
What Happened to Cain?

"What Happened to Cain?" is a question in the minds of many Believers. The Bible does not trace Cain very far, and yet the fact is that Cain is a definite historical character of whom you can learn as much outside the Bible as you can from the Bible itself.

Do� not let anyone tell you that these Old Testament people are myths. They are not. They are definitely a part of history. The Bible states that Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden; eastward, evidenced by Cherubim being placed at the east of the Garden to guard it against their possible return.

If they had gone to the south or to the west, guards at the east side would not have meant a thing. Obviously, they went to the east; and, as we learned when we were studying Noah's flood, Adam's migration actually took him and Eve into the Atrium Basin, in what is today called Sinkiang, in the extreme southwestern part of China. The migration undoubtedly took a considerable period of time. It was a long way to walk, but they had time in those days. Adam lived 900 odd years.

In the area where they settled, Eve gave birth to two children; Cain and Abel. Much is lost in the mistranslations in your King James Version. Genesis 3:15 establishes the theme of the entire Bible, and all the rest of it is a development of that theme.

Eventually, God called before Him; Adam, Eve and� Satan to give an accounting of their misdeeds. Please do not get the idea, as your King James Version and all the traditional translations tell you, that Satan was a snake; a long scaly thing, wriggling along the ground, because that is not what the Hebrew says.

The word they mistranslated snake is "nachash', (naw‑khawsh) whose root meaning is "enchanter" or "magician." You will recall that while Satan was expelled from Heaven and his wings clipped considerably, he nonetheless retained possession of a good deal of his angelic powers.

In the course of time, his children (and we do mean children, just as the Bible says) came to adopt the serpent as a symbol, an emblem of their father; and, over a period of centuries, the word was given a secondary meaning of "serpent," which was not its basic meaning.�

Cain murdered Abel and was expelled from that region. Referring back to Genesis 3:15 (and this is before Cain comes on the scene) God said to Satan,

"I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed," etc.

Ferror Fenton in his translation relates the following about Genesis 3:15:

�I will also cause antagonism between you and the woman, and between your progeny and her progeny. He shall wound your head, and you shall wound His heel.�

In the idiom of the Hebrew language "seed"

and "fruit" are used not only to literally mean grain and the fruit that grows on the tree, but is also used quite regularly to refer to the descendants of people. The same Hebrew word for "seed" was used both referring to Satan and to Eve. Satan was to have just as literal children as was Eve.

God goes on to say

" shalt bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel."

In other words, you have here, in the Bible, the first recorded promise of the coming of The Redeemer. Evidently God went on to tell them a great deal more than that, which the Bible does not at that point record. Abel brought as his offering the Blood Sacrifice.

Whereas, Cain, who also had flocks and herds, though he was primarily a farmer, brought fruits and vegetables and dumped them down, as much as to say to God, "Well, landlord, here's your crop rent." And then he wondered why his offering was not acceptable to God!

Cain murdered Abel and he was driven out "from the face of the earth." In the King James Version it quotes Cain as saying to God,

"Behold, thou hast driven me out this day from the face of the earth" (Genesis 4:14).

The implication here seems to be that he climbed into his rocket ship and went off into inter‑stellar space, which of course we know is not what happened. He did not say you have driven me off the face of the earth.

The word earth, used there, happens to be "adamah" which means merely "the ground, "but it had little deeper significance. He had been a farmer, and God told him that as a curse upon him, the land; the ground,

"which hath opened her mouth to receive thy brother's blood from thy hand.. shall not henceforth yield unto thee her strength..." (Genesis 4:11‑12).

To this day, who ever saw a Jewish farmer?

Ferror Fenton does a much better job of translating this than does the King James, as he relates this verse in this way:

�But Cain answered to the Lord, My punishment is heavier than I can bear. Since You drive me today out from off THE FACE OF THIS LAND, I shall be deprived of Your presence and be a wanderer and a vagabond upon the earth; and whoever meets me will kill me.�

Another reading in the Hebrew of these verses Genesis 4:13‑17 is this,

"And Cain said unto Yahweh, Great is my iniquity beyond bearing: behold thou hast driven me out this day from the face of the land and from Thy face. I shall be hidden and I shall become unsettled and wandering on the earth; and it will come to pass anyone finding me will kill me."

If, as the Judeo-Christian churches teach, Adam was the first human being of any sort, then no one was left alive at this stage except Adam and Eve (who were not going to kill Cain) and Cain himself. Yet, he *expected to be killed in the immediate future when he ran into someone.� This is simply another instance of the Bible's recognition, in several places, of the existence of pre‑Adamic races.

The next verse says,

"...and Yahweh said unto him, Therefore, anyone killing Cain, sevenfold shall he be avenged, and Yahweh made for Cain a sign in order that anyone finding him not smite him. And Cain went out from before Yahweh and settled in the Land of Wandering."

Your King James Version gives the Hebrew word "Nod;" but it means wandering, eastward of Eden.

It goes on to read (verse 17),

"And Cain knew his wife (where did he get a wife if there was not anyone else on earth in those days?) and she conceived, and bare Enoch: and he builded a city."

So, there were enough people on hand not only to furnish him a wife, but to build a city under his direction (a reading of Ezekiel 31 explains that many of the trees in the Garden of Eden were people and not wooden trees as we know them) "and called the name of the city, after the name of his son, Enoch." Cain, in his wandering, traveled to and built his city in the Tigris‑Euphrates Valley district.

The rivers overflowed their banks every flood season and would drive the people out. In between flood seasons, they could plant crops, anything maturing quickly enough to be harvested before the next flood season. Then the overflow would drive them out again.

Evidently Cain was a man of great ability and great intelligence. He taught them something they probably vaguely realized they should do, but they did not have what it took to get organized and do it. He taught them to build dikes, to make embankments along the sides of the river channel, just as we have in our own Mississippi River valley; dikes which would hold the rivers within their channels even during the flood season, all of which stopped it from being a "land of wandering."

This enabled them to build their cities with the assurance that they would not be washed away next flood time. To this day you can find traces of the ancient embankments by which the river channels were protected.

There is a group of languages spoken from the Persian Gulf and the Zagros mountains west to the Mediterranean, which are all related in their origin. Aramaic was spoken over a vast area and it is even today a living language spoken by some people in Syria.

It is also the language which Jesus Christ spoke, because that is the language the people about Him could understand. It was their contemporary language. The old classical Hebrew had become, at that time, pretty much of a dead language.

The scholars knew it, like they today know Latin and Greek, but the common people did not speak it. So there was the old Sumerian, the much more important Aramaic, and Hebrew. The Phoenician Cities; spoke another dialect, a Semitic dialect, rather closely related to Hebrew.

In Hebrew, they called the city after Cain's son's name, Enoch. An actual city was built with a name so close to that, that the only difference is the difference between the two languages.

In the lower Tigris‑Euphrates Valley, now named Sumeria, their civilization was very ancient. In fact, it undoubtedly goes back to the first chapter of Genesis. Some of their records date the beginning of their own settlement there from about 14,000 B.C., and their records of astronomical occurrences would seem to bear this out.

The important events were noted in the chronicles of all the ancient peoples. In fact, this is the only way� we have been able to work out any kind of synchronization of ancient history. They had no general date scale like our own, as we say this is the year 1976 A.D. But in each kingdom their own records would show that something occurred on the 11th day of the 8th month of the 14th year of the reign of King somebody‑or‑other. Then, when he died, they started it all over again, with the first day of the first month of the first year of the reign of King somebody‑else. They noted in these records important events, such as their wars. This is one way in which we have been able to work out a synchronization of ancient history.

When the records of ancient Babylonia show a war with Egypt, which the records of Egypt also show, we can learn that the 15th year of King somebody‑or‑ other of Babylonia was the same as the 8th year of Pharaoh somebody‑else of Egypt. One other thing they did was to record the major eclipses, total or nearly total eclipses, of the sun. One can calculate to the exact day when such an eclipse would be visible in that locality. This is not a matter of guess‑work.

However, you do have to know the astronomical cycle to work it out. The fact that records go way back, thousands of years before Adam, correctly showing these cycles when the eclipses occurred, seem to lend a fair amount of truth to them.

At any rate, we have their current records. I do not mean records where they say that this city was settled so many thousands of years ago. I am talking about their then current record of events of the time when they were written.

We have their current records from about 4500 B.C., or about 500 years before Adam. For example, the records of Enshagkushana the King of Kengi which was a city in Sumer, mentions that he was also "patesi" (priest) of Enlil in the city of Nippur. This record it also dates back to around 4500 B.C. It also mentions the city of Kish and Gursi.

Alusharshad the King of Kish about 4000 B.C. left records in which he claimed to be King of the World, which was, as we may note, a rather substantial exaggeration.

So, when Cain moved into that locality, he found a civilization already in existence, with quite extensive commerce reaching clear to the Mediterranean Sea, but apparently it needed some more of his engineering skill. The geological evidences that are found indicate that the entire area there, including some of the Arabian Desert, was a luxuriant well‑watered grass land, with abundant grazing animals on it, and trees (and that sort of thing) up to around 4500 B.C., when the climatic change began over a period of perhaps 500 years or so, extending down to say, roughly, 4000 B.C.

There was a gradual drying up of the area, and from being a Nomadic people, able to live like the American Indians when they followed the herds of the buffalo, these people had to settle down in the river valleys and see to it that their crops were planted, irrigated and harvested.

In this lower Tigris‑Euphrates Valley, these two great rivers brought enormous loads of silt year around, carried down from their upper reaches, where they were running swiftly. The Valley of the Nile is famous for the fine silt soil.

In the Imperial Valley, you find the same kind of rich silt, left there by the Colorado River. This is beautiful, fine silt soil, and perhaps nowhere in the world is there a clay so perfectly adapted to the making of tile and bricks as this clay silt of the Tigris and Euphrates Valley.�

Into this scene of ancient civilization comes a definite historical character; not just somebody that people centuries later wrote about, but a man who left his own records which are in our museums today, and that is Sargon the

First, Sargon the Magnificent. This is not the Sargon who was mentioned in your Bible, a king of Assyria back in 722 B.C., a son of Shalmanezer and father of Sennacherib, kings of Assyria. He simply borrowed the name of this hero of many thousands of years before.

Your Bible does not mention the original Sargon under the name of Sargon. In a single reign, somewhere in the period between 3800 and 4000 B.C., Sargon the Magnificent built up this enormous empire. In the ancient records, his name is found in several various forms, depending upon which language in which his name happens to appear; Sumerian, Akkadian or Babylonian, but definitely referring to the same man in each of these different languages.

Sar or Shar means King and it is perhaps a basic derivation of the later forms of Shah, Czar, etc., which have persisted as titles of kings. "Sharukinu" ‑ this kinu is a Sumerian form of Cain. Genesis 4:17 tells us that Cain built the city and called it Enoch.

Sargon built a city at that place, which he called in their language Unuk," a slight variation due to the difference in languages. The early bricks of this city had stamped on them; that is molded, the name "Unuk." In the latter Akkadian Babylonian it was called Erech, but in the early Sumerian it was Unuk.

This Sargon created a very phenomenal empire. He finally established his capital city at Akkad. His own records show the remarkable size of it. His empire extended from the Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean.

He made three expeditions to what he called the Great Sea, which at the least was the Mediterranean (and there is good reason to believe it was the Atlantic). In at least one of these expeditions he said he crossed the sea and brought back loot from conquered lands. He brought cedar beams from the mountains of Lebanon for his temples.

We know definitely that his expeditions into the Mediterranean included the islands of Cyprus and Crete. Very clear traces of his early Babylonian culture are found on the Island of Crete. For example, the tiles and sewer drainage system found in the cities of Phara and Knosos on Crete are exactly like that of Nippur in Akkad.

In Crete, a cylinder seal inscribed with the name of Sargon's son or grandson, Naram Sin, was found. Babylonian inscribed clay cylinder records have been found in the Cretan tombs. In the ruins of the palace of Knosos, there is a rather elaborate alabaster coffer with the name of Cain carved in the lid of it. And also there was found an immense bronze sword with a golden hilt, of very beautiful workman‑ship, larger than any other ancient sword ever found, which might possibly have been his.

The Bible tells us that Cain founded this city, the name of the city Enoch, after his son, and the Sumerian records of the city of Unuk and Akkad show that Sargon the First founded the city and called it in Sumerian, Unuk.

Sargon the First called these Sumerians "black heads." Whether that meant a dark complexion or merely refers to a brunette people as distinguished from the blond we do not know.

We do not have sufficient records. Sargon's own records, in our museums today, show that he conducted raids on nations to the east, certainly at least into Media, and quite possibly going back to pick up some of his own people from the Tarim Basin region.

They show that he deported captured populations to make cities that he founded in the regions of Akkad. In one of his records he states "5,400 men daily eat bread before me;" the courtiers and servants of his palace.

He divided his empire, which extended from the Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean, into districts, which were ten hours march across, and each was governed by one of "the sons of his palace," as he called them. One of his inscriptions says this:

"For forty‑five years the kingdom I have ruled and the black heads I have governed. In multitudes of bronze chariots I rode over rugged lands. I governed the upper country (that would be Akkad). Three times to the Great Sea I advanced."

We know that he had a very high degree of civilization. But a high degree of civilization does not always imply a high degree of morality; but, so far as civilization is expressed in the arts and sciences, and that sort of thing, they had it. Their art advanced to a degree greater than was found anywhere else in ancient times. Two cylinder seals of his time are among the most beautiful specimens of jewel engraving ever known.

Evidently they did not have the secret of making paper, or if they did, they knew how perishable it was. They may have put some documents on parchment, but in the main they used this beautiful clay that they had to make thin tiles or tablets of clay.

While it was still moist and soft they wrote upon the clay. Then the signature was in the form of a seal. Each man of importance had his own seal. These were in the form of a little cylinder. Back in Sargon's day, so far as we can judge by some specimens found, they were usually about the diameter of a lead pencil. I do not mean the lead, but the wood that it is made of, and would run from half or 5/8 of an inch in length to perhaps to 3/4 of an inch.

Perhaps the most beautiful of these ancient seals, which goes back to the time of Naram Sin, is approximately 1/4 inch in diameter by 5/8 of an inch long. The engraving of the design on it is the most beautiful I have seen in jewel engraving. It was obviously done under a magnifying glass, because the details on it are so tiny and so perfect. When this seal was rolled across the wet clay, it molded an

impression of the design on the seal into the clay.

Have you noticed signet rings in jewelry store windows, which have an engraved jewel with an initial engraved in them; carnelian or some such stones? You will not find, in any jewelry store today, as perfect jewel engraving as was characteristic of this ancient empire of Sargon or Cain.

Roads connected the principal cities. There was a postal service. In those days, to send a letter, they would first make one of these clay tablets, write the message on it while it was wet, dry it out, and burn it hard in the kiln. Then they would coat it again with wet clay for an envelope, write the address upon that and again burn it hard in the kiln. Delivered to the person to whom it was written, he would then break off this outer shell, and within was the letter sent to him.

Today, in the Louvre Museum in Paris are some of these ancient letters, bearing a clay seal upon them, another lump of clay with a special seal design which constituted the postage stamp, showing that postage had been paid for the carrying of this letter back in this empire of Sargon the Magnificent.

No doubt bronze and possibly iron were in use in that day, for weapons and other implements. Bronze would serve well for swords, but not for engraving tools. There was no known way to sufficiently harden copper or bronze to do that.

Only within the last 50 years or so, has such a way been discovered. If they were good enough metallurgists to learn to make carving chisels out of copper or bronze, we can give them credit for that. Otherwise, they must have used hardened steel: 6,000 years of rust would have taken their toll of any iron or steel implements in that time. Babylonian art was, at this time, more highly developed than at any later time.

Beishazzar was the man who was running the city of Babylon at the time of its fall to the Medes and Persians. His father, Nabonidus, was an oddity for ancient kings. Usually they were military conquerors, people interested only in how many people they could kill or enslave, and how much loot they could steal.

Instead, Nabonidus was a scholar, particularly an archeologist and antiquarian. In fact, he became so deeply interested in it that during his lifetime he turned over all the authority and responsibility of running Babylon to his son, Belshazzar, who was a worthless, drunken wastrel.

Had he turned it over to his daughter Belshalti, who was quite brilliant, Babylon might possibly have had a different fate. Under Belshazzar it reached that degree of rottenness where it fell from its own internal corruption. Nabonidus made a hobby of going to the sites of the ancient cities and digging down to find the sites of their early temples and other public buildings, and in those cities which were still existent, find and restore their earliest temples.

One of his records in our museums today says that he had restored the temple of the Sun at Sippar. Sippar, meaning book town, from its enormous libraries, is another name for the same city of Akkad which was founded by Sargon the First. He said that he had restored the Temple of the Sun, and in digging down to uncover the foundation, he had uncovered the cornerstone laid by Naram Sin, "which none of my ancestors, the kings of Babylon, had seen for 3200 years."

Taking his own time for this, probably in the neighborhood of 550 B.C., add 3200 more to it, takes you back to 3700 B.C. as the probable time when this temple had fallen into such ruin that this foundation stone was totally covered up. This dates back to the time of Naram Sin, who was the son of Sargon, whom we can identify as Cain. Incidentally, this very same foundation cornerstone, with the inscription showing it was founded by Naram Sin, is now in the Museum at Yale University.

We have another clue, or series of clues, to indicate that Sargon was Cain. We find this in the pagan religion that he founded. The records show that the earliest forms of Babylonian religion were monotheistic. They believed in one God.

Whether it be the God we know, we are not sure; but at least they had a god, and not a multiplicity of them. Their religion contained a rather garbled, but still recognizable version of the story of creation, as given in the first chapter of Genesis. But about the time of Sargon, there developed polytheism; pagan gods. The three chief ones were Anu, Eia, and one whose name sometimes appears as Enlil, sometimes Mul‑lil.

By the myths told about these gods, you can identify and determine the origin of each god. The myths about them would identify Anu as being Adam, Eia as Eve and Mtil‑lil or Enlil as Satan. Those are recognizable in these myths. Later Mul‑lil becomes Bel or Baal, who was the chief god of Babylon, and indeed became the most important of the pagan gods, from there to the West, clear to the Mediterranean coast.

The pagan priests garbled things somewhat in their legends, possibly intentionally. In a few of them Eia is represented as male, but most of these legends have Eia as a goddess, identifiable from these myths as being Eve. Legends about the early form of Eia are exactly the same as the later legends about Ishtar. So, Cain had carried in his own remembrance the occurrences in his own early life, and then had decided to make gods of Adam, Eve and Satan.

In Sargon's own time he was not deified. He founded pagan Satan worship, but he did not promote himself up to the top. Later he was deified. There are a few inscriptions that say "Sargon is my god."

It is natural that among pagans he should become a patron god of Babylon. Babylon's patron god, whose name appears in your King James Version, usually as Merodach, although Mardach would be a more accurate translation, is derived from Marad which means "to rebel," and Cain was indeed a rebel. He is called in their legends the first born of Eia.

Other legends say he was the eldest son of Ishtar and Anu was his father. Cain was the first born of Eve. Merodach is the god of agriculture. Cain was a tiller of the soil, whereas Abel was primarily a herdsman.

The legends say that Merodach brought order out of chaos by separating land from water and founding homes for men. We say that Sargon, or Cain, reigned in this lower swamp land, and directed the building of the dikes and drainage canals that separated the waters from the land, enough so they could build more permanent cities.

First John 3:12 recognizes that Cain was a son of the evil one. Your King James Version does not use the word "son," because the translators had to meet accepted doctrine. In your King James Version it says (in verse 12),

"Not as Cain, who was of that wicked one, and slew his brother."

If you will turn to the third chapter of the Gospel of Luke, in your King James Version Bible, you will find that it gives the genealogy of Jesus Christ. It starts with Jesus Christ and works backwards to Adam. As you know, in your King James Version, where you find words printed in italic type, these are words added by translators, which were not actually written in the original languages and manuscripts, because they were implied or understood in those languages.

The English does not imply it, and therefore to make the English idiom conform to the idiom of the Greek or the Hebrew the translators have supplied the words in English which were understood in the earlier languages, and they appear in italics. Take your King James Version and look up the genealogy of Jesus Christ (in Luke 3). It begins with verse 23:

"And Jesus� Himself began to be about thirty years of age, being (as was supposed) the son of Joseph, which was the son of Heli, which was the son of Matthat, which was the son of Levi, which was the son of Meichi,"

And so on down through verse after verse. Note that beginning with "the son of Heli," the words "the son" are in italic type, indicating they were not written out in the Greek. In other words, if you said "John was of William" it meant in the Greek idiom "John was the son of William." I have heard people try to deny this idiom in First John 3:12, relative to Cain, stating it meant merely that Cain was morally bad, like the evil one, not referring to any father and son relationship.

If that be a true translation of the Greek, and only referring to morality, let us apply it to Luke and see if it is correct. We do not think that they developed a completely new and different Greek language between the writing of the Gospel according to Luke and the First Epistle of John. Would it make sense to say Joseph, who was morally no better than Heli, who was just as bad as Matthat?

Of course not. In the First Epistle of John, it is the very same Greek language, and it says "Cain, who was of that wicked one." As a matter of fact, if you look it up in Weymouth's Modern English Translation, you will find he translates it correctly: "Cain, who was a child of the evil one..."

Furthermore, if you will look up the fifth chapter of Genesis, which gives the descendants of Adam, you will find that it nowhere lists Cain among them. With monotonous regularity the Bible says that so‑and‑so begat whozis and whozis begat such‑and‑such, and so forth, verse after verse.

You cannot find any place in the Bible where it says that Adam begat Cain, because he did not. The first time it says Adam begat anyone is in the fifth chapter of Genesis, verse 3: "Adam lived an hundred and thirty years, and begat a son in his own likeness, after his image; and called his name Seth."

People like to bring up verse one of Genesis, chapter four, and try to make it mean something it does not say, "And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain."

The Bible records things that happen, but it does not once say that there was a cause in sex relationship. We could. tell you, with absolute truth, that upon a certain evening we went to a movie, and the following morning the sun rose in the east. We could prove it by witnesses, but we did not say that the fact that we went to the movie was the thing that caused the sun to rise in the east.

It is true, very true that Adam and Eve had intercourse; it is very true that Eve bore Cain; but it is not true that Cain was the son of Adam, and the Bible does not anywhere say that Cain was a son of Adam.

One of these ancient Akkadian inscriptions about Sargon says this,

"The divine Sargon, the illustrious King, a son of Bel the Just, the King of Akkad and of the children of Bel."

Bel, or Baal, was a later form of this obviously deified Satan, known in the earliest forms as Mul‑lil or Enlil. Here they recognized that Sargon was a son of him whom we know to be Satan.

Other legends of Sargon's origin say that he was adopted by Akki and raised as a gardener. The basic root of Akki is found in the Hebrew word Nachash: Naka, the Egyptian word for serpent; Naga, the Hindu word for serpent, particularly serpent god; Ahhi, a serpent water god; Arriman, the Persian devil, source of all evil.

Cain was a tiller of the soil. Sargon was raised as a gardener. One of Sargon's own inscriptions found in our museums today, says this, "While I was a gardener Ishtar loved me." Yes, he was still near the Garden of Eden; not in the Garden of Eden, but in the same part of the world to which Adam and Eve had gone. So, you can identify the Cain of the Bible as an actual historical character, the records of whose own kingdom are in our museums today.

To further convince you, we can carry it a bit further. Sargon's own records show that at least three times he went to the Great Sea; at least once he crossed it. What was that "Great Sea?"

There are indications that it was the Atlantic because in Central and South America there are legends in their mythology, which cannot be accounted for on any basis except that they were brought over there by someone who knew the early mythology of Sargon's time. In turn, you find in the Babylonian religion the use of certain words and phrases that are Mayan.

The story of the worship of Cain appears among the Mayas of Yucatan and the Quichis of Guatemala. The Mayas say that their kingdom was found by King Can, and "Can" means "serpent" in their Mayan language; a change from Cain to Can, from one language to another, is very small. (Notice what we do today in our modern languages.

The name in English we call William is in French Guillaume; in German it is Vilhelm; in Italian it is Guglielmo. We make more change from one language to another today with the same word than they did in those days.) There was a family of seven the father, mother and five children.

Their serpent king, his wife and children were symbolized by a seven‑headed serpent. Incidentally, that same emblem of the seven‑headed serpent is worshiped today in India, in Indochina and in Siam, or Thailand, as it is known today.

This person who came and brought them this form of worship was deified in their legends as Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent, a serpent having feathers instead of scales. Their legends say that out of the east, on white‑winged ships, came white men who taught these Mayans their civilization; and finally sailing away, back to the east on these white‑winged ships, saying, "Some day we will return."

Since then, these people have worshiped Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent, as their god, the white man who taught them their civilization. A very interesting bit of more recent history is that when Cortez landed on the shore of Mexico, he was received with relatively little hostility.

Out of the East, in white sailed ships, came white men. He was greeted joyously with friendship. He had practically no difficulty marching on up to Montezuma's capital city, Mexico City, where he was greeted with reverence and friendship. In the minds of the people, this was the promised return of Quetzalcoatl. We know, of course, that Cortez was nothing but a thief and a murderer, there in search of loot.

Evidently the prisons of Spain had been emptied of the worst cut‑throats to provide him with soldiers, because they were out to steal what they could get. They were accompanied, of course, by a couple of Spanish Catholic Priests. It is a matter of record in their report that on one of the pagan festival days, these priests wandered into one of these pagan temples in Mexico Citv and they observed the pagan priests putting on a Catholic mass, perfect in every� detail, except it was not spoken in Latin.

So the Catholic priests stormed out in a furious rage, saying "These pagans are mocking us." They incited the soldiers to a general massacre of the inhabitants, promising them, in advance, absolution for all the murders, rapes and other crimes they might commit in the process. What these Catholics did not know was the fact that they had received their ceremonies from the same ancient source as did the Mayas.

That is a very interesting study. If you want to trace it in great detail, get Hislop's book "The Two Babylon's," and you will see the Babylon origin of much of the Catholic ritual.

Among these people are ancient legends which say that one of Cain's sons, coveting the kingdom held by another of his sons, treacherously killed him, stabbed him in the back with a spear and took his kingdom, which is probably their version of the murder of Abel by Cain, even though garbled, somewhat, down through the centuries.

The Incas of Peru were probably Mayan colonies, because the language of Peru, which was Quichua, shows their descent of the Quichis of Guatemala, who were a branch of the Maya nation.

Other events show how this culture was carried back and forth. In much of Central America, after the winter rains, comes the spring dry season. Then, there are summer rains.

At the beginning of the month of May, at midnight, the Southern Cross Constellation stands exactly perpendicular above the southern horizon, right in the meridian, and shortly thereafter the next rainy season begins. The natives recognize this as a sign that rain is coming soon. The Cross was a very ancient symbol among all nations. The form in which we have it in Christianity today, with the cross bar going below the top of the vertical post, is a much later form.

The earlier form of the cross was the Tau cross, with the cross bar just resting on top of the vertical bar. This cross is found in Egyptian records, as far back as you can find anything in Egypt. The very name Tau is derived from Mayan. T‑a‑u means literally "here water month."

In other words, when this Southern Cross Constellation stood exactly vertical above the southern horizon, right on the Meridain, it indicated the beginning of the water month; the month when the rains would start.

This is the month for rain. The month of May is named from Maia, the Goddess, the Good Dame, the Mother of the Gods. If you investigate the Catholic religion, you will find

The Feast of the Adoration of the Holy Cross is May 3, beginning of the water month. It is the day also consecrated particularly to the Mother of God, The Good Lady. In other words, straight out of Babylonian and Mayan paganism, which again we trace to its source, in its beginning, to Cain or Sargon.

From this, you can see that we can trace these ancient religions not only to Babylonia, Sumer and Akkadia, but we can trace Cain, a real person known to history under the name of Sargon, even to Central and South America. Cain is not myth!

We trust these pages will enable you to answer, without any doubt, "What Happened to Cain?" (Taken, in part, from an article entitled �What Happened to Cain?� by Bertrand Comparet)

Now let�s take up Cain�s wife. Many people are always asking about this and seem never able to understand so we will try to show you all about her.

Where Did Cain Get His Wife?

This is a question that has caused a lot of controversy in Christians and one which they have avoided for centuries; especially the Judeo‑Christians because most of them do very little if any serious Bible study. They simply let some so‑called member of the clergy tell them what is what.

Since Cain was banished to the land of Nod, after his brother's murder, and before Eve gave birth to her third son Seth (Compare Genesis 4:8‑17 with Genesis 4:25), then there was as yet only one (supposed) descendant of Adam on earth, and this was the reprobate Cain. We know that Cain had a wife, and evidence would indicate that he had taken a female from among the BEASTS OF THE FIELD, ONE OF THE OTHER RACES.

After the birth of his first son, Enoch, Cain built a city (Genesis 4:17). THERE CAN BE NO CITY WITHOUT INHABITANTS AND THOSE WHO INHABITED THE CITY WHICH HE BUILT WERE OBVIOUSLY THE INHABITANTS OF THE LAND OF NOD, the same creating that had been given to Adam as servants in the Garden of Eden. They were driven forth with Adam, and became wanderers, which is the meaning of the word NOD. These were a numerous people who had been CREATED (Genesis 1:27) before the FORMATION of Adam.

Before Cain was driven forth from the presence of God, he complained:

"My punishment is greater than I can bear, Behold, Thou hast driven me out this day from the face of the earth; and from thy face shall I be hid; and I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth; and it shall come to pass that everyone that findeth me shall slay me." (Genesis 4:13‑14)

A fugitive from whom? Certainly not his father and mother, Adam and Eve! From who then would he be forced to flee? And to whom did he refer when he spoke about "everyone that findeth me shall kill me?" It would be none other than the inhabitants of the land of Nod, and these inhabitants, we believe were THE OTHER RACES, THE BEAST OF THE FIELD.

So God put a mark upon Cain(we are not told what it was) and gave a command that whosoever slew Cain, his vengeance would fall seven fold. (Possibly Cain was made to resemble the people of Nod). In any case, he was able to assemble enough people to build a city AND THE FEMALE HE TOOK AS HIS WIFE, WAS NOT A DESCENDANT OF ADAM.

A very expressive term can be found in the book of Jude, in the New Testament, when he describes the great sin of Sodom as "going after strange flesh." That is a very descriptive term. The Sodomites were given to every imaginable sexual perversion, just as they are today (See Genesis 19:1‑9), and it was for this fifth that they were eliminated. These Sodomites were Canaanites (See Genesis 10:15‑19). It is most significant that Cain, is mentioned in this context in Jude 11.

Note that Jude first mentions the angels which kept not their first estate. These may or may not have been the "sons of God who married daughters of men." (There is a great deal of argument on this among Bible scholars).

Then Jude speaks of the Sodomites who were destroyed for the same wickedness; "going after strange flesh." These as brute BEASTS CORRUPT THEMSELVES, he says, and pronounces:

"Woe unto them, because they have gone in the way of Cain." (Jude 6‑11)

Thus the wickedness of Cain, the wickedness of the Sodomites, all appear to be similar. All these filthy dreamers defiled themselves by filthy sexual intercourse with "strange flesh." (Verse 8) The civilization of Cain was very wicked and was completely wiped out by the flood. The fate of Sodom is known to every Bible reader.

When Jeremiah wrote concerning the Babylonian captivity of the Judahites, he said:

"And now I have given all these lands into the hands of Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, My servant; and the BEASTS OF THE FIELD, have I given him also to serve him." (See Jeremiah 27:6)

when prophesying of the destruction of Babylon, he wrote,

"O Lord, Thou hast spoken against this place, to cut it off, that none shall remain in it, neither MAN OR BEAST, but it shall be desolate forever." (Jeremiah 51:62)

This prophecy was fulfilled ages ago, and it is most significant to find that the ancient ruins of Babylon abound with four‑footed animals but that MEN, and the BEASTS OF THE FIELD, THE OTHER RACES, ARE COMPLETELY ABSENT FROM THIS AREA.

From these facts, we can only conclude that the BEASTS OF THE FIELD are indeed a servant race, distinct and separate from the Adamic creation of God, but who have a special place and calling in God. They are vocal, intelligent, capable of prayer, and repentance. The pure Negro stock is a servant order, as are the angels in heaven.

The Posterity of Cain

It is important to note that the posterity of Cain comes in the First T�ked�th, viz., that of �the generations of the heavens and the earth;� and not in �in the book of the generations of Adam.�

The posterity of Seth commences with �the generations of Adam:� showing that the two accounts are distinct, and deal with two different subjects.

There were 130 years before Seth was born and substituted for Abel in the line of the promised seed.

In those 130 years AFTER Cain, Adam must have begotten �sons and daughters,� as in the 800 years after Seth.

If Abel died in a.m. 125, and Abel and Cain had children before that year, even supposing they had no descendants till they reached the age of sixty-five, Adam could have had 130 children. And if each of those could have a child at sixty-five years of age, one in each successive year, there would have been 1,219 in a.m. 130. If we suppose Adam�s earlier sons and daughters to have had children at the age of twenty one instead of at sixty-five, there would have been over half a million in the 130 years , without reckoning the old or young, and this at a very moderate of increase.

It is generally assumed that Adam and Eve had no children beyond those named. But, as in the line of Seth, it is very clear form Genesis 5:4 that they had, we may well conclude that the same was the case in the line of Cain. It is a gratuitous assumption that Abel had no posterity.

It is manifest that the history assumes a considerable population; and the act that there is no attempt to explain it, proves its genuineness, and shows that we are left to explain it for ourselves in the only natural way by which it can be explained. (Companion Bible, Appendix 20, page 26)