
Just Who is This Patriarch, Judah?

The story of Judah starts in Genesis 29:35 where it says:

�And she (Leah) conceived again, and bare a son: and she said, Now will I praise the Lord: therefore she called his name Judah, and left bearing.�

Before we go very far, there is a side subject in this section of Scripture which we need to consider. Now we know that most of you who are reading this know this story well and for those who do not know it well, we will just have to go around you on this one. Sorry. We are aware that inverse 30 of this same chapter of the fact that Jacob loved Rachel more than Leah.

Well this set up a contest of sorts to see which one of Jacob�s wives could bare him the most children. Of course Leah with the birth of Judah was way out in front of Rachel. It seems that Rachel had a conception problem and it wasn�t because Jacob wasn�t giving you her share of attention. It must have been known in those days that a problem with conception was because the wife did not relax during intercourse. It seems that Reuben came to Rachel�s aid in Genesis 30:14-15:

14). And Reuben wen in the days of wheat harvest, and found mandrakes in the field, and brought them unto his mother Leah. Then Rachel said to Leah, Give me, I pray thee, of thy son�s mandrakes.

15). And she (Leah) said unto her, IS IT small matter that thou hast taken my husband? And wouldest thou take away my son�s mandrakes also? And Rachel said, Therefore he (Jacob) shall lie with thee to night for thy son�s mandrakes.

We can tell by this that Rachel wanted quite badly the mandrakes that Reuben had found in the field. Now we don�t see Rachel giving up a night with Jacob unless she had something in mind with the mandrakes. Therefore let�s see for what mandrakes are used. Here is what the �Nelson�s New Bible Dictionary,� has to say about mandrakes, page 1006:

Mandrake: A fruit-producing plant with dark green leaves and small bluish-purple flowers. The mandrake grew abundantly throughout Palestine and the Mediterranean region. The yellow fruit of the mandrake was small, sweet-tasting, and fragrant. IT HAD NARCOTIC QUALITIES and may have been used medicinally. The fruit of the mandrake was also referred to as the �love apple.� It was considered a love portion (Genesis 30:16).

The alleged �abundance� is disputed by most others who claim it was rare, the variety being nearer the reason since it was avidly sought after, and treasure, e.g., Rachel�s purchase of it for a night with Jacob and Leah. �The Interpreter�s Dictionary of the Bible,� volume K-Q, pages 256-257 also includes THE FRUIT RIPENS TO A BRIGHT YELLOW in May, about the time of the wheat harvest. (Genesis 30:14) We know that Genesis 30:22 says that Yahweh opened Rachel�s womb, but was it with the mandrakes that He did this? Scripture, being inspired by Yahweh, we must consider that EVERY part of it is for a specific relevant, and important reason relative to the whole of the Scripture message.

This whole question of the mandrakes brings up a lot of questions, but before we start asking these questions, there is another source which we would like to quote from. This source is: �The Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia, volume 4, page 66:

Mandrake: Mentioned 5 times in Genesis 30, and once in Song of Solomon 7:13. Mandrake is generally accepted to be the �love apple.� The mandrake was obviously rare, and was supposed to have aphrodisiac properties. The old-fashioned name of the tomato (solanum esculentum) was a love apple.

It is thought that the mandrake is Atropa Mandragora, which is like the deadly nightshade, and therefore a member of the same family. This plant bears yellow fruits, somewhat smaller than the tomato, and has an �acquired� pleasant taste. Because of its �sex� reputation, it is called by Arabs �a devil�s apple.�

The description in Genesis of Rachel�s conversation with Leah certainly gives the impression that the mandrake was thought to be a love potion. Its near relation, Atropa Belladonna, is, of course, the source of Atropine, an important medical drug. The Royal Horticultural society�s dictionary names the plant Mandragora Officinarum, and describes the fruit as a globose berry. It gives the alternative name as �devil�s apple.� this plant has a large tap root; it produces leaves like a primrose, and blue or greenish-white flowers similar to those of the potato. The yellow plum-like fruits unvariably lie in the middle of the rosette of leaves, rather like the eggs of some bird in a nest. There is little doubt that its amorous properties are pure superstition, but the plant is certainly found in Palestine ...

Its �amorous properties� may be �pure superstition,� nevertheless the mandrake is a narcotic. The first question that we would like to ask is this: What did Reuben, a five and a half to six year old boy at the time, want with the mandrakes? Maybe he wanted to smell them or use them to play marbles with.

We would rather think that Leah had been using them all along and that is why she was getting pregnant so often; and that she had instructed Reuben to bring them to her if he round any. She probably was out in the field about six weeks before the mandrakes were ripe and said to Reuben something like this: Reuben, here in a plant that is known as mandrake; they are not ripe yet, but when you see the berries turn yellow, pick some and bring them to me like mothers� good little boy.

Please note verse 14 again as it definitely states that Reuben brought them to his mother. It is obvious from the Scriptures that when Rachel saw Reuben bring Leah the mandrakes, she immediately recognized how Leah was getting pregnant so often. This likely explains why Rachel was so willing to give up a night with Jacob in order to obtain the mandrakes from Reuben. Or is it possible that Leah, really loving her sister did not show it outwardly, had instructed Reuben to pick the mandrakes so she could offer them to Rachel for her conception problem?

Well, probably, at this point, you are asking: What does all this have to do with Judah? IT HAS EVERYTHING TO DO WITH JUDAH! Well, while we are on the subject of the mandrakes, let�s go back to the garden of Eden and the seduction of Eve.

Is it possible that the serpent (Satan) offered Eve a narcotic mandrake or a narcotic portion made from the mandrake to intoxicate Eve so her normal instinct to resist sexual advances would be diminished while at the same time her normal sexual desires would be aroused?

Let us explain, for a moment, what causes the sexual instinct in both men and women to be aroused and probably in all other creatures. In a study made in recent years, it stated that the body makes small amounts of opium and during intercourse this opium is released to produce the pleasurable sensation one gets during this time.

Actually there are opium receptors in the brain that receive this opium. You can see why, then, when someone takes a large amount of opium, there is such an over-sensation of ecstacy with a violent withdrawal. You might say that anyone who likes sex is an opium addict of sorts. Maybe Eve did partake of an apple, the �devils apple!�

While we are considering this �devil�s apple,� let�s consider another reference to the mandrake. What we have in mind is the comic strip series known as �Mandrake the Magician.� We are not sure if it is a person character by the name of �Mandrake� who is a �magician� or if it is a �magician� with a �mandrake.� This is a very unusual name for a comic strip series and we will tell you why.

The word for �serpent� used in genesis 3:1, 2, 4, 13, and 17 is #5175. When you go to the Strong�s Concordance it will tell you it is from #5172. When you check #5172 it means whisper, magic spell, generally to prognosticate, and idiom for certainly, an idiom for divine, an idiom for enchanter or one who uses enchantment, to learn by experience, idiom for indeed and diligently observe. In other words the �serpent� was a �magician.�

Another form of magic is to hypnotize. Did the serpent of Genesis 3 have this power to hypnotize and did he use it on Eve? These are good questions for under hypnosis there is a powerful control by suggestion. As a matter of fact, people are mass hypnotized by television everyday its called subliminal suggestion. This is the definition for subliminal: below the threshold of consciousness or apprehension; specifically involving or using stimuli that become effective subconsciously by repetition.

We would say that any method of suggesting something to someone to their subconscious without the subject person�s conscious knowing about it would be a form of hypnotism. There are many many forms of hypnotism. Did the �serpent� (Satan) use a form of hypnotism on Eve? If we can just picture this master magician in our minds using a narcotic drug and hypnotism to overcome Eve�s resistance along with receptive words, then we can begin to understand the mental and physical seduction of Eve. And, What does this have to do with Judah? IT HAS EVERYTHING TO DO WITH JUDAH!

Now let�s review Genesis 3:15 again for it is the main theme of Scripture. As a matter of fact, without an understanding of Genesis 3:15, it is impossible to understand the Bible and it is impossible to understand the monetary, political, religious and racial war that is going on today:

15). And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.� (Genesis 3:15)

Today this enmity (hatred) is evidenced by the �Jew�s� hatred for the true White Israel peoples inasmuch as they are doing everything they can to kill them in wars, crossbreeding with the other races and whatever, while at the same time, there is a hatred among many true White Israelites aimed toward the �Jews� exactly as Genesis 3:15 prophesied.

This enmity (hatred) is especially evident bing directed by the �Jews� toward Germany, and likewise the German people in turn hating the �Jews.� If you are not aware of it, the German people just happen to be of the tribe of Judah. THIS IS WHAT IT HAS TO DO WITH JUDAH!!!

Why, then, is there enmity in the �Jews� toward Germany? Its simple: JUDAH HOLDS THE SCEPTER!!� THE JEWS WANT TO USURP THE SCEPTER. Now you know what the Civil War (the civil war because so many Americans were the descendants of German immigration at the time), World War I, and World War II were all about. It should be mentioned here that the Irish and Scots are also of the tribe of Judah!

Let�s read Genesis 49:10:

10). The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be.

Now if there ever was a Scripture taken out of context, this is one of them. Most Judeo-Christians interpret this as meaning when �Christ� (Yahshua) came the first time. There could be no greater mistake than interpreting this passage in this manner. Let�s check out the word �Shiloh,� Hebrew word #7886 in the �Gesenius� Hebrew-Chaldee Lexicon to the Old Testament,� page 818:

�(1) Tranquillity, rest; ... This power of the word seems to be that which it has in the much discussed passage, Genesis 49:10, �the scepter shall not depart from Judah ... until tranquillity shall come, and the peoples shall obey him (Judah). Then let him bind,� etc.; i.e., Judah shall not lay down the scepter of the ruler, until this ENEMIES BE SUBDUED, and he shall rule over many people; an expectation belonging to the kingdom of the Messiah, who was to spring from the tribe of Judah ...

�(2) (�place of rest�), [Shiloh], pr. N. of a town of the Ephraimites, situated on the mountain to the north of Bethel, where the holy tabernacle was set for some time ...�

The implications here are: there will be no rest for Ephraim (the ten northern tribes which comprise White America and other related peoples today) until �Messiah� comes and the �enemy� is destroyed and His peaceful Kingdom is set up. This means that Judah will rule until Messiah comes the second time. Watch the Royal Lin in England; because of race-mixing among the Royal line, it can�t last much longer.

This is something else the Judeo-Christians cannot understand because the Royal Line is polluted with �Cain�s Satanic Seed� and the Royal Line is of Judah. Now we know more about Judah. This passage has nothing to do with the first coming of Yahshua except He was of the House of David of the Line of Judah.

He didn�t establish peace at His first coming, for He brought a sword (Matthew 10:34), but He will the next time, but only after the enemy has been totally destroyed to the last man, woman and child (Malachi 4:1 ... �shall leave neither root nor branch.�) and only the �Two Seedliners know who the enemy is.

����������������� Judah�s Intercession For Joseph

The next time we find Judah is when he and his brothers were conspiring against Joseph to kill him. Actually both Reuben and Judah took action which prevented the murder of Joseph. Reuben suggested that they throw Joseph into a pit and let him starve to death.

No doubt, Reuben was thinking that he would go back later and free Joseph from the pit. Judah made a really brilliant move at this point and started to show his superior quality for leadership and decision making. Judah knew the other brothers wouldn�t buy Reuben�s plan knowing Reuben would just go back and free Joseph. Judah�s plan was much superior to Reuben�s. Judah realized there was a very deep rift developing in the family and the only way to save Joseph�s life was to get him clear out of the country away from his brothers.

Here is how Judah handled it, Genesis 37:26-27:

26). And Judah said unto his brethren, What profit is it if we slay our brother, and conceal his blood?

27). Come, and let us sell him to the Ishmaelites, and let not our hand be upon him; for he is our brother and our flesh. And his brethren were content.

Now if that wasn�t making the best of a bad situation, we don�t know what could be. Judah, though, not liking Joseph�s dreams, the coat of many colors and Joseph being a stool pigeon informing on his brothers, yet brought out the basic instinct of our people reminding his brothers that Joseph was �our brother and our flesh.� One can say whatever you want to about Judah, but you have to admit, when the chips were down, Judah had a very keen sense for leadership and understood what kind of action to take.

It goes on to tell that they sold Joseph for twenty pieces of silver. Being that Benjamin was too young to be in on this conspiracy, at this time, that left 10 brothers to divide the money between. That would be two pieces of silver each. Do you ever wonder what they might have spent it on? Some might single Judah out for selling Joseph for twenty pieces of silver comparing him to Judas Iscariot and how he sold Yahshua for thirty pieces of silver, but there is no comparison here. This was a family matter and the ten brothers shared in it equally. There are some people who like to point a finger at Judah and call him Jew: How totally absurd.

�������������������� Judah�s Story Get Complex

No we come to the most complex part of Judah�s life. It is found in the 38th chapter of Genesis. Unless we understand this portion of Judah�s life, it confuses out outlook on the whole Bible. In fact, all of the details of this portion of Judah�s life are not found in the Catholic (Universal) canonized so-called �Bible,� so we will be quoting from some other sources.

Let�s read Genesis 38:1-26:

1). And it came to pass at that time, that Judah went down from his brethren, and turned in to a certain Adullamite, whose name was Hirah.

2). And Judah saw there a daughter of a certain Canaanite, whose name was Shuah; and he took her, and went in unto her.

3). And she conceived, and bare a son; and he called his name Er.

4). And she conceived again, and bare a son; and she called his name Onan.

5). And she yet again conceived, and bare a son; and called his name Shelah: and he was at Chezib, when she bare him.

6). And Judah took a wife for Er his firstborn, whose name was Tamar.

7). And Er, Judah's firstborn, was wicked in the sight of the LORD; and the LORD slew him.

8). And Judah said unto Onan, Go in unto thy brother's wife, and marry her, and raise up seed to thy brother.

9). And Onan knew that the seed should not be his; and it came to pass, when he went in unto his brother's wife, that he spilled it on the ground, lest that he should give seed to his brother.

10�� And the thing which he did displeased the LORD: wherefore he slew him also.

11). Then said Judah to Tamar his daughter in law, Remain a widow at thy father's house, till Shelah my son be grown: for he said, Lest peradventure he die also, as his brethren did. And Tamar went and dwelt in her father's house.

12). And in process of time the daughter of Shuah Judah's wife died; and Judah was comforted, and went up unto his sheep shearers to Timnath, he and his friend Hirah the Adullamite.

13). And it was told Tamar, saying, Behold thy father in law goeth up to Timnath to shear his sheep.

14). And she put her widow's garments off from her, and covered her with a Vail, and wrapped herself, and sat in an open place, which is by the way to Timnath; for she saw that Shelah was grown, and she was not given unto him to wife.

15). When Judah saw her, he thought her to be an harlot; because she had covered her face.

16). And he turned unto her by the way, and said, Go to, I pray thee, let me come in unto thee; (for he knew not that she was his daughter in law.) And she said, What wilt thou give me, that thou mayest come in unto me?

17). And he said, I will send thee a kid from the flock. And she said, Wilt thou give me a pledge, till thou send it?

18). And he said, What pledge shall I give thee? And she said, Thy signet, and thy bracelets, and thy staff that is in thine hand. And he gave it her, and came in unto her, and she conceived by him.

19). And she arose, and went away, and laid by her Vail from her, and put on the garments of her widowhood.

20). And Judah sent the kid by the hand of his friend the Adullamite, to receive his pledge from the woman's hand: but he found her not.

21). Then he asked the men of that place, saying, Where is the harlot, that was openly by the way side? And they said, There was no harlot in this place.

22). And he returned to Judah, and said, I cannot find her; and also the men of the place said, that there was no harlot in this place.

23). And Judah said, Let her take it to her, lest we be shamed: behold, I sent this kid, and thou hast not found her.

24). And it came to pass about three months after, that it was told Judah, saying, Tamar thy daughter in law hath played the harlot; and also, behold, she is with child by whoredom. And Judah said, Bring her forth, and let her be burnt.

25). When she was brought forth, she sent to her father in law, saying, By the man, whose these are, am I with child: and she said, Discern, I pray thee, whose are these, the signet, and bracelets, and staff.

26). And Judah acknowledged them, and said, She hath been more righteous than I; because that I gave her not to Shelah my son. And he knew her again no more.

Upon research we found that the money for Joseph was not divided evenly between the ten brothers, and we found what the brothers spent the money for. �In The Lost Books of The Bible and The Forgotten Books of Eden,� in �The Testament of Zebulun,� chapter 1, verses 17 to 20:

17). For in his (Joseph�s) price I had no share, my children.

18). But Simeon and Gad and six other of our brethren took the price of Joseph, and bought sandals for themselves, and their wives, and their children, saying:

19). We will not eat of it, for it is the price of our brother�s blood, but we will assuredly tread it under foot, because he said that he would be king over us, and so let us see what will become of his dreams.

20). Therefore it is written in the writing of the law of Moses, that whosoever will not raise up seed to his brother, his sandal should be unloosed, and they (the dead brother�s widow) should spit in his face.

No that we on the subject of the Levirate law, let�s look into it further as IT HAS EVERYTHING TO DO WITH THE STORY OF JUDAH TOO! If we want to know more about the Levirate law, we will have to read Deuteronomy 25:5-9, and we will do that shortly. After we read this passage in Deuteronomy, you will begin to see just how important the passage from �The Testament of Zebulun� is to make Deuteronomy understandable. This will prove beyond all reasonable doubt that �The Testament of Zebulun� should have been in our present Bibles today

Now Deuteronomy 25:5-9:

5). If brethren dwell together, and one of them die, and have no child, the wife of the dead shall not marry without unto a stranger: her husband's brother shall go in unto her, and take her to him to wife, and perform the duty of an husband's brother unto her.

6). And it shall be, that the firstborn which she beareth shall succeed in the name of his brother which is dead, that his name be not put out of Israel.

7). And if the man like not to take his brother's wife, then let his brother's wife go up to the gate unto the elders, and say, My husband's brother refuseth to raise up unto his brother a name in Israel, he will not perform the duty of my husband's brother.

8). Then the elders of his city shall call him, and speak unto him: and if he stand to it, and say, I like not to take her;

9). Then shall his brother's wife come unto him in the presence of the elders, and loose his shoe from off his foot, and spit in his face, and shall answer and say, So shall it be done unto that man that will not build up his brother's house.

Now we can understand when we read in Ruth 4:8 which says:

8). Therefore the kinsman said unto Boaz, Buy IT for thee. So he drew off his shoe.

By the way, it should be mentioned that Seth raised up seed to his murdered brother, Abel. Seth�s very name means �substitute,� #8352 �in the stead of another.�

It should be pointed out that Seth was a �substitute� for Abel, not Cain! Only Seth was a true blood brother to Abel, therefore a �substitute!� Only Seth could raise up seed to Abel! Here we are again, right back to �Two Seedline.� Anyway we thought we would clear up the matter of how the twenty pieces of silver were divided between the brothers and how the money was used to buy sandals (and the symbolic meaning of the sandals).

��������������� Be Careful When You Are Reading

������������� The So-called Pseudepigrahpa Books

The same holds true for The King James or any other version of the Bible. The only way you can get the true message is by going back to the original languages. If you are reading everything it says in the English and taking it literally, we guarantee you are not getting the true meanings. For an example of how you might get the wrong meaning from the Pseudepigrahpa books let�s take a passage out of �The Lost Books of The Bible and The Forgotten Books of Eden,��Testament of Levi,� chapter 1, verse 14:

14). And by thee (Levi) and Judah shall the Lord appear among men, SAVING EVERY RACE OF MEN.

That is obviously a mistranslation of the text for we know that Yahshua came to REDEEM HIS KINSMEN ONLY. To prove that this passage is not saying �saving every race of men,� we are going to go the �Wilson�s Old Testament Word Studies,� page 337 under the word �race� which says:

... com. A way, path, road; the course of the sun: Psalm xix.5

... m. a race, running: Eccles ix.11

Turn to your Strong�s Concordance and look u p the word �race� and it is only found in the bible four times: Psalm 19:5; Ecclesiastes 9:11; 1st Corinthians 9:24 and Hebrews 12:1 and it is never used in a racial sense as a race of people. Not even once. Therefore the translator(s) of �The Lost Books of The Bible and The Forgotten Books of Eden,� didn�t have a Hebrew or Greek word for �race� meaning people to translate from. We don�t have an original manuscript, so we can only guess what it should have been. This one thing we do know, though, it shouldn�t have been: �saving every race of men.� We would suggest that this verse should read something like this and its just an educated guess:

And by thee (Levi) and Judah shall the Lord appear among men, saving every seed of Adam.

The translator(s) make this same mistake several times in the �Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs� and this should be considered when reading them. The term �race� is used once again in �The Testament of Levi,� chapter 3, verses 37-38, page 230:

37). ... Beware of the spirit of fornication; for this shall continue and shall by thy seed pollute the holy place.

38). Take therefore to thyself (Levi) a wife without blemish or pollution, while yet thou are young, AND NOT OF THE RACE OF STRANGE NATIONS.

Here the translator did a little bit better, but, again, probably shouldn�t have used the term �race.� It probably should have been translated �AND NOT OF THE SEED OF STRANGE NATIONS,� we don�t know about you, but we think this last verse 37 is outstandingly good. Well, you might say: What does this have to do with Judah? IT HAS EVERYTHING TO DO WITH JUDAH. Just hang on and in a little while we will be getting back to Judah.

�������������������� More About The Mandrakes

Before we go back to the subject of Judah, let�s consider another passage in �The Testament of Issachar,� chapter 1, verses 3-11, 16-19, 22-23, pages 241-242:

3). (Issachar) was born fifth son to Jacob, by way of hire for the mandrakes.

4). For Reuben my brother brought in mandrakes from the field, and Rachel met him and took them.

5). And Reuben wept, and at his voice Leah my mother came forth.

6). Now these mandrakes were sweet-smelling apples which were produced in the land of Haran below the ravine of water.

7). And Rachel said: I will not give them to thee, but they shall be to me instead of children.

8). For the Lord hath despised me, and I have not borne children to Jacob.

9). Now there were two apples; and Leah said to Rachel: Let it suffice thee that thou hast taken my husband: wilt thou take these also?

10). And Rachel said to her: Thou shalt have Jacob this night for the mandrakes of thy son.

11). And Leah said to her: Jacob is mine, for I am the wife of his youth ...

16). Nevertheless for the mandrakes I am hiring Jacob to thee for one night.

17). And Jacob knew Leah, and she conceived and bare me, and on account of the hire I was called Issachar.

18). Then appeared to Jacob an angel of the Lord, saying, Two children shall Rachel bear, inasmuch as she hath refused company with her husband, and hath chosen continency (self-restraint in sexual activity).

19). And had not Leah my mother paid the two apples for the sake of his company, she would have borne eight sons; for this reason she bare six, and Rachel bore the two: for an account of the mandrakes the Lord visited her ...

22). Because of the mandrakes, therefore, the Lord harkened to Rachel.

23). For though she desired them, she eat them not, but offered them in the house of the Lord, presenting them to the priest of the Most High who was at that time.

Well, this puts a lot more light on this matter of the mandrakes. We think that after all these considerations of the matter (at lest it is our viewpoint) that Leah had been using the mandrakes all along. We believe further that Rachel, seeing the mandrakes being brought by Reuben to his mother Leah, envied Leah of them, whereupon Rachel offered a night with Jacob to Leah for the mandrakes. We believe that Rachel pondered for some time considering the use of them, but changed her mind and gave them as an offering to Yahweh with a prayer that if He didn�t intercede for her barrenness, she simply would never have any children whereupon Yahweh opened her womb.

The main point we wanted to get out of this mandrake story was the possibility that Satan may have used a narcotic drug like the mandrake to seduce Eve. Now thee are some that don�t believe that a fallen angel like Satan could have the ability to have sexual intercourse. Let�s read another passage in �The Testament of Reuben� in �The Lost books of the Bible and The Forgotten Books of Eden,� chapter 2, verses 18-19, page 223:

18). For thus they allured the Watchers (fallen angels) who were before the flood; for as these continually behold them, they lusted after them, and they conceived the act in their mind; FOR THEY CHANGED THEMSELVES INTO THE SHAPE OF MEN, and appeared to them when they were with their husbands.

19). And the women lusting in their minds after their forms, gave birth to giants, for the Watchers appeared to them as reaching even unto heaven.

No doubt, we might have some translation problems here as we would rather believe that the �Watchers� appeared to the women when they were NOT with their husbands. You can see from this that it would have been no problem, then, for Satan to have changed himself into the �shape� of a man and had sexual intercourse with Eve. By the way, if you want to know more about the Watchers, red the Book of Enoch. The Book of Jude (Jude 4) speaks of Enoch as an authentic prophetic writer; therefore, Why isn�t the Book of Enoch a part of our Bible today?

There has been a lot of controversy about the Book of Enoch, whether it is authentic or not. The Book of Enoch was well known to the New Testament writers. It was well known by Jews and Christians alike during that period of time. However, from the second century A.D., on, it was rarely mentioned in Jewish sources. Then in the fourth century it fell into disfavor in the West, being stigmatized by Jerome as apocryphal.

Our source n this is �The Interpreter�s Dictionary of the Bible,� volume E-J, page 104. The pagan Council of Nicaea with half pagan Constantine the Great followed later by a so-called (Saint) Jerome appropriated the Book of Enoch to the Pseudepigrahpa and Apocrypha types of books (false or hidden) and that has been the position of the �church� as a whole ever since. Well with the discovery of the �Dead Sea Scrolls,� in the late 1940s and the early 1950s, it put a bright new shining light on the Book of Enoch. We will now quote from the �Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible,� volume 2, page 310 about this:

... Until the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, the text of Enoch was best preserved in the Ethiopic Manuscripts, twenty-nine of which are known. Most of these contain the complete work, sometimes together with certain biblical or apocryphal books. Within this group of Manuscripts, two text types are distinguishable. The Ethiopic Manuscripts are late, however, the earliest belong probably to the 16th century.

Portions of the book have also been preserved in Greek. Two Manuscripts dating from the 8th century or later were discovered in 1886-1887 in a Christian grave at Akhmin, Egypt, and preserve chapters 1-32:6 and 19:3-21:9. Syncellus (c. A.D. 800) preserves 6:1-10:14; 15:8-16:1 and 8:4-9:4 in duplicate form. The Vatican Manuscripts preserved 89:42-49 and Egyptian papyri containing chapters 97-104 and 106-108 were published by Bonner in 1937. Some quotations from Enoch, especially from 106:1-18 are preserved in Latin.

The Scrolls from Qumran now appear to provide the best representatives of the original text of the Book of Enoch, however. About ten fragmentary Manuscripts of the word in Aramaic were found in Cave IV. Five of these correspond roughly to Book I and Book IV of the work.

It appears that these sections together with the last chapters of the book once formed a separate work. Book III, the astronomical section, is represented by four Aramaic Manuscripts which provide a more intelligible text than any others available to this time.

The beginning of Book V is represented by one Manuscript. It may have circulated as a separate work as well. Support for the suggestion comes from a fragmentary Greek Manuscript found among the Chester Beatty-Michign papyri. The fact that there are no fragments of Book II may be due to accident or it may be that this too was a separate composition not known to the Qumran community.


WHAT AN UNDERSTATEMENT THIS LAST PARAGRAPH IS! With the Book of Enoch, we can understand how angel beings can change themselves into the form of men and seduce women, and women to seduce men. What does this have to do with Judah? IT HAS EVERYTHING TO DO WITH JUDAH!

While we are still on this subject of seduction, we would like to quote you one more passage from �The Lost Books of The Bible and The Forgotten Books of Eden,� Fourth Book of Maccabees, chapter 8, verses 8: 22-23, pages 196-197:


22). I was a pure maiden, and I strayed not from my father�s house, and I kept guard over the rib that was beguiled into Eve.

23). No seducer of the desert, no deceiver in the field, corrupted me; nor did the false, beguiling Serpent sully (soul, stain, tarnish, disgrace, defile) the purity of my maidenhood; I lived with my husband all the days of my youth; but when these my sons were grown up, their father died.

It sounds here like this elderly lady of Israel understood the physical seduction of Eve! Sully meaning: to soil, stain, tarnish, disgrace and defiled cannot get much more physical than that. Nonsense to those who say Eve was mentally seduced. And, What does this have to do with Judah? IT HAS EVERYTHING TO DO WITH JUDAH.

������������������� Tamar Was Not A Canaanite

At this time we are going to quote from chapter 1 of a book entitled �All Of The Women Of The Bible,� by Edith Deen published by Harper & Brothers Publishers, New York, Copyright, 1955. We will be quoting pages 41-44. This will also be a critical review of this section of chapter 1 entitled, �Tamar;��She Has Been More Righteous Than I.� This will also serve to get us acquainted with the story of Tamar. Many have made the false accusation that Tamar was a Canaanite whore. With the help of this article from this book we can get started on that charge of offense:

����� �Tamar, She Hath Been More Righteous Than I�

�Though events centering around Tamar�s life are quite confused and intolerable, according to today�s oral standards, her actions were consistent with the standards of morality prevailing in the primitive era in which she lived.

�The Genesis account of Tamar serves a dual purpose. First, it is one of the Bible�s best examples of the LEVIRATE marriage law. This was the ancient custom of marriage between a man and the widow of his brother required by the Mosaic law when there was no male issue and when the two brothers had been residing on the same family property. The law, of course, takes its name from the noun levir, meaning a husbands brother.

�Second, this Genesis account of Tamar gives us the Bible�s most graphic picture of how a quick-witted widow of early Israel PROTECTED HERSELF AND HER FAMILY RIGHTS.

�Tamar, not a wicked woman at ll, plays a meaningful role in Old Testament history as the mother of Pharez, ancestor of King David. When she had lost two husbands, both of whom were brothers, and was refused the remaining young brother, she still had the courage to demand her RIGHTS TO MOTHERHOOD BY LAW. What did she do? After her mother-in-law�s death, she turned to the father of her husband. The legitimacy and courage of her action are implied in every move she makes.

Scriptures does not mention Tamar�s parentage or place of birth but proceeds to introduce her by saying that her first husband Er �was wicked in the sight of the Lord; and the Lord slew him.� (Genesis 38:7) Next she became the wife of his brother Onan, who �displeased the Lord: wherefore he slew him also.� (Genesis 38:10)

�The union of Tamar with Onan shows the perfect working of the Levirate law, devised to retain the ownership of property within the family as well as to prevent the extinction of the family line. After her second husband�s death, Judah advised his daughter-in-law Tamar to remain a widow at her father�s house until his third son Shelah came of age. But fearing that Tamar possessed a sinister power, and that Shelah might die too, Judah delayed this third son�s marriage with Tamar.

�A considerable time elapsed and then Judah�s wife died. The love of offspring, still deep in the heart of Tamar, caused her to plan how she might seek her rights in motherhood from her father-in-law Judah. Since he had denied her his third son, Shelah, she sought a way to force him to accept his responsibility as guaranteed to her by the Levirate law. (If she had been a Canaanite she would have known nothing of the intrcities of the law)

�When Tamar heard that Judah was soon to be in the hills of Timnath with his friend Hirah, the Adullamite, at great personal risk she set upon a plan of her own. It was sheep-shearing season, and many guests would come from the surrounding country. Tamar planned to be there, too, but under a disguise, so that Judah would not recognize her as the widow of his sons.

�She removed her garments of widowhood, put on a veil to hide her face, and �wrapped herself,� probably in a colorful and becoming festival robe.

�Since Tamar�s name was the same as that of the stately tropical tree of Bible lands, we can assume that she was a tall, sturdy woman with a graceful carriage, one who would command attention wherever she went. This time she chose to stand by the side of the road where Judah would pass by.

�Not recognizing this woman with the veil-covered face as the widow of his two sons and thinking she was a harlot, Judah made advances to her and said, �Go to, I pray the, let me come in unto thee.� (Genesis 38:16)

�Clever woman that she was, she said, �What wilt thou give, me, that thou mayest come in unto me? (Genesis 38:16)

�And he said, �I will send thee a kid from the flock.� And she said, �Wilt thou give me a pledge, till thou send it?� And he said, �What pledge shall I give thee?� And she said, �thy signet, and thy bracelets, and thy staff that is in thine hand.� And he gave it her, and came in unto her, and she conceived by him. (Genesis 38:17-18)

�The unscrupulous actions of Judah, with whom Tamar was here involved, and the noble actions of Joseph, whom Potiphar�s wife tried to involve, present a striking contrast. Some commentators conjecture that is why the story of Potiphar�s wife immediately follows that of Tamar.

�Mamar now turned homeward, carrying with her the signet, bracelet, and staff that had belonged to Judah. Then she removed her veil and put on again the garment of widowhood. A short time afterward Judah sent the kid by his friend Hirah, who had been with him at Timnath for the sheep-shearing. And Judah requested that his more personal possessions be returned when the kid was delivered.

�When Hirah entered the town where Tamar lived, carrying with him the kid, he asked for the harlot who had been by the side of the road, but the men told him there was no harlot in the place. THIS IS THE BEST EVIDENCE WE HAVE THAT TAMAR WAS NOT A PROSTITUTE BUT A SELF-RESPECTING WOMAN, determined to outwit a man and DEMAND HER RIGHT TO CHILDREN, ACCORDING TO THE LAWS OF THE TIME.

�About three months later (Genesis 38:24), Judah received word that his daughter-in-law was �with child by whoredom.� this phrase suggest the malicious gossiper who had carried tales to Judah. Angered at this report, he ordered that his daughter-in-law be brought forth and burned, for that would have been the penalty if the report were true. (Leviticus 20:14) (A Canaanite would not be subject to the Leviticus laws) But when Tamar came before Judah, holding his signet, bracelets, and staff, she asked, �Discern, I pray thee, whose are these?� (Genesis 38:25)

�Judah could not deny their ownership and admitted, �She hath been more righteous than I; because that I ave her not to Shelah my son. And he knew her again no more.� (Genesis 38:16) THE LAST PHRASE IS EVIDENCE ENOUGH THAT TAMAR WAS NOT A PROMISCUOUS WOMAN. SHE HAD MERELY ACTED ACCORDING TO THE LAWS and rather heroically at that; and we can be confident she had exonerated herself, and that Judah had absolved her of all guilt.

�Thrice denied a child by a rightful husband, Tamar now gave birth to twins by Judah. Like the twins of Rebekah, there is a detailed account of the appearance of the elder Pharez, who became inheritor of the family birthright. Afterward his brother Sarah was born with the �scarlet thread upon his hand� that the midwife had tied there. The story of the birth of Tamar�s sons depicts clearly a woman in travail and the birth of twins.

�In the story of Ruth, another widow who also came to motherhood through the Levirate law, we find worthy mention made of Tamar, who bore a child to Judah. Other Tamars follow her, one the �fair sister� (2 Samuel 13:1) of Absalom and the other the woman of �fair countenance� (2 Samuel 14:27) who was the daughter of Absalom. Could it be that they were namesakes of their courageous ancestress, who would not be deprived of her rights of motherhood?�

While the above quotations from the book, �All Of The Women Of The Bible,� are good, we believe that they can be improved upon.

�������������������������� What�s In A Name?

At this time, let�s go into the falsity of calling Tamar a �Canaanite,� let alone a �Canaanite whore,� for she was neither a �Canaanite� nor a �whore.� There is more to studying than pointing to a geographic area on a map and saying that all the people in that area are Canaanites.

This is something that many of the false Judeo-Christian, and even some in the Identity Circles do. This is how many people pretending to be qualified Bible teachers make the mistake of claiming that Ruth was a Moabite. We will also be going into this thing about Ruth being an alleged Moabite later.

It is therefore necessary to realize that people migrate from area to area because of weather changes or they are displaced by wars and many other reasons. You can see, then, it is necessary to take time frames and migration into account. This is something the Judeo-Christian clergy are unable to do. This is an example of how we are getting so many false teachings in Israel Identity today. At this time, let�s check the Scriptures and determine Tamar�s origin once and for all. It is found in the �Book of Jasher,� chapter 45, verse 23 and reads thus:

23). And in those days Judah went to the house of Shem and took Tamar the daughter of Elam, the son of Shem, for a wife for his first born, Er.

But first here, in the case of Tamar, we are going to consider the meaning of her name. Tamar is #8559 in the Strong�s Concordance: �#8559 T�m�r, taw-mawr�; the same as #8558 t�m�r, taw-mawr�� from an unused root meaning to be erect; a palm tree-palm (tree).�

This meaning �Erect� or �Palm Tree� may not seem like much of a portrayal of this name, Tamar, when we first think of it, but let�s take what we have here and go to a good thesaurus and look up all of the synonyms we can find English to see what all this can mean. One of the first synonyms we find is �Upright.� Can we then say that Tamar was an �Upright� woman? �Erect� means not learning or laying down, not inclined or bent, but �Upright.� It can also mean �Exalted,� to rank high in character and honor. Is not the idea of being elevated in rank or character a good attribute?

It appears that this lady Tamar, had something going for her, that she was not just another run-of-the-mill ordinary person, she was something special! That she was a common whore is absurd! It appears that this lady, Tamar, was a woman to be looked up to, not down on.

We don�t know about you, but what we are beginning to see in this Tamar, we like. Another quality for this �erect� woman is being �conscientious,� which means being scrupulous (careful, thorough and painstaking). It seems that Tamar was a �meticulous� lady, a stickler for details. Do you know any ladies like that? Well bet they aint Hottentots or Canaanites. (And we don�t apologize as Messiah called non-Israelites �dogs,� (Mark 7:27)

Now for another version of the story of Tamar. This is from a book, �Far Above Rubes,� by Isabel Hill Elder. We highly recommend this book to anyone who is studying the Israel Identity truth. A copy of this book should be in every racially conscious Israel home. This would be a good book for the Judeo-Christian clergy, and some of the Identity Pastors to read, for if they did, they might not make so many stupid statements.

We are going to quote pages 32 to 35 of Chapter 5. This will give us, again, more insight into the story of Judah and Tamar. This is not the end though, for later we are going to go into each facet of this story, and when we have examined it thoroughly, we believe you will be amazed at the end result

�������������������������� Tamar (Genesis 38)

�Judah, fourth son of Jacob and Leah, in direct disobedience to the Hebrew unwritten law of marrying within their own race; as so signally demonstrated in the cases of Isaac and Jacob in obtaining wives of their kindred in Haran, married a woman of Canaan. (This racial law is written)

�Three sons were born to them, and as the mother in those ancient times had entire charge of the children, these sons were brought up in the ways of the Canaanites and without the respect for morality which ever marks the worshiper of the true God.

�Judah had long since realize his mistake in marrying a woman of Canaan, and determined that his sons should have wives of his own race. A Hebrew lady with a Hebrew name, Tamar, the daughter of Aram (signifying palm tree), was chosen by Judah for his eldest son, Er, who was the nephew of Abraham.

�These sons appear to have been addicted to all the sins and wickedness of the Canaanites. First, Er died shortly after his marriage, and the next son, Onan, refused to obey the Hebrew Law of the next eldest son by marrying his brother�s widow.

�Judah became alarmed when Onan died; we are told that the Lord �slew him also.� Judah now feared to give Tamar to his youngest son, Shelah, �lest peradventure he die also, as his brethren did.� Judah returned Tamar to her father�s house, thee to await his pleasure; in the meantime his Canaanite wife, Bathshua, died.

�Tamar, in the belief that her father-in-law, Judah, would marry a second time a woman of Canaan, determined to remedy the racial descent problem in her own person. A relative of the Jacob household, and well aware of the necessity for racial purity in that House. Tamar embarked upon a course which would prevent Judah�s immediate descendants being other than Hebrew, and a very self-sacrificing course it was.

�It was masterly strategy which brought about the meeting of Judah with his daughter-in-law by the wayside, as recorded in the 38th chapter of Genesis, and the pledges given by Judah, with which he was later confronted, put all denial beyond peradventure.

�Thus by Tamar�s self-sacrificing action, the royal enclosure within the House of Judah was saved from contamination by forbidden blood stock.� Tamar was well aware that in taking the course she did to preserve the purity of her race in the House of Judah she ran the risk of being burnt by fire, and its was not until she was brought forth to receive this punishment by her unsuspecting father-in-law�s command that she revealed the true state of affairs. �Discern, I pray thee, whose are these, the signet, the bracelets, and staff.� The signet, or ring, was the emblem of power and authority; the bracelet was the cord, usually of gold, from which the signet was suspended, and the staff, which also signified the scepter, emblem of authority as head of the tribe.

�In the family records which were handed down from father to son, Tamar would learn of the care exercised to preserve purity of race; she would� learn that her great ancestor, Noah, �was a just man and perfect in his generations� from Seth. The word Tamar means whole, flawless.

�Twin sons were born to Tamar and named Pharez and Zarah. Pharez became and ancestor of our Lord.

�Shelah, the youngest son of Judah and Bathshua, became quite an important House in Israel, BUT WAS DISQUALIFIED BY DIVINE INTERVENTION BECAUSE OF HIS SPURIOUS BIRTH, from becoming an ancestor of the Redeemer of Israel.

�Judah, in his �Story of Tamar,� states that he lived a good and pure life until he met Bathshua, the Canaanite. �I said to my father-in-law, I will take counsel with my father, and so will I take thy daughter. And he was unwilling, but he showed me the boundless store of gold in his daughter�s behalf; for he was a king. And he adorned her with gold and pearls and caused her to pour out wine for us at the feast. AND THE WINE TURNED ASIDE MY EYES, AND PLEASURE BLINDED MY HEART. And I became enamored of her AND I TRANSGRESSED THE COMMANDMENT OF THE LORD, AND THE COMMANDMENT OF MY FATHERS, and I took her to wife. And the Lord rewarded me according to the imagination of my heart, inasmuch AS I HAD NO JOY IN HER CHILDREN ... I turned aside to Tamar, and I wrought a great sin ... for I gave my staff, that is the stay of my tribe; and my girdle, that is, my power, and, my diadem, that is, the glory of my kingdom.

��And indeed I repented of these things. Wine revealeth the mysteries of God and men, even as I also revealed the commandments of God and the mysteries of Jacob my father to the Canaanitish woman, Bathshua, which God bode me not to reveal ... For the sake of money and beauty I was led astray to Bathshua the Canaanite ... For even wise men among my sons shall they mar, and shall cause the kingdom of Judah to be diminished, which the Lord gave me because of my obedience to my father. For I never caused grief to Jacob my father; for all things whatsoever he commanded I did. And Isaac, the father of my father, blessed me to be king of Israel, and Jacob further blesses me in like manner. And I know that from me shall the kingdom be established.� ...

��For the sake of money I lost my children, and had not my repentance, and my humiliation, and the prayers of my father been accepted I should have died childless. But the God of my fathers had mercy on me because I did it in ignorance ... And I learnt my own weakness while thinking myself invincible.�

�Of the four women mentioned in connection with the ancestry of our Lord: Tamar, Rahab, Ruth and Bathsheba, TAMAR IS THE FIRST TO HAVE THE HONOR OF TAKING A DEFINITE STEP FOR RACIAL PURITY, and it was indeed a great tribute which Judah paid in his pronouncement, �She hath been more righteous than I.�� (Genesis 38:26; The Testaments of the �Twelve Patriarchs (Judah),� p. 57, trans. By R.H. Charles, D.D., D. Litt)

Now wasn�t this quote from the book �Far Above Rubies,� by Isabel Hill Elder about Tamar better than �All Of The Women Of The Bible,� by Edith Deen. While both articles had something to contribute, this latter one was much the better of the two. Yet there is still more to be said about this story. The only way we are going to completely understand this story is break it down into its component parts and analyze it as the story develops. As the story develops, we will have to take every aspect of the Law into account as this story is guided much by the Laws of Yahweh.

��������� Let�s Tell The Story The Way It Rally Was

It mentions in Genesis 38:1, �Judah went down from his brethren.� Now this was a very serious mistake on the part of Judah to leave his own kind. Any time we go slumming with the Hottentots or cat and dog eaters, it is going to lead to problems. Here is Judah and he goes down to this Canaanite slum to the house of one Hirah, and Adullamite. There Judah meets an enticing female (we really can�t call her a lady), the daughter of a certain Canaanite, whose name was Shuah, Genesis 38:2. Now before we go any farther with this story it is mandatory that we identify what a Canaanite is or we will miss the whole point of the story.

Here is were the Judeo-Christian clergy start their deceptions, as they do not identify the subject they are talking about. It is absolutely necessary, therefore, to identify the origin of the Canaanite at this time.

If you will go to Genesis 15:19-21, you will find they were made up of �Kenites, Kenizzites, Kadmonites, Hittites, Perizzites, Rephaims, Amorites, Canaanites, Girgashites and Jebusites. These were all intermixed and generally called �Canaanites.�� The first mentioned are the �Kenites,� who are the descendants of Cain #7014 & #7017.

The Kenizzites are the descendants of Esau Edom. The Rephaims are descendants of fallen angels. From this you can begin to see what a bastard race these Canaanites were and are. With the Kenites, these people had the bloodline of Cain who was fathered by Satan him self. Well, this Canaanite wife of Judah had the Satanic blood of Cain in her, and she was related to the serpent of Genesis 3:13-15. Once we understand this fact, we can begin to comprehend the plot of the story.

�������������������� What Is The Plot of Satan?

The story all started in ages past in the heavens when Lucifer and a third of the angels followed him in rebellion against Yahweh. Then Yahweh formed his own son and daughter in the Garden of Eden. (Luke 3:38) At this point, Lucifer, the devil, Satan, decided he must destroy the sons and daughters of Yahweh before they could grow great in the earth. Lucifer decided also that he must plan seed (children) of his own in the earth to counter the children of Yahweh.

Therefore he (Satan, changed himself into a desirable man) must seduce Eve and cause her to have children by him. Lust played only secondarily in this matter, as to produce progeny of himself was his main goal. Ever since that time he has been breeding up his own kind, while at the same time, trying to kill or crossbreed down the children of Yahweh.

This is why, at every critical period of history, Satan�s children are right there ready to do Satan�s bidding. That is why Herod (an Edomite-Canaanite) descendant of Cain and Esau was Johnny-on-the-spot to kill all the little boy children in order to kill the promised Messiah. Remember? It was Rachel who was weeping for her children, not Leah. (Matthew 2:18) Herod wanted to kill the heir to the House of David who would have been of Judah who was mothered by Leah, but he ended up killing a lot of Benjamite children instead.

Remember? Rachel had two sons: Joseph and Benjamin? When one comes to understand that there is a war between Yahweh�s children and Satan�s children, then, the events of history become evident. Right now Satan�s children are trying to crossbreed Yahweh�s children out of existence and you don�t have to look very far to see it (and you have to be blind if you don�t see it). Well, the story of Judah, here, is one of those stories that happened at a critical time in history.

Knowing that this Bathshua was a Canaanite Satanic descendant of Cain and what her motives naturally would be because of her Satanic nature, let�s see how the story develops as we continue. From what we�ve been able to find, Judah was only about 15 to 16 years old when he meets this daughter of the Canaanite (although the Testament of Judah 1:51 says that he was 20).

It may have been a four year process of acquaintance. Anyway, at this age he would have the body of man and the mind of a child. He was live bait for this Canaanite bitch (and a she proved to be). Think of this story in the reverse of Satan seducing Eve; in this case it is Bathshua seducing Judah. This is a critical point in history as Judah was to be the seed-line from which the Messiah would come and one of Satan�s children (Bathshua) was right there to try to defile that seed-line. That is why Hahsuah told the scribes and Pharisees in John 8:44:

44). Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer form the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

Let�s now take a look at the trap that was set for Judah by these Satanic people. It was more than Bathshua, as her father was in on it too. We will read from the �Testament of Judah,� of the �Lost Books of The Bible and Forgotten Books of Eden,� chapter 1 verses 51-53, and then chapter 2, verses 17-18:

51). I was twenty years old when this war befell. And the Canaanites feared me and my brethren.

52). And I had much cattle, and I had for chief herdsman from Adullamite.

53). And when I went to him I saw Parsaga, king of Adullam; and he spake unto us, and he made a feast; and when I was heated (drunk sexually excited) he gave me his daughter Bathshua to wife...

17). And I knew that the race of the Canaanite was wicked, but the impulse of youth blinded my mind.

18). And when I saw her pouring out wind, owing to the intoxication of the wine I was deceived and took her although my father had not counseled it.

Again we have more in the �Testament of Judah,� 3:3-10:

3). Since I also gloried that in wars no comely woman�s face ever enticed me, and reproved Reuben my brother concerning Bilhah the wife of my father, the spirits of jealousy and of fornication arrayed themselves against me, until I lay with Bathshua the Canaanite, and Tamar who was espoused to my sons.

4). For I said to my father-in-law: I will take counsel with my father, and so will I take thy daughter.

5). And he was unwilling, but he showed me a boundless store of gold in his daughter�s behalf, for he was a king.

6). And he adorned her with gold and pearls, and caused her to pour to wine for us at the feast with the beauty of women.

7). And the wine turned aside my eyes, and pleasure blinded my heart.

8). And I became enamored of and I lay with her, and transgressed the commandment of the Lord and the commandment of my fathers, and I took her to wife.

9). And the Lord rewarded me according to the imagination of my heart, inasmuch as I had no joy in her children.

10). And now, my children, I say unto you, be not drunk with wine; for wine turneth the mind away from the truth, and inspires the passion of lust, and leadeth the eyes into error.

You can see here that it was not only Bathshua, but her father also who was in on this conspiracy. Had this conspiracy worked, there would have been no Messiah. And if we don�t see this last point, we miss the whole story.

What we have, in this instance, is one more case where the children of Satan are doing the work of their father to destroy the children of Yahweh. This war has been going on now for about 7500 years. You will also notice, like all Canaanites, this father of Bathshua had plenty of gold like a typical Canaanite merchant �Jew.� Now that�s a good start, but there is more.

Judah ended up having three children by this Canaanite Bathshua: Er, Onan and Shelah. Just to show you how much of a bitch this Bathshua was, Genesis 38:3 tells us that Judah named the first child Er and when the next child (Onan) was born, Bathshua named it, Genesis 38:4. This tells us that she was taking over the head of the household and usurping Judah�s rightful place as priest of the family. From this point on, this Canaanite bitch was running the show, and we will see just how she manipulated it.

The three sons grew up and it came time for them to find a wife. Judah knew the rules, but in spite of this he went to the house of Shem to find a pure White woman for his half-breed son Er. That sounds like the problems we are running into today; Where are we going to find wives and husbands for all of these half-breeds of today? Of course, like Judah, we will try to find a nice White girl for them, Right? And if we oppose that idea we will be politically incorrect, Right? We will bet that Judah never told Elam (Tamar�s father) the whole story or Elam would never have given his pure White daughter, Tamar, for Judah�s half-breed son Er. Because the Canaanites were some relation to Ham, the White son of Noah, maybe he passed Er off as being White (you know, one of those almost white Canaanite �Jews�).

Now what we have to know next in this story is the fact that Bathshua (Judah�s wife) wanted her sons to marry among her race and this explains a lot of what happened later in this story. The Canaanites were a very low moral people and Bathshua taught her sons the lowest forms of immorality. At last, the day came for Tamar to become Er�s wife and we pick up the story in the �Book of Jasher,� chapter 45:24-27 (this gives a better description than the KJV):

24). And Er came to his wife Tamar, and she became his wife, and when he came to her he outwardly destroyed his seed, and his work was evil in the sight of the Lord, and the Lord slew him.

25). And it was after the death of Er, Judah�s first born, that Judah said unto Onan, go to thy brother�s wife and marry her as the next of kin, and raise up seed to thy brother.

26). And Onan took Tamar for a wife and came to her, and Onan also did like the work of his brother, and his work was evil in the sight of the Lord, and he slew him also.

27). And when Onan died, Judah said unto Tamar, remain in they father�s house until my son Sheloh (Shelah) shall have grown up, and Judah did no more delight in Tamar, to give her unto Shiloh (Shelah), for he said, peradventure he will also die like his brothers.

Let�s take this same passage from the King James Version for comparison. It would be Genesis 38:6-10:

6).� And Judah took a wife for Er his firstborn, whose name was Tamar.

7). And Er, Judah's firstborn, was wicked in the sight of the LORD; and the LORD slew him.

8). And Judah said unto Onan, Go in unto thy brother's wife, and marry her, and raise up seed to thy brother.

9). And Onan knew that the seed should not be his; and it came to pass, when he went in unto his brother's wife, that he spilled it on the ground, lest that he should give seed to his brother.

10). And the thing which he did displeased the LORD: wherefore he slew him also.

If this is true, consummation of the marriage was never completed meaning that Er did not legally become Tamar�s husband. Judah not knowing about Er (verse 8) �said unto Onan, Go in unto thy brother�s wife, and marry her, and raise up seed to thy brother.� Well this is what is supposed to be done under the Laws of Yahweh. Every move that is done here is according to the Law. One cannot understand Tamar�s position unless they understand the Law. Then in verse 8 Onan objects because he wants his own seed rather than his brother�s. Why? Because Onan wanted the birthright so that the inheritance would pass through him.

This half-breed Canaanite �Jew� had his eye on the money. Now Onan was so adamant about this situation that he withdrew himself before completing consummation (coitus interrupts), thus Yahweh killed him too. Onan, a half-breed, because of his Cain/Satanic/Canaanite nature had no respect for the laws of his father�s Mighty One. To this day, this act is called �onanism.� Be this as it may, we would rather believe Yahweh killed er and Onan to protect Tamar.

This is getting interesting as neither Er nor Onan could be considered Tamar�s rightful husband before Yahweh. She was never really married to either one because there was no consummation in either case.

Now this sets the stage for the rest of the story. We are simply told here that Judah sent Tamar back to her father�s house until Shelah would be grown up. When Shelah was grown, Bathshua wanting all of her sons to marry Canaanites took charge and married Shelah off to a Canaanite and then she died. �The Testament of Judah� bares this out, chapter 2, verse 19 when Judah says:

19). And while I (Judah) was away she (Bathshua) went and took for Shelah a wife from Canaan.

You can tell from this act alone what kind of a bitch Bathshua was. We have to give Bathshua, Judah�s Canaanite wife, credit here for two things though: (1) she married Shelah off to another Canaanite, and (2) she died. After this the King James Version says, Genesis 38:12:

12). And in the process of time the daughter of Shuah (Bathshua) Judah�s wife died; and Judah was comforted, and went up unto his sheep shearers to Timnath, he and his friend Hirah the Adullamite.

Like the old saying, we have good news and we have bad news. Let�s take up the good news first. To do this we will have to go to the 49th chapter of Genesis where Jacob, just before he dies, prophesies the destinies of each of the tribes of his family. For Judah, Jacob prophesied in Genesis 49:8-12:

8). Judah, thou are he whom thy brethren shall praise: thy hand shall be in the neck of thine enemies; thy father�s children shall bow down before thee.

9). Judah is a lion�s whelp: from the prey, my son, thou art gone up: he stooped down, he couched as a lion, and as an old lion; who shall rouse him up?

10). The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be.

11). Binding his foal unto the vine, and his ass�s colt unto the choice vine; he washed his garments in wine, and his clothes in the blood of grapes. His eyes shall be red with wine, and his teeth white with milk.

There is enough in this passage to fill several books, but for now we want you to notice the prophecy of both the first and second coming, we will be redeemed from our enemy along with many other things. What I wanted to do here is to point out how, in Judah, there is great blessing. While in Judah there is great blessing, on the other hand Judah represents a great curse.

As we pointed out before, Satan and his children intrude (that is: horn in, butt in, chisel in, cut in) at every critical era of history. Because the Messiah was to come through Judah, Satan and his children INTRUDE or direct their attack at Judah. Satan made his first attack in seducing Eve, trying to adulterate Yahweh�s pure Seed-line.

Bathshua, in her Satanic inbred nature, attacked Judah personally by seducing him to corrupt the pure Seed-line of the promised Redeemer. If you don�t understand the war of the seedlines, you miss the whole theme of the Scriptures. Well, the Satanic force, through the descendants of Cain, would once again attack Judah. This attack came and can be found in 1st Chronicles 2:55:

55). And the families of the scribes which dwelt at Jabez; the Tirathites, the Shimeathites, and Suchathites. These are the Kenites that came from Hemath, the father of the house of Rechab.

At first thought this may not appear much like an attack on the Tribe of Judah, but let�s take a good look at it. What do we have here? The entire second chapter of 1st Chronicles from the end of verse 3, starting with verse 4 is the pure genealogy of Judah with one exception. Everything from the end of verse 3 to and including verse 54 is a genealogy of the true descendants of Judah.

Then in verse 55 we have added on to Judah�s genealogy some descendants of Cain. How do we know this? The word KENITE in verse 55 above in #7017 in the Strong�s Concordance and means descendants of Cain. Well, why are Cain�s descendants listed here under Judah�s genealogy? It�s the same old story, they are trying to HORN IN and pollute the SEEDLINE of Judah so they can destroy the BLOODLINE of the Messiah. If you don�t understand the two seedlines, you just cannot understand the Bible and what it is all about.

We will now prove who these Kenites were and where they came from. To clear up this situation, we will quote some of the research in �Research Papers Proving Two Seedline Seduction Of Eve.� These are references out of standard commentaries and we didn�t use all the references that we have on this. We will use bullets to indicate what we lifted from the booklet:

J       At this time, quoting from �The Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible,� volume 3, page 782:

KENITES ... meaning (metal workers, smiths). Clan or tribal name of semi-nomadic peoples of South Palestine and Sinai. The Aramaic and Arabic etymologies of the root �gyn� show that it has to do with meal and metal work (thus the Hebrew word from this root, �lance�). This probably indicates that the Kenites were metal workers, especially since Sinai and Wadi �Arabah were rich in high grade copper ore. W.F. Albright has pointed to the Beni Hassan mural in Egypt (19th century B.C.) As an illustration of such a WANDERING GROUP OF SMITHS. This mural depicts thirty-six men, women and children in characteristic Semitic dress leading along with other ANIMALS, donkeys laden with MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, weapons and an item which Albright has identified as a BELLOWS. He has further noted that Lemech�s three children (Genesis 4:19-22) were responsible for HERDS (Jabal), MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS (Jubal), and METAL WORK (Tubal-Cain, or tubal, THE SMITH), the three occupations which seem most evident in the mural.

J       2nd quote from the same article:

THE EARLY MONARCHY. During this period a significant concentration of Kenites was located in the southern Judean territory. This is clear from 1 Samuel 15:6 cited above and also from David�s relations with them.

J       3rd quote from the same article:

POSTEXILIC REFERENCES. In 1 Chronicles 2:55 the FAMILIES OF THE SCRIBES living at Jabaz are said to be Kenites. Apparently, during the kingdom and exile periods, certain Kenites had given up NOMADIC SMITHING and had taken on a more sedentary, but equally honorable PROFESSION OF SCRIBE.

J       Peake�s Commentary on the Bible, page 114, has this to say about the name of the Kenites:

The etymology of the name suggests THAT THEY WERE SMITHS OR ARTIFICERS, a theory which is supported by their association with the Wadi �Arabah, where there were copper deposits which had been worked by the Egyptians since the middle of the 3rd millennium.�

J       Peake�s Commentary on the Bible, page 181, we have more on the name of the Kenites:

The name CAIN is generally taken by Semitic philologists to mean �smith,� and regarded as the patronymic of the KENITE CLAN OF SMITHS.

J       The Jamieson, Fausset & Brown Commentary On The While Bible has this to say on the Kenites, page 293:

THE FAMILIES OF THE SCRIBES: either civil or ecclesiastical officers of the Kenite origin, WHO ARE HERE CLASSED WITH THE TRIBE OF JUDAH, NOT AS BEING DESCENDED FROM IT, but dwellers within its territory, and in a measure INCORPORATED with its people.

J       The Matthew Pool�s Commentary On The Holy Bible has this to say on the Kenites, volume 1, page 778:

THE SCRIBES; either civil, WHO WERE PUBLIC NOTARIES, WHO WROTE AND SIGNED LEGAL INSTRUMENTS; OR ECCLESIASTICAL ... and are here mentioned not as if they were of the tribe of Judah, but because they dwelt among them, and probably were allied to them by marriages, and so in a manner incorporated with them.� WHICH DWELL, or rather, DWELST; Hebrew, were DWELLERS. For the other translation, WHICH DWELT, MAY SEEM TO INSINUATE THAT THESE WERE DESCENDANTS OF JUDAH, WHICH THEY WERE NOT; but this translation ONLY SIGNIFIES THEIR COHABITATION WITH THEM, for which cause they are here named with them.

Here is where the Pharisees, Sadducees and SCRIBES which Yahshua pointed out as being of their father the devil came from. When He said to them in Matthew 23:35 and John 8:44:

Matthew 23:35:

35). That upon you may come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth, from the blood of righteous Abel unto the blood of Zacharias son of Barachias, whom ye slew between the temple and the altar.

John 8:44:

44). Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

Now that we have proven that the SCRIBES, PHARISEES and SADDUCEES of Yahshua�s time were the descendants of CAIN fathered by SATAN himself (except for a few proselytes), we are faced with another problem.

That problem being there are many in the identity Message who are proclaiming there is no Satan or devil. This is a very serious teaching and needs to be exposed. The �Jews� are made up of many races, but they have one common denominator, and that is they all have the race of Cain�s Satanic blood in them.

We will now quote from �The Hidden Tyranny,� which is called �The Rosenthal Document.� Harold Wallace Rosenthal, in a lengthy interview opened up and bragged about the Jewish position. At one point he said:

�We can live among other nations and states only as long as we succeed in persuading them that the Jews ARE NOT A DISTINCT PEOPLE, but are the REPRESENTATIVES OF A RELIGIOUS FAITH who, therefore, constitute a �RELIGIOUS COMMUNITY,� though this be of a peculiar character. As a matter of fact, THIS IS THE GREATEST OF OUR FALSEHOODS.�

So you just keep telling everyone that the �Jews� are a religion rather than a generation, (race) of vipers, and you will be helping the Satanic cause. We will now address this very serious doctrine of NO SATAN.

���������������������� The Doctrine of No Satan

There was a booklet entitled �Satan Dispelled,� by a person with a pen name of Kalamos. Probably many of you have a copy of this 46 page booklet in your library. We are not going to dwell on this booklet very long, but we want to give you an example of how phony it is. We will go to the first unnumbered page entitled �Publisher�s Comment� and quote a small section as follows:

�I was particularly interested in a study of �the devil� in Jude 9, which was a problem to me. A few hours of reading, studying, and discussion not only cleared the passage for me, but gave me that joy and delight of a better understanding of the Scripture and of God Himself, so greatly needed today. See Appendix A.�

Let�s go to Appendix A, on page 40:

����������������� Appendix A: The Body of Moses

�Yet Michael, the archangel (chief messenger) when contending with the devil (adversary) he disputed about the body of Moses durst not bring against him a railing accusation but said. The Lord (Yahweh) rebuke thee (Jude 9).

�This is not to be taken as having reference to the physical body of Moses any more than the physical body of Christ is referred to in 1 Corinthians 12:27-30. Moses��body� here was the selected group of men �of ability� (Exodus 18:21) serving as judges over the people under the supervision of their chief massager (agent), Moses. Verse 9 of Jude obviously refers to Numbers 16, where Korah disputed with Moses regarding Moses� authority. Korah was the �devil-adversary� of Jude 9.�

Here is a good example of a person getting a brainstorm and setting up a false premise. This passage (Jude 9) has nothing to do with 1 Corinthians 12:27-30, Exodus 18:21 or the person of Korah named above. To show you what Jude 9 is really all about, we are going to quote from two commentaries on the subject:

t       Jamieson, Fausset & Brown, Commentary On The Whole Bible, page 1519:

9). MICHAEL, THE ARCHANGEL: Nowhere in the Scripture is the plural used, �archangels;� but only ONE, �archangel.� The only other passage in the New Testament where it occurs, is 1 Thessalonians 4:16, where Christ is distinguished from the archangel, with those whose voice He shall descend to raise the dead; they therefore err who confound Christ and Michael. The names means WHO IS LIKE GOD?

In Daniel 10:13 he is called �One (Margin, the first) of the chief princes.� He is the champion angel of Israel. In Revelation 12:7 the conflict between Michael and Satan is again alluded to, ABOUT THE BODY OF MOSES; his literal body. Satan, as having the power of death, opposed the raising of it again, on the ground of Moses� sin at Meribah, and his murder (execution) of the Egyptian. That Moses� body was raised, appears from his presence with Elijah and Jesus (who were in the body) at the Transfiguration: the sample and earnest of the coming resurrection-kingdom (a vision), to be ushered in by Michael�s standing up for God�s people.

t       The Wycliffe Bible Commentary, page 1488:

9). Jude amplifies his plea for reverence by citing the apocryphal story of Michael and the devil, taken from the pseudepigraphical ASSUMPTION OF MOSES. Although Jude quoted both his book and Enoch, it is not a supportable inference that he ascribed canonical status or historicity to them.

What this last statement is saying is: because the pagans at The First Ecumenical Or General Council of Nicaea, A.D. 325 didn�t approve of the above mentioned books they were not included in their �Canon.� Anyway the person who wrote this �Publisher�s Comment� didn�t know what they were talking about on the subject of Jude 9 as it has nothing to do with 1 Corinthians 12:27-30, Exodus 18:21 or the person of Korah. The rest of the book is in the same vein and not worth any more comment, but we can assure it has a lot of holes of the same nature in it.

��������������������� A Christian Identity Pastor

������������������������������ Dispels Satan

We are now going to quote a short passage from one of his lectures which he gave to �disprove� the TWO SEEDLINE DOCTRINE. He gave this lecture at a camp retreat by another famous Identity pastor, and thus, we know where he is coming to as he praised the speaker very highly.

�... Now the identifying of this serpent with the term Satan or devil can be somewhat confusing since these terms can be ascribed to many different things. First, such as the angel of God was a Satan against Balaam, Numbers 22:22. David was a Satan or advisory to the Philistines, 1 Samuel 29:4. People are called devils who are slanderers, 11 Timothy 3:11. And people are called devils who are called false accusers. Titus 2:3. Judas was called a devil. Peter was called a Satan. The terms devil and Satan are used to refer to evil in general, or to sin, or to the enemy. Corrupt political religious systems of authorities are called Satan. Man�s lust or cardinal nature can be called the devil. Thus these words, devil and Satan, are not given one singular meaning in usage throughout Scripture; nor is the word serpent. But that is how Christendom has always treated them and interpreted them. So, even with these words, devil and Satan, were applied to this serpent of Genesis 3:15, which is now destroyed, they are applied to many other things as well. Thus the terms, devil and Satan, are still used, and still can be used as well as the term serpent. But they cannot be used in reference to the serpent of Genesis 3:15 still existing. So whatever serpent was, it is at an end; or at least its power is certainly at an end ...�

���������������������� Let�s Take The Confusion

����������������������� Out of Identifying Satan

To clear up just what these terms, SATAN, DEVIL, SERPENT and OLD DRAGON mean, we are going to �The Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the bible,� volume 5 Q-Z, and quote from their article on Satan on page 282:

1). REFERENCES TO SATAN In the old Testament. WITHOUT THE ARTICLE the Hebrew term Satan has the general meaning of �an adversary,��an enemy.� thus in 1 Samuel 29:4 it is used of David as a possible enemy in battle; in 1 Kings 11:14, 23, 25 it designates political adversaries to Solomon; in Numbers 22:22 it is applied to the angel of the Lord who opposed Balaam. In Psalm 109:6 it is used of a human accuser. WITH THE ARTICLE, �the Adversary,� it become a proper name and DENOTES THE PERSONAL SATAN.

We will next quote from �Insight On The Scriptures,� volume 2, page 866, published by �Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society.� On this particular subject, they do a good job; they do have a few areas where they know what they are talking about and this is one of them because there are many other sources that agree:

SATAN (Resister): In many places in the Hebrew Scriptures, the word sa-tan� appears without THE DEFINITE ARTICLE. Used in this way, it applies in its first appearance to the angel that stood in the road to RESIST Balaam as he set out with the objective of cursing the Israelites (Numbers 22:22-23) In other instances it refers to individuals as resistors of other men. (1 Samuel 29:4; 2 Samuel 19:21-22; 1 Kings 5:4, 11:14, 23, 25). But it is used with the DEFINITE ARTICLE HA� to refer to Satan the devil, the chief Adversary of God. (Job 1:6; ftn; 2:1-7; Zeharaiah 3:1-2). In the Greek Scriptures the word sa-ga-nas� applies to Satan the Devil in nearly all of its occurrences and is usually accompanied by the DEFINITE ARTICLE, HA.

Now we will quote another witness on this from �The Pictorial Bible Dictionary, published by Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois, page 755:

SATAN (satan; Hebrew Satan, Greek Sat�n or Satan�s, an adversary), the chief of the fallen spirits, the grand adversary of God and man. WITHOUT THE ARTICLE the Hebrew word is used in a general sense to denote some one who is an opponent, an adversary; thus, the angel who stood in Balaam�s way (Numbers 22:22); David as a possible opponent in battle (1 Samuel 29:4); a political adversary (1 Kings 11:14). WITH THE DEFINING ARTICLE PREFIXED IT IS A PROPER NOUN in Job 1-2, Zechariah 3:1-2, DESIGNATING SATAN AS A PERSONALITY. In Psalm 109:6 THE ARTICLE is lacking, and reference may be to a human adversary (cf. AVS �an Adversary�), but it is concerning evil and a personal devil finds it full presentation only in the New Testament. In the New Testament the term Satan, translated from the Hebrew, always designates THE PERSONAL SATAN (but cf. Matthew 16:23; Mark 8:33). The malignant foe is known in the New Testament by a number of other names and descriptive designations. He is frequently called �the devil� (Greek di�bolos), meaning the slanderer (Matthew 4:1; Luke 4:2; John 8:44; Ephesians 6:11; Revelation 12:12 etc.). (�Devils�: in KJV and ERV is properly �demons�). Other titles or descriptive designations applied to him are �Abaddon� or �Apollyon� (Revelation 9:11); �Accuser of the brethren� (Revelation 12:10); �Adversary, Greek antidikos (1 Peter 5:8); �Beelzebub� (Matthew 12:24); �Belial� (2 Corinthians 6:15); �the deceiver of the whole world� (Revelation 12:9); �the great dragon� (Revelation 12:9); �the evil one� (Matthew 13:19, 38; 1 John 2:13; 5:19); �the father of lies� (John 8:44); �the god of this world� (2 Corinthians 4:4); �a murderer� (John 8:44); �the old serpent� (Revelation 12:9); �the prince of this world� (John 12:32; 14;30); �the prince of the powers of the air� (Ephesians 2:2); �the tempter� (Matthew 4:5; 1 Thessalonians 3:50

���������������� Everything Hinges on The Article

You can see from all of this, we have to know if THE ARTICLE is there or if THE ARTICLE isn�t there to understand if it is speaking of Satan himself, or if, it is just used as a figure of speech. This brings us back to our high school days and those long dull exercises of the English language. To refresh your memory on what an ARTICLE is, we are going to quote from a set of books entitled �Practical English,� published by Career Institute, volume 1, section 2, page 6:

�The words a, an and the are adjectives although in grammar they re called ARTICLES. The word THE is called the DEFINITE ARTICLE. The words a and an are called the INDEFINITE ARTICLES. When we say, THE book on THE table, we are pointing out a particular book on a particular table. When we say, I HAVE A BOOK, but no specific or particular book is indicated.�

The �World Scope Encyclopedia,� volume 1, under ARTICLE says:

Article ... in grammar, one of a class of limiting adjectives, which embrace the adjective elements, a, an and the. A is used before consonant sounds and an before vowel sounds; both are called INDEFINITE ARTICLES, because they refer to any one of two or more objects. THE is called the DEFINITE ARTICLE.

The �Reader�s Digest Great Encyclopedic Dictionary,� page 1933, has this to say about what an ARTICLE is:

ARTICLE: A special form of adjective. �The� is called the DEFINITE ARTICLE. �A� and �an� are INDEFINITE ARTICLES.

The �Encyclopedia Americana,� 1948 edition, volume 1, page 357, says this of ARTICLE:

ARTICLE: In grammar, a part of speech used before nouns to limit or define their application. In the English language �a� or �an� is the INDEFINITE ARTICLE (the latter form being used before a vowel sound) and �the� THE DEFINITE ARTICLE. The English INDEFINITE ARTICLE is really a modified form of numeral adjective �one�; so the German �ein� and the French �un� stand for the numeral and THE ARTICLE. There are traces in various languages showing that the DEFINITE ARTICLE was ORIGINALLY A PRONOUN; thus the English �the� is closely akin to both �this� and �that.� The Latin language has NEITHER THE DEFINITE NOR THE INDEFINITE ARTICLE; THE GREEK HAS THE DEFINITE; the Hebrew and Arabic DEFINITE ARTICLE was PREFIXED TO ITS NOUN, while on the other hand, in Syriac and Chaldee it was affixed to the noun, as it is in the Icelandic. In the Scandinavian language the DEFINITE ARTICLE is appended to the end of the word as �hus-et,� the house. There is no ARTICLE in Russian.

Why is it so necessary to stress the use of the ARTICLE, when we study the Scriptures? For one reason, if we don�t know about the use of the ARTICLE, whether it is THERE or ABSENT, we cannot know what the Scriptures are saying. Not only do we have to know what the ARTICLE means in English, but we have to understand the ARTICLE in Hebrew and Greek. With the DEFINITE ARTICLE, the Scriptures are speaking of a genuine personal devil or Satan. Now there is one language which the Bible was translated into which doesn�t have an article AND THAT IS Latin. Does this create problems? You bet it creates problems.

In the book, �Latin For Americans,� First Book, Published by The Macmillan company, page 413, says this:

ARTICLE:��� Definite (the), indefinite (�a,��an�).

There is no word in Latin for �the� or �a.�

It is not a pretty well known fact that the New Testament was originally written n Aramaic (a form of Hebrew), then translated into Greek, then Latin, then German and English. Question: How did the German and English translators know where to include the ARTICLE and what kind of an ARTICLE to use if they were coming directly off the Latin? Are you beginning to see how important it is to go back to the original languages? And one of the most important things we have to do when we go back to the original languages is to recognized the ARTICLE and we have the ARTICLE in both the Hebrew and the Greek. The difference can be the difference between a real genuine personal devil or someone who is acting like a devil. This is exactly how many Identity people are confusing the issue and promoting a NO DEVIL DOCTRINE. In all of their teachings (what we have heard and read of them), we have never heard them mention the word ARTICLE one time or even try to explain what it means in the Scriptures. We think they really don�t know.

������������������������������ All is Not Lost

We are now going to show you how you can quickly recognize an ARTICLE in the Scriptures (especially the Old Testament), but first we mut tell you a story. Everything in history has a reason and Yahweh has worked out history for the advantage of His Israel people. We are going to talk here just a little bit about the Septuagint translation of the Old Testament. After the exploits of Alexander the Great, most of the territory he conquered became�� Greek speaking people. In Alexandria, Egypt there was a faction of Greek speaking �Jews.� these Greek speaking �Jews� decided they needed a Greek translation of the Old Parchments. We will not go into the details here how they finally accomplished their Greek translation, but when it was finished, it because known as the Septuagint (the seventy or LXX). Here is the important part; when they translated from the Hebrew and Chaldee into Greek, they changed the Hebrew and Chaldee ARTICLES in Greek ARTICLES and we still have them that way in our Bibles today. We don�t know whether you are aware of it or not, but many of the words in our Old Testament are in Greed and the definite ARTICLE is part of those Geek words. The DEFINITE ARTICLE word �the� is the same in the Old Testament as it is in the New Testament; it is the Greek word #3588.� In fact every word �the� in the Old Testament is this Greek word, you can check it in the appendix of the Strong�s Concordance and you will find it to be so. So when you read THE serpent in Genesis 3:1, 3, 4, 13, 14, yo can know that it is the DEFINITE ARTICLE with the exception of passages like �the serpent of brass� in Numbers 21:9 as an example.

Let�s take a look at this Greek word #3588 in the Strong�s Concordance:

#3588: � ho, ho; (masculine) including the feminine,

ή he, hay, and the neuter,

τo, to, to, in all their inflections; the DEFINITE ARTICLE; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted in English idiom): the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.

You can see, here, sometimes the DEFINITE ARTICLE can also be this, that, one, he, she and it. Most often though the DEFINITE ARTICLES from the Greek is the word �the� in the English. It seems that we always have to have some exceptions to the rule. You will also notice that the DEFINITE ARTICLE is sometimes there without the word �the.�

We hope we don�t lose you at this point, but we have to go a step farther when speaking of an ARTICLE. ARTICLES are a type of adjective that changes or modifies the meaning of a noun (name of an object or person). The next thing we must consider is that there are two kinds of nouns: (1) A common noun, and (2) A proper noun. Common nouns are like book, chair, table, desk, city, ocean, lily, tiger, etc. Proper nouns are like John Adams, Daniel Morgan, Lake Michigan, Lake Louise and Satan in the Scripture. As a general rule, proper nouns are capitalized and common nouns are not.

In English, proper nouns (which include personal names), do not need the word �the,� (THE DEFINITE ARTICLE), in front of the noun to make it mean a DEFINITE particular person, place or thing. A personal name is a proper noun and is already definite in the English, and is capitalized to indicate it is a proper noun. But in Greek, the proper noun can have the DEFINITE ARTICLE before the proper noun. Such examples are �the� Michael, �the� Isaac, �the� Tamar, �the� Herod, �the� John, and when translated into English is simply Michael, Isaac, Tamar, Herod or John. That is why the Bible, will say: �the� devil, �the� serpent or Satan in English.

Now let�s read Revelation 12:9 in English, and we will put the Greek ARTICLE in capitalized type:

9). And THE great dragon was cast out, THAT old serpent, called THE Devil, and Satan (�the� adversary) which deceiveth THE whole world: he was cast out into THE earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

In the Greek, it reads a little differently and the ARTICLE is a little different than in English (this is from the Emphatic Diaglott; Green�s Interlinear reads very similar), let�s take a look at it:

9). And was cast THE dragon THE great, THE serpent THE old, THE one being called accuser, and [THE] adversary, THE one deceiving the habitable whole, was cast into the earth, and the messengers of him with him were cast.

Actually there are twenty four forms of the Greek ARTICLE. The forms we are most interested in here are the basic ό, _ and τό shown in the Greek word #3588 from the Strong�s Concordance above. The ό is Masculine, the _ is Feminine and the τό Neuter. In Greek you will find the ό with the name of a man, the _ with the name of a woman and the τό with the name of a place or object other than man or woman. Our purpose is to prove with the Greek DEFINITE ARTICLE there is a genuine person known as Satan. At this time, it should be pointed out that in the Greek there is NO INDEFINITE ARTICLE, only the DEFINITE ARTICLE. In the Book, �New Testament Greek Study Aids,� by Walter Jerry Clark, it is explained like this:

THE ARTICLE: Also closely related to the noun is THE ARTICLE. �If it is desired to represent the thing designated by the noun as particular or known, we may use the ARTICLE (Dana and Montey, Manual Grammar). In English we have both the DEFINITE ARTICLE (�the�) and an INDEFINITE ARTICLE (�a� or �an�). GREEK, HOWEVER HAS ONLY THE DEFINITE ARTICLE and is therefore referred to simply as �THE ARTICLE.� There are to general rules which it will be helpful for us to know when dealing with THE ARTICLE. These are: THE PRESENCE OF THE ARTICLE DENOTES THE NOUN AS A DEFINITE OR PARTICULAR IN SOME SONESE, AND THE ABSENCE OF THE ARTICLE INDICATES THE NOUN AS EITHER INDEFINITE OR QUALITATIVE. There are exceptions and qualifying circumstances to these rules, but these are the simplest and most common uses of THE ARTICLE.

Those who try to make it appear that all passages with the word devil or Satan were just a figure of speech. The only way you are going to be able to determine if it is a real person or a figure of speech is to go the original language. You are not going to get it wholly out of the KJV or any other Bible. We are not an expert in the Greek language, but with the aid of the Emphatic Diaglog, Green�s �Interlinear and the Greek to English Interlinear,� by George Ricker Berry, we can read the Greek DEFINITE ARTICLE wherever it is in the New Testament in its twenty four forms. And for the New testament, at least, we have to admit that the Emphatic Diaglott is the better of the three even if it is published by the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society. Maybe you could find one in a used book store if you want to start studying the ARTICLE in the Greek language. We really recommend the Emphatic Diaglott to get started.

Now, let�s look at a few Scriptures to determine if the �definite article� is there or not. We already did Revelation 12:9, so we will next look at John 8:44 and we will put the �definite article� from the Greek with �� type:

44). Ye are of your father (�the� father �the� accuser) �the� devil, and �the� lust of your father (of �the� father of you) ye will do. He was a murder from the beginning (this can only be speaking of Cain, who slew Abel his brother), and abode not in �the� truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie (�the� falsehood), he speaketh of his own (of �the� own): for he is a liar, and �the� father of it.


9). Yet Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses, durst not bring against him a railing accusation, but said, The Lord rebuke thee.

Luke 10:18:

18). And he said unto them, I beheld Satan (�the� adversary) as lightning fall from (�the�) heaven.

Matthew 12:26:

26). And if (�the�) Satan cast out (�the�) Satan, he is divided against himself; how shall then his (_ feminine �the�) kingdom stand? (Isn�t that interesting? Satan�s kingdom is a feminine kingdom!)

Matthew 4:1:

1). Then was (�the�) Jesus led up of �the� Spirit into �the� wilderness to be tempted of �the� devil.

We could go on and on and give you thousands of examples of where the Greek �article� is and where the Greek �article� isn�t, but now we will give you a couple of examples where there is an absence of the Greek �article.� This will be an example of the word Satan. Because the Greek �article� is not present in the following passages when speaking of Satan, the word Satan should not be capitalized. In almost every Bible we found (and we have about 50 of them) in every case Satan was capitalized. We did find, though, two bible which did not capitalize the word (in this case) �satan.� These translators understood the significance the �absence� of the Greek �article.�

The New American Bible, by Thomas Nelson Publishers � 1976, Matthew 16:23:

23). Jesus turned on Peter and said, �Get out of my sight, you satan! You are trying to make me trip and fall. You are not judging by God�s standards but by man�s.�

The Saint Joseph Edition of the Holy bible, TO. (Confraternity0Douay, & NT, Confraternity Version; a Catholic Bible � 1950, 1952, 1954 and 1963, Matthew 16:23 and Mark 8:33:

23). He turned and said to Peter, �Get behind me �satan,� thou art a scandal to me; for thou dost not mind the things of God, but those of men.

33). But he, turning and seeing his disciples, rebuked Peter, saying �Get behind me, �satan� for thou does not mind the things of God, but those of men.�

You may ask: �What does this have to with Judah?� It has everything to do with Judah! For now we can know from this that there is a real and personal Satan; that Satan seduced Eve in the Garden and produced Cain, that the descendants of Cain are literally devils in shoe leather. As a result, we have Satan himself and his children, the �Jews.� We can know for certain by understanding the �article!� Not only this, but we can know that these devils attached themselves to the Tribe of Judah and thank Yahweh that only a small fraction of Judah mixed with these Canaanite devils. Thus we have the good figs of Judah and the rotten figs of Judah.