������������������������������������������������������ THIS TIME BOMB CALLED ZIONISM
����������������������������������������������������������� by Lt. Col. Gordon "Jack" Mohr, A.U.S. Ret.
������������������������������������������������������������������������ INTRODUCTION
For some time now I have agonized over writing this short book. In spite of
���� what some may think, I do not like to belabor my listeners with harsh reality.
� ��� It is much easier to tell them like some of our pastors do: "Something good is
���� going to happen to you today!" rather than as Jesus did when He said, "I tell
���� you Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish." (Luke 13:3) Our
���� American people, especially White Christians have become adverse to
���� anything that is negative, it is looked on as a sort of sin.
���� This is nothing new, for at the time of Isaiah, about 713 B.C. the Israel people
���� were telling their religious leaders: "Which say to the seers, see not; and to the
���� prophets, prophesy not unto us right things, speak unto us smooth things,
���� prophesy deceits." Our White Christian people like to be fooled by smooth
���� words today, as much as when this was written 2700 years ago.
���� My fear of God, is much stronger than the words or actions of mere men, so I
���� must abide by His command in Ezekiel 33:6 ‑ "If the watchman see the sword
���� (danger) come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people are not warned; if
���� the sword come and take any person from among them, he is taken away in
���� his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand." (Emphasis
���� mine). Since God ordained me as a watchman, I don't know why, as there are
���� many times I don't like the watchman's negative message either, I must abide
���� by His Word.
���� Whenever I have written a treatise exposing Jewish hostility towards Christ
���� and His church, the Judeo‑Christian world has immediately answered with
�� �� some type of diatribe: "Here Mohr goes again, with another of his asinine
���� Jewish Conspiracy theories." There is a world‑wide conspiracy to destroy
���� White Christian Civilization, whether you want to accept it or not, and I hope
���� to expose it before this book is finished, by quoting directly from the horses'
���� mouth or if this phrase disturbs you, from Jewish sources.
���� Even religious experts like Jack Van Impe, Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, and
���� David Webber who are avid Christian Zionists, if there can be such a
���� misnomer, who consider me to be an apostate religious reprobate, because I
���� accept Christ's evaluation of the Jews in John 10:26, when He told their
���� religious leaders face to face: "But ye believe not, because ye are not of my
���� sheep," (Emphasis mine). In Matthew 23:10, in another face to face
���� confrontation, He accused them of going over sea and land to make converts,
���� only to "turn them into two‑fold more children of hell them themselves." feel
� ��� that I stand on solid ground when I quote Him.
���� Some of you no doubt who read this book will get angry and like the
���� Anti‑Defamation League, of the Jewish B'nai B'rith, in their special bulletin of
���� December 1990, titled Col. Gordon "Jack" Mohr, "An Officer and a
���� Hatemonger!" will rather believe the outright lies of God's enemies than the
���� truth I will present. I do not write this book to make money, for I will pay for
���� it's printing out of my own pocket, and do not expect to get enough to cover
���� initial costs. I do not writ it because I hate you as a fellow Christian, no matter
���� whether you are a Judeo‑Christian or not. I write it because I am compelled to
���� tell you the truth, which could mean the difference for you between freedom
���� and slavery for you and you're loved one's on the Zionist World Plantation
���� planned for the future.
���� The Jew Harold Rosenthal, who was the Assistant to the powerful Jewish
���� Senator, from New York, Jacob Javits, in a paid interview with Walter White
���� Jr., of "Western Front", in 1976, said: "We Jews continue to be amazed with
���� the ease by which Christian Americans have fallen into our hands. While
���� naive Christians have waited for Kruschev to 'bury them' we taught you to be
���� subservient to our every command.... We Jews have put issue upon issue to the
���� American people. Then we promote both sides, and as confusion reigns, with
���� your eyes fixed on the issue, you fail to see who is behind the scene. We Jews
���� toy with Christians like a cat does with a mouse... Anti‑Semitism does not
���� signify opposition to Semitism. There is no such thing. It is smear word we
���� Jews use effectively against bigots like you ‑ anyone who dares to criticize us,
��� � we label them as hatemongers, (UNQ).
���� This book is not written with hatred for Jews or Judaism, but as an answer to
���� my Christian (?) critics who brand me as a neo‑Nazi, a hatemonger, an
���� anti‑Semitic, or as one Jewish Talk Show host in Minneapolis called me: "A
���� pornographer of paranoia!"
���� This book will take you behind the smoke screen, directly to Jewish sources,
���� and show you what they have to say themselves about their plan for world
���� conquest. One of their worst failings is their desire to boast about their
���� accomplishments, especially if it makes a Christian goyim look bad. (The term
���� goyim is a Yiddish word, taken from their religious book the Talmud, which
���� says that "all non‑Jews are animals, and only Jews are men.")
���� They especially hate Identity Christians, for we can prove from the Bible and
���� history that we are the true Israelites of the Bible, while they are the impostors
���� our risen Lord spoke about in Revelations 3:9, when He said, "Behold, I will
���� make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not,
���� but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and
���� to know that I loved thee." Their religious leaders know this and are afraid
���� and fear causes hate!
���� As this 20th Millennium came to a screeching close, the forces of the
���� Anti‑Christ of Zionism are redoubling their efforts against Christians, and
���� Identity Christians in particular, as we are the only effective opposition
���� against them and their plans for World Conquest. Their battle plan calls for
���� world takeover in the year 2000. Already they have persuaded the Federal
���� Government, and the F.B.I. recently declared Identity Christians, to be an
��� � enemy of the state, and danger to all Americans.
���� I am an old man now. I gave many years of the prime of life for the service of
���� this country, serving in combat in World War II and Korea. This may be my
���� last chance to give you warning against those who hate, and want to destroy
���� you. My Army oath to serve this country against all enemies both foreign and
���� domestic, means as much to me today, as when I entered the Army during
���� World War II. I echo the words of a great American patriot when he said, "Is
���� life so dear, or peace so sweet as to be purchased with the price of chains and
���� slavery. Forbid it, Almighty God. I know not what course others may take, but
���� as for me, 'Give me Liberty, or give me death!"
���������������������������� ZIONISM
�������������������� THE ENEMY ANSWERS!
���� Everywhere I go in the Christian world, and I have spoken in over 3800
���� communities in the United States and Canada and in five foreign countries, I
���� have tried to expose ungodliness and the anti‑Christ hatred of Judaism.
���� Everywhere I have been met with skepticism on the part of good, by
���� brainwashed Christians and often with hostility. In fact the preachers of
���� America have been worse enemies of this truth, than the Jews themselves.
���� Listen to some of their statements regarding my ministry: "From a historical
���� point of view, the Jewish world conspiracy is complete rubbish. A variety of
���� charges historically have been leveled against Jews and have been used as a
���� tool of exploitation of the ghettos: Unfortunately Christianity has often played
���� a part in this persecution of the Jews." (This from a Unitarian pastor.)
���� It might be well to note that true Christianityhas never persecuted anyone,
���� (under the guise of Christianity, many horrible things have been done, such as
���� the Crusades, and the Spanish Inquisition. A good modern example, is the so
���� called Christian military forces in Lebanon, which have been armed and
���� controlled by the anti‑Christ Israeli).
���� Another statement: "The cause Mohr espouses is but another perversion of the
���� 10 Lost Tribes theory. It's too bad it has come to this country. Today the Jews
���� are all of Israel and Judaism of today is the Judaism Jesus followed." (a Baptist
���� minister)
���� We will see later in this book, what the Jews have to say about themselves.
���� A Captain in the Salvation Army made this statement: "The movement Mohr
���� represents is diametrically opposed to everything I have learned in my years as
���� a Christian pastor."
���� "We Christians have not always acted with the wisdom we should in the past
���� and have earned valid criticism. Perhaps in the Christian world had spoken
���� out with a clearer voice against Hitler's rise to power, there would have been
���� no Holocaust." (Presbyterian pastor)
���� "The John Birch Society believes that anyone who tries to blame the spread of
���� Communism on one racial or religious group will be ineffective." (Local
���� Chapter Leader of the JBS, expounding official JBS doctrine). This was in
���� answer to my charge that Communism was and still is a Jewish World
���� movement, sponsored and led primarily by Jews. We will see what Jewish
���� leaders have to say about this.
���� "We disagree with the Jews on doctrine, but do not believe they are against
���� Christianity," (Church of Christ pastor).
���� "We are united in rejecting all forms of racism and anti‑Semitism and deplore
���� the acceptance of these evils in the name of Christianity." (Area Inter‑faith
���� Council, naturally!)
���� "Mohr's message does a great disservice to the Gospel. His message is not the
���� Word of God but that of man and is hideously wrong," (From a Presbyterian
���� minister who had never heard me speak, or read one of my books. His
���� information on what I believe was all second handed!)
���� "America has traditionally supported Israel (the Jews), not because of Jewish
���� political power, but because they supported a people who are trying to
���� maintain their freedom and a democratic way of life." (Leader of the
���� Hebrew‑Christian Fellowship of so called, born again Jews). Ask the minority
���� Arabs in Israel, whose land was stolen from them by force, to answer this
���� question.
���� "Truth twisting, poor Mohr seems to be plagued with this affliction. After
���� majoring in history for three years, I can assure you that the Jews had little to
���� do with the Bolshevik Revolution." (University graduate). The Apostle Paul
���� said in 2 Timothy 3:7, that there were many people who were "Ever learning,
���� but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth." Our Universities,
���� politics, and church pulpits are filled with these educated idiots. The D.D.,
���� behind a preachers name doesn't always indicate Doctor of Divinity,
���� according to Isaiah 56:10, it could stand for Dumb Dog!
���� "It's sad that Mohr is allowed to spout such evil thoughts (facts) as truth and
� ��� have them accepted. If this represents Christianity, then there are not many
���� Christians in this land. At the end of his speech did the audience jump to their
���� feet, give him a Hitler salute and shout 'Seig Heil!'?" (Another Judeo‑Christian
�� �� preacher who has never heard me speak.)
���� For a little while lets lay all Scriptural and historical evidence aside and see
���� what Jewish leaders down through the years have said about Judaism, it's
���� aims and purposes.
���� I will give you a lot of documented information, so that if you wish, you can
���� check out the facts for yourself! I do not ask you to believe anything I say. I do
���� ask you to be honest enough to check it out, and when you find I am correct,
���� then have the courage to speak out about it! I have found that most church
���� leaders will condemn, before they know anything about a man 5 ministry.
���� When I first went to my pastor, of a little Fundamentalist Baptist Church, in
���� Bay Saint Louis, Mississippi, with information I had gained during an intense
���� three months study on the part Judaism played in the Bolshevik Revolution, he
���� turned on me in anger, and denounced me to the Baptist ministers in the state.
���� Within two weeks, men I had known and loved, and in whose church I had
���� held successful Revival Meetings, would not speak to me when we met on the
���� streets. Not wanting to "sail under a false flag", I wrote a letter to 200
���� Fundamentalist pastors and lay leaders, explaining my new found position on
���� Jewry. Within a month this resulted in the cancellation of fourteen week long
���� Revival scheduled for 1981, not because of any change in my doctrinal stands
���� on Christianity, but because I no longer accepted the anti‑Christs of Jewry as
���� God's Chosen. Although many harsh words were said against me by men I
���� had considered my friends, in the 18 years since I left the Fundamentalist
���� Camp, not one of these pastors has ever written me to say:
���� "Brother Mohr, let me show you from God's Word where you are wrong! Only
���� one out of a hundreds I had known and loved, ever remained my friend. (So
���� much for the term hatemonger, that they love to toss at me.)
���� I have found the sad truth that organized religion is not interested in and will
���� not accept the truth, if it differs in any way from their church tradition. They
���� fulfill the description Jesus gave of the Pharisees, when He said of them in
���� Matthew 15:7‑9 ‑ "Ye hypocrites, well did Esaias prophesy of you, saying,
���� 'This people draweth nigh unto Me with their mouth, and honoureth Me with
���� their lips; but their heart is far from Me. But in vain they do worship me,
���� teaching for doctrines the commandments of men." (Many times these are the
���� Jewish fables, the Apostle Paul warned about in Titus 1:10,14.)
���� Most churchmen will not accept the truth, because they would have to admit
���� they were wrong, and they are too proud to do that. It's easy, I know from sad
���� personal experience. As a result of this recalcitrant attitude I have had to say
���� to many professing Christians I love, the words the Apostle Paul spoke to the
���� church at Galatia in Galatians 4:16 when he said: "Am I therefore become
���� your enemy, because I tell you the truth?"
���� I dare you to take the facts I present, put them under the powerful magnifying
���� glass of the Scriptures and history, and when you find that I have told you the
���� truth, let nothing stop you from proclaiming it, for only by knowing and
���� proclaiming truth can Christians remain free.
������������������������������ JUDAISM!
���� 1.) In the "Jewish Chronicle", April 4, 1918, you can read: there is much in
���� the fact of Bolshevism itself, in the fact that so many Jews are Bolshevists, in
���� the fact that the ideals of Bolshehvism, are consonant (in agreement with) the
���� finest ideals of Judaism.
���� 2.) David Brown, National Chairman of the United Jewish Campaign in
���� London, in 1934, said: "We Jews are going to bring war to Germany." (World
���� Jewry had amassed a 2 Billion dollar War Chest for the destruction of
���� Christian Germany, long before Hitler came into power in 1933.)
���� This was an essential step in the Zionist long range plan to control the world.
���� 3.) In the "The London Jewish Chronicles", January 22, 1943, the Jew Berl
���� Locker speaking at a Zionist Conference said: "We have the right to come to
���� the world and say, 'Here is the Jewish problem, settle it to our satisfaction or
���� there will be no rest in the world." This attitude in Yiddish is called chutzpah,
���� which means "shameless audacity; impudence" which is the hallmark of the
���� World Judaism recognized by the Apostle Paul when he wrote in 1
���� Thessalonians 2:15, and said: they please not God, and are contrary to all
���� men."
���� 4.) Dr. B. Messinsohn, a Jewish leader speaking in Cape Town, South Africa,
���� was reported in the "South African Times", of July 2, 1930 to have threatened
���� the world when he said: "I warn the world, that if it does not keep faith with
���� us (Jews), there are 16 million Jews who will be filled again with the hatred
���� which has released so many great destruction against the Christian world."
���� (This is reminiscent of Christ's words to the Pharisees in Matthew 23:35, when
���� He accused them of being guilty of all the righteous blood shed one earth since
���� the time Cain killed his brother Abel. (The king's accusation, not mine!)
���� 5.) Colonel M.P. Nathan, Chairman of the National Defense Commission, as
���� reported in the "London Jewish Chronicle", January 27, 1939 ‑ "If Zion falls,
���� the British Empire will fall with it."
���� 6.) Marcus Eli Ravage, writing in the "Century Magazine", January 1928 ‑
���� "We Jews are at the bottom of nearly all your wars; not only of the Russian but
���� every other major revolution in your history... We did it with the irresistible
���� might of our spirit, with ideas, and propaganda." (And I might say money
���� that had been stolen from Christian sources. Here he admits to their being the
���� fountainhead of BRAIN WASHING techniques, which are known as
���� PSYCHOPOLITICS, "The art of controlling the thinking of a nation you are
���� trying to conquer." They have been ultimately successful in using this
���� technique within the Christian world, where they have persuaded millions
���� that Christ's worst enemies, are really His Chosen.)
���� 7.) Oscar Levy, in the preface of his book, "The World Significance of the
���� Russian Revolution", says: "There is scarcely an event in modern Europe that
���� cannot be traced back to the Jews. We Jews are today nothing else but the
���� world's seducers, it's destroyers, it's incendiaries, it's executioners."
���� 8.) Professor Goldwin Smith, Professor of Modern History at Oxford
���� University, October 1881 ‑ "We Jews regard our race as superior to humanity
���� and look forward not to it's union with other races, but to it's triumph over
���� them." (Of course it is a known fact, that the Jews are no more a race, than are
���� Christians, or any other religion.)
���� 9.) Count Mensdorf, Austrian Ambassador to Great Britain in 1918 said:
���� "Israel (Jews) won World War I; we made it; thrived on it; profited from it. It
���� was our (Jews) supreme revenge against Christianity." (Another case of White
���� Israelites fighting a fratricidal war against their kin, for Jewish benefit.)
���� 10.) Benjamin Disraeli, Jewish Prime Minister for Great Britain in 1852, during
���� the reign of Queen Victoria, in his book the "Life of Lord George Bentich",
���� London, 1852, said: "The influence of the Jews may be traced in the last
���� outbreak of destructive principles in Europe. An insurrection takes place
���� against tradition; against religion, and against property ...men of the Jewish
���� race are always found to be at the head of every one of them. They cooperate
���� with atheists: the most skillful accumulators of property themselves, cooperate
���� with Communists: this peculiar race (Jews) ...touches the hand of all the scum
���� and outcasts of Europe; and all this because they wish to destroy ungrateful
���� Christianity."
���� 11.) Samuel Roth, "We (Jews) come to the nations pretending to escape
���� persecution, and we are the most deadly persecutors in all the wretched
���� annuals of mankind."
���� 12.) THE MACCABEAN, Zionist Organization, N.Y., November 1905
���� headlines concerning Bolshevism in Russia: "IT IS A JEWISH
���� 13.) "THE AMERICAN HEBREW", leading Jewish newspaper in the United
���� States, September 10, 1920: "The Bolshevik Revolution in Russia was the work
���� of Jewish brains, of Jewish dissatisfaction, of Jewish planning, whose goal was
���� to create a New World Order. What happened in Russia, shall also through
���� the same Jewish mental and physical forces, become a reality all over the
���� world." This plan was discussed in the PROTOCOLS OF THE LEARNED
���� ELDERS OF ZION in 1900, which the Jewish world and it's Judeo‑Christian
���� stooges, have declared to be a counterfeit.)
���� 14.) "THE JEWISH WORLD", London, January 16, 1918: "International
���� Judaism forced Europe to War, not only to seize a large part of the world's
�� �� gold, but to start a new Jewish War (World War II) , with the help of this
���� gold."
���� 15.) One time President of the World Zionist Organization of America: "The
���� non‑Jewish world regards the Jews as a power to be reckoned with... Britain's
� ��� need of Jewish support furnished Zionism diplomacy the element of strength
���� and bargaining power which is required to back it's moral appeal." (From
���� Alfred Lilienthal's book "THE ZIONIST CONNECTION", Page 21.)
���� 16.) "YIDDISH BULLETIN", May 19, 1950, quoting from Rabbi Phillip
���� Bernstein on the Zionist Movement: "By pressing for an exodus of Jews from
���� Europe; by insisting that Jews do not want to go to any country outside of
���� Israel they (Zionist) sacrificed the interests of living people . to the politics of
���� their own Movement."
���� 17.) "THE ZIONIST CONNECTION", by Alfred Lilienthal, page 105 "From
���� the outset of their drive to win a state for themselves, the Zionists had to hide
���� their true nationalistic, political ambitions beneath the outer garment of
���� philanthropy in order to win the support of wealthy, influential Jewish
���� families, who were non‑Zionist, if not anti‑Zionist, at the time. A forthright
���� exposition of true Zionist goals would have endangered the success of their
���� movement."
���� 18.) Theodore Hertzl, father of modern Zionism in his "DIARIES", page 10,
���� said, "We must expropriate gently the private property on the estates assigned
���� to us. We should try to spirit the penniless Arab population across the borders
���� by procuring employment for them in transit countries, while denying them
���� any employment in our country." (If anyone other than a Jew had made this
���� statement, the Christian world would have been up in arms over it and it
���� would have been labeled as racist. By playing up such obvious hoaxes the
���� Jewish world has been able to hoodwink millions of sheeple in the
���� Judeo‑Christian world, into accepting anything they say as Gospel truth!)
��� � 19.) While the Palestine State of the Israelis is held up to Americans as being a
���� Democracy, the Iraelis in 1948‑49, adopted the following articles from the
���� Emergency Defense Regulations of so called Christian Great Britain:
���� ARTTCLE 109/110) Government has the right to enter anyone's home at any
���� hour, day or night.
��������� ARTICLE 119) This Act empowers the Military Commander to
��������� destroy a home if it comes under his suspicion. (This has been used
��������� as an excuse to destroy thousands of Arab homes.)
��������� ARTICLE 120) This gives the Military Commander the right to
��������� confiscate private property." (We find the Israeli government
��������� doing the same thing to the Arabs, that they accused Hitler of
����� ���� doing to Germany's Jews.)
��������� ARTICLES 121) This gives the right of expulsion of anyone from
��������� the country who does not conform to Israeli ideas.
���� 20.) Dr. Israel Shahak, Professor of Organic Chemistry at Hebrew Zionist
���� University, citing laws and regulations in force in Israel, said, "The State of
���� Israel (Israelis) is a racist state in the full meaning of the term, because people
���� are discriminated against, in the most permanent and legal way in the most
���� important areas of life, only because of their ethnic origin, one who is not a
���� Jew." (This in a country we have been told is a Democracy.)
���� 21.) Quoting again from Alfred Lilienthal's book "THE ZIONIST
���� CONNECTION", page 139 "The Israeli economy is perpetually confronted by
���� two unusual internal factors working against it: heavy dependence on outside
���� gifts (largely from the United States and the Christian world) and total
���� dependence on a slave‑worker population composed of Arabs and Oriental
���� Jews." (Billions of dollars of God's tithe, has been filched from Christian
���� pockets, through the clever machinations of Jewish propaganda.)
���� 22.) Harry Levin, in the book "JERUSALEM EMBATTLED", page 57, stated
���� of the Israeli terrorism against Arabs at the Village of Deir Yassim, (which was
���� perpetrated by the Israeli Irgun Zumi Leumi, a Jewish terrorist gang led by
���� Menachim Begin, who later became Prime Minister): "Far worse than the more
���� celebrated King David Hotel attack, which only killed 95 British and Arabs,
���� and which led to the garroting of two British sergeants at Nathanya, was the
���� attack on the small Arab village of Deir Yassin, in which 254 women, children,
���� and old men were killed and their bodies thrown down a well on April 9,
���� 1948. This particular village... west of Jerusalem, had managed to keep out of
���� the fighting until that moment when the Haganah Commander David Shaltiti
���� noted that Deir Yassin had been quiet since the beginning of the
���� disturbances... not mentioned in any attacks on Jews, and one of the few
���� places which had not given a foothold to terrorist bands.
���� "Deir Yassin had done nothing to provoke an Israeli attack and had lived in
���� peace with it's Israeli neighbors. They had even cooperated with the Jewish
���� Agency and was said by Jerusalem newspapers to have driven out some Arab
���� militants.
���� "No warning was given of an impending attack, although Begin said, 'the
���� villagers had been warned beforehand.' The initial resistance of Deir Yassin
���� was easily overcome, and all the inhabitants were ordered into the village
���� square. Here they were lined up against a wall and shot, one eye witness said
���� her sister who was 9 months pregnant was shot in the back of the neck. Her
���� assailants then cut open her stomach with a butcher knife and extracted the
���� unborn baby. When an Arab woman tried to take the baby, she was shot.
���� According to eye witnesses, female members of this Jewish gang, matched the
���� savagery of their male counterparts. Women were raped before the eyes of
���� their children, before being murdered and dumped down the well and even
���� representatives of the International Red Cross who were inured to scenes of
���� violence became nauseated by what they saw."
���� This information, so reminiscent of the savagery they accused the Nazis of was
���� carefully kept from American Christians, and even after it became known,
���� Judeo‑Christian pastors still continued to refer to them as God's Chosen.
���� Christians have been coerced into full hearted support of Zionism to the tune
���� of billions of dollars each year, by their pastors and believer they are doing
���� God's will by supporting these people who have openly declared their
���� intentions to "drive God from the skies,and destroy White Christian
���� civilization." It is almost impossible to get them to listen to the facts, and when
���� someone comes along who has taken the time and effort necessary to know
���� the truth, especially that of contemporary Jewish history, and tries to warn
���� them, they turn on him with a savagery which is most unChristian. As a
���� result, American Christians have become the most easily subverted people in
�� �� the world, as they are lead to disaster by their church leaders, many of whom
���� know the truth. This refusal to even look for the truth, has caused the
���� condition in the church world, predicted by the Apostle Paul in 2 Timothy 3:5,
���� speaking about religious people. "Having a form of godliness, but denying the
���� power thereof: from such turn away." Again in verse 7 of the same Chapter
���� "Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth."
���� Recently, an advertisement was received from the Jack Van Impe Ministries
���� International, touting a full length video, of a new film, "TRIBULATION". It
���� said, "discover how powerful a force Hollywood (which we know is Jewish
���� controlled) can be for the Gospel." It goes on to say: "If you have ever longed
���� for an exciting high quality Hollywood film that was completely trustworthy
���� to the Word of God ...your wait is over!" It goes on in detail to tell you how
���� you "now have a film that you can share with Christian friends with
���� confidence!" It is about to hit the nation's theaters, but you can get a first
���� glance at it and aid the Van Impe Ministries with a gift of $50.00. It was
���� produced by the Van Impe Ministries, and Peter and Paul La Londe of 'This
���� week in Bible Prophesy'." If you know anything about these so called Christian
���� leaders, you know they are completely sold out to Zionist interests, and
���� proudly proclaim themselves to be Zionist Christians. (This is impossible, for
��� � the Jews do not worship the same God that Bible Christians worship), and it is
���� impossible to follow a false religion as they do and be true to Jesus Christ, no
���� matter what they, and other brainwashed preachers say to the contrary. Here
���� are a few of the things you will see in this film:
��������� 1.) The instantaneous vanishing of 187 million of the earth's
��������� citizens in the RAPTURE.
��������� 2.) A world leader so charismatic and influential that he heads an
��������� apparently inescapable, all destructive global holocaust, while
��������� proclaiming a new era of peace.
��������� 3.) A world where the influence of the Church (Jesus Christ) has
��������� ended, and ethics and morality on longer exists; a realm where
��������� there is no law; no rules except those of an increasingly cruel and
��������� vicious dictator who shows no mercy and had no compassion.
��������� (This my Christian friends, is a word description, of the
��������� International Jewish Slave Plantation, Jack Van Impe, and the
��������� Zionists are working for, where according to their religious book
��������� the "BABYLONIAN TALMUD", when their Messiah, the victory
��������� of Judaism comes, every Jew will have 2,000 goyim, non‑Jew
��������� animals, you and I, as slaves.)
���� As far as I'm concerned, professing Christians like Van Impe, his wife Rexella,
���� and the La Londa Brothers, who have completely sold out to world Zionism,
���� are beneath contempt of decent people, for they are proven traitors to the
���� King they claim to serve, and serve instead His most vicious enemies.
���� On page 240 of Alfred Lilienthal's "THE ZIONIST CONNECTION", he says:
���� "None of the many powerful political lobbies in Washington is better
���� entrenched then the meticulous organized brokers of the Jewish vote. The
���� individual Jew who might not go along with Zionist ideology, is often too
���� cowardly to speak up and take the usurpers of his choice to task, and so the
���� peddling of his vote goes forward. Hence the happy alliance dating back to
���� World War I between the supine American politician and the Zionists, who
���� have controlled the Congress in it's almost 100% Pro‑Zionist stance." It is a
���� known fact that 70 out of our 100 Senators, vote the straight Israeli ticket,
���� causing one high ranking Israeli official to openly boast recently, "We have the
���� best Congress money can buy!"
���� 24.) In the "TALMUD TORCH" a Jewish periodical are the following
���� comments on Jewish law. Compare them with the Ten Commandments of
���� God, given to the Hebrew Moses:
��������� a.) COMMANDMENT VI on (murder): God's Law says, "Thou
��������� shalt not commit murder!" In the SANHEDRIN volume of the
��������� TALMUD 57a, we read: "A Jew is allowed to suppress a non‑Jew,
��������� for it is written, 'Thou shalt do no wrong to thy neighbor' ‑this is
��������� not written concerning the Gentile." In the volume ABODAH
��������� ZARA, 12b‑26b: "Bloodshed is forbidden to a Gentile who may kill
��������� neither another Gentile or a Jew; but it is not forbidden to the Jew
��������� in regards to the Gentile."
��������� b.) COMMANDMENT VII (adultery): God's Law says, "Thou shalt
��������� not commit adultery!" The SANHEDRIN 57a; ABODAH ZARA,
��������� 13b, 26b says: "Theft, robbery, and rape of a beautiful woman and
��������� similar deeds are forbidden to every Gentile towards another
��������� Gentile, and also towards a Jew: but they are allowed to a Jew
��������� against a Gentile." (This is the hypocritical double standard of
��������� Jewry, practiced by Jews in their dealings with non‑Jews and
��������� which has been responsible for their being kicked our of every
��������� country in Europe at some time or other. The Jews, according to
��������� the TALMUD, looks on a Gentile woman as a piece of raw meat,
��������� to be used as he desires, and thousands of decent White girls,
��������� including many Christians, have been seduced by the Jews in
��������� Hollywood, when they sought for fame in the movies. It is also the
��������� major reason Jews head the prostitution and pornography
��������� business everywhere.
��������� c.) COMMANDMENT VIII (stealing): God's law says: "Thou shalt
��������� not steal!" BABA MESIA, 61A says: "It is not allowed since
��������� Leviticus 19:13 says: 'Thou shalt not defraud thy neighbor, neither
��������� rob him.' But these words, says, Jedhuda, 'do not apply to
��������� non‑Jew, because he is not a brother.'" This gives Jews a religion
��������� basis for theft from goyim. It's no wonder Jesus told the Jewish
��������� leaders in Matthew 15:6 ‑ "Ye have made the commandment of
��������� God of non‑effect by your traditions.
��������� d.) COMMANDMENT Ix (bearing false witness): God's law says,
��������� "Thou shalt not bear false witness." THE KOL NIDRE PRAYER,
��������� which is recited by every Jew, religious or not, on the Day of
��������� Atonement, makes all "vows, obligations, oaths and promises
��������� void during the following year." How can we trust a Jewish
��������� Congressman,. Judge, or other official, when they have the
��������� sanction of their god to lie?
���� 25.) Asher Ginsberg, a modern Jewish scribe, on page 42 of "WATERS
���� FLOWING EASTWARD" says: "Our (Jews) countersign is force and make
���� believe. Only force conquers in political affairs, especially if it is concealed in
���� the talents essential to statesmanship. Violence must be the Principle, and
���� cunning and make believe the Rule of governments which do not want to lay
�� �� down their crowns at the feet of agents of some new power. Therefore, we
���� (Jews) should not stop at bribery, deceit, and treachery, when they should
���� serve towards the attainment of our ends. In politics one must know how to
���� seize the property of others without hesitation, if by it we secure submission
���� and sovereignty. Sentences of death are necessary to maintain the terror
���� which tends to produce blind submission."
���� Compare this with the Zionist/Communist textbook on
���� "PSYCHOPOLITICS", page 30 (available from Scriptures for America, P.O.
���� Box 766 La Porte, CO. 80535) "Obedience is the result of force. Concurrent
���� with force is brutality. The most barbarous, unrestrained, brutal use of force if
���� carried far enough, invokes obedience. Any organization which has the spirit
���� and courage to display inhumanity, savageness, brutality, and an
���� uncompromising lack of humanity will be obeyed... If you would have
���� obedience, you must have no compromise with humanity. If you would have
���� obedience, you must make it clearly understood that you will have no mercy.
���� Man is an animal, and in the final analysis understands only those things a
���� brute understands." (Jews consider non‑Jew goyim as animals.) The things the
���� Jewish religion teachers, are the very things they condemn in Nazism.
���� 26.) A few years ago I was verbally attacked by a Jewish Rabbi from Ft.
���� Collins, Colorado, after I had spoken in Pastor Peters, Church of Christ, in La
���� Porte, CO. on the dangers posed by Judaism. He claimed that the "TALMUD"
���� did not contain anti‑Christian statements. Yet a former Rabbi Drach, who
���� converted to Catholicism said in "De l'Harmonie entre: Eglise et la
���� Synagogue", (Paris, 1844, Vol 1, pages 163‑164) "The "TALMUD" contains a
���� great number of dreaming, ridiculous exaggerations, very revolting
���� indecencies, and above all horrible blasphemies against everything the
���� Christian religious stands for."
���� In 1923, when the Jew, Dr. Alfred Luzenszky, translated the "TALMUD" into
���� the Hungarian language, he was charged by order of the Public Ministry, with
���� pornography and corruption of public morals. The Court finding, in part read:
���� "The horrors contained in the translation of Alfred Luzsenzsky are without
���� exception found in the "TALMUD". His translation is accurate, for it renders
���� these passages which are the text of the "TALMUD" in their exact meaning."
���� (German translation in "Der Talmud" in nichtgu discehs Beleuchtung, 1932.)
���� 27.) Another Jewish teaching concerning violence is found in the "TALMUD"
���� volume ABODAH ZARAH, 4b: "Thou shalt surely kill him (the goyim). Thou
���� shalt surely smite him with stones until he die. Thou shalt surely smite the
���� inhabitants of that (Gentile) city with the edge of the sword, destroying it
���� utterly and all that are therein, and the cattle thereof with the edge of the
���� sword. Thou shalt gather all the spoils of it in the midst of the street thereof
���� and shall burn with fire all the city, and all the spoil thereof . ." (This of course,
���� is a counterfeit of the orders Moses gave to Israel when they were ordered to
���� wipe out the wicked inhabitants of Canaan.) With religious teaching such as
���� this, one can understand why the Israelis do not hesitate to bomb an Arab
���� town in Lebanon, killing men, women, and children who have never harmed
���� them. They do not need the excuse of PLO terrorism, which our press loves to
���� exaggerate. On the Arab side those who fight for their homes and freedom are
���� called terrorists, just as those of us who love God, our freedom, and are
���� willing to fight for it, are now considered by our government to be enemies of
���� the State. The Israelis, who do the legalized murdering are considered by our
���� controlled press to be freedom fighters. This is the double speak of Orwell's
���� "1984".
���� 28.) In the "TALMUD", BABA KAMA , 113a, the Jewish Judge is
���� admonished: "If a Jew has a suit against a non‑Jew, you (Jewish Judge) will
���� take the Jew's side as far as possible, and you will, say to the non‑Jew, 'Thus it
���� is according to our Law! If it is possible, according to the laws of the Gentiles,
���� you will also take the Jew's side and say to the Gentiles, 'Thus it is according to
���� your Laws!' If neither of these alternatives is possible, then you must cheat!"
���� 29.) From the "TALMUD", CHOSCHEN ha‑MISCHPAT, 348,1: "A Jew may
���� rob a Gentile, that is he may cheat him, if unlikely to be detected."
���� 30.) To show you how the "TALMUD" is used by orthodox Jews, it might be
���� interesting to note that they have 613 special injunctions given for daily living.
���� 248 are positive injunctions and 365 are prohibitions on what Jews may do.
���� Whether he eats or drinks, dresses, washes, prays, or plays, sleeps or satisfies
���� nature, every act is studied and discussed by the Rabbis in the "TALMUD".
���� Jesus accused them in Matthew 23:25 ‑ "Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees,
���� hypocrites! for ye make clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but
���� within they are full of extortion (robbery) and excess (self indulgence)." The
���� Jewish writer, W. Sambart, writing on the Rothschild family of Europe, head
���� of the International Jewish banking power said: "The last Rothschild of
���� Frankfort, who died in 1901, had a servant walk in front of him and wipe the
���� door knobs before his master's hands touched the surface, as they might have
���� been defiled by unworthy hands. This Rothschild would touch only bank
���� notes which came straight from the Government printing press; he would
���� never touch one that had been in circulation." (You can see what Jesus meant
���� when He referred to them as hypocrites.)
���� 31.) Some say that modern Jewry does not follow the "TALMUD", but
���� Professor Cohen, as a sworn expert, testified before a court in Markburg,
���� Germany in April 1888: "The whole organization of the Jewish community is
���� founded on the Talmud, which one must regard as the source and as the basis
���� of the Jewish religion . . Non‑religious Jews, while not being bound by the
���� Talmud, nevertheless remain within the pale of Jewry, because they accept
���� entirely the Jewish moral law. In this respect, they cling to the Talmud which
���� contains this Law." Jewish religious leaders today call the Talmud "the heart
���� blood of modern Jewry."
���� 32.) The Jewish race is caught in a terrible snare. They believe and teach that
���� they are superior to other people, because their god has decreed that they shall
���� rule over the goyim animals; In one place in the Talmud, I can't recall the
���� exact location, it says that G‑d created the goyim, so that Jews would not have
���� to served by beasts. All their actions consciously or unconsciously are guided
���� by this false image, those of us who know we are true Israel, must be careful
���� that we are not carried away by this same terrible under current. We know we
���� are on the earth for a special purpose, (See 1 Peter 2:9), and are a peculiar
���� people, (set aside by God to be His Ambassadors for the Gospel, not dictators
���� as Jewry teaches.)
���� The major difference between false Israeland true Israel, is that one teaches a
���� religious hate, against that which is good while true Israel is a religion of love
���� for that which is good. We hate all right, but it is in the words of David in
���� Psalm 139:21,22 when he said, "Do not I hate them, O lord, that hate thee?
���� and am not I grieved with those that rise up against thee? I hate them with
���� perfect hatred: I count them my enemies." There is a vast difference!
���� Careful study of contemporary Jewish authors will show you that Jewish
���� writers glory in the common hatred which unites their people against all
���� mankind, and which is consecrated in the pages of the Talmud.
���� One of the best examples of this hatred against an entire nation of people, can
���� be found in the virulent book "GERMANY MUST PERISH!" Written by the
���� Jew Theodore Kaufman in 1941. on page 6, he says, "This war (WWII) is being
���� waged by the German people... she must be prepared to pay the total penalty,
���� and there is only one such penalty ‑ Germany must perish forever! Then on
���� page 22, he goes on:... Germans are an execrable (detestable) people. They
���� think and dream of nothing but chicanery (trickery). Their great joy consists in
���� fault finding, shrieking, and threats The brandishing of clubs; from their
���� mouths, instead of human speech issue the rumblings of artillery and the crash
���� of steel; their life is one perpetual explosion. The German does not live on the
���� heights; he avoids light, and from his hiding place, he picks to pieces treaties,
���� exercises his malign influence on newspaper articles... To love their country,
���� they despise, flout, and insult every other country. They are capable of little
���� else but lying and hatred, even to themselves.
���� "The German has decided that his race has been elected by. G‑d to order the
���� modern world. Anyone who resists him is an arrogant usurper, who ought to
���� be crushed." In the light of what the Talmud. teaches, this seems like the pot
���� calling the kettle black!"
���� Any intelligent person who makes a study of European history, will see the
���� falsehood of his statement, and understand that Kaufman is taking Jewish
���� traits, and transferring them to a people he hates. History proves that
���� Germany was at the bottom of the list of great nations who started wars in
���� Europe, and that they gave the Jews many privileges to become national
���� leaders, which they immediately misused, as they are doing in the United
���� States and other White nations of Christendom today. The day will inevitably
���� come, as it did in many places in Europe, when they will be expelled for their
���� treachery, chicanery, and immorality.
���� In his chapter titled "DEATH TO GERMANY", Kaufman carried his Jewish
���� hatred to the ultimate with a plan for the sterilization of all German males
���� under the age of 60,. and all females under the age of 40. On page 88, he said,
���� "In the span of two generations... the elimination of Germanium and its
���� carriers, will have become an accomplished fact." In other words, Kaufman is
���� supporting planned genocide of those he hates, the very thing the Jews accused
���� Hitler of attempting. What about the 65 million people of German descent in
���� America? (Of which I am a proud part.) Would the Jews eliminate us too?
���� Very probably, if we as Christians opposed their plan for world conquest.
���� In 1921, a Rabbi Green, of the Hampstead Synagogue, near London, proposed
���� to read passages from the New Testament to some of his advanced students
���� over the age of twenty. He was attacked by Jews from all over the world.
���� "THE JEWISH CHRONICLE", London, December 1, 1921, said, "...it is
���� practically impossible to teach the New Testament from anything but a
��� � Christian standpoint as the Gospels are the message of Christianity. We should
���� educate young Jews with Jewish literature, not profane literature which will
���� be harmful and is literally designed for the propagation of a doctrine which is
���� fundamentally subversive to Judaism." In other words, they are afraid for
���� Jewish youth to hear the truth of the gospel message.
���� So you see, no matter what Jewish religious leaders say to the contrary,
���� concerning their desire to cooperate with Christians they still hate Christians,
���� as much as when they killed our leader almost 2,000 years ago. There can be
���� no such thing as Judeo‑Christianity, no matter. how much our religious
���� leaders love to use the term, for Judaism and Christianity are poles apart,
���� headed in opposite directions, and do not even worship the same God. (Billy
���� Graham to the contrary.) How can you believe Christianity came from a
���� religion whose leaders were called children of Satan, by our Lord, Matthew
���� 8:44, Who are you going to believe, some brainwashed, or sold out preacher
���� who calls them God Chosen, our your Savior who said, "Ye (Jews) believe Me
���� not, because ye are not of my sheep," John 10:26.
���� 33.) The Jews claim to have suffered greater persecution than any other people
���� in history, because of their religious belief, this is their claim. Contrary to the
���� preaching of Judeophile preachers like Jack Van Impe, and Pat Robertson,
���� they were not persecuted because they were God's people and Satan's hated.
���� They were kicked out of every nation in Europe at some time or other, because
���� of their rotten business practices, and their immoral filth. Referring again to 1
���� Thessalonians 2:15 "... they (Jews) please not God, and are contrary to all
���� men."
���� Jews appear honored and take delight in proclaiming themselves to be objects
���� of world insults, contempt, and detestation. Hatred of all who are not Jews is
���� their principle of life; money making is their standard of morality, no matter
���� what it takes to get it; the acquisition of wealth and the power that goes with
���� it, this is their goal for existence; gold is their God and their compensation for
���� social degradation, and a vulgar display, their reward for spiritual hardness.
���� As Jesus said to the Pharisees who preened themselves on the street corners to
���� be seen of men: "Ye have your reward!" Matthew 6:2,5,16
���� The only barrier that stands in their way of world control is their fear of
���� detection. This is why they react so harshly against those of us who try and
���� bring our people the truth.
���� While many Christians wonder why German Christians in OneWorld War
���� Germany detested the Jews, and while their minds are perverted by Jewish
���� propaganda coming from their own pulpits regarding such things as the
���� Holocaust, they refuse to look at the facts of Jewish actions in pre‑war
���� Germany, that brought them into such contempt. They will understand much
� ��� better, if World Zionism is ever successful in bringing America, into their One
���� World Government and the International Zionist Slave Plantation. Then it will
���� be too late!
���� In November 1918, following World War I, the German Government came
���� under control of socialists, organized and largely dominated by Jewish
���� revolutionaries. When a Republic was proclaimed in July 1919, they proposed
���� an orgy of fantastic schemes for social Improvements, and redistribution of
���� the wealth (of German White Christians), under Jewish control. One of the
���� most insane of these Jewish schemes was the debasement of the German
���� currency, so that by September 1923, the exchange rate had soared to 160
���� million German marks for one U.S. dollar.
���� With this devaluation came a terrible depression, worse than anything ever
���� seen in this country and which reduced many Christian Germans to the point
���� of starvation, while most Jews lived high on the hog. During this time of
���� trouble, many family heirlooms were sold for a fraction of their value in order
���� to buy a sack of potatoes, or a loaf of bread. It just happened there were Jews
���� on hand who bought up these treasures. Germany's civil life stood on the
���� precipice of anarchy, fear, and lawlessness. It was into this state, brought
���� about by Jewish actions in high government places, that Adolf Hitler stepped.
���� (He was actually brought into power by Zionist money, and was sustained
���� during the first two years of the war by this group, who pitted both sides
���� against each other.) Hitler is hated by International Jewish leaders, not
���� because he exterminated some of their lesser brethren, but because he was the
���� only leader in Europe who opposed Jewish Communism.
���� 34.) It is of further interest to note that the decadence of England began on the
���� date when she bestowed her highest political office on the Jew Disraeli,
���� making him Prime Minister during Queen Victoria's reign. Although he was
���� regarded as a renegade to the Jewish religion and people, he furthered Zionist
���� ambitions.
���� In 1868, for all intents and purposes Britain ruled the waves; she stood at the
���� zenith of her power, without a political or military rival in every department
���� of human endeavor. These were the days when the sun never set on the
���� British Empire. She had indeed risen to the pinnacle of prophesy, to become
���� the great nation and a company of nations, promised to true Israel.
���� Where is her Empire and power today? Why do her people grovel at the feet
���� of a financial dictatorship headed by International Jews? What a pathetic and
���� degrading spectacle she has become from a mighty people who brought forth
���� men such as Drake, Nelson, Marlborough, and Wellington.
���� 35.) What about our own United States of America, and her sister country of
���� Canada? Why is it that in a Christian nation, so called and designated by the
���� Supreme Court, our advisors in every phase of government are faithfully
���� represented by names such as: Baruch, Kahn, Strauss, Breziznski,
���� Morgenthau, Goldenweiser, Margold, Bachnach, Frankfurter, Worlfsohn,
���� Cohen, Lowenthal, Lehman, Rosenblatt, Warburgh, Rosenmann, and the ever
���� present Henry Kissinger?
���� Many of these Jews are and have been open advocates of Communism,
���� Socialism, and the Zionist New World Order. Many like Kissinger, would have
���� been tried, convicted and hung for treason at an earlier time in our nation's
���� history. Now they are revered by the Democratic Party, and many
���� Republicans.
���� The government officials of the United States have been reduced in many
���� instances to servile degradation by these infamous, gold and power hunting
���� aliens.
���� Like the ugly Lenin, Trotsky, and Beria of the Soviet Union, where 3% of the
���� population (Jews), kept the other 97% in servitude to their desires, so in the
���� United States, at least since 1913, their patriotism has been measured by the
���� yardstick of money and power. They are cowards in war and traitors in
���� peace! Our flag, once the proud emblem of a strong nation, means nothing to
���� them, since they have no permanent loyalty for anything except gold and
���� possibly the occult symbol on the flag of the Israelis. History has proven, over
���� and over again, that Jews are every ready to sacrifice the blood of patriots to
���� racial miscegenation, if it furthers their purpose. This is their tribal instinct at
���� work! Their hatred of everything good and everything which stands in their
���� way, is undying and merciless, as shown by their silence economic war waged
���� against Spain, a nation which had given them refuge; and again against
���� Germany, where they had been treated with respect. Always in the annals of
���� history, Jews have been known for biting the hand which fed and nourished
���� them!
���� The Jew tolerates no opposition of any kind, whether in business or in politics.
���� In accord with the unscrupulous methods taught in their Talmud, much of
���� their religious life is taken up, not in preparing there people to meet God, or in
���� helping their fellowman, but in acquiring a monopoly over everything which
���� will give them power. From the smallest retail store, to the greatest department
���� stores in the nation, the Jewish idea of the gelts the thing, is paramount.
���� They have taken charge of America's Labor Unions, and once proud
���� American laborers have had their ideals as makers, doing a task of which they
���� were proud, changed into getters, who are interested in "getting by with the
���� least amount of work possible," while putting out an often shoddy product.
���� The Jew dominates the legal profession where unlimited possibilities are
���� available for graft, greed, and the exercise of their ungodly talents against
���� unsuspecting Christians.
���� In medicine, they run the abortion clinics which yearly murder over 2 million
���� unborn babies, while their propaganda mills, convince foolish Gentile women
���� that it is all right to murder their unborn child, if it ~& unwanted or a burden.
���� They control the drug industry which yearly filches billions of dollars from
���� American pockets, often for drugs which do no good, or are actually harmful,
���� while suppressing those which could help.
���� All these things, and more, are carefully set up in the "PROTOCOLS OF THE
���� LEANED ELDERS OF ZION." While these may not be authentic, as the Jews
���� and their Christian stooges aver, it is interesting to note how World Zionism
���� has been following them like a blueprint for a 100 years. They are a perfect
���� expression of an organized political, religious, and financial machine set up for
���� Jewish World control!
�� �� It has been Jewish influence and control of the media, which has reduced this
���� proud Republic into the shambles of a Democracy, which today stands on the
���� verge of the anarchy of socialism.
���� In 332 B.C. the Greek philosopher Aristotle rightly defined a democracy, as "a
���� depraved, combination of low birth, ignorance, mass supremacy, and
���� arithmetical equality." Aristophenes, in 380 B.C. described the democratic
���� leaders of Athens as, sausage dealers, unqualified demagogues, and
� ��� unmitigated scoundrels. Could this be what Jewish influence in America has
���� done to our Congress?
���� With few exceptions, our Congressional leaders care more about their position
���� and prestige, than they do their duty to their country. It is proven by their
���� actions.
���� Have you ever wondered why with a relatively low annual salary, a man of
���� moderate means can be elected to Congress and after two or three terms they
���� have a summer home at Martha's Vineyard, drive two Mercedes and have
���� become multimillionaires? Is it because of their business acumen, which they
���� never revealed before, or because they have become lackeys of the master of
���� gold?
���� The arch enemies of true Americanism are socialism, which seeks to
���� overthrown governments by deceptions; Zionist controlled Communism,
���� which seeks to overthrow by force; Pacifism which seeks to overthrow by
���� cowardice; Labor Unionism which seeks control of labor, and Judaism which
���� seeks control by any means, including all of the above, as long as it benefits
���� Judaism and their long range plans for world control.
���� In the United States, much of our population has bent over backwards to
���� apply application of Christian principles to our problems, until Jewish
���� interference in our education and religious systems began to change our
���� outlook from one of absolutes concerning good and bad, to the Jewish idea of
���� shades of gray, sometimes known as situation ethics, where the answer to a
���� moral problem lies not in what is right or wrong, but in the situation that
���� caused it. This has permeated even the Christian church world along with the
���� teaching of the evolutionary theory, that man is after all nothing but a
���� graduate animal, who under pressure will always act like a beast. In their
���� textbook on "PSYCHOPOLITICS", page 41 ‑ "In order to be conquered a
���� nation must be degraded, either by acts of war, by being overrun, by forced
���� into humiliating treaties of peace, or by the treatment of the populace under
���� the armies of the conqueror... By attacking the character and morals of man
���� himself and by bringing about through contamination of youth, a general
���� degraded feeling in a nation, command of the population is facilitated to
���� marked degree... Nations with a high ethical tone are difficult to conquer, their
���� loyalties are hard to shake... what they call their spiritual integrity cannot be
���� violated by duress (force). It is not efficient to attack a nation in such a frame
���� of mind. So it is the basic purpose of Psychopolitic to reduce that state of mind
���� to the point where it can be ordered and thus controlled. Thus the first target
���� must be man himself. He must think of himself as an animal, capable only of
���� animalistic reactions. He must no longer think of himself, or his fellows as
���� capable of spiritual endurance, or nobility."
���� The Christian world has become cursed with too much faith, hope and
���� charity; too much love, mercy, and kindness; to much mushy sentimentality
���� and toleration, to where Christian THIS America has dropped her spiritual
���� standards and compromised with evil and evil men in order to gain. a
���� measure. of security. When the Oklahoma City tragedy took place a few years
���� ago, President Clinton told the nation, "the time has come when we must be
���� willing to give up some of our freedoms in the cause of security." Yet the pages
���� of history are full of examples proving that compromise with evil, for any
���� reason, always leads to disaster.
���� The three steps to compromise can be found in Psalm 1:1 "Blessed is the man
���� that (1) walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor (2) standeth in the way
���� of sinners, nor (3) sitteth in the seat of the scornful." First one begins the
���� downward road to destruction by sitting with evil men, from there it is an
���� easy step to holding dialogue with them, and from there logically sitting down
���� with them as they plan your destruction. Christians of all people should
���� understand this, yet they seem the easiest at times to fool!
���� There has been no force more clever than Judaism, in using this formula for
���� the compromise and subversion of the Christian faith, until today much of
���� Christianity has become a study in compromise, in getting along with the
���� enemy, rather than make waves.
���� Ben Freedman recognized this and on page 6 of his book "FACTS ARE
���� FACTS", he said, "When the day arrives that Christians can no longer profess
���� their Christian faith as they profess it today in the Free World, the Christian
���� faith will have seen the beginning of it's last days. What already applies to
���� over 50% of the world's population can shortly equally apply to 100% of the
���� world's population. It is highly conceivable, judging from present trends. The
���� malignant character of this malady (Judaism) is as progressive as cancer. It
���� will surely prove fatal also unless steps are taken now to reverse its course.
���� (This statement was made in October of 1954, and International Zionism has
���� made tremendous progress since then.)
���� If you refuse to accept his evaluation, then ask yourself why many fine
���� Christians will usually without question, support Judaism, when all they need
���� to do is read their Bible to see how Jesus condemned it, and when from Jewish
���� statements made openly, they know of Jewish desires to destroy White
���� Christian civilization? It seems incredible to me! Yet it is standard teaching in
���� a majority of denominational churches, that modern Jews are indeed the
���� Chosen People of the Book, and they have milked billions of dollars from
���� Christian coffers and into the pockets of those who hate their King.
���� Continue on to Part 2
���������������������������� ZIONISM
������������������������������ Part 2 of 4
������������ by Lt. Col. Gordon "Jack" Mohr, A.U.S. Ret.
���� 36.) There is probably no better example of how Jewry works, than in the life
���� of infamous Russian leader, L.D. Trotsky (whose real name was Leo
���� Bronstein).
���� It seems incredible that the son of a greedy Jewish landlord, known for his
���� exploitation of his neighbors and his hired help, should ever become the
���� world's foremost radical leader and trouble maker. It is even more incredible,
���� when one considers that he was able to concentrate international attention on
���� himself, after he had clearly demonstrated his disregard for all human rights
���� and every principle of justice and decency. What is more, this Jewish devil in
���� human form, succeeded in winning the sympathy of millions of Liberals, who
���� today look on him as a martyred saint.
���� While this Jewish apostate of Communism lived in Mexico, according to his
���� own claims, he lived in a luxurious villa, and had the use of a sumptuous
���� railway car, furnished by the Mexican government, which took him wherever
���� he wanted to travel.
���� It soon became apparent that the Jewish radicals who prattle about their love
���� for the poor and downtrodden, see nothing wrong with spending huge sums
���� of money for their own personal gratification.
���� B. Stalberg, an American Jewish writer, felt urged to tell the public. He said,
���� "The reasons for his (Trotsky's) career lie in his personality, in his many sided
���� genius, as a historian, an indomitable revolutionary, and a man of action."
���� Some people, especially Trotsky's fellow Jews, found these traits inspiring.
���� Intellectuals who wanted to save the world, saw Trotsky as a latter day
���� Messiah.
���� The average, decent person who takes the time to look at this Jew as he really
���� was, and as he pictured himself in 'his writings, would have second thoughts.
���� He was probably one of the most brazen political criminals of all time. He
���� epitomized all the traits of Talmudic Judaism.
���� One of his earliest exploits was to infiltrate Russian Protestant religious Circles
� ��� which at the time were being persecuted by the Russian Orthodox Church,
���� and spread seeds of discontent. He succeeded in perverting the meetings of
���� sincere Russian Christians, who were mostly simple unlearned peasants and
���� laborers, bringing them into the revolutionary movement.
���� When he was apprehended by the Czarist police and exiled to Siberia, he
���� escaped with the help of his wife, who was a Jewess. Later he married another
���� Jewess, Sedova Rosenfeld, a revolutionary he met. in Paris.
���� In the later 1800's, Trotsky was financed by a wealthy Jew, a Dr. Herzenstein.
���� It was about this time that the infamous documents called "THE
���� bringing consternation to the Jewish world. While every effort was made to
���� suppress these as a forgery, and this is supported by most of the Fundamental
���� Christian world, there are many other essays, books, and reports from this
���� same period, many coming from Jewish sources, which pointed to a clique of
���� Jewish megalomaniacs (those who have a feeling of omnipotence), who
���� religiously believe they are destined to rule the world, and imposed their
���� desires on all mankind. (Of course this is one of the central teachings of the
���� Babylonian Talmud.) This Jewish clique, centered in the Zionist Movement
���� possesses and controls the bulk of the world's wealth, and through this they
���� control democratic government everywhere.
���� This secret band of super‑criminals, finance and start wars and commit
���� innumerable atrocities on a vast scale against anyone, as long as it furthers
���� their ambitions to control.
���� In all fairness, I believe it should be pointed out, that the little Jew, the one
�� �� you and I are most apt to rub shoulders with, knows little if anything about
���� these schemes, even though its principles are regularly taught in the
���� Synagogue.
���� At this time (1905), London was the money center of the world, and as a
���� result the center of world Jewry. (Today it has been moved to New York City.)
���� There was an inborn antagonism for the Jews among the Russian people, due
���� to their exploitation of the peasants. Whether this dated back to the Khazar
���� conquests of large portions of Russia in the 8th Century A.D. I do not know.
���� At this time, the Khazar Empire, which was a heathen people, converted to
���� Judaism en masse, and it became their State religion. The deeply religious
���� Russians, have always looked on the Jews as the murderer of Christ. So the
���� forces of International Jewry had a double purpose in Russia ‑ the destruction
���� of the ruling classes and the complete elimination of Christianity.
���� Trotsky surrounded himself with a mob of boot lickers, criminals, and
���� inculcated in them his Jewish hatred. By this he was able to maintain a
���� constant slaughter of Christians and never ending epoch of terror.
���� By 1917, Trotsky had become editor of the Jewish Daily "NOVY MIR" in New
���� York City, and when the Russian‑Revolution broke out in 1917, there was
���� ample evidence pointing to the fact that the ruin of Imperial Russia, had been
���� the goal of Jewish groups such as the Zionists, B'nai B'rith, Alliance Israelit
���� Universelle, and other Jewish movements.
���� A Jewish International banker, Jacob Schiff of Wall Street, who was closely
���� allied with other powerful International Jews, such as the Warburgs of New
���� York, and Hamburgh, Guggenheim, Kahn, and others. It was this same group,
���� headed by Jacob Schiff who as head of Kuhn, Loeb, and Company, had
���� floated Japanese war bonds in 1905‑06, which brought about the Russian
���� defeat in the Sino‑Japanese War. This laid the foundation for the Jewish
���� Bolshevik Revolution of 1917.
���� When Jewish efforts dethroned Czar Nicholas II in 1917, Jacob Schiff and
���� those allied with him in the German Jewish Westphalia‑Rhineland Syndicate;
���� the Lazare Brothers of Paris; the Ginsbergs of Petrograd, Paris, and Tokyo;
���� Spencer and Company of London, New York, and Frankfort, and the Nya
���� Bankers of Stockholm were ready for the Revolution the Jews had worked so
���� long to bring about.
���� It would take volumes of books to reprint the documentary evidence that it
���� was International Jewry that wrecked Imperial Russia, in a deliberate attempt
���� to bring about world rule by Communism, and ultimately Zionism. For
���� decades their motto has been: "First we will conquer Europe, then Africa and
���� Asia, and when the United States and Canada are surrounded, with no allies,
���� they will fall into our hands without firing a shot." They are close to a
���� successful accomplishment of their Age old plan now.
���� International Zionism chose the unscrupulous Trotsky, then in exile in Mexico,
���� to carry out their wishes in regard to controlling Russia. At the turn of the
���� Twentieth Century, Russia and Germany were the two strongest Christian
���� nations on the European continent, and were earmarked for slaughter.
���� In April 1917, Jacob Schiff made a public statement to the effect that it was his
���� financial help (a contribution of 20 million dollars in gold) which made the
���� Russian Revolution a success. His claim was interesting enough to be
���� supported by "THE JEWISH AMERICAN REGISTER", of 1917‑18, pages
���� 1018,1019, which stated: "Mr. Schiff has always used his wealth and influence
���� in the best interests of his people (Jews). He financed the enemies of autocratic
��� � Russia and used his influence to keep Russia from the money market of the
���� United States."
���� In March 1917, Trotsky arrived in Russia, coming from the United States with
���� the Schiff gold and over 240 Jews which had been recruited from the riff‑raft
���� radical Jews of New York's east side who had joined the Bolshevist Party in
���� the United States and were primed with revolutionary ideals. They stopped in
���� Newfoundland by Canadian Custom Inspectors, and released on pressure
���� from the American State Department, which even then was under Jewish
���� control. On arriving in Germany, they were placed in a sealed boxcar, under
���� Germany Government protection and sent on to Moscow.
���� The New Bolshevist Government which was established, according to Robert
���� Wilton, a Russian correspondent of the "LONDON TIMES", was made up of
���� 552 important functionaries. He wrote: "...there was 17 Russians, 2 Ukranians,
���� 11 Armenians, 35 Lets, 15 Germans, 1 Hungarian, 10 Georgians, 3 Finns, 1
���� Karain and 457 Jews."
���� When World War II ended in 1945, the head of every Communist State behind
���� the Iron Curtain was a Jew, and most important functionaries in these
���� countries were Jews. They are responsible for the murder of at least 140
���� million people since 1917, many of them Christians. (This substantiates Jesus'
���� accusation against then in Matthew 23:35.) These statements are history and
���� are not open to question. They far outnumber the questionable figure of 6
���� million Jews who died in the so called Holocaust of WW II, yet it is the Jewish
���� figure which keeps being forced down our throats by the media, who say very
���� little if anything about the much larger number of Christians murdered by
���� Jews.
���� The authoritative Jewish viewpoint towards the Soviet Union is explained in
���� the "THE UNIVERSAL JEWISH ENCYCLOPEDIA" where it states in
���� concluding remarks on Karl Marx: "the one country which professes official
���� allegiance to Marxist teachings is the one where anti‑Semitism had been
���� outlawed." (Volume VIII, page 390) In his book "THE JEWISH PEOPLE FACE
���� Alexander Bittleman, the affection of a large number of American Jews is
���� expressed in these words: "If not for the Red Army, there would be no Jews in
���� Europe today, nor in Palestine, nor in Africa, and in the United States, the
���� length of our existence would be counted in days. The Soviet Union saved the
���� Jewish People!"
���� Bittleman admitted indirectly, that he was not speaking for all Jews. It is
���� interesting to note, that according to the "AMERICAN ZIONIST
���� HANDBOOK", 68‑70% of American Jews have relatives living in the Soviet
���� Union. This very probably means they are of Khazar descent (Ashkenazi
���� Jews), and therefore have no Abrahamic blood in their veins, and no official
���� claim to Palestine. Every Israeli Prime Minister. has come from this heathen
���� background.
���� In recent months, a great propaganda campaign has been underway in
���� America, trying to convince American Christians, that Jews in Russia are
���� today under intense persecution and danger. I recently received a letter from a
���� Protestant TV pastor, Dr. James Kennedy, asking for funds to transport Jews
���� from Russia, either to Palestine, or to the Promised Laud of America. Yet
���� recent intelligence information (1985) indicated that of 23 Politburo members
���� (ruling government in Russia), 17 were Jews. Today 90% of the Russian
���� Ambassadors are Jews; nine out of ten of their highest military and police
���� leaders are Jews, as are the top men in their intelligence apparatus, the K.G.B.
���� Other top members such as the Director of Foreign Operations and the
���� Finance Minister are Jews.
���� 37.) The Jewish claim that: "Wars are the Jews Harvests," made by a Rabbi
���� Reichorn, at the funeral of another Rabbi in Prague in 1868, can be
���� substantiated by much documented evidence. As early as 1937, our
���� government, in the face of violent opposition by the American people, had
���� already determined to get us involved in the European war against Germany.
���� While President Roosevelt was giving his famous fireside chats, in which he
���� promised Americans: "I hate wahl and will nevah send American boys to fight
���� on fawn soil. Nevah! Nevah! Nevah!" He was already working with Winston
���� Churchill of Britain to bring us into the war. He was backed by his chief
���� Jewish adyisors. There is little doubt that F.D.R. got us involved to gratify his
���� vanity over his third term election and to please his Zionist mentors. These
���� facts are carefully documented in the book "FIFTY BILLION DOLLARS",
���� written by Jesse H. Jones, former Secretary of Commerce and published by
���� Macmillan Company in 1951.
���� Regardless of F.D.R.'s denials, and he was not the first or last American
���� President to lie to the American people, he was eager to get us involved in
���� World War II and make him the first third term President in our history. Some
���� of you may remember the Democrats war cry of this period: "We can't change
���� the horses in the middle of the stream!"
���� The powerful Zionist controlled elements in the Democratic Party, regarded
���� with composure, and even some enthusiasm, the killing of as many Christians
���� in Europe as possible, and the elimination of what they called the hated Aryan
���� race. This hatred of all things German and White, did not come because of
���� Adolf Hitler, but because Germany was the only Christian nation on the
���� Continent at this time which stood up against International Jewry and
���� attempted to stop it's march towards One World conquest.
���� In 1942, when American General George Patton, and British Field Marshal
���� Montgomery, came up with a plan to attack Germany through the soft under
���� belly of Europe, it was vetoed by F.D.R., Churchill, Eisenhower, and of course
���� Stalin. Instead they held out for the Normandy invasion month's later, which
� ��� gave Stalin the opportunity to consolidate his hold on Eastern Europe. It also
���� cost millions more in lives, and countless billions of dollars, most of it coming
���� from America.
���� When I mentioned Aryans, I am referring to the racial stock, that made up
���� most of original America, I prefer Adamic ‑ English, Irish, Scotch, Welsh,
���� German, Dutch, Scandinavian, Latinos, Slavs, and those of like descent.
���� The Zionist power bloc in our Congress, demanded the Unconditional
���� surrender of Germany as World War II came to a shuddering close, and the
���� implementation of the infamous Morgenthau Plan, (drawn up and supported
���� by Jews). This actually stiffened German resistance and lengthened the war,
���� adding to the slaughter, to International Jewish delight.
���� The American soldier of World War II was taught to kill the enemy! rather
���� than fight for a cause. This is a Talmudic teaching through and through. It
���� also cost the blood of thousands of Americans, Englishmen, Frenchmen,
���� Italians, Scandinavians, and Germans, in a fratricidal war against our kind,
���� for alien benefit. Many times as I look back on the statement by my hero
���� General George Patton, I remember how he said, "I have come to the
���� conclusion that we fought on the wrong side in this war!" I am inclined to
���� believe him, as it unleashed Zionist/Communism on the world and cost
���� millions of lives and billions in national wealth. Only one people benefited
���� from it. The International Jewish bankers who were responsible for it in the
���� first place.
���� It is interesting to note how the Talmudic philosophy of killing the goyim, was
���� practiced by the allies against the undefended Christian City of Dresden,
���� Germany, and against Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan.
���� Jewish hostility towards the German people has been boiling up for centuries,
���� and this racial strain today which makes up 25% of our population. The Jews
���� still hate us with the special virulent hatred which can only be found in the
���� Talmud.
���� If you refuse to believe this, take time to read some contemporary Jewish
���� literature and see contemporary Jewish produced movies. The White Adamite,
���� is always portrayed as the aggressor, while the poor Jew and colored, is the
���� victim. Nothing is ever said about the overwhelming ratio of deaths on the
���� White side. This falsehood is even carried over into many Christian churches.
���� The German people in particular are always pictured as the Bad, goose
���� stepping, booted Nazi bullies. Can you imagine the screams of Jewish
���� anguish, which would come if a Christian source would produce a true movie,
���� showing Jewish atrocities against Christians?
���� When Roosevelt took America into World War II, he set himself up, not
���� against the enemy of our nation, for Nazi Germany posed no more a threat
���� against the Christian West, than Saddam Hussein posed in the Desert Storm
���� action. He set himself and America's might against a Christian nation of our
���� kinfolks, who next to the English had provided most of the bloodstream that
���� made America great. He set us up as the allies of the anti‑Christ's who hated
���� our God, and who threatened to drive God from the skies, while they
���� destroyed white Christian civilization, which had given us our freedom. So
���� thorough was the enemy psychopolitical attack against us, that even our
���� church leaders cooperated in this ungodly action. The sad thing is, that even
���� now, when they know we were wrong, they insist on helping the ungodly.
���� Our Christian leaders need to take a hard second look at 2 Chronicles 19:2
���� "...Shouldest thou help the ungodly, and love them that hate the Lord?
���� therefore is wrath upon thee from before the Lord." Then to compound our
���� sin, we recognized the anti‑Christ State of Israel in Palestine in 1948, and we
���� have been on the downward spiral ever since. Jerry Falwell one of the so
���� called Christian leaders involved in this surrender to evil and a leading
���� Judeophile, has stated that God has blessed America, because we showed
���� kindness to the anti‑Christ's of Judaism. (Quoting Genesis 12:3 loudly and
���� long. Never telling his people that Abraham was not a Jew, and was never
���� connected to the aliens who now pose as His Chosen people.) Any close and
���� honest look at contemporary American history since 1948, will belie this false
���� statement.
���� The reason World War II was fought was not only to fatten the purses of the
���� International Jewish arms merchants, who supported both sides of the
���� conflict, but was for the purpose of annihilating Germany, which was the
���� historic bulwark of European Christianity. Germany had to go, to make way
���� for the Zionist New World Order. To be successful, they knew that Germany
���� must be destroyed in Europe, and Canada and the United States in the New
���� World. They had already destroyed the great Russian Christian Empire and
���� we are next on their agenda according to many public statements and books
���� written on the subject. Already America is an occupied country, under Zionist
���� control, and only the Christian Patriot, who is willing to fight for his God and
���� his freedoms stand between them and success. Already these are being
���� harassed by an evil government, and are represented to the nominal Christian
���� world, as hatemongers, and a threat to their security.
���� Already the Judeo‑Christian world is being brainwashed to fulfill Christ's
���� prophecy in John 16:2 ‑ "...the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will
���� think that he doeth God service."
���� It was the implementation of the Morgenthau Plan that implemented wide
���� spread violence and looting, and brought Germany to the verge of starvation.
���� There is much evidence to collaborate this. At the end of World War II,
���� Germans were forced to furnish displaced persons with food at the rate of
���� 2000 calories a day, while the German population scarcely subsisted on
���� 900/1100 calories.
���� Why were our German kinsmen treated with such inhumanity, while the
���� enemy in Japan, who had treated our prisoners with inhuman brutality, were
���� accorded preferential treatment?
���� Was it because as President Roosevelt said one day in jest: "A little dove flew
���� into the Presidental window and warned me against being too lenient with
���� the Germans." That little dove, was no doubt the Jew Morgenthau's personal
���� representative in the European theater of Operations, who was intent on
���� bringing Talmudic justice against a Christian nation.
���� All the facts coming from World War II, show that it was not fought to make
���� the world safe for democracy, as we were told, or to protect our nation from a
���� Nazi invasion. It was fought to further Zionist/Communist plans for World
���� Conquest, while weakening the power of the Christian world to stand against
���� them. It is sad to see the large number of Christian leaders in America, who
���� have become traitors and completely disregard the warning given in 2 John
���� 10,11 ‑ "If there come any unto you, who bring not this doctrine (that Jesus is
���� the Son of God), receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed
���� (help him in anyway): For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his
���� evil deeds." To me this means that if you help the anti‑Christs of Judaism in
���� any way, then God will hold you accountable for the millions of unborn babies
���� murdered in Jew owned, Jew runned abortion clinics; He will hold you
���� accountable for the youth who have been set on the road to hell by Jewish
���� supplied drugs, pornography, prostitution, and the Satanic influence of Rock
���� and Roll, all promoted by Jews. Think seriously about this. It will be too late
���� when you face Him one day.
���� 38.) Since World War II, Zionist power has kept the American people in the
���� dark regarding their nefarious purposes. In 1950, a well known war
���� correspondent publicly stated in Dallas: "Zionist propaganda is whitewashing
���� the State Department... ‑ the free American mind has been sacrificed we can't
���� resist because we don't have the facts to go on." You won't get the truth, by
���� listening to Peter Jennings, or "60 Minutes" on TV, for they are in the Zionists
���� pockets. It would mean their job if they were to tell us the truth.
���� This censorship and propaganda has been carried over into the church, where
���� most of our so called Christian people, have been brainwashed, into believing
���� the lies of the enemy, that our worst enemies are God's people, when our
���� Savior exposed this falsehood. Yet fallible men and women, prefer to believe
���� their sold out pastor, rather than the Son of God. How can you deal with
���� people in this frame of rebellion?
���� Today in America, the anti‑Christ's have been elevated as heroes who must be
���� protected at all costs, while the true Christian Patriot is spat upon and
���� degraded!
���� A few years ago, when I attempted to expose the truth regarding Jewry in the
���� Ft. Collins, Colorado area, I was attacked, not so much by local Jews, as by
���� members of the Ministerial Alliance. When I invited them to attend a breakfast
���� in which we would discuss our differences, not one of them responded. It
���� became quite evident that they did not want to learn the truth, if it was
���� contrary to what they had been taught in their church. This brings to mind
���� Jesus' words to the Pharisees in Matthew 15:3,9, when He said to them, "Why
���� do ye also transgress the commandment of God by your tradition?... But in
���� vain they do worship me, (God) teaching for doctrines the commandments of
���� men." Religionists haven't changed all that much in the last 2000 years.
���� A Unitarian pastor in Ft. Collins said, "From a historical point view, Mohr's
���� ideas are rubbish. A variety of charges leveled against the Jews have been used
���� as a tool to exploit the ghetto."
���� A Lutheran pastor said: "There is no question that there is a continuous line of
���� descent from Old Testament times to the present in Jewish history," yet even
���� the Jewish leaders admit the falsity of this teaching, as they acknowledge that
���� at least 90% of those who call themselves Jews today, are of Ashkenazi
���� background, which means no blood relationship to Abraham.
���� The President of the Evangelical Ministerial Fellowship stated: "Mohr's theory
���� of the ten lost tribes being Israel is a perversion that has caused me grief."
���� The Ft. Collins area Interfaith Council, a coalition of 28 religious bodies,
���� approved a formal response to my message which said: "We are united in
���� rejecting all forms of racism and anti‑Semitism, and deplore the acceptance of
��� � these in the name of religion."
���� Another formal statement by the Presbyterian Church said: "Mohr's message
���� did a grave disservice to the Gospel." Yet these religious leaders apparently are
���� not concerned that their false teaching, going against what their Savior said, is
���� harming the church.
���� What was the message that I preached at La Porte? It was a statement of
���� proven facts, without name calling or rancor, regarding the openly espoused
���� plans of International Jewry to destroy white Christian civilization, and a
���� plea to our people to counteract this through obedience to God! These
���� Christian leaders in their effort to protect the anti‑Christ's of Judaism, were
���� willing to go against the teachings of their Savior. Sadly, and frighteningly
���� strange isn't it?
���� The pastor of the La Porte Church of Christ, Pastor Peter Peters, who
���� sponsored me said, "If you read the New Testament Scriptures objectively, you
���� will find that the Jews were outraged nearly 2000 years ago, when the truth of
���� God's Word was proclaimed. Jesus outraged them and they murdered Him,
���� because they refused to accept the truth. Stephen outraged them for the same
���� reason and they stoned him to death; the Apostle Paul outraged them by
���� saying that "they pleased not God, and were contrary to all men," and finally
���� had him executed. He went on, with a bit of justifiable bitterness to say, "I
���� wonder if Jesus doesn't think shamefully of Christians. who never heard Mohr
���� speak, yet judge him so harshly and condemn him on hearsay evidence. Mohr
���� fought and suffered for this country, and he loves his Savior and God's people.
���� I wonder if my church and I would be getting this harassment, if the guest
� ��� speaker had been for gun control, and had been espousing homosexuality as
���� an alternate life style. Could it be that the Inter‑Faith Ministerial Alliance
���� would have covered the expenses for such a speaker?"
���� 39.) Many American Jews believe that Zionism was created by Theodore
���� Hertz, in the 19th Century. He was the father of modern Zionism. He brought
���� to the surface, a Jewish Movement which had been underground and kept
���� secret since at least the 1st Century A.D., but which goes back possibly as far
���� as 590 B.C. when the Jewish people first formed in Babylon, under their false
���� religion of Judaism. It was here that the "BABYLONIAN TALMUD" was
���� begun, which was finished a thousand years later at the Jewish Seminary in
���� Alexandria, Egypt.
���� The dream of Zionism is based on a particular interpretation of the Old
���� Testament. Most Jews, and many Christians believe that God gave the land of
���� Palestine and much of the land now owned by the Arab nations to Abraham
���� and his fleshly descendants. This is a religious belief. The Jews are careful not
���� to point out that the vast majority of so called Jews today, possibly 90%, have
���� no blood connection whatsoever with the seed of Abraham, and Jacob, Moses,
���� etc., were not Jews. There was no people known as Israelites until the time of
���� Abraham's grandson Jacob, whose name was changed by God from Jacob to
���� Israel.
���� There were no people anywhere on earth named Jews, until 1200 years after
���� the time of Abraham, when they first showed up in Scripture in 2 Kings 16:6,
���� fighting against Israel.
���� In all probability the word JEW was not used in the English language before
���� 1700, as it did not appear in any of Shakespeare writings (1564‑1616 AD.), or
���� in the first English dictionary, or in the 1611 King James Version of the Bible.
���� The word used there was JUDEAN, which means "an inhabitant of Judea",
���� and does not have the religious meaning given to it today.
���� Most Judeo‑Christian preachers will tell you that the modern Jew has a
���� rightful inheritance to real estate in the land of Palestine, because God gave it
���� to Abraham. This doesn't hold water when one considers that very few of the
���� modern Jews have any connection to Abraham.
���� It is this false belief which has been used to create Christian support for the
���� anti‑Christ's of Zionism, and aid them in their plan of World Conquest. It has
���� been responsible for most of the blood shed on earth in the 20th Century.
���� If the Middle East situation deteriorates into World War III, we can honestly
���� say it was caused by Christians who carelessly handled God's Word.
���� Wars are for the most part caused by two things. The real explanation and the
���� phony one which sounds plausible and acceptable, even when it's false. It was
���� on this false pretext that we were suckered into World War I and II. We were
���� told that these were wars to end all wars, and make the world safe for
��� � democracy, when in reality they were wars planned by the International
���� shakers and movers, to gain the world's wealth and with it the power to
���� control nations and people. The end result being their One World
���� Government.
���� These International conceived ideas appealed to Christian Americans in
���� particular, who were sick of war, and received the support of many of them,
���� Many of the cream of American manhood died, or were maimed, because we
���� allowed ourselves to be tricked into war by the pressure from the
���� internationalists.
���� This was not why these wars were fought. Neither World War I or II were
���� fought for American interests or to protect our American sovereignty. They
���� were used foremost to bring into being the counterfeit bastard state of Israel in
���� Palestine. Our preachers and politicians say they are our only allies in this
���� area, when we know they have stabbed us in the back many times, while
���� siphoning off our national wealth, and selling our military secrets to our
���� enemies. With friends such as the Israeli, who needs an enemy? The real
���� reasons for war are seldom given by our leaders, since the masses of the people
���� who are called upon to fight and support the war effort, would rebel if they
���� knew the real reason. I sincerely doubt that if I had known Roosevelt's real
���� reason for getting us involved in World War II, that I would have gone to the
���� Recruiting Office, soon after Pearl Harbor, with my heart full of Patriotic
���� fervor, thinking I would be fighting to save America, when it was actually to
���� further the aims of the Internationalists.
���� Few Americans realized that the war in Vietnam was not fought over
���� Communism, but over tin. South Vietnam was rich in tin, Red China wanted
���� it, but so did a very powerful clique of International Jewish businessmen. You
���� can guess who won out. Many of out top military leaders in Vietnam resigned
���� in disgust when they found out that American troops were there, not to stop
���� the spread of Communism, but to guard the tin mines until such a time as they
���� had been stripped of their ore.
���� During those trying days, we heard much about the immorality of the war,
���� and it was an immoral war. Not because we fought Communism, not because
���� we fought to defend an ally, but because we allowed our boys to fight and die
���� in a war our leaders never intended to win while the International Jewish
���� power men who pulled the strings of government, got rich on the loot they
���� were stripping from South Vietnamese mines, and the armament they sold to
���� our Communist enemies in Russia and China, that killed Americans in South
���� Vietnam.
���� We let South Vietnam go, because our government never had any intentions of
���� winning in the first place, and it was only a holding action, until the
���� Internationalists got what they wanted.
���� Likewise, the so called Korean Police Action fought 1950‑53 was not to save
���� South Korea from a Communist invasion, but to protect some of the richest
���� gold deposits in the world, which Internationalists needed for their plans.
���� At this time the politicians in Washington publicized the Domino Theory,
���� telling the American people that we must fight the Communists to keep all
���� Southeast Asia from falling into their grasp. When that was not the real
���� reason for fighting. We need to remember, that the "Talmud" teaches these
���� men to be absolutely amoral. There is no law but their own; they answer to no
���� god, but their greed for gold and power. To them, the end justifies the means,
���� even if it means millions must die as a result. It's hard for the average decent
���� person, even the non‑Christian to understand this. I believe we have such a
���� man at the helm of America now in the person of President Bill Clinton. In
���� spite of his professions of faith in God. I believe he was so well trained in
���� Talmudic principles as a Rhodes scholar, that he would deliberately destroy
���� America if he doesn't get what he wants. Not judging, but by their fruits shall
���� ye know them.
���� Go back in history for the last 100 years and you will find that every war we
���� have fought has been for the false principles of International Zionism. The
���� Civil War was not to free the slaves, or even over the issue of slavery, but over
���� the matter of states rights. The Spanish/American War, World War I and II,
���� Korea, Vietnam ‑ none of these were fought for the well being or safety of
���� America.
���� The present trouble in the Middle East, which could easily escalate into World
���� War III is being fought for the benefit of "those who say they are Jews, and are
���� not, but do lie, and are of the Synagogue of Satan." (Revelations 3:9) We are
���� not spending millions of American dollars each month to bomb Iraq because
���� they pose a threat to us, but to the Israeli, who come first in our government
���� calculations. The misery and deaths of millions of innocent Iraqi men, women,
���� and especially children, means nothing to them, as long as their enemy is held
���� in check.
���� When history books give you a reason for war, it is usually couched in terms
���� favorable to the winner. Justice and truth is seldom given to the loser's cause.
���� If you study modern college history books, you will know why. You would not
���� recognize them when comparing them with those written 75 years ago. A
���� good example is a high school history book I saw in a New Jersey High school
���� following the Korean War. I was scheduled to speak to a large history class on
���� the reasons we fought in Korea. While waiting for the teacher to escort me to
���� the classroom, I picked up a copy of a High School history book, and being a
���� Revolutionary War buff, I turned to that part. Imagine my surprise and
���� disgust to read, "many things you have read about this war are not true. It has
���� been proven for instance, that Paul Revere did not ride the night the British
���� attacked Concord and Lexington, to warn the people, since he was drunk in
���� bed with a prostitute in Boston that night." No proof, just this statement!
���� This is why I have written this book, and gone to such lengths to document it.
���� First, I want you to think for yourself, second, I want you to find out what
���� God's Word says about the state of current affairs, thirdly, I want you to take a
���� stand as Christian men and women to stop this evil which is engulfing us.
���� Only by doing this, and obedience to God, will we remain free!
���� Today the Judaism known in the Old Testament is as dead as the proverbial
���� dodo bird. It can never be revived. The religion known as Judaism, is as I have
���� shown an alien, occult, heathen religion of violence, hatred and treachery
���� against all mankind who are not of their clan, with special virulence towards
���� Christians whom they hate above all others.
���� There may be some superficial similarities between modern Judaism and what
���� Moses taught. Modern Jews do not follow the teachings of Moses, as we
���� Christians have been led to believe. Jesus clearly showed this in John 5:46, "For
���� had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me: for he wrote of me." There
���� is much similarity between modern Judaism and the ancient Pharisee of 2,000
���� years ago, and Jewish authorities say they are the same.
���� It seems strange and sad, to see intelligent Bible scholars and pastors, who
���� claim Christ as Savior, who accept Old Testament Scriptures which were
���� fulfilled in Jesus, yet they refuse these same Scriptures when applied to true
���� Israel, and credit them to the anti‑Christs of Judaism instead.
���� To further complicate matters, they insist that the pseudo Jews who fulfilled
���� none of the prophetic fingerprints of Israel in this Age, and who have proven
���� themselves to be Christianity's bitterest enemies, yet they dignify and honor
���� them by calling them God's Chosen.
���� Recently I spoke to a Fundamentalist pastor of a great Midwest church who
���� was prominent at that time in the Moral Majority. He was bewailing the fact
���� that although he had supported the Jews, they were his bitterest opponents.
���� why? he cried in obvious confusion. Yet when I pointed out that this was the
���� nature of the Talmudic beast, and that it fulfilled all the requirements of the
���� anti‑Christ, he refused to accept it and when I read 1 John 2:22,23 to him,
���� "Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that
���� denieth the Father and the Son. Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not
���� the Father: [but] he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also." When I
���� asked him if the Jews filled this description, he got angry with me.
���� How in the world could the Word be any plainer? Referring back to 2 John 11,
���� remember if you help these anti‑Christ's in any way, you automatically
���� become partaker in their evil deeds ‑
���� If anyone of you who read this book believe that present day Judaism is based
���� on the books of Moses, what we call the Pentateuch, then you probably also
���� believe in the tooth fairy.
���� It is a fact, which few Christians seem to understand, that most Jews know
���� very little about the Old Testament. Someone once said, "A Fundamentalist
���� Christian is one who believes the Bible from cover to cover, but knows very
���� little about what's in between."
���� This may be somewhat of an exaggeration, for I know many Fundamentalists
� ��� like Jack Van Impe, Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, and David Webber, who are
���� educated men, who seem to be following the formula mentioned by the
���� Apostle Paul in 2 Timothy 3:7 "Ever learning, and never able to come to the
���� knowledge of the truth." I am of the opinion that most of these don't want to
���� know the truth, for it might force them to change their minds. This isn't easy
���� to do, as I can testify from sad personal experience.
���� I believed some of the fables concerning the Jews being God's Chosen for 45
���� years, and preached them, not because I could find them in the Book, but
���� because I thought they were there. That's what my church leaders said and
���� they were the experts in God's Word, so I believed them. So why should I
���� worry over whether they were telling me the truth? It took the dynamite of
���� God, through a traumatic experience in my life, to blow away the Jewish
���� fables, to where I can now read my Bible and see what its really says, not
���� what some preacher or Bible scholars says it says. I have had concerned
���� friends ask me if I wasn't sorry for having accepted the Kingdom Identity
���� Message? and I must honestly say, that after 18 years in Identity, you could
���� not pay me to go back to the weak and beggardly elements, of
���� Judeo‑Christianity.
���� The average Jews knows very little about the Mosaic teachings, although they
���� may be well versed in the absurdities of the Talmud. According to their own
���� figures between 70% to 80% of the Jewish people are either agnostics or
���� outright atheists. They go to the synagogue on the Day of Atonement to say
���� the Kol Nidre Prayer? which absolves them from keeping any promises they
���� make in the coming year. This allows them to lie and cheat the stupid goyim,
���� it is to their advantage. They say they follow the Old Testament, because that's
���� what the Rabbis tell them, yet few of them know what it really teaches, and
���� they are being fed the occult falsehoods of the Talmud.
���� It's the same with many Christians, they believe a certain way because they
���� have a Scofield Bible and that's what Dr. Scofield says in his footnotes, and if
���� he said it, it must be true! Few of them are honest or concerned enough to
���� check out this charlatan and see the kind of man he really was, if they knew
���� the true about him, they would be shocked and disgusted, and would not be
���� so anxious to propagate his often false teachings.
���� Since World War III may very well hinge on what the Bible foretells, it would
���� behoove thinking, caring Christians and Jews alike, to find out what Scripture
���� really says.
���� I dare you to take this book we call the Bible and sit down with a good
���� concordance and without any preacher looking over your shoulder telling you
���� what it means, and see for yourself. This is what the Apostle Paul meant when
���� he told the young pastor Timothy, "Study to shew thyself approved unto God,
���� a workman that needeth not be ashamed, rightly dividing (handling) the word
���� of truth." (2 Timothy 2:15) Many Christians read God's Word, but few are
���� honest and concerned enough to really study it.
���� We Christians in 2000, are a lot like TV viewers. The President makes a
���� speech, and immediately some high paid commentator comes on to tell us
���� what the President meant. They evidently feel that us common folks can't
���� understand plain English. The same is true of many church goers, they listen
���� to a sermon and believe it because their pastor said it was so. Very few of them
���� bother to check and see if he is teaching Scriptural truth. In this manner
���� apostasy creeps into the church and ruins it's witness, as Christians are led
���� astray by fables, instead of the truth!
���� During the Dark Ages, the Roman Catholic church believed that only a priest,
���� trained in their seminaries, was capable of reading and interpreting the Bible.
���� The Bible was chained to the pulpit, so that the average Christian could not
���� read it. It was also written in Latin, which the average person didn't
���� understand. In this way, the church could change Scriptures at it's whim, to
���� follow the encyclicals that came down from Rome. Many of it's teachings such
���� as the "Assumption of Mary", and the teachings regarding Purgatory, were
���� not taught in the church until hundreds of years after it's formation. The
���� protestant church, which broke away from Rome during the Reformation has
���� done very little better! They still accept and believe Jewish fables.
���� Many Christian pastors, especially those in the lucrative field of TV
���� evangelism, refuse to preach the whole counsel of God's Word, because it
���� would cut them off from national TV which is controlled by the enemies of
���� Christ.
���� In Jeremiah 23:22, we are told that if the pastors of Israel would, "if they had
���� stood in my counsel, and had caused my people to hear my words, then they
���� should have turned them from their evil way, and from the evil of their
���� doings." This hasn't happened and is a terrible indictment against the message
���� being preached in our Christian churches today. It's the basis of the corruption
���� we see in America as this millennium begins ‑
���� In all due honesty, many Christian pastors know little more about their Bible
���� than their parishioners do, for they too are influenced by what mentors have
���� taught them. Why bother to check out the Book for themselves when some
���� seminary professor has done the work for them?
���� They are so busy with the demands of modern church life, weddings, funerals,
���� visiting the sick, counseling, and all the important Rotary Club meetings, that
���� Sunday rolls around and they have not prepared their Sunday sermon. NO
���� WORRY! On their bookshelf is a book by Doctor So and So's sermon outlines.
���� It gives them the text, illustrations to use, and even a few funny stories that
���� may tickle the congregations fancy. In thirty minutes the pastor can prepare a
���� thirty minute sermon to use on Sunday. The problem is, what he gives his
���� people is what the good Doctor believes, and this is not necessarily what is in
���� God's Word.
���� I could go on and on about the general ignorance in God's Word, displayed by
���� a majority of church goers, Jew and Christian alike, but I want you to
���� understand that Jews do not believe and follow the Old Testament.
���� 40.) Since World War II, the power of International Jewry has expanded
���� enormously until today, in the United States, we see a special virulent form of
���� anti‑Gentilism in operation. (By anti‑Gentilism, I refer to anything which is not
���� Jewish in origin.) While the Jews continue to do business with the goyim, they
���� hate and despise us secretly, especially if we are Christians, and many times
���� this hatred creeps into the open, especially when it concerns Christians who
���� have the courage to expose their plans for World Conquest.
���� For far too long, through the power of their purse, and fear of the Jews
���� syndrome, they have brainwashed normal patriotic and intelligent Christians
���� into supporting those who hate and are trying to destroy them.
���� These sheep like Christian brethren are under pressure from anti‑Christian
���� forces which exerted this same pressure and terror against that little band of
���� Christians who first made up the nucleus of the Christian church in the 1st
���� Century A.D.
���� We see the fear they generated in John 20:19, which tells about the experience
���� of these first Christians: "Then the same day (the day of the resurrection) at
���� evening, being the first day of the week, when the doors were shut where the
���� disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews,..." It was into this fearful
���� assembly that the resurrected Christ came, and oh how we need to hear His
���� reassuring voice today as He said to them, "Peace be unto you." We need to
���� listen to this voice in the fear filled days of 2000. How our average Christian
���� people need to get their eyes off the alien Jews, and focus them on their King!
���� It seems almost as though Kosher Christians like Jerry Falwell, who brag about
���� being a Christian Jew, are offering salvation to America through the Jews,
���� rather than through Jesus Christ. Recently he has been making overtures
���� towards the Sodomites, inviting them to his church for a meeting of
���� reconciliation, when he knows, God's Word says they are worthy of death!
���� (Romans 1 :32). Why does Falwell preach what he knows is a false gospel? Is
���� it because he knows this will please the Jews, and wants to stay in their good
���� graces?
���� Why does Billy Graham, preach a watered down Gospel he knows is false, in
���� order to fill the football stadiums? He has publicly said that the Jews do not
���� have to come to God through Jesus Christ, although for years he preached the
���� truth, that, "No man cometh unto the Father but by me (Jesus)", (John 14:6).
���� Why does he teach that interracial marriages are all right, if both parties are
���� Christian, when he knows God looks on this as a cardinal sin and His Word
���� teaches otherwise? Could it be that he is more interested in the praise of men,
���� than the approval of God? Why do these men and others like them say that
���� America will be saved if we are kind to the anti‑Christ's of Jewry?
���� I have received many letters from the Billy Graham Crusades asking for money
���� as it repeats over and over again, ad nauseam the lie that the Jews are God's
���� Chosen. Yet you can find no place in Scripture where it says this.
���� If American Christians would only understand the truth, that Jewry has spent
���� billions of dollars to put the stupid goyim asleep, while they are being
���� destroyed, they would never have been able to hide their nefarious plans
���� behind a smoke screen of religion.
���� The Jew Rosenthal in the shocking Rosenthal document said, "Money is more
���� important to us than morality. We can accomplish anything with money. We
���� are proving that in Israel where its strength against attack is a permanent state
���� of war readiness. We can now win in any encounter and the kibbutz raised
���� intellectual elements are going to build that small country into a Middle East
���� wonderland. It will eventually be the base for World Government
���� Headquarters." What does God's Word say about this? Study Malachi 1:2‑4,
���� especially verse 4 ‑ "Whereas Edom (true Jews are Edomites, see John 8:33)
���� saith, We are impoverished, but we will return and build the desolate places;
���� thus saith the Lord of hosts, They shall build, and I will throw down; and they
���� (true Israel) shall call them (Jews). The borders of wickedness, and, The people
���� against whom the Lord hath indignation (anger) forever." So much for your
���� Chosen People Theory!
���� I am not one of those equally brainwashed people who believe that the Jews
���� and the aliens are the source of America's problems. I believe, with a great
���� deal of Scriptural backing, they are the effect of White Christian disobedience
���� which the cause of our problems. God is using them as a disciplinary tool to
���� bring His people back into obedience to Him.
���� If our White Christian people ever understand who we are and our
���� responsibilities to God and our fellowmen, then we will understand that the
���� blessings and curses of Deuteronomy 28 were meant for us, as well as for our
���� ancient forebears, and we will be well on our way to putting our only
���� FORMULA FOR SURVIVALinto operation. 2 Chronicles 7:14 ‑ "If my
���� people, which are called by name (Christians), will humble themselves, and
���� pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear
���� from heaven, and will forgive their sins, and will heal their land."(Emphasis
���� mine)
���� I realize that many Christians who read these words, if you have had the
���� courage to read this far, do not expect to be around when this trouble breaks
���� like a tidal wave over America. It can come at any time, and you are not going
���� to be rescued by some supernatural Rapture, which is taught nowhere in
���� God's Word. How can you have the nerve to believe that you will be taken out
���� of this trouble, when it has been your Christian apathy that has caused it?
���� How can you look at the millions of Christians who have suffered for Him,
���� and believe this? Have you ever "suffered unto blood, striving against sin?"
���� (Hebrews 12:4)
���� In 1933, a much maligned man named Adolf Hitler began to see the truth in
���� Germany. He made plans to kick the money changing troublemakers out of
���� Germany. There is no documented evidence that he planned to eliminate the
���� Jews, as we have been so religiously told, and if you are honest and willing to
���� do some background study you can see this. If you look around America, you
���� will find many of the Six million who were supposed to have died in the
���� Holocaust, now making a living off their horror stories, while nothing is ever
���� said about the millions of German people who were murdered by the allies
���� during the war and afterwards.
���� America has gone past the place reached by Germany in 1933. We are very
���� close to the point of no return, if we have not passed it. There is only one hope
���� left for us. It is not in the election of a new government, although this is very
���� important. It is not in return to the Constitution, although this would alleviate
���� many of problems. We are past the place where these things will bring us
���� peace and safety. The International Jewish Talmudists have too much of a
���� strangle hold on America. We stand on the same spot our founding Fathers
���� stood in 1776. The only way we will have the country return to decent
���� government and a decent country, is when White Christians in America, first
���� learn the lesson of obedience to God, and then if necessary, under HiS
���� command, take our nation back by force from the aliens who have invaded us.
���� Our battle cry, needs to be that of our forbears: "Resistance to ungodly
���� tyranny, is obedience to God."
���� I forgot, many of you good christians will have been Raptured away to the
���� never, never land call heaven before this time comes. While the rest of us poor
���� suckers, who have tried to oppose the enemy will suffer under the hellish
���� persecution of the anti‑Christ. (A clever twisting of the Scriptures can produce
���� this belief.) It has turned millions of potential soldiers of the cross, from front
���� line combatants who are occupying until He comes, into spiritual foxhole
���� dwellers, who hide in a comfortable spiritual foxhole while the battle rages
���� folding your holy hands in prayer, while you ask Jesus to rescue you from the
���� results of your own selfish apathy. I hardly believe it will work this way. No
���� matter what your pastor tells you. For as Jesus discussed these days with His
���� disciples in Matthew 24:21,22, He said, "For there shall be great tribulation,
���� such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever
���� shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be
���� saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened." (No place in
���� Scripture are the Jews ever referred to as the elect.) This is a term indicative of
���� Sonship, which can only come from complete sell out to the King. I believe it
���� goes far beyond being merely born again. It means turning our life over to the
���� King, and to stop doing our own thing. Many Christians talk about wanting a
���� mansion over the hilltop that is silver lined, when their Christian life has been
���� a straw gathering one, and this is the shoddy material they have sent to build
���� their heavenly home. Paul talks about this in 1 Corinthians 3:13 ‑ "Ever man' S
���� work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be
���� revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is."
�� �� Verse 15 ‑ "If any man's work (hay, wood, stubble) shall be burned, he shall
���� suffer loss: but he himself himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire."
���� 2 Timothy 2:12 ‑ "If we suffer (endure), we shall also reign with Him: if we
���� deny Him, He also will deny use:" (We deny Him when we seek relief from
���� occupying until He comes!)
���� Revelations 3:21 ‑ "To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with Me in my
���� throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in His
�� �� throne." You won't rule and reign with Him by being a foxhole dweller. No
���� where are Christians granted relief from persecution. For He said, "As they
���� persecuted me, so shall they persecute you, Rejoice and be exceeding glad: for
���� great is your reward in heaven:"
���� Acts 5:41 ‑ "And they departed from the presence of the council, rejoicing that
���� they were counted worthy to suffer shame for his name." This was after they
���� had be beaten by the Jews religious leaders.
���� When the Apostle Paul asked God to relieve him of what he called a thorn in
���� the flesh, he received this reply: "My grace is sufficient for thee: for my
���� strength is made perfect in weakness."
���� We know people will be saved during the Tribulation for John in his revelation
���� vision saw vast numbers of them (Revelations 7:14).
���� So before you are fooled by a false doctrine that says you will be saved from
���� the tribulation, ask yourself: "Why should God save me, when I've done very
���� little for Him? I've never really suffered for Him, while millions down through
���� the years died for Him?" Some are even today being persecuted by Jewish
���� Communism."
���� Was Romans 8:17, written for some other Christians besides you? ". . if so be
� ��� that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together."
���� How about Philippians 1:29 ‑ "For unto you (born again Christians) it is given
���� in the behalf of Christ, not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for his
���� sake;"
� ��� Listen to me, my Christian friends, very carefully. Do you "glory in tribulation
���� for His sake?" as we are told to do in Romans 5:3 or are you hiding in your
���� comfortable, air conditioned spiritual foxhole, praying for Him to rescue you?
���� Christians who do this demand our pity, for they will never receive the Lord's
���� approval. It could be that they may be among those who will tell the Lord
���� how much they have done for Him, only to have Him say: "And then I will
���� profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity."
���� (Those who have refused to obey Me.) (Matthew 7:23)
���� Ask yourself honestly. If my pastor lied to me about the Jews, could he also be
���� lying about the Rapture? It's a great tool for an evangelist to use to get people
���� to come forward to the altar, but it's a false promise. I'm ashamed to say that I
���� used it effectively many times, before I learned the truth.
���� What do you actually think, Jesus meant in Luke 21:12, when He said, "But
���� before these (remember He was talking about the tribulation, in which there
���� would be wars, famines, earthquakes, pestilence, and fearful signs in the
���� heavens), they (ask yourself who this they may be) shall lay their hands on
�� �� you, and persecute you, delivering you up to the synagogues,..." There is only
���� one people who worship in synagogues. Be honest now and realize that Jesus
���� is speaking about intense, Jewish persecution of Christians, not only in the
���� First Century A.D., but in these last days. Your pastor can't honestly get
���� around this by any amount of religious waffling.
���� 41.) Nothing will be accomplished if Christians continue to deceive themselves.
���� It may frighten you to face the horrible truth, but the facts will not change
���� because you don't like them.
���� Some Christians have read the remarks made by the wealthy Jewish writer
���� Marcus Eli Ravage in the January issue of the "CENTURY MAGAZINE",
���� 1928. Here he admitted that all our wars and revolutions have been caused by
���� Jews.
���� The well known French author, L.F. Celine, in his book "THE SCHOOL OF
���� CORPSES", writes: "All wars, all revolutions, are positively nothing but
���� programs (organized massacres) of Gentiles, arranged by Jews."
���� Samuel Untermeyer, a very powerful and influential Jew, stated in the "NEW
���� YORK TIMES", August 7, 1933, "The Jews are the aristocrats of the world."
���� They love to brag about their superiority over the stupid goyim. Referring once
���� again to the Harold Rosenthal Document, page 10, he says, "There will be
���� forced class warfare here in the United States and many will be liquidated.
���� You will unquestionably be among them. We Jews will not be harmed! I'm not
�� �� boasting now! I'm giving facts! It's too late for you Christians to put up a
���� defense. That time is long past. Long, long ago we Jews had to become the
���� aggressors. That undoubtedly is one of our great purposes in life. We are
���� aggressors!" He continues on page 16 ‑ "We have castrated society through
���� fear and intimidation. Its manhood exists only in combination with a
���� femanized outward appearance. Being so neutered, the populace has become
���� docile and easily ruled. As all geldings in nature, their thoughts are not
���� involved with concerns of the future and their posterity, but only with present
���� toil and the next meal."
���� I though about this the other day, as an underdog University of Arkansas
���� football team, defeated #3 university of Tennessee in a trilling football game
���� 28‑24. The crowd of some 55,000 went absolutely wild, and the Arkansas
���� coach actually broke down in tears. Dignified men and women, noted for their
���� composure, went wild, and acted like little children. Yet I sincerely doubt, that
���� you could get 500 of that crowd, to attend a meeting, where present day
���� problems were discussed from a Christian viewpoint. They just don't care
���� about anything but that which brings them momentary pleasure, and have
���� lost that important value in life called proper priority!
���� The RAPTURE DOCTRINE has supported Rosenthal's report by appealing to
���� this non‑Biblical doctrine, which allows Christians to escape from the
���� responsibility they have of obeying God's Law here on earth. It is another of
���� those Jewish Fables, (Titus 1:14) made especially for the gullible goyim to lead
���� them astray.
���� The following letter, written by a wealthy Jew in the 1940's shows how a
���� concerned Jew feels about his own people: "By our arrogance, we Jews are
���� responsible for a rapidly growing wave of anti‑Semitism, and, what is even
���� more dangerous to us, Gentiles are discovering that anti‑Semitism is a
���� misnomer invented by us to cover up our own anti‑Gentilism.
���� "Among educated Gentiles, are many who know that Syrians, Arabs,
���� Ethiopians, Absynnians, and millions of Levanties are also Semites, and that
���� the term anti‑Semite, once a smoke screen, is rapidly turning into a fire.
���� Further, millions of Gentiles have studied the "PROTOCOLS OF THE
���� LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION", which we have endeavored in every possible
���� way, by spending huge sums of money, to discredit as a forgery. We must
���� admit, that in no instance have we been able to disprove this document.
���� "It is more than asinine for a group of professional Jews to admit, and even
���� prove (in the Jewish magazine, "MEDICAL LEAVES", Volume IV, page 143,
���� 1942) that the Protocols were actually written by a scholarly Jew, Dr. Eli de
���� Cyan in Paris
���� "You recall that Protocol IX says that the term anti‑Semitism is our creation.
���� 'De facto' we have already wiped out every kind of rule except our own...
���� Anti‑Semitism is indispensable to us, for the management of our lesser brethren.
���� "Recall also Protocol V, in which we shall increase and intensified governments we can
���� control; then take a close look at the New World Order.
���� Continue on to Part 3
���������������������������� ZIONISM
������������������������������ Part 3 of 4
������������ by Lt. Col. Gordon "Jack" Mohr, A.U.S. Ret.
���� "It is interesting to note that in 1920, Pope Benedict XV called attention to the need for
���� a family of nations, to safeguard society. The later, the Pope warned against: 'The
���� advent of a Universal Republic, which is longed for by all the worst elements of
���� disorder, and confidentially expected of them.'
���� "Why then do we see in 1941, Pope Pius XII speak in favor of World Union?
���� "The explanation can be found in Louis Ferdinand Destrouche's book "THE
���� SCHOOL OF CORPSES", page 198, where he says, "Nothing is more Jewish than
���� the present Pope, whose real name is Isaac Ratisch. The Vatican is a ghetto. The
���� Secretary of State of the Vatican, Pacelli, is also a Jew.
���� "Gentiles who know this are beginning to understand why Pope Pius XII is advocating
���� a global Super Power directed by a handful of men for an unscrupulous dictatorship,
���� although the Catholic Church has always been considered as a bulwark against the
���� monstrosity of a World Government.
���� "A French priest told me that Jews were responsible for the starvation and torture of
���� German prisoners in France, where he saw many who looked like skeletons. (Of
���� course you never hear about this in the controlled media or in TV, where it is always
���� the poor, persecuted Jews, who are shown and many of these are posed pictures.)
���� "Churchill was a Jew ‑ blood through his Jewish grandmother, and President
���� Roosevelt's Jewish ancestry in no longer secret, since this revelation was published in
���� the Washington Star, February 29, 1936.
���� "General Dwight Eisenhower was known at West Point, as 'the terrible Swedish Jew',
���� and his hatred for the German people was well known. In a letter to his wife Mamie, he
���� wrote, "God, how I hate the Germans!" (UNQ)
���� "Eisenhower's actions after the war prove this Jewish hatred and desire for revenge
���� against the German people, as he deliberately allowed over 2 million soldiers and
���� civilians to starve to death, in a planned program of extinction." (See "OTHER
���� LOSSES", by James Bacque, of Toronto, Canada, for confirming statistics.)
���� While we are told in 2 chronicles 7:14, that humbleness is one of the ingredients that
���� brings healing to any nation or people, we have seen very little of humbleness on the
���� part of White Christian Israelite Americans who still make up the spiritual strength of
���� America. Instead, we often see an overwhelming pride, which must cause a stench in
���� the nostrils of God Almighty. Men like Dr. Billy Graham may fill football stadiums,
���� while men like Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell speak to full, large church audiences,
���� and charlatans like Paul Crouch of TBN and Jack Van Impe, may speak to millions
���� over controlled TV, this is not the sign of spiritual success, or God's approval. It means
���� they are conforming to the world, in order to be popular. That the approval of men,
���� means more to them than the approval of God. "For by their fruits shall ye know them."
���� We pray, Yes we do! We hold National Days of Prayer, where millions gather and fizz
���� for an hour or two beseeching God to save them from the horrible results of their own
���� Christian apathy. We hear very little about truth, that obedience must accompany
���� prayer to be successful!
���� Very few of our so called Christian people consciously seeks God's face, and will in
���� their life. This is proven by the fact that they refuse to give up doing their own thing,
���� whatever that may be, to follow Him in obedience!
���� You may believe that I am being prejudicial and judgmental, which to many in the
���� Judeo‑Christian church is a cardinal sin, although Christians are told in 1 John 4:1 ‑
���� "Beloved, believe not every spirit (spoken word), but try (test) the spirits whether they
���� be of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world." Just because
���� some preacher states something in the truth, doesn't necessarily mean it is true. It must
���� confirm completely to what the Word of God says. How many of you who have read
���� thus far have taken the time and effort to check out the veracity of your pastor's words.
���� This doesn't mean that you don't trust and believe him, unless he's given you reason to,
���� but that you are "shewing yourself approved unto God; a workman that needeth not
���� to be ashamed, handling rightly the Word of Truth," (2 Timothy 2:15). If most
���� Christians did this, their pastors would be inclined to check out what they were
���� teaching.
���� So we gather at some Interfaith Pray Meeting, and listen as some national figure, it
���� might well be a Jewish Rabbi, who speaks to us about the necessity of love and deeper
���� understanding between religious bodies, when we fail to realize we are forgetting the
���� warning of 2 John 11, that if we give them God speed, in any way, we become
���� partakers in their evil deeds. They wonder why God does not hear and answer our
���� prayers.
���� So we mix the heathen element of the country. We listen to their music and allow our
���� children to play it in our homes, even buying it for them. We often use heathen
���� terminology in our everyday conversation; we follow the same lustful pleasure the
���� Babylonian system offers, and wonder why God does not hear and answer! Our nation
���� has become Africanized in the last fifty years, in a so called Christian effort to show
���� brotherly love, to many who hate Him, and wonder why our children have turned into
���� savages. They follow the lusts that are brought forth from their Satanic African rock
���� and roll music. How many of us even play it in our churches under the excuse, we
���� need to get the young people into church and it's better to have them listen to it, when it
���� has Christian words, than to listen to it at some honky tonk. The Apostle Paul
���� condemns this in Romans 3:8, when he says that we must be against those who say,
���� "Let us do evil, that good may come?" That those who do are under just condemnation.
���� As for American Christians turning from their wicked ways. Most of them have been
���� having too much fun, under the Babylonian System. Ask the average teenager what
���� they want most out of life, and they will probably tell you: "We want to have fun and
���� live life to the fullest." This is what has prompted such popular ads, as "You only go
���� around once in life, so live with gusto!" To you're come a long way baby!, Don't let
���� those Christian fuddy duddies spoil life for you! Their parents are just as bad, for when
���� they have a sizable nest egg, laid away, they say: "I'm fixed for life, I can take it easy
���� now!" Jesus told about such a man in Luke 12:19,20 who said, "I have much goods
���� (wealth) laid up for many years; I'll take my ease; eat, drink, and be merry." And God
���� spoke to him in verse 20 ‑ "...Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee:
���� then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided?" Verse 21 ‑ So is he that
���� layeth up treasures for himself, and is not rich toward God." In other words he puts
���� himself and his family, before God. There are those in the Kingdom Movement, who
���� do this. They preach about how necessary it is to preserve the Constitution, and this is
���� important; they want to preserve freedom, and this is desirable, but they have an
���� improper priority, and do not understand that in order to have these good things they
���� so desire, they must put God first in their lives. If we can get our White people to
���� understand and do this, the battle will be more than half won!
���� For over eighty years, Americans have danced to the music of the Babylonian
���� symphony, and enjoyed it. Now it appears that we must pay the band, and the price is
���� horrendous. It may mean loss of freedom, or for some of us loss of life. Has it been
���� worth it? Of course not! But like our stiff necked Israelite forbearers, we still do evil in
���� the sight of the Lord, and God must discipline us, because we are His children and He
���� loves us, (Hebrews 12:6,8). (Also take time to read the ancient history of our people
���� in the book of Judges.) Notice how many times it says, "And Israel did evil in the sight
���� of the Lord, and the Lord sold Israel into the hands of their enemies!" Must this be
���� repeated before we learn our lesson? Must we be knocked to our knees, and have
���� our nose rubbed in the dirt, before we will listen to God, obey, and be saved, both
���� spiritually and physically?
���� There is a key verse to survival found in Galatians 6:7. It was written to, and for, and
���� about White Israelites in the church at Galatia: "Be not deceived; God is not mocked:
���� for whatsoever a man/woman soweth, that shall he/she also reap." It goes on to say
���� that if we sow to our fleshly lusts, whether it may be sex, riches, worldly popularity,
���� etc., we will sow corruption, but if we sow spiritual things, (put God first in our life),
���� we will reap life everlasting. Then Paul encourages Christians by saying, "And let us
���� not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not." We have
���� far too many weary willies in the church these days, who want Christ as Savior, all
���� right, but they want Him as a sort of Celestial Fire Insurance Policy to keep them out of
���� hell. They do not want Him as King, although they may sing about it in their church, for
���� when He is King, He must take first place in our life, before everything else; before self;
���� before wife or children; before our country. He must have first priority in our lives.
���� When we give Him this proper devotion, then: "all these other things will be added unto
���� us," Matthew 6:33.
���� If we refuse to obey, according to Deuteronomy 28:49,51 we can expect Him to, "
���� bring a nation against thee (Israel) from far,... as swift as the eagle flieth (possibly an
���� airborne invasion?); a nation whose tongue (language) thou shalt not understand; A
���� nation of fierce countenance, which shall not regard the person of the old, nor shew
���� favor to the young: And he shall eat the fruit of thy cattle, and the fruit of thy land, until
���� thou be destroyed:..." Is this what you want for America?
���� Stop here and take some time to study Ezekiel 38,39, this attack which will come
���� against the Israel nations of White Christendom, not the anti‑Christ's of the Israeli in
���� Palestine, will come in the latter days. I believe history and Bible prophesy proves we
���� are living in those times.
���� Anti‑God Communism is not dead, even though conservative newspapers like the
���� "Spotlight" say it is. It has merely changed it's name and now masquerades under the
���� title of International Zionism. It has the same purpose as Communism. That is World
���� Conquest.
���� "THE AMERICAN HEBREW", the leading Jewish newspaper in America, in it's
���� September 10, 1920 edition stated: "The Bolshevik Revolution was the work of Jewish
���� brains; of Jewish dissatisfaction, of Jewish planning, whose goal was to create a New
���� World Order. What happened in Russia, shall also through this same Jewish mental and
���� physical force, become reality in America, and all over the world."
���� Ask yourself why since 1987, when the Communist world was supposed to have come
���� to pieces, the Communist breakaway nations of the old U.S.S.R. (all of whom are
���� headed by hard nosed Communist Jews), have increased their aggressive military
���� strength by 30%, while the United States has reduced ours to it's lowest level since
���� World War II?
���� While we have not built a nuclear carrier in the last decade, these Communist nations
���� are floating two per year. While our submarine force has been practically disarmed by
���� Presidential order, and we built no nuclear subs in the last decade, they are turning out
���� two a quarter, all offensive weapons.
���� Back in 1945, Dmitri Manualisky, a Russian Diplomat who was the head of the United
���� Nations Security Committee, said, "We are not strong enough to attack now. So we
���� will offer the Free World unheard of peace overtures, and the Christian Capitalist
���� nations, stupid and decadent, will leap to become our friends. They will willingly
���� cooperate in their own destruction. Then when their guard is down, and they have gone
���� to sleep, we will smash them with our clenched fists!" The Bible says of people who are
���� not on the alert, 1 Thessalonians 5:3 ‑ "For when they shall say, Peace and safety;
���� then sudden destruction cometh upon them . . . and they shall not escape."
���� Whether you want to accept it or not, the Zionist/Communist invasion has already
���� begun. They are here with their military and their heavy equipment, training on
���� American bases for the day when they will be called on by their Zionist overlords, to
���� take over this once Christian nation.
���� As I write this, there are already more than 80,000 Russian troops on American soil,
���� using our railroads and highways, and training on our air bases; yet the traitors in the
���� White House, and many in Congress refuse to admit this truth, and call those of us who
���� sound the alarm to warn our people, of coming danger; extremist terrorist who are a
���� danger to our country. This is the Orwellian method of double think, and double speak!
���� Are they preparing for that day when the enemy will think an evil thought and say, "let
���� us go up against a land of unwalled villages, where the people are at rest: and take a
���� spoil of cattle and goods." (Ezekiel 38:10,11) There is no way this Biblical description
���� fits the land of Old Palestine, as our JC pastors teach. It fits North America to a
���� "Tee".
���� We know that since World War II, thousands of enemy agents have infiltrated our
���� nation and the government. Many of them are trained in the art of warfare. Over
���� 50,000 Russian Jews have been given free access to this country, although our State
���� Department knows many of them are practicing Communists. Are they preparing for
���� the day when their overlords will sound the attack?
���� With the promises available to us from the Scriptures, which we know will work,
���� because God cannot lie, why do our people, especially professing Christians continue
���� on the path to National suicide? I know some say, "It won't happen to us, for there are
���� too many born again Christians in America," while others take comfort in a FALSE
���� RAPTURE and believe they will be gone when it happens. It seems like the height of
���� stupidity, and in my opinion it is!
���� One of the sins that Israel committed when they worshiped the golden calf in the
���� wilderness, was that of unashamed nakedness, Exodus 32:25 says, "and Moses saw
���� that the people were naked; (for Aaron had made them naked unto the shame among
���� their enemies:)" It was then that in great anger Moses broke the tablets of the Law that
���� God had given to him. Have we learned anything since 1491 BC? Apparently not, for
���� today we see so called Christian women and girls, on the summer beaches, and
���� swimming pools of our land exposing themselves, many times for all intents and
�� �� purposes naked, causing Christian men and heathens alike to lust after them. Then they
���� wonder why their daughters become pregnant before wedlock, and why sexual sins run
���� rampant in the land. The enemy glories in this, and you will find that most of the push
���� towards immorality, is carried out from Jewish sources.
���� I can remember when Christian youth camps kept boys and girls apart during
���� swimming sessions. Now the Christian counselors often appear as near naked as the
���� law allows.
���� Because of the laxity in Christian morals, the enemy scoffs at our religious beliefs.
���� One thing I have always admired about SCRIPTURES FOR AMERICA'S SUMMER
���� CAMPS, is that they always require both men and women to dress with modesty. You
���� will see no bikinis on our beautiful Israelite women and girls, nor will you see men or
���� boys parading around showing off their naked bellies and hairy chests. Yet our young
���� people have as much fun as any group at secular camp, noted for it's liberalism. You
���� will also find no more disciplined and gracious youth than you will see at these Identity
���� camps. In my days as an evangelist, I was called on frequently to correct church youth,
���� who were whispering and giggling while a meeting was in progress. I've never had to
���� do this at any Identity meeting. Almost without fail, the Camp Director will comment on
���� the graciousness of our youth during camp, and have remarked on several occasions
���� that they were far better disciplined than most church groups who used the camp. They
���� are a joy to work with. This doesn't happen automatically, but is a mark in favor of the
���� parents who bring up their children to be Christian ladies and gentlemen.
���� These are the youth the enemy want to destroy, for they know that when they reach
���� adulthood, they will not be taken in by the anti‑Christ's elements which would
���� destroyed everything we hold dear and sacred.
���� In their textbook "PSYCHOPOLITICS", page 28, they say, "In the case of strong
���� leaders among youth groups, a Psychopolitical operator must work many ways to
���� discredit their leadership. The character of the boy or girl must be altered carefully into
���� criminal channels and controlled by blackmail or other means. When this leadership is
���� not susceptible, where it resists our persuasions and might become dangerous to our
���� cause, no pains must be spared to direct the attention of authorities to that person to
���� harass them, until they come into the hands of juvenile authorities. When this happens,
���� the child advisors, can in the security of the jail, and cloaked by the process of the law,
���� destroy their morality. You will always find persons of low moral character with strange
� ��� appetites whether they be judges, policemen, or women of juvenile authorities. By
���� making available to them young boys and girls in the security of the jail they can direct
���� the future decisions of these youth."
���� These my Christian friends, are the kind of immoral monsters, who using their Talmudic
���� training will destroy your boys and girls if given the chance. No matter what the cost,
���� we must not allow this to happen!
���� Today, after 3400 years of enlightenment, including the New Testament teachings of
���� Jesus Christ and His Apostles, how much more will today's Christians be held
���� accountable for the evil we have allowed to enter our land and flourish, often with
���� church approval.
���� The Apostle Jude speaks about these in Jude 7 ‑ "Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and
���� cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after
���� strange flesh (Greek HETEROS, meaning: other or different flesh), are set forth for
���� example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire." Some one said, "possibly a bit
���� blasphemously, "If God let's America get away with their wickedness and perversion,
���� He will have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrha."
���� You can count on it my friends, America will not get away with it's wickedness, nor will
���� American Christians be held blameless for letting it happen! In Ecclesiastes 8:11
���� ‑"Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of
���� the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil." Remember: "...be sure your sin will find
���� you out."' (Numbers 32:23)
���� You Judeo‑Christians who allow Sodomites to pastor your church, and provide aid
���� and comfort to those who engage in this perversity, how will you answer before God,
���� when He requires it of you?
���� Jude says Christians who engage in such conduct are, "...spots in your (Christian) feasts
���� of charity, when they feast (eat) with you, feeding themselves without fear: clouds they
���� are without water, carried about of winds (unstable in their Christian life) : trees whose
���� fruit withereth, without fruit, twice dead, plucked up by the roots; Raging waves of the
���� sea, foaming out their own shame; wandering stars, to whom is reserved the blackness
���� of darkness for ever." There is no doubt that many who go by the name of Christian
���� will hear Christ say: "Depart from Me ye that work iniquity. I never knew you!"
���� (Matthew 7:23) I don't want to take the chance of this ever happening to me.
���� Jude reminds those who are sanctified by God and preserved in Jesus Christ; the
���� called, "how the Apostles of our Lord warned them of how in the 'last days,' (the
���� closing out days of this Age) there would appear mockers who would walk after
���� ungodly lusts. I believe these are those who go by the name of Christian, but who are
���� sensual and without God's Spirit.
���� They may say they have His Spirit; they may even speak in tongues, but their sensual
���� lives show them up for what they really are. Jude says, that we must "hate the garment
���� spotted by flesh." (the carnal nature).
���� We have further testimony of this in 2 Peter 2 & 3, where the Apostle talks about our
���� deliverance by God from temptations, and that He will reserve the unjust unto the day
���� of judgment to be punished
���� Our modern pulpits seldom preach about these things, as they are too unpleasant for
���� the modern church goers to accept. Notice the description Peter gives of these people:
���� "Chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness and despise government
���� (Authority)." This seems to be the mark of most of our youth today, including many
���� who are supposed to be Christians. They despise anyone who says no! to them, or
���� attempt to curb their rude and often savage behavior. What can we expect of them,
���� when the rock idols they adore, and which they are often encouraged to listen to by
���� their parents, present this same behavior on TV, that can be traced back to the
���� influence of their savage African music. It's not natural for White boys and girls, to bite
���� the heads off live chickens, when under the influence of savage music. This is Satanic
���� African voodoo through and through, encouraged by Jewish influence that often leads
���� to the use of drugs and illicit sex.
���� I saw this Satanic influence on the natives of Africa when I lived there for several years
���� in the early 1960's. One year, several Americans received permission for a hunting trip
���� into the center of southern Sudan. It was the first time foreigners had been allowed into
���� this part of the country in over twelve years. We traveled over 2,000 miles by jeep and
���� truck, to the headwaters of the Nile River, to an area where they had never seen White
���� people before.
���� One night a native chief invited us to attend a big celebration at his village. We arrived
���� after dark to find several hundred Blacks gathered around a huge bonfire. They were
�� �� being entertained by native drummers, who beat on hollowed out logs of various sizes.
���� We noticed that as these men drummed a certain rhythm, the natives would sway back
���� and forth with their eyes closed in an almost hypnotic trance; then the drummers would
���� change their beat, and the warriors would grab their spears and charge screaming into
���� the crowd, in a frightening display of savagery; then the beat would change again, and
���� the men would leap on the women, grabbing their hair, as they dragged them into the
���� jungle where all sorts of sexual orgies took place. I thought: " My God, how can human
���� beings act so much like savage animals!"
���� When I returned to the United States in 1964, I made a point of attending a Beatle's
���� Rock Concert in Florida, where I saw a youth, as they listened to the same savage
���� African drum beat, I had heard in the heart of darkest Africa, with the same effect.
���� Screaming girls, some no doubt from Christian families, fought to get on stage with the
���� musicians, and became so frenzied that they tore off their blouses and scratched their
���� bare breasts until the blood flowed. My blood ran cold, at this display, although at that
���� time I did not know about it's Jewish sponsorship.
���� In the intervening years, the rock scene has become much worse as degenerates such
���� as Madonna, and the Prince have become popular to the point where they are
���� actually worshipped by our brain dead youth. Yet these same youth become hostile if
���� you point out how they are being used by the enemy, often with the sanction of their
���� own church.
���� A careful study of hard rock in particular, will prove to an impartial, honest observer,
���� that not only do the lyrics promote promiscuousness, but that the beat is harmful,
���� producing drug use, chaos and rebellion against anything decent. This is it's purpose
���� and the enemy has been very clever in promoting it, spending billions of dollars in their
���� effort to destroy White American youth in particular.
���� To casual observer from another plant, it would be easily discernible to see the evil
���� behind this Jewish controlled modern music system. All one needs to do is look at the
���� names behind those who produce and promote it. Look at the names of Rock bands
���� such as the "Grateful Dead" then look at the savage, sleazy appearances of the so
���� called artists, in their dinky Afro's, their antics on stage, the utterly suggestive actions
���� they perform. In another earlier generation, they would have been ridden out of town
���� on a rail, before being tarred and feathered by an irate community. The utter
���� degeneration and final destruction of White Christian civilization is their ultimate aim. A
���� close look at those who produce this filth will reveal an usually high percentage of Jews,
���� who run the musical companies who publish this filth and turn these savages into
���� national youth heroes.
���� Sadly enough Christian clergy, are often found among those who encourage religious
���� rock in their churches, even though the Satanic beat, is the same as in secular rock.
���� Although you may not want to admit it, they have become intellectual prostitutes of
���� Zionism, and have sold their bodies from the shoulders up, as much as any female
���� prostitute sells her's from the waist down. These so called servants of God, like some
���� of the females species, are willing to sell out to anyone with the asking price and should
���� any whisper, pamphlet, or book such as this, tell American Christian the truth, they are
���� savagely attacked by these Christian leaders, who support the ungodly government by
���� branding us as an inane threat to the safety of America. It has ever been thus.
���� These Christian Patriots stand between International Zionism, and their desire for a
���� One World Slave Plantation, with them as overseers. As the Jew Samuel Roth said,
���� "We (Jews) come to the nations pretending to escape persecution, when we are the
���� most deadly persecutors in all the wretched annuals of man.
���� The Apostle Peter understood such, and said of them, 2 Peter 2:19 ‑ "While they
���� promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption: for of whom a
���� man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage." So by clever subterfuge, they
���� have made intellectual slaves, of many who call themselves Christian.
���� Peter says these enemy of decency, "count it a pleasure to riot," (Greek TRUPHI,
���� meaning: "to break up; enfeeble the mind and body through indulgences such as
���� homosexuality, effeminacy, and lusting debauchery) and they have become so bold that
���� they practice these debaucheries in broad daylight.
���� It is as much adultery to marry outside your own race, as it is to have sexual relations
���� outside of marriage. I heard a discerning Black say, "Interracial marriage is like mixing
���� coffee with cream, it destroys the essential elements of both." This fellow made a lot
���� more sense than so called Christian leaders who say it is okay as long as both parties
���� are Christian. James 1:8 says, "A double minded man is unstable in all his ways."
���� Those who teach that interracial marriage is all right are certainly Scripturally unstable.
���� Certainly many of our TV evangelists like Bakker, Swaggert, and many others, fit this
���� description. They think all that is necessary when they are caught is to weep some big
���� crocodile tears before their church as they ask for forgiveness, then go right back and
���� continue their ungodly life style, holding the cause of Christ up to defamation!
���� Peter describes these wolves in sheep's clothing, who fill the pulpits of many of our
���� Christian churches, as those who speak great swelling words of vanity listen to them on
���� TV as they shamelessly toot their own horn. Telling their audiences what great things
���� they have done for the Lord. I can't think of a more shameful example than that of the
���� Jewish evangelist Benny Hinn, and his healing ministry.
���� They are like the Pharisees who prayed on the street corners to be seen of men. I saw
���� this take place in a restaurant one time, when a group of people came in, evidently after
���� church service for dinner. They were headed by their pastor, a heavyweight, dressed in
���� a funeral suit, who after his flock was seated, said in a loud voice that could be heard
���� over all the restaurant: "Please be quiet now while I ask the Lord's blessing on this
���� food." He then launched into a loud, long winded prayer, which was obviously intended
���� to impress those who heard him, rather than to God.
���� Jesus spoke of this kind in Matthew 23:33 ‑ "Ye serpents, ye generation (bloodline)
���� of vipers (poisonous snakes), how can ye escape the damnation of hell?" Peter says,
���� "...they allure through much wantonness, those that were clean escaped from them who
���� live in error," (2 Peter 2:18)
���� They allure weak Christians and others by promising them liberty from God's law,
���� verse 19. Those of you who love to sing the un‑Scriptual song, "Free from the Law,
���� oh happy condition," do not seem to understand that you are violating your trust in
���� God, by doing it.
���� The Apostle Paul in his marvelous dissertation on the Law, in Romans 31 says in
���� verse 31 ‑ "Do we then make void (of none effect) the law through faith? God forbid:
���� yea, we establish the law. In Romans 4:13, he explains how Abraham became the heir
���� of the world, not through the law, but through the righteousness of faith. Then in verse
���� 15 he explains this, the law worketh wrath: for where no law is, there is no
���� transgression." This is confirmed by John in 1 John 3:4, where he defines sin,
���� "Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth the law: for sin is the transgression of the
���� law." If there is no law, if it has done away as many teach, then there can be no sin, and
���� we know how ridiculous this is.
���� It is of interest to me to note in 2 peter 2:19, (and I believe this refers to apostate
���� preachers who promise their parishioners),"While they promise them liberty, they
���� themselves are the servants of corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of the same
���� is he brought in bondage (slavery) ." This is exactly what the Zionist World Order is
���� attempting to do to Christians everywhere. He goes on to say in verse 20‑23 ‑ "For if
���� after they have escaped the pollution's of the world through the knowledge of the Lord
���� and Saviour Jesus Christ, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end
���� worse with them than the beginning. For it had been better for them not to have known
���� the way of righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy
���� commandment delivered unto them. But it is happened unto them according to the true
���� proverb, The dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to
���� her wallowing in the mire."
���� To those of you who have been soft soaped in a Judeo‑Christian church and may rest
���� secure in your belief in the eternal security of the believer, no matter what you do, after
���� you are saved, it might do you well to consider, the second witness of Hebrews 6:4‑6.
���� "For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the
���� heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, And have tasted the good
���� word of God, and the powers of the world to come, If they shall fall away, to renew
���� them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh,
���� and put Him to open shame." I will not comment on this truth, other than to say that
���� backsliding, is much more serious than most churches teach.
���� I do not believe these verses say that these people have been truly saved, but that they
���� have known the truth, and deliberately turned their backs on it. I have known of
���� Christian pastors, who have apparently been faithful to God for years, who suddenly
���� for no discernible reason, have turned their backs on Him, and have ended their lives as
���� discarded drunken bums or dope addicts. Our salvation is not something to mess
���� around with.
���� Could this apply to the many people in the church world, who know that the
���� anti‑Christ's of Judaism are not God's true Israel, yet they persist on honoring them as
���� such?
���� Notice the clever play on words, in this Epistle, where in at lest 24 different occasions,
���� the Apostle Peter refers to the enemies of Christ as they. In the New Testament,
���� Christians are always referred to as we or us. This I believe, is one of the keys to
���� correct study of the New Testament.
���� There is little doubt that the enemies of Christ, Peter refers to were either Talmudic
���� Jews, who then as now are Christ's worst enemies, or it could refer to traitors in the
���� ranks of the church, and unfortunately there have been many of these during our 2,000
���� years of history. These are dangerous, and some times more so, then the enemies
� ��� themselves, for they look like us, and speak the same Christian language, while in the
���� words of Jesus, they are actually wolves in sheep's clothing, who have infiltered the
���� flock to destroy it. In Matthew 7:15 the Master in His Sermon on the Mount warned:
���� "Beware of false prophets (preachers), which come to you in sheep's clothing
���� (disguised as Christians), but inwardly they are ravening wolves." Or as Brother
���� Richard Hoskins might say: "Wolves eat sheep, you know! That is their nature."
���� The Prophet Micah spoke of these same wolves in Micah 3:2,3 as those, "Who hate
���� the good, and love the evil; who pluck off their (Israel's) skin from off them, and their
���� flesh from off their bones; Who also eat the flesh of my people (Israel)..." We can see
���� this characteristic in the Ahab and Jezebel who now live in the White House, and rule
���� the people.
���� The Prophet Jeremiah warned us of these false prophets in Jeremiah 23:16,17 ‑
���� "...Hearken not unto the words of the prophets (preachers) that prophesy (preach)
���� unto you: they make you vain (Hebrew HABAL, meaning: "to lead astray"): they speak
���� a vision of their own heart, and not out of the mouth of the Lord. They say still unto
���� them that despise Me, The Lord hath said, Ye shall have peace; and they say into
���� every one that walketh after the imagination of his own heart, No evil shall come upon
���� you." I can still hear Oral Roberts as he pontificated on TV: "Something good is going
���� to happen to you today!" (If you send me your tithes, of course.) How many times have
���� you heard TV preachers calling America to repentance as Jesus did when He said,
���� "Except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish!" (Luke 13:3,5) The modern church
� ��� does not like this message of repentance, any more now, than the Jews of Jesus' time
���� did. They killed Him, because they could not stand up under the searchlight of God's
���� truth, which He presented.
���� Isn't this what happened in the case of the nominal Christian woman, who responded to
���� my message of warning by saying, "Colonel Mohr, I believe all that you have told us
���� about Communism, and it's terrible, however I'm born again you know, and I don't
���� have to worry about things like that, for Jesus is coming back to Rapture us Christians
���� away before it gets all that bad!" You talk about being wrapped up in a sheet of self
���� righteousness, that old girl was wrapped up in a shroud.
���� The false prophet who had been teaching this woman in her church had led her into a
���� state of false security, by telling her "No evil will come upon you. You are a Christian.
���� Jesus won't let anything bad like that happen to you." Yet he never bothered to explain
���� why millions of Christians down through the years, have suffered and died for their
���� Lord, when they had done much more for Him that this foxhole dweller had ever
���� thought of doing. Her pastor, by his false teaching had turned a potential soldier of
���� Jesus Christ, from an asset in the Kingdom, to worthless salt that was worth nothing in
���� the Kingdom!
���� Jesus explicitly warned His disciples to expect these false teachers. Mark 13:22,23 He
���� said, "For false Christ's and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders
���� (test those who like Benny Hinn claim the power to heal), to seduce, if it were possible,
���� even the elect. But take heed: behold, I have foretold you all things."
���� The Apostle Paul in 2 Timothy 3:5, defines these false teachers as, "Having a form of
���� godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away." In verse 7 of the same
���� chapter he further says that they are, "Ever learning, and never able to come to the
���� knowledge of the truth." It appears that we have an over supply of these educated
���� idiots, in our government, and our education system, and sadly enough, in the church.
���� Someone has said that these individuals are "educated beyond their capacity to
���� understand." Yet these are the men and women who govern America. They seem
���� posed with a perverse spirit which will not allow them to seek the truth, and because
���� they have a string of degrees behind their name, they consider themselves to be the
���� elite, who know what is good for this country, even when it goes against God's Law. In
���� Isaiah 56:10,11 God said of the leaders of ancient Israel, "His watchmen are blind:
���� they are all ignorant, they are dumb (mute) dogs, they cannot bark (warn people of the
���� danger we face); sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber. Yea, they are greedy dogs
���� which can never have enough, and they are shepherds that cannot understand: they all
���� look to their own way, every one for his gain,..."
���� So remember that just because a man has a D.D. behind his name, doesn't mean he is
���� doing God's will, it just might mean DUMB DOG, rather than Doctor of Divinity.
���� If you will observe closely, you will find that most of the problems in this country come
���� from over educated men who refuse to obey God, or even consider Him, and set
���� themselves up as all knowing counselors. Instead of what's right their motives seems to
���� be "What's in it for me?!" This is an idea that has been instilled by all consuming Jewish
���� motive of "the gelts the thing!" (that the only important thing in life is what you can get
���� for yourself!) This of course, is diametrically opposed to what our Savior taught, when
���� He told His disciples, "...he that is greatest among you shall be your servant. And
���� whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself (before
���� God) shall be exalted." (Matthew 23:11,12) This is God's way, but most certainly not
���� that followed by the Babylonian System.
� ��� Referring once again to the Rosenthal Document, page 12, he said, "In regard to the
���� moral value of the Jews' religious teaching there exist quite exhaustive studies that show
���� the kind of religion that we have in a light that makes it look uncanny to the Aryan
���� (White Adamic) mind. We are the best example of the kind of product which religious
���� training evolves. Our life is of this world only and our mentality is as foreign to the true
���� spirit of Christianity as our character was to the Founder of this new creed 2,000 years
���� ago. The founder of Christianity made no secret as to His estimation of the Jews and
���� the fact that He was not one of us. When He found it necessary He drove us out of the
���� temple of God, because then, as always, we used religion as a means of advancing our
���� commercial interest.
���� "But at this time, we manage to nail Jesus to the cross for His attitude towards us;
���� whereas, the modern Christian enter into party politics and in order to win elections,
���� they debase themselves by begging for Jewish votes. (Hillary Clinton is a good modern
���� example of this.) They even enter into political intrigues with us against the interests of
���� their nation.
���� "We can live among other nations and states only as long as we succeed in persuading
���� them that the Jews are not distinct people, but are representative of a religious faith
���� who, therefore, constitute a religious community, though this be of a peculiar
���� character. As a matter of fact, this is the greatest of our falsehoods.
���� "We are obliged to conceal our own peculiar character and mode of life so that we will
���� be allowed to continue our existence as a parasite among the nations."
���� Rosenthal then went on in page 15 to say, "There is no such thing as the silent majority
���� because we control them. The only thing that exists is an unthinking majority and
���� unthinking they will remain, as long as the escape from our rigorous service is the opiate
���� of our entertainment industry. By controlling industry we have become the task masters
���� and the people the slaves. When the pressure of daily toil builds to an explosive degree,
���� we have provided the safety valve of momentary pleasure. The television and movie
���� industries furnish the necessary temporary distraction. These programs are carefully
���� designed to appeal to the sensuous emotions, never to the logical mind. Because of this,
���� the people are programmed to respond according to our dictates, not according to
���� reason. Silent they never are; unthinking they will remain.
���� "We castrated society through fear and intimidation. It's manhood exists only with a
���� feminine outward appearance. Being so neutered, the populace has become docile and
���� easily ruled. As all geldings in nature, their thoughts are not involved with the concerns
���� of the future and their posterity, but only with the present toil and the next meal."
���� (UNQ)
���� God says to these reprobate leaders, whether in politics or the church: "As many as I
���� love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent." (Revelations 3:19)
���� God is calling our national leaders, both in politics and the church, to repent. Of their
���� willful deceit, God says in Hosea 12:7,8 ‑ "He is a merchant, the balances are in his
���� hand: he loveth to oppress. And Ephraim (Israel) said, "Yet I am become rich, I have
���� found me out substance: in all my labors they shall find none iniquity (wrong doing) in
���� me that were sin.
���� This is the cry of the modern witch doctors, who control America. Yet we see scandal
���� after scandal unfold, where high executives in our government, and well known religious
���� leaders are involved in wicked practices. Although our God is longsuffering, there will
���� come an end to His patience one of these days, as He will not continue to forgive
���� wrong when it is done deliberately.
���� Today a discerning individual can see Isaiah's prophesy being fulfilled, in all the White
���� nations of Christendom that make up true Israel. Isaiah 59:12‑14 "For our
���� transgressions are multiplied before thee, and our sins testify (cry) against us: for our
���� transgressions are with us; and as for our iniquities (Hebrew AVON, meaning: "Moral
���� faults; breaking of God's Law, see: 1 John 3:4), we know them; In transgressing and
���� lying against the Lord, and departing (turning away) from our God, speaking
���� oppression (Hebrew PASHA, meaning: "to break away from authority; to offend; to
���� rebel") and revolt, conceiving and uttering from the heart words of falsehood. And
���� judgment (Hebrew MISPAH meaning: "A verdict or formal decree; to be judged") is
���� turned away backward, and justice standeth afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and
���� equity (Hebrew, NKACAH, meaning: "integrity; unrightness") cannot enter."
���� Verse 15 ‑ "Yea, truth faileth (Hebrew ADAR, meaning: "to be found wanting); and he
���� that departeth from evil maketh himself a prey: and the Lord saw it, and it displeased
���� him that there was no judgment (justice)."
���� When we paraphrase this passage, using the Hebrew meanings of the English words, it
���� reads something like this: "For our (Israel's) sins are increased before God, and they
���� shout against us; for our moral failures and our breaking of God's Law, we know about
���� them. In revolt and breaking away from God's authority, and lying against our God, we
���� have deceitfully gotten riches, and have revolted, thinking and uttering from our hearts,
���� words of falsehood, and the Divine Decree of God, is turned backwards; and justice
���� stands afar off, for truth has fallen in our streets, and uprightness is not to be found, and
���� he that departs from it and commits himself, becomes the prey of evil men, and the
���� Lord saw it, and was displeased that there was no justice."
���� What a terrible indictment this is, both for our Israel people then, and now. We look at
���� government crimes such as robbing our people of their rightful property through
���� unconstitutional law; the crime of government murders at Ruby Ridge, and Waco,
���� where the government murderers were held up by the media as heroes. We see the
���� deliberate destruction of our God given rightsj such as those contained in the Bill of
���� Rights and as we see them we can understand Isaiah's words in Isaiah 59:16 ‑ "And
���� He (God) saw that there was no man, and wondered that there was no intercessor...
���� (Hebrew PAGR, meaning: "to come between; to cause to entreat") : Where are those
���� who plead the cause of the murdered aborted babies of America?
���� It was at this point that the prophet points forward to the time when a Redeemer would
���� come. Listen to His words in the last part of verse 16 and 17 "...therefore His arm
���� brought salvation unto him (Israel); and His (God's) righteousness, it sustained him
���� (Israel). For He (Jesus) put on righteousness as a breastplate, and an helmet of
���� salvation upon His head; and He put on the garments of vengeance for clothing, and
���� was clad with zeal as a cloak." In verse 21 we see the outcome of this ‑ "As for Me,
���� this is My covenant with them (Israel), saith the Lord; My spirit that is upon thee
���� (Israel), and My words which I have put in thy mouth, shall not depart out of thy
���� mouth, nor out of the mouth of thy seed, nor out of the mouth of thy seed's seed
���� (offspring), saith the Lord, from henceforth and forever."
���� This is God's promise to our Israelite people if, big IF, we will obey Him. He has
���� already given us a workable Formula for Survival in 2 chronicles 7:14, if we are
���� willing to give it more than the mere lip service it is receiving now.
���� The marvelous book of Isaiah is full of the promises for our people Israel if, we obey
���������������������������� ZIONISM
������������������������������ Part 3 of 4
������������ by Lt. Col. Gordon "Jack" Mohr, A.U.S. Ret.
���� "It is interesting to note that in 1920, Pope Benedict XV called attention to the need for
���� a family of nations, to safeguard society. The later, the Pope warned against: 'The
���� advent of a Universal Republic, which is longed for by all the worst elements of
���� disorder, and confidentially expected of them.'
���� "Why then do we see in 1941, Pope Pius XII speak in favor of World Union?
���� "The explanation can be found in Louis Ferdinand Destrouche's book "THE
���� SCHOOL OF CORPSES", page 198, where he says, "Nothing is more Jewish than
���� the present Pope, whose real name is Isaac Ratisch. The Vatican is a ghetto. The
���� Secretary of State of the Vatican, Pacelli, is also a Jew.
���� "Gentiles who know this are beginning to understand why Pope Pius XII is advocating
���� a global Super Power directed by a handful of men for an unscrupulous dictatorship,
���� although the Catholic Church has always been considered as a bulwark against the
���� monstrosity of a World Government.
���� "A French priest told me that Jews were responsible for the starvation and torture of
���� German prisoners in France, where he saw many who looked like skeletons. (Of
���� course you never hear about this in the controlled media or in TV, where it is always
���� the poor, persecuted Jews, who are shown and many of these are posed pictures.)
���� "Churchill was a Jew ‑ blood through his Jewish grandmother, and President
���� Roosevelt's Jewish ancestry in no longer secret, since this revelation was published in
���� the Washington Star, February 29, 1936.
���� "General Dwight Eisenhower was known at West Point, as 'the terrible Swedish Jew',
���� and his hatred for the German people was well known. In a letter to his wife Mamie, he
���� wrote, "God, how I hate the Germans!" (UNQ)
���� "Eisenhower's actions after the war prove this Jewish hatred and desire for revenge
���� against the German people, as he deliberately allowed over 2 million soldiers and
���� civilians to starve to death, in a planned program of extinction." (See "OTHER
���� LOSSES", by James Bacque, of Toronto, Canada, for confirming statistics.)
���� While we are told in 2 chronicles 7:14, that humbleness is one of the ingredients that
���� brings healing to any nation or people, we have seen very little of humbleness on the
��� � part of White Christian Israelite Americans who still make up the spiritual strength of
���� America. Instead, we often see an overwhelming pride, which must cause a stench in
���� the nostrils of God Almighty. Men like Dr. Billy Graham may fill football stadiums,
���� while men like Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell speak to full, large church audiences,
���� and charlatans like Paul Crouch of TBN and Jack Van Impe, may speak to millions
���� over controlled TV, this is not the sign of spiritual success, or God's approval. It means
���� they are conforming to the world, in order to be popular. That the approval of men,
���� means more to them than the approval of God. "For by their fruits shall ye know them."
���� We pray, Yes we do! We hold National Days of Prayer, where millions gather and fizz
���� for an hour or two beseeching God to save them from the horrible results of their own
���� Christian apathy. We hear very little about truth, that obedience must accompany
���� prayer to be successful!
���� Very few of our so called Christian people consciously seeks God's face, and will in
���� their life. This is proven by the fact that they refuse to give up doing their own thing,
���� whatever that may be, to follow Him in obedience!
���� You may believe that I am being prejudicial and judgmental, which to many in the
���� Judeo‑Christian church is a cardinal sin, although Christians are told in 1 John 4:1 ‑
���� "Beloved, believe not every spirit (spoken word), but try (test) the spirits whether they
�� �� be of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world." Just because
���� some preacher states something in the truth, doesn't necessarily mean it is true. It must
���� confirm completely to what the Word of God says. How many of you who have read
���� thus far have taken the time and effort to check out the veracity of your pastor's words.
���� This doesn't mean that you don't trust and believe him, unless he's given you reason to,
���� but that you are "shewing yourself approved unto God; a workman that needeth not
���� to be ashamed, handling rightly the Word of Truth," (2 Timothy 2:15). If most
���� Christians did this, their pastors would be inclined to check out what they were
���� teaching.
���� So we gather at some Interfaith Pray Meeting, and listen as some national figure, it
���� might well be a Jewish Rabbi, who speaks to us about the necessity of love and deeper
���� understanding between religious bodies, when we fail to realize we are forgetting the
���� warning of 2 John 11, that if we give them God speed, in any way, we become
���� partakers in their evil deeds. They wonder why God does not hear and answer our
���� prayers.
���� So we mix the heathen element of the country. We listen to their music and allow our
���� children to play it in our homes, even buying it for them. We often use heathen
���� terminology in our everyday conversation; we follow the same lustful pleasure the
���� Babylonian system offers, and wonder why God does not hear and answer! Our nation
���� has become Africanized in the last fifty years, in a so called Christian effort to show
���� brotherly love, to many who hate Him, and wonder why our children have turned into
���� savages. They follow the lusts that are brought forth from their Satanic African rock
���� and roll music. How many of us even play it in our churches under the excuse, we
���� need to get the young people into church and it's better to have them listen to it, when it
���� has Christian words, than to listen to it at some honky tonk. The Apostle Paul
���� condemns this in Romans 3:8, when he says that we must be against those who say,
���� "Let us do evil, that good may come?" That those who do are under just condemnation.
���� As for American Christians turning from their wicked ways. Most of them have been
���� having too much fun, under the Babylonian System. Ask the average teenager what
���� they want most out of life, and they will probably tell you: "We want to have fun and
���� live life to the fullest." This is what has prompted such popular ads, as "You only go
���� around once in life, so live with gusto!" To you're come a long way baby!, Don't let
���� those Christian fuddy duddies spoil life for you! Their parents are just as bad, for when
���� they have a sizable nest egg, laid away, they say: "I'm fixed for life, I can take it easy
���� now!" Jesus told about such a man in Luke 12:19,20 who said, "I have much goods
���� (wealth) laid up for many years; I'll take my ease; eat, drink, and be merry." And God
���� spoke to him in verse 20 ‑ "...Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee:
���� then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided?" Verse 21 ‑ So is he that
���� layeth up treasures for himself, and is not rich toward God." In other words he puts
���� himself and his family, before God. There are those in the Kingdom Movement, who
���� do this. They preach about how necessary it is to preserve the Constitution, and this is
���� important; they want to preserve freedom, and this is desirable, but they have an
���� improper priority, and do not understand that in order to have these good things they
���� so desire, they must put God first in their lives. If we can get our White people to
���� understand and do this, the battle will be more than half won!
���� For over eighty years, Americans have danced to the music of the Babylonian
���� symphony, and enjoyed it. Now it appears that we must pay the band, and the price is
���� horrendous. It may mean loss of freedom, or for some of us loss of life. Has it been
���� worth it? Of course not! But like our stiff necked Israelite forbearers, we still do evil in
���� the sight of the Lord, and God must discipline us, because we are His children and He
���� loves us, (Hebrews 12:6,8). (Also take time to read the ancient history of our people
���� in the book of Judges.) Notice how many times it says, "And Israel did evil in the sight
���� of the Lord, and the Lord sold Israel into the hands of their enemies!" Must this be
���� repeated before we learn our lesson? Must we be knocked to our knees, and have
���� our nose rubbed in the dirt, before we will listen to God, obey, and be saved, both
���� spiritually and physically?
���� There is a key verse to survival found in Galatians 6:7. It was written to, and for, and
���� about White Israelites in the church at Galatia: "Be not deceived; God is not mocked:
���� for whatsoever a man/woman soweth, that shall he/she also reap." It goes on to say
���� that if we sow to our fleshly lusts, whether it may be sex, riches, worldly popularity,
���� etc., we will sow corruption, but if we sow spiritual things, (put God first in our life),
���� we will reap life everlasting. Then Paul encourages Christians by saying, "And let us
���� not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not." We have
���� far too many weary willies in the church these days, who want Christ as Savior, all
���� right, but they want Him as a sort of Celestial Fire Insurance Policy to keep them out of
���� hell. They do not want Him as King, although they may sing about it in their church, for
���� when He is King, He must take first place in our life, before everything else; before self;
���� before wife or children; before our country. He must have first priority in our lives.
���� When we give Him this proper devotion, then: "all these other things will be added unto
���� us," Matthew 6:33.
���� If we refuse to obey, according to Deuteronomy 28:49,51 we can expect Him to, "
���� bring a nation against thee (Israel) from far,... as swift as the eagle flieth (possibly an
���� airborne invasion?); a nation whose tongue (language) thou shalt not understand; A
���� nation of fierce countenance, which shall not regard the person of the old, nor shew
���� favor to the young: And he shall eat the fruit of thy cattle, and the fruit of thy land, until
���� thou be destroyed:..." Is this what you want for America?
���� Stop here and take some time to study Ezekiel 38,39, this attack which will come
���� against the Israel nations of White Christendom, not the anti‑Christ's of the Israeli in
���� Palestine, will come in the latter days. I believe history and Bible prophesy proves we
���� are living in those times.
���� Anti‑God Communism is not dead, even though conservative newspapers like the
���� "Spotlight" say it is. It has merely changed it's name and now masquerades under the
���� title of International Zionism. It has the same purpose as Communism. That is World
���� Conquest.
���� "THE AMERICAN HEBREW", the leading Jewish newspaper in America, in it's
���� September 10, 1920 edition stated: "The Bolshevik Revolution was the work of Jewish
���� brains; of Jewish dissatisfaction, of Jewish planning, whose goal was to create a New
���� World Order. What happened in Russia, shall also through this same Jewish mental and
���� physical force, become reality in America, and all over the world."
���� Ask yourself why since 1987, when the Communist world was supposed to have come
���� to pieces, the Communist breakaway nations of the old U.S.S.R. (all of whom are
���� headed by hard nosed Communist Jews), have increased their aggressive military
���� strength by 30%, while the United States has reduced ours to it's lowest level since
���� World War II?
���� While we have not built a nuclear carrier in the last decade, these Communist nations
���� are floating two per year. While our submarine force has been practically disarmed by
���� Presidential order, and we built no nuclear subs in the last decade, they are turning out
�� �� two a quarter, all offensive weapons.
���� Back in 1945, Dmitri Manualisky, a Russian Diplomat who was the head of the United
���� Nations Security Committee, said, "We are not strong enough to attack now. So we
���� will offer the Free World unheard of peace overtures, and the Christian Capitalist
���� nations, stupid and decadent, will leap to become our friends. They will willingly
���� cooperate in their own destruction. Then when their guard is down, and they have gone
���� to sleep, we will smash them with our clenched fists!" The Bible says of people who are
���� not on the alert, 1 Thessalonians 5:3 ‑ "For when they shall say, Peace and safety;
���� then sudden destruction cometh upon them . . . and they shall not escape."
���� Whether you want to accept it or not, the Zionist/Communist invasion has already
���� begun. They are here with their military and their heavy equipment, training on
���� American bases for the day when they will be called on by their Zionist overlords, to
���� take over this once Christian nation.
���� As I write this, there are already more than 80,000 Russian troops on American soil,
���� using our railroads and highways, and training on our air bases; yet the traitors in the
���� White House, and many in Congress refuse to admit this truth, and call those of us who
���� sound the alarm to warn our people, of coming danger; extremist terrorist who are a
���� danger to our country. This is the Orwellian method of double think, and double speak!
���� Are they preparing for that day when the enemy will think an evil thought and say, "let
���� us go up against a land of unwalled villages, where the people are at rest: and take a
���� spoil of cattle and goods." (Ezekiel 38:10,11) There is no way this Biblical description
���� fits the land of Old Palestine, as our JC pastors teach. It fits North America to a
���� "Tee".
���� We know that since World War II, thousands of enemy agents have infiltrated our
���� nation and the government. Many of them are trained in the art of warfare. Over
���� 50,000 Russian Jews have been given free access to this country, although our State
���� Department knows many of them are practicing Communists. Are they preparing for
���� the day when their overlords will sound the attack?
���� With the promises available to us from the Scriptures, which we know will work,
���� because God cannot lie, why do our people, especially professing Christians continue
���� on the path to National suicide? I know some say, "It won't happen to us, for there are
���� too many born again Christians in America," while others take comfort in a FALSE
���� RAPTURE and believe they will be gone when it happens. It seems like the height of
���� stupidity, and in my opinion it is!
���� One of the sins that Israel committed when they worshiped the golden calf in the
���� wilderness, was that of unashamed nakedness, Exodus 32:25 says, "and Moses saw
���� that the people were naked; (for Aaron had made them naked unto the shame among
���� their enemies:)" It was then that in great anger Moses broke the tablets of the Law that
���� God had given to him. Have we learned anything since 1491 BC? Apparently not, for
���� today we see so called Christian women and girls, on the summer beaches, and
���� swimming pools of our land exposing themselves, many times for all intents and
���� purposes naked, causing Christian men and heathens alike to lust after them. Then they
���� wonder why their daughters become pregnant before wedlock, and why sexual sins run
���� rampant in the land. The enemy glories in this, and you will find that most of the push
���� towards immorality, is carried out from Jewish sources.
���� I can remember when Christian youth camps kept boys and girls apart during
���� swimming sessions. Now the Christian counselors often appear as near naked as the
���� law allows.
���� Because of the laxity in Christian morals, the enemy scoffs at our religious beliefs.
���� One thing I have always admired about SCRIPTURES FOR AMERICA'S SUMMER
���� CAMPS, is that they always require both men and women to dress with modesty. You
���� will see no bikinis on our beautiful Israelite women and girls, nor will you see men or
���� boys parading around showing off their naked bellies and hairy chests. Yet our young
���� people have as much fun as any group at secular camp, noted for it's liberalism. You
���� will also find no more disciplined and gracious youth than you will see at these Identity
���� camps. In my days as an evangelist, I was called on frequently to correct church youth,
���� who were whispering and giggling while a meeting was in progress. I've never had to
���� do this at any Identity meeting. Almost without fail, the Camp Director will comment on
���� the graciousness of our youth during camp, and have remarked on several occasions
���� that they were far better disciplined than most church groups who used the camp. They
���� are a joy to work with. This doesn't happen automatically, but is a mark in favor of the
���� parents who bring up their children to be Christian ladies and gentlemen.
���� These are the youth the enemy want to destroy, for they know that when they reach
���� adulthood, they will not be taken in by the anti‑Christ's elements which would
���� destroyed everything we hold dear and sacred.
���� In their textbook "PSYCHOPOLITICS", page 28, they say, "In the case of strong
���� leaders among youth groups, a Psychopolitical operator must work many ways to
���� discredit their leadership. The character of the boy or girl must be altered carefully into
���� criminal channels and controlled by blackmail or other means. When this leadership is
���� not susceptible, where it resists our persuasions and might become dangerous to our
���� cause, no pains must be spared to direct the attention of authorities to that person to
���� harass them, until they come into the hands of juvenile authorities. When this happens,
���� the child advisors, can in the security of the jail, and cloaked by the process of the law,
���� destroy their morality. You will always find persons of low moral character with strange
���� appetites whether they be judges, policemen, or women of juvenile authorities. By
���� making available to them young boys and girls in the security of the jail they can direct
���� the future decisions of these youth."
���� These my Christian friends, are the kind of immoral monsters, who using their Talmudic
���� training will destroy your boys and girls if given the chance. No matter what the cost,
���� we must not allow this to happen!
� ��� Today, after 3400 years of enlightenment, including the New Testament teachings of
���� Jesus Christ and His Apostles, how much more will today's Christians be held
���� accountable for the evil we have allowed to enter our land and flourish, often with
���� church approval.
���� The Apostle Jude speaks about these in Jude 7 ‑ "Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and
���� cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after
���� strange flesh (Greek HETEROS, meaning: other or different flesh), are set forth for
���� example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire." Some one said, "possibly a bit
���� blasphemously, "If God let's America get away with their wickedness and perversion,
���� He will have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrha."
���� You can count on it my friends, America will not get away with it's wickedness, nor will
���� American Christians be held blameless for letting it happen! In Ecclesiastes 8:11
���� ‑"Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of
���� the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil." Remember: "...be sure your sin will find
���� you out."' (Numbers 32:23)
���� You Judeo‑Christians who allow Sodomites to pastor your church, and provide aid
���� and comfort to those who engage in this perversity, how will you answer before God,
���� when He requires it of you?
���� Jude says Christians who engage in such conduct are, "...spots in your (Christian) feasts
���� of charity, when they feast (eat) with you, feeding themselves without fear: clouds they
���� are without water, carried about of winds (unstable in their Christian life) : trees whose
���� fruit withereth, without fruit, twice dead, plucked up by the roots; Raging waves of the
���� sea, foaming out their own shame; wandering stars, to whom is reserved the blackness
���� of darkness for ever." There is no doubt that many who go by the name of Christian
���� will hear Christ say: "Depart from Me ye that work iniquity. I never knew you!"
���� (Matthew 7:23) I don't want to take the chance of this ever happening to me.
���� Jude reminds those who are sanctified by God and preserved in Jesus Christ; the
���� called, "how the Apostles of our Lord warned them of how in the 'last days,' (the
���� closing out days of this Age) there would appear mockers who would walk after
���� ungodly lusts. I believe these are those who go by the name of Christian, but who are
���� sensual and without God's Spirit.
���� They may say they have His Spirit; they may even speak in tongues, but their sensual
���� lives show them up for what they really are. Jude says, that we must "hate the garment
���� spotted by flesh." (the carnal nature).
���� We have further testimony of this in 2 Peter 2 & 3, where the Apostle talks about our
���� deliverance by God from temptations, and that He will reserve the unjust unto the day
���� of judgment to be punished
���� Our modern pulpits seldom preach about these things, as they are too unpleasant for
���� the modern church goers to accept. Notice the description Peter gives of these people:
���� "Chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness and despise government
���� (Authority)." This seems to be the mark of most of our youth today, including many
���� who are supposed to be Christians. They despise anyone who says no! to them, or
���� attempt to curb their rude and often savage behavior. What can we expect of them,
���� when the rock idols they adore, and which they are often encouraged to listen to by
� ��� their parents, present this same behavior on TV, that can be traced back to the
���� influence of their savage African music. It's not natural for White boys and girls, to bite
���� the heads off live chickens, when under the influence of savage music. This is Satanic
���� African voodoo through and through, encouraged by Jewish influence that often leads
���� to the use of drugs and illicit sex.
���� I saw this Satanic influence on the natives of Africa when I lived there for several years
���� in the early 1960's. One year, several Americans received permission for a hunting trip
���� into the center of southern Sudan. It was the first time foreigners had been allowed into
���� this part of the country in over twelve years. We traveled over 2,000 miles by jeep and
���� truck, to the headwaters of the Nile River, to an area where they had never seen White
���� people before.
���� One night a native chief invited us to attend a big celebration at his village. We arrived
���� after dark to find several hundred Blacks gathered around a huge bonfire. They were
���� being entertained by native drummers, who beat on hollowed out logs of various sizes.
���� We noticed that as these men drummed a certain rhythm, the natives would sway back
���� and forth with their eyes closed in an almost hypnotic trance; then the drummers would
���� change their beat, and the warriors would grab their spears and charge screaming into
���� the crowd, in a frightening display of savagery; then the beat would change again, and
���� the men would leap on the women, grabbing their hair, as they dragged them into the
���� jungle where all sorts of sexual orgies took place. I thought: " My God, how can human
���� beings act so much like savage animals!"
���� When I returned to the United States in 1964, I made a point of attending a Beatle's
���� Rock Concert in Florida, where I saw a youth, as they listened to the same savage
���� African drum beat, I had heard in the heart of darkest Africa, with the same effect.
���� Screaming girls, some no doubt from Christian families, fought to get on stage with the
���� musicians, and became so frenzied that they tore off their blouses and scratched their
���� bare breasts until the blood flowed. My blood ran cold, at this display, although at that
���� time I did not know about it's Jewish sponsorship.
���� In the intervening years, the rock scene has become much worse as degenerates such
���� as Madonna, and the Prince have become popular to the point where they are
���� actually worshipped by our brain dead youth. Yet these same youth become hostile if
���� you point out how they are being used by the enemy, often with the sanction of their
���� own church.
���� A careful study of hard rock in particular, will prove to an impartial, honest observer,
���� that not only do the lyrics promote promiscuousness, but that the beat is harmful,
���� producing drug use, chaos and rebellion against anything decent. This is it's purpose
���� and the enemy has been very clever in promoting it, spending billions of dollars in their
���� effort to destroy White American youth in particular.
���� To casual observer from another plant, it would be easily discernible to see the evil
���� behind this Jewish controlled modern music system. All one needs to do is look at the
���� names behind those who produce and promote it. Look at the names of Rock bands
���� such as the "Grateful Dead" then look at the savage, sleazy appearances of the so
���� called artists, in their dinky Afro's, their antics on stage, the utterly suggestive actions
���� they perform. In another earlier generation, they would have been ridden out of town
���� on a rail, before being tarred and feathered by an irate community. The utter
���� degeneration and final destruction of White Christian civilization is their ultimate aim. A
���� close look at those who produce this filth will reveal an usually high percentage of Jews,
���� who run the musical companies who publish this filth and turn these savages into
���� national youth heroes.
���� Sadly enough Christian clergy, are often found among those who encourage religious
���� rock in their churches, even though the Satanic beat, is the same as in secular rock.
���� Although you may not want to admit it, they have become intellectual prostitutes of
���� Zionism, and have sold their bodies from the shoulders up, as much as any female
���� prostitute sells her's from the waist down. These so called servants of God, like some
���� of the females species, are willing to sell out to anyone with the asking price and should
���� any whisper, pamphlet, or book such as this, tell American Christian the truth, they are
���� savagely attacked by these Christian leaders, who support the ungodly government by
���� branding us as an inane threat to the safety of America. It has ever been thus.
���� These Christian Patriots stand between International Zionism, and their desire for a
���� One World Slave Plantation, with them as overseers. As the Jew Samuel Roth said,
���� "We (Jews) come to the nations pretending to escape persecution, when we are the
���� most deadly persecutors in all the wretched annuals of man.
���� The Apostle Peter understood such, and said of them, 2 Peter 2:19 ‑ "While they
���� promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption: for of whom a
���� man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage." So by clever subterfuge, they
���� have made intellectual slaves, of many who call themselves Christian.
���� Peter says these enemy of decency, "count it a pleasure to riot," (Greek TRUPHI,
���� meaning: "to break up; enfeeble the mind and body through indulgences such as
���� homosexuality, effeminacy, and lusting debauchery) and they have become so bold that
���� they practice these debaucheries in broad daylight.
���� It is as much adultery to marry outside your own race, as it is to have sexual relations
���� outside of marriage. I heard a discerning Black say, "Interracial marriage is like mixing
���� coffee with cream, it destroys the essential elements of both." This fellow made a lot
���� more sense than so called Christian leaders who say it is okay as long as both parties
���� are Christian. James 1:8 says, "A double minded man is unstable in all his ways."
���� Those who teach that interracial marriage is all right are certainly Scripturally unstable.
���� Certainly many of our TV evangelists like Bakker, Swaggert, and many others, fit this
���� description. They think all that is necessary when they are caught is to weep some big
���� crocodile tears before their church as they ask for forgiveness, then go right back and
���� continue their ungodly life style, holding the cause of Christ up to defamation!
���� Peter describes these wolves in sheep's clothing, who fill the pulpits of many of our
���� Christian churches, as those who speak great swelling words of vanity listen to them on
���� TV as they shamelessly toot their own horn. Telling their audiences what great things
���� they have done for the Lord. I can't think of a more shameful example than that of the
���� Jewish evangelist Benny Hinn, and his healing ministry.
���� They are like the Pharisees who prayed on the street corners to be seen of men. I saw
���� this take place in a restaurant one time, when a group of people came in, evidently after
���� church service for dinner. They were headed by their pastor, a heavyweight, dressed in
���� a funeral suit, who after his flock was seated, said in a loud voice that could be heard
���� over all the restaurant: "Please be quiet now while I ask the Lord's blessing on this
���� food." He then launched into a loud, long winded prayer, which was obviously intended
���� to impress those who heard him, rather than to God.
���� Jesus spoke of this kind in Matthew 23:33 ‑ "Ye serpents, ye generation (bloodline)
���� of vipers (poisonous snakes), how can ye escape the damnation of hell?" Peter says,
���� "...they allure through much wantonness, those that were clean escaped from them who
���� live in error," (2 Peter 2:18)
���� They allure weak Christians and others by promising them liberty from God's law,
���� verse 19. Those of you who love to sing the un‑Scriptual song, "Free from the Law,
���� oh happy condition," do not seem to understand that you are violating your trust in
���� God, by doing it.
���� The Apostle Paul in his marvelous dissertation on the Law, in Romans 31 says in
���� verse 31 ‑ "Do we then make void (of none effect) the law through faith? God forbid:
���� yea, we establish the law. In Romans 4:13, he explains how Abraham became the heir
���� of the world, not through the law, but through the righteousness of faith. Then in verse
���� 15 he explains this, the law worketh wrath: for where no law is, there is no
���� transgression." This is confirmed by John in 1 John 3:4, where he defines sin,
���� "Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth the law: for sin is the transgression of the
���� law." If there is no law, if it has done away as many teach, then there can be no sin, and
���� we know how ridiculous this is.
���� It is of interest to me to note in 2 peter 2:19, (and I believe this refers to apostate
���� preachers who promise their parishioners),"While they promise them liberty, they
���� themselves are the servants of corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of the same
���� is he brought in bondage (slavery) ." This is exactly what the Zionist World Order is
���� attempting to do to Christians everywhere. He goes on to say in verse 20‑23 ‑ "For if
���� after they have escaped the pollution's of the world through the knowledge of the Lord
���� and Saviour Jesus Christ, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end
���� worse with them than the beginning. For it had been better for them not to have known
���� the way of righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy
���� commandment delivered unto them. But it is happened unto them according to the true
���� proverb, The dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to
���� her wallowing in the mire."
���� To those of you who have been soft soaped in a Judeo‑Christian church and may rest
���� secure in your belief in the eternal security of the believer, no matter what you do, after
���� you are saved, it might do you well to consider, the second witness of Hebrews 6:4‑6.
���� "For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the
���� heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, And have tasted the good
���� word of God, and the powers of the world to come, If they shall fall away, to renew
���� them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh,
���� and put Him to open shame." I will not comment on this truth, other than to say that
���� backsliding, is much more serious than most churches teach.
���� I do not believe these verses say that these people have been truly saved, but that they
���� have known the truth, and deliberately turned their backs on it. I have known of
���� Christian pastors, who have apparently been faithful to God for years, who suddenly
���� for no discernible reason, have turned their backs on Him, and have ended their lives as
���� discarded drunken bums or dope addicts. Our salvation is not something to mess
���� around with.
���� Could this apply to the many people in the church world, who know that the
���� anti‑Christ's of Judaism are not God's true Israel, yet they persist on honoring them as
���� such?
���� Notice the clever play on words, in this Epistle, where in at lest 24 different occasions,
���� the Apostle Peter refers to the enemies of Christ as they. In the New Testament,
���� Christians are always referred to as we or us. This I believe, is one of the keys to
���� correct study of the New Testament.
���� There is little doubt that the enemies of Christ, Peter refers to were either Talmudic
���� Jews, who then as now are Christ's worst enemies, or it could refer to traitors in the
���� ranks of the church, and unfortunately there have been many of these during our 2,000
���� years of history. These are dangerous, and some times more so, then the enemies
���� themselves, for they look like us, and speak the same Christian language, while in the
���� words of Jesus, they are actually wolves in sheep's clothing, who have infiltered the
���� flock to destroy it. In Matthew 7:15 the Master in His Sermon on the Mount warned:
���� "Beware of false prophets (preachers), which come to you in sheep's clothing
���� (disguised as Christians), but inwardly they are ravening wolves." Or as Brother
���� Richard Hoskins might say: "Wolves eat sheep, you know! That is their nature."
���� The Prophet Micah spoke of these same wolves in Micah 3:2,3 as those, "Who hate
���� the good, and love the evil; who pluck off their (Israel's) skin from off them, and their
� ��� flesh from off their bones; Who also eat the flesh of my people (Israel)..." We can see
���� this characteristic in the Ahab and Jezebel who now live in the White House, and rule
���� the people.
���� The Prophet Jeremiah warned us of these false prophets in Jeremiah 23:16,17 ‑
���� "...Hearken not unto the words of the prophets (preachers) that prophesy (preach)
���� unto you: they make you vain (Hebrew HABAL, meaning: "to lead astray"): they speak
���� a vision of their own heart, and not out of the mouth of the Lord. They say still unto
���� them that despise Me, The Lord hath said, Ye shall have peace; and they say into
���� every one that walketh after the imagination of his own heart, No evil shall come upon
���� you." I can still hear Oral Roberts as he pontificated on TV: "Something good is going
���� to happen to you today!" (If you send me your tithes, of course.) How many times have
���� you heard TV preachers calling America to repentance as Jesus did when He said,
���� "Except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish!" (Luke 13:3,5) The modern church
���� does not like this message of repentance, any more now, than the Jews of Jesus' time
���� did. They killed Him, because they could not stand up under the searchlight of God's
���� truth, which He presented.
���� Isn't this what happened in the case of the nominal Christian woman, who responded to
���� my message of warning by saying, "Colonel Mohr, I believe all that you have told us
���� about Communism, and it's terrible, however I'm born again you know, and I don't
���� have to worry about things like that, for Jesus is coming back to Rapture us Christians
���� away before it gets all that bad!" You talk about being wrapped up in a sheet of self
���� righteousness, that old girl was wrapped up in a shroud.
���� The false prophet who had been teaching this woman in her church had led her into a
���� state of false security, by telling her "No evil will come upon you. You are a Christian.
���� Jesus won't let anything bad like that happen to you." Yet he never bothered to explain
���� why millions of Christians down through the years, have suffered and died for their
���� Lord, when they had done much more for Him that this foxhole dweller had ever
���� thought of doing. Her pastor, by his false teaching had turned a potential soldier of
���� Jesus Christ, from an asset in the Kingdom, to worthless salt that was worth nothing in
���� the Kingdom!
���� Jesus explicitly warned His disciples to expect these false teachers. Mark 13:22,23 He
� ��� said, "For false Christ's and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders
���� (test those who like Benny Hinn claim the power to heal), to seduce, if it were possible,
���� even the elect. But take heed: behold, I have foretold you all things."
���� The Apostle Paul in 2 Timothy 3:5, defines these false teachers as, "Having a form of
���� godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away." In verse 7 of the same
���� chapter he further says that they are, "Ever learning, and never able to come to the
���� knowledge of the truth." It appears that we have an over supply of these educated
���� idiots, in our government, and our education system, and sadly enough, in the church.
���� Someone has said that these individuals are "educated beyond their capacity to
���� understand." Yet these are the men and women who govern America. They seem
���� posed with a perverse spirit which will not allow them to seek the truth, and because
���� they have a string of degrees behind their name, they consider themselves to be the
���� elite, who know what is good for this country, even when it goes against God's Law. In
���� Isaiah 56:10,11 God said of the leaders of ancient Israel, "His watchmen are blind:
���� they are all ignorant, they are dumb (mute) dogs, they cannot bark (warn people of the
���� danger we face); sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber. Yea, they are greedy dogs
���� which can never have enough, and they are shepherds that cannot understand: they all
���� look to their own way, every one for his gain,..."
���� So remember that just because a man has a D.D. behind his name, doesn't mean he is
���� doing God's will, it just might mean DUMB DOG, rather than Doctor of Divinity.
���� If you will observe closely, you will find that most of the problems in this country come
���� from over educated men who refuse to obey God, or even consider Him, and set
���� themselves up as all knowing counselors. Instead of what's right their motives seems to
���� be "What's in it for me?!" This is an idea that has been instilled by all consuming Jewish
���� motive of "the gelts the thing!" (that the only important thing in life is what you can get
���� for yourself!) This of course, is diametrically opposed to what our Savior taught, when
� ��� He told His disciples, "...he that is greatest among you shall be your servant. And
���� whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself (before
���� God) shall be exalted." (Matthew 23:11,12) This is God's way, but most certainly not
���� that followed by the Babylonian System.
���� Referring once again to the Rosenthal Document, page 12, he said, "In regard to the
���� moral value of the Jews' religious teaching there exist quite exhaustive studies that show
���� the kind of religion that we have in a light that makes it look uncanny to the Aryan
���� (White Adamic) mind. We are the best example of the kind of product which religious
���� training evolves. Our life is of this world only and our mentality is as foreign to the true
���� spirit of Christianity as our character was to the Founder of this new creed 2,000 years
���� ago. The founder of Christianity made no secret as to His estimation of the Jews and
���� the fact that He was not one of us. When He found it necessary He drove us out of the
���� temple of God, because then, as always, we used religion as a means of advancing our
���� commercial interest.
���� "But at this time, we manage to nail Jesus to the cross for His attitude towards us;
���� whereas, the modern Christian enter into party politics and in order to win elections,
���� they debase themselves by begging for Jewish votes. (Hillary Clinton is a good modern
���� example of this.) They even enter into political intrigues with us against the interests of
���� their nation.
���� "We can live among other nations and states only as long as we succeed in persuading
���� them that the Jews are not distinct people, but are representative of a religious faith
���� who, therefore, constitute a religious community, though this be of a peculiar
���� character. As a matter of fact, this is the greatest of our falsehoods.
���� "We are obliged to conceal our own peculiar character and mode of life so that we will
���� be allowed to continue our existence as a parasite among the nations."
���� Rosenthal then went on in page 15 to say, "There is no such thing as the silent majority
���� because we control them. The only thing that exists is an unthinking majority and
���� unthinking they will remain, as long as the escape from our rigorous service is the opiate
���� of our entertainment industry. By controlling industry we have become the task masters
���� and the people the slaves. When the pressure of daily toil builds to an explosive degree,
���� we have provided the safety valve of momentary pleasure. The television and movie
���� industries furnish the necessary temporary distraction. These programs are carefully
���� designed to appeal to the sensuous emotions, never to the logical mind. Because of this,
� ��� the people are programmed to respond according to our dictates, not according to
���� reason. Silent they never are; unthinking they will remain.
���� "We castrated society through fear and intimidation. It's manhood exists only with a
���� feminine outward appearance. Being so neutered, the populace has become docile and
���� easily ruled. As all geldings in nature, their thoughts are not involved with the concerns
���� of the future and their posterity, but only with the present toil and the next meal."
���� (UNQ)
���� God says to these reprobate leaders, whether in politics or the church: "As many as I
���� love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent." (Revelations 3:19)
���� God is calling our national leaders, both in politics and the church, to repent. Of their
���� willful deceit, God says in Hosea 12:7,8 ‑ "He is a merchant, the balances are in his
���� hand: he loveth to oppress. And Ephraim (Israel) said, "Yet I am become rich, I have
���� found me out substance: in all my labors they shall find none iniquity (wrong doing) in
���� me that were sin.
���� This is the cry of the modern witch doctors, who control America. Yet we see scandal
���� after scandal unfold, where high executives in our government, and well known religious
���� leaders are involved in wicked practices. Although our God is longsuffering, there will
���� come an end to His patience one of these days, as He will not continue to forgive
���� wrong when it is done deliberately.
���� Today a discerning individual can see Isaiah's prophesy being fulfilled, in all the White
���� nations of Christendom that make up true Israel. Isaiah 59:12‑14 "For our
���� transgressions are multiplied before thee, and our sins testify (cry) against us: for our
���� transgressions are with us; and as for our iniquities (Hebrew AVON, meaning: "Moral
���� faults; breaking of God's Law, see: 1 John 3:4), we know them; In transgressing and
���� lying against the Lord, and departing (turning away) from our God, speaking
���� oppression (Hebrew PASHA, meaning: "to break away from authority; to offend; to
���� rebel") and revolt, conceiving and uttering from the heart words of falsehood. And
���� judgment (Hebrew MISPAH meaning: "A verdict or formal decree; to be judged") is
���� turned away backward, and justice standeth afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and
���� equity (Hebrew, NKACAH, meaning: "integrity; unrightness") cannot enter."
���� Verse 15 ‑ "Yea, truth faileth (Hebrew ADAR, meaning: "to be found wanting); and he
���� that departeth from evil maketh himself a prey: and the Lord saw it, and it displeased
���� him that there was no judgment (justice)."
���� When we paraphrase this passage, using the Hebrew meanings of the English words, it
���� reads something like this: "For our (Israel's) sins are increased before God, and they
���� shout against us; for our moral failures and our breaking of God's Law, we know about
���� them. In revolt and breaking away from God's authority, and lying against our God, we
�� �� have deceitfully gotten riches, and have revolted, thinking and uttering from our hearts,
���� words of falsehood, and the Divine Decree of God, is turned backwards; and justice
���� stands afar off, for truth has fallen in our streets, and uprightness is not to be found, and
���� he that departs from it and commits himself, becomes the prey of evil men, and the
���� Lord saw it, and was displeased that there was no justice."
���� What a terrible indictment this is, both for our Israel people then, and now. We look at
���� government crimes such as robbing our people of their rightful property through
���� unconstitutional law; the crime of government murders at Ruby Ridge, and Waco,
���� where the government murderers were held up by the media as heroes. We see the
���� deliberate destruction of our God given rightsj such as those contained in the Bill of
���� Rights and as we see them we can understand Isaiah's words in Isaiah 59:16 ‑ "And
���� He (God) saw that there was no man, and wondered that there was no intercessor...
���� (Hebrew PAGR, meaning: "to come between; to cause to entreat") : Where are those
���� who plead the cause of the murdered aborted babies of America?
���� It was at this point that the prophet points forward to the time when a Redeemer would
���� come. Listen to His words in the last part of verse 16 and 17 "...therefore His arm
���� brought salvation unto him (Israel); and His (God's) righteousness, it sustained him
���� (Israel). For He (Jesus) put on righteousness as a breastplate, and an helmet of
���� salvation upon His head; and He put on the garments of vengeance for clothing, and
���� was clad with zeal as a cloak." In verse 21 we see the outcome of this ‑ "As for Me,
���� this is My covenant with them (Israel), saith the Lord; My spirit that is upon thee
���� (Israel), and My words which I have put in thy mouth, shall not depart out of thy
���� mouth, nor out of the mouth of thy seed, nor out of the mouth of thy seed's seed
���� (offspring), saith the Lord, from henceforth and forever."
���� This is God's promise to our Israelite people if, big IF, we will obey Him. He has
���� already given us a workable Formula for Survival in 2 chronicles 7:14, if we are
���� willing to give it more than the mere lip service it is receiving now.
���� The marvelous book of Isaiah is full of the promises for our people Israel if, we obey
���� God, and dire warnings if we refuse and rebel. Isaiah is unique in this manner. He
���� began his ministry in the year King Uzziah died about 740 B.C. and continued as a
���� prophet in Jerusalem, the capital of the southern Kingdom during the reign of Jothan,
���� Ahaz, and Hezekiah. According to tradition, he was martyred during the reign of the
���� wicked King Manasseh, the son of King Hezekiah, about 680 B.C.
���� As Isaiah grew to manhood, the Kingdom of Judah (not known as Jews at this time)
���� emerged and opposed the advance of Assyria. During this same period, the Kingdom
���� of Israel, with it's capital in Samaria, declined in power due to intense internal struggles
���� and revolution. After King Uzziah died, the Assyrians conquered Damascus in 732
���� B.C., and Samaria in 722 B.C. Both northern Israel and Syria became Assyrian
���� provinces.
���� While the Kingdom of Israel was being subdued, Ahaz, king of Judah, ignored
���� repeated warnings of Isaiah and introduced idol worship into the temple in Jerusalem.
���� In the years that followed, Assyrian kings marched their armies southward and
���� threatened to end the Davidic dynasty in Judea, about 701 B.C. (see Isaiah chapters
���� 36‑39).
���� Isaiah gave repeated warnings to Judah, that they and Jerusalem would be judged and
���� destroyed because of their wickedness, but like many modern Christians, America in
���� particular, these messages for the most part were ignored by the Judean rulers and
���� people alike.
���� You will find, all though Isaiah's messages of doom, God's offered assurance to those
���� of His people who would put their trust in Him and remain obedient. His prophecy was
���� that God would ultimately restore the Davidic Kingdom, and that His son, the Lord
���� Jesus Christ would reign over it. (Isaiah 9:6,7)
���� Chapters 40‑56 of Isaiah are regarded by many Christian scholars as having been
���� written by several unknown authors during the period 550 B.C. and on. This premise is
���� based on the fact that Cyrus King of Persia, mentioned in Chapters 44 and 45, was the
���� king who allowed the Judaites to return from exile to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem.
���� At this time the Judaites were still not known as Jews, although they had acquired some
���� heathen occult practices which they added to the Hebrew religion and began a
���� mammoth religious book called the Babylonian Talmud in 550 B.C. which was not
���� completed until a thousand years later in the Jewish seminary in Alexandria, Egypt
���� about 550 A.D.,. It was complete perversion of the Hebrew religion and the teachings
���� of Moses, and became known as the tradition of the elders, which Jesus fought
���� against during most of His earthly ministry. It is still the religious life blood of modern
���� Jewry.
���� The word JEW cannot be found in early editions. of the Bible, and was not used in the
���� original 1611 King James version, as the name JEW was unknown in the English.
���� language until late in the 18th Century.
���� The scholars who accept predictions as part of a prophets God given message to
���� mankind find no reason to deny Isaiah's authorship of the entire book.
���� Looking at history from Isaiah's perspective, the destruction of Jerusalem was
���� inevitable, as he predicted the Babylonian exile of Judah as early as chapter 39.
���� His message of hope in chapter 53, is that although Israel had failed as God's servant, a
���� righteous servant was promised who through His suffering, would provide salvation for
���� His people and for many others.
���� Isaiah's final prophesy is that there will be in the end times, a restoration of the Davidic
���� Kingdom, peopled by God fearing, righteous people, who will participate in the
���� everlasting blessings of the new heaven and the new earth. This kingdom will be on
���� earth, as Christ taught us to pray for. (Matthew 6:10; Revelation 21:23)
���� It is exciting to see that this salvation is extended to all those who are called by God,
���� and who accept Christ as King, and that God's house will be a House of prayer for all
���� nations, not just Israel. (Isaiah 56:1‑8) This will shoot down the RACIAL
���� SUPREMACISTS in Identity, who falsely. teach that only Israelites can be saved, and
���� join the Kingdom. It still does not give Israelites the authority to intermarry outside of
���� the Adamic race.
���� Isaiah's prophesy is of an ultimately restored Davidic Kingdom, peopled by God
���� fearing, righteous folk, who will participate in the everlasting blessings of the new
���� heaven and new earth, and again let me remind you it will be on this earth, not some
���� heavenly realm, as so many teach.
��� � In the pages that follow, we will explore some of Isaiah's predictions for the future, and
���� attempt to connect them with what is taking place on earth during this present Christian
���� Era. We will concentrate mostly on the United States and Canada, which are
���� essentially an Israelite people and which can both rightly be referred to as America.
���� It is significant, I believe, to note that the word JEW is not used once in this interesting
���� book, with two exceptions in Isaiah 36:11, 13, where it speaks of the Jews' language
���� as being that of the Jerusalem people of this period (712 B.C.)
���� Strong's Concordance indicates that this word should rightly have been JEHUDAITE;
���� or a "descendant of Jehudah (Judah)." The term Jew was not used for these people
���� until after they returned from Babylonian captivity, with a profoundly different,
���� contaminated religious doctrine.
���� Isaiah begins his book with picturesque language, when in chapter 1 verse 2, he
���� describes Judah and Jerusalem, as "children God has nourished and brought up, who
���� have rebelled against Him."
���� In verse 3, he compares them to an ox, who knows his owners crib (feed trough), "but
���� Israel doth not know, my people doth not consider."
���� He calls Israel in verse 4: "Ah sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a seed of
���� evildoers, children that are corrupters: they have forsaken the Lord, they have
���� provoked the Holy One of Israel unto anger, they are gone away backwards." Then he
���� asks the question: "Why should ye be stricken any more? ye will revolt more and more:
���� the whole head is sick, and the whole heart is faint. From the sole of the foot even unto
���� the head there is no soundness (health) in it; but wounds, and bruises, and putrefying
���� (stinking) sores: they have not closed (dressed), neither mollified (treated) with
���� ointment." This is a perfect word picture today of the so called Christian Israelite
���� nations of the United States and Canada, where even so called Christians are known to
���� spit in God's face, in blasphemy.
���� In Isaiah 29:13,14 the prophet gives the result of these actions: " . Forasmuch as this
���� people draw near Me with their mouth (every Sunday in church), and with their lips do
���� honour Me, but have removed their heart far from Me, and their fear (Hebrew
���� YIR'AH meaning: "reverence") toward Me is taught by the precept (Hebrew TSAU,
���� meaning: "injunctions; commandments of men) of men: Therefore (because of this),
���� behold, I will proceed to do a marvelous (Hebrew PALA, meaning: "to distinguish; to
���� do marvelously") work among this people, even a marvelous work and a wonder: for
���� the wisdom (Hebrew CHAKMAH, meaning: "wisdom in a good sense; skill") of their
���� wise men (educated men) shall perish (Hebrew ABAD, meaning. wandering away; be
���� destroyed; be lost; be void") and the understanding (Hebrew BIYNAH, meaning:
���� "perfect understanding; wisdom;") of their prudent (Hebrew BIYB, meaning: "to be
���� cunning; have intelligence; to instruct or teach") men shall hid." I don't believe we would
���� be doing this verse a disservice by applying it to America and Canada: "Why will you
���� Christian Israelites be punished anymore? Yet you continue in rebellion to your God,
���� over and over again; your whole body is sick from your political leaders to your church
���� teachers. There is no wholesomeness to be found in your countries. There are only
���� wounds caused by enemy action and your disobedience There are black and blue
���� bruises and freshly made, dripping wounds. These have not been given medical
���� attention, nor even bound up. Your country is desolate and strangers consume it. (If
���� you don't believe this look at the devastation in the inner cities, and ask yourself, who
���� has done this?) It is desolate and overthrown by strangers." (Alien, non‑Christian
���� foreigners.)
���� For years now, our government has refused to defend our own borders, while acting as
���� a policeman worldwide. As a result, our borders have been overrun by hordes of
���� foreigners, some to be sure have sought freedom from oppression, but many more,
���� according to their actions, look to Uncle Sam for a free handout without contributing
���� anything to the well being of our nations, and do us much damage. These strangers are
���� quite literally devouring our countries, many times with the approval of our church
���� leaders.
���� We literally reached the point described in chapter 1:9 in Isaiah ‑ "Except the Lord of
���� hosts (of Israel) had left unto us a very small remnant (Hebrew SARIYD, meaning:
���� "survivors; left alive"), we should have been as Sodom, and we should have been like
���� unto Gomorrah."
���� In Lamentations 3:22, we read: "It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed
���� (eaten up), because his compassion's fail not."
���� As Paul said in Romans 9:29, quoting from Isaiah 1:9 ‑ "Except the Lord of Sabaoth
���� had left us a seed, we had been as Sodoma, and been made like unto Gomorrha."
���� Utterly ruined and incapable of being rebuilt.
���� The White Adamic Israelite is fast becoming a thing of the past, as we have allowed
���� ourselves to be overrun by aliens, who have intermarried with our sons and daughters,
���� contrary to God's law. This has always been a promotion of Judaism, for it is one of the
���� easiest ways to destroy White Christian civilization .
���� From a large majority who once controlled this Christian Republic, we have been
���� degraded into a multicultural monstrosity, a hodge‑podge of alien, anti‑God cultures. In
���� the past seventy five years, we have seen this Christian Republic turned into a Socialist
���� Welfare State with all it's accompanying evils. Now we are ripe to be taken over by the
���� Zionist New World Order, and become part of their International Slave Plantation. In
���� this state, government will become an insatiable monster that destroys, rather than one
���� that serves.
���� Why did this happen? It was because of White Israelite disobedience. We can look for
���� scape goats, and find them in the Jews, and the anti‑God aliens, but they are not the
���� cause of our problems, they are the effect of our disobedience. (Study Deuteronomy
���� 28 and see for yourself.) We will make little headway against this evil that has engulfed
���� us, until we recognize our responsibility before God and learn the lesson of obedience!
���� In Isaiah 1:10, God speaks tb the rulers of ancient Israel, speaking of them as Sodom
��� � and Gomorrah. We know that Isaiah was not referring to these ancient cities which had
���� been super naturally destroyed by God some 1140 years earlier. He was using them as
���� examples. These cities were destroyed primarily because of their wicked sin of
���� Sodomy, which God hates, and which is now being condoned by some of our Christian
���� churches. Recently Jerry Falwell, welcomed a Sodomite preacher, and several hundred
���� of his followers to a meeting of reconciliation in his Liberty Baptist Church. (It is
���� impossible for a Christian to be reconciled to any sin!)
���� In this section of chapter one, we see God's displeasure at the sacrifices Israel was
���� offering to Him, He said in verse 11‑14 " . . . I am full (Hebrew SABEA, meaning:
���� "had enough of; satiated") of the burnt offerings of rams, and the fat of fed beasts; and I
���� delight not in the blood of bullocks or of lambs, or of he goats. When ye come to
���� appear before Me, who hath required at your hand, to tread (Hebrew RANORAC,
���� meaning: "esalkj in (abusively); trample; thread down") my courts? Bring no more vain
���� oblations (Hebrew MINCHAH, meaning: "bloodless sacrificial offerings"); incense is
���� an abomination unto Me; the new moons and sabbaths, the calling of assemblies, I
���� cannot away with; it is iniquity, even the solemn meeting. Your new moons and your
���� appointed feasts (possibly our Christmas and Easter celebrations) my soul hateth: they
���� are a trouble unto Me; I weary to bear them."
��� � In other words God is saying to Israel, then and now: "I'm utterly disgusted with the
���� feast days you set up, and at your pretense of worship; I will remove them, for they are
���� sin, even your solemn meetings. My soul hateth these days you have set aside to
���� pleasure yourselves. I am disgusted with them. I will take them away."
���� Everywhere we look in Christendom, we see convocations and meetings being called
���� for many purposes. They are supposed to be worship of our God, and the edification
���� of His people. Many of them have become mere religious vacations; in modern
���� palaces, occasions in which we have fun. The Scriptures say that God looks with
���� loathing on such events.
���� Chapter 1:15 of Isaiah, tells us that when our people pray from a sinful heart (with
���� unforgiven sins in their life) God will not even listen to us. So vast prayer convocations
���� mean nothing unless our people first get into an obedient relationship with the Master.
���� Most Christians feel that when they get into trouble, all they need to do is pray and
���� God will hear and handle their problems. This is not necessarily so, for there are certain
���� conditions we must meet first.
���� I believe in prayer. My sainted grandfather used to say: "There is more wrought by
���� prayer than this old world dreams of for the whole world is bound about the feet of
���� God, with golden chains of prayer." I believe this! I also know that we must meet
���� certain conditions, before God will hear and answer us.
���� Isaiah furthers this truth in Isaiah 59:2.
���� Many of us believe and have experienced James 5:16 ‑"The effectual fervent prayer of
���� a righteous man availeth much." It works, but we must remember to keep the contact
���� points between God and us clean, so that the power of His Holy Spirit can flood in
���� and control our lives. Unforgiven sin deadens this contact, and makes prayer useless.
���� In 1 Peter 3:12, we read: "For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and His
� ��� ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil." If
���� you have unforgiven sin in your life, you do evil. That's why we have been given the
���� safety valve of 1 John 1:9 ‑ "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us
���� our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
���� This cleansing does not come automatically, because we are Christian, we must ask for
���� it.
���� James 4:2,3 says that, "...ye have not, because ye ask not. Ye ask, and receive not,
���� because ye ask amiss (wrongly), that ye may consume it upon your lusts (longing for
���� material things)."
���� I remember hearing an illustration many years ago that explains the truth of Isaiah
���� 1:15; 59:2. Many of you can remember back to the days of the electric street car.
���� They ran on an overhead cable above the street, that supplied the electricity needed.
���� The contact point was a long pole, with a copper wheel on the end, that contacted the
���� power supply and led it into the motor. Sometimes when the maintenance man had
���� done a poor job, the copper wheel became corroded. The power could not reach the
���� motor, and the streetcar went by fits and starts, especially with a full load.
���� The same is true in the spiritual life of a Christian. If we allow sin of any kind to corrode
���� our contact with God through the Holy Spirit (who is the POWER LINE for Christian
���� living), our contact with God is cut off, and He will not even listen to us.
���� Is your spiritual life in a proper relationship with God, so that He will listen to your
���� petitions?
���� What is the answer to this personal, and thus national problem? Verses 16‑20, Isaiah
���� 1, gives us the answer. "Wash you, make you clean; put away evil (sin) of your doings
���� from before mine eyes; cease to do evil;"
���� The Prophet Jeremiah in Jeremiah 23:22 says: "But if they (the pastors of the land)
���� stood in my counsel, and had caused my people to hear my words, then they should
���� have turned them from their evil way, and from the evil of their doings." This hasn't
���� happened in the United States and Canada and is a terrible indictment on the quality of
���� their preaching.
���� Continuing on Isaiah 1:17 ‑ "Learn to do well (righteously); seek judgment, relieve the
���� oppressed, judge the fatherless, plead with the widow. Verse 18 ‑ Come now, and let
���� us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white
���� as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. NOTICE CLOSELY
���� NOW what verse 19, 20 says, "If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of
���� the land: But if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the sword (war): for the
���� mouth of the Lord hath spoken it."
���� There's your answer!
���� We further read of this cleansing in Psalm 51:7, where the Psalmist says, "purge me
���� with hyssop (a cleansing element like soap), and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall
���� be whiter than snow."
���� When the Pharisee Saul, had his miraculous meeting with the risen Christ on the road to
���� Damascus, he was in the city praying in a blind state, when a Christian named Ananias
���� was told by God to go to a certain house on a street called Straight, where Saul of
���� Tarsus had seen in a vision, a man named Ananias, who had put his hand on him and
���� recovered his sight. Quite naturally Ananias replied, "Lord don't you know who this
���� Saul is? How much evil he has done to our people? He is here with authority from the
���� High Priests to arrest all those which call on Thy name." God told him, "Go thy way: for
���� he is a chosen vessel unto Me, to bear My name before the Gentiles, and Kings, and
���� the children of Israel:" Then in verse 17,18 it says that when Ananias laid hands on
���� Saul, that the scales fell from his eyes, and he arose and was baptized. No doubt for
���� the remission of sins, as told in Acts 2:38.
���� In Revelations 7:14, the Apostle John saw a great multitude in white robes before the
���� throne of God, and when he asked his guiding angel who these were he was told:
���� "...Sir, thou knowest. And he said to me, These are they which came out of great
���� tribulation (no Rapture here), and have washed their robes, and made them white in the
���� blood of the Lamb."
���� Remember verse 19 of Isaiah 1, gives the condition for this cleansing and is most
���� important ‑ obedience
���� My friends, we have a choice to make! obedience or destruction! This is why I
���� continue to hammer away at the theme: Obedience to God and the discipline it brings
���� must come before we can have victory!
���� Isaiah 1:23 explains the national condition of Israel as we can see today: "Thy princes
���� (political leaders) are rebellious, companions of thieves: every one loveth gifts, and
���� followeth after rewards (bribes): they judge not the fatherless, neither doth the cause of
���� the widow come unto them."
���� Verse 24, speaks of a time of national cleansing, where God will get rid of His enemies
���� (Luke 19:27). Could this be one reason the Edomites are flocking to Palestine?
���� In the next few verse, chapter 1: 25‑27 tells how this purging will take place: "And I
���� (God) will turn my hand upon thee, and purely purge away thy dross, and take away all
���� thy tin (alloy): And I (God) will restore thy judges (political rulers) as at the first, and
���� thy counselors as at the beginning: afterward (after this cleansing) thou shalt be called,
�� �� The city of righteousness, the faithful city Zion shall be redeemed with judgment, and
���� her converts with righteousness." (The ZION referred to here is the Zion of 2 Samuel
���� 7:10, it is not the anti‑Christ country of the Israelites now in Palestine.)
���� We know this could not refer to Jewish rulers, for Jesus told the leaders in Matthew
���� 23:15 ‑ "...for ye compass (go over) sea and land to make one proselyte (convert),
���� and when he is made, ye make twofold more the child of hell than yourselves." The
���� converts of New Zion will be righteous not children of the devil
���� Isaiah 1:28 gives a further warning to those who refuse to obey God: "And destruction
���� of the transgressors and of the sinners shall be together, and they that forsake the Lord
���� shall be consumed."
���� Intellectual men may mock and laugh these words to scorn, but they will take place, for
���� the mouth of God has spoken it, His law of Harvest is still in effect, even for those of
���� us who call ourselves Christian: "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever
���� a man/woman soweth, that shall he also reap. For he/she that soweth to his/her flesh
���� (material things) shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he/she that soweth to the Spirit
��� � shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting." (Galatians 6:7,8) We can't avoid this, no matter
���� who we are, or what position we hold in life. It applies to the Pope, Billy Graham, the
���� richest man in the world, President Clinton, or the drunken bum in the gutter.
���� In Isaiah 2 we see a prophesy that has been at least partially filled in the New Zion of
���� North America. Verse 2 says, "And it shall come to pass in the last days (of this age),
���� that the mountain (in the Bible the word mountain often refers to a nation or people) of
���� the Lord's house shall be established (prepared) in the top (capital) of the mountains
���� (nation), and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it."
���� No nation anywhere on earth, or in the world's history at anytime has fulfilled this
���� prophesy like the United States and Canada. The Jews in Palestine have not come
���� close to fulfilling this prophesy.
���� Verse 3 ‑ "And many (millions of) people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go to
���� the mountain (nation) of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; and He shall teach
���� us His ways, and we will walk in His paths: for out of (New) Zion shall go forth the
���� (His) law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.
���� Continue on to Part 4