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"Let us all recognize that we Jews are a distinct nationality of which every Jew, whatever his country, his station, or shade of belief, is necessarily a member."
- Louis D. Brandeis, Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States
4. Are The Jews A Nation?
No Gentile knows how many Jews there are in the United States. The figures are the exclusive property of the Jewish authorities. The government of the United States can provide statistics on almost every matter pertaining to the population of the country, but whenever it has attempted in a systematic way to get information about the Jews who are constantly entering the country, and the number now resident here, the Jewish lobby at Washington steps in and stops it. The Jews conceal their strength because Jewish influence at the Capitol has been strong enough to win on all matters affecting Jewish interests, at all times.
Immigration into the United States became a business 40 years ago – a strictly Jewish business. There is a perfect organization which overcomes the numerous objections which arise against the admission of known revolutionary Jews; European Jews are potential revolutionaries. America has not been called "The Jews’ Country" in the smaller nations of Europe for nothing, and the alarming increase in Jewish immigration brings the question to public attention again. A national conviction is forming upon the subject, for it is apparent that the strictly Jewish business of getting Jews into the United States moves like an army which, having done duty in Europe for the subjugation of that continent, has transferred itself to America. Jewish secret societies in America are the principal aides in this long stampede to America. They are able to "arrange" the passport work, they "arrange" avoidance of the health regulations. The laws of the country are set aside in open contempt. The Jewish immigrants can come from anywhere and are coming from anywhere: their first glimpse of life here shows a Jewish control as potent and complete as it is in Russia. They see officials of Jewish secret societies override officials of the United States Immigration Bureau; why should they not behave as if they own the United States? No wonder that they literally beat down the walls and gates with all the eclat of a victorious invasion. It is an invasion, nothing less, and it is inspired and helped by influences within the United States. When it is not secret it is thinly cloaked with sentiment "these people are fleeing from persecution."
After the tide of Jewish invasion into the United States in the 1880’s became too wide for anyone to ignore the dangers, the censors authorities asked Congress for permission to classify people by "race" as well as by "country of birth." The strongest opposition was led in Congress by the Jews, principally by Simon Guggenheim and Julian W. Mack. Hearings had to be ordered to know what elements were composing the population; whether the United States was an Anglo-Saxon, Semitic, Latin nation, or what. The Jewish opposition to the hearings disclosed four matters very clearly: (1) the Jew is opposed to any restrictive legislation against his entrance into a country; (2) the Jew is opposed to any racial classification of himself after he has entered a country; (3) the Jewish argument to the Gentile authorities is that the Jew represents religion and not race; (4) the Jew has one view to present to the Gentiles, and another which he cherishes among his own people, on this question of Race. When Americans disregarded as untenable the argument of "religion, not race," the Jewish spokesmen were able to fall back on the fact that their powerful organizations did not want certain things and would not have certain things – argument or no argument, commission or no commission. The Jewish lobbyists had their way. There is no enumeration of Jews in the United States. There are classifications for all other races and nations, but none for the Jews. None of the other races made objection, but the Jew is not distinguished at all. What is the result today? If you ask the government of the United States how many Frenchmen there are in the country, it can give you the figures. If you ask for the number of Poles, it is there. If you ask for the number of Africans, it is known. Down a long list you may make your inquiries, you will find that the government knows. But ask the government of the United States how many Jews are in the country – and it cannot tell; there are no records.
Race Or Religion
What have the Jews themselves to say about "race or religion?" The following quotations put the reader in possession of information regarding the Jew’s own thought of himself as a member of a separate people, quite aside from the consideration of his religion.
Leo N. Levi, President of B’nai B’rith, 1900-1904:
"The distinctive character of the Jew does not arise solely from his religion. It is true that his race and religion are indissolubly connected, but whatever be the cause of this junction of the race idea with the religion, it is very certain that the religion alone does not constitute the people. A believer in the Jewish faith does not by reason of that fact become a Jew. On the other hand, however, a Jew by birth remains a Jew, even though he adjures his religion."
Graetz, the historian of the Jews, whose monumental work is one of the standard authorities, says that the history of the Jews, even since they lost the Jewish State,
"still possesses a national character; it is by no means merely a creed or church history."
Moses Hess, one of the historic figures through whom the whole Jewish Program has flowed down from its ancient sources to its modern agents, wrote a book entitled "Rome and Jerusalem" in which he stated the whole matter with clearness and force:
- "The Jews are something more than mere ‘followers of a religion,’ namely, they are a race, a brotherhood, a nation." (p. 71).
- "A Jew belongs to his race and consequently also to Judaism, in spite of the fact that he or his ancestors have become apostates." (pp. 97-98).
- "Every Jew is, whether he likes it or not, solidly muted with the entire nation." (p. 163).
- "Jewish religion is, above all, Jewish patriotism." (p. 61).
Louis D. Brandeis, Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States and world leader of the Zionist movement, wrote in his book "Zionism and the American Jews,"-
"Despite the meditations of pundits or the decrees of councils, our own instinct and acts, and those of others, have defined for us the term ‘Jew’."
Rabbi Morris Joseph, sometime of the West London Synagogue of British Jews, writes in his book "Israel a Nation,"-
"Israel is assuredly a great nation . . . . Israel is recognized as a nation by those who see it; no one could possibly mistake it for a sect. To deny Jewish nationality you must deny the existence of the Jew."
The Jewish barrister, Bertram B. Benas, writes in "Zionism – the National Jewish Movement,"-
- "The Jewish entity is essentially the entity of a People." Leon Simon, a brilliant and impressive Jewish scholar and writer, makes an important study of the question of "religion and nationality," in his volume, "Studies in Jewish Nationalism." He makes out a case for the proposition that the religion of the Jews is Nationalism, and that Nationalism is an integral part of their religion:
- "The Messianic Age means for the Jews not merely bile establishment of peace on earth and good will to men, but the universal recognition of the Jew, and his God." (p. 14).
- "'Judaism has no message of salvation for the individual soul, as Christianity has; all its ideas are bound up with the existence of the Jewish nation." (p. 20).
- "The idea that Jews are a religious sect, precisely parallel to Catholics and Protestants, is nonsense." (p. 34).
Arthur D. Lewis, a Jewish writer, in his "The Jews Nation," also bases nationality on the racial element:
"The Jews were originally a nation, and have retained more than most nations one of the elements of nationality – namely, the race element; this may be proved, of course, by the commonsense test of their distinguishability. You can more easily see that a Jew is a Jew than that an Englishman is an Englishman."
The idea that the Jews comprise a nation is the most common idea of all – among Jews. Not only a nation with a past, but a nation with a future. More than that – not only a nation, but a Super-Nation. We can go still further on the authority of Jewish statements: we can say that the future form of the Jewish Nation will be a kingdom.
Elkan N. Adler says:
"No serious politician today doubts that our people have a political future."
This future political definiteness and power was in the mind of Moses Hess when he wrote in 1862 – mark the date! – in the preface of his "Rome and Jerusalem," these words:
"No nation can be indifferent to the fact that in the coming European struggle for liberty, it may have another people as its friend or foe."
Hess, complaining of the inequalities visited upon the Jews, was saying that what the individual Jew could not get because he was a Jew, the Jewish Nation would be able to get because it would be a nation. He learns the Gentile nations to be careful, because in that "coming struggle" there would be another nation in the list, the Jewish Nation, which could be the friend or foe of any it chose.
Dr. Israel Friedlaender says:
"It is enough for us to know that the Jews have always felt themselves as a separate race, sharply marked off from the rest of mankind."
As to the problems of the Jewish Nation, there is plenty of Jewish testimony to the fact that the influence of Americanism is harmful to Jewish life; that is they are in antagonism, like two opposite ideas. And that Zionism is the modern rallying point for Jewish nationalism. The actual beliefs of the most active and influential part of Jewry in America are demonstrated in a work published by the Zionist Organization of America, "Guide to Zionism,"
"The name of their national religion, Judaism, is derived from their national designation. An un-religious Jew is still a Jew, and he can with difficulty escape his allegiance only by repudiating the name of Jew." (p. 5).
Jewry nowhere subscribes in the persons of its greatest teachers and its most authoritative representatives, to the theory that the Jew is only "a brother of the faith." Often he is not of the faith at all, belt he is still a Jew. The "religion, not race" argument exposes the double minds of those political leaders who, instead of straightforwardly meeting the Jewish Question, endeavor to turn all inquiry aside by an impressive confusion of the Gentile mind.
There are two Jewish Programs in the world – one which it is intended the Gentiles should see, and one which is exclusively for the Jews. In determining which is the real program, it is a safe course to adopt the one that is made to succeed. It is the program sponsored by the so-called Zionists which is succeeding. That is the program whose sponsors stand for the racial and national separateness of the Jews.
Regardless of what may be said to the Gentiles for the purpose of hindering or modifying their action, there is no question of what the Jew thinks of himself: he thinks of himself as belonging to a People, united to that people by ties of blood which no amount of credal change can weaken, heir of that People's past and agent of that People's political future. He belongs to a race; he belongs to a nation. He seeks a kingdom to come on this earth, a kingdom which shall be over all kingdoms, with Jerusalem the ruling city of the world. That desire of the Jewish nation may be fulfilled; and the relationships between Jewish nationalism and the nationalism of the peoples among whom the Jews dwell are pointers to the potential victory.
The Policy Of "Misrepresentation"
To these exposures of the "religion, not race," arguments, the Jews have complained that they are being misrepresented. It is their usual complaint. They are always being "misrepresented" and "persecuted", except when they are being praised for what they are not. If the Jews were fully understood by the Gentiles, if the Christian churches, for example, were freed from their delusion that the Jews are Old Testament people, and if the churches really knew what Talmudic religion is, the "misrepresentation" would he still be stronger.
The downfall of Russia was prepared by a long and deliberate program of misrepresentation of the Russian people, through the Jewish world press and Jewish diplomatic service. The name of Poland has been drawn (December, 1920: Ed.) in filth through the press of the United States under Jewish instigation; vilification of Poland whose sole crime was that she wished to save herself from the Jews. But whenever a hand has been raised to prevent the Jews overrunning the people and secretly securing the control of the major instruments of life, the Jews have raised the cry of "misrepresentation." They never meet the question outright. False denials, pleas for sympathy, and a base campaign for smearing others with their own crimes, and an unworthy attempt to link others with them in their fall, constitute their whole method of defense [Editor’s Note: Since the publication of the original, over 37 years ago, other nations have resisted, or tried to resist, Jewish control. Readers will appreciate what has since happened to Germany, and why; and what is now happening to Britain, and why.]. And a concentration of all the political, economic, legal weapons at their command are flung at the head of the outspoken critic of the Jew who persists in defending his right to national existence free from Jewish infiltration, influence and control.
The policy of "misrepresentation" succeeds because there is a feeling strongly entrenched in Gentiles that somehow the Jews are the "chosen people," and that it is dangerous to oppose them in anything; whoever opposes the Jew is damned. "The fear of the Jews" is a very real element in life. It is just as real among the Jews as among non-Jews. The Jew himself is bound in fear to his people, and he exercises the fear of the curse throughout the sphere of religion – "I will curse them that curse thee." It remains to be proved, however, that opposition to the destructive tendencies of Jewish influences all along the principal avenues of life is a "cursing" of the Jews.
If the Jews were really Old Testament people (which they are not), if they were really conscious of a "mission" for the blessing of all the nations, the very things in which they offend would automatically disappear. If the Jew is being "attacked" it is not because he is a Jew but because he is the source and life of certain tendencies and influences which, if they are not checked, mean the destruction of moral society. The only real misrepresentation in society is regarded as the Jews privilege.
Disraeli Portrays The Jews
Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield and Prime Minister of Great Britain, was a Jew and gloried in it. He wrote many books, in a number of which he discussed his people in an effort to set them in a proper light. The British Government was not then so Jewish as it has since become, and Disraeli was easily one of the greatest figures in it. In his book, "Coningsby," there appears a Jewish character named Sidonia, in whose personality and through whose utterances, Disraeli sought to present the Jew as he would like the world to see him.
Yet here is the International Jew, full dress; he is the Protocolist, too, wrapped in mystery, a man whose fingers sweep all the strings of human motive, and who controls the chief of the brutal forces – Money.
If a non-Jew had written a Sidonia, so truthfully showing the racial history and characteristics of the Jews, he would have been subjected to that terrific pressure which the Jews apply to every truth teller about themselves.
Disraeli caused his Jewish hero, Sidonia, to remark: "The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes," and even more illuminating lines by Disraeli which half compel the thought that, after all, he was writing to warn the world of Jewish ambition for power:
"You never observe a great intellectual movement in Europe in which the Jews do not greatly participate. The first Jesuits were Jews. That mysterious Russian Diplomacy which so alarms western Europe is organized and principally carried on by Jews. That mighty revolution which is at this moment preparing in Germany, and which will be, in fact, a second and greater Reformation, and of which so little is yet known in England, is entirely developing under the auspices of Jews."
Just how the Jews work to break down the established order of things, by means of ideas, as the Protocols claim, is shown in a conversation of Sidonia:
"The Tories lose an important election at a critical moment; ’tis the Jews come forward to vote against them. The Church is alarmed at the scheme of a latitudinarian university, and learns with relief that funds are not forthcoming for its establishment; a Jew immediately advances and endows it."
If these words had been written by a non-Jew, the cry of "anti-Semitism" would ring through the land. Yet Sidonia adds: "And every generation they (the Jews) must become more powerful and dangerous to the society that is hostile to them."
"Latitudinarianism" is the doctrine of the Protocols in a word. It is the break-up by means of a welter of so-called "liberal" ideas which construct nothing themselves, but have the power to destroy the established order.
Several generations have passed since Disraeli’s words were written. The Jew still regards every form of non-Jewish society as hostile to him. They have become more powerful and more dangerous. Those who would measure the danger – look around!
The Jew says that the Protocols are inventions. Is Benjamin Disraeli an invention? Was this Jewish Prime Minister of Great Britain misrepresenting his people? He showed that in Russia, the very country where the Jews of his time complained they were least free, the Jews were in control. He showed that the Jews knew the technique of revolution, foretelling in his book the revolution that shortly broke out in Germany. How did he foreknow it? Because that revolution was developing under the auspices of Jews, and, though it was then true that "so little is yet known in England," Disraeli the Jew knew it, and knew it to be Jewish in origin and development and purpose. One point is clear; Disraeli told the truth. He presented his people before the world with correctness. He described Jewish power, Jewish purpose and Jewish method with a certainty of touch that betokens more than knowledge – he shows racial sympathy and understanding. Why did he do it? Disraeli the flamboyant, most oriental of courtiers and suave of politicians, with a keen financial ability. Was it that typically racial boastfulness, that dangerous, aggressive conceit in which the Jew gives up most of his secrets? No matter; he is the one man who told the truth about the Jews without being accused of "misrepresenting" the Jews.