
����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Preface

In order to fully understand why there have been so many wars, in the history of mankind, it is necessary to lay a little background so that the reader may fully understand where it all began. It began, of course, in the Garden of Eden (at least as far as we are concerned. That there were destructive wars before Adam and Eve is obvious to the student of history. �And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.�[1]

Some will say this didn�t happen sometime in the past but is a war that is to be fought at some point in the future; and they are partly right, however, the fact remains that Satan has been on earth since the beginning, therefore, there had to be a war before God formed Adam and then made Eve from a rib of Adam. �And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth...� [2]

Replenish: Strong�s� Concordance: #4390� male' (maw‑lay'); or mala' (Esth. 7:5) (maw‑law'); a primitive root, to fill or (intransitively) be full of, in a wide application (literally and figuratively): KJV‑‑ accomplish, confirm, + consecrate, be at an end, be expired, be fenced, fill, fulfil, (be, become, X draw, give in, go) full (‑ly, ‑ly set, tale), [over‑] flow, fulness, furnish, gather (selves, together), presume, replenish, satisfy, set, space, take a [hand‑] full, + have wholly.

So we can see by this that God told the men (humans) He created to replenish the earth; because those that had originally been on it had been destroyed, or drastically reduced in number. Therefore, we present you with this preface to help you to understand better the events as they happen in the future.

Armageddon: Judeo-Christian Belief: A future Russian confederacy will invade old Palestine, igniting the battle of Armageddon.

Biblical Answer: The three principle chapters used to teach a Russian military invasion of Palestine are Daniel 11, Zechariah 14, and Ezekiel 38. Here is a basic question: Will the focus of this cataclysmic end-time battle really be in Palestine, as almost all of the so-called Judeo-Christian ministers, preachers, priests and etc., relate to their people every chance they get: Perhaps the first passage we should dissect is: �And at the time of the end shall the king of the south push at him: and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over.� [3]

Let�s look at the words:

� chariots.......

Hebrew #7393: rekeb, reh�-keb; from 7392; a vehicle; by impl. a team; by extens. Cavalry; by analogy a rider, i.e. the upper millstone:-chariot, (upper) millstone, multitude [from the marg.], wagon.

Hebrew #7392: rakab, raw-kab�; a prim. root; to ride (on an animal or in a vehicle; caus. To place upon (foer riding or gen.), to despatch:-bring (on [horse-] back), carry, get [oneself] up, on [horse-] back, put (cause to, make to) ride (in a chariot, on, -r), set.


Hebrew #6571: parash, paw-raqsh�; from 6567; a steed (as stretched out to a vehicle, not single nor for mounting [comp. 5483]); also (by impl.) A driver (in a chariot), i.e. (Collect) cavalry:-horseman.

The Geneva Reformers did not consider verse 40 to be an end-of-age event as evidenced by the marginal notes they wrote in the Geneva Bible: �That is, both the Egyptians and the Syrians shall at length fight against the Romans, but they shall be overcome� (marginal note �b� and verse 40).

The �king of the north� is identified here as Rome, the �king of the south� as Egypt and Syria. The fate of the �king of the north� is given in verses 44 and 45: �But tidings out of the east and out of the north shall trouble him: therefore he shall go forth with great fury to destroy, and utterly to make away many. And he shall plant the tabernacles of his palace between the seas in the glorious holy mountain; yet he shall come to his end, and none shall help him.�

The Reformers interpreted these last two verses as follows: �hearing that Crasus was slain, and Antonius discomforted. For Augustus overcame the Parthinians, and recovered that which Antonius had lost. The Romans after this reigned quietly throughout all countries, and from sea to sea, and in Judea: but at length for their cruelty God shall destroy them.� (Marginal notes i.e, and f).

If Daniel 11 is a past historical event, it would appear that Zechariah 14 and Ezekiel 38 are definitely future end-time events. In Zechariah 14 God intervenes to save His people from an onslaught of united nations: �For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle: and the city shall be taken, and the houses rifled, and the women ravished; and half of the city shall go forth into captivity, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city. Then shall the Lord go forth, and fight against those nations, as when he fought in the day of battle. And his feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east, and the mount of Olives shall cleave in the valley; and half of the mountain shall remove toward the north, and half of it toward the south.�

The Geneva Reformers also did not interpret the above passage to mean old Jerusalem. In marginal notes c and d they wrote in regard to verses 2 through 4: �By this manner of speech the Prophet sheweth God�s power and care over parts of the world; they shall see Jerusalem, which was before hid with this mountain: and this he meaneth of the spiritual Jerusalem the church.� Modern Judeo-Christian-Zionists dislike this interpretation.

In the 38th chapter of Ezekiel we have the most vivid and detailed account of the last battle. The adversary is identified as �the chief prince of Meshech,� (verse 2) the term Meshech being the most ancient name for Moscow. At present the nation of Russia appears to the Western Christian Nations as to having fallen into a state of political instability, but, the �Bear� will rise again as prophecy demands.

Russia�s accomplices are listed as Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya, these terms representing the Middle East and Africa (verse 5). Named also� are Gomer and Togarmah which are in Eastern Europe and Southern Russia (verse 6). God says, �Thou shalt ascend and come like a storm, thou shalt be like a cloud to cover the land, thou, and all thy bands, and many people with thee. Thus saith the Lord God; it shall also come to pass, that at the same time shall things come into thy mind, and thou shalt think an evil thought: And thou shalt say, I will go up to the land of unwalled villages; I will go to them that are at rest, that dwell safely.� (Verse 9-11). Notice that the place of conquest is described as a �land of unwalled villages.� This could not possible refer go to old Palestine or Europe, both of which have historic traditions of walled cities and villages.

We do find unwalled villages in the North American continent, the envy of the world, and the focus of Armageddon. The Geneva translators wrote regarding Ezekiel 38: �Signifying, that all the people of the world should assemble themselves against the Church of Christ their head.� (Marginal note �e�) In verse 22, God comes go to the rescue of His people: �And I will plead against him with pestilence and with blood; and I will rain upon him, and upon his bands, and upon the many people that are with him, an overflowing rain, and great hailstones, fire, and brimstone.�[4]

In Ezekiel we find the account of the final destruction of this Antichrist horde: �Thou shalt fall upon the mountains (nations) of Israel, thou, and all thy bands, and the people that is with thee: I will give thee unto the ravenous birds of every sort, and go to the beasts of the field go to be devoured.�

This end time battle between Christianity and the Antichrist forces of the world is filled go to the brim with false teachings, much the same as the so-called �Rapture Theory.�� Which is another of the false teachings which has been brought into Christianity by the Antichrists go to mislead Christians and go to keep them out of the battle. For if people think they will be raptured out, and that this world is not their own, then they will not object so very much at the attacks of the Antichrists.

The Rapture Theory: The Judeo-Christian Belief: The return of Christ will be in two stages, say the Judeo-Christian teachers of the United States: first, the Christians will be taken up into heaven (raptured) for the duration of the earthly tribulation period; and secondly, after seven years in heaven, they will accompany Christ back go to earth.

Biblical Answer: Rapture advocates base their two-phase Advent dichotomy on an alleged inconsistency between the return of Christ as told in Matthew, and His return as told in Revelation. Matthew Chapter 24 relates that at Christ�s coming, people will be �eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage.� (Verse 38)

In contrast, they argue that the return of Christ in Revelation 19 is different, with the world already in a state of devastation.[5] Christ�s return go to a merrymaking world, and His return go to a devastated world do not match. Therefore, they believe these must be separate events in time, or Christ�s Second Coming in two different stages. Yet the people who believe in this interpretation fail go to comprehend at least two important points for obvious reasons: First, the catastrophes that are listed in Revelation 6; war, death, hunger and earthquakes (verses 4, 8 , and 12) plus the plagues of Revelation 11:6 are the same catastrophes as listed in Matthew 24, war, death, famine, earthquake, and pestilence (verses 6-7). Secondly, in Revelation 11 during the Great Tribulation, people are giving gifts go to one another! Verse 10 says, �And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them (the slain two witnesses, verses 3-10), and make merry, and shall send gifts one go to another.�

� ������ This, of course, is very consistent with the merrymaking in Matthew 24. In conclusion, the return of Jesus in Matthew, and His return in Revelation, both consisting of the same elements, are therefore the same event. Those who believe in the rapture often cite 1 Thessalonians where Paul says: �For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, go to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.�

Many contend that since this passage does not specify Christ as physically touching the earth, it therefore is not describing the actual Second Coming, but instead the rapture. Yet, they fail go to explain why this same passage also does not specify anyone going go to heaven at all! The word �air� in verse 17 comes form the Greek term �aer� (#109) and means �Circumambient.� [6] The 1828 Webster Dictionary defines the word circumambient as �the air about the earth.� No one went go to heaven of God�s throne. Paul is explaining in this passage the return of Christ and the Resurrection, not a rapture. In Luke Jesus said: �Two men shall be in the filed; the one shall be taken, and the other left.� [7]

The proponents of the rapture will say this means that the one taken is the Christian who is translated go to heaven, and the one left on earth is the wicked. They sometimes neglect the very next verse which reads, �And they answered and said unto him, where, Lord? And he said unto them, wheresoever the body is, thither will the eagles be gathered together.� (Verse 37). This corresponds with Revelation 19 where God gathers the fowls of the air go to scavenge upon the bodies of the wicked dead, �both small and great.� The one �taken� is the wicked, i.e., the one destroyed. Jesus said in Matthew: �The son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend , and them which do iniquity.� [8]

Most believe that the rapture will be a secret event, and that the Lord will take them �as a thief in the night.� But they don�t take into consideration the changes in times and the actions of men. In Paul�s day, mounted bands of thieves would thunder into an unsuspecting town at night, causing great chaos and calamity. There was nothing secret about it. Paul�s letters go to the Thessalonians were not about a secret rapture, but were about the tumultuous Second Coming of Jesus Christ. God will preserve many Christians through tribulation as He preserved Noah and his family through the tribulation of the flood.

In order go to be preserved in tribulation we must resolve go to do as Jesus said: �But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved� [9] (Greek �sozo� meaning go to �protect�). Christ will protect us upon the earth, if we �endure� here. It is our privilege go to suffer for Christ, as Paul wrote in Philippians: �For unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ, not only go to believe on him, but also go to suffer for his sake.� [10]

In John 17:15 Jesus prayed this for His disciples and those which followed them, �I pray not that thou shouldst take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil.� Proverbs 10:30 says, �The righteous shall never be removed: but the wicked shall not inhabit the earth.� The rapture doctrine is a fraudulent escape, mechanism designed go to ease Christian anxieties over the coming climactic persecutions. Its greatest harm is that it instills apathy in churchgoers in regard go to the moral and social well-being of their country.

The book �Russia And China Will Invade America,�� is an attempt go to show you, by means of investigations, documentary evidence of the inner workings of the present movement for World Revolution, leading go to World Domination through the New World Order, and is but an age-long and culminating, fanatical effort on the part of the Overshadowing Power - presently known as The Learned Elders of Zion, through their many secret organizations, such as the Illuminati.

Whatever the ideas on the Messianic era and the true destiny of man may have been, the following account of mysticism and magic, written from 1823-1825 by Ho�n� Wronski, might well be an actual picture of world conditions today under the influence of similar mystic and secret societies, far more numerous and influential than the public imagine, through which the Invisible Center is again seeking go to direct and dominate the nations and the world.

In his "Trait� m�thodique de magic Pratique," Papus, the well-known occultist and cabalist, Dr. Gerard Encausse, writes:� "A learned initiate and encyclopedist, Ho�n� Wronski, in a work which is almost unobtainable today, L'Apodictique Messianique, has given an analysis of magic and its origins, as well as its results, which merits a close study on the part of serious inquirers. We hope therefore go to render service go to such by reproducing the whole of the section devoted go to mysticism and magic." [11]

Briefly, Wronski states that the aim of Mystic Associations is "Participation in Creation," and the physical end is "Direction of the Destinies of the Earth." This mysticism "consists of the mystic limitation of the absolute reality (universal life-force or energy), forming in general the neutralization of this negative and positive energy," a form of magnetic polarization, creating the etheric link; for this reason these societies cultivate supernatural sentiments and arts such as... "Hermetic Philosophy, Alchemy, the Great Work or Stone of the Philosopher, the Panacea, Magnetic-healing, Regeneration, etc., and certain mysteries of physical generation, etc." Being unable go to discover scientifically, by reason, the destinies of the earth, they profess go to foresee it by a "Cabalistic interpretation...of the traditions of the Holy Scriptures;" then they seek go to direct these destinies by means of special missions given go to chosen men in all ranks of society. Of Secret Societies, he says: "As the supernatural efforts made by the Mystic Association go to take part in creation can neither be practiced nor discussed publicly...and being equally debarred from openly directing the destinies of the earth as Government would oppose it, this mysterious association can perforce only act through Secret Societies. Thus actually it is in the heart of mysticism that all secret societies, which have existed, and still ext, on our globe, are born, and which, controlled from this mysterious source, have dominated and notwithstanding Government, continue go to dominate the world. Their secret societies, armed when needed, are detached into groups distinct and apparently opposed, professing respectively and in turn the most contrary opinions of the day, so as go to direct, apart and with confidence, all parties, political, religious, economic, and literary. They, in order go to receive common direction, and are again united go to an unknown center, where this powerful source is hidden which seeks this invisible go to control all earthly scepters...and without doubt all these secret societies are themselves, through the skill of certain of their chiefs, controlled and directed according go to the ideas and orders of an Unknown Supreme Committee who governs the world." [12]

���� Freemasons, Applied or Political. "Pure or speculative Masonry is properly only the great nursery from which all mystic associations choose their high chiefs (epoptes)...Also the grades of initiation are so arranged that the great part of Freemasons, far from doubting the aim of their affiliation, see in it only an object of mutual pleasure and goodwill. Only those who have been tested are admitted into the higher grades, and it is from among the latter that the different branches of applied Freemasonry are formed, whose aim is manifestly go to realize, by deeds and according go to circumstances, the liberal mystic speculations of Freemasonry. Thus in our day have been successfully formed the Nocturnal Chapters of Ruel and Passy, the Lodge of the Contrat-social, the Philadelphes, the Carbonari, the Tugend-Bund, the Burschaften, the Comuneros, etc. (This does not apply go to British Masonry)." [13]

���� Reciprocal Influences between the Visible and Invisible. (Etheric Link). The Illuminati (Illuminism). "The name Illuminati (not Wissende)...appears go to have been introduced only about 1775 by the secret society which was founded by Weishaupt, and developed, it is said, by Baron Knigge. must have existed from the greatest antiquity. And actually the mystic affiliations under the Pyramids of Egypt, the esoteric sect of Pythagoras, the astrologers or mathematicians of Rome in the time of Domintian, the house of Wisdom of Cairo, the Ismilis or Assassins, Companions of the Old Man of the Mountain, the Templars, the Rose-Croix...appear go to form but an uninterrupted chain of these superior affiliations...under the name of Illumin�s." [14]

The Directing Power - the Invisibles or Earthly Beings (Masters working on the Astral). "Once only have these Invisibles shown themselves go to men, that was when, at the terrible Secret Tribunal - seeing that all the powers of earth, ministers, princes, and even sovereigns themselves begged the favor of being admitted go to this formidable affiliation - these invisible Chiefs believed that at last they had conquered the earth, and they dared, so go to say, go to give away the secret by openly showing the way in which they intended go to govern the world...These earthly beings do not appear today, but it is they who form the Supreme Committee from which emanate the orders which rule all secret societies, and in this Committee the ancient Book of Records ever remains open..."� (Here we have the 'Supreme and Invisible Hierarchy of Cabalistic Jews' - Today known as the Learned Elders of Zion). [15]

Here is the Oath administered go to the Illuminati: "In the name of the son crucified (the Pentagram, the illuminised man), swear go to break the bonds which still bind you go to your father, mother, brothers, sisters, wife, relatives, friends, mistresses, kings, chiefs, benefactors, and all persons go to whomsoever you may have promised faith, obedience, and service. Name and curse the place where you were born, so that you may dwell in another sphere, go to which you will attain only after having renounced the pestilential globe, vile refuse of the heavens! From this moment you are free from the so-called oath go to country and laws: swear go to reveal go to the new chief, recognized by you, what you may have seen or done, intercepted, read or heard, learned or surmised, and also seek for and spy out what your eyes cannot discern. Honor and respect the Azua Tofana as a sure, prompt, and necessary means of purging the globe by death of those who seek go to vilify the truth and seize it from our hands. Fly from Spain, Naples, and all accursed land; finally fly from the temptation go to reveal what you may hear, for the thunder is no prompter than the knife, which awaits you in whatsoever place you may be. Live in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit [16] ." [17]

The reason for Wronski's exposure of these sects was go to show the appalling spread of Illuminism at that time and its diabolical plan of destruction. Mrs. Nesta Webster, in her "Secret Societies and Subversive Movements," tells us that about 872 A.D., an Ismaili, Abdullah ibn Maym�n, brought up on the doctrines of Gnostic Dualism, a pure materialist, formed a sect known as the Batinis, whose project was thus described by Dozy in Spanish Islam. "Go to unite in the form of a vast secret society with many degrees of initiation, free-thinkers (atheists)...and bigots of all sects; go to make tools of believers in order go to give power go to skeptics...go to build up a party, numerous, compact, and disciplined, which in due time would give the throne, if not go to himself, at least go to his descendants...The means which he adopted were devised with diabolical cunning...It was... not among the She-its that he sought his true supporters, but among the Ghebers, the Maciheans, the pagans of Harran, and the students of Greek philosophy; on the last alone could he rely, go to them alone could he gradually unfold the final mystery, and reveal that imams, religions, and morality were nothing but an imposture and an absurdity...but he took care go to initiate devout and lowly souls only in the first grades of the sect. His missionaries, who were inculcated with the idea that their first duty was go to conceal their true sentiments and adapt themselves go to the views of their auditors..In the presence of the devout they assumed the mask of virtue and piety. With mystics they were mystical, and unfolded the inner meanings of phenomena, or explained allegories and the figurative sense of the allegories themselves...By means such as these the extra-ordinary result was brought about that a multitude of men of diverse beliefs were all working together for an object known only go to a few of them..." [18]

Here we have the system not only of Weishaupt but of all secret subversive societies of today, as later we hope go to make plain. Again, in 1090 Hasan Saba, called "the Illuminator," founded the sect of the "Assassins" at Alamut in Persia on the Caspian Sea. He adopted the methods of Maym�n, adding go to them wholesale assassinations of those who opposed him. He also used as his groundwork the organization of the Grand Lodge of Cairo. His was a "system of organized murder on a basis of religious fervor." As von Hammer said, "'Nothing is true and all is allowed' was the ground of their secret doctrine, which, however, being imparted but go to few, and concealed under the veil of the most austere religionism and piety, restrained the mind under the yoke of blind obedience." Their secret doctrines were eventually revealed by the leaders themselves. And von Hammer again said: "In the annals of the Assassins is found the chronological enumeration of celebrated men of all nations who have fallen victims of the Ismailis..." And again: "Poison and the dagger prepared the grave which the Order had opened for so many," and so Hasan and his Grand Masters were in turn assassinated by their next-of-kin. [19]

The Templars' self-appointed r�le was, "We shall be the equilibrium o the Universe, arbiters and Masters of the World." [20] In the March issue of the occult "Revue Internationale des Soci�t�s Secr�tes," began a French translation of the two most important collections of the original documents relating go to the Bavarian Illuminati of Weishaupt: "(1) Einige Originalschriften des Illuminaten-ordens. Munich, 1786. (2) Nachtrag von weitern Originalschriften, welche die Illuminaten-secte...betreffen en 2 parties, Munich, 1787."

Speaking of the occultists of Haute Maconnerie of the eighteenth century, the R.I.S.S. writes: "These Illumin�s of France, with Martinez Paschalis, the unknown philosopher, Pernetty, and the whole school, which has left such deep roots in Lyons and its surroundings; the Illuminati of Bavaria, with Weishaupt and his accomplices. It was in these secret Lodges that the French Revolution was conceived and prepared; today it is in the Temples of the same Order, cabalistic and Satanist, that the World Revolution has germinated and ripened...The plans of yesterday will better assist us go to grasp the intention and methods of today." [21]

The documents are described: "Some Original Writings of the Order of the Iluminati which were found at the House of Zwach, former Councillor of Government, in the domiciliary visit carried out at Landshut, October 11-12, 1786. The present collection has been published by the Supreme order of His Highness the Elector in order go to convince the public of this and foreign countries of the undoubted falsity of the reasons given for the ceaseless outcry from the Illuminati against the injustice, violence, and prosecution go to which they are subjected in Bavaria, and also at the same time go to put them on their guard against this epidemic sect, and against all other such illegal and clandestine societies. For these merely set themselves go to deceive credulous people and get money out of them - and in place of spreading truth and morality, as they profess go to do, absolutely ruin the latter and suppress or completely falsify the former. If anyone doubts the authenticity of this collection, let them present themselves at the secret archives of this town, where orders have been given go to show the originals. Munich, March 26, 1787." [22]

In one document Zwach speaks of the proposal go to form a woman's order, go to consist of two classes, each constituting a separate society, each remaining unknown go to the other: one class of virtuous women, a means of obtaining money, secret information, and benefits for the real Order; the other of light women, go to satisfy the passions of F.M. so inclined. "Both should be kept in ignorance that they are directed by the men's Order." [23]

Of their camouflaged and supposed aim Spartacus (Adam Weishaupt) writes: "As in the past, the future aim of the order remains, go to interest man in bringing go to perfection his mind and moral character; go to develop humane and social sentiments, go to oppose wicked designs in the world, go to fight against injustice, go to help the unfortunate and oppressed, go to encourage men of merit who are useful go to the Order, and go to spread knowledge of the sciences; and they are faithfully and solemnly assured that this is the real and not merely the supposed aim of the society. That it is vain go to hope go to gain greater power and riches by entering this Order."� �������������� The scheme of this Order is apparently go to form a united machine absolutely controlled by the Superiors, who alone know its true aim. For this purpose there must be complete harmony among its members, no hatred, no jealousy, no unworthy egoism; having one spirit, one consideration, and one will!

To bring about this desired orientation, a special list of books is prescribed upon which the members must build up their outlook. "The society cannot use men as they are; they must be shaped according go to the use that is go to be made of them." Here we have the same sinister methods as found in all similar societies of today!

Weishaupt further writes that the adept must learn the art of dissimulation, observing and probing others. Discovering secrets he must disclose them go to the Superiors, who in turn promise not go to make use of the information unless permitted by the informer! "The order exacts complete submission in whatsoever concerns the affairs of the Order. They must practice perfect circumspection and discretion with regard go to the world outside. Silence and secrecy constitute the soul of the Order," and even the Frater's grade is kept secret, save with equals, among whom there are signs for recognition.

As go to the true aim of this Order, a document drawn up by Zwach shows its political progress for one year in Bavaria - Jesuits removed from all professorial chairs, and entirely cleared out of Ingolstadt University; penetration by F.M. of the Church, control of German schools, charitable societies, and other university chairs. "On the recommendation of the Fratres, Pylade has become treasurer of the Ecclesiastical Council, and in this way the Order has the revenues of the Church at its disposal."� Thus it was able go to assist the Fratres and save some of them from the clutches of money-lenders!

Again: "The widowed Duchess has organized the Institute of Cadets absolutely according tot he plan indicated by the Order; all the professors are members of the Order...and all the pupils become adepts of the Order. We will draw go to us all the young priests of the Bartholomew endowment...there is every chance that we may in this way be able go to provide all Bavaria with instructed priests."

Also among the documents were various recipes - "One for Aqua Toffana, a poison imperceptibly slow but deadly." Another go to bring about abortion; and yet another concerning herbs having deleterious properties.

The Initiation took place after one, two, or three years of probation. In the "Revers de silentio," a form signed by the candidate before the initiation, submission and silence is promised, and he is assured that there is in the Society nothing contrary go to "State, morals, or religion." Before the Oath is administered it is said; a sword pointed at the breast: "Shouldst thou become a traitor or perjurer, let this sword remind thee of each and all the members in arms against thee. Do not hope go to find safety; whithersoever thou mayest fly, shame and remorse as well as the vengeance of thine unknown brothers will torture and pursue thee." [24]

Then in the Oath which follows he swears: "eternal silence, and faithfulness and everlasting obedience go to all superiors and regulations of the Order. I also renounce my own personal views and opinions as well as all control of my powers and capacities. I promise also go to consider the well-being of the Order as my own, and I am ready, as long as I am a member, go to serve it with my goods, my honor, and my life...If I act against the rules and well-being of the Society, I will submit myself go to the penalties go to which my superiors may condemn me..." [25]

He received a classical name, by which he was henceforth known in the Order. He was required also go to keep all things appertaining go to the Order in a special place, having a label attached with the address of his superior, go to whom the box had go to be sent in case of his sudden death. In one of the recipes is found the description of such a box which, when opened by an uninitiated person, would at once bust into flames! Go to such an extent was secrecy and silence demanded! After the breaking up of his Order Weishaupt and his followers still secretly carried on their intrigues, for by 1789 the 266 Lodges controlled by the Grand Orient Freemasonry were all Illuminized unbeknown go to the large majority of the members, and a few months later the French Revolution of that date eventuated. In 1794 the Duke of Brunswick, Grand Master of German Freemasonry, issued a Manifesto go to all the Lodges showing how Masonry had been penetrated by this International Sect, and suggesting, for a time, suppression of all Freemasonry until it was freed form this unseen canker.

It said: "A great sect arouse, which, taking for its motto the good and happiness of man, worked in the darkness of the conspiracy go to make the happiness of humanity a prey for itself. This sect is known go to everyone: its brothers are known no less than its name. It is they who have undermined the foundations of the Order (Freemasonry) go to the point of complete overthrow; it is by them that all humanity has been poisoned and led astray for several generations.

The ferment that reigns amongst the peoples is their work. They founded the plans of their insatiable ambition on the political pride of nations. Their founders arranged go to introduce this pride into the heads of the peoples. They began by casting odium on religion...They invented the rights of man, which it is impossible go to discover even in the book of Nature, and they urged the people go to wrest from their princes the recognition of these supposed rights. The plan they formed for breaking all social ties and of destroying all order was revealed in all their speeches and acts.

They deluged the world with a multitude of publications; they recruited apprentices of every rank and in every position; they deluded the most perspicacious men by falsely alleging different intentions. They sowed in the hearts of youth the seed of covetousness, and they excited it with the bait of the most insatiable passions. Indomitable pride, thirst of power, such were the only motives of this sect; their masters had nothing less in view than the thrones of the earth, and the government of the nations was go to be directed by their nocturnal clubs. This is what has been done and is still being done. But we notice that princes and people are unaware how and by what means this is being accomplished..." [26]

Later, a law was passed, as a result of all this, by the English Parliament in 1799, prohibiting all secret societies with the exception of Freemasonry. Today, it is said, these secret societies are still illegal, and although some call themselves semi-public, an oath of secrecy is still required by their chiefs, concerning the most important and secret teachings, relating, more especially, go to contact with the mysterious controlling power on the astral plane.

According go to Monsignor Dillon, 1885: "Had Weishaupt not lived, Masonry might have ceased go to be a power after the reaction consequent on the French Revolution. He gave it a form and character which caused it go to outlive that reaction go to energize go to the present day, and which will cause it go to advance until its final conflict with Christianity must determine whether Christ or Satan shall reign on this earth go to the end." [27]

Was Weishaupt not merely the tool of another and more formidable Sect? Of this "Overshadowing Power," which is the life, as it were, of Illuminism, we are told in "The Victories of Israel," by Roger Lambelin: "Joseph de Maistre who was, one knows, a Freemason of fairly high grade, noted the influence exercised by the Jews. In 1811, examining the causes of the French Revolution, in a letter written go to his King form St. Petersburg, he says: 'The power of this sect oriented by Jewry, go to bewitch Governments, is one of the most terrible and most extraordinary phenomena that have been seen in the world.'" [28]

Again, Bernard Lazare, the Jewish writer, affirms: "it is certain that there were Jews even at the cradle of Freemasonry - Cabalistic Jews, as is proved by certain exiting rites; very probably during the years which preceded the French Revolution they entered in still greater numbers into the councils of the society, and themselves founded secret societies. There were Jews round Weishaupt; and Martinez de Pasqualis, a Jew of Portuguese origin, organized numerous illuminised groups in France, and recruited many adepts, whom he initiated into the doctrine of reintegration (regeneration). The Martinist Lodges were mystic, whilst the other Orders of Freemasonry were rather rationalist, which proves that secret societies represented the two sides of the Jewish mind - practical rationalism and pantheism; that pantheism which, while a metaphysical reflection of a belief in the One God, ends at times in a Cabalistic Theurgy." [29]

And of the Jewish aspirations he writes: �The Jew is also a builder (this is an outright lie, the Jews have never built anything worth while, they can only invent things which maim, torture, and kill); proud, ambitious, domineering, he tries go to draw everything go to himself. He is not satisfied with de-Christianizing, he Judaises; he destroys the Catholic or Protestant faith, he provokes indifference, but he imposes his idea of the world, of morals, and of life upon those whose faith he ruins; he works at his age-old task - the annihilation of the religion of Christ!"

And M. Roger Lambelin adds: "They are the ferments of revolution in all ethnic groups foreign go to their race." [30]

Further, Rabbi Benamozegh says: "Is it surprising that Judaism has been accused of forming a branch of Freemasonry? What is certain is that masonic theology is only theosophy at bottom, and corresponds go to that of the Cabala...Those who will take the trouble go to examine with care the connection between Judaism and philosophic Freemasonry, theosophy, and the mysteries in general...will cease go to smile in pity at the suggestion that Cabalistic theology may have a r�le go to play in the religious transformations of the future...It contains the key go to the modern religious problem." [31]

This is borne out by a speech, "Given by Senator Joseph McCarthy, six months before his mouth was closed forever: George Washington's surrender: 'And many of the people of the land became Jews.' [32] The confession of General Cornwallis go to General Washington at Yorktown has been well hidden by historians. History books and text books have taught for years that when Cornwallis surrendered his army go to General Washington that American independence came, and we lived happily ever after until the tribulations of the twentieth century.

� Jonathan Williams recorded in his Legions of Satan, 1781, that Cornwallis revealed go to Washington that 'a holy war will now being in America, and when it is ended America will be supposedly the citadel of freedom, but her millions will unknowingly be loyal subjects go to the Crown.' Cornwallis went on go to explain what would seem go to be a self contradiction: 'Your churches will be used go to teach the Jew's religion and in less than two hundred years the whole nation will be working for divine world government. That government they believe go to be divine will be the British Empire [under the control of the Jews]. All religions will be permeated with Judaism without even being noticed by the masses, and they will all be under the invisible all-seeing eye of the Grand Architect of Freemasonry [Lucifer - as Albert Pike disclosed in Morals and Dogma].' And indeed George Washington was a Mason, and he gave back through a false religion what he had won with his army." [33]

Cornwallis well knew that his military defeat was only the beginning of World Catastrophe that would be universal and that unrest would continue until mind control could be accomplished through a false religion. WHAT HE PREDICTED HAS COME GO TO PASS!!! Of that, there is no longer any doubt. A brief study of American religious history will show that Masonry and Judaism has infused into every church in America their veiled Phallic Religion. Darby and the Plymouth Brethren brought a Jewish Christianity go to America. Masons Rutherford and Russell [both Jews] started Jehovah Witnesses' in order go to spread Judaism throughout the world under the guise of Christianity.

� In an interesting book, "Les Jifs et le Talmud," by M. Flavien Bernier, we find some light thrown on this Pantheistic creed of the Cabalistic Jews and the "Deified Man" of Illuminism. He wrote in 1913: "Now the dominating philosophic doctrine among learned Chaldeans...was absolute Pantheism. In the vast Temple which is the Universe, the learned Chaldeans suppressed the Creator...Everything was cause and effect; the world was uncreated and itself became its own God. Even the idea of Divinity was confounded with Universal Harmony which regulated all things, and with each of the things it regulated. God was therefore in turn, and as a whole, Earth nourisher of man, the dew which fertilized it, the Sun which gave light and heat, the wind which carried the fertilizing pollen of vegetation; god was the life principle which perpetuated the species, human and animal; which caused plants go to germinate, grow, die, and spring into life again, which manifested even in apparently inanimate bodies. Identified as a kind of breath of Nature, uncreated and eternal. God emanated from the world not the world from God.

It is realizable that such a system, which bears the imprint of a bizarre but undeniable poetry, would, in all ages, have the power go to seduce the human mind. It would seduce it all the more that the system had, as immediate result, the increase of human pride in the cult of the 'Deified Man.'

In effect, if no Supreme Being as distinct from Nature was imposed over the latter by right of creation, if all things had in some manner an intelligence or soul, and if God was merely the sum of all these conscious or unconscious souls of the Universe, a hierarchy would necessarily exist among these souls of which each was a part of God, but which could only contain God in a very unequal manner. The divine principle would find itself distributed in less abundance in a stone than in a tree, which lives, breathes, grows, and dies; in a tree than in an animal, which thinks, perceives, and acts; in an animal than in a man who meditates on the past and future, solves the problem of Nature, corrects the latter's imperfections by his labor and ingenuity, and seeks go to perfect himself indefinitely. At the summit of the ladder of beings Man, much more perfect and more intelligent than any of the others, evidently absorbed the greatest amount of the divine essence of which the Universe is composed. Having emptied the heavens of any being superior go to himself, he was in truth God of the World, where all were apparently inferior and subordinate go to him." [34]

In a footnote the author adds: "Those of our readers who are familiar with the works of Hermetic Freemasonry will at once recognize the favorite ideas of the pontiffs of that sect, ideas which they have inherited from the alchemists of the Middle Ages, who held them from the Cabalistic Jews. The same may be said of the cult of the 'Deified Man,' which was the basis of Chaldean Pantheism, and which has remained that of Occultism, ancient and modern.

Certain traditions give go to Zoroaster, a Jewish Prophet, as Master...But, on the other hand, Chaldean thought acted powerfully upon orthodox Judaism and determined the growth of a sect in its midst which was go to transform Israel...This sect was that of the 'Pharisees.'...What they borrowed (from the Chaldeans) in fact...was the essence of the Pantheistic doctrine...It was then that was formed from these borrowings that Kabalah of the Pharisees which was for long transmitted orally from Master go to disciple, and was, 800 years later, go to inspire the compilation of the Talmud, and found its completest expression in the 'Sepher ha Zohar.'...This religion of the 'Deified Man,' with which they were impregnated in Babylon, was only conceived as benefiting the Jew, superior and predestined being...The promise of universal domination found in the Law by the orthodox Jew was not interpreted by the Pharisees in the sense of the reign of the God of Moses over the Nations, but in the sense of a material domination which would be imposed by the Jews over the Universe. The expected Messiah...was go to be a temporal King, all bloody from battle, who would make Israel master of the world and trample all peoples under the wheel of His chariot." [35]

Have not here the basis of the teachings in all these Orders and groups, mystic and occult, of the present time - the cult of the life-force, the I.A.O., the "Serpent Power," the all-pervading ether?

� And have we not also the key go to the Cabalistic Jews, in these Pharisees of old and of today; these so-called "Divine Guardians" working behind and through these secret Orders, who profess go to teach the doctrine of the deification of the adept, but who in very truth create Illuminized slaves controlled by the Cabalistic Jew, who claims go to be the "Deified Man" - as M. Bernier says, "the God-people" rather than the "People of God."

In the "Patriot," March 7, 1929, we find some interesting material in connection with Secret Societies and the French Revolution; it says:� "In 1910 there was published a very remarkable book, entitled 'Marie-Antoinette et le Complot Ma�onnique.' It was written by M. Louis Dast�, an eruite historian, who had spent a great deal of time in examining published and unpublished documents throwing light on the part played by secret societies in preparing the French Revolution...The extracts show, among other things, how anti-Christian and revolutionary ideas were circulated by bodies ostensibly engaged in educating the French people. Behind these bodies was French Freemasonry, which was and is, unlike our own Freemasonry, anti-Christian, political, and revolutionary." [36]

We quote the following extracts showing their methods: "At the beginning of the eighteenth century France was still fervently attached go to her religious and political traditions; at the end of that century she broke - or rather a secret influence made her break - with all of them. What was this secret influence? It was in every case the influence of Freemasonry...For more than half a century the Freemasons had, in fact, been secretly preparing the mine, whose explosion in 1789 wrecked the old France...From 1750 onwards Reading Societies were started in most of the towns in France. Like the Free Thought Societies of the present day, they were under the control of Freemasons...

Members of these societies who had been the most easily caught by the masonic bait, and who, in addition, possessed literary talent, were admitted into groups of a higher degree, the societies called 'Academic.'...Like the Reading Societies, the Academic Societies were secretly directed by Freemasons...who provided the money spent either on prizes given for anti-Christian pamphlets or on the printing and publishing of them...Finally, above the Reading and the Academic Societies were the so-called Societies of Action, which were neither more nor less than exteriorisations of Masonic Lodges... The work which the Reading and Academic Societies did in conjunction with the Lodges controlling them was as deadly as it was simple. Under the influences of these groups of Masons and their helpers, luke-warm Catholics gradually became unbelievers, and finally fanatical anti-Christians...Freemasonry first infected the King's ministers and the high functionaries; then magistrates of every kind; lastly the Church of France itself...Thanks, therefore, go to their ignorance of the Masonic danger and go to their semi-complicity with the enemy, the two d'Argensons, Maurepas, and St. Florentin allowed the Freemasons of the eighteenth century go to destroy the Christian monarchy of France..." [37]

In the "Revue Internationale des Soci�t�s Secr�tes" there was an article on "Revolution, Terror, and Freemasonry," which explained the connection of Grand Orient Freemasonry with the French Revolution and its present-day aim at a "World Republic" Universal Freemasonry: �In 1789 the revolutionary crimes were prepared by the Committee of Propaganda of the Lodge Les Amis r�unis, and the plan of 'The Terror' is due go to one of its most influential members, the Jacobin Freemason, Adrien Duport (who when questioned as go to his plan said)...'Now, it is only by means of terror that one can place oneself at the head of a revolution in a way go to govern it...It is therefore necessary, whatever repugnance you may have, go to resign oneself go to the sacrifice of some remarked persons.'...Instructions in conformity with the plan were given go to the principal agents of the department of insurrections which was already organized, and go to which Adrien Duport was no stranger; execution followed quickly. The massacre of de Launay, de Flesselles, Foulon, and Berthier, and their heads paraded on pikes, were the first effects of this philanthropic conspiracy.

In 1922 the Orator of the Grand Lodge (France) said: 'My brother Masons, my hope is that Freemasonry, which has done so much for the emancipation of men, and go to which history owes the national revolutions, will also know how go to make that greatest revolution, which will be the International Revolutions.'"

� Speaking of subversive propaganda at that time, Arthur Young, in his "Travels in France and Italy" (Young, in Paris at the opening of the French Revolution, was one of the acutest observers o the eighteenth century) writes: "June 29, 1789. Will posterity believe that while the Press has swarmed with inflammatory productions that tend go to prove the blessings of theoretical confusion and speculative licentiousness, not one writer of talent has been employed go to refute and confound the fashionable doctrines, nor the least care taken go to disseminate works of another complexion?" [38]

Does the above not apply equally go to the present "World Revolution," engineered by the same hidden and "formidable Sect?" How many dare or will publish the bedrock truth? Let us now study the present aims of Grand Orient Freemasonry as shown by their own records. It is a Judeo-Masonic body, political and revolutionary, working for World Domination.

In "La Dictature de la Franc-Ma�onnerie sur la France," M.A.G. Michel exposes some of these machinations: "It is the duty of universal Freemasonry go to co-operate absolutely with the League of Nations in order that it may no longer have go to submit go to the interested influences of Government [39] .

The principal tasks of the League of Nations consist in the organization of peace, the abolition of secret diplomacy, the application of the right of peoples go to self-determination, the establishment of commercial relations inspired by the principle of Free Trade, the repartition of basic matters, the regulation of transport, restoration of normal relations between national devices, and the creation of an International note; the development of international legislation of labor, and especially the participation of an organized working-class in international councils; the spread of a general pacifist education based notably on the extension of an international language (Esperanto!); the creation of a European spirit, of a League of Nations patriotism - in brief, the formation of the United States of Europe, or rather World Federation [40] .

Affirms that this Assembly (League of Nations) must evolve in a democratic sense and rapidly admit representatives of all nations; declare that the new establishment must assure equality of nations; report with satisfaction the creation of a Bureau of International Labor as a permanent organ of the League of Nations [41]

The Commission demands that the Convention should unanimously vote that in all manner of cases the League of Nations shall henceforth have supreme authority go to decide between peoples and Governments [42] .

Further, it demands that the League of Nations, in order go to assure the execution of its decisions, should be endowed with a permanent armed force placed under its sole authority, diminishing by so much the different national armies [43] .

The Federal Organization of Peoples implies the establishment of an Over-State, or super-national State, invested with three powers - executive, legislative, and judicial; that is go to say, possessing the three organs indispensable go to all constituted society, a Government, a Parliament, and a Court of Justice. The Court of Justice must be furnished with a penal code, civil code, and a code of international procedure. The international authority must be sanctioned by an army or international police. Go to disarm separate States and arm the Federation of United States, these are two phases of the same progress [44] Studies through the League of Nations go to create an International Bank based on the mobilization of invested (fonci�re) property, public or private [45] .

Leading go to a program of Universal Masonic Dictatorship:

I). Policy of Destruction (Solve of Illuminised Masonry): Destruction of the Church. Revolution.

II). Reconstruction of a new regime (Coagula of Illuminised Masonry): � (a) Economic and social; (b) financial and fiscal reform; socialization of individuals.

III). Universal Masonry: 'This International Revolution is for tomorrow the work of Freemasonry [46] . 'Three Revolutions, 1789, 1871, 19--' [47] ." [48]

The Grand Orient penetration of many groups is explained by the following extracts from the same document: �Masonry must be felt everywhere, but must be found nowhere [49] .We are forming a great Association, dumb go to the outside world, whose sole endeavor will be go to express ideas collectively and overrun the country with them...we must earnestly endeavor go to make our thoughts penetrate the whole mass...but our whole satisfaction will come from that which our ideas germinate [50] .

An active propaganda is urgent, so that Freemasonry shall again become the inspirer, the sovereign mistress of the ideas through which democracy is go to be brought go to perfection...Go to influence social elements by spreading widely the teaching received within the Institution [51] .

Sports societies, Boy Scouts, art circles, choral and instrumental groups. All organizations which attract Republican youth go to works of education, physical and intellectual. There are so many fertile fields where Masonic propaganda ought most usefully go to be exercised. Everywhere add go to these adult courses, wherever there is any chance of them being taken up and frequented, libraries, etc. [52]

Freemasonry is not exactly international, it is universal; it is a society non-national, a society of 'humanity' - not a society of international brotherhood, but a society of Universal Brotherhood [53] ." [54]

The Grand Orient was founded in 1772, formed a coalition with the Grand Chapter in 1786, and became a body both subversive and dangerous. By 1789, we have seen, it was illuminised just previous go to the Revolution. It is therefore illuminised esoteric masonry, largely dominated by Jews, and its aim is political power. Their god is the Creative Principle, and they look upon God the Creator as a myth. On the other hand, the British masons are exoteric, non-political, and philanthropic, and they believe in God as the Great Architect of the Universe. For these reasons in March 1878 they broke off relations with the Grand Orient.

Many of these secret and pseudo-public societies, which are go to be discussed later, are affiliated directly or indirectly go to the Grand Orient, and are, as it will be seen, subversive.

� Anyone who has at all considered the matter must realize that no movement which as the present World Revolution, with all its intricacies, could gain the proportions which it has very evidently done unless there was a means of cohesion and a powerful central mind directing the whole.

What the late Bishop of Dijon has said of the Jews in his book "Les Pharisiens d'autrefois at Ceux d'aujourd'hui," might well be said of the above movement. He writes: "But, in order that these colonies of Jews, so widely scattered as they are among such different races, under such dissimilar rule, buried among hostile masses, and without any apparent link, should have nevertheless succeeded in preserving their original characteristics, always the same ideals, everywhere the same mentality, the same ideas, a perfect similarity, it is indispensable that they should have some invisible uniting link, a common mind, a head, in a word a central government, and that government can only be an occult government." [55]

In a footnote go to the same book, and speaking of Grand Orient Freemasonry, he says: "In the Lodges the discussions are not for the purpose of getting at the truth, but their aim is action. What matters is not a connected and real opinion corresponding go to the convictions of each as a whole, but a collective and practiced opinion, the result of a prearranged understanding for an interested end. They do not search for it by means of study as the philosophers do; they suggest and impose it...One is not forced go to enter Masonry, but once in, the adept must take on the spirit of Masonry - it is 'initiation.' They set themselves go to infuse him with it in order go to orient him. But if each mason personally oriented, so also is each group, unbeknown go to themselves, by the higher groups, in such a way that, because of the impossibility of seeing what leads them or where they are being led go to, they believe themselves free, whereas in fact they are oriented or directed by this 'Mysterieux Moteur Central, known go to us alone' says the author of that strange book The Jewish Peril." [56]

The same secret system will be found in all illuminized secret societies of today, which are all ruled and directed by some mysterious hidden center.

Speaking of his own system, Weishaupt says that he forms his ranks "out of men who would submit go to be led blindly onwards by unseen directors."� He says: "One must show how easy it would be for one clever head go to direct hundreds and thousands of men. I have two immediately below me into whom I breathe my whole spirit, and each of these two has again two others, and so on. In this way I can set a thousand men in motion and on fire in the simplest manner, and in this way one must impart orders and operate on politics." [57]

This is Weishaupt's system, but what of the mysterious central power? It is not this book's purpose go to prove or disprove "the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion," which have been somewhat unconvincingly pronounced by Philip Graves, in "The Times" of August 16-18, 1921, and again in 1923 in his book "Palestine the Land of Three Faiths," go to be plagiarized in parts from Maurice Joly's revolutionary pamphlet, "Dialogues aux Enfers" and in part supplied by the Okhrana or Tzarist secret police.

What interests us, however, is that Mr. Graves admits that the same ideas and methods as expressed in the Protocols and the aforesaid pamphlet underlie all revolutions: "The French Terrorists, the Napoleons, the Turkish Chiefs of the Committee of Progress and Union, Lenin and his adherents." And of the Jews he says: "Do not these facts sufficiently explain why the Eastern Jews have been go to a great extent the driving force of the Russian Bolshevik Revolution, intensifying its fanatical bitterness against Tzar, Church and Capital, but supplying it with greater brain power, greater continuity of policy and persistence, than could be found among the Russian masses or among the Communist fraction of the intelligentsia." [58]

Here and there we quote these Protocols, comparing them with the work of these many secret societies solely go to show that these same revolutionary ideas and methods still underlie the principles of these Jew-dominated secret and undoubtedly subversive movements of today. [59]

Cabalists, Gnostics, And Secret Syrian Sects: � A valuable series of articles on subversive movements throughout the centuries, "The Anatomy of Revolution," by G.G., better known as "Dargon," author of "The Nameless Order," was published by the "Patriot," October 1922. In one of these he writes: "For centuries there have existed certain esoteric schools of mystical philosophy originating apparently in several Oriental currents of thought meeting in the Levant, Egypt, and the nearer East. We find in these schools elements of Buddhism, Zoroastrianism and Egyptian occultism mingled with Grecian mysteries, Jewish Kabalism, and fragments of ancient Syrian cults. Out of the Hotch-potch of Oriental philosophy, magic, and mythology arose in the earlier centuries of the Christian era numerous Gnostic sects, and after the rise of Mohammedanism, several heretical sects among the followers of Islam, such as the Ismaelites, Druses, and Assassins, which found their inspiration in the House of Wisdom in Cairo. Go to the same sources may be traced the ideas that inspired such political-religious movements of the Middle Ages as those of the Illuminati, Albigenes, Cathari, Waldenses, Troubadours, Anabaptists, and Lollards. Go to the same inspirations must be assigned the rise of early secret societies. The Templars are said go to have been initiated by the Assassins into anti-Christian and subversive mysteries, and we find similar traces of an old and occult origin in the Alchemists, the Rosicrucians, and the later mystical cults of which the Swedenborgian is a familiar example." [60]

Further, Albert G. Mackay, Secretary-General of the Supreme Council 33o for the Southern Jurisdiction, U.S.A., writes in his "Lexicon of Freemasonry:" "The Kassideans or Assideans...arose either during the Captivity or soon after the restoration...The Essenians were, however, undoubtedly connected with the Temple (of Solomon), as their origin is derived by the learned Scaliger, with every appearance of truth, from the Kassideans, a fraternity of Jewish devotees, who, in the language of Laurie, had associated together as 'Knights of the Temple of Jerusalem.'...From the Essenians Pythagoras derived much, if not all, of the knowledge and the ceremonies with which he clothed the esoteric school of his philosophy." [61]

He also says that Pythagoras met the Jews at Babylon, where he visited during the Captivity, and, Oliver says, "was initiated into the Jewish system of Freemasonry." Of the Cabala Mackay writes: "The Cabal is of two kinds, theoretical and practical, with the practical Cabala, which is engaged in the construction of talismans and amulets, we have nothing go to do. The theoretical is divided into the literal and dogmatic. The dogmatic is nothing more than the summary of the metaphysical doctrine taught by the Cabalist doctors. It is, in other words, the system of the Jewish philosophy." [62]

Writing of the Sepher Yetzirah, which is older than the Zohar, Adolphe Franck in his book La Kabbaqle, 1843, says: "The clouds with which the imagination of commentators have surrounded it will dissipate of themselves if, in stead of seeking in it, as they did, mysteries of ineffable wisdom, we merely see an effort of reason, at the moment of awaking, go to perceive the plan of the universe and the link which attaches all elements go to a common principle, the assemblage of which it offers go to us." [63]

It represents and expounds the thirty-two paths on the Cabalistic Tree of Life, the ten Sephirath or centers of light, united together by the twenty-two paths go to which the Hebrew letters are attributed, these being divided into: three Mother letters - shin, fire; mem, water; aleph, air; seven double letters, attributed go to the planets; twelve single letters, attributed go to the signs of the Zodiac. And above, uniting all, is the spirit or ether. By some it is said go to depict the descent of the soul into matter and its return and union with the universal life-force, producing illumination, ecstasy, deification, and similar conditions. As go to the Cabalistic God, he is first Ain - negative; then Ain Soph - limitless space; finally, Ain Soph Aur - boundless light. The negative God was awakened, he became active. Again, Jehovah, the Jewish Tetragrammation, so greatly used in cabalistic and magical operations, is Yod, He, Vau, He, the Creative Principle in unity - the father, mother, son, and daughter or material basis, sometimes called the bride. As it is said: the Absolute Being and Nature have one name only,� which signifies God; it represents all forces of nature. In creation first, they say, there was merely emanation, like the sparks flying from an anvil, but being unbalanced they all vanished, as did the Edomite kings; then the dual sexes appeared as separate forces, and with them came balanced creation.

Franck holds that the Zohar or Book of Light, the genesis of the light of nature, begins where the Sepher Yetzirah left off. From the cabalistic point of view the Absolute is called the White Head, for all colors are mingled in its light. He is the Ancient of Days or first Sephira on the Cabalistic Tree of Life, he is the Supreme head, the source of all light, the principle of all wisdom - unity. From this unity issues two parallel but apparently opposed principles, though in reality inseparable; the male, active, called Wisdom, the other, passive, female, the understanding, for "all that exists, all that has been formed by the Ancient of Days can only exist through a male and a female."

The Ancient of Days, compared by Franck go to Ormuzd of the Persians, is the father engendering all things by means of the marvelous paths, by which the force spreads throughout the universe, imposing a form and limits on all that exists. Understanding is the mother, receiving and reproducing. From their mysterious and eternal union issues a son, having the traits of father and mother, thus bearing witness go to both. This son is knowledge and science. These three persons enclose and unite all that is and in turn are united in the White Head. They are sometimes shown as three heads forming one, sometimes they are compared go to the brain which, without losing its unity, is divided into three parts, and by means of thirty-two pairs of nerves acts throughout the body, the microcosm, just as, aided by the thirty-two paths of wisdom, divinity is diffused throughout the universe, the Macrocosm. It also represents three successive and absolutely necessary phases in universal generation.

Quoting Corduero, Franck continues: "The first three Sephiroth - Crown, Kether; Wisdom, Chokmah; Understanding, Binah - should be considered as the Three in One, for they are the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost or mother. The other seven Sephiroth of construction develop also in trinities, in each of which two extremes are untied by a third. The second trinity is: Mercy, Chesed, male; Severity, Geburah, female, that is, expansion and concentration of will. These are united by Beauty, Tiphareth, or the Sun, the trinity representing moral force. The third trinity is purely dynamic, showing divinity as the universal force, the Principe G�n�rateur of all beings; it is Victory, Netzach, female; Splendour, Hod, male; meaning the extension and multiplication of all forces in the universe. These again are united by Foundation, Yesod, the Moon, and are represented by the organs of generation, root of all that is. The tenth Sephira is Malkuth, the Kingdom or material basis, in which is found the permanent and immanent action of the united Sephiroth, the real presence of God in the midst of creation as expressed by the Shekinah. The work of the Sun and Moon is go to spread and perpetuate by their union the work of creation. The third trinity is the kundalini or caduceus, and by mysticism and yoga it is awakened, and arises through the Sephiroth go to the Crown, the source of all light, uniting with the universal Creative Principal. Thus, according go to the Cabala, every form of existence from matter go to eternal wisdom is a manifestation of this infinite power. It is not sufficient that all things should come from God in order go to have reality and continuance; it is also necessary that God should be always present in the midst of them, that he should live, develop, and eternally reproduce go to infinity under these forms. The Cabala is, therefore, entirely pantheistic." [64]

Of its origin Franck writes: "When examining the Zohar, seeking some light on its origin, one is not slow go to perceive in its inequality of style, want of unity in its exposition, method, and application of general principles, and finally in its detailed thought, that it is quite impossible go to attribute it go to one person." [65]

It rises go to great heights, but again sinks go to great puerilities, ignorance, and superstition. "We are therefore forced go to conclude that it was formed successively during several centuries and by the work of several generations of cabalists." He points go to three fragments forming in themselves, unlike the rest, a co-ordinate whole: (1) The Book of Mystery, considered the most ancient; (2) the Greater Assembly, the discourses of Rabbi Simon ben Jochai, about A.D. 160, in the midst of his ten disciples; (3) the Lesser Assembly, where Simon, on his death-bed, gave instruction go to his disciples, now reduced by death go to seven. In these is found, sometimes an allegorical, sometimes in metaphysical, language a description of the divine attributes and their various manifestations, the origin of the world and God's relations with men.

Some declare that the Cabala was only developed towards the end of the thirteenth century, but Adolphe Franck holds that, according go to proofs which he gives, it must have originated during the seventy years of the Israelite Captivity in Babylon, and therefore owes much go to the ancient religions of Chaldea and Persia. There, under civil and religious authority, the chiefs of the Captivity built the Synagogue of Babylon, which united with that of Palestine, and many religious schools were founded, in which finally the Talmud of Babylon was produced, the last and complete expression of Judaism. All chronologists, Jewish and Christian, agree that the first deliverance of Israel, captives in Chaldea from the time of Nebuchadnezzar, took place, led by Zorobabel, during the early years of Cyrus's reign over Babylon, about 536-530 B.C. Zoroaster had already commenced his religious mission, teaching the doctrine of dualism, Light and Darkness, Good and Evil, in 549 B.C., fourteen years before the first return of the captive Israelites go to their own country, and no doubt they carried with them the imprint of this teaching. Apparently no other nation exercised such close influence over the Jews as Persia and the religious system of the Jew Zoroaster with its long traditions (Traditions of the Elders).

The Practical or Magical Cabala with its combinations and correspondences was the astrological, magical, and magnetic basis used by the Alchemists and Magicians of the Middle Ages in working their transmutations and conjurations. It was impregnated with the "fluidic magic" derived form very ancient cults, and still practiced at the time of the Captivity among the Persians and Chaldeans. Today, all Rosicrucians and cabalistic sects use this Magical Cabal for their works of divining clairvoyance, hypnotic and magnetic healing, making of talismans, and contacting their mysterious masters. As the Jewish writer Bernard Lazare said: "Secret societies represented the two sides of the Jewish mind, practical rationalism and pantheism, that pantheism which, metaphysical reflection of the belief in One God, Ended...In Cabalistic Theurgy."

Albert Pike, in "Morals and Dogmas," tells us that, after the intermingling of different nations, which resulted from the wars of Alexander, the doctrines of Greece, Egypt, Persia, and India met and intermingled everywhere. Gnosis, he says, is the science of the mysteries handed down from generation go to generation in esoteric traditions. �The Gnostics derived their leading doctrines and ideas from Plato and Philo, the Zend-avesta, the Kabalah, and the Sacred books of India and Egypt; and thus introduced into the bosom of Christianity the cosmological and theosophical speculations, which had formed the larger portion of the ancient religions of the Orient, joined go to those of the Egyptian, Greek, and Jewish doctrines, which the Neo-Platonists had equally adopted in the Occident...It is admitted that the cradle of Gnosticism is probably to be looked for in Syria and even in Palestine. Most of its expounders wrote in that corrupted form of the Greek used by the Hellenistic Jews...and there was a striking analogy between their doctrines and those of the judeo-Egyptian Philo of Alexandria; itself the seat of three schools, at once philosophic and religious - the Greek, the Egyptian, and the Jewish. Pythagoras and Plato, the most mystical of the Grecian philosophers (the latter heir to the doctrines of the former), and who had travelled, the latter in Egypt, and the former in Phoenicia, India, and Persia, also taught the esoteric doctrine...The dominant doctrines of Platonism were found in Gnosticism. Emanation of Intelligences from the bosom of the Deity; the going astray in error and the sufferings of spirits, so long as they are remote from God, and imprisoned in matter; vain and long-continued efforts to arrive at the knowledge of the Truth, and re-enter into their primitive union with the Supreme Being; alliance of a pure and divine soul with an irrational soul, the seat of evil desires; angels or demons who dwell in and govern the planets, having but an imperfect knowledge of the ideas that presided at the creation; regeneration of all beings by their return to the, world of Intelligences, and its Chief the Supreme Being; sole possible mode of re-establishing that primitive harmony of the creation, of which the music of the spheres of Pythagoras was the image; these were the analogies of the two systems...

The Jewish-Greek School of Alexandria is known only by two of its chiefs, Aristobulus and Philo, both Jews of Alexandria in Egypt. Belonging to Asia by its origin, to Egypt by its residence, to Greece by its language and studies, it strove to show that all truths embedded in the philosophies of other countries were transplanted thither from Palestine. Aristobulus declared that all the facts and details of the Jewish Scriptures were so many allegories concealing the most profound meanings, and that Plato had borrowed from them all his finest ideas. Philo, who lived a century after him, following the same theory, endeavored to show that the Hebrew writings, by their system of allegories, were the true source of all religions and philosophical doctrines. According to him, the literal meaning was for the vulgar alone...To Philo, the Supreme Being was the Primitive Light, or the Archetype of Light, Source whence the rays emanate that illuminate Souls. He was also the Soul of the Universe, and as such acted in all its parts. He Himself fills and limits His whole Being. His Powers and Virtues fill and penetrate all. These Powers are Spirits distinct from God, the 'Ideas' of Plato personified. He is without beginning, and lives in the prototype of Time. His image is the Word, a form more brilliant than fire; that not being the pure light. This Logos dwells in God; for the Supreme Being makes to Himself within His Intelligence the types or ideas of everything that is to become reality in this World. The Logos is the vehicle by which God acts on the Universe, and may be compared to the speech of man. The Logos being the World of Ideas, by means whereof God has created visible things, He is the most ancient God, in comparison with the World, which is the youngst production.

The Logos, Chief of Intelligence, of which He is the general representative, is named Archangel, type and representative of all spirits, even those of mortals. He is also styled the man-type and primitive man, Adam Kadmon...The wisdom of man is but the reflection and image of that of God. He is the Father, and His Wisdom the mother of creation; for He united Himself with Wisdom (Sophi), and communicated to it the germ of creation, and it brought forth the material world. He created the ideal world only, and caused the material world to be made real after its type, only, and caused the material world to be made real after its type, by His Logos, which is His speech, and at the same time the Idea of Ideas, the Intellectual World. The Intellectual City was but the Thought of the Architect, who meditated the creation, according to the plan of the Material City. The word is not only the creator, but occupies the place of the supreme being through him all the powers and attributes of God act. On the other side, as first representative of the human family, he is the protector of men and their shepherd.

God gives to man the Soul or Intelligence, which exists before the body, and which he unties with the body. The reasoning Principle comes from God through the Word, and communes with God and with the Word; but there is also in man an irrational Principle, that of the inclinations and passions which produce disorder, emanating from inferior spirits who fill the air as ministers of God...The present condition of man is not his primitive condition, when he was the image of the Logos. He has fallen from his first estate. But he may raise �himself� again, by following the directions of wisdom and of the angels which God has commissioned to aid him in freeing himself from the bonds of the body, and combating Evil, the existence whereof God has permitted, to furnish him the means of exercising his liberty...

The doctrines of Philo: that the Supreme Being is a center of Light whose rays or emanations pervade the Universe; for that is the Light ...of which the sun and moon...that Light and Darkness, chief enemies form the beginning of Time, dispute with each other the empire of the world...The word was created, not by the Supreme Being, but by a secondary agent, who is but his word, and by types which are but his ideas, aided by an intelligence, or wisdom which gives one of his attributes; in which we see the occult meaning of the necessity of recovering 'the Word;'...

Philo incorporated in his eclecticism neither Egyptian nor Oriental elements. But there were other Jewish Teachers in Alexandria who did both. The Jews of Egypt were slightly jealous of, and a little hostile to, those of Palestine, particularly after the erection of the sanctuary at Leontopolis by the High-Priest Onias; and therefore they admired and magnified those ages, who, like Jeremiah, had resided in Egypt. 'The wisdom of Solomon' was written at Alexandria, and, in the time of St. Jerome, was attributed to Philo; but it contains principles at variance with his...The Jews of Syria and Judea were the direct precursors of Gnosticism; and in their doctrines were ample Oriental elements. These Jews had had with the Orient, at two different periods, intimate relations, familiarizing them with the doctrines of Asia and especially of Chaldea and Persia...Living nearly two-thirds of a century, and many of them long afterward, in Mesopotamia, the cradle of their race (The White Race); speaking the same language, and their children reared with those of the Chaldeans, Assyrians, Medes, and Persians, they necessarily adopted many of the doctrines of their conquerors ...and these additions to the old doctrine were soon spread by the constant intercourse of commerce into Syria and Palestine...

From Egypt or Persia the new Platonists borrowed the idea, and the Gnostics received it from them, that man, in his terrestrial career, is successively under the influence of the Mon, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, until he finally reaches the Elysian Fields." [66] ����������������

This latter teaching in one form or another is to be found in all modern Gnostic and Cabalistic sects. Thus, in the Stella Matutina Outer and Inner Order, the grades are placed on the Cabalistic Tree of Life, and the candidate is said to pass successively under the influence of these planets in the above sequence, until at 10 = 1, the highest grade, he becomes illuminised, and is no longer his own master. These influences represent in their colors the spectrum of the so-called "Divine White Brilliance" - electro-magnetic fluid - of the Rosicrucians, which adepts are taught to draw down upon themselves and project for magical purposes. As Albert Pike says: "The sources of our knowledge of the kabalistic doctrines are the books of Yetzirah and Zohar, the former drawn up in the second century, and the latter a little later; but they contain materials much older than themselves...In them, as in the teachings of Zoroaster, everything that exists emanates from a source of infinite Light."

Jewish School Of Alexandria: "The Brotherhood of Light," California, claim that "this venerable Order gave the impetus to learning in Alexandria which made that city so justly famous." And again, "It was the Brotherhood of Light who preserved the taper of learning from complete extinction during the Dark Ages." It is therefore interesting to find Dion Fortune, head of the "Fraternity of Inner Light," when writing of Hermeticism saying: "The highest development was in the Egyptian and Cabalistic systems, and it was blended with Christian thought in the schools of the Neo-Platonists and the Gnostics...Its studies were only kept alive during the Dark Ages among the Jews who were the chief exponents of its Cabalistic aspect...and it is still alive today."

Now the Mason Springett tells us in his book, "Secret Sects of Syriua," that, "In later times Gnosis was the name given to what Porphery calls Antique and Oriental Philosophy to distinguish it from the Grecian systems. But the term was first used (according to Matter) in its ultimate sense of supernal and celestial (cosmic) knowledge, by the Jewish philosophers of the celebrated Alexandrian School. A very characteristic production of this Jewish Gnosis has come down to our time in the Book of Enoch, of which the man subject is to make known the description of the heavenly bodies and their correct names are revealed to the Patriarch by the angel Uriel. This profession betrays of itself the Magian source from which the inspiration was derived." [67]

In "Le Probl�me Juif," Georges Batault writes of these Alexandrian Jewish Philosophers, that they were ardent propagandists, eager to make proselytes, and for this purpose endeavored to adapt Judaism to Hellenism, persuaded that without the Law and without Israel to practice it, the world would cease to be, the world would be happy only when subject to this universal Law, that is, to the empire of the Jew. As the Jewish writer Bernard Lazare admitted in L'Antis�mitisme: "From Ptolemy Philadelphus until the middle of the third century the Alexandrian Jews, with the object of maintaining and strengthening their propaganda, devoted themselves to an extraordinary work of falsification of real texts as a support for their cause. The verse of AEschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, of the pretended Oracles of Orpheus, preserved in Aristobulus and the Stromata of Clemens of Alexandria, thus celebrated the One God and the Sabbath. Historians were falsified, still more they attributed entire works to them, and it is thus that they placed a History of the Jews under the name of H�catee d'Abd�re. The most important of these inventions was that of the Sibylline Oracles, fabricated entirely by the Alexandrian Jews, which announced the future era, when the reign of One God would eventuate. The Jews even attempted to ascribe to themselves Greek literature and Philosophy. In a commentary on the Pentateuch which Eusebius has preserved to us. Aristobulus endeavored to show how Plato and Aristotle had found their metaphysical and ethical ideas in an old Greek translation of the Pentateuch." [68]

Georges Batault continues: "The exegesis which consists in distorting texts in order to bring out of them what they desired is the only 'science' which can be traced to the Jews. It became in the hands of the Judeo-Alexandrians, a formidable arm which, by the perfidious force of their veiled lies, enrolled Hellenism, in spite of itself, into the service of the exclusivism and the religious proselytism of he Israelites. The attempt to 'Judaise' Hellenism, which today appears to us so perfectly absurd and disastrous, has had, nevertheless, the result of obscuring the intelligence of humanity for hundreds of years." [69]

The Italian Mason Reghellini de Scho, writing in 1833, says: "Alexandria, newly built, was canonized by the Jews, who came in crowds to people the new town. The result was a mixture of men of different nations and religions, who gave rise to several philosophical and religious associations. Platonism was publicly taught by the Greeks in Alexandria, it was eagerly received by the Alexandrian Jews, who communicated it to the Jews of Judea and Palestine...In Egypt and Judea, before the commencement of Christianity the philosophy of Pythagoras and Plato (both Jews) had thrust deep roots among the Jews, which gave rise to the dogmas of the Essenes, Therapeuts, Sadducees, Carpocratians, Cabalistic-Gnostics, Basilideans, and Manichaeans; all these dogmasts adapted part of the doctrine of the Egyptian Magi and Priests to the above philosophy. They spread in time into Asia, Africa, and Europe. These different Jewish-Christians preserved the mysteries of the Temple of Solomon with the allegory of the Grand Architect, who was the Jewish Messiah, an idea still preserved by the Jew today." [70]

As des Mousseaux notes, the Gnostics and Manichaeans preserved the cabala of this primitive Masonry, of which a branch has thrust deep roots among the Druses, and when the Crusaders inundated Asia, they infected the ancestors of our Freemasonry with it, the Templars, the Rose-Croix, and the organs of Western Occultism.

According to the Jews, occultism is the knowledge and use of the dual sex or hidden creative fores in all of Nature, and the Jewish Cabala, based on these same secret laws, is one of the most learned and powerful systems for gaining control over Nature and over the mind and actions of man, bringing into play and perverting these forces in order to attain power and dominion.

It is polarity and a subtle method of suggestion. "The Revue Internationale des Soci�ts Secr�tes" has for some time been investigating and exposing the age-old source and hidden power of these secret societies, hoping also to assist other investigators, and supply a choice of weapons to those who are already fighting step by step against contemporary Judeo-Masonry. M. Henri de Guillebert, "a specialist of first order in these matters, has taken a leading part in these investigations. We give a few extracts from his articles, 'Studies in Occultism'":

"The importance of the part played by secret societies in religious, social, economic, and political evolution is generally denied...There is no trace in the history of peoples of any international attempt to determine the origin, the vicissitudes, the aim, the claims, the doctrine, and discipline of sects, considered no longer as isolated phenomena, but as a permanent organization, thus monstrously and solidly formed of a multitude of separate parts. It is therefore to a certain extent a novelty to show the action of occultism upon people in its successive phases by establishing what secret societies are; how they are linked together in time and space; where they come from and whither they wish to lead men; who constitutes them, and who directs our time occultism can no longer be other than a material and human reality, a problem to be solved by recognized methods of criticism, a work analysble by means of investigations, capable of unmasking secret societies as a whole. To observe, analyze, classify, and compare all sects is a purely scientific work...

Judeo-Masonry: This term can be used, making all reservations as to its correctness, to designate the organization composed of Cabalistic Jews and secret societies, considered no longer as isolated phenomena in time and space, but as a whole, having a common doctrine and discipline, a common aim and methods ...The method employed always consists of perversion of the traditions and institutions of Christianity , conforming them to the beliefs and organizations inspired by occultism...The destruction of the family, country, of authority, and of the church is for occultism merely a means...The principle of the teaching minority is not only to keep the knowledge of the mysteries from the adept, but also to divide its teachings between twisting the mentality and perverting men in such a ways as to destroy all obstacles to the establishment of its rule over the world, and to establish its tyranny over a land freed from all Church institutions...The final aim is the enthronement of the so-called world king, placing universal authority, by means of subordinate dupes, into the hands of the Grand Masters - All Jews; the subjection of all peoples to these men, by monopolizing social offices, the transformation of man into a domestic animal, the exploitation of the masses by the Jew, once the heads of Christian control have been suppressed.

The present revolution is the actual end. It is the consummation, by a formidable convergence of efforts made everywhere and at the same time, of a permanent conspiracy, which failed, was taken up again, and pursued with a terrible tenacity, and with ever-increasing skill gained through long centuries of experience. Their aim, for ever inaccessible, would be the final domination of all peoples by the god-people, all esoteric religions having been but ethnological forms of the Cabala, transitory forms which vanquishing Judaism must get rid of...The sole force of Jewish cohesion lies in the submission of its scattered communities to the religious supremacy of a Patriarchate, whose social seat, constantly changed, remains unknown to the profane (non-Jews).

The Jew looks upon himself as the sun of humanity, the male, opposed to which the other peoples are but the female, manifesting and assuring the coming of the Messianic era. In order to realize this sociological manifestation, the Jew organically extends his influence by means of secret societies, created by him in order to spread everywhere his initiating force... (hoping to realize) the 'Universal Republic' controlled by the god of Humanity, the Jew of the Cabala...The chief effort of these secret societies is to gather into their plans the religious traditions of all peoples.

Theurgy: Theurgy has or its object the condensation in the theurgist of vital matter, by methods, in places and with aims, other than those possible through the limitations of organs. It results in the production of 'grand phenomena,' superhuman phenomena, that is beyond the powers of ordinary humanity. The realization of 'grand phenomena' assures the multiplication of adepts and the glorification of the initiates. Theurgy places the 'diviner' (seer) higher than humanity, in a state of liberation which approaches the 'divine.' Also to attain this end, the theurgist recoils from no method permitting him to liberate, to his profit, the vital matter of which he has need in order to produce these 'grand phenomena.'...Theurgists attribute surprising relations, which they claim to be able to establish with the phenomena of the universe by setting in motion a 'fluid' without the existence of which they recognize that their proceedings would be but jugglery...They claim to have the power to charge themselves with this fluid, and to project it at will upon organisms less strongly charged than they, and to put themselves thus in a state physically and physiologically of condenser and distributor of natural energy, rendering themselves capable of stunning and dominating by means of claimed fluidic exchanges (hypnotic control as practiced in these orders)." [71] ����

It is the force spoken of in the "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion": "We put Freemasons to death...they all die when it is necessary, apparently from a natural death."

The celebrated occultist and cabalist "Papus," in his book on "Practical Magic," gives the following simple explanation of magic: "A vehicle, a horse, and a driver, this is the whole of magic if one only knew how to look at it." [72]

He says the driver cannot set the vehicle in motion without a motor, which is the horse, which at the same time is stronger than the driver, but he controls and uses the brute force by means of the reins. The driver represents the intelligence and above all the will which governs the whole system, it is the "Directing Principle." The vehicle represents matter, which is inactive and which is the "Passive Principle." The horse represents "Force," obedient to the driver, and acting as the engine and the reins control the whole system; it is the "Active Principle," and at the same time the intermediary between the vehicle and the driver, the "link" which united the material basis and that which directs it, that is, between matter and will.

In practical magic the driver is the human will, the horse the "Vital Force," that dynamism carried by the blood to all the organs and to the brain itself. The vehicle is our body, the driver our will, and the reins the nervous system. The mind cannot act directly upon matter, it acts upon the intermediary, which again reacts upon matter; this intermediary is the astral plane, the life-fore in nature and in man, that which continually modifies matter. This organic life-force of man can be projected by him and can act at a distance, and this is the hyperphysical force used in magnetic healing and hypnotic control. As Papus said: "Among the ancients magic could be defined as the application of the will to the forces of nature, for the student learned to control heat, light, and electricity." It is always the two contending forces united by a third producing manifestation.

All these many secret and pseudo-public occult societies, be they esoteric Masons, Rosicrucians, Illuminati, or merely calling themselves Universal Brothers, are, we believe, consciously or unconsciously, linked up with the Central Group which is acting behind the Third International of Moscow. Many of these orders outwardly appear antagonistic to each other, and each would, in fact, seem to believe that it and it only knows the whole truth. The craft of this lies in that members breaking away for various reasons almost inevitably seek for another, preferably opposed to the one they have left. These groups and orders are varied, so as to appeal to the many and different types of humanity. Many, if not all of them, are nominally working for "the Service of Humanity," (The Destruction of Christianity) but this appears to have resolved itself into the service and rights of the so-called workers of the world, and, although their watchword is said to be Love and Unity, it appears to mean class-hatred, and most of all Hatred toward Christ and Christianity !

The Great White Lodge is apparently the center of instruction, and many are looking for a "Messiah," be he a Christ or Christian Rosenkreutz. To us this spells invisible world domination by mens of illuminised puppets or tools, Light-Bearers as they are called in some of these Hermetic Orders. It is no doubt the same secret organization which earlier and on a less ambitious scale worked behind the French revolutions, the Balkan risings, and even the rising of the Lollards, all of which were merely experiments in preparation for the Great World Revolution of today.

This secret movement is a plague generated in the hidden vaults and subterranean places of the world, which only rises to the surface when the hour of consummation appears to approach. Who can tell where this plague begins and where it ends, and who is immune from its deadly taint?

Illuminism or so-called Spiritual development is, we believe, the key to the movement, and the link which unites the whole organization, and one and all of these various groups are but bodies built up for the purpose of preparing instruments, and the methods of arriving at this condition are briefly these:

1). Orientation: Thought direction by means of selected meditations upon writings said to be inspired by these Masters of the Great White Lodge.

2). Polarization: Direction of the currents of the dual sex-forces by thought and will-power uniting them with the forces directed by these Masters from without. Reciprocal� vibrations, the action of one mind upon another.

3). Illumination: Illuminism by means of the astral light; produced by, and leading to hypnotic obsession by these same Masters.

To quote "The Great Work," a publication of the "Sadol Movement" in California: "In truth it is that principle in Nature which impels every entity to seek vibratory correspondence with another like entity of opposite polarity." [73]

In this same work we are told that, analogous to a farmer passing an electric current through the soil, at the root of the stalk, in such a manner as to touch the vital processes, thus multiplying their activity and intensity, so: "through ages of experimentation and study, the School of Natural Science (White Lodge) has wrought out and discovered a definite and scientific method whereby the intelligent student may supplement, facilitate, and intensify the process by which Nature evolves and unfolds the spiritual and psychical faculties, capacities, and powers of men..."

This is simply a hurry-up system producing illuminism, and leading to all sorts of unbalanced results. These orders almost invariably culminate in communications, teachings, and instruction from these masters or so-called spiritual beings; this Central Group of occultists and black magicians who, no doubt, from their many "experimentations" upon unsuspecting humanity, have acquired a profound knowledge of these hidden laws of nature. Who can put a limitation to the power of the human body, its brain and nervous system, as a mechanism for receiving and transmitting these mysterious forces so little understood? Further, this book tells us: "With a natural adjustment of economic, sociological, and ethical relations, the opportunity will come to all who are ready and willing to develop their spiritual and psychical powers equally with the physical...The solution has already been wrought out by the Great School and when the time is right, it will be given to the world through channels which will ensure its recognition and adoption." [74]

In "Le Th�osophisme Ren� Gu�non gives much well-documented information on the Theosophical Society, showing its gradual growth into an instrument in the hands of some inner Government of the World," an Invisible Power.

Mme. Blavatsky, the real founder, was born in Ekaterinoslav in 1831. In her many early extraordinary wanderings she apparently came under the influence and teachings of Paulos Metamon, a magician or conjuror; of the revolutionary Joseph Mazzini and the Carbonari; of Michel, a mason, mesmerist, and spiritist, who developed her mediumistic powers. These influences probably accounted not a little for her "phenomena."

On October 20, 1875, a society was founded in New York, said to be for "spiritulist investigations;" Olcott was President, Felt and Dr. Seth Pancoast Vice-presidents, and Mme. Blavatsky Secretary. Among other members were William Q. Judge, Charles Sotheran, one of the high dignitaries of American Masonry, also for a short time General Albert Pike, Grand Master of the Scottish Rite for the Southern Jurisdiction U.S.A., who was said to be the author of the rituals of the thirty-three degrees, received from the Arabian member of the "Great School."

We are further told that George Felt, Vice-president, gave himself out as Professor of Mathematics and Egyptology, and "was a member of a secret society usually called by initiates 'H.B. of L.' (Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor) this officially opposed to spiritualistic theories, for it teaches that these phenomena are due not to spirits of the dead, but to certain forces directed by living men." It is said that Felt persuaded Mme. Blavatsky and Olcott to become associates of the H.B. of L. On November 17, 1875, the society's name was changed to "Theosophical Society," although Felt would have preferred the name "Egyptological Society." Shortly after this Felt suddenly disappeared. As Ren� Gu�non remarks, "no doubt his mission was accomplished!"

In November 1878, Mme. Blavatsky and Olcott left for India, and in 1882 founded the Theosophical center in Adyar, near Madras; there she initiated her "esoteric section," and contacted the so-called "Mahatmas," and her fantastic phenomena multiplied prodigiously. These "phenomena," precipitated letters, astral bells, materializations, etc, were in time suspected and exposed. The matter was taken up by the "Society for Psychical Research," which in December 1885 reported her as "one of the most accomplished, most ingenious, and most interesting impostors." She herself affirmed the need of such phenomena in order to maintain her hold over some of the members, and in certain Theosophical circles they largely contributed to keep the society and its chiefs alive.

In conclusion Ren� Gu�non sums it up: "From all we have exposed, it is legitimate to conclude that Mme. Blavatsky was above all a 'subject' or instrument in the hands of individuals or occult groups sheltering behind her personality, just as others were in their turn instruments in her hands! This explains her impostures, without excusing them, and those who believe she invented everything herself and on her own initiative are almost as much mistaken as those who, on the contrary, believe in what she said concerning her relations with pretended 'Mahatmas.'"

It was after this, in 1887, that she compiled and published her "Secret Doctrine," which is still the book of books to many Theosophists. This exposure, to a certain extent, broke Mme. Blavatsky, but did not breath the Theosophical Society. There were many resignations, and some lodges, such as the "Isis," in Paris, of which Papus was a member, closed down only to be reformed under another name. Papus and some of his school, Martinists and Illuminists, remained members until 1890, when they either resigned or, as was said, were expelled on a charge of "black magic."

Mrs. Besant was presented to Mme. Blavatsky in 1889 by the Socialist Herbert Burrows (who was also a member of the Stella Matutina), and she immediately succumbed to Mme. Blavatsky's irresistible magnetism and formidable power of suggestion. Mme. Blavatsky died in London My 8, 1891. Mrs. Besant was elected President in 1907. From 1910 to its consummation one of her chief works, assisted by Leadbeater, was to train Krishnamurti as Messiah, or as he preferred to be called, "World Teacher." On February 19, 1922, an alliance between Mrs. Besant's Co-Masonry and the Grand Orient of France was celebrated at the Grand Temple of the Droit Humain in Paris. Her present work is wholly political and subversive, "to build up India into a mighty self-governing community." But of her political activities more will be said later.

Charles Sothern, the above-mentioned American Mason, wrote to Mme. Blavatsky, January 11, 1877: "In the last century the Illuminati taught 'peace with the cottage, war with the palace' throughout the length and breadth of Europe. In the last century the united States was freed from the tyranny of the mother country by the action of the Secret Societies more than is commonly imagined."

Mrs. Besant wrote in "India Bond or Free," September 1926: "Really, the awakening of India is...part of the World Movement towards Democracy, which began for the West in the revolt of the American Colonies against the rule of Britain, ending in 1776 in the independence of the Great Republic of the West, and in the French Revolution of 1789!"

Again quoting from "Le Th�osophisme," we find much curious information on the production of this expected future "Messiah." "Here we find the method by which, according to the Theosophists, the manifestation of a 'Great Teacher' is produced, or even sometimes that of a 'Master' of less importance; in order to save such an 'evolved' being the trouble of preparing a 'vehicle' for himself, by passing through all phases of ordinary physical development, it is necessary that an 'initiate' or 'disciple' should lend his body when, after having been specially prepared by certain tests, he renders himself worthy of this honor. It would be from that moment that the 'Master,' making use of his body as if it were his own, would speak through his mouth in order to teach the 'Wisdom religion.'...It must be added that living 'Masters' are able in a similar fashion to make occasional use of a disciple's body...The 'Master' could only enter in, as leadbeater says, 'when this body was enfeebled by long austerities.'...The Great Head of the department of religious instruction, said Leadbeater, the Lord Maitreya, who has already taught the Hindus as Krishna and the Christians as Christ, has declared that he will soon return to the world in order to bring healing and help to the nations, and to revive spirituality (psychic), which the earth has almost lost...One of the greatest works of the Theosophical Society is to do all in their power to prepare men for his coming...A single forerunner announced his coming formerly; now it is a society of 20,000 members spread over the whole earth who are given this task (Occultism in Nature).

Such is, therefore, the task which they assign today to the Theosophical Society, which Mrs. Besant declared years ago had been chosen...'to be the link pure and blessed (etheric) between those above and those below' (Introduction to Theosophy). The R�le which the Theosophical Society attributes to itself is not limited to announcing the coming of the 'Great Teacher;' it has also to find and prepare...the chosen 'disciple' in which he will incarnate when the time arrives. To tell the truth, the accomplishment of this mission has not been without failures; there was at least a first attempt which failed piteously...It was in London, where a kind of Theosophical community existed in St. John's Wood. There they brought up a young boy, sickly in appearance and not very intelligent, but whose least word was listened to with respect and admiration, because he was no other, it appears, than 'Pythagoras reincarnated.'...Some time later the father of this child, a retired captain in the British Army, suddenly withdrew his son from Mr. Leadbeater's hands, who had been specially charged with his education (Soleil, August 1, 1913). There must have been some threat of scandal about this, for Mr. Leadbeater was in 1906 excluded from the Theosophical Society for reasons concerning which a discreet silence was was only later that a letter written by Mrs. Besant was made known, in which she speaks of methods, 'worthy of the severest reprobation' (Theosophical Voice, of Chicago, May 1908). Reinstated, however, in 1908, after 'having promised not to repeat these dangerous counsels' (Theosophist, February 1908) previously given to young boys, and reconciled with Mrs. Besant, whose constant collaborator he became in Adyar, Mr. Leadbeater played yet again the principal r�le in the second affair, much better known, and which had almost the same wind-up...

In 1911 Dr. J.M. Nair had already published in his medical journal (Antiseptic) a very caustic article against Theosophy, and he did not hesitate clearly to accuse Mr. Leadbeater of immorality. In consequence of these attacks, and after a considerable time of reflection, three cases were filed in December 1912 against Dr. Nair, Dr. R�ma Rao, and the Editor of the Hindu. All three were lost by the Society and its president...All this ended in upsetting the father of Krishnamurti and Nity�nanda...He demanded at the Madras High Court that his sons should be returned to him. In giving judgment for the father, Judge Bakewell said: 'Mr. Leadbeater agrees in his dispassion that he has had and continues to have opinions which I can only specify as being unquestionably immoral and of a nature completely disqualifying him as tutor for young boys...'" (The Madras Lawsuit). [75]

After an unsuccessful appeal in Madras, Mrs. Besant was successful in London, May 5, 1914. Thus we saw Krishnamurti in 1926, the year appointed, presented by this society as the "World Teacher" or New Messiah! Concerning the auxiliary groups again we quote Ren� Gu�non: "...for the moment we wish to point out only a few of these auxiliary groups (of the Theosophical Society), and first of all 'The Order of the Rising Sun,' organized at Benares by Mr. Arundale, afterwards converted, January 11, 1911, into the 'Independent Order of the Star in the East,' with Alcyone (Krishnamurti's astrological pseudonym) as nominal chief and Mrs. Besant as 'Protector,' 'in order to group together all those who, whether within or without the Theosophical Society, believed in the coming of the Supreme World Teacher.' It was hoped 'that its members would be able to do something on the physical plane to prepare public opinion for the idea of this coming by creating an atmosphere of sympathy and reverence, and that they would be able, by uniting together, to form an instrument on the higher planes which the Master would be able to make use of.' This Order 'excludes no one and receives all who, no matter what form their beliefs may take, share the common hope;' the acceptance of the following principles is all that is necessary in order to be admitted:

1). We believe that a great Teacher will soon appear in the world, and we wish so to live now that we may be worthy to know Him when He comes.

2). We shall try therefore to keep Him in our minds always, and to do in His Name, and therefore to the best of our ability, all the work which comes to us in our daily occupations.

3). As far as our ordinary duties allow, we shall endeavor to devote a portion of our time each day to some definite work which may help to prepare for His coming.

4). We shall seek to make Devotion, Steadfastness, and Gentleness prominent characteristics of our daily life.

5). We shall try to begin and end each day with a short period devoted to the asking of His blessing upon all that we try to do for Him and in His Name.

6). We regard it as our special duty to try to recognize and reverence greatness in whomsoever shown, and to strive to co-operate, as far as we can, with those whom we feel to be spiritually our superiors.

Concerning the connections of the Order with the Theosophical Society, here is what Mr. Leadbeater said in the presence of Alcyone, at a meeting of the Italian section at Genoa: 'Whilst the Theosophical Society demands recognition of the brotherhood of humanity, the 'Order of the Star in the East' commands belief in the coming of a Great Master and submission to its six principles. Apart from that, the principles and percepts of the Order can be admitted without accepting all the teaching of the Theosophical Society. The initiation of the Order has shown us that, all over the world, there are people who are expecting the coming of the Master, and thanks to it, it is possible to group them together...The work of the Order and that of the Theosophical Society are identical: to enlarge the ideas of Christians and of those who believe that there is no salvation outside their own little Church; to teach that all men can be saved...For a large number among us the coming of a great Teacher is only a belief, but for others it is a certainty. For many the Lord Maitreya is only a name, although He is a great being to certain among us who have often seen and heard Him' (Le Th�osophie, October 16, 1912).

A little later these declarations were contradicted in certain points by Mr. Arundale affirming in the name of Alcyone that the 'Order does not indicate who the Supreme Teacher is for whose coming it was founded;' that 'no member had the right to say, for example, that the Order awaited the coming of Christ or of the Lord Maitreya,' and that 'it would be prejudicial to the interests of the Order and those of the Theosophical Society to regard the aims of these two organizations as identical.'" (The Daybreak, August 1913). [76]

Yet in a small pamphlet called Mrs. Besant's Prophecy, a lecture, given by R.F. Horton, D.D., August 6, 1911, and published by the "Order of the Star in the East," he (Dr. Horton), besides quoting the six principles, says, speaking of Mrs. Besant's prophecy concerning the World Teacher: "But while she does not attempt to determine where the World Teacher will appear, or under what conditions, she leaves her audience in no doubt as to who that World Teacher will be. In the most explicit terms she says that He is the One whom we Christians know as Christ...and He who was Christ is known as the Lord of Love...and there is no question in her mind that the great World Teacher who is coming is also the same Lord of Love." [77]

Nothing seems more definite yet contradictory to Mr. Arundale's statement as quoted above. Ren� Gu�non continues: "We again read elsewhere that 'if some members believe that the World Teacher will make use of such and such a body it is only their own personal opinion, and not the belief to which the other members adhere.' It is probable that it might have been other wise if things had turned out better. In any case, here is a very clear example of the way in which the Theosophical chiefs know how to bow to circumstances and modify, to suit the occasion, appearances so as to enable them to penetrate into varied circles, and from them recruit auxiliaries in order to realize their plans.����

At the time of his first visit to Paris (he returned May 1914) Alcyone was sixteen years old; he had already written, or at least they had published under his name, a little book called 'At the Feet of the Master,' for which Theosophists have shown the greatest admiration, although it was scarcely more than a collection of moral precepts without much originality." [78]

These moral precepts are common to all illuminised orders, where the "vehicle" being prepared, must be set apart, letting go its hold upon material life, living in the ideal, more often false, seeking self-abrogation and muting of personality, so that the Master, so-called, may take possession, as in the case of Krishnamurti. Speaking on all neo-spiritualist movements Ren� Gu�non writes in his "Introduction to the Study of Hindu Doctrines," 1921: "For those who do not rely on appearances there would be some very curious and very instructive observations to be made, there as in other domains, on the advantage to be extracted sometimes from disorder and incoherence, or from that which appears to be such, in view of the realization of a well-defined plan and unknown to all those who are its more or less unconscious instruments. These are political means of a sort, but the politics are rather special..." [79]

Continuing in Le Th�osophisme, Ren� Gu�non says: "Organizations have been created so adapted as to reach each of the desired circles...There are some also which apply themselves especially to the young and even to children. Thus alongside the 'Star of the East,' another association was founded called the 'Servants of the Star,' having as 'protector' Krishnamurti and as chief Nity�nanda (Krishnamurti's young brother, who died November 13, 1925, on his way out to India); 'All the members of this Order, except honorary members, must be under twenty-one years of age, and the youngest child desiring to serve can join it' (The Daybreak, October 1913).

Previously there already existed two other organizations of the same kind; the 'Golden Chain' and the 'Round Table.' The 'Golden Chain' is a 'group for spiritual training,' where children of seven years are admitted and whose aim (at least the avowed aim) is expressed in the formula which the members must repeat every morning; 'I am a link of gold in the chain of love which surrounds the world; I must remain strong and bright; I wish to try to be gentle and good to all living creatures, to protect and aid all those who are feebler than myself, and I will try to have none but pure and beautiful thoughts, to speak none but pure and beautiful words, to do none but pure and beautiful actions. Then all the links will become bright and strong' (article by Mme. I. de Manziarly, Theosophist, March 1, 1914).

If there is openly no talk of the coming of the 'Great Teacher' in the 'Golden Chain,' there is likewise none in the 'Round Table,' which can be joined as 'Associate' at the age of thirteen, as 'Companion' at Fifteen, and as 'Knight' at twenty-one (it is scarcely necessary to point out the analogy, certainly intended, between those three grades and those of Masonry), and whose member must take a formal oath of secrecy.

Here it has to do with 'following the great King which the West has named Christ an the East Bodhisattwa; now that hope is given to us of His near return the time has come to form Knights who will prepare His coming by so serving Him from now; it is required of those who would enter into the League to think each day of this King and to do each day a deed in His service' (Theosophist, August 1, 1913).

To sum up, it is above all a recruiting center for the 'Star in the East,' which pretends to be the kernel of the 'New Religion,' the rallying-point of all those who expect the 'Coming of the Lord.'" [80]

In New Zealand Dr. Felkin, late had of the "Smaragdine Thalasses," used what he called the "Order of the Round Table" as a cover and also a preparatory Order for the R.R. et A.C. (Rosae-Rubeae et Aureae Crucis). It is for men and boys from fifteen years and over, and there appear to be also three grades, "pages," "squires," and "knights." The aim is said to be service, and Dr. Felkin claimed to be the forty-first Grand Master of that particular "Round Table."

A despatch from Chicago on August 31, 1926, describes "the third day of the Convention of the 'Theosophical Society' and the first meeting of the Round Table" as follows: "With upraised swords and swinging banners, the Knights of the Order of the Round Table entered the auditorium of the Hotel Sherman today. The young white-robed knights, with red and blue shields shining on their breasts, led their protector, Dr. Annie Besant, and the honorary knight, Krishnamurti, to the altar, and then stood to attention...

Mr. Krishnamurti gave a brief talk on purity and nobility of conduct: 'You do not carry swords of Damascus or Toledo steel, but you do carry rapiers, and they must be ever in the service of the right. You must be knights at heart - always courteous, gentle, and strong. You must not grow old emotionally or mentally, but keep ever the enthusiasms of youth, with its freshness, faith, and love. You must always be the ideal knight; never raise your hands against the weak nor take unfair advantage of another. You are knights, that is a great responsibility.' The closing ceremony was picturesque and impressive, as the little ones, with hands on heart, pledged their service to the King" (Krishnamurti as 'World Teacher'!). [81]

Further, an article in the "Herald of the Star" of that month, entitled "The World Federation of Young Theosophists," says: "The young Theosophist may be said to deal with the life of Theosophical youth, while the 'Knights of the Round Table' deals more with the ceremonial aspect of the form side. Such a fellowship King Arthur planned in the early days of English history, and it was to revivify this noble idea that the Modern Order was formed...The supreme governing body of the Order is the Council, composed of the Chief Knight in each country where the Order is working, and with the Protector, Dr. Anne Besant, and the Senior Knight at its head. Lieutenant Whyte was the first Senior Knight, and remained so until his death in Palestine in 1917, when Bishop Leadbeater accepted that office. The following are Knights of Honor; Bishop and Mrs. Arundale, Mr. Jinarajadasa, and the Rev. Oscar Kellerstrom. There are ceremonies written by the Protector, the Senior Knight, and Bishop Arundale for initiations, and other ceremonies for 'those Tables that care to use them, but the real spirit has to be translated into personal service! The motto is 'Live pure, speak pure, right wrong, follow the King,' in whose name all service, great or small, is performed."

Thus we see the highest ideals and the finest of our British legends perverted to help forward Mrs. Besant's now discredited scheme - the coming of a New messiah.

Mrs. Besant's Co-Masonry was derived from the Mixed Masonry founded in France in 1891 by Maria Deraismes and Dr. Georges Martin, and known as "Driot Human." Maria Deraismes had been initiated in 1882, contrary to the constitutions, by the Lodge "Les Libres Penseurs" of Pecq, for which the Lodge was put into abeyance and the initiation declared null by the "Grande Loge Symbolique Ecossaise." At first the "Driot Humain" only practiced three degrees, but later introduced the 33 degrees of Scottish Rite, and in 1899 the "Supr�me Counsel Universal Mixte" was formed and became the directing power. This Masonry spread to England, Holland, Switzerland, and the United States, and on September 26, 1902, the first English Lodge was formed in London under the name of "Human Duty." In this Mrs. Besant was initiated and rapidly rose to the highest grades and offices. Then she founded the Lodge at Adyar under the name of "Rising Sun;" became Vice-president of the "Supr�me Counsel" in France, and a national delegate for Britain and her dependencies.

She then organized the English branch known as "Co-Masonry," and having obtained certain concessions from the "Supr�me Council," she, under the pretext of adaptation to Anglo-Saxon mentality, made statues distinctly different from those customary in the French branch. Among others she retained the use of the volume of the Scriptures in the Lodges; also the formula "To the Glory of the Great Architect of the Universe," which had been suppressed by the Grand Orient in 1877 and replaced in French Mixed Masonry by "To the Glory of Humanity." In 1913 a Grand Council was appointed as head of British Co-Masonry, with Mrs. Besant as Grand Master, assisted by Ursula M. Bright, James L. Wedgwood as Grand Secretary, and Francesca Arundale as representative for India. On September 21, 1909, Mrs. Besant installed the Lodge of Chicago. In France the Theosophists apparently soon had an assured preponderance, and hoped in time that London would become the central organism of Co-Masonry Universal. And as we have seen, in 1922 they formed an alliance with the revolutionary Grand Orient of France.

In "Secret Societies and Subversive Movements" Mrs. Nesta Webster writes: "That in Co-Masonic lodges we find 'the King' inscribed over the Grand Master's chair in the east, in the north the empty chair of 'the Master' - to which until recently all members were expected to bow in passing - and over it a picture, veiled in some lodges, of the same mysterious personage."

The "King" may be Krishnamurti, as representing their so-called "Lord of Love," and the "Master" is said by some to be Ragocsky - Prince of Transylvania! Mrs. Besant apparently looks upon Co-Masonry as a powerful organized force, which will bring about the freedom of India from British rule!

The following are the origins of the Theosophical Liberal Catholic Church, another perversion! The head of the Old Catholic Church in England, Archbishop Mathew, whose real name was Arnold Harris Mathews, was born at Montepelier of Irish parents. A student for Orders in the Scottish Episcopalian Church, he became a Catholic in 1875, and was ordained priest at Glasgow in June 1877. He gave up the priesthood July 1889, and in October 1890 he took the Italian name of Arnoldo Girolamo Povoleri, and married in 1892. He then called himself the Rev. Count Povoleri di Vincenza. About this time he also claimed and took the title of Earl of Llandaff. For a short time he was apparently reconciled with Rome, and in 1908 he was consecrated Bishop by Dr. Gerard Gul, who was head of the Old Catholic Church of Utrecht, Holland. The new bishop in turn consecrated two other unfrocked English priests, Mr. Ignace Beale and Mr. Arthur Howorth, and at the end of less than three years he founded the "Western Orthodox Catholic Church in Great Britain and Ireland," repudiating all subordination to Utrecht or Rome. Soon after this he induced his bishops to elect him archbishop. This Church took, successively, various names, and meanwhile the head tried, at different times, to negotiate for recognition and union with the Holy See, the Established Church, and the Orthodox Eastern Church. In 1911 he was formally excommunicated by the Holy See.

In 1913 he ordained Mr. James Ingall Wedgwood, then General Secretary to the English section of the Theosophical Society; Mr. Rupert Gauntlett, Secretary to an "Order of Healers" attached to the Theosophical Society, and also author of "Health and the Soul" - "a plea for magnetic-healing;" Mr. Robert King, expert in "psychic consultation based on the horoscope," and Mr. Reginald Farrer. All four had been students for the Anglican ministry, and had later joined the ranks of the Theosophists. Archbishop Mathew, who was completely ignorant about Theosophy, took fright on finding that Mr. Wedgwood and his companions were expecting the coming of a new Messiah, and failing to secure their recantation, he closed the Old Catholic Church and offered his submission to Rome, but withdrew it, and instead founded the "Western Uniate Catholic Church."

� Mr. Wedgwood, failing to obtain from Mr. Mathew the episcopal consecration he desired, was at length consecrated by Bishop F.S. Willoughby, who had himself been consecrated by Mr. Matthew in 1914, but was expelled the following year from the Old Catholic Church, by Mr. Mathew on account of facts which were then known. Mr. Willoughby consecrated first Mr. King and Mr. Gauntlett, and later, with their assistance, Mr. Wedgwood, February 13, 1916, and then made his submission to the Holy See. Mr. Wedgwood left immediately for Australia, and at Sydney consecrated Mr. C.W. Leadbeater, formerly an Anglican clergyman, as "Bishop for Australasia."

� In 1916 an assembly of bishops and clergy of the Old Catholic Church adopted a new constitution, which was published under Mr. Wedgwood's name, in which there was nowhere any mention of Theosophy or a new Messiah. However, in November 1918, there was another declaration of principles, in which the name of the Old Catholic Church was replaced by that of the Liberal Catholic Church. In the "Vahan," June 1, 1918, Mr. Wedgwood writes: "...Another part of the work of the Old Catholic Church is the spreading of theosophical teachings in Christian pulpits; and a third and most important side is the preparing of the hearts and minds of men for the coming of a Great Teacher."

In the Theosophist, October 1916, Mrs. Besant writes: "There is slowly growing up in Europe, silently but steadily, with its strongest center perhaps in Holland, but with members scattered in other European countries, the little-known movement called the Old Catholic, with the ancient ritual, with unchallenged Orders, yet holding itself aloof from the Papal Obedience. This is a living Christian Church which will grow and multiply as the years go on, and which has a great future before it, small as it yet is. It is likely to become the future Church of Christendom 'when He comes.'"

What of the "ancient ritual?" for we find in the "Theosophist," October 1917: "Bishop Leadbeater's great work, which he hopes to carry on uninterruptedly, is the preparation of the liturgy of the Old Catholic Church, in which Bishop Wedgwood, as presiding bishop, collaborates."

We are further told: "On Easter Sunday 1917, the revised liturgy was used at a Mass for the first time."� Again the "clairvoyant": "Bishop Leadbeater is investigating the occult side of the Mass, and is preparing a complete book on the 'Science of the Sacraments'" [82]

As Mr. Stanley Morison truly says in his book "Some Fruits of Theosophy," from which we have drawn the above information: "The so-called High Mass 'done' by Mr. Leadbeater has no connection with Christianity." It is merely a method of charging the elements and congregation with the forces of their Christ Maitreya.

In his introduction to Serpent Power, translated from the Sanskrit, Arthur Avalon, in criticizing Leadbeater's clairvoyant experiences, writes: "This experience appears to consist in the conscious arousing of the 'Serpent Fire' (Kundalini or sex-force) with the enhanced 'astral' and mental vision which he believes has shown him what he tells us." It is in fact altogether astral, laying him open to deception and mental suggestion from his so-called Masters.

This Eucharist Service, as described by C.W. Leadbeater (Bishop), in his "Science of the Sacraments," 1920, is pure paganism, a pantheistic conception evolved out of Illuminism.

Apparently it serves much the same purpose as the rituals and ceremonies of Illuminised occult orders, more especially the Corpus Christi ceremony, and those of the vernal and autumnal equinoxes which are held for the purpose of drawing down the astral light into the Order, reaffirming the link with the hidden Center. The Trinity of the Liberal Catholic Church is that of Paganism and Gnosticism. Their "Kingdom of Heaven" is the "Great White Brotherhood" - the so-called "communion of saints;" and their so-called Christ is Maitreya, whose power they attract and manifest during the service.

The whole scheme is a perversion of the Roman Catholic liturgy, deleted, added and altered, using the prayers, etc., as magical invocations or incantations, so as to generate a magnetic force, finer forces of Nature, which in turn attracts the universal life-forces, and through them the influences of their "World Teacher," or Maitreya, a method, Leadbeater says, "of spiritual outpouring to help on the evolution of the world!" Always the same old excuse of the Illuminati!

According to Leadbeater, in the "Asperges" the altar and congregation are enclosed in an "etheric astro-mental bubble" - an area cleared for the magical operation! The forces are generated by the fervor, devotion, and enthusiasm of the worshippers, by the ritual, music, and incense, creating vibrations; the Cross is the direction down which the forces descend upon the Host.

At High Mass a Triangle officiate, receiving and distributing the force, very similar, as we shall see, to triangles of power in all occult orders. A deacon and subdeacon, representing positive and negative, gather up the forces generated by the people, which they pass on to the priest, who stands in front of the altar before the Cross, and who, Leadbeater says, with the aid of attending angels and rays (seven aspects of the solar force), builds up an astro-mental, thought-form, eucharistic edifice over the elements, in the form of a Mosque with a square foundation having domes and minarets rising above, enclosing the elements within it. This becomes, he says, a center of magnetic radiation, condensing and distilling the fore, and can be "imagined as a power-house, the etheric eddying round the altar is the dynamo, and the celebrant is the engineer in charge!" The cleansing, he says, isolates the altar by "a shell of powerful magnetism," which later is extended, by a second censing, to enclose the congregation, binding them into a magical whole; they must then think not as individuals but as a body. The incense, more especially sandalwood, recommended by Leadbeater, loosens the astral body, inducing passivity, and prepares the people for the reception of the influences invoked.

The force from the congregation wells up and creates a vortex round the altar, down which rush the forces from above into the edifice and elements. The force radiating from the Host he describes as "a manifestation of the finer forces of matter, a stream of liquefied light, of living gold dust," that is the ether or so-called spirit of illuminism, and the communicant in turn radiates the force upon all around him. He further states: "A bishop lives in a condition of perpetual radiation of fore, and any sensitive person who approaches him will at once be aware of this...Whenever he chooses he can gather together this force and project it upon any desired object." This is simply the Astral Light or "Serpent Power" which slays or makes alive, and judging from the past history and present activities of some of these Liberal Catholic Theosophical bishops, can the force radiated and projected by them lead to anything but moral and mental disorder, even when used by them for magnetic healing?

That this is merely Illuminism, playing about with Nature's forces, is shown by the following statement made by Leadbeater: "The marvelous afflux of the Holy Euchrist is arranged to synchronize with and take advantage of a certain set of conditions in the daily relation of the earth to the sun. There is an outflow and a backflow of magnetic energy between sun and earth, a magnetic tide, as it were, and the hours of noon and midnight mark the change...Therefore the Holy Eucharist should never be celebrated after the hour of noon...the reserved Host may be administered at any time, or used for Benediction." [83]

What of our Anglican priests who are also Illuminati, is this in part their conception of the meaning of the Eucharist service? At the beginning of 1927 Mrs. Besant issued an appeal for �40,000 to purchase a Happy Valley in California, "where the seat of a higher-plane civilization may be prepared for the coming o the Messiah," with Krishnamurti as "vehicle!" And Krishnamurti himself writes of this valley, December 1926, in the "Herald of the Star.""I have decided to stay at Ojai, California, till April, in order that I may help in building up the Center there...Ojai will be another World Center like Ommen (Eerde Castle, Holland). I am very glad indeed that we shall have our own school here in Ojai, and Mr. N.S. Rama Rao, M.A., of the university of Cambridge in England, and late Vice-Principal of the National University, Madras, India, has kindly consented to at as the Head Master..." [84]

We have seen that Mrs. Besant, the "Protector" of this Messiah, had formed an alliance with the political and subversive Grand Orient Freemasonry, who bring about their schemes by means of revolution. Of this "higher-plane civilization," Lady Emily Lutyens, one of Mrs. Besant's most faithful followers, writes in the Herald of the Star, March 1927: "We are witnessing the birth of a new-world consciousness, of a world civilization...We are witnessing all around us the destruction of the old world, the old civilization, with the corresponding suffering which destruction always brings in its train. Old traditions are being broken down, old customs destroyed, old landmarks swept away. the values of life are changing, the emphasis is being laid upon new conditions and point of view. With the suffering born of destruction goes also the birth pangs of the new world which is coming into being. When the outer form becomes so rigid that the life is in danger of being crushed, when civilization has become too material, that form and that civilization are broken, in order that the life may be released...New world conditions demand a new Gospel, tensely individualistic religion, laying emphasis on personal salvation...but it is a spirit which must give way to the new trend of modern thought and to the world civilization which is being born. The new Gospel, if it is to meet the needs of the world, must be universal in its application, and the Christ today, by the mouth of Krishnaji, tells us that He comes to establish the Kingdom of Happiness on earth...There must be anarchy before there can be creation..." [85]

Through such instruments and by such teachings do these subtle masters of subversion and pervasion blind the people and pave the way to their long-thought-out "Universal Republic," The destruction of Christianity and all old civilizations. The destruction of Christianity is the ultimate goal of all secret societies - And all secret societies are formed and controlled by the Jews!

� Of this gradual overshadowing or obsession of Krishnamurti, by their master Maitreya, many have written as follows: In the Herald of the Star, January 1927, C. Jinarajadasa writes: "I knew that, in 1911, the great Teacher was experimenting with the young body of Krishnaji to attune it even then." As Leadbeater told him: "Even at that time the great Teacher was using the vehicles of Krishnaji as a pivot from which to discharge forces to movements in the world, of which Krishnaji knew nothing."

Twice he saw the Teacher's face in that of Krishnamurti: "The second occasion was one evening when I was reading to Krishnaji and his brother...I looked up at him, and there I saw that wonderful Face. Of course not a line of Krishnaji's face was changed...And yet there was such a change as it is utterly impossible to describe. I can only say, it was the face of the Lord."

In all occult societies the chiefs and advanced adepts, at times, look with the face of the Master and speak His words - a partial obsession! The Rev. Charles Hampton, of New York, writes, in the Herald of the Star, December 1926: "The Order of the Star in the East, which exists for the sole purpose of preparing the way for the Coming, has over 50,000 members throughout the world...The Head of the Order is Krishnamurti, who is now thirty-one years old. The 'Protector' is Mrs. Annie Besant, International President of the Theosophical Society...On December 28, 1911, the first overshadowing of the World Teacher took place at Benares, when the Head, then a boy of sixteen, was giving out some certificates of membership. No words were spoken. On that occasion, in the presence of over 400 people, among them many prominent men, the spiritual force was so obviously manifest that almost all of them spontaneously knelt. The overshadowing was unmistakable, but it only lasted a few minutes. It was, however, a most striking scene. Brahmans and Buddhists, Parsis and Christians, haughty Rajput Princes and gorgeously apparelled merchants, British Army officers, University professors, grey-haired men and young children - all in rapt devotion in the presence of an extraordinary spiritual outpouring flowing from a sixteen-year-old Hindu boy.

The next public manifestation came when Krishnamurti was thirty years old. On the evening of December 28 of last year he was speaking at the Jubilee Convention of the Theosophical Society at Adyar, in India. This time the World Teacher Himself spoke, although He only said a few sentences. Mr. Krishnamurti was explaining why the Teacher was coming and something of what He would do, when a Voice of penetrating sweetness, speaking in the first person, said these words: 'I come for those who want sympathy, who want happiness; who are longing to be released; who are longing to find happiness in all things; I come to reform not to tear down; not to destroy but to build.'...This same World Teacher will soon come again, speaking through another disciple, as he spoke through Jesus 1,926 years ago...In our view we draw a clear distinction between Jesus and Christ...We know that at the Baptism of Jesus, and again at the Transfiguration, something was added to Jesus that was not there before. That is perfectly explained by this distinction between the disciple Jesus and the Lord Christ...We look upon Krishnamurti as a disciple, whose body will be used by the World Teacher...At first months will separate the public manifestation of the Lord. Later He will speak more frequently, until we hope it will be possible for Christ to stay with us for many years. When He came before, He was only allowed to stay for three brief years doing public work, when He was murdered. As a result of that effort all He left was a little seed of 120 people...If we make it possible for Him to stay then times three years, what harvest will not that seed bring forth? When He came before, John the Baptist alone prepared the way for Him. Today tens of thousands of sincere people are His forerunners...We hope to make it possible for Him to stay many years once the body of His disciple is tempered to stand the strain sufficiently. Will the Christian Churches accept Him?..." [86]

In the Star Camp, Castle Eerde Ommen, July or August 1926, the Teacher again spoke through Krishnamurti to the assembled people, and briefly He told them the "only happiness worth possessing" was to act, think, and feel through the mind and heart of the Teacher! Here are two accounts of this occasion given by Geoffrey West in his "Life of Annie Besant": "A retired British officer writes: 'It happened at the evening camp fire...I suddenly felt an overwhelming impulse to remove my hat reverently...I was conscious that another voice than Krishnamurti's was speaking. The voice used old English (no uncommon habit with these Master!), which Krishnamurti had never done. This continued for four or five minutes, then Krishnamurti sat down. I was conscious of the utter stillness. Not only the two thousand pilgrims, but the very insects in the trees were quiet, and even the fire stopped crackling. We felt we had all become parts of one great body.'"

�Another witness, a Cambridge physicist...declared he saw a 'huge star over Krishnamurti's head burst into fragments and come raining down. For an instant I thought I was back in France'!" This astral light phenomenon is not unheard of in other Illuminised Orders; it is the illuminating 'Serpent Fire' projected by these hidden Masters, and more often it is hypnotic.

Finally, at Ommen 1927, Krishnamurti announced: "My Beloved and I are One." The obsession was completed, Krishnamurti's own personality was in absolute abeyance!

� In a pamphlet, issued by Mrs. Besant's Theosophical Society, on "The Doctrine of Rebirth Scientifically Examined," W.Y. Evans-Wentz, M.A., D.Litt., D.Sc., appears to attempt to prove the unprovable, and by quoting Celtic beliefs to show the possibility of the reincarnation of the so-called great teachers. As "the logical corollary to the rebirth doctrine...the gods are beings which once were men, and the actual race of men will in time become gods...According to the complete Celtic belief, the gods can and do enter the human world for the specific purposes of teaching men how to advance most rapidly towards the higher kingdom. In other words, all the great Teachers, Jesus, Buddha, Zoroaster, and many others...are...divine beings who in inconceivably past ages were men but who are now gods, able at will to incarnate into our world..."

The pamphlet ends: "In the same way, what in this generation is heretical alike to the Christian theologian and to the man of science, may in coming generations be accepted as orthodox."

I suggest that this reincarnation Maitreya is neither god nor divine being, but is more likely one of these Cabalistic Jews, still in the body of the flesh, whose aim is perversion of Christian beliefs. In a speech, given before the Esoteric School of the Theosophical Society, we find Mr. Baillie Weaver propounding the same theories; he said: "Equally inevitable also is the fact that these superhuman beings take a share in the governments of the world; that they appoint, train, and use pupils and agents, and from time to time come to earth to teach their less advanced brethren, and that this school is one of the agencies, both for training of pupils and the purpose of transmitting power."

Again, Mary Gray, of California, writing on the "Path of Probation" in the Herald of the Star, December 1926, says: "As the chela passed successfully the tests, as he prove his capacity to stand alone...he begins to draw closer to the Master and to share in His work. More power is made available for the chela's use, since it has to be proved that he can be trusted to react well to its stimulation. He begins to enter upon his period of service, in which he distributes the Master's force, or, more accurately, small portion of the force of the White Lodge, either in active service in the outer world or in intimate contact with those about him. The use of the force expands and develops his vehicles and their powers. His brain increases in power, his devotion in intensity and purity, his actions in accuracy, skill, and power...Moreover, he becomes more radiant a luminous, serene, and joyous figure in the dark atmosphere of worldly life. At the same time he begins definite training on the inner planes, in which he is taught the use and control of forces there. Little by little he gains knowledge of the control of the various elements there...In all these things he is taught how to command (forces) the name, and by the authority of the White Lodge, as an agent of its power..."

After the consummation of the coming, the "Order of the Star in the East" assumed a new name. They apparently believed that the star of the World Teacher was at last among them and that they no longer required to look for it in the East, and no longer required a herald to announce His coming, so it very simply was reduced to announce His coming, so it very simply was reduced to the "Order of the Star," with its national organ the "Star Review." Its organization was said to be international and national, but nevertheless it was universal. Its objects were said to be (1) To draw together all those who believe in the presence of the World Teacher in the world; (2) to work with Him for the establishment of His ideals. Its international magazine was the Star.

In the February issue of this Review, 1928, through his mouthpiece, Krishnamurti, the World Teacher, in the name of liberation, expounds his doctrine of absolute negation, necessary for the building up of his new Kingdom, the peace, unity and happiness of universality and individualization. Here are a few extracts from teachings given at Ommen, August 1927, and at Paris, September 27, 1927: "The purpose, the manner of attaining this happiness, of gaining this liberation, is in your own hand. It does not lie in the hand of some unknown god, or in temples or in churches, but in your own self. For temples, churches, and religions bind, and you must be beyond all dreams of God in order to attain this Liberation. There is no external God as such who urges us to live nobly, or to live basely; there is but the voice of our own intuition...When that voice is sufficiently strong, when that voice, the result of accumulated experience, is obeyed, and you yourself become that voice, then you are God...So the most important thing is to uncover this God within each one of you. That is the purpose of life; to awaken the dormant God (the unused sex-force, the Kundalini within you) to give� life to the speak which exists in each one of us, so that we become a flame (illuminised), and join the eternal flame of the world (the universal life-force or either, as above so below, of Hermes)...In the permanent is established, is seen, the only God in the world, yourself that has been purified."

Here we have the creed of Cabalistic Jew, the "Deified Man." Now Krishnamurti being merely the "vehicle," the flame, the voice and intuition within him, and which he listens to, can only be those of the World Teacher; remembering this, the following extract is interesting: "And so it is my desire that you should not be mesmerized by anything I say, because if you are put to sleep by my words or by my thought, by my desire, by my longings, you will be just as much in prison or even more so than you were before you came to this place."

But is this not just what has happened? A negative body prepared for the reception of these hypnotic suggestions; do his followers not all live and move and have their beings, as it were, in Krishnamurti as the 'vehicle' of the World Teacher? By their Liberal Catholic Church Mass do they not one and all unite in communion with this World Teacher, this so-called Christ?

Further, in a poem in his book "The Search," an absolute freedom from everything is required, freedom from the narrowness of tradition, custom, habit, feeling, thought, religion, worship, adoration, nation, family possession, love, friendship, even thy God, etc., then all barriers will have fallen; and what is to take their place? The flame, the voice, the intuition from the World Teacher, the New Kingdom of Happiness, the hypnotic control of Illuminism!

And who is this World Teacher? Mrs. Besant in the "Herald of the Star," April 1927, enlightens us. Speaking of Krishnamurti's "great initiations," where, in the first, she promised the "Great Ones" to guard him with her power, and Leadbeater promised to guide him with his wisdom (here we have, with Krishnamurti as the apex, the Triangle necessary for the manifestation of the power of the World Teacher!), she says: "And then the day came when our office ended...we took the child, whom we had received as guardians, as a man no longer wanting aught of us (the manifestation being accomplished!) the Lord Maitreya...the then bud had blossomed out into a wonderful flower; and that flower is placed at the feet of its Owner, the Lord Maitreya, the Christ, the Savior of the World."

Again, in the "Herald of the Star," March 1927, she said at Ojai, California: "As much as each can see will be to each of you the manifestation of the Christ. For my own part, who know Him in His far-off Himalayan home (astrally), where I have heard Him speak of His Coming, and being here with our Krishnaji, I need not say how, having love Him for so long a time, I rejoice to recognize in Him the Presence of our Lord."

Is this not a liberation unto bondage, a body prepared in which to sow the seeds of world disintegration, by the power working behind and through Grand Orient Judeao-Masonry, to which Mrs. Besant's Co-Masonry is allied?

And what is the outcome of this manifestation? At the 1929 Ommen Camp Krishnamurti announced that the Order of the Star was to be dissolved; all he had desired was to lead people to "freedom," but, he said, they did not want freedom. Mr. Lansbury, for many years a flower of Mrs. Besant and believer in the World Teacher's mission, making the best of the apparent failure, said: "Krishnamurti has broken the bondage of mere organization...with a magnificent gesture he has bid the surrounding young people of all races to develop their own individuality in their own way, responsibility for one's life and character depending on oneself."

A correspondent in the "Patriot," August 29, 1929, gives some interesting details as to what went on at this Camp Meeting at Ommen which we give verbatim: "I have studied Theosophy and its kindred movements, such as Co-Masonry, the Liberal Catholic Church, and the Star, for some years, and have formed the definite opinion that behind the mask of the innocent study of symbolism, brotherhood, and comparative religion there lies a deep-seated anti-British organization. The link between these movements is Dr. Annie Besant...

Last year the camp at Ommen was a most astounding place. though the key-note of the Star teaching is 'freedom for all,' the camp was surrounded by a seven-foot barbed-wire fence; all members had to wear a label which showed clearly their name and number, and without which they were not allowed in or out of the camp; there were endless irritating rules and regulations, all destined to reduce the inmates to the last stage of servility.

Brotherhood among the different nationalities was supposed to prevail, but it was noticeable that the German contingent, who were frequently in positions of authority, took every opportunity of insulting the English and French members, the Englishmen always allowing themselves and their womankind to be thus treated.

The table manners of the campers would have disgraced a farmyard, though, of course, Krishnamurti did not feed with the common herd, but in luxury at Eerde Castle, the residence of Baron von Pallandt, a prominent member of the Theosophical Society, who also holds a very high degree in the co-Masonic Order.

The camp was for men and women of any class, creed, or color, and it was customary to force well-bred Englishwomen at every meal to wait upon Indian and African natives mostly in their native dress. These women were reduced to such a state that they literally fawned upon the colored men, beseeching them to eat, and often producing special tit-bits for them, while their fellow-countrymen went hungry.

The clothing worn by many of the members was as scanty as was compatible with the most elementary decency. Photographs brought home prove this, and copies of these photographs are in the possession of the Authorities, and also in my possession. One of these shows a native, in native dress, walking round the camp with an English girl clad in nothing but a flimsy shirt and a pair of shorts, each with an arm around the other.

Among other details, the smell of either from one of the tents at night was overpowering; this drug, according to some occultists, being one of the most powerful in 'liberating the spirit from the body.'

The 1929 camp at Ommen has just ended, and it was apparently there that Krishnamurti publicly announced that the Order of the Star would be dissolved. What is going to happen to his unfortunate dupes who have followed him slavishly, have given up their own religion, and who have worshipped him blindly is impossible to say. His own words and writings urge them to have no other support but themselves, which in plain English means having no other support but him; he is now casting them away with broken beliefs, no ideals, and no leader or Teacher on whom to rely. He has undermined their faith in God and their country, and now leaves them in a state of utter chaos.

Is it possible that things have been rendered too hot for the Order of the Star to continue? Is it because they have fought among themselves? Or can it be that Dr. Besant and the black Messiah have ceased to see eye to eye in their anti-Empire and occult activities?

Time will show; at present let us be duly thankful that one group, at any rate, of the subversive societies is as a house divided against itself, and there are still loyal men and women who will risk their time, money, and even more in unrewarded service to their King in order to unmask these subversive and seditious organizations."

Nothing could be more damning than the above, but yet it is only a glimpse of the real diabolical work that is being slowly carried out through secret societies and many other movements, some apparently harmless. It is the work of the same disintegration power as is being carried on in Russia through the "Godless" and similar groups; it means the degradation of humanity, the death of its soul, making it lower even than the brute-beast.

� In these secret societies the methods are ever the same; it is gradual obsession by this hidden power through so-called illumination, or the age-old illuminism by means of the perversion of the sex or create forces in man and in Nature. This is shown in the symbol of the Theosophical Society.

The symbol represents Illumination or Initiation. Most of these esoteric and secret Orders are ruled and directed by the invisible Masters of the Great White Lodge, and under their instructions illumination is artificially and intensively induced in a comparatively short time. The individual, as directed, works from within, while the master works from without, both using this "Serpent Power" - the dual creative forces of all Nature, the forces of attraction and repulsion. The individual, by means of exercises, meditations, etc., inspired by these masters, awakens within himself this "Serpent Power" - the Kundalini or unused sex-forces - which lies coiled up in the lower part of the body. It is said to be sublimated or purified by fire and water, as indicated by the hexagram or interlaced triangles, the Jewish Star of power, or more correctly perverted; and rising up through the nerve-centers, vivifying them, awaking clairvoyance, clairaudience, and intuition, the head and the tail, the positive and negative forces, unite at the base of the nose, the Pineal Gland. The symbol in the small circle above is the Svastica or electric Hammer of Thor, a whirling, disintegrating electric force breaking down the protective barriers, the will and the reason, creating a vortex down which enters the outside magnetic force of light from the masters. Thus the adept is illuminised, and the Etheric Link is formed by these controlling masters from without just as in the Liberal Catholic Mass.

The Ankh in the center is the Egyptian symbol of life, it is the creative principle, the lingram. The encircling serpent isolates, conserving the force within, rendering powerful the illuminised tool. This tool is ready for the appointed work; he is free, not to use his freedom for himself, but for these masters. It is a liberation unto bondage. At the top of the symbol is the three, the triangle of power or unity, by means of which the power is manifested in the Order and individual.

Illuminism can be individual, group, or world, and this can be applied to present world conditions. World revolution, the electric Hammer of Thor. Its consummation, invisible world domination through prepared and illuminised "vehicles."

Take the "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion," which have been marvelously correct as prophecy, whatever their first origin, before M. Joly used part of them in 1864: Page 10: "Today I can assure you that we are only within a few strides of our goal. There remains only a short distance, and the Cyclone of the Symbolic Serpent, that badge of our people, will be complete. When this circle is locked, all the States of Europe will be closed in it, as it were, by unbreakable chains. The existing constructional scales will soon collapse, because we are continually throwing them out and destroying their efficiency." [87]

Page 90: "...Constantinople is shown (on the sketch of the course of the Symbolic Serpent) as the last stage of the Serpent's course before it reaches Jerusalem. Only a short distance still remains before the Serpent will be able to complete its course by uniting its head and its tail..."

Page 16: "Who or what can dethrone an invisible power? Now, this is just what our Government is. The Masonic Lodge (esoteric) throughout the world unconsciously acts as a mask for our purpose. But the use we are going to make of this power in our plan of action, and even our headquarters, remain perpetually unknown to the world at large."

Mr. Philip Graves, in his book, "Palestine, the Land of Three Faiths," speaking of the Okhrana, or Tzarist Secret Police, said that these police knew the Jewish and non-Jewish revolutionaries so well that it was said no one knew where the Okhrana ended and the revolution began!

� After reading "The Tcheka," by George Popoff, one is inclined go to ask, who is the ruling power behind the Tcheka, and who was the power behind the Tzarist Okhrana, many members of which remain in the service of the Tcheka? Was I not Jewish and occult? According go to Popoff, whoever took service under the Tcheka immediately changed, and from simple, honest men became crafty, brutalized, and fanatical, and during the examinations of prisoners appeared go to use hypnotic force.

Is the same not true of most of those who are entrapped by these secret and subversive societies? They enter with high ideals, seeking spiritual development for themselves an others, the result being often a fanatical obsession, perverting all that is high and sacred; curiously enough, invariably the higher the ideals the greater the blind acceptance of their master's call go to take part in their diabolical work of destruction.

� Further it is interesting go to find that the oath of secrecy and silence demanded from the candidate and adept is always in connection with the astral methods of contacting these masters and the real aims and work of the order as directed by them in this mysterious secrecy and silence. Of the Theosophical Oath, Ren� Gu�non writes: "One thing with which secret societies, and in particular Freemasonry, is most often reproached is the obligation under which they compel their members go to take an oath the nature of which varies, as also the extent of the obligations which they impose; it is in most cases an oath of silence, go to which is added sometimes an oath of obedience go to the orders of the chiefs known or unknown. The oath of silence may itself concern either the methods of recognition or the special ceremonial used by the society, or even the existence of the latter, its organization, or the name of its members; more often it applies in a general way go to what is said and done in it, go to the power exercised, and go to the teachings received in it under one form or another. Sometimes they are pledges or another kind, such as the promise go to conform go to certain rules of conduct which can, with good reason, appear abusive as soon as they take the form of a solemn oath ...What alone interests us at the present is this, that if it is a valid reproach against Masonry and against some other societies more or less is equally valid against the Theosophical Society.

The latter, it is true, is not a secret society in the complete sense of the word, because it has never made a mystery of its existence, and the greater part of the members do not try go to conceal their grade...For our present purpose we will here admit as sufficient the opinion according go to which a secret society is not necessarily a society which conceals its existence or its members, but is, above all, a society which has secrets, whatever their nature may be. If this is so, the Theosophical Society can be regarded as a secret society, and its very division into 'exoteric' and 'esoteric' sections would be sufficient proof; be it understood, in speaking here of 'secrets' we do not mean by that the signs of recognition, but the teaching strictly reserved go to members or certain among them go to the exclusion of others, and for which they exact the oath of silence; these teachings in Theosophy appear, above all, go to be those relating go to 'psychic development,' since such is the essential aim of the 'esoteric' section...

Let us now return go to Mme. Blavatsky's statements, and let us see what concerns the oath of silence: 'As far the inner section actually known as the 'esoteric' since 1880, the following rule has been determined and adopted: 'No member shall use for personal ends anything which has been communicated go to him by a member of the higher section. The infraction of this rule will be punished by expulsion.' However, now, before receiving any communication of this kind, the postulant must take the solemn oath never go to use it for personal ends, and never go to reveal anything confided go to him, unless he is authorized go to do so' [88] . Elsewhere she refers go to these teachings, which must be kept secret: 'Although we reveal all that is possible, we are nevertheless obliged go to omit many important details which are only known go to those who study the esoteric philosophy, and who, having then taken the oath of silence, are consequently alone authorized go to know them' [89] . In another passage allusion is made go to 'a mystery relating directly go to the power of consciously and voluntarily projecting the 'double' (astral body), which is never revealed go to anyone except 'chelas,' who have taken an irrevocable oath, that is, go to those who can be trusted.' [90] Mme. Blavatsky insists, above all, upon the obligation go to observe always this oath of silence, obligatory even for those who, voluntarily or not, should have ceased go to take part in the society: she puts this matter in these words: 'A man who is asked go to leave or forced go to resign from the section, is he free go to reveal things which he has been taught, or infringe one or other of the clauses of the oath he has taken?' And she replies: 'The fact of resigning or being sent away frees him only from the obligation go to obey his teacher, and from taking an active part in the work of the society, but does in no way free him from the sacred promise go to guard the secrets which have been confided go to him...All men and women who possess the slightest sense of honor will understand that an oath of silence taken on a word of honor, still more taken in the name of his 'Higher Self,' the god hidden in us, must keep it until death, and that although having left the society no man or woman of honor would dream of attacking the society go to which they were thus bound.' [91]

We also see from these quotations that the oath of silence taken in the 'esoteric' section includes an oath of obedience go to the 'teachers' of the Theosophical Society. One is forced go to believe that this obedience is carried very far, as there have been examples of members who, ordered go to sacrifice a great part of their fortune in favor of the society, have done so without hesitation. These pledges, or which we have just spoken, still exist, as also the 'esoteric' section itself...which could not exist under any other conditions...In such a circle all independence is entirely abolished." [92]

Mrs. Besant, on her return from India in 1924, demanded from all members of the "esoteric" section an oath of implicit belief in and obedience go to her as the mouthpiece of the hidden Masters. However, the London Lodge, numbering about sixty members, refused go to comply or recognize Mrs. Besant's autocratic rule and political aims. They therefore formed a small group outside her jurisdiction for the study� of comparative religion. The "esoteric" section of the Theosophical Society is said go to consist of three inner circles, Learners, Accepted our Initiates, and Masters of the Great White Lodge. Very similar go to the "Temple of the Desert" in the Near East, go to which some of these hidden masters belong, as will be seen when speaking of the "Stella Matutina."

� Mrs. Besant's political aims were largely connected with disrupting India under the mistaken idea of forming India's heterogeneous peoples and religions into a "self-governing community."

In 1907 from social work she turned go to politics, although not until 1913 did she definitely declare for Home Rule. Lord Sydenham, speaking in the House of Lords, October 24, 1917, said of Mrs. Besant and her aims: "She wrote a book, which contains more reckless defiance of facts than I have ever seen compressed into the same small space, and in her paper New India...she said that 'India was a perfect Paradise' for 5,000 years before our advent, that it had become 'a perfect Hell' owing go to the 'brutal British Bureaucracy.'...The Government of Madas decided go to enforce the provisions of the Press Act, and Mrs. Besant was ordered go to give security for the good conduct of her paper. As the violence of New India continued quite unabated, the security was sequestrated. That gave her a right go to appeal go to the High Court of Madras. The case was heard by three judges, of whom two were Indians, and the action of the Madras Government was confirmed...Well might one of these judges point out that 'this pernicious writing must tend go to encourage assassination by removing public detestation of such a crime.'"

In his book, "India as I knew it," Sir Michael O'Dwyer wrote: "Mrs. Besant's Home Rule Movement in India, which was afterwards adopted and amplified by the Indian extremists, was started in 1916 soon after the Easter Monday rebellion in Ireland." It was introduced as a private bill in 1925 and again in 1927, but it aroused little or no interest except among the Labourites who sponsored it.

Mrs. Besant was one of the original promoters and share-holders in the Socialist Publication Company, registered April 12, 1918, under the title of Victoria House Printing Co., Ltd., in which Mr. Landsbury and other Theosophists were the moving spirits. This company produced the Herald, which became the Daily Herald in March 1919.

Now you can see and understand that wars are created deliberately by evil men, mostly Jews, but of course there are the proselytes to Judaism from all the various races. Well did Christ say in Matthew 23:15: �Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees (The Jews of His day), hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves.�

[1] Revelation 12:78

[2] Genesis 1:28

[3] Daniel 11:40.

[4] Ezekiel 38:22.

[5] Revelation 6 and 11.

[6] #109 Strong�s Concordance.

[7] Luke 17:36.

[8] Matthew 13:41.

[9] Matthew 24:13.

[10] Philippians 1:29.

[11] Trait� m�thodique de magic Pratique, Papus (Dr. Gerard Encausse).

[12] Ho�n� Wronski, Direction of the Destinies of the Earth.

[13] Ho�n� Wronski, Participation in Creation.

[14] Reciprocal Influences between the Visible and Invisible World, Ho�n� Wronski.

[15] The Directing Power - the Invisibles or Earthly Beings, Ho�nn� Wronski; Light-Bearers of Darkness, Inquire Within, The Christian Book Club of America, Hawthorne, California.

[16] They are speaking here, not of God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost - but instead is speaking of the Trinity of Illuminism - Cabalistic and Gnostic. The Father - the generating fire; the Holy Spirit - the Great Mother Nature, reproducing all things; the Son - the manifestation, the vital fluid, the astral light of Illuminism. It is a perversion of Christian symbolism - just as the Masons do go to confuse and deceive Christians.

[17] Ho�n� Wronski, The Directing Power - the Invisibles or Earthly Beings; Light-bearers of Darkness, Inquire Within, pp. 3-4.

[18] Mrs. Nesta Webster, Secret Societies and Subversive Movements.

[19] Mrs. Nesta Webster, Secret Societies and Subversive Movements.

[20] Mrs. Nesta Webster, Secret Societies and Subversive Movements.

[21] R.I.S.S., Haute Maconnerie.

[22] R.I.S.S., Haute Maconnerie; Light-Bearers of Darkness, The Overshadowing Power, Inquire Within, p. 6.

[23] Original Writings of the Order of the Illuminati, Zwach - former Councillor of the Bavarian Government; Light-Bearers of Darkness, Inquire Within, p. 7.

[24] Revers de silentio.

[25] Revers de silentio.

[26] Mrs. Nesta Webster, Secret Societies and Subversive Movements.

[27] Mrs. Nesta Webster, Secret Societies and Movements.

[28] The Victories of Israel, Roger Lambelin.

[29] Bernard Lazare, L'Antisemitism.

[30] The Victories of Israel, Roger Lambelin.

[31] The Victories of Israel, Roger Lambelin.

[32] Esther 9:17.

[33] Jonathan Williams, Legions of Satan, (1781).

[34] Les Juifs et le Talmud, M. Flavien Bernier.

[35] Les Juifs et le Talmud, M. Flavien Bernier.

[36] The Patriot, March 7, 1929.

[37] The Patriot.

[38] The Patriot, February 2, 1928.

[39] Convent, Grand Orient, 1923.

[40] Convent, of the Grand Lodge of France, 1922.

[41] Convent, Bull. Off. Grand Lodge of France, 1920.

[42] Convent, Grand Lodge of France, 1923.

[43] Convent, Grand Orient, 1923.

[44] Bull. Off. Grand Lodge of France, 1922.

[45] Bull. Off. Grand Lodge of France, 1922.

[46] Convent, Grand Lodge of France, 1922.

[47] Bull, Hebd., 1922.

[48] La Dictature de la Franc-Ma�onnerie sur la France, M.A.G. Michel.

[49] Convent, Grand Orient, 1922.

[50] Convent, Grand Orient, 1922.

[51] Convent, Grand Orient, 1922.

[52] Convent, Grand Orient, 1923.

[53] Bull. Off. Grand Lodge of France, October 1922.


[54] La Dictature de la Franc-Ma�onnerie sur la France, M.A.G. Michel.

[55] Les Pharisiens d'autrefois at Ceux d'aujourd'hui, Bishop Dijon.

[56] Les Pharisiens d'autrefois at Ceux d'aujourd'hui, Bishop Dijon; Light-Bearers of Darkness, Inquire Within.

[57] Mrs. Webster, Secret Societies and Subversive Movements; Light-Bearers of Darkness, Inquire Within.

[58] Dialogues aux Enfers, Mr. Graves.

[59] Light-Bearers of Darkness, Inquire Within.

[60] The Anatomy of Revolution, G.G., "Dargon,"; Patriot, October 1922; The Trail of the Serpent, Inquire Within, Miss Stoddard.

[61] Lexicon of Freemasonry, Albert G. Mackay.

[62] Lexicon of Freemasonry, Albert G. Mackay; The Trail of the Serpent, Inquire Within, Miss Stoddard, p. 21.

[63] La Kabbale, (1843), Adolphe Franck; Trail of the Serpent, Inquire Within, Miss Stoddard, p. 21.

[64] La Kabbale, (1843), Adolphe Franck.

[65] La Kabbale, (1843), Adolphe Franck.

[66] Morals and Dogma, Albert Pike, pp. 248-259.

[67] Secret Sects of Syria, Springett.

[68] L'Antis�mitisme, Bernard Lazare.

[69] Le Probl�me Juif, Georges Batault.

[70] Reghellini de Schio, The Trail of the Serpent, Inquire Within, Miss Stoddard, p. 29.

[71] Studies in Occultism, M. Henri de Guillebert.

[72] Practical Magic, Papus.

[73] The Great Work, Sadol Movement of California.

[74] The Great Work, Sadol Movement.

[75] Le Th�osophisme, Ren� Gu�non.

[76] Le Th�osophisme, Ren� Gu�non.

[77] Mrs. Besant's Prophecy, A Pamphlet.

[78] Le Th�osophisme, Ren� Gu�non.

[79] Study of Hindu Doctrines, 1921, Ren� Gu�non.

[80] Le Th�osophisme, Ren� Gu�non.

[81] The Patriot, September, 23, 1926.

[82] The Messenger of Krotona, November 1918.

[83] Light-Bearers of Darkness, Inquire Within, Miss Stoddard, p. 41.

[84] The Herald of the Star, Krishnamurti.

[85] Herald of the Star, March 1927.

[86] Herald of the Star, December 1926, Rev. Charles Hampton.

[87] The Disintegrating Hammer of Thor!

[88] Mme. Blavatsky's Key go to Theosophy, 1889.

[89] Key go to Theosophy.

[90] The Key go to Theosophy.

[91] The Key go to Theosophy.

[92] Le Th�osophisme, Ren� Gu�non.