for ever: this only
shows the folly and wickedness of those who insist that the nationality of
Israel is destroyed, and that Yahweh has substituted the Church of Christ in
its place, It is said of Israel:
Yahweh hath chosen
thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the
earth (Deuteronomy 7:6; 14:2).
Yahweh hath avouched
thee this day to be his peculiar people as he hath promised thee ... to make
thee high above all nations (Deuteronomy 26:18-19).
...Yahweh thy Almighty
will set thee on high above all (heathen) nations of the earth: (Deuteronomy 28:1).
...Thou has confirmed
to Thyself Thy people Israel to be a people unto Thee for ever... (2 Samuel 7:24).
And again, as showing that the captivity
did not alter in any way Yahweh�s covenant with Israel, after this event it is
...Thou [Israel] art
my servant, I have chosen thee, and not cast thee away (Isaiah 41:9)... I will make an everlasting covenant with them, that I will not
turn away from them to do them good; (Jeremiah 32:40). ...they shall be (i.e.,
when in exile) as though I had not cast them off... (Zechariah 10:6).
The blessed Gospel of our Savior was
never intended to supersede or to destroy these everlasting covenants made to
Israel as a nation. It is the spirit of infidelity only that would insert this.
Yahshua said �� �Think not that I am come to
destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill�
(Matthew 5:17).
Israel Must Be A
Christian People
With the open Bible in our hands, and the
marked distinction of Israel, the Ten Tribes, from Judah the two tribes, made
known to us, nothing could be more perplexing in the study of Scripture than to
suppose that lost Israel must be now under the Mosaic law, retaining the seal
of circumcision and the rites of the Temple Service, because it follows that a
people destined by God (Yahweh) to be as the dust of the earth for multitude
never could have become a lost people, if they had preserved the Levitical
Service in their midst. [Because Edward Hine was unable to determine the
difference between the true members or the Tribe of Judah and the bad fig,
Cain-Satanic-Edomite-Canaanite �Jews�, he mistakenly comes to many erroneous
conclusions. He does quite well as long as he stays on the subject of Israel,
but is hindered by a lack of research and historic study during his time
period. He doesn�t seem to realize that the Celts historically were of the
Zerah branch of Judah. Also he seems to be unaware that most of the Pharez
branch of Judah went into Assyrian captivity with the Ten, Northern, Lost
Tribes. Therefore, we must give Edward Hine credit where credit is due, and
criticism where criticism is due. Because he was one of the founders of Israel
Identity along with John Wilson, we must give him much praise for bringing us
this very important Israel message. Without the efforts of John Wilson and
Edward Hine, we probably wouldn�t understand this message today! Both John
Wilson and Edward Hine did amazingly well for what they understood during their
time frame and their circumstances. We owe them much, but that is no reason we
should follow in their footsteps where they were in error. We continue now
quoting Edward Hine, with corrections where necessary.] This would have become
impossible. That they should be lost, scores of Scriptures testify to. The [bad
fig] �Jews�, themselves, as an entire body, confess it. The whole routine of
the Mosaic Law was a training school to bring Israel to Christ. St. Paul, who
wrote to the Israelites in Galatia, told them � �The law was our schoolmaster
to bring us to Christ� (Galatians 3:24) .He could not have been addressing
Gentiles (non-Israelites), because they were never under the Mosaic law,
therefore could not have been under the training. [It is not clear whether or
not Hine was teaching that the law was done away with, but he quotes part of
the following verses. Also it should be mentioned that this epistle was
originally written to the �Gauls.�]:
(Vs. 6) But now we are
delivered from the law, that being dead wherein we were held... (Vs. 4) ...
become dead to the law by the body of Christ [Yahshua] (Romans 7:6; & 7:4).
It was Christ�s (Yahshua�s) great
mission to redeem Israel, as Cleopas said when unknowingly talking to Jesus
(Yahshua), �We trusted that it had been He which should have redeemed Israel�
(Luke 24:21). Christ (Yahshua) Himself said:
I am not sent but unto
the lost sheep of the House of Israel (Matthew 15:24).
Simeon, the devout man, was �waiting for
the consolation (redemption) of Israel� (Luke 2:25). Anna, of the tribe of Aser
(Asher), was one that �looked for redemption� (Luke 2:38). Hence, how
beautifully comes out the instruction: Go not into the way of the Gentiles
(non-Israelites), and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not, but go
rather to the lost sheep of the House of Israel (Matthew 10:5, 6). So then,
it becomes plain, that the redemption of Israel must have taken place during
the time of their exile, and not when they were in possession of the land.
Hosea testifies to this, �And it shall come to pass, in the place where it was
said unto them, ye are not my people� � i.e., in the very place where they
became called �by another name�, which we have already seen was only really
effected upon their settlement in �the isles�, so that in that place, during
the time of their exile in the isles, �there it shall be said unto them, Ye are
the son�s of the living God (Yahweh)� (Hosea 1:10). St. Paul tells us the same
thing (Romans 9:26), and both associate the event so as to take place in exile,
and prior to their return to the land being affected. Hosea saying that �then�
i.e., when Israel is identified and not discovered a Christian people � �then�
not before:
Shall the children of
Judah and the children of Israel be gathered together, and appoint themselves
one head (Hosea 1:11).
[Edward Hine apparently believes by this
verse that somehow the Almighty is going to gather Israel and the bad fig,
Cain-Satanic-Edomite-Canaanite �Jews� together into one big fraternity and
proclaim it the �kingdom.� No greater error could be made. Let�s go on to see
how he explains his method of reasoning:] A Scriptural proof that they must now
exist in two divisions; and St. Paul tells us that, when this work of
identifying Christian Israel shall be effected, the Lord (Yahweh) will make the
whole thing a �short work� �upon the earth� (Romans 9:28). This �gathering
together�, appointing �one head�, and the return, has not yet taken place;
therefore it must be a yet future event, and it must be preceded by the
identity of Israel as a Christian people, which is the great work we have put
our hands to. [Actually Israel and Judah found themselves together during the
Assyrian captivity and were joined later by the good figs of Judah, of
Jerusalem, from the Babylonian captivity who went on into Europe with the rest
of the tribes rather than returning to Jerusalem after the seventy years. Check
Jeremiah 50:4, 8 & Isaiah 48:20.] The Bible would be utterly valueless if
the Old Testament was contradicted by the New. It is not. There is a perfect
harmony between the two, and it is most evident that the Old Testament supports
the declarations of the New, by speaking of lost Israel as being a Christian
people during their exile �The people that walked in darkness have seen a great
light� (Isaiah 9:2). �The Lord (Yahweh) sent a word into Jacob, and it hath
lighted upon Israel� (Isaiah 9:8). �Glorify ...� (Yahweh) the Mighty One of Israel in the Isles of the Western
Sea� (Isaiah 24:15). �Israel shall be saved in the Lord (Yahweh) with an
everlasting salvation ... I said not unto the seed of Jacob, seek ye Me in
vain� (Isaiah 45:17, 19). �In the Lord (Yahweh) shall all the seed of Israel be
justified, and shall glory� (Isaiah 45:25). �The Lord (Yahweh) hath redeemed His
servant Jacob� (Isaiah 48:20). �Thou art My servant, O Israel, in whom I will
be glorified� (Isaiah 49:3). �The isles shall wait upon Me, and on My arm shall
they trust� (Isaiah 51:5). �Truly in the Lord our God (Mighty One) is the
salvation of Israel� (Jeremiah 3:23). �Thou shalt know the Lord (Yahweh), ...
and I will sow her unto Me in the earth� (Hosea 2:20,23). �The remnant of Jacob
shall be in the midst of many people, as a dew from the Lord (Yahweh)� (Micah
5:7). �Israel shall blossom, and bud, and fill the face of the world with
fruit� (Isaiah 27:6). The many Scriptures given to Judah are all so contrary to
these that they cannot in any way apply to the �Jews.� [They apply to Judah,
not the �Jews.�] We have not to fear man, but to reverence Scripture. Therefore
Christ (Yahshua) talking to the [bad fig, Cain-Satanic-Edomite-Canaanite]
�Jews� said:
Therefore say I unto
you, The Kingdom of Yahweh shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruit of
righteousness [fruits thereof].
� I.e., Israel�s nation (Matthew 21:43).
�Therefore let all the house of Israel (i.e., the Ten Tribes) know assuredly
that God (Yahweh) hath made that same Jesus (Yahshua) whom ye (i.e., the [bad
fig, Cain-Satanic-Edomite-Canaanite] �Jews�) have crucified both Lord
(Sovereign) and Christ (Yahshua)� (Acts 2:36). The Ten Tribes [along with the
good figs of Judah] were to come to knowledge of the wicked deeds of the two
tribes [rather the bad fig, Cain--Satanic-Edomite-Canaanite-�Jews�]. Hence,
Christ (Yahshua), speaking of the representatives of the Ten Tribes [rather to
His Benjamite disciples] says, �It is given unto you to know the mysteries of
the kingdom of heaven, but unto them (i.e., the [bad fig,
Cain-Satanic-Edomite-Canaanite] �Jews�) it is not given� (Matthew 13:11). �That
seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not
understand, lest at any time they should be converted� (Mark 4:12). �If I tell
you (i.e., the [bad fig, Cain-Satanic-Edomite-Canaanite] �Jews�) ye will not
believe� (Luke 22:67). �Ye believe not because ye (i.e., the [bad fig,
Cain-Satanic-Edomite-Canaanite] �Jews� are not of my sheep [not Israelites] ...
My sheep (i.e., the Ten Tribes [plus Benjamin, Levi, and the good figs of true
Judah]) hear my voice, and I know them� (John 10:26, 27). The prophets and the
whole integrity of the Bible would have been destroyed if the [bad fig,
Cain-Satanic-Edomite-Canaanite] �Jews�, as a people, had received Christ
(Yahshua). As Christ (Yahshua), our best guide, said of the [bad fig,
Cain-Satanic-Edomite-Canaanite] �Jews�, �They could not believe, because that
Esaias (Isaiah) said� (John 12:39) � i.e., if they had believed, the prophet
would have been false � a thing impossible. So that Israel, the Ten Tribes
[plus Benjamin, Levi and the good figs of Judah], must be Christians, under
Christ (Yahshua). The [bad fig, Cain-Satanic-Edomite-Canaanite] �Jews�
[claiming to be Judah], must be under the Mosaic Law, Yahweh having made �one
vessel unto honor�, the other �unto dishonor� (Romans 9:21).
[In the next paragraph, the following
comments by Edward Hine are totally erroneous and out of line. His
understanding of the �Jews� vs. the true Tribe of Judah are totally confused
and his conclusions on them are highly flawed.] � The Identity finds us
a Christian people, having the �Jewish� people still under the Mosaic Law, and
who must remain under that law until they can say:
Blessed is He who
cometh in the name of Yahweh (Luke 13:35).
Until this time Judah and Israel will
constitute God�s (Yahweh�s) two witnesses � [true] Judah the standing witness;
Israel the discovered, the overwhelming, witness of the latter times. The
Almighty must have both. Thank God (Yahweh), he has them. [You can see from
this just how dangerous his position on the tribe of Judah was during his time.
Such a teaching could lead, and probably did, to disastrous results. But this
is one of two men we owe, for the beginning truth of lost Israel.]
Yahweh Must Be To
Israel, When In Their Exile, A Little Sanctuary
Yahweh, who cannot fail in his Word,
promised to be to Israel during their exile a little sanctuary (difficult to
find asylum) � their refuge, their helper:
Thus saith Yahweh,
although I have cast them far off, and although I have scattered them among the
heathen, yet will I be to them as a little sanctuary in the countries where
they shall come (Ezekiel 11:16).
This was said to �all the house of
Israel wholly�, in a verse where the distinction of Israel from Judah is
beautifully shown, �They unto whom (i.e., the Ten Tribes) the inhabitants of
Jerusalem (i.e., the two tribes) had said, Get you far from the Lord.� Judah�s
Scriptures are contrary to those of Israel; here is one as a sample:
Is it a light thing to
the House of Judah that they commit the abominations that they commit here? ...
Therefore will I also deal in fury: Mine eye shall not spare, neither will I
have pity: and though they cry in Mine ears with a loud voice, yet will I not
hear them (Ezekiel 8:17, 18).
[Failure is seen here in how Hine
perceives a particular �distinction� is made between Israel and Judah, as a
people.] The Identity has only to speak with the voice of gratitude.
Yahweh has been to the British and American people a sanctuary; and though we
have often left Yahweh, yet He has never left us. The stereotyped phrase used
at prayer meetings, �We are more highly privileged than any other nation�, is
true. It is but substantiating what the Psalmist has said:
He showed his word
unto Jacob, his statutes and his judgments unto Israel. He hath not dealt so
with any (other) nation; and as for his judgments, they (the heathen) have not
known them � (Psalm
Israel�s Children Must
Know Yahweh
Israel in captivity must be
distinguished from all other nations by her solicitude, that her children
should be taught in Yahweh. Israel went into captivity 725 B.C. In 698 B.C., or
27 years after the captivity, while Judah was still in the land [This would be
after the bulk of Judah was taken into Assyrian captivity by Sennacherib,
leaving only Jerusalem], Yahweh sends this after Israel [So this message would
include these Judah captives, also refuting Hine�s premise.]:
As for Me, this is My
covenant with them, saith Yahweh; My Spirit that is upon thee, and My words
which I have put into thy mouth, shall not depart out of thy mouth, nor out of
the mouth of thy seed, nor out of the mouth of thy seed�s seed, saith Yahweh,
from henceforth and for ever (Isaiah 59:21).
Similar passages were given before the
children possessed the land, but this shows that the promise was not cancelled
by the captivity:
I will pour My spirit
upon thy seed, and Mine blessing upon thine offspring (Isaiah 44:3). All thy
children shall be taught of Yahweh; and great shall be the peace of thy
children (Isaiah 54:13).
Israel only is addressed here; not Judah
[Here, again, Hine is doing everything he can to exclude the true Tribe of
Judah simply because he did not understand the difference between a member of
the Tribe of Judah and a �Jew�]; the very next verse says she should be
established in righteousness, and be far from oppression, whereas Judah [the
�Jews�] were to be oppressed. Israel must be a nation that brings up her
children in the knowledge of the Almighty.
The Identity can be spoken in a few words. The Bible
has always been a textbook in our schools throughout the land. Sunday Schools
are an institution peculiar to Great Britain and America; and, as if to signal
the approach of triumphant times, it is the law of our land that every child
shall receive instruction. ...
Israel To Be Called In
The promise is distinctly given to
Israel, that �... in Isaac shall thy seed be called (through Jacob, not Esau).�
(Genesis 21:12; Romans 9:7; Hebrews 11:18); and we have so strong a desire to
maintain that all Scripture shall be fulfilled, even as Yahshua declared, to
the jots and the tittles, as to insist that this Scripture must have received
fulfillment, though in our blindness (Romans 11) we have hitherto failed to
discover in what way. Therefore, we boldly declare that:
The Identity conclusively proves the truth of this
Scripture, and that we Saxons inherit this very name of Saxons from Isaac. It
is entirely in accordance with the old usage of cutting off a prefix and adding
an affix: that of taking away the prefix �I� in Isaac, and adding the affix
�ons� we obtain in the word Saxons nothing more than the �Sons of Isaac�; so
that we being identical with lost Israel, fulfill Scripture by our Saxon name,
which is a standing testimony that our seed has been called in Isaac. This was
to be only Israel�s lot; it is only ours, ergo, we must be Israel.
Israel Must Be Yahweh�s
An inheritance is a possession. With us
the term is confined to property; each person�s inheritance is something
localized separate and distinct from properties adjoining. But Yahweh has been
pleased to apply the term to a people. He careth not for funds, or estates;
but, in looking down upon the different nations, He has selected one � only one
� out of the many to become his peculiar possession � His inheritance. It
pleased Him to accept the prayers of one man, to take the people of Israel as
His own inheritance; for Moses said:
If now I have found
grace (favor) in Thy sight, O, Yahweh, let my Master, I pray thee, go among us,
for it is a stiff-necked people; And pardon our iniquity and our sin, and take us for
thine inheritance
(Exodus 34:9).
Yahweh did this; for Moses told the
people that Yahweh had brought them out of Egypt �to be unto Him a people of
inheritance, as ye are this day� (Deuteronomy 4:20). Thus Israel became the
special property of Yahweh, and when they sinned and Yahweh was angry with
them, they still continued as his inheritance, for Moses prayed:
O Yahweh, destroy not
Thy people and Thine inheritance... They are Thy people, and Thine inheritance (Deuteronomy 9:26,
And Solomon, whose wisdom led him to
glory in the fact, said to Yahweh:
For Thou didst
separate them from among all the people of the earth to be Thine inheritance ... For they be Thy people,
and Thine inheritance (1 Kings 8:53, 8:51).
And a �wise woman� at a time of civil
war, said to Joab, �Why wilt thou swallow up the inheritance of Yahweh?� (2
Samuel 20:19). David prayed the Gibeonites that they might �bless the
inheritance of Yahweh� (2 Samuel 21:3). �The people whom he has chosen
for His own inheritance� (Psalm 33:12). That the captivity could have no power
to destroy Yahweh�s covenant with Israel as His inheritance, long after this
event the prophet prays Yahweh to �Return for thy servant�s sake, the tribes of
thine inheritance� (Isaiah 63:17). That Yahweh has no intention of discarding
His possession, He distinctly tells us of a time when three peoples shall
become blessings in the midst of the land; three separate peoples:
When Yahweh of Hosts
shall bless, saying, Blessed be Egypt, my people, and Assyria the work of my
hands, and Israel mine Inheritance (Isaiah 19:25).
Thus no people can be considered the
inheritance of Yahweh but the nation of Israel; and that it is a misconstruing
of Scripture to apply this term to �Church�, or any section of professing
The Identity is a very valuable one. The British
people in a national sense, have been led to accept this term as being
applicable to themselves. They have not yet considered it as solely applying to
themselves � that matters not. Yahweh applies it to Israel, and we have agreed
to apply it to ourselves. Yahweh has done what He said He would do: He has led
us by a way we have not known (Isaiah 42:16), and caused us to accept in
ignorance what was really a truth. Thus we have been led to a distinct avowal
that we are Yahweh�s inheritance � consequently, the people of Israel. This avowal
on the part of our nation is made every Sunday when we pray to Yahweh.
[Yahweh] save Thy
people; and bless thine heritage. Govern [feed] them also; and lift them up for ever (Psalm
So the British have, for ages, been
confessing before Yahweh their Identity with Israel. True, it has been done in
blindness, but all who open their minds to receive this truth will go to our
National �Church� with entirely new feelings of joyfulness; and as they make
confession to the Almighty that they are His �inheritance�, �His chosen
people�, new rays of glory will illuminate the soul � new hopes will inspire
the mind � that will tune the heart to sing for gladness, touching those cords
of emotions that alone can render worship adequate, satisfying, and delightsome.
Reader, may this be your experience, and I am rewarded.
Clifton A. Emahiser
We have to honor John Wilson for his
great effort and ability to research, which led him in making the great
re-discovery that the Anglo-Saxons and related peoples were the former
Israelites of the Bible. He was just the man that Yahweh needed during his time
frame in which he lived to do such a great work. Words are inadequate to really
describe how important a find this was. He had all the qualities needed to do
the job, and he did quite well considering the religious views of his day. Then
Edward Hine picked up the message, which he carried worldwide. While both of
these men were men of great ability, they didn�t have all the pieces of the
puzzle together during their time. Therefore, because of this lack of evidence,
they and their followers fell into some serious error, which still plagues, us
today in the Israel message. While they understood the history of the Ten
Northern Tribes of Israel quite well, they were quite lacking and deficient in
their knowledge of the Southern Kingdom of Judah. They were especially unaware
that most of Judah was taken into the Assyrian captivity along with the Ten
Northern Tribes by Sennacherib. There were three Assyrian kings before
Sennacherib, and they were in this order: (1) Tiglath Pileser, who deported
Israelites 745-727 B.C. (2) Shalmaneser V., who deported Israelites 727-722
B.C. (3) Sargon II, who deported Israelites 722-705 B.C. and (4) Sennacherib
who deported Judahites 705-681 B.C. Later, Nebuchadnezzar deported the
remaining Judahites from the city of Jerusalem to Babylon from 604 to 561 B.C.
When Sennacherib finished with Judah, all that was left was the city of
Jerusalem! He would have also taken Jerusalem had not the death angel visited
his army, which is a well-known Bible story. If these two men, Wilson and Hine,
would have understood this history, they would have known that Judah was with
Israel when they came into Europe. Check Jeremiah 50:4, 8 & Isaiah 48:20.
Wilson and Hine made the mistake of
identifying the Irish of southern Ireland as being Canaanites, while they
mistakenly identified the bad fig, Cain Satanic Edomite Canaanite �Jews� as the
true Tribe of Judah. So it is necessary to place a disclaimer on Marie King�s
opinions of the German people, and like that of many �British Identity�
writers, it is contrary to facts uncovered not only by Sharon Turner, but many
other later Identity authors (although the rest of the content Marie King�s two
articles presented here are quite excellent. This idea was later used as Jewish
propaganda to justify British hostility against Germany leading to both world
Wars I & II, and the labeling of the Germans as �Huns� while the Jews masqueraded
as �Judah�, and the opposite being much closer to the truth. Like the people of
Germany are being accused of being �Huns�, the English are accusing the Irish
of being Canaanites to justify their oppression of that country! If Hine would
have wrote a century earlier, would he have accused the founding fathers here
in the Unites States of being Canaanites. Irish hopes for independence
increased greatly after they witnessed American success. The English destroyed
large portions of the Irish on several occasions! Why do they refuse to look at
the fact that they have been so aggressive in the oppression of their own
kinsmen? While �British Israel� points to the Irish as Canaanites, they embrace
with open arms the bad fig, Cain-Satanic-Edomite-Canaanite �Jews.�
In spite of all this, we still have to
honor these early researchers of �Israel Identity.� We have to realize that all
of this has been in Yahweh�s hands and will be worked out according to His
purposes in time to come. Yahweh speed the day when all Israel will understand
their Identity, and will begin to treat their fellow kinsmen with the respect
that is due them.����
A. Emahiser� s
1012 N.
Vine St.
Ohio 44830