

������ Re: [Re: TheTruthZone Group]

�� Date:

������ 20 Mar 2001 09:40:33 CST

� From:

������ STACEY MILLER <[email protected]>

��� To:

������ Willie Martin <[email protected]>

Hi Willie,

The file is not that large so let's try it this way.

The first part you have read, but three more parts

have been added.


What Became Of The Throne Of David ?


How can we trace the footsteps of the Tribe of Judah,


the Sceptre of David ?

It is not as hard as you may think.. The answers are

accounted for

in the Holy Bible, secular history, inscriptions,


traditions, language, etc..

From the mouth of our Heavenly Father the nations of

Abraham, Isaac,

Jacob ‑ Israel descent, with the throne of David in

their midst,

would exist and function continuously from their

beginning to the

present day..



Lets examine the record of the patriarch JUDAH'S

immediate family

for an explanation of the manner in which such

prophecieshave been


This imformation is given in Gen.38; 46:12; Numbers

1:26; 26:19; 1

Chron., chap 2‑4..

JUDAH was the father of five sons: Er, Onan, and

Shelah by his

Canaanitish wife; and twins, PHAREZ and ZARAH, by

Tamar... Er and

Onan died in Canaan leaving no decendants.. Shelah,


were the progenitors of large families numbering

76,500 according to

the census taken in the time of Moses... The Shelah ‑


called Shelanites, were half Israelite and half

Canaanite stock,

being the decendants of Judah and Shelah's Canaanite


Judah's royal line was not projected through Shelah;

that honor went

to PHAREZ, the ancestor of David, whose house our

Father established

over His throne in Israel by the terms of an




For now it is needful to look for the migrations of


(sometimes spelled Zerah and Zara) ‑ the very

circumstances of whose

birth caused him to question the right of PHAREZ to

prevail over


The following comes from the book, "Anglo ‑ Saxon

Israel", by Adam


"The Irish people possess a very ancient document

called 'Leabhar

Gadhala' or the Book of Conquests, from which we

glean the first

inhabitants of Ireland, the Firbolgs, were IBERIANS,

a people who

came from Spain, and settling in Ireland, called it

IBERNE (later

abbreviated Erne, then Erin, and many centuries later

Latinized by

the Romans into HIBERNIA).. It will be observed that

their name

Ibernians is practically identical Iberii or

Hebrews... Hebrews are

the decendants of Heber or Eber a great grandson of

Shem and we have

definite knowledge that Hebrew colonies existed in

Spain from a very

early period.. In this connection John Dunham ‑

Massey states, page

4: 'There is evidence also that Hebrew was spoken

almost all over

Ireland at a very early period, as ancient

inscriptions in that

language have been unearthed not only on the coast

but even in the

very center of the country'...

The only natural route by which Hebrews coming from

the East could

cross the couped at the wrist' mountainous plateau of

Spain from the

Mediterranean to the north coast would be up the

great valley of the

River Ebro, and they stamped their name upon that

large river to the

present day, for Ebro is simply the Romance form of

Eber... In the

Bible, Hebrews are called 'the children of Eber'...

Furthermore, even at present day, the largest city in

the Ebro valley

is called SARAGOSSA, which in some maps and geography

books is

spelled ZARAGOSSA, that is, the stronghold of ZARA...

ZARAH being

one of the sons of Judah...

Notice that these early wanderers appeared to call


Hebrews, 'sons of Eber,' and not Israelites or any


appelation, thus indicating that they lived in a time

when the

offspring of Jacob still called themselves Hebrews

before the term

Israelites came into general use.... That the period

of their

existence was very remote is evidenced by the fact

that historians

place their arrival prior to the time of the Exodus

of Israel from

Egypt... The fact also that they had a stronghold of

ZARA, Jacob's

grandson through Judah, corroborates the conclusion

of the

historians, and indicates that these Hebrews came

west during the

bondage of the Israelites in Egypt, and that they

were of the ZARAH

branch of the tribe of Judah, which branch is known

as 'the line of

the Scarlet Thread', because of the unsual

circumstances connected

with the birth of their progenitor, ZARAH, as

recorded in Gen. 38:27‑

30; in this connection it is remarkable that the

figure of a red

hand 'couped at the wrist' appears on the

Coat‑of‑Arms of Northern

Ireland (ULSTER)at the present day.. All this is

confirmed in

Camden's Historia Britannica that Calcol, great

grandson of ZARAH,

sailed from Egypt to Spain, and then from Spain to

Ireland, where he

founded Ulladh (ULSTER)...

It was from Calcol that subsequent kings of Ireland

and Ulster were

decended, as their genealogies show....

Other historians date the colonizing work of ZARAH'S

sons still

earlier.. With some evidence they say that ZARAH'S

sons broke away

from Jacob's family circle as early as 1700 B.C., and

never went into

Egypt at all... This view is deducted in part from

Gen. 46:8‑27

where the seventy who went into Egypt with Jacob are

listed by

name.. Both PHAREZ and Judah are named, and also the

sons of PHAREZ;

however, none of ZARAH'S sons ‑ Zimri, Ethan, Heman,

Calcol and

Darda ‑ are listed... Either they were not born yet,

or they did not

go into Egypt... The latter is far more probable,

especially as the

names of teo of the sons, Calcol and Darda, figure so

largely in the

early colonization of lands to the west of


This is the opinion of Brigadier General W.H. Fasken,

who says of

the twin branches of Judah: " ZARAH had five sons (1


but they are not included among the names of those

who came into

Egypt (Gen.46:12), though ZARAH their father is

included, so it seems

that this important branch of the Judah Tribe must

have disappeared

at an early date... On the other hand, the posterity

of PHAREZ and

Hezron (1 Chron.2:5; and 4:1) is clearly indicated as

the main

element of Palestinian Judah...

What about the other brother PHAREZ ?

We have already learned that Zarah's twin brother

PHAREZ had became

proginitor to a kingline in Palestine, so what

happened then ? And

how did these two seperate kinglines come back

together in

Ireland ? This will be a bit lengthy, but lets find

out the rest

of the story...

Lets see what took place in the life of the great

prophet Jeremiah:

As Jeremiah looked upon the ruins of Jerusalem and

wttched the

legions of Babylon depart with what was left of its

citizens and the

treasures of its temple he must of felt that life was

over for

him.. Surely there was nothing more he could do

except to die in

heaviness of heart and defeat.. We see his grief and

hear the sobs

of his broken heart in his Lamentations.. "How does

the city sit

solitary, that was full of people! how is she become

a widow! she

that was great among the nations, and princess among

the provinces,

how is she become tributary!... Is it nothing to you,

all ye that

pass by? behold, and see if there be any sorrow like

unto my

sorrow..... For these things I weep; mine eye, mine

eye runneth over

with water, because the comforter that should relieve

my soul is far

from me."‑(Lam.1)

Jeremiah was frustrated and crushed.. He was certain

that he had

failed his people and his God.. But our Father's ways

are not our

ways.. And, as strange as it may seem, the faithful

prophets chief

work had not yet been done.. When Jeremiah dried the


analyzed his commission from the Lord he knew that

his work was not

finished... With beautiful simplicity he states it in

the first

chapter of his prophetic book ‑ Jeremiah: "Then the

Lord put forth

his hand, and touched my mouth... And the Lord said

unto me, Behold,

I have put my words in thy mouth.. See, I have this

day set thee

over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out,

and to pull

down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build and


Jeremiah had presided over the rooting out and

pulling down of the

throne of David in Jerusalem.. After all, Jeremiah

was human.. In

the first agonizing pain of destruction he forgot

that he was

also "to build and to plant" after the desolation..

So what became of the Throne of David? At last we

have came

around to the answer... Jeremiah removed it from

Jerusalem and

planted it in the new place which our Father told

David He would

appoint for His people Israel... Next, we will see

how it was

accomplished.. It is an extremely fascinating story


Nebuchadnezzar 'thought' he had put an end to the

dynasty of David

when he captured Zedekiah and killed all of his

sons... Evidently he

did not know that Hebrew Law permitted the 'crown

princess' to

inherit the Throne when there were no male

decendants... So he did

not harm Zedekiah's daughters.. They did not even go

into Babylon...

According to Jeremiah 43:4 ‑7 they were taken to

Egypt with Jeremiah

and his secretary Baruch.. When they arrived at

Tahpanhes in Egypt

the Lord told Jeremiah that Babylon's king would soon

overrun Egypt

also, and destrot the remnant of Judah who sought

refuge there.


Naturally this warning led Jeremiah to seek a safer

land for the

Royal Princesses who were under his care... Where

then did they go?

Jeremiah does not tell us; but the answer is

concealed in the

peculiar riddle of Ezekiel


The prophet Ezekiel was among the Judah deportees in

Babylon.. He

was visited there by a delegation of Israel deportees


Assyria.. "And not only did Ezekiel consult with

them, he also

recieved aprophetic message which he was commissioned

to deliver to

them.. It is interesting and important to know this

message, one of

the last to be uttered directly to Israel... The

address is clear ‑

it is sent to Israel, and in terms which Israel, and

no Babylonian

spy, would understand"....

"Son of man, put forth a riddle, and speak a parable

unto the house

of Israel; and say, Thus saith the Lord God; A great

eagle with

great wings, longwinged, full of feathers, which had

divers colors,

came into Lebanon, and took the highest branch of the

ceder: he

cropped off the top of his young twigs, and carried

it into a land of

traffick; he set it in a city of merchants."


The interpretation of this parable is in verse 12:

"Know ye

not what these things mean? tell them, Behold, the

king of Babylon is

come into Jerusalem, and has taken the king thereof,

and the princes

thereof, and led them with him to Babylon."

The meaning is now plain.. Nebuchadnezzar was the


Zedekiah's Royal Family was the "highest branch of

the ceder"; his

sons were the "young twigs" who were "cropped off"

and carried into

the "city of merchants" or Babylon...

The parable tells the same story as Jeremiah 39;

namely, the capture

of Zedekiah; the death of all his made heirs; and the

ceccation of

David's Throne in Jerusalem...

These facts we know from history; therefore, the real

purpose of the

first parable and its explanation is to serve as a

key to interpret

the riddle of the second parable in verses 22 ‑ 24:

"Thus saith the Lord God; I will also take of the


branch of the ceder, and will set it; I will crop off

from the top of

his young twigs a tender one, and will plant it upon

an high mountain

and eminent; in the mountain of the height of Israel

will I plant it;

and it shall bring forth boughs, and bear fruit, and

be a goodly

ceder; and under it shall dwell all fowl of every

wing; in the shadow

of the branches thereof shall they dwell."

With the first parable as an example it is a simple

matter to solve

the riddle... The "high ceder" was the Royal House of


the "high branch" was Zedekiah; the "tender one" of

the "young twigs"

was the crown princess... Even the Hebrew word used


is 'feminine', in contrast to the 'masculine' form of

the same word

used in Isiah 53:2...

Now the Lord said through Ezekiel that when the

Throne of David was

uprooted in Jerusalem, He would crop off a daughter

from the family

of Zedekiah and "plant it in the mountain of the

height of Israel."

Note that the tender twig was not only to be planted

in Israel, but

in the "height of Israel," that is, in a Royal House

ruling over

Israel... After the transplanting this feminine twig

would "bring

forth boughs, bear fruit, and be a goodly ceder"; in

other words, it

would propagate a famous Dynasty and bear many Royal

Decendants who

would constitute the latter day House of David, under

whose shadowing

branches all races and colors of people would find


The 'tender twig' was to be cut off and removed from


It was to be planted 'in Israel." But Israel had not

been in

Palestine for more that a century....

So where would the 'TENDER TWIG' be planted ?


Part 3 will reveal the 'coming together' of the TWIN



So how could this 'Tender Twig' daughter of Zedekiah

carry the

Royal Family title on to Ireland ? Lets find out !

Surely it was destined to be far away from Palestine

in the new

land which our Father had in mind when He said to

David, "I will

appoint a place of their own, and plant them, that

they may dwell in

a place of their own and move no more."(2Sam.7:10)

Where, indeed, would one expect to find the covenant

Throne if not in

the place where the covenant people were to be

planted ? Without

doubt Ezekiel's important chapter revealed our

Father's plan to

transfer the Throne of David from Judah and Jerusalem

in the East, to

Israel and the Isles in the West..

Is there any history in the islands beyond the


Sea which shed light on the movements of Jeremiah and

the king's

Daughters after their sojourn in Egypt ?

Do we find the history or traditions of any country

referring to the

arrival of a Hebrew prophet about that time ?

The history and traditions of Ireland are much older

than those of

England and Scotland....

Sir James McIntosh says, "The Irish nation possesses


history several centuries more ancient than any other

European nation

possesses in its present spoken language." These

ancient chronicles

of Ireland inform us that a sage came from Egypt by

way of Spain

about six centuries before the Christian era, and

that he landed on

the northeast coast of Ireland where Carrickfergus is

now... He

brought with him a princess and a secretary... They

came on a ship

belonging to the Iberian Danaan, and brought with

them a rough stone,

a banner and a large mysterious chest...

The name ascribed to the aged seer was Ollam Fodla,

meaning, "Wonderful Prophet";

the princess was called Tamar Tephi ‑ the Tender,

Beautiful; the

scribes name was Simon Brug or Bruch... Irish poetry

and folklore

identify Ollam Fodla as JEREMIAH and Tamar Tephi as


ZEDEKIAH... As to the latter, "ancient Irish poetry

is full of her

praises, of her lofty birth, her stormy life in

Jerusalem and at

Tahpanhes in Egypt, her voyage to Spain and thence to


We have already seen how parts of the tribes of Dan


colonized the Isle of Erin, or IRELAND several

centuries before

Jeremiah's day... Consequently when Jeremiah and his

little party

came to Ireland they landed among their own kindred..

By the time they arrived the Israelites of Ireland

had a King

reigning over them called Eochaidh Heremon.. " The

ancient Irish

exercised great care in keeping record of the lines

of descent of

their Kings.. King Heremon was of the Tribe of JUDAH

and his

genealogy showing his descent from Judah, the son of

Jacob, has been


These old Irish documents register one of the most


romances in all the world... KING HEREMON PROMPTLY


THE LOVELY TEA, as she was sometimes called, AND THEY



In this manner the transplanted "Tender Twig" from

the branch of

Zedekiah and the ceder of Lebanon became Queen Tamar

Tephi over

Israel in Ireland...

As we have seen, Heremon was descended from JUDAH,

through ZARAH;

his Queen also was decended from JUDAH, but through


ancestor of David's Royal Line...

"Thus both of the twin sons of JUDAH became

proginitors of

Kings ‑ the PHAREZ line ruling in Palestine and the

ZARAH line ruling

in Ireland.. After the overthrow of the PHAREZ line

in Palestine,

the TWO LINES became UNITED through the marriage of

Heremon and TEA

TEPHI, from which were decended a long line of Irish


extending for a period of more than a thousand


As it is well known, the Scottish monarchs were

descended from

Irish Kings... The last Scottish King, James VI of

Scotland, became

James I of England, and from him the next King of

Great Britain was


������������ Though Not Quite Complete,

���������� This Genealogy List Shows The

���������� Main Lines Of Descent Through

��������������� PHAREZ�� and� ZARAH

�������������������� ABRAHAM

��������������������� ISAAC

��������������������� JACOB

��������������������� JUDAH

��� ‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑

���� \/


PHAREZ��������������������������������� ZARAH

HEZRON��������������������������������� ETHAN

ARAM ON RAM���������������������������� MAHOL

AMMINADAB������������������������������ CALCOL

NAHSHON��������������� �����������������GADHOL

SALMA���������������������������������� EASRU

BOAZ����������������������������������� SRU

OBED����������������������������������� HEBER SCOT

JESSE���������������������������������� BOAMHAIN

DAVID���������������������������������� AYHAIMHAIN

SOLOMON�������������������������������� TAIT

REHOBOAM������������������������������� AGHENOIN

ABIJAH��������������������������������� FEABLA GLAS

ASA������������������������������������ NEANUAIL

JEHOSAPHAT����������������������������� NUAGHADH

JEHORAM�������������������������������� ALLOID

AHAZIAH�������������������������������� EARCHADA

JOASH���������������������������������� DEAGFATHA

AMAZIAH�������������������������������� BRATHA

AZARIAH (UZZIAH)����������������������� BROEGAN

JOTHAM���������� �����������������������BILLE

AHAZ����������������������������������� GALLAM

HEZEKIAH������������������������������� HEREMON






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