
Bigot, hate speech, Hitler, idiot, inflammatory, intolerant, mis-informed, Nazi, Phobic, anti‑Semite, backstabber, contemtible, corrupt, fascist, Jew‑hater, madman, mental case, racist, troublemaker for the Jews, Ah! You detect "Racism�"! That bane of mankind, the most vile and dangerous contagion to threaten the existence of humanity? This foulest of evil debauched depravities! This abhorrent, atrocious, awful, base, beastly, contemptible, cursed, despicable, detestable, disgusting, hateful, heinous, hellish, horrible, loathsome,

nauseating, obnoxious, odious, offensive, repellent, reprehensible, repugnant, repulsive, revolting, rotten, wretched, nasty, execrable, deplorable <gasp!> ( just ran, <pant pant> out of adjectives), egregiously (well, almost ;‑), devilish concept to ever afflict mankind?

Is THAT what you are referring to? "Racism�": word coined circa 1933, by Marxist apologists in the furtherance of their goal of a Brave New (Global) Society, unencumbered by such 'primitive'� hindrances and traditional 'irrelevancies' as race, nation, and even� the family. Is that your objection?

An emotionally gut‑wrenching word invented approximately 70 years ago. Obviously designed as a conditioned reflex activator, hmm. And of course, one has to wonder how the nattering purveyors of 'Political Correctness' (concept and terminology concocted in the old Soviet Union during the same period), fared in finding 'gainful' (so to speak)� employment during the previous six thousand years of recorded history!

The very essence of government is fear, hate, bigotry, greed and jealously. Government/law are all these factors backed up by threats and violence.�

Because after any words/phrases have been twisted over and over, the brainwashed can not accept the true meaning even after they know what it is.