

���������� [ID‑L] Devil Doctrines (Part 1)

���� Date:

���������� Fri, 2 Jun 2000 11:01:06 ‑0500

���� From:

���������� "Chief" <chief1@duo‑>


���������� identity‑[email protected]

������ To:

���������� <identity‑[email protected]>


I am posting a paper I prepared a number of years ago on the devil doctrine. Old timers on the list have

seen it, hope they won't mind a repeat.


Most folks who call themselves Christians worship something they call the Devil and Satan.� If asked they

would deny this, but they fear this entity called Satan more than they fear God.� They place this Satan on

almost the same level as God.� They believe the word Satan refers to a supernatural‑evil genius‑ an angel

that fell from, or was kicked out of, Heaven.� They attribute most, if not all, evil to this Satan who is

supposed to be the source of wickedness and iniquity in man.� They seem to think God is coming out

second best in a contest with this Satan.

How say the Scriptures?� "But those which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they

defile the man.� For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, blasphemies." (Matthew 15:18‑19)

"And he said, that which cometh out of the man, that defileth the man.� For from within, out of the heart of

men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornication's, murders, thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit,

lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness; all these evils come from within, and defile the

man." (Mark 7:20‑23)

Paul, in Romans 1:28‑29, wrote concerning degenerate man that God gave them over to a reprobate mind

and lists the things that result thereof.� Again, in Galatians 5:19‑21 he lists the works of the flesh.

James 1:14 states that every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own lust (desire) and enticed.

In Chapter 4, Verse 1 he writes: "From whence comes wars and fighting's among you?� Come they not

hence, even of your lusts (desires) that war in your members?"

We have evidence from three witnesses, one of them our Lord, that the source of wickedness and all

iniquity is within man himself.� What Jesus calls the heart of man, Paul terms a reprobate mind and Peter

informs us that it comes from fleshly desires.� If we are to believe what they tell us, there is little left for

Satan to do.

Satan is a Hebrew word meaning "adversary" or "to withstand." (Strong's Concordance #7854)� It is

translated "adversary" in Numbers 22:22, I Samuel 29:4 and I Kings 5:4, 11:14, 23 & 25.� It is translated

"withstand" in Numbers 22:22.� It is transliterated as Satan in I Chronicles 21:1, Job 1:6‑9&12 and 2:1‑7,

Psalms 109:6 and Zechariah 3:1‑12.� It was transliterated from Hebrew to

English as Satan because the translators had been taught, and believed, the Talmudic lie concerning this

"fallen angel."� In every instance where it was transliterated as Satan, it should have been translated as

"adversary" or "withstand" as is it's meaning in Hebrew.

In I Chronicles 21:1, we read "And Satan stood up against Israel and provoked David to number Israel...."

Another account of this same incident is found in II Samuel 24:1 which states "The anger of the Lord was

kindled against Israel and HE moved David against them to say 'Go and number Israel...'."� Here we have

the Lord as the adversary (Satan) of Israel.� The Hebrew word (satan) transliterated Satan in the first

instance should have been translated adversary as can be seen from the second instance.

When the word Satan is found in the New Scriptures, it is from the Greek word "Satanas" which should be

translated into English as "the accuser" (Strong's Concordance #4567).� It should have been so translated

in each of the following instances:� Matthew 4:10, 12:26 and 16:23;� Mark 1:13, 3:23&26, 4:15 and 8:33;

Luke 4:8, 10:18, 11:18, 13:16 and 22:3&31;� John 13:27;� Romans 16:20;� I Corinthians 5:5 and 7:5;� II

Corinthians 2:11, 11:14 and 12:7;� I Thessalonians 2:18;� II Thessalonians 2:9;� I Timothy 1:20 and 5:15;

and Revelation 2:9,13&24, 3:9 and 20:2&7.

When the word "Devil" is used in the New Scriptures to indicate, as supposed, this supernatural being, it is

from the Greek word "Diabolos" which means a traducer (to defame, slander, vilify), accuser or slanderer.

(Strong's Concordance #1228).� It should have been translated as such in each of the following instances:

Matthew 4:1, 5, 8 & 11, 13:39 and 25:41;� Luke 4:2, 3, 5 & 6 and 8:12;� John 6:70, 8:44 and 13:2;� Acts 10:38

and 13:10;� Ephesians 4:27 and 6:11;� I Timothy 3:6 & 7;� II Timothy 2:26;� Hebrews 2:14;� James 4:7;� I

Peter 5:8;� I John 3:8 & 10;� Jude 9 and Revelation 2:10, 12:9 & 12 and 20:2 & 10.

If these facts are considered with an open mind we see the word satan ‑ it should never be capitalized‑ can

refer to any adversary, either human or Heaven sent.� The word devil (diabolos) can refer to any accuser,

slanderer, traducer or calumniator without qualification and regardless of sex.� When we understand this

we can see what Paul meant when he wrote "But now ye also put off all these, anger, wrath, malice,

blasphemy, filthy communication out of your mouth.� Lie not to one another, seeing that you have put off the

old man (the old degenerate flesh) with his deeds."� It is so true that we have met the enemy, and it is us!

Man's reprobate heart and mind and his unregenerate flesh constitute the prime opposition to God's will,

so can you not see how the old man Paul speaks of is a "satan"?

Paul writes in Hebrews 2:14:� "forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, He also

Himself took part of the same;� that through death, He might destroy him that had the power of death, that

is the accuser."� Who was this "accuser"

that had the power of death?� Should we believe that God gave the power of death to a rebellious spirit

being?� Jesus said: "...but rather fear him which is able to destroy both life (psyche) and body in Gehenna."

(Matthew 10:28).� If Jesus was referring to God, and He was, how could it be that a fallen spirit had the

power of death?� But, the "accuser" had the power of death.� I say had, because when Jesus died on the

cross this "accuser" was destroyed. This "accuser" is the law of sin and death. The penalty for sin is

death.� Sin is still with us. It is part of us.� The penalty, however, has been paid.� Jesus, by His death,

disannuled the decree by which we the heirs of sin through Adam, were doomed to death.� He destroyed

him (it) that had the power of death which was an accuser or "devil" to us. This is what Jesus was saying in

Luke 10:18:� "I beheld Satan (the accuser) as lightning fall from heaven."

Paul explains in Colossians 2:13‑14:� "...and you, being dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your

flesh, hath he quickened (made alive) forgiving you all your trespasses ... Blotting out the handwriting of

ordinances that was against us, which is contrary to us, nailing it to the cross."� Again, the decree of death

passed upon all flesh by reason of inherited sin, through the flesh, was annulled by the Christ's sacrifice.

This decree constituted the "accuser" (Greek diabolos) which had the power of death and which was

destroyed by the Christ's sacrifice.

Paul stresses over and over that the foe of the spirit is the flesh.� For example, in his letter to the Romans

He says:� "For we know that the law is spiritual, but I am carnal, sold under sin (7:14).� If then I do that

which I would is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me (7:16‑17), for I know that in me (that

is, in my flesh) dwelleth no good thing (7:18)... For I delight in the law of God after the inward man, but I see

another law in my members warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of

sin which is in my members (7:22‑23).� So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God; but with the

flesh the law of sin" (7:25).� Paul shows here that our flesh and our spiritual mind are directly opposed.� In

Romans 8:1‑13 he stresses this point:� "For what the law could not do in that it was weak through the flesh,

God, sending His own Son, in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh (8:3).� For

they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh.... For to be carnally minded is death... Because

the carnal mind is enmity against God..." (8:5‑7).� That is to say, the carnal mind is the enemy of God, the

adversary (satan) against God.� As James states: "Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of

God..."� (James 1:13).� Why would any Christian of James's day say he was tempted of God if the Church at

that time believed and taught that a supernatural spirit (Devil‑Satan) was the tempter of men?� James goes

on in verses 14‑15 to explain where temptation comes from and what the results are.

Who, or what, tempted Jesus in the wilderness is a question that deserves attention.� Jesus shared our

human flesh and was subject to hunger, thirst, fatigue and doubts as we are.� He fasted forty days and forty

nights to reduce His vitality and the resistance of His flesh to its very lowest point.� The human part of Him,

the flesh, became subject to doubts and questions which He would not have experienced without this fast.

It must have been for this reason that He was led by the Spirit into the wilderness and subjected to

starvation.� Otherwise, His mind could not have become obsessed by the maddening torture of hunger nor

could He have become prey to doubts and questions concerning the reality of who He really was (second

temptation).� Neither could the third temptation of wealth and comfort of temporal power have tempted His

mind even for an instant.

The temptation of the "diabolos" (accuser ‑ not Devil) was most assuredly the doubting cry of the flesh at its

lowest point of resistance, when it almost overwhelmed the Spirit of the Lord.� Some point out how the

"Devil" knew and could quote Scriptures to Jesus.� Of course the accuser, which was His own mind, His

own flesh, could recall the Scriptures.� He was the WORD that became flesh (John 1:14) and knew both

sides of every argument!� He knew that the Most High, not some Devil ruleth in the kingdom of men and

giveth it to whomsoever He will (Daniel 4:32).� Why is it so hard for us to see, to understand, that basic

truth?� Let us get this fictitious "Devil" out of our minds and credit the human element, His own weakened

flesh, as the power that tempted Him as it tempts each of us (Hebrews 4:15).

Jesus Himself called Peter "Satan" (adversary/accuser) and we know that Peter was very much human.

He, referring to Judas, said "...and one of you is a "diabolos" (false accuser)."� He knew that Judas would

accuse Him to the Jews.� He tells the Scribes and Pharisees that they are sired by the "diabolos"

(accuser), while agreeing they were of Abraham's seed. (John 8:37‑41).� One of the reasons Jesus called

the Scribes and Pharisees children of the "diabolos" (accuser ‑ not Devil) was in regard to their looking for

and finding fault in others and accusing them of sin.� They falsely accused Him time after time.

In John 8:44 Jesus says: "ye are of your father the accuser (not Devil), and the desires of your father ye will

do... He was a murderer from the beginning and the truth is not in him..."� The serpent of Genesis did not

murder anyone.� Adam accused Eve and Eve accused the serpent, but the serpent did not accuse.� Cain

was a murderer from the beginning and it can be easily shown that it is Cain Jesus was talking about.


���������� [ID‑L] Devil Doctrine (Part 2)

���� Date:

���������� Fri, 2 Jun 2000 11:02:12 ‑0500

���� From:

���������� "Chief" <chief1@duo‑>


���������� identity‑[email protected]

������ To:

���������� <identity‑[email protected]>

Does the book of Job prove the existence of a supernatural Satan?� Again, with an open mind and God's

help, let us determine what the Scriptures actually say.� Satan's rebellion, as we have been taught to

believe, would have placed him outside the Heavenly court and certainly out of God's confidence.� We find

him, however, taking his place with the sons of the "Elohim" (Strong's Concordance #430), speaking his

mind and actually invited to give his opinion of the just man Job.� He complains that Job is an iniquitous

man whose integrity is only skin deep.� You would think that he would be pleased if that were so, that he

would be gratified that such a rich man was on his side and against the Lord.� That would certainly be the

case if this Satan was the supernatural being which Talmudic teaching and popular belief says he is.� On

two separate occasions he presented himself before the Lord, claiming that Job was upright only because

he had no incentive to be otherwise.� Notice that the adversary (Satan) moved the Lord to destroy Job

without cause, although in the narrative it would seem as if the Satan (adversary) had wielded the power to

bring about Job's trouble.� Who is this accuser, this adversary, that is so determined to bring about Job's

ruin?� We are told that he came along with the sons of the Elohim when they came to present themselves

before the Lord.� Who are these sons of the Elohim?� We can find the answer to this question if we search

the Scriptures, comparing text with text as we are admonished to do.

We will begin in John, Chapter 10, Verses 33 and 34.� Jesus, when accused by the Jews of making

Himself a God (Greek: Theo.) replied:� "Is it not written in your law, I said ye are gods?� If he called them

gods unto whom the word of God came, and the scriptures cannot be broken, say ye of him whom the

father hath sanctified and sent into the world, 'Thou blasphemest', because I said 'I am the son of God?"

Jesus was quoting from Psalms 82 so we will look at Psalms 82 in detail.� In my King James the Psalm is

summarized at the beginning as follows: The psalmist, having exhorted the judges, and reproved their

negligence, prays God to judge."� Now lets look at the 82nd Psalm:

���� �1.� God standeth in the congregation of the mighty (El); He judgeth among the gods (the Elohim).

���� 2.� How long will ye judge unjustly, and accept the persons of the wicked?� Selah.

���� 3.� Defend the poor and fatherless: Do justice to the afflicted and the needy:

���� 4.� Deliver the poor and needy: Rid them out of the hand of the wicked.

���� 5.� They know not, neither will they understand; they walk on in darkness: All the foundations of the earth

are out of course.

���� 6.� I have said, 'Ye are gods (Elohim); and all of you are children of the Most High.'

���� 7.� But ye shall die like men and fall like one of the princes.

���� 8.� Arise, O God, judge the earth: For thou shall inherit all nations.

Surely we must admit that this Psalm is concerned with the judges of Israel.� The Hebrew word "Elohim" is

used in both verse one and verse six, and is translated "gods" when there can be no doubt that it is being

addressed to the judges.� Exodus 21:6 and 22:8, 9 & 28 which are concerned with the law and judgments

will confirm this.� Chapter 21:6 reads as follows:� "...Then his master shall bring him unto the judges..."

The Hebrew word "Elohim" is translated judges.� Chapter 22:9:� "...and whom the judges shall condemn..."

Again, the Hebrew word "Elohim" is translated judges.� Chapter 22:28:� "Thou shall not revile the gods, nor

curse the ruler of thy people."� Here "Elohim is translated gods and the marginal note (KJV) gives the

alternative "or judges."� Just as a point of interest, why would God say we should not revile the god's?

There is only one God!

We return to the First Chapter of Job, Verse Six and read:� "Now there was a day when the son's of the

Elohim (Sons of the Judges) came to present themselves before the Lord, and the adversary (Hebrew

word satan) came also among them."� Now we see that those who came to present themselves before the

Lord were the sons of the judges and it becomes clear how there came to be an accuser (Hebrew ‑ satan)

among them.� I know that some of the believers in "devil doctrines" will say that Satan's (the accuser) reply

of "from going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it" is proof of a supernatural being.

They might be surprised to learn that this statement is used a number of times in the Old Scriptures and

comes from the Hebrew words "halak" and� "shuwt."� It has no more mysterious meaning than simply "just

walking around."

Jude has some interesting points which must be considered.� Jude 9 reads:� "Yet Michael, the archangel

(chief messenger) when contending with the devil (adversary) he disputed about the body of Moses durst

not bring against him a railing accusation but said, the Lord rebuke thee."� This does not mean the

physical body of Moses any more than the physical body of Christ is referred to in I Corinthians 12:27‑30.

The body of Moses here is the selected group of men of ability (Exodus 18:21) serving as judges over the

people of Israel and under the supervision of their chief messenger (angel) Moses.� Jude 9 obviously

refers to Numbers 16, where Korah disputed with Moses regarding Moses' authority.� Korah is the

"devil‑adversary" of Jude 9.� The words "the Lord rebuke you" are not found in Numbers 16, but there are

words to the same effect.� We do find them, however, in Zechariah's vision (Zechariah 3:2) which tells of a

debate on whether or not the Judah people should return to Jerusalem from the Babylonian captivity.� In

both instances it can be said that Michael, which means as El or as God, was in dispute with the adversary

(Hebrew ‑ satan).� It makes no sense to think that two supernatural beings would fight over the physical

body of Moses, as some would have us believe.� Moses served as a Michael, again meaning as El or as

God, in Exodus 18:19‑22.� He was the prototype of the Head of the Body of Christ.� Jude is concerned about

faith and obedience by the sanctified.� He warns against the ungodly who creep into the congregation to

subvert the teachings of Christ for personal gain, etc., These unbelievers, the Jews, like those in past

biblical history, are to be kept in darkness (ignorance) until the judgment, having been ordained� (selected)

for this before they were born (Verse Four).� Jude 9 is not about some supernatural adversary.� It is about

Korah rebelling against the ruling body of Moses.� Korah was the adversary (devil).

Someone always brings up Isaiah 14:12 and claims that Lucifer is the supernatural Devil or Satan.

"Lucifer" is translated from the Hebrew word "heylel", meaning brightness, as the morning star.� "Heylel" is

from the root word "halal" which means to shine, make a show or boast, or to be foolish (Strong's

Concordance #'s 1966 & 1984).� I might point out that this is the only place the word Lucifer is found in the

entire Bible.� We have a definite statement in Verse Four that Isaiah's words are directed against the king

of Babylon.� This cannot be a spirit fallen from Heaven since Verse 16 plainly states that this is a man and

surely no one would claim the prince of devils is a man.� In Verse 11 we see that he would be subject to

corruption in the grave.� The prophet Obadiah's words to Edom are much the same as what Isaiah says

here to the king of Babylon (Obadiah 3,4 & 5).� Is Edom another name for this supernatural being?� Of

course not.

Ezekiel 28 is sometimes used as proof of the supernatural Satan where it addresses the prince of Tyrus

and the king of Tyre, or Tyrus.� Verse Two:� "Thus saith the Lord God ... yet thou art a man."� That should be

a sufficient answer since there is no higher authority to speak on the matter.� Verse 15:� "Thou wast perfect

in thy ways from the day thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee."� Some folk's jump right on that!

These same people will declare, in almost the same breath, that their supernatural devil is also the

subject of Jesus' statement in John 8:44 to the Scribes and Pharisees that "Ye are of your father, the

accuser, and the lusts of your father ye will do.� He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in

the truth because there was no truth in him."� Does it not seem fair to ask how one who was perfect in his

way from the day he was created, and one who was a murderer and a liar from the beginning, could

possibly be one and the same?

Paul writes (Ephesians 2:2 & 6:12) of "principalities, powers, rulers of darkness of this world" and of "the

prince of the power of the air."� People who are believers of the doctrines of demons (doctrines about

demons) construe this to indicate a supernatural adversary.� Why should spiritual wickedness in high

places (heavenly places) be any mystery to us?� Spiritual wickedness in high places has been with us

since the tabernacle in the wilderness, and is certainly with us today.� The High Priests of the time when

Jesus and Paul walked on the earth are examples and, if you really want some great examples, just turn

on your television on Sunday mornings ‑ or better still ‑ watch our government officials in action.� When

Jesus said:� "When they bring you into the synagogues, and unto magistrates and powers, take you no

heed ..." (Luke 12:11), He was referring to powers and authorities in high places, both civil and religious.

This fight, however, was not against "flesh and blood" like in common warfare as Paul said, but against

deliberate wickedness of authorities in exalted positions and against the darkness of wickedness and


In Ephesians 2:2, the Greek words archon (prince or ruler), exousia (power or authority) and aeros are

used.� Ephesians 6:12 is slightly different in that the words archon and exousia have been used in the

plural instead of the singular, and the Greek word skotous (darkness) has replaced the word aeros which

in the English text has been translated as air.� It should be noted that among the ancient Greek Classical

writers, this word aeros had the signification of cloudiness or obscurity, or blackness, in a figurative

sense.� In this instance it has been used as a substitute for the word skotous, the darkness of Chapter Six,

Verse Twelve.� Paul is using highly figurative speech but he makes his meaning clear in Chapter Two,

Verse Three where he describes the submission to the ruler of the power of darkness as fulfilling the

desires of the carnal man as opposed to the Spirit of Christ.� In Chapter Three, Verse Ten, he proves that

these principalities and powers in heavenly places are not supernatural renegades from the celestial

regions.� He says, concerning his particular ministry, especially given to him:� "To the intent that now unto

the principalities and powers in heavenly (high) places might be made known by the church the manifold

wisdom of God."� This certainly cannot refer to a Satan and a band of fallen angels.

I Peter 5:8 is another scripture we should consider:� "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the

devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour."� I suggest the proper meaning is as

follows:� "Be sober, be vigilant, because your opponent at law (adversary), the false accuser (devil), as a

roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour."� Strong's Concordance shows that the Greek

word translated adversary here is antidikos, which means an opponent at law.� The opponent at law to

whom Peter here refers is of course the Jews.

All of Matthew 23 is a scathing attack on the Pharisees by Jesus.� The two‑volume book "The Pharisees" by

Rabbi Louis Finklestein says: "Pharisim became Talmudism, Talmudism became Medieval Rabbinism,

and Medieval Rabbinism became Modern Rabbinism.� But throughout these changes of name, inevitable

adaptation of custom, and adjustment of law, the spirit of the ancient Pharisee survives unaltered."� Rabbi

Finklestein was chosen in 1937 by the Kehillas (Jewish Communities) of the world as one of the top 120

Jews best representing "a lamp of Judaism" to the world.� The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia (1943)

states:� "The Jewish religion as it is today traces its decent, without a break, through all the centuries, from

the Pharisees."� With this in mind let us look at some of the things Jesus said to these Pharisees:� "That

upon you may come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth, from the blood of righteous Abel unto the

blood of Zacharias son of Barachias, whom ye slew between the temple and the altar"� (Matthew 23:25).�

Beginning again with Luke 11:50: "That the blood of all the prophets, which was shed from the foundation

of the world, may be required of this generation (nation, stock, offspring)� From the blood of Abel unto the

blood of Zacharias, which perished between the altar and the temple: verily I say unto you, It shall be

required of this generation (nation, stock, offspring).

Revelation 18 addresses Babylon.� Verse 24 reads: "And in her (Babylon) was found the blood of prophets,

and the saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth."� Verse 20 says:� "Rejoice over her, thou heaven,

and ye holy apostles and prophets; for God hath avenged you on her."

How many groups can be responsible for all the righteous blood shed from the time of Abel?� Can we not

see that this Babylon of Revelation and the Pharisees are one and the same?� Revelation 18:3 says all

nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her (Babylon) fornication, and the kings of the earth have

committed fornication with her.� Chapter 17:2‑3 says the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk

with the wine of the "great whores" fornication.� Chapter 17:6 describes this great whore that is drunken

with the blood of saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus.� The Pharisees (today's Jews) are

Babylon ‑ Babylon is the great whore ‑ the great whore is the Pharisees (today's Jews).� "And upon her


ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH" (Revelation 17:5).� No, Babylon the great is not the Catholic Church as so

many teach, although they do have their many false doctrines.� So too, do the Protestants.� Babylon is the

Zionist Pharisees, the antichrist, which have deceived the whole world.

Revelation 12 describes a woman clothed with the sun, the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve

stars on her head.� This woman is, of course, Israel as we can see from Joseph's dream as he related it to

his brothers.� The great red dragon, that old serpent called the Devil (accuser/slanderer), and Satan

(adversary/opponent), which deceiveth the world is Jewry, not the Romans.� Rome had no desire to kill

Jesus.� The Jews and the Edomite Herod are the guilty ones.

Surely, after all this, we can see that the evils of this world cannot be blamed on some supernatural devil.

This "Devil" is a scapegoat.� Our ego wants to believe that man is basically good, that the "Devil" made us

do it.� Paul stated over and over that we are evil, corrupt flesh, and there is no good in us.� Nothing can save

us from the death we deserve other than the Cross ‑ the Blood of Jesus. There is no other answer.

"I form the light and create darkness;� I make peace and create evil:� I the Lord do all these" (Isaiah 45:7).

God uses evil to accomplish good.� As Joseph told his brothers, what they meant for evil, God meant for

good.� The Jews murdered the Son of God.� What they meant for evil, God meant for the greatest good the

world has ever known, or will ever� know.� The antichrist are a nation within our nation today.� They control

our government, our money system, our mass media and our educational system.� They have taken God

out of our schools and have given us the lie of evolution to replace Him.� Talmudic teachings flow from the

pulpits of organized religion. They mean all this for evil, but God means it for good.� They plan to have a one

world government in their evil hands and have progressed to the point where it is humanly impossible to

stop them.� If any politician today were to pray to Jesus the Christ in public, his/her career would be over.

God means all this evil for good.� When we realize that we cannot help ourselves and that only God can ‑

He will.� The antichrist are having their day.� Ours, with God's help, is coming.