

In reading this booklet, please remember the truth is sometimes stranger than fiction. The evidence provided here will prove the true weekly seventh day Sabbath of the Bible was always observed on the same days of the Moon each month, and that was on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th.

The author offers a thousand dollar reward to anyone who can pinpoint a weekly Sabbath on any other day than the above mentioned days by the moon. I have personally pinpointed sixty Sabbath days observed by the holy men of old, and every one of them is on either the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th day of the Moon without exception. The reason for this is because they never counted the New Moon day each month, when a new count for days began as one of the six workdays.

The gates of His house were to be shut the six work days and open on the Sabbaths and New Moons (Ez. 46:1). The New Moon day is a worship day (Isa. 66:23) and the 1st workdays would always be on the 2nd day of the Moon, and the seventh day would always be the 8th day of the moon (an intermission day).

In examining the evidence set forth in this work you will see the true Sabbath came after the six workdays. And the New Moon was not one of them. It will be exciting to read the examples set forth in this work from the oldest history book in the world, and the only inspired one.


The Bible teaches that ALL days are ordinary workdays unless the Word of YHWH deems them otherwise. With no adding to or taking away from the Word, all days re ordinary days except the ones He designates as worship days. Example--- the Bible teaches us that after six workdays we are to rest. (Gen. 2:2, Ex. 16:26, Ex. 20:8-11, and Lev. 23:6)

We are not only to rest, but it is a worship day, a Holy day set apart (sanctified) intermission from the previous workdays. Intermission or rest from what? The six ordinary workdays. The sun rises and sets on every day alike, but by the Moon we are told which ones are not ordinary days. They are intermissions and they all look alike. Without the Moon we would not know which days He has chosen. The Moon will signal the days with its light which increases and decreases.

Example--- 7th month 15th day of the Moon is an intermission. Alone with the 1st, 8th, 10th, 22nd, and 29th and we are to assemble for worship. Lev. 23:3 teaches that after six ordinary work days there will be a worship day. Two months are outlined in the Bible and specifically telling which days are Holy Convocations or worship days.

Example--- on the 7th Moon the New Moon is a worship day (Ez.46:1-31 Thus saith the Lord GOD; the gate of the inner court that looketh toward the east shall be shut the six working days; but on the Sabbath it shall be opened, and in

the day of the new moon it shall be opened.. 2And the prince shall enter by the way of the porch of that gate without, and shall stand by the post of the gate, and the priests shall prepare his burnt offering and his peace offerings, and he shall worship at the threshold of the gate: then he shall go forth; but the gate shall not be shut until the evening. 3Likewise the people of the land shall worship at the door of this gate before the LORD in the sabbaths and in the new moons. ) (Isa. 66:23,And it shall come to pass, that from one new moon to another, and from one Sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, saith the LORD.) See also --(Num 28:11-14) also all the New Moons through out the year (Num. 10:2 and verse 7, 8 and verse 10. Num 29:1, Lev. 23:24, with out question the New Moon is not one of the six ordinary work days. Now it says nothing about day 2-7 anywhere. So we work those six days, but we are admonished to rest after six workdays, which would be the 8th day of the 7th Moon. We are not forbidden to work the 9th but are commanded to rest and worship on the 10th with no food. Now we assume we can eat the other 364 days of the year. Why not assume we can work on ordinary days that are not designated worship days? After the 10th there is no commandment not to work on the 11th -14th.(except with mans calendar)

After the 10th has passed we assume we can eat and work on the 11th -14th but we are commanded to rest on the 15th. It is a worship day. Num. 29:12

Now we are not commanded to fast or worship the next six days (16th -21st) but we are ordered to dwell in booths seven days from the 15th to the 21st (Lev. 23:40-43) Now we are ordered to keep the 8th day (22nd) counting from the 15th which is the 22nd. (Another worship day)

Now, counting on with the instructions of the Heavenly Father there is no Holy worship day on the 23rd through the 28th but the pattern of rest and worship after six workdays would apply on the 29th.(unless you use mans calendar)

There is a New Moon going to rebuild and sometimes it starts after the day does making the next evening and morning the 1st day of the rebuilding or New Moon and sometimes the new month starts rebuilding before the 29th ends, so the 1st evening and morning after the rebuilding would be the 1st day of the New Moon giving us 29 and 30 day months.

The scripture teaches that the New Moon is a worship day, a day of no buying and selling and not one of the ordinary workdays. (Ez. 46:1, Isa. 66:23 and Amos 8:5, etc.) After that, there is no commandment not to work on day 2 of the Moon through day 7, but we must take an intermission on day 8 for worship because it is the seventh day or Sabbath from the 1st� workday after the New Moon worship day. Then six more workdays, then rest and worship on the 15th etc. This goes on year after year from New Moon to another and one Sabbath to another even into the New Heaven and New Earth, which He will make.Isa.66:23

Our Heavenly Father gives us specific instructions as to which days of the year to set apart for rest and worship. We are not to add to or diminish from what He orders, by inventing a calendar of our own and so changing Laws and Times of worship as spoken of by Daniel the Prophet, concerning the Roman Empire (Daniel 7:25) and fulfilled by Julius Caesar the Roman Emperor (see encyclopedia under calendar) where he booted the Moon out of the calendar. We must speak where the Bible speaks and be silent when it is silent.

The Roman calendar is a recent invention, and evil instrument designed to confuse and destroy the true times and appointments of YHWH, just like the false fires sent up by the enemy, to get us off the true Sabbaths, and New Moons. To verify check your calendar to see if the first day of the month lines up with the first day of the Moon (or month) on YHWH�s calendar that He gave to man Gen 1:14 and they (Sun, Moon, and stars) shall be for signs and seasons, days and years. In other words they shall beacon you for the appointment days of YHWH.(seasons means appointments) (signs means beacon see concordance)

To further prove the appointments (intermissions) are after six working days (not counting the New Moon) unless special exceptions as the 10th day in the 7th Month which breaks up the six workdays and the 21st day in the 1st moon each year. The second day of the New Moon is always the 1st workday and the Sabbaths are always on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th without exception.

The 1st pinpointed Sabbath is in Ex. 16th chapter and is on the 22nd day of the Moon (Ex. 16:22, 23) and if you count backward the 2nd day of the Moon is the 1st workday, and the Sabbaths are on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th.

The same thing again in the Crucifixion Week the Sabbath is on the 15th. John 19:31 and Luke 23:54,-56 an a simple count backward tells us that the 1st workday is the 2nd day of the moon which places the weekly Sabbaths on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th and if our Savior had not been killed on the 14th, He would have kept the 15th Sabbath as His custom was.

Preachers try to create a Sabbath on the 17th at the time of crucifixion week past but if that were so the 10th day of that Moon would have to be a Sabbath also, but the Bible proves otherwise in John 12:1. It says that it was six days before Passover (referring to the 15th see John, Luke 22:1) and this would be on the 9th of the Moon and verse 12 says on the next day 10th He came to Jerusalem. Now, notice this is when the Passover lamb was to be put up (He the Lamb) on the 10th a very busy day and definitely not a Sabbath.

#1) � He would have broken the Fathers law by riding the ass and causing it to work, if the 10th were a Sabbath.

#2)�� They were cutting tree limbs and etc., but most of all the were buying and selling on that day and He entered the house of YHWH and healed a man on the 10th and they said what a wonderful work, instead of accusing Him of breaking the Sabbath.

This all proves the 10th was not a Sabbath and therefore the 17th could not have been a Sabbath either. You can prove this in Luke 19:35-45. Matthew 21:2-15 tells how He came riding on an ass and how He entered the Temple where they were buying and selling etc. It was a very busy day each year for everybody a scheduled work day by YHWH. It would be pure confusion to have a commanded no work day Sabbath fall on this day, or any commanded, work day like the 14th day of the 1st Moon when everybody is to kill and prepare the Passover it�s a commanded work day, pure confusion.

Another place the New Moon and Sabbaths are pinpointed is John 9:14.� To prove this compare the following verses.

John 7:2 tells us that the Feast of Tabernacles was at hand. Verse 10 tells that He went up to It. Verse 37 tells us that on the last day of the Feast of Tabernacles, which is the 21st (see Lev. 23:32) and (Ez. 45:25). John 8:1 tells that He went to the Mt. of Olives and verse 2 says that early in the morning He came again into the temple and taught (on the 22nd Sabbath) and verse 59 says He went out of the temple and passed by. Chapter 9:1 tells of seeing the blind man as He passed by. Verse 6 says He made clay, and verse 14 says it was the Sabbath (22nd) when He made the clay which proves the 22nd was a Sabbath and the 2nd day of the Moon (mark 14:1) was the 1st workday of the week again, and the weekly Sabbaths were on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th. How could we fail to see these Sabbaths always being on these set days of the Moon? And here again, Our Savior (the Son of YHWH) was keeping the Heavenly Sabbaths that were created in Heaven and not by mans calendar. The Sabbath here was on the 22nd when He kept it, needless to say that the 29th was a Sabbath also, won�t you follow His example?

Paul was also using YHWH�s calendar after the Crucifixion in Acts 20:7. He mentions the 1st day of the week, which was on the 2nd day of the Moon. (You can verify this in Acts 20: 5, 6, and 7) They sailed away from Philippi after the days of unleavened bread (22nd) and came unto them in Troas in five days (26th) where they stayed seven days. (7th day was the 2nd day of the moon and Paul calls the 2nd day of the Moon the 1st day of the week, and that puts the Sabbath again on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th).

Counting the 26th as the first day of the stay, the 27th as the 2nd, the 28th as the 3rd, the 29th as the 4th, the 30th and the 5th, the 1st or New Moon the 6ht day of the stay, and 2nd day of the Moon the 7th day of Paul�s stay at Troas, and the Bible calls this second day of the Moon the 1st day of the week, when they broke bread, because they only stayed seven days, (and upon the 1st day of the week would be that seventh day that they stayed and the second day of the Moon was the first work day of the week, then that proves Paul kept the weekly Sabbath on the 8th day of the Moon then 15th, 22nd, and 29th. Won�t you follow Him as He follows the master? The Sabbaths were on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th�� in the 2nd Moon, just like in Ex. 16th chapter. Remember this was in the 2nd Moon. Apostle Paul was remembering the True Sabbath day to keep it Holy, and following the Savior�s example on the 8th, 15th, �etc.� Wont you? There�re many examples, or proofs (see Proof chapter).

The command to keep the Sabbath is found in the Law of YHWH (Torah), and to know when it is, is also found in the Law of YHWH.

You don�t have to go outside of the Bible to find when the Sabbath begins and consult mans calendar.

Do we really believe a command that carried the death penalty if not obeyed would be left up to mans calendar and not the Heavenly calendar for days, years, signs, and seasons? (Gen. 1:14)

The only calendar that can�t be tampered with by man is YHWH�s calendar. If you have to go outside the Bible to find when a year begins (January) or when a day begins (12: am) or a month (30 or 31 days) all by mans calendar, THEN YOU DONT HAVE THE RIGHT TIMES OF YHWH. The same is true with the WEEKLY Sabbath; it is in the Bible ALSO. If the time of a day, year, month, or week is not found in the Bible, then it is not right. All of these are found in Nature also, and Nature has a way of signaling when the year begins (Equinox) and when a day begins (dark) when a month begins (New Moon Conjunction) when a week begins 4 quarters (Phases conjunctions of the Moon) (New Moon, 1st quarter, Full Moon, 2nd quarter, and last sliver, all of these are conjunctions found in Nature without mans calendar or artificial time keeping devices. You can find the Feast days by the Moon without a man made calendar, you can find the right month and the right day of the month all by the Moon. Why not the 4th weekly each month by the Moon?

Example: in the 7th month 10th day of the moon or Day of Atonement is easy to find without a calendar, then the 15th day of the moon which is the 1st day of Tabernacles. If all of these Holy days of YHWH can be found without going out of the Bible to mans calendar, then why can�t the weekly Holy days or Sabbaths be found in the Bible also? They can by finding the workdays you can determine to no workdays or Sabbath (intermissions) and the only way you can find the workdays is by the moon.

Beginning at the New Moon each month as a worship day (Isa. 66:23) (Ez. 46:1) (Amos 8:5) �etc.� then counting the six work days and rest the 7th day (weekly Sabbath) which will always be on the 8th day of the Moon. This is how the Holy men of old understood it and done it. There are too many examples where they did it this way to refute it and no examples where they done it any other way.

We are accused of breaking the weekly cycle, and this accusation is true. It needs breaking because, its a man made cycle not found anywhere in Nature or Scripture, like the cycle for the year, (Equinox) the cycle of the day (evening to evening) and the monthly cycle (New Moon Conjunction) and in each Moon you have four true cycles of 7 days called phases of the Moon, (New Moon, 1st quarter, Full Moon cycle, and 2nd quarter to last sliver). A man called Julius Caesar broke the cycle in 46 BC when he had a calendar made and disregarded the moon cycles in the calculations. He used a 30-31 day count for the months no matter what the True Moon did. Thus, changing times as prophesied by Daniel the Prophet. The Roman week is an artificial measurement of time and is not found in Nature or the Bible, the same as the year beginning at January, and the day beginning at 12 am, and the New Moon, beginning anywhere it pleases 30-31. None of these are found in Nature or Scripture, they are traditions of men.


In Lev. 23:10 it states that when they came into the land they were to wave the sheaf of the 1st fruit on the morrow after the Sabbath, and verse 15 says that they were to begin a count on the morrow after they brought the sheaf and verse 14 says they could not eat parched corn etc. until the self same day they brought an offering. Now, Josephus and Philo both agree this would always be on the 16th (morrow after the Sabbath 15th) when the Priest would wave the sheaf, and they lived in the time when the Priesthood was still active. This means the Sabbath will always be on the 15th every year, and the only way this can happen is to count the Sabbaths by the Moon. It also proves the Sabbath in the 1st moon each year will be on the 15th every time which is impossible to happen on Roman calendar count.

Turn to Joshua 5:11 and see that they cane into the land and did exactly what was told to them. They kept the Passover on the 14th day at even (night, that begins the 15th) verse 10 they ate parched corn etc. on the morrow after the Passover (next day) which would be the 16th and proves the 15th was the Sabbath and 16th was the morrow after, as the two Historians who watched the Priest doing it this way confirms, and the manna ceased on the same morrow (or the 16th) after 40 years. It had begun 40 years earlier on the 16th (see Ex. 16th chapter). Also we can prove the Messiah rose on the 16th of Abib when the 1st fruit was to be lifted up and He was the first fruit of them that sleep I Cor. 15:20-23 He did not rise on the 17th or 18th as some suppose, He rose the third day according to the Scriptures, and the only Scripture I can find is the first fruit of the wave sheaf which was on the 16th, and He was truly the first fruit, and was waved on the 16th according to the scriptures.

Q:����� Does the Bible say the calendar is for Appointments?

A:��� No

Q:��� Does the Bible say the Moon is for Appointments?

A:�� Yes, (Psalms 104:19) He appointed the moon for appointments (seasons) and (Gen. 1:14) for appointments (seasons)

Q:��� Did anyone ever keep a weekly Sabbath on any day other than the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th�� of the moon?

A:�� No

I can pinpoint at least 60 weekly Sabbaths on these days. Example Ex. 16:1-23 is the first place the word Sabbath is mentioned and was on the 22nd of the second moon and He said it is the rest of the Holy Sabbath. The last place the word Sabbath is mentioned is in Col. 2:16 (let no man judge you in respecting it) One example in the New Testament says it was the Sabbath day when he made the clay and the Sabbath was on the 22nd of the moon (John 9:14). To prove this read Jon 7:37 through John 9:14.

I can prove weekly Sabbaths before the Law, under the Law, and before Crucifixion, during crucifixion, after crucifixion, and in the New Heaven were all on these days and not even one on any other day. (See chapter Proof the Weekly Sabbaths are by the moon)



Q:��� If there is no proof of a Sabbath on any other day, does the Bible say to prove all things?

A:��� Yes (I Thes. 5:21)

Q:��� Does the Bible teach that traditions of men would make the Word of YHWH of none effect?

A:��� Yes (Matthew 15:6) (Mark 7:13)

Q:��� What does the Bible teach would be for days and years and signs and seasons?

The Heavenly lights or calendar?

A:��� Heavenly Lights (Gen, 1:14)

Q:��� Was the Old Testament written for our example?

A:��� Yes (ICor. 10:10)

Q:��� Were all examples of a weekly Sabbath kept on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th of the moon?

A:��� Yes, without exception

Q:��� Is all this in the Law?

A:��� Yes

Q:��� Will he that turneth his ear from hearing the Law prayers be an abomination?

A:��� Yes (Proverbs 28:9)

Q:��� Is there any record in the Bible of any days or Appointments being kept by a calendar other than by the moon?

A:�� No

Q:��� Is there any record of the Heavenly Calendar being used other than for the Sabbaths?

A:��� Yes, many examples

Q:��� Am I saying that the calendar count we use for today is a later invention?

A:��� Yes, it had to be if no place in the scripture it was ever used.

List the three strongest points for Sabbaths by the Moon.

Examples: Gen. 1:14 and Psalms 104:19, and all the examples where the Sabbath was pinpointed was on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th.

List the three strongest points for Sabbath by Roman Calendar.????


For those who are leaning toward the Quails falling on the 15th (Sabbath) because of the word between the evenings, here are a few things we must consider.

1)�������� The only evening the Bible speaks of is the type in the book of Genesis. The evening and morning was the 1st day, evening and morning the 2nd day. The evening (night) is what begins and ends a biblical day, and between the evening would have to be some where between dark and dark. Remember the light He called day and the dark He called night, and the evening (night) and the morning (light) were the 1st day.

2)���� Another thing to consider is the Father is going to prove them if they will keep His law or no. Ex. 16:4 states the Father is going to give them a certain rate of manna every day for six days and on the sixth day they shall gather twice as much (v.5) because on the Sabbath (22nd), in it there shall be none.(v.26)

Now when you are teaching your children right from wrong, you do not set a bad example contrary to what you are teaching. To rain down Quail on the Holy Sabbath for the children to gather on that day to clean and cook, and death penalty, for just gathering manna is not what the Father did or taught. There is another understanding of between the evenings in verse 6. Moses and Aaron both said in the evening (night) YHWH shall give flesh to eat (at night) and in the morning (daylight) bread to the full.

Notice: He said morning (light) not morrow (next day). Two different words morning is the same day as the evening (evening and morning) morrow is the following day (tomorrow) read verse 13. and it came to pass at even (dark on the 16th) the quails came up and covered the ground and in morning dew lay round about the host.

All this does not contradict verse 12 where the Father said I heard the murmurings (on the 15th) of the children of Israel: Speak unto them, saying, at evening (between the evenings)ye shall eat flesh, and in the morning (still between the same evening at day light) ye shall be filled with bread. Now you have a choice between the evenings, here meaning on the 15th Sabbath, making the Father work on the Sabbath, and causing the children to work instead of rest, or you can understand the two evening to be the 16th (a work day) the quail and manna both on the same day as the word meaning infer.

Now, I know that the lamb was to be slain on the 14th between the two evenings, and in Deut. 16th chapter says at the going down of the sun.

Now here is another specific time as the sun starts its downward stroke after its Apes. Another specific time between the evenings is the morning and evening Sacrifices etc. But here the time is also specified as before morning and both are between the even of same day (evening and morning the 16th).

I hope this helps shed more light on this subject, and not make our Heavenly Father break His own Law. Now, I know this miracle of quails could have been an act of mercy on the Sabbath, but upon the preponderance of evidence it was not. I believe He would have worked a miracle of taking away their hunger for a few more hours until dark before He would break the Sabbath, especially considering the lesson He is about to teach concerning the manna not to be gathered on the Sabbath day. How much more the catching, cleaning, and cooking of quails on the Sabbath?


The oldest calendar recorded any where is in Gen. 1:14. speaking of the lights in the Heavens, it says They shall be for days, years, signs, and seasons, Sure, we can make an artificial calendar and say a day begins a 12 midnight or anytime for that matter, but there is nothing happening in nature, or no event taking place to support this method of keeping time. Time is movement plus conjunction of the Heavenly bodies and without it true time can�t be measured. We can say a month has 30 or 31 days. (by the way that is where we get the word month; it is from Moon, from nature).it is an artificial count to notch off 24 hours for a day and just start counting anywhere you wish without some phenomena or conjunction point in the Heavens. The same thing is true with months, and even years. Sure, you can say a year begins January 1st and ends 365 days later, but nothing in nature will support this beginning. For true time keeping you must have a starting point (conjunction) in Nature�s lights (they shall be for days, years, signs, and seasons).the vernal Equinox will do this and you will always have green ears of barley at this time and New life growing everywhere for New Year not like January 1st in the dead of winter when the sap is down and things are dormant.

Well we mention days, months, and years being found in Nature�s calendar and showed true starting points in conjunction or revolution points. What about the week? Surely we can notch off seven solar days for this count even if we can�t do it for the month, days, and years. There isn�t anything in nature to mark 7 days like the years Equinox, months illumination every 29 � days and the days revolution dark to dark. (or are they)? Yes, we find in nature a phenomenon of the Moon every 7 days. It seems to set or pause at the 4 phases of the Moon, you have the New Moon, 1st quarter, Full Moon and� 2nd quarter, then 7 days from there the last sliver and everything starts over again. The Moon conjuncts at each of these events in nature and gives us a starting point for counting our weeks and numbering our days. The oldest history (the Bible) teaches this is the way it was done, and many examples in the Word prove it, and not one to disprove it.

No wonder He said He appointed the Moon for Appointments (or seasons K.J.V.) Psalms 104:19 and for seasons (Appointments or Feast Gen. 1:14 The Weekly Sabbath is a Feast (Lev. 23:3) and was the only Feast or Appointment in Gen. 1:14. They hadn�t left Egypt or anything at the time He said they were for feasts.

Doesn�t it make perfect sense for the beginning and end of a week to be found in nature the same as the year, day, and month?

I have listed about 15 places and I don�t believe I found them all where the Sabbaths are pinpointed and they are always on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th (the day of the Moon) Proving that they did not count the New Moon as one of the six working days. (Ezch. 46:1) There is other history supporting the Bible�s history even in Jewish encyclopedias. (Although the Jews don�t do it that way so they can hold Friday even to Saturday evening as tradition). We want to get back to nature on the foods we eat, because we know nature knows best. Why not return to Natures Calendar for observing our weeks, just like we do for observing years, Equinox months, (New Moon), days, (even to morning)? Then trash the Roman calendar count and keep YHWH�s Calendar recorded in Gen. 1:14for true time keeping, and not partake in the changing of times as spoken of by Daniel the Prophet. Whether it be the time the day begins and ends, or the time the week begins and ends, the time the month or the year begins and ends. Let�s stay with Nature and YHWH�s time clock Gen. 1:14 and Psalms 104:19.


Another proof the calendar cant be right is that all time keeping instruments must have a starting point, and if the starting point for dates is an earthly one such as the International Date Line you will have Friday the 1st day of the month on one side of the line and Saturday the 2nd day of the month on the other side, and both sides of the line are in the same evening and morning. It would be preparation day as the evening arrives on one side of the street and Sabbath day on the other side, a whole 24 hour day apart, and then when one side of the street keeps the Sabbath and the other side the preparation, the next day the other side of the street will keep it�s Sabbath as the even begins and the Sabbath will be over on the other side of the street at the same evening and they will go back to work on Sunday. One side of the town will be working and the other keeping the Sabbath. You don�t have this problem with the Heavenly calendar because the starting point is in Heaven. Example is if both sides of the street are looking at the moon and count six workdays and rest the seventh by the moon, then when it gets even both sides of the street will be keeping the same day.

Imaging Israel camping on the Date Line, and on the one side it will be the Sabbath day for them, and on the other side it will be the preparation day for them, 24 hours apart under the same evening and morning. YHWH doesn�t work like that, because He is not the author of confusion.

Let�s examine the 7 day cycle people preach. First of all the Bible don�t mention a 7 day cycle. It is more like a pattern of rest after six workdays, and the New Moon is not one of them. To prove the cycle wrong all one has to do is think. The sun completes a cycle around the earth every 24 hours, or either the Earth spins once every 24 hours, which ever you prefer. This all happens automatically but if one were to manually walk east toward the sun while the other stayed still then the one walking would meet the sun earlier and earlier each day before the one sitting still, this is an absolute. Now if the one walking travels around the Earth back to where the one sitting still is, he will have gained one whole day, because he manually made an extra cycle around the Earth while the other sat still and waited each day for the sun to rise. The other actually gained one more sun rise at the end of his journey around the Earth, even if it took him 20 years to complete. This is a FACT that cant be denied. And if this is a fact then a group of people keeping the Earths cycle by a Earthly calendar has serious problems. If half of the group decides to go into all the world to evangelize, and they migrated around the world keeping the seven day cycle when they meet up with the other half of the tribe 20 years later they will be one day apart in their Sabbath keeping even though they have the same calendar and neither missed a beat on the seven day cycle. Would you expect the travelers to go back around the world to get on the same day as the others, or expect them to deny the cycle of six workdays counting the New Moon as one of them and just get back with the other half by losing a day and change the cycle they kept the last 20 years? Or maybe take another look at their time keeping methods? If someone left Israel and traveled east around the world and came again into the land from the west, they would be keeping the Sabbath a day ahead of the ones that stayed. This would not have been noticed if everyone in Israel had migrated around the world and came back because they were keeping the seventh day cycle and no one could tell them they were in another day, and both days couldn�t be the day He rested. You can prove all this by picturing two people on a merry-go-round which would represent the Earth spinning and someone counting and waving as they came around each time. This person represents the sun. Now if one person sitting on the merry-go-round stays put and the other walks toward the way they are spinning, the one walking will see and pass the person watching and counting, before the one sitting. If the one walking further and further each round they will see the counter and watcher sooner and sooner and when they get back to where the one sitting is they will have been counted one more time as they passed the watcher representing the sun as opposed to the one sitting, same as one traveling around the Earth. By keeping the cycle, and the calendar, it is possible for five people to keep five different days as the Sabbath, and all be right. Not so with the Moon. To further elaborate on this call (770)-483-8542.


The following Biblical examples of the weekly Sabbath which are always on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th of each Moon without exception, should convince the honest truth seeker that the Moon is truly for the Appointments of YHWH. When you understand the word seasons in Gen. 1:14 means appointments and they (the Heavenly lights) shall be for signs, (beacons) and seasons. (Appointments) Psm. 104:19 He appointed the Moon for seasons (Appointments) in both these verses the word seasons means Appointments just as the word Feast in Lev. 23:3 means Appointments (these are my Feast) and the first feast is the weekly Sabbath. If the weekly Sabbath is an Appointment and the Moon is for Appointments (or Sabbaths) that should end the debate for the honest hearted.

To prove the New Moon is not a work day Ezch. 46:1. (Gates to YHWH�s house are to be shut the six work days and open on the Sabbaths and the day of the New Moon. (See also Amos 8:5) Read the following examples and you will see that we have been following the blind leaders in keeping the tradition of men by observing the Sabbath from Friday evening to Saturday evening.

�When locating the true Sabbath which follows the six work days, we must remember the New Moon day is never counted as one of the six work days as the following example prove.

The 1st pinpointed Sabbath is in Ex. 16:22,23) and if you count backward the 2nd day of the moon is the 1st workday which proves the New Moon was not counted as one of the six work days, and the Sabbaths are on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th of the moon.

The same thing again in the Crucifixion Week the Sabbath is on the 15th. (John 19:31 and the Sabbath drew on) (Luke 23:54-56) and a simple count backward tells us that the 1st workday is the 2nd day of the Moon and proves again the New Moon was not counted as one of the six work days and also places the weekly Sabbaths on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th of the moon, and if our Savior had not been killed on the 14th He would have kept the Sabbath on the 15th as His custom was.

Preachers try to create a Weekly Sabbath on the 17th at the time of crucifixion week and try to say the 15th was a yearly Sabbath only, but if that were so the 10th day of that Moon would have to be a Sabbath also, but the Bible proves this to be false in John 12:1. It says that it was six days before Passover or 15th see John 19:14, Luke 22:1, Num. 14:1 six days before 15th and this would be on the 9th of the Moon and verse 12 says on the next day 10th He came to Jerusalem. Now, notice this is when the Passover lamb was to be put up (He the Lamb) on the 10th a very busy day and definitely not a Sabbath.

#1) � He would have broken the Fathers law by riding the ass and causing it to work, if the 10th were a Sabbath.

#2)�� They were cutting tree limbs and etc., but most of all the were buying and selling on that day and He entered the house of YHWH and healed a man on the 10th and they said what a wonderful work, instead of accusing Him of breaking the Sabbath.

This all proves the 10th was not a Weekly Sabbath and therefore the 17th could not have been a Sabbath either. You can prove this in Luke 19:35-45. Matthew 21:2-15 tells how He came riding on an ass and how He entered the Temple where they were buying and selling etc. A very busy day each year for everybody. It would be pure confusion to have a commanded no workday Sabbath fall on a scheduled workday, or any scheduled workday for that matter like the 14th day of the 1st Moon when everybody is to kill and prepare the Passover it�s a commanded work day, pure confusion to have a commanded no workday fall on a commanded work day. Who was the author of this?

Another place the New Moon and Sabbaths are pinpointed is John 9:14. To prove this compare the following verses. John 7:2 tells the Feast of Tabernacles was at hand. Verse 10 tells He went up to It. Verse 37 tells us that on the last day of the Feast of Tabernacles, which is the 21st (see Lev. 23:32) and (Ez. 45:25). John 8:1 tells that He went to Mt. of Olives and verse 2 says that early in the morning He came again into the temple and taught (on the 22nd Sabbath) verse 59 says He went out of the temple and passed by. Chapter 9:1 tells of seeing the blind man as He passed by. Verse 6 says He made clay, and verse 14 says it was the Sabbath (22nd) when He made the clay which proves the 22nd was the 1st workday of the week again, and the New Moon was not counted as one of the six work days and the weekly Sabbaths were on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th of the Moon, and our Savior kept them on these days as His Custom was.

How could we fail to see these Sabbaths are always being on these set days of the Moon? And here again, our Savior (the son of YHWH) was keeping the Heavenly Sabbaths that were created in Heaven and not by mans calendar. The Sabbath here was on the 22nd when He kept it, needless to say that the 29th was a Sabbath also. Won�t you follow His example?

Paul was also using YHWH�s calendar after the Crucifixion in Acts 20:17. He mentions the 1st day of the week, which was on the 2nd day of the Moon. You can verify this in Acts 20:5, 6, 7. They sailed away from Philippi after the days of unleavened bread (22nd) and came unto them in Troas in 5 days (26th) where they abode 7 days. (7th day was the 2nd day of the Moon and Paul calls the 2nd day of the Moon the 1st day of the week and that puts the Sabbath on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th of the Moon, and proves the New Moon was not counted again).� Counting the 26th as the 1st day of the stay, the 27th as the 2nd, the 28th as the 3rd, the 29th as the 4th, the 30th as the 5th, the 1st or New Moon as the 6th day of the stay, and the 2nd day of the Moon the 7th day of Paul�s stay at Troas. The Bible calls this second day of the Moon the first day of the week, because they only stayed seven days. (And upon the 1st day of the week would be that seventh day that they stayed and the second day of the Moon is the first work day of the week). If the 2nd day of the Moon was the 1st work day of the week than that proves Paul kept the weekly Sabbath on the 8th day of the Moon then 15th, etc. And the New Moon not counted. Won�t you follow Him as He follows the Master?

The Sabbaths are on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th in the 2nd Moon. Apostle Paul was remembering the true Sabbath day to keep it Holy. By counting six work days after the New Moon day and then rest the seventh day after the six workdays according to the commandment it will always be on the 8th day from the New Moon, or the beginning, as it was in Gen. 1(and YHWH did rest the seventh day, or after the six work days, but from the beginning it was the 8th day.) Because YHWH created the Heaven and Earth before He worked on them on the 1st work day but before it teaches that they became empty and void and that darkness was upon the face of the waters all before the Spirit moved upon the face of the waters, and said let there be light, and before He divided the light which He calls day from the darkness which He calls night then the evening and morning were the 1st (work) day (24 hour period) but before that there was a dark Heaven with a dark Moon in it called the beginning the same word used for the beginning of you Moons in Num. 28:11 everything dark on that day, and it is a worship day before the 1st work day just as the beginning at creation when the Sons of YHWH shouted (trumped) for joy and appalled His handy work. Job 38:7.

We are to worship also on the beginning day and blow the trumpets to commemorate the creation each Moon and also on the Sabbath to commemorate His rest after working on His creation for six work days, (see Ex. 20:11) for in six days YHWH made Heaven and Earth, the word made is not the word for create and means advanced upon. The main thing to remember is the New Moon is not one of the six work days, and from the examples in the Bible they never was� understood to be counted as one, and after the beginning or New Moon, the 1st work day begins, and the 7th day will always be the eighth day from the beginning.

Another pinpointed Sabbath is in John 5:9 (compare verse 1, 4, and 9). The Sabbath in verse nine is the same day as Feast in verse one, again, the 2nd day of the New Moon is the 1st work day proving the New Moon not counted again and the Sabbath always on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th of the Moon and they did not count the New Moon as one of the six workdays. This goes on and on every time you can pinpoint a Sabbath or New Moon, without exception. The count for workdays begin after the New Moon worship day.

There are other places like Numbers 29:12-39 where Holy Convocations are on the 15th and 22nd. And no mention of other intermission through the 8-day count. The 15th and the 22nd would have to be the weekly Sabbaths every year in the 7th Moon and are found by the Moon. You could say it happened to land on these days, but the word teaches that every 7th Moon that these are the Holy Convocations days every year. You have a commanded seven day week in the seventh Moon. Do you think another Roman week will start in the middle of YHWH�s commanded week? Confusion

When you count for the 7th Moon, you must start the count over each year for the 7th Moon instead of a continuous count 1-7 or you change time each year the same as with the week, if you don�t start the count over each Moon. By dropping the next 5 Moons after the 7th Moon and start the count over each year at the starting point you wont get the right seventh Moon at the set time each year. Same with the weekly Sabbath from the time the Moon starts to rebuild to the 1st even and morning after is a no work period and the next even begins the 1st workday.

We also have Ester 9th chapter proving they kept the 15th for rest day, making the 2nd day of the month the 1st workday, and proves the New Moon was not counted, and the Sabbaths were on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th in the 12th Moon. Notice in the chapter that the 13th and 14th were the days they got the victories, and not the 15th, but they would keep the 14th alone with the 15th yearly every 12th Moon.

What if they were commanded to remember the 15th day to keep it Holy for with a mighty hand YHWH gave them rest from their enemies? Do you think they would count one through fifteen over and over again to remember the 15th? Or would they continue to use the only calendar the Bible speaks of, the Heavenly lights? Did you know that YHWH commanded to remember the Sabbath day because He brought them out of Egypt bondage with a mighty hand, and it was on the 15th when He gave them a intermission (rest) compare Deut. 5:15 and Num. 33:3. Now if the Sabbath was on the 15th in the 1st Moon when they were delivered from Eg,ypt and also on the 15th in the 2nd Moon (Ex. 16th chapter). It would be impossible to use the Roman Calendar count of 1-7, and counting the New Moon as one of the six workdays, and have the weekly Sabbath on the 15th day two Moons in a row. I believe Ex 19:1,2 teaches that the Sabbath was also on the 15th in the 3rd Moon making three Moons in a row that the Sabbath was on the 15th which is impossible with mans calendar count. Verse one of 19th chapter of Ex. Says in the third Moon, when the children of Israel were gone forth out of the land of Egypt, the self same day came they into the wilderness of Sinai. For they were departed from Rephidim, and were come to the desert of Sinai. Notice the phrase �For they were departed from Rephidim� Did you know the word Rephidim means rest and is a few miles from the mount? They had rested there on the 15th Sabbath and when it was over on the 16th they came to the mount. Verse one says it was on the same day that they went forth out of Egypt that they came to the mount, now what day did they actually go forth? We know they were delivered from the burdens and given rest on the 15th of the Moon from the reading Psm. 81:3-6. Blow up the trumpet in the Full Moon (15th) on your solemn Feast day (KJV says time appointed) I removed his shoulders from the burdens and his hands from the pots. This was on the 15th of the Moon (Sabbath) that this happened just as Deut. 5:15 says therefore YHWH thy might one commands you to keep the Sabbath day, because He gave them rest on that Sabbath day in the 1st Moon.

Now, they were delivered on the 15th and spoiled the Egyptians, but they actually left Egypt on the 15th day at even as it got dark or that the beginning of the 16th which was the morrow after the Passover they went forth for the Egyptians were burying there first born. This was the self same day Moses came to the mount (16th) after they had departed from Rephidim or rest which was on the 15th The Egyptians first born which was killed at midnight on the 15th was not being buried at daylight on the 15th (too quick). And when they went forth Egypt was burying their dead (Num. 33:4)

Also Josh. 5:10-12 compared with Lev. 23:11 puts the Sabbath on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th of each Moon and proves again the New Moon day was not counted as one of the six work days. Morrow after Sabbath (16th) Priest shall wave the sheaf, and then allowed to eat parched corn. (See article on 5th chapter of Joshua). Some try to say that the 14th was the Sabbath in chapter 5, if that was so then counting backward the 7th of that Moon would also be a Sabbath, but if you look at Joshua 1:11. Joshua commands the officers to pass through the host and command the people to prepare victuals for in three days ye shall pass over this Jordan. Now, this had to be the 7th day of the Moon because they passed over the Jordan on the 10th day of that moon .(Josh. 4:19 they would not command the people to prepare food on the Sabbath which proves the seventh day was not the Sabbath and therefore the 14 was not either. The 8th day was the Sabbath then the 15th.� You can mathematically prove the 14th was not a Sabbath by counting 1-7 from the pinpointed Sabbath in Ex. 16th chapter in the second Moon through the 40 years and you will find the 14th was not the Sabbath at the end of 40 years.

Where a Sabbath is pinpointed it is always on these days and not one weekly Sabbath on any other day other then the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th of each Moon proving again, that the New Moon is not counted as a workday.

We offer a $1000. 00 reward to anyone who can prove otherwise. Please make yourself a list if you are using mans calendar and list your strongest points. First for keeping a Saturday Sabbath and compare it with this article and the Bible itself and meditate on it awhile. Let me know what you come up with by writing:

Arnold Bowen

3466 Hightower Tr.

Conyers, GA 30012

Be sure to list your examples where a Sabbath was kept in the

Bible on any other day than the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th of the moon just as I did in this article. You will find none, or I have written this article in vain. Simple as that.

EVERY place in the Bible where Sabbaths and New Moon are pinpointed, the 2nd day of the Moon is the 1st workday, proving the New Moon was never counted as one of the 6 workdays before the Sabbath, and the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th of the Moon are Sabbaths without exception and so will it be in the New Heaven and New Earth. Isa.66:23 and from one New Moon to another and one Sabbath to another shall all flesh come to worship. Every one who transgresses this �will be destroyed. Isa. 66:24

In Ez. 46:1 it clearly states the Gate that looketh toward the east was to be shut the six working days but open on the Sabbaths and the New Moons. Now, I ask you, was the New Moon or Sabbath ever to be called or counted as one of the six workdays? If so how can the gate be open and shut at the same time?

Do you know the Priest had strict orders for the gate to be shut on a workday and strict orders to open it on the New Moon day? YHWH is not the author of confusion. Who is? The answer is Man�s calendar. Here is an example, you have the 4th Sabbath of the Moon on the 29th and the gate is open for worship then the next day is the New Moon, and you leave the gate open on it also, but the next day (2nd) you are commanded to close it for the six work days until the 1st Sabbath of that Moon which will be on the 8th day of the Moon. This is in perfect harmony with the examples I just gave.

I could go on and on even into history where the Historian Josephus records Sabbaths that can be pinpointed and they are on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th. When the Romans saw that the Jews on the Sabbath but that they didn�t fight unless attacked so they moved there engines and battering rams right up to the walls on the Sabbath which otherwise they could not do, and on the next day they battered them to the city and He records that it was the 23rd that they battered them, or the day after the Sabbath when they had everything in place.

This proves the pinpointed Sabbaths in his time was still on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th of the moon and the New Moon was still not counted as one of the six workdays. Coincidence? You be the Judge.

So if you choose to ignore these facts, and so great a cloud of witnesses, and His Word, which will Judge you in the end and Moses, Paul, etc. will be a witness against you. Everywhere the Sabbath is pinpointed it was by the Moon and all scripture is written for our examples to follow, and all scripture is inspired of YHWH and is profitable for instruction in righteousness. II Tim. 3:16

Aaron and his sons were sanctified for seven days which began on a New Moon, and on the 8th day was an assembly (Moed) of the congregation. The point being that during these seven days that they were not to go out door of the tabernacle for seven days, day and night. Lev. 8:34,35

�No calendar Sabbath would disrupt these seven days that thy were being sanctified it was form the New Moon till the 7th day and on the 8th day Sabbath the 8th day was the 7th day after six workdays day after the six work days they assembled the congregation.

In Ex. 40:1 YHWH spoke to Moses saying on the 1st day of the 1st Moon shall thou shall set up the tabernacle of the congregation. And in Ex. 40:12-15 Moses was commanded to anoint Aaron and his sons and to put them on Holy garments, and� Verse 17 says and it came to pass in the 1st moon in the 2nd year on the 1st day of the moon that the tabernacle was reared up. The rest of the chapter tells what was put in the tabernacle and Lev. 1:1 says that YHWH called unto Moses out of the tabernacle and instructs him further, this is still on the New Moon. Remember the word is broken up by man into chapters, verses, and books when sometimes the thought goes on. Chapter 8:3 of Lev. Moses is told to gather the congregation (on the New Moon) and verse 6-13 Moses brought Aaron and sons and put the Holy garments on them and anointed the tabernacle alone with Aaron and his sons as YHWH commanded, and in verse 33 they were commanded not to go out of the tabernacle for seven days, but on the 8th day (Sabbath) YHWH appeared unto them Lev. 9:15 (see also v. 23). This puts the Sabbaths on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th proving the New Moon day is not counted as a workdays to get to the 1st Sabbaths.

When people were set apart for cleansing such as a leper, or when the temple was dedicated it always begins on a intermissions or Sabbath just as the sanctification of Aaron and his sons.

Example in II Chronicles 7:8 it says also at the same time Solomon kept the feast 7 days, (Feast of Tabernacles 15th -21st) verse 9 and in the 8th day (22nd) Sabbath they made a solemn assembly for they kept the dedication of the altar seven days, (8-14) and the Feast seven days(15-21st).verse 10 and on the 23rd He sent the people away. Why didn�t He send them away on the 22nd??

From the New Moon to the 8th day (Sabbath) from 8th to 15th another 8ht day Sabbath and also 1st day of Tabernacles (15th) to the next 8th day 22nd intermissions or Sabbath the 8th day from there is the 29th (Sabbath) there are 4 weekly Sabbaths in each moon.

When you count from Sabbath to Sabbath there are 8 days like in Isa. 66:23 from one New Moon to another and one Sabbath to another (8 days apart). This proves wise old Solomon kept the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th of the moon as Sabbaths and never counted the New Moon as one of the six workdays.

If the 8th day wasn�t a Sabbath from last Sabbaths, then a leper, or someone under a Nasserite vow would have to wash his clothes and shave his body on a weekly Sabbath cleansing took place from Sabbath to Sabbath remember the Sabbath that ends a week also begins a New week on a 8 day count, you would have a Sabbath then work six days and rest on the 7th day which will always be on the 8th from the last intermission day or Sabbath for worship. Sabbaths are recorded from Sabbath to Sabbath in the Bible. The gates were to be shut the six working days and open on Sabbaths and Day of the New Moon. (Ez. 46:1) and (Isa. 66:23). The day of rebuilding can be a two day feast, every other Moon. (See I Sam. 20:27) You have your New Moon day and the gates open then six working days (2-7gates closed) then you rest on the 7th day which is the 8th day from the New Moon then you work six more days (9-14) and rest on the 7th which is the 8th day again and is on the 15th then 8 days from the 15th is the 22nd Sabbath etc.

Read Lev. 14:2-10 this is the law of the leper in the day of his cleansing he shall be brought unto the priest (on the Sabbath). It goes on to tell how he is to shave his head and beard and wash his clothes on the 7th day and on the 8th day (Sabbath) offer sacrifice. Point being that if the count began on any other day except intermission the leper would sometimes have to do his laundry on a Sabbath.

The reason this 7th day is not a Sabbath is because it is not the 8th day fro showing himself to the Priest on the Sabbath, and is not the 7th day after six workdays, therefore this 7th day was actually the sixth workday.

I believe the 8th day is many times synonymous with the Sabbath day, He said unto them you circumcise a man on the Sabbath day that the law of Moses be fulfilled. Well the law says to circumcise on the 8th day. What better day to enter this covenant than on the Sabbath day? Gen.17:13 The Sabbath and 8th day synonymous.

I believe Abraham was circumcised on the 8th day. Anyhow, the examples I just gave puts the Sabbaths on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th of the moon, which makes the 2nd day of the moon always the 1st workday, and proves the New Moon is not and was not counted as one of the six work days as the Roman calendar does when it ignores the Moon in its calculations.

I have pinpointed weekly Sabbaths by the moon on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th and I have shown where they were keeping the Sabbaths this way before the law.(Exodus chapter 16), and the time of the law (II Chron.7:9) before the crucifixion (John 9:14), and during crucifixion (Luke 23:56) after crucifixion (Acts 20:6,7) even up to the Historian Josephus, and we are keeping them that way now, and I showed where we will be keeping them that way in the future. Isa. 66:23 Feel free to write and show me otherwise remember we are to prove all things. People have major problems if there is no Biblical examples to support what they believe should be done, and multitudes doing the opposite.



The Sabbath is a day; just like the New Moon is a day and all days are days, but not all days are ordinary days because some are special days. Father YHWH instructs us which days are special and uses the Moon for signs (beacons) to find the special days (seasons or appointments) Gen 1:14

I don�t believe there would be much argument about what I've just said, but the problem came in when someone said the Sabbath day Appointment is not included in Gen 1:14 as one of the days the Great lights would be for. (Sun, moon, and stars shall be for beacons of the Appointments) Some must think it should say all days except Sabbath days. The fact is the weekly Sabbath was the only Appointment at that time; it was years later when they would be delivered from Egypt�s bondage. (on the 15th) (Sabbath)

All days that He designates as worship days are Appointment days, and are special days, not ordinary days. The New Moon day every month is a worship day (Appointment). (Ez. 46:2, Isa. 66:23, Num. 10:1-10, Num. 28:11-14, Num. 29:1, Amos 8:5) Every New Moon (month) is positively a worship day appointment (special day) and it is by the word of YHWH in this world and the world to come, and all flesh will worship Him on this day, and (Isa.66:23) not off somewhere working.

You will know when the special days come, by watching the Moon not the calendar. If the New Moon day was, and is a special worship day you must use he Moon to find and keep it.(not mans 30-31 day calendar) The same is true for the four weekly Sabbaths of each Moon. Nowhere does the Bible teach that the next six days after the New Moons are Appointments, but they are ordinary workdays. Now, the Bible does say that after six workdays we are to rest, as He did, and it is an Appointment of worship, the same as with the New Moon day. All appointment days, whether New Moon, Sabbaths, Day of Atonement, and the 21st day in the 1st month, are equally Appointments, for worship. Sabbath means intermission and He chose to place one on the 10th day of the 7th moon and calls it a Sabbath, others He calls Sabbatones, but have the same meaning as Sabbath�from the word which means intermission (see concordance) Weekly Sabbaths are called Sabbatones also (see Lev. 23:3 Ex. 31:15, and Ex. 16:23 look up the word rest in these verses.)

All other days that He did not choose as worship days are ordinary days for work. And the Gates that looketh toward the East of YHWH�s house are to be closed for worship on these days. Ez. 46:1) Remember He says these are �My Feasts� (or Appointments) Lev 23 and He names His Feasts throughout the Bible. The Appointments that are named are after six workdays then worship, this is throughout the year. Lev. 23:3 You have the 21st day in the 1st Moon as a worship day and the 10th day in the seventh Moon is a worship day (appointment) These are exceptions, but this doesn�t apply to the other Moons because not specified. (see article on New Moon). The New Moon is a worship day. Whether we like to or not and will be in New Earth.

Now, to add to the list of worship days and changing His Appointments with a man made count or calendar is no less than blasphemy in my way of looking at it. (Daniel 7:25) I know there are multitudes of honest people who are doing this through ignorance and not out of rebellion. All we have to do is force ourselves to keep only the days He specified in His word as special because you can�t keep a day special that He didn�t make or specify as special. There is no Biblical proof that any other days are special other than the ones He chose or specified as special in His word. (Why can�t we accept that?) Here is how it works....

Day #1. New Moon day (special for worship not work)

Day #2-7 are the six work days (nothing said of them being special so don�t try to make them special with Roman Calendar)

Day #8 Holy Sabbath (rest or intermission) the word Sabbath means intermission from the six work days.

Day #9-14 six more workdays

Day #15 another intermission (Sabbath) and in the 7th Moon the 10th is special also.

Day #16-21 six more workdays (The Bible teaches that you can work. Except in the 1st Moon, the 21st is special also).

Here are some important facts:

1)The New Moon days are specified as worship days.(Ez. 46:2, Isa. 66:23, Num. 10:1-10, Num. 28:11-14, Num. 29:1)

2)The seventh day after six ordinary workdays is special, and the next six days which are not designated as worship days by the Heavenly Father are ordinary workdays and we don�t go over six workdays without a day of worship. Also we have the Feast of Weeks (or Pentecost) which is 50 days after the seventh Sabbath is complete; it is a Holy Convocation or worship day according to the instructions of the Father YHWH. Now this was after Moses had fasted forty days and nights, that Aaron proclaimed this and it was the same day the law was given to Moses, and it was at the end of the forty days and nights, which would be exactly 50 days from the 1st Sabbath. Weeks are counted from time sickle is put to corn.(morrow after 1st Sabbath Lev. 23:11 and Deut. 16:9) Now days are counted from the morrow after the seventh Sabbath is complete (Lev. 23:16) and (Ex. 32:5) (see chapter on the true count to Pentecost, which proves Pentecost is in the 4th Moon not the 3rd).

This is not complicated at all. You have the New Moon worship Appointment, then after six workdays you have another worship Appointment, on the 8th then after six more workdays another Appointment on the 15th and so on. Now, in the 1st moon and the 7th moon you have the 21st (1st moon) and the 10th (7th moon) these are also special day Appointments. The 21st day in the 1st moon is a worship appointment, and the 10th day in the 7th month is a worship appointment.

These are His Appointment days out of the 365 � days each and every year. Please don�t try going over His head with the Roman Calendar and add to or take away from His choosing of the days and the way He uses to show which days He has chosen.(sun, moon, and stars) Gen. 1:14

This explains why everywhere in the entire Bible when a weekly Sabbath is pinpointed, it is always on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th of the moon without exceptions.�

Bottom line is this� We are to keep the intermission days He has specified, and that by the Moon, alone with the day after six ordinary workdays (Sabbath remember every worship day or intermission from the ordinary days break up the workdays and the next day after an intermission is the 1st day again, whether it be a New Moon day or Sabbath day the count of ordinary days begin a new. It�s more of a pattern than a cycle. All days are counted by the Moon in the Bible so Why not the seventh day? That way we would not have to put confidence in mans calendar to find YHWH�s Appointments, and you won�t have your no workdays landing on the scheduled workdays such as the 14th in 1st Moon. There is no other way to find the special days He has chosen other than by the Moon, because He appointed the Moon for the job (Psm. 104:19) and He appointed the Moon for seasons (appointments). Is to too hard to keep the days He chose as special (New Moon, etc.) then count six ordinary days and keep an intermission (Sabbath)? You need no man made calendar to do this. Just look up.

Meditate on this awhile � In the beginning YHWH created Heaven an Earth and the Earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep, and the spirit of YHWH moved upon the face of the waters. Stop. this all happened before He said let there be light, and before He divided the light from the darkness and before the evening and morning were the 1st day (the waters, the Heavens, and the Earth were all here before day one) in the beginning it was dark just like in the beginning of your moons it is dark and the next day after the dark (moon or beginning) is the 1st workday and the 7th day from then is the 8th from the dark or beginning. That is why the New Moon (rebuilding of the Moon) every month commemorates (memorial of) the creation of Heaven and Earth, and every 7th day after the beginning commemorates the rest of YHWH, after He worked on His creation for six days, and the 7th is always the 8th from the beginning or New Moon. The New Moon is a memorial of the trumpets.

The trumpets (shouts) began sounding before light at creation. (day one). Read Job 38:7. The Father ask Job questions concerning creation and quote where were you when the sons (angelic beings) of YHWH shouted or trumpeted for joy? The angels began shouting for joy at the creation before He worked on it for six days; we need to keep this memorial to commemorate the dark beginning (creation) each moon. Then the next day is the 1st workday the same as 1st workday was after the beginning of creation or dark creation. Then, the 7th day would be the 8th day from the beginning or darkness. The new Heaven and new Earth will also have a beginning or New Moon Isa. 66:23 from one New Moon to another, one Sabbath to another all flesh will worship. It will start with New Moon then 1)2)3)4)5)6) workdays then rest on the 7th which is the 8th day from the New Moon or beginning (worship day) then 9)10)11)12)13)14) six more workdays then 15th is a Sabbath and so on.

If we believe the New Earth has a beginning and the 1st day will be the 1st day of the Moon (New Moon), and it will be the 1st day of the year and on this 1st day they will be shouting for joy (blowing of trumpets) it will be a Holy Convocation (worship day) etc. Then the next six days it doesn�t say, but we know the next day after the six ordinary days will be a Sabbath (8th day intermission) if the New Heaven and Earth has a beginning on New Moon and it is the 1st day of the New Creation then how is it so hard to believe the Heaven and Earth that now is didn�t start the same way? (dark then six work days then rest on the 7th being the 8th from the dark day).

The very fact that all pinpointed Sabbaths in the Bible are on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th prove this is the way they counted for the Sabbaths of YHWH and needed no man made calendar to show which days He has chosen for Appointments, or Holy days. The author of Genesis understood this. It was from one New Moon to another and one Sabbath to another as simple as that. No more special days should be added to His perfect calendar He said these are my feasts and laid them out. He tells you which ones they are, after six work days except for the exception He made for the 1st and the 7th moons. There is not six workdays in the 7th moon from the 11th through the 15th because He made the 10th day a Sabbath just like the weekly Sabbath except not to eat, and it is a worship day not a work day and you are not to count it as one of the six ordinary workdays in your count for intermissions. YHWH�s calendar (Sun, Moon, and Stars) is a simple calendar, it just takes obedience to observe it, and I know it is hard to let go of traditions and ideas of man. It is hid from the wise by simplicity.

People assume there is another way to find this Appointment without the use of the Great lights of YHWH without any scriptural authority. After six workdays the next day (on the 7th ) YHWH rested from all His work, and they assume we are to continue a count of 1-7 to find the Appointment and ignore what He just said about the Heavenly Bodies were for Appointments. They assume it now is a continuous count only without the use of the Great Lights to regulate when to start the count each time for the Appointments. (New Moon day then six workdays) We truly do count to seven, but if He places an intermission (worship day)�� between the ordinary workdays, it automatically breaks up the workdays and the count starts over. Remember in the creation week the only Appointment was the weekly Appointments of the rest after six workdays, for they had not left Egypt yet (on the 15th) and the Moon is the only count for days in the Bible. New Moon = new count.

So, it is not wise to assume the Great lights of YHWH are for yearly Appointments only, because the Bible doesn�t say this nor does it teach this. There is no example of anyone keeping any day without reference to the Sun and Moon. The 50 year Jubilee Appointment would be by the Sun. The monthly Appointment by the Moon, and there are four weekly Appointments in every Moon.

Everywhere Sabbaths are pinpointed in the Bible they are always on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th of the Moon (without exception). This always makes the 2nd day of the New Moon the 1st workday and the 8th day of the Moon the 7th day of rest and YHH did rest the 7th day. Gen 2:2.

The example in Ex. 16th chapter teaches the Sabbath was on the 22nd day of the Moon and no manna given. If you count backward�� the 15th was a Sabbath. This was in the 2nd Moon and these are the facts.

Deuteronomy 5:12-15 teaches us that they were to remember the Sabbath day because they were delivered from Egypt bondage and it was on the 15th and (Num. 33:3) teaches it was on a Sabbath or 15th also. (Psm. 81:3) teaches it was 15th and Time appointed is Full Moon, and a Solemn Feast day. Their hands were delivered from pots and shoulders from burdens on 15th a Sabbath in the 1st Moon. How could the 15th be a Sabbath in the 2nd Moon as Ex. 16th chapter proves? If you count the New Moon day as an ordinary workday and just count seven over and over through the New Moon then your Sabbath would fall on the 7th, 14th, 21st in the 2nd Moon, but the Bible teaches the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th are the Sabbaths in the 2nd Moon, which proves the New Moon day was not counted as a workday.

If you count backward from 15th in the 1st Moon through 3 days of darkness, locust, hail, etc. you�ll find that YHWH appointed a set time to kill cattle (Ex. 9:5) and it was on the 8th day of the Moon, and He calls it a Moed (Strong�s 4150) same word used for weekly appointment in Lev. 23:3, Gen. 1:14, and Psm. 104:19. Look up the word set used here. It proves that the 8th was the Sabbath in the 1st Moon when they left Egypt. Very important Proof the weekly Sabbaths Appointments are found by the Moon is by comparing only three scriptures Gen. 1:14, Psm. 104:19, and Lev. 23:3. The word Feast in Lev. 23:3 (speaking of the weekly Sabbath Appointment) is the same word as seasons in both Gen. 1:14 and Psm. 104:19, and is saying the Moon is for Sabbaths just as sure as you are reading this book. (See concordance)

People who keep the traditional Sabbath from Friday evening to Saturday evening have major problems. #1 They have no scripture for it and #2 they have no examples where anyone ever kept a weekly Sabbath that way or any other way other than the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th of the Moon. Remember the breaking of the Sabbath carried the death penalty so they were many examples on how and when the Sabbath was being kept by Moses, Joshua, Solomon, The Son of YHWH, Paul, and everywhere a Sabbath can be pinpointed it was always without exception on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th of the Moon. So we are without excuse if we refuse to follow these examples and teach for doctrine the traditions of men and make the word of YHWH of none effect. In other words the Word of YHWH won�t affect anyone to do right if they continue to hold the traditions of men. We must prove all things or we might swallow another tradition.

All the days are alike, for the same Sun rises and sets on every day alike. The only thing that can make a day special for worship is the word of YHWH, and the Bible is specific as to which ones are special days for worship, and the only way you can find them is by the Moon (that is what it is for) Gen. 1:14. Psm. 104:19 etc. All days not specified for worship are open for work, except the intermission (Sabbath) that occurs after six work days thought out the year. Special worship days are not to be counted as one of the six work days. Intermissions are placed between the work days by YHWH to break up the six work day cycle. You can have less than six work days before a Sabbath, (intermission) but no more, the work day count begins again after a special worship day no matter what worship day it is. This is why every place in the Bible a weekly Sabbath is pinpointed, it is always on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th of the Moon. 770-760-8542.


Fact # 1

Everywhere the Sabbath is pinpointed by a date in the Bible the 15th is one of them, like in Ex. 16th chapter the Sabbath was on the 15th in the second Moon after they left Egypt.

Fact #2

If the Sabbath was on the 15th in the 1st Moon when the children of Israel were delivered from Egypt bondage, (Deut. 5th chapter and Num. 33:3 it should end the debate about keeping the Sabbath every seven days regardless of the New Moon. Because it is impossible to have the Sabbath on the 15th two moons in a row, unless you are keeping the Sabbaths by the Moon. It is impossible on a Roman calendar by counting the New Moon as an ordinary workday.

No one denies the Sabbath was on the 15th in the second Moon (Ex. 16), but lets look at some scripture which proves the Sabbath is on the 15th in the 1st moon also which kill the calendar count doctrine.

I personally can pinpoint 15 places the Sabbath appears in the Bible and the 15th is one of them every time without exception. I want to deal with the 1st moon when they left Egypt and prove it was on the 15th, that they actually got rest from Egypt bondage. Deut. 5:15 says �and remember that thou wast a servant in the land of Egypt, and that YHWH thy mighty One brought thee out (15th) thence through a mighty hand and by a stretched out arm: therefore YHWH thy mighty one commanded thee to keep the Sabbath day. Now ask yourself what did being delivered from Egypt bondage have to do with the Sabbath day?

They were commanded to keep the Sabbath day because they were delivered from Egypt bondage on the Sabbath day, which was the 15th.(See Num. 33:3 also) Just as in the creation week YHWH rested on the Sabbath day. It is a Memorial Day of rest, He now commanded the children of Israel to keep the Sabbath day as a memorial of the deliverance that took place on the 15th, and the rest that He gave them and both accounts were on the Sabbath day. (See Psm. 81:3-6) It teaches to blow the trumpet in the New Moon and the Full Moon on our Solemn Feast day (15th). For this was a statute for Israel and a law of the Deity of Jacob. This He ordained in Joseph (and I believe that Joseph taught Egypt the true Sabbaths of YHWH and had the power to see they were carried out and no one worked on the 15th (Full Moon) until� another Pharaoh arose who know not Joseph). Verse 6 says I removed his shoulder from the burden: and his hands were delivered from the pots. (He gave them rest on the 15th a Full Moon Sabbath), also Num. 33:3 says that they departed from Rameses in the 1st Moon on the 15th day. (Sabbath) Therefore, YHWH commanded them to keep the Sabbath day because He gave them rest on that day. Just as He rested on the 7th day at creation and that is another reason to remember the Sabbath day.

More evidence that the 15th was a Sabbath in the 1st Moon is if you count back through the plagues (3 days of darkness, locus, hail, etc.) seven days you�ll find the father YHWH called the 8th day of that Moon a Moed (or appointment) the same word used for weekly Sabbath in Lev. 23:3 and Gen. 1:14 where the Moon is for Feasts. Sabbaths were on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th in the 1st moon.

Ex. 9:5 is where the word Moed appears as a set time. Look up set in concordance (Moed) The father said He would kill the cattle on a Moed (Sabbath) the 8th day of the 1st Moon and if so the 15th was another Moed (Sabbath) they were made to rest from Egypt bondage, that is why He says to keep the Sabbath day (Deut. 5:15) because He Freed them on that day. Remember too, if everywhere else in the Old and New Testament the Sabbath was on the 15th, Why not here in the 1st Moon? Another point I might make is the Sabbath day is called a sign day between Him and His people. Ex. 31:13-17

Well, in Ex. 13:1-9 the 15th is called a sign day. (Verse 3) Moses said �remember this day (15th) you came out of Egypt.� (Verse 9) says �It shall be a sign � that YHWH�s law may be in thy mouth for with a strong hand hath YHWH brought thee out of Egypt.� Truly the 15th was a Sabbath in the 1st Moon as well as the 8th

�(Moed) remember it is impossible to have a Sabbath on the 15th two months in a row using mans calendar, because it will count the New Moon day as one of the six workdays, which will throw the Sabbath off one day.

Food for thought, Daniel was ruler in Babylon and had power to pass laws. The King gave orders to serve the Deity of Daniel, and that would include keeping the correct Sabbaths. Now do you think that a righteous man such as Daniel would allow the Lunar Sabbaths to be observed if they were not correct especially if He had power to stop them?

What about Joseph, he too was ruler in Egypt and had power over all Egypt to enforce a Lunar Sabbath with no problem whatsoever. History records both of these countries (Babylon and Egypt) at one time observed the Lunar Sabbaths. There is Historical records proving the Babylonians calendar was by the Moon, and the Egyptians were the 1st to abandon the Luna calendar. We know that another Pharaoh arose who knew not Joseph, and the children of Israel were forced to abandon the rests of YHWH until the Father head their groaning and once again gave them rest, and it was on a Sabbath (15th) when He delivered their shoulders from the burdens and their hands from the pots. Would not it make sense to restore the Sabbath that was lost under Egypt�s bondage on the Sabbath, whether Saturday, Sunday, or 15th? He later made His Sabbaths known to Moses and they were still on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th of the Moon. (Ex. 16). We offer a $1000.00 reward for one scripture where a weekly Sabbath was on any other day than the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th. We have Bible where the Sabbath was always on these days before the law, after the law, under the law, before crucifixion, during crucifixion, and after crucifixion and in the New Heaven and the New Earth, and now and forever.

Solution to When the Rest Days of YHWH Occur

The solution to when the rest and worship is as simple as falling off a log, But it can only be accomplished by forgetting everything you have learned about when the Sabbath starts, and start over, using only the Bible for instructions. Forget history, forget tradition of men, and forget everything but the Torah (law).

Here is how to start

1)���� We will find the work days.

These are ordinary days not associated with worship or special sacrifices. In order to do this, let the Father YHWH tell us in His word which days are different or special and sanctified (set apart) for special use (worship) the same way He lets us know which day we are to fast, by doing so then we know the other days we can eat or work.

Now, simply look into the Bible and see what He says to do, and which days are His Feasts. No adding to, nor dismissing from.

Does the Bible teach us the New Moon day is different from ordinary days? If so, then how is it different? What can we do on this day? What are we commanded to do on this day? What does the Bible teach was done on this day? I don�t feel like answering these questions for you the reader, but it suffices to say that this is not an ordinary day. (See article on New Moon).

The Bible doesn�t teach that day #2 of the Moon is special, just like the day after the fast day is not specified as special, so we eat. If it is not specified as special, I am safe to count it as an ordinary workday.

Remember we will stay with the word, speaking when it speaks, and being silent when it is. We all agree that the Bible teaches not to go over six ordinary days without a special day called Sabbath in Hebrew, but in English Intermission. This will go on all year long, year after year throughout the ages, unless the Heavenly Father breaks up the pattern (not cycle) of six ordinary days with another special day for worship and making it an unordinary day. He will instruct us what to do on every one of them, this is so simple a fool or wayfaring man cannot err therein. Just simply follow the instruction manual.

Now, you know that the Father did choose some days to be special other than the New Moon and that is the day after the six consecutive ordinary work days, (Sabbath) and I will give you a couple of examples and you can figure the rest for yourself, only remember not to let any tradition or anything outside the Bible influence you. Let Him speak and instruct you to which days are ordinary and which are special. Please don�t add to or take away from the days He has chosen.

Now, one might say you count one thru seven through the New Moon, and count it as an ordinary day or common day, when the Father made it special. What He has made special let us not call common or ordinary. Don�t count it in with ordinary days, because it cannot be ordinary and special at the same time. The count starts over every time a special day is introduced and the next day is ordinary unless specified by the maker of the days (not man). The weekly Sabbath (intermission) starts the count of ordinary days over again the same as the 10th day Sabbath (intermission) in the seventh Moon. We have made this whole thing so hard by not simply following instructions, and looking Here (history) and there (tradition) when the word was nigh us even before our eyes.

Many people keep a seventh day, Heathens included, the Christians on Sunday, the Muslims on Friday, and the Jews on Saturday, etc. anyone can keep a 7th day count, but how many can keep a Sabbath of YHWH? How many are willing to forget all the traditions of men that they have inherited? (The lies) �Our fathers have inherited lies, vanity and things where there is no profit.� (Jer. 16:19) Follow the scriptures they are profitable for doctrine. (Tim.3:16)

Most people don�t believe all scripture is profitable for doctrine, correction, and instruction in righteousness, but this is why that everywhere the Sabbath is pinpointed it is always on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th of each Moon. They never counted the New Moon day as one of the ordinary work days, but a special day of YHWH and all scripture examples are profitable for proving it. Prove all things.

The Sabbath is a sign (beacon) for his people Israel, and when we start keeping the true Appointments (Sabbaths or intermission) we will shine forth as the stars, and beacon out for the world to see that we follow His word.

If the same account of (Ex. 16th chapter) happened today, and if you count from New Moon (special day) the 22nd will be a special day today. Do you think any manna would be found on the 22nd of the Moon today?

Very important proof the weekly Sabbaths Appointments are found by the Moon is by comparing only three scriptures Gen. 1:14, Psm. 104:19, and Lev.23:3.� The word Feast in Lev. 23:3 (speaking of the weekly Sabbath Appointments) is the same word as seasons in both Gen. 1:14, and Psm. 104:19, and is saying the Moon is for Sabbaths. (See concordance). If you used the Roman Calendar to keep the Sabbaths, then your count for Pentecost would be based on the roman Calendar and not determined by the moon as the other two major feasts are. The 15th of the moon in the 7th month. Wouldn�t it be strange to find two of the 3 major feasts by moon, and one by man made calendar? Pentecost can�t be found without Roman Calendar. The other two major feasts can, by moon.


One of the key scriptures to finding the day that we are to observe for Pentecost (or feast of weeks) has been misinterpreted by most religious groups and it is found in Lev. 23:16 where it says even unto the tomorrow after the seventh Sabbath shall you number 50 days, it doesn�t say it is the 50th day.

Because of tradition of men they begin to number the 50 days from the 1st Sabbath instead of the morrow after the 7th Sabbath. You do number Seven Sabbaths complete Lev. 23:16 and you begin to number the weeks from the time you put the cycle to the corn Deut. 16:9. So there were two counts to find Pentecost one is from the morrow after the Sabbath that the priest waves the sheaf and then you number seven Sabbaths complete Lev. 23:16. Then you are to number 50 days after the 7th Sabbath. You count the weeks then you count your days, and then and only then will all the other scriptures harmonize with it.

This is why it is called both the Feast of Weeks (49 days) and the Feast of Pentecost (Pentecost means 50), and weeks means sevens. The Feast of Weeks would be only 49 days and not 50, so the Feast of Weeks is not 50 days. It is 49 days. Pentecost means 50. this proves there is 2 counts even if you interrupt the 2nd count as on day after the 7th Sabbath (49) instead of numbering 50 days after 7th Sabbath both counts whether 1 day or 50 begin after the 7th Sabbath. Just remember one doesn�t mean Pentecost, but 50 does mean Pentecost. You have 7 weeks (6 work days plus a Sabbath which =49 days and you have 50 days from the morrow after the 7th Sabbath a total of 99 days plus 3 New Moon days, worship days which are not counted as one of the 6 ordinary work days or weekly Sabbaths) total of 102 days. Now, the hail was on the 10th day of the 1st Moon, in Egypt and it didn�t hurt the wheat because it had not come up. It was probably planted a few days before the 10th which would give a correct time for wheat to mature and a first fruit could be offered. It takes wheat from 110 to 120 days to mature I am told by the Agricultural Department. Now, remember there are two kinds of wheat and that is Winter Wheat and Summer Wheat (or (Spelt) rye).the point of all this is that there is no way for wheat to mature in 50 days for 1st fruit if planted in 1st month as the word not grown up (or in dark) suggests (Ex. 9:32).This cattle killing hail killed every herb and grass of the field. Ex. 9:22 and 25. (Look up herb in concordance) Now if we interpret Lev. 23:16 as to start our count of 50 days after the 7th Sabbath instead of the 1st Sabbath we will have a time for wheat harvest to mature.

There is no scripture for a Pilgrimage Feast in the 3rd Moon but there is a scripture for a Pilgrimage Feast in the 4th Moon Ex. 32:5 and Aaron proclaimed it for it was his job to proclaim the Feasts of YHWH. Lev. 23:21.Guess What! It was exactly 50 days after the 7th Sabbath that Aaron said it was a Feast to YHWH and it was the exact same day the Law was actually given to Moses. Ex. 31:18 and Deut. 9:11, proving the count for 50 days start after the 7th Sabbath complete.

The word Feast that Aaron used here in the 4th Moon is the word used for Feast of Weeks. It is used for any one of the three Pilgrim Feasts (see concordance), and they were to go up to Jerusalem. This word is used for Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacle and we know Aaron wasn�t talking about the Pilgrim Feast of Passover, because it is in the 1st Moon or the Feast of Tabernacle because it is in the 7th Moon so it had to be Pentecost which is in the 4th Moon and it was exactly 50 days after the 7th Sabbath, not 1st Sabbath. We know Aaron wasn�t talking about a Sabbath that included the New Moon days as ordinary days. One through seven, one through seven, etc. through the New Moon days because if you count that way, and count the New Moon day you will not hit the same day Aaron said was the Pilgrim Feast. Try it with your count. Don�t get crazy if your count doesn�t work and call Aaron a lie or YHWH�s word a lie. Now, was it a Feast in the 4th Moon or not? Is all scripture inspired of YHWH or not? Judge for yourself if Aaron had already kept the Pilgrim Feast in the 3rd Moon He could not have fooled nobody that there was another Feast in the 4th Moon, and remember they were getting manna every six days and none on the Sabbath and it began in the 2nd Moon on the 16th day of the Moon and so they got manna for 40 years which would include the 3rd Moon that Moses was on the Mount so they knew when the weekly feast days were, plus Aaron was there when Moses was told about the Pilgrim Feast of weeks Ex. 23:15,16 and Ex. 24:1-9. Now, if there was not a feast in the 4th Moon it would have been exposed like when Jeroboam kept a Feast in the eighth Moon on the 15th day. The word declares that the 8th Moon was wrong (not the 15th day) for the Feast of YHWH. It was in the Moon which He devised of His own heart. I Kings 12:32, 33. Now, the Bible lets us know that there is no feast in the 8th moon, and would have let us know if there was no Feast in the 4th Moon, the same word for Feast in both accounts.

Now the Father didn�t say anything against the 15th day in the 8th moon because the day was right, it was the 8th Moon that was wrong. The same thing in Aarons case, the Father said nothing against the day or the Moon because it was right (50 days after the 7th Sabbath) it was the molten calf they made and worshipped that the Father YHWH reproved them for, and not the day or month. We cannot ignore the inspired Word.

If Aaron had said tomorrow is the Sabbath and built an alter and worshipped the calf, and YHWH rebuked him for the calf and said nothing against the day or Moon like in Jeroboam�s case would you still say it was not the Sabbath just because he worshipped the calf on that day? Remember all scripture is inspired of YHWH. Even this one.

I am not sure if they were trying to please YHWH, and through ignorance they made the calf, or they wanted something that the Egyptians could see when they returned to Egypt. I don�t understand how they could have turned from the One who had done so many miracles that they had witnessed. Now, after Moses was gone for so long, I can see why they would want to go back to Egypt. They would be able to rule Egypt again like Joseph did because Egypt was whipped even before Pharaoh and his army was destroyed and Pharaoh�s son was dead. They could have easily ruled Egypt, and in a natural way of looking at things it was the best thing to do but YHWH had a better plan that they did not understand. All they could see was their leader was missing and, it was time for Pentecost and He should have been back and they knew they could have been rulers in Egypt if they returned, knowing the army was defeated and Egypt was in a bad position. YHWH didn�t want His people to rule Egypt, but to rule the World if they obey His voice.

What we do know is that it was 50 days after the 7th Sabbath that Aaron said this, and that YHWH didn�t say anything about the day or month being wrong, when Aaron said it was a Pilgrim Feast to YHWH. (Pentecost)

Another fact that suggests a latter Pentecost is in Acts 2:13 when they were accused of being full of New wine. There is no New wine in the 3rd Moon, (grapes not ripe yet) but are at the end of the 4th Moon that Aaron said was the Feast. Peter could have said there is no New wine for them to be full of, but said they were not drunk as they supposed.

Also Paul kept a latter Pentecost. Count the days in Acts 20:6-38 and 21:1-30. It shows the Apostle Paul keeping Pentecost beyond 50 days from Passover. Pay close attention to the phrase many days. Also John 5:9 put the Feast on a Sabbath (29th) and early church Fathers understood this to be the Feast of Pentecost because John records ALL 3 Feasts. John 2:13-23 Passover, John 5:1-9 Pentecost and John 7:2 was Tabernacle. Now if John 5:1-9 was Pentecost it was on a Sabbath not morrow after Sabbath like most think. Pentecost is on the 29th (Sabbath) of the 4th Moon. Same as the other two Pilgrim Feasts (1st and 7th Moons) are on Sabbaths. Why think it strange the third Pilgrim Feast is on a Sabbath also instead of morrow after Sabbath?

Here is how to figure the dates that Moses was in the Mount. First we know he was in the Mount 40 days and 40 nights. Ex. 24:18 now Ex. 19:1-3 tells us that when he reached the Mount it was in the 3rd Moon and on the same day that they were gone forth out of the land of Egypt, which was on the Night or beginning of the 16th according to Num. 33:3 and they departed (pulled up stakes) from Rameses in the 1st Moon; on the 15th day of the 1st Moon (and) on the morrow after the Passover the children of Israel went out (16th). It is not saying the 15th is the next day after Passover because Passover is still going on, on the 15th. Now we know the Passover lamb was prepared (preparation) on the 14th but was not over on the 15th because it says it was to be eaten with unleavened, which began on the 15th (or 14th at even)(night) Ex. 12:8-18. Now if the Passover is still going on until the Passover lamb is gone on the 15th the morrow (next day) after Passover would be the 16th.

They were not traveling on the 15th Sabbath, they were brought out of Egypt bondage on the 15th (Sabbath) Deut. 5:15 and they spoiled the Egyptians on the 15th, but actually journeyed on the beginning of the 16th. (Num.33:3) Exodus 19:3 states that Moses went up to YHWH on the day they arrived (16th). Notice verse 2. For they were departed from Rephidim which means rest and is only a few miles from the Mount. They rested on the 15th (Sabbath) in Rephidim and after rest day was over they came to the Mt. on the 16th the same day they actually went forth on their journey out of Egypt. Then YHWH told Moses to sanctify the people today, and tomorrow, and be ready against the 3rd day (18th) Ex. 19:3 but it was the next day (19th) that Moses went into the Mount for 40 days. Ex. 24:4-18

Another positive proof that Pentecost is in the 4th Moon is that you must have a wheat harvest and it must be after the years end (solstice or turning of the Sun) Ex. 34:22 This happens on June 22nd and to have a Feast of Weeks (Pentecost) on June 6th, 8th, etc. before the years turning is not in harmony with Ex. 34:22

At Pentecost there is a major harvest of wheat and this harvest is four months long from time seed is sown to time it is harvested. John 4:35 says �say not ye, there are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? Behold, I say unto you, lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest.� They understood that after 4 moons from time seed is sown there would be a harvest, and He told them to look at the fields for it was time (4 Moons have passed). Winter wheat is seven Moons to harvest which proves it was Summer Wheat that was in the ground in the 1st Moon in Egypt�s plague, and would be ready for a 1st fruit 110 to 120 days later, not 50 days.

Now we know there is a spiritual meaning here also as He often used natural things to reveal the spiritual things, and we know wheat was a type of souls to be gathered into the barns. Notice He used this harvest in a spiritual sense like in other passages referring to wheat harvest. (John 4:35) John 2:23 is Passover feast, and John 5:1-9 is Pentecost, (After 1st harvest of barley.) It takes more than 4 Moons to harvest for barley, and winter wheat. The point is this; the wheat harvest was a 4 Moons long harvest, from sowing to reaping and (sown in the beginning of 1st Moon and reaped at the end of the 4th Moon). It had to be Summer Wheat because Winter Wheat is at least six or seven Moons to harvest. If it is sown in December you have Dec., Jan., Feb., March, April, May, and June. Seven Moons, which proves it was not Winter Wheat we are dealing with, plus it would have been grown up and destroyed with the barley, by the hail on the 10th day of the 1st Moon in Egypt, but it would have still been in dark if sown in 1st moon and not destroyed by hail, and ready for harvest in the 4th Moon or 50 days after the 7th Sabbath. (See John 4:35 for proof the wheat harvest was 4 Moons to harvest.)

Just think for a minute, you can have all this harmony by understanding only one scripture differently, and that is �the morrow after the 7th Sabbath shall you number 50 days� instead of 1st Sabbath. That is not too much to give up for so much harmony, and if it was not for tradition you would accept it right away. It is amazing how people will follow some blind leaders who don�t even believe in the son of YHWH, above what the scripture teaches. Remember the Jews are not scripture, and the Baptist Church is not Scripture, and the Catholic Church is not scripture, �etc.� The Bible is scripture so stay with what it says and be saved, and not tradition of men and be lost.

They teach to begin the count of Pentecost from the 1st Sabbath instead of the 7th Sabbath. Here is some of the harmony you can enjoy by numbering from the morrow after the 7th Sabbath.

1)It will harmonize with when Aaron the High Pries of YHWH proclaimed the Pilgrim Feast to YHWH was and that it was in the 4th Moon on the 29th day exactly 50 days after the 7th Sabbath. Ex. 32:5 Now I know this scripture is very detrimental to the doctrine of Pentecost being in the 3rd Moon, so they must discredit what the Bible says that Aaron said about the Pilgrim Feast being in the 4th Moon, and one way to do this would be to say that because they worshipped the calf, which was wrong, and the Pilgrimage Feast day was also wrong, but what if Aaron had said tomorrow is the Sabbath of YHWH and worshipped the calf on that day, would you say that day was wrong also just because they worshiped the calf on that day? What is the difference? Better yet, what if it had been on the 50th day from the 1st Sabbath which would match up with their Pentecost in the 3rd Moon when Aaron said what day it was, would you still say it was not Pentecost because they made the calf? Be honest with yourself. Who are we to say that Aaron did not know what day it was? Remember all scripture is inspired of YHWH, and we have no inspired scripture saying the time was wrong like in Jeroboam�s case.

2)It will be the same day the law was given to Moses (Ex. 31:18)and (Deut. 9:11)

3)It gives a real reason why the wheat was not destroyed. (because it had not come up Ex.9:32)� The word grown up goes back to being hid in darkness. (see concordance) Some want to say the word for in dark means dark green, and was not destroyed by the hail, but this was cattle killing hail. It had no respect of color, because it says it killed every green herb.(grass)

4)It explains the word shall (future) in Lev. 23:16 �tomorrow after the 7th Sabbath shall you number 50 days.� The count starts after the 7th Sabbath.(future Lev. 23:16)

5)It also explains how the disciples could have been accused of being drunk on new wine if Pentecost was in the 4th Moon, because there is no new wine in the 3rd Moon. (Acts 2:1 and 13)

6)Feast of Weeks must be after years end (turning of Sun or Soloists on June 22nd The 1st part of June (3rd Moon) is not at the years end. (Ex. 34:22)

7)They were commanded to bring the 1st fruits of their labors which they sowed in the field (wheat), when they came into the land. (Ex. 23:16) when ye be come into the land they were commanded to reap the harvest there of (barley) then wave the sheaf of the wave offering even until the morrow after the seventh Sabbath shall they number fifty days (Lev. 23:10), and then they were to number seven Sabbaths complete from the day they brought the sheaf of the wave offering (Lev. 23:16), and then offer the new meat offering. Now get this, if the new meat offering is wheat (Ex. 34:22) and had to be from their labors that they sowed in the field (Ex. 23:16) then they had to plant the Summer Wheat in the 1st Moon when they came into the land, and it would be impossible for the wheat to mature in 50 days, (3rd Moon) for them to have a first fruit offering from their labors, it would be ready in 100 days for 1st fruit. This would be 50 days after 7th Sabbath. Study this close for this alone proves the count begins after the 7th Sabbath.

8)This explains how Paul could tarry many days in (Acts 21:10) tracing Paul�s journey from Philippi to Jerusalem and counting the days to see if Paul went over 50 days from Passover to Pentecost. (Acts 20 -21:7)

9)Samson visited his wife in the time of wheat harvest, and got mad at his father in law, and destroyed the wheat, along with the grapes and olives. We believe the Bible count puts the wheat harvest at the end of July, and that is when the grapes, olives, and wheat are ripe. Samson was attacking ripe wheat, grapes and olives to get revenge. It would not have been as effective to attack the trees that were not bearing because they were looking forward to the ripe fruit that Samson had destroyed. There was no Pentecost in the 3rd Moon because there are no grapes in the 3rd Moon. (nature working again)

Paul said �after the way they call Heresy, so worship I the Mighty One of our Fathers�. I find nothing that goes against beginning the count of 50 days after the 7th Sabbath (except the tradition of men) I find plenty of scriptures that harmonize with doing it that way. (See calendar attached) I would add this in closing, just as sure as YHWH is restoring His true Name back to His people, He is restoring His true Pentecost, and His true Sabbaths. Just like the first recorded Pentecost on the day the law was given to them written in stone there were about three thousand souls destroyed (Ex. 32:28) and when the law was written in their hearts on Pentecost years later they were about three thousand souls saved. (Acts 2:41)

We certainly know that this does not begin to answer ALL questions pertaining to this very important subject, so we reserve the right to add to or change as the eyes of our understanding are opened further by the Heavenly Father YHWH, and if we have to make any changes to correct we will do so as He leads us, and as all hones truth seekers should do. Then, when we become perfect we will not have to change any more. We will be perfect as He is perfect, and He changes not. Feel free to make copies in part or all and share with others.

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Bro. Arnold

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Conyers, GA 30012

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