by Bertrand L. Comparet   

Recently, I saw the wreckage of a truck which had been hit by a fast train. It reminded me that GOD'S PROGRAM OF DESTINY is like an express train, running exactly on schedule: we can't expect it to wait while we hold a picnic on the tracks with God's enemies. Yet we persistently do wrong, for the sake of so-called "expediency", until the judgment of des�tiny flings us in wreckage from the tracks.

When God led His people out of Egypt and was organizing them into a nation, while He had Moses up in Mount Sinai for instructions, Moses' brother Aaron was left in charge of the people. Now Aaron was a "man of peace"---there was nothing "controversial" about him: he wouldn't quar�rel with anyone about anything so trifling as a vital principle of good or evil. So he found it "expedient" to go along with the popular demand to return to idolatry, and he made them the golden calf. Inevitably, came the penalty: 3,000 people died as the price of this "expediency. (Exodus 32)

Then when God told His people to enter their new homes in Palestine, they lacked the courage to obey Him. The leading "liberal" columnists and commentators of the day called Him a "warmonger"; they said it was a reactionary policy, it would surely lead to war with Russ --- pardon me, with the Canaanites---so we must do anything to avoid the danger of war. You know what the penalty was: 40 years of wandering in the wilderness, until all the cowards were dead. Only those with the courage to follow their God could enter the Promised Land.

After the 40 years wandering was past, Giod again--told His people to occupy the good land He had given them and He would drive out their enemies before them; and He solemnly warned them not to make any treat ies with the treacherous, pagan Canaanite nations, for the Canaanites regarded treaties only as a way to deceive their enemies. God said: "Take heed to thyself, lest thou make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land whither thou goest, lest it be fox, a snare in the midst of thee." Exodus 34:12

But the foolish people would not obey God. Didn't their Secre�tary of State say, "The way to get confidence is to give it" and "We must treat everybody alike --- we must never discriminate --- not even be�tween good and evil . So they defied their God for the sake of politi�cal "expediency", and made a peace treaty with the Gibeonites. Again they had to learn the terrible lesson that, in the long run, expediency is never expedient. The record of it is brief and bitter:

And an angel of the Lord came up from Gilgal to Bochim, and said, 'I made you to go out of Egypt, and have brought you unto the land which I swore unto your fathers; and I said I will never break My covenant with you. And ye shall make no league with the inhabitants of this land; ye shall throw down their altars: but ye have not obeyed My voice. Why have ye done this? Wherefore I also said, I will not drive them out before you; but they shall be as thorns in your sides, and their gods shall be a snare unto you."' Judges 2:1-3

For centuries, in one dreadful war after another, they paid the bitter penalty with the lives of their sons---wars which no enemy would have dared to start if our ancestors had obeyed their God.

But down through the next 3,300 years, each generation has had to learn anew the awful lesson that the price of expediency is high, and the only coin with which we can pay is the blood of our sons. Great Britain and ourselves are already seated in the classroom where we must learn that, when we sell our brothers of Europe into slavery just to win an election, we shall yet redeem them on the battlefield --- and pay a frightful rate of interest for the delay.

Today the situation is taking on a new character: it is God's judg�ment upon the satanic world order. The fruits of that order have ripened: we suffer the consequences of living under the conditions which we have tolerated. Are you worried about the danger of atomic attack by China?

  People today deceive themselves about God's judgments. They think of them as only the anger of hurt pride, and they say, "So what if we have defied Him, as lon� as we thought it was all right? He is too kind to do anything about it. instead, JUDGMENT IS THE INEVITABLE CONSEQUENCE OF VIOLATING NATURAL LAW. Moral laws are as much natural laws --- and as self-enforcing --- as the Law of Gravity. All history is the record of the consequences of national cowardice and dishonesty.

"Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." Galatians 6:9

"For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirl-wind." Hosea 8:7

 Now, God's Train of Destiny is thundering down the track, right on schedule, and we must either get out of the way or get hit. Noah had to build the ark in time, else he would have drowned with the others; Lot had to get out of Sodom, else he would have perished in its destruction. We also have much to change---and very soon.

  OUR EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM HAS TURNED ITS BACK ON GOD. We thought it smart" and "intellectual" to doubt and sneer at everything good. Now Communism is taught in many schools under the guise of "social adjust�ment", and Christianity is ridiculed and denounced as "bigotry." Juve�nile delinquency is the natural result of our lack of standards and the mixing together of all kinds and classes of youth in the sacred name of "democracy"---the tolerated presence of evil always corrupts: one rotten apple spoils the barrel. Now we have even found instances of teachers teaching our children the worst kind of promiscuous immorality --- and brazenly defending their teaching as part of their "academic freedom." But what have YOU done about your schools?

IS THE GOVERNMENT OF YOUR CITY CORRUPT? Don't complain to me: how much campaigning for better candidates did YOU do, last election? ARE YOUR TAXES RUINOUSLY HIGH? When did YOU ever notify any politician that your vote would go to the man who would reduce taxes by one-third?

  You have been many times betrayed by politicians who have brazenly and openly sold you out --- you, the great majority --- in a corrupt play for the support of some "Minority group". But didn't you vote for those same politicians at the next election?

All the conditions you find so appalling are the result of your own toleration of evil. We get a million words a year of propaganda for "tolerance"---but haven't you ever wondered why it always asks you to tolerate somethin� bad? Why it never asks anyone to tolerate the good things which are controversial" because the evil groups are always at�tacking them? When will we learn that you cannot tolerate a cancer? Today, we face the beginning of the last great conflict, from which either good or evil will survive, but not both: there can be no "co�existence". We must pay for our cowardice and hypocricy and "expediency" in blood, as always---blood we could have saved if we had stamped out the organized, international evil of Communism, put out the fire when it was small.

  Even now, we can still avoid much of it, if we will clean up our national house and get back to the laws of God, while there is yet time.