"General Duties: (c) In providing services and in establishing
classifications, rates, and fees under this title, the Postal Service shall
not, execpt as specifically authorized in this title, make any undue or
unreasonable discrimination among users of the mails, nor shall it grant any
undue or unreasonable preferences to any user."
Domestic Mail Manual. A010 General Addressing Standards 1.2(e) Address
Elements [01‑10‑2000] (5‑digit or ZIP+4) where required.
"ZIP Codes may be omitted from pieces mailed by the general public at the
single‑piece rates for First‑Class Mail and Standard Mail (A) and from
pieces bearing a simplified address...."
Keep in mind that Domestic Mail Manual. A010 General Addressing Standards
1.2(e) Address Elements [01‑10‑2000] (5‑digit or ZIP+4) where required
applies to only FIRST CLASS mail. Second, third and fourth class mail
require a ZIP Code because you are asking for a price reduction in the
postage. First class mailings are not asking for any benefit (price
reduction). You pay the full cost of postage with first class.
Use to have the snail mail address of the Post Master General at one time.
Too many moves. Got lost in the mess somewhere. Do have an old phone number
for the United States Postal Service, Consumer Affairs Department which is
(202) 268‑ 2284 with a old snail mail addressing of:
Room 5821
475 L Enfant Plaza SW
Washington DC 20260‑2200