

������������ Re: Two Seedlines

������� Date:

������������ Thu, 28 Feb 2002 16:01:43 GMT

������ From:

������������ [email protected] (Ninure Saunders)


������������ GSP MCC


������������, alt.holocaust.judeo‑christian, alt.religion.christian,

������������ alt.religion.christian.20‑something,

������������ alt.religion.christian.adventist,

������������ alt.religion.christian.anabaptist.brethren,

������������ alt.religion.christian.baptist, alt.religion.christian.methodist,

������������ alt.religion.christian.baptist

� References:

������������ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4

In article <270220021139077383%[email protected]>, "Craig L.

Adams" <[email protected]> wrote:

‑In article

‑<RainbowChristiannohate‑[email protected]>,

‑ Ninure Saunders <[email protected]> wrote:

‑> Kill file Willie is not enough.� We need to step on this bug:


‑>�������� Keep a copy of this and when you see a post from Willie cut

‑> and paste this post with it.� Any other response to a post of Silly

‑> Willie is just feeding a troll.

‑Besides being racist, Willie's posts tend to be long, boring and filled

‑with errors. They really aren't worth bothering to read. But, I suppose

‑it would be good to keep people informed about him.

‑I see he posted the "Two Seedlines" thing to 9 newsgroups! I know that

‑his crap appears in <alt.religion.christian.methodist> and

‑<alt.religion.christian.baptist> very regularly.

‑How many other NGs does he post in regularly?

The quesion might be� easier to answer of you asked "What non‑moderatred

"christian" NG does Willie Martin NOT post in?"

Ninure Saunders aka Rainbow Christian

The Lord is my Shepherd and He knows I'm Gay

The world's second most subversive document

Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches

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