
�������������������������������� Testament of Job

���� the blameless, the sacrifice, the conqueror in many contests. Book of Job, called Jobab, his life and the transcript

���� of his Testament. Translated by M. R. James (Apocrypha anecdota 2. Texts and Studies 5/1. Cambridge:

���� University Press, 1897)

������������������������������������������� Chapter 1

���� 1 On the day he became sick and (he) knew that he would have to leave his bodily abode, he called his seven

���� sons and his three daughters together and spake to them as follows:

���� 2 "Form a circle around me, children, and hear, and I shall relate to you what the Lord did for me and all that

���� happened to me

���� 3 For I am Job your father

���� 4 Know ye then my children, that you are the generation of a chosen one and take heed of your noble birth

���� 5 For I am of the sons of Esau. My brother is Nahor, and your mother is Dinah. By her have I become your

���� father.

���� 6 For my first wife died with my other ten children in bitter death.

���� 7 Hear now, children, and I will reveal unto you what happened to me.

���� 8 I was a very rich man living in the East in the land Ausitis, (Utz) and before the Lord had named me Job, I was

���� called Jobab.

���� 9 The beginning of my trial was thus.

���� 10. Near my house there was the idol of one worshipped by the people; and I saw constantly burnt‑offerings

���� brought to him as a god.

���� 10 Then I pondered and said to myself: "Is this he who made heaven and earth, the sea and us all? How will I

���� know the truth?"

���� 11 And in that night as I lay asleep, a voice came and called: "Jobab! Jobab! rise up, and I will tell thee who is the

���� one whom thou wishest to know.

���� 12 This, however, to whom the people bring burnt‑offerings and libations, is not God, but this is the power and

���� work of the Seducer (Satan) by which he beguiles the people".

���� 13 And when I heard this, I fell upon the earth and I prostrated myself saying:

���� 14 "O my Lord who speakest for the salvation of my soul. I pray thee, if this is the idol of Satan, I pray thee, let

���� me go hence and destroy it and purify this spot.

���� 15 For there is none that can forbid me doing this, as I am the king of this land, so that those that live in it will no

���� longer be led astray��.

���� 16 And the voice that spoke out of the flame answered to me: "Thou canst purify this spot.

���� 17. But behold I announce to thee what the Lord ordered me to tell thee, For I am the archangel of the God".

���� 18. And I said : "Whatever shall be told to his servant. I shall hear".

���� 19. And the archangel, said to me : "Thus speaketh the Lord: If thou undertakest to destroy and takest away the

���� image of Satan, he will set himself with wrath to wage war against thee, and he will display against thee all his

���� malice.

���� 20 He will bring upon thee many severe plagues, and take from thee all that thou hast.

���� 21 He will take away thine children, and will inflict many evils upon thee.

���� 22 Then thou must wrestle like an athlete and resist pain, sure of thy reward, overcome trials and afflictions.

���� 23 But when thou endurest, I shall make thy name renowned throughout all generations of the earth until to the

���� end of the world.

���� 24 And I shall restore thee to all that thou hadst had, and the double part of what thou shalt lose will be given to

���� thee in order that thou mayest know that God does not consider the person but giveth to each who deserveth the

���� good.

���� 25 And also to thee shall it be given, and thou shalt put on a crown of amarant.

���� 26 And at the resurrection thou shalt awaken for eternal life. Then shalt thou know that he Lord is just, and true

���� and mighty".

���� 27 Whereupon, my children, I replied: "I shall from love of God endure until death all that will come upon me, and

���� I shall not shrink back".

���� 28 Then the angel put his seal upon me and left me.

������������������������������������������� Chapter 2

���� 1 After this I rose up in the night and took fifty slaves and went to the temple of the idol and destroyed it to the

���� ground.

���� 2. And so I went back to my house and gave orders that the door should he firmly locked; saying to my

���� doorkeepers :

���� 3 "If somebody shall ask for me, bring no report to me, but tell him : He investigates urgent affairs. He is inside".

���� 4 Then Satan disguised himself as a beggar and knocked heavily at the door, saying to the door‑keeper:

���� 5 "Report to Job and say that I desire to meet him��,

���� 6 And the door‑keeper came in and told me that, but heard from me that I was studying.

���� 7 The Evil One, having failed in this, went away and took upon his shoulder an old, torn basket and went in and

���� spoke to the doorkeeper saying: "Tell Job : Give me bread from thine hands that I may eat".

���� 8 And when I heard this, I gave her burnt bread to give it to him, and I made known to him : "Expect not to eat of

���� my bread, for it is forbidden to thee".

���� 9 But the door‑keeper, being ashamed to hand him the burnt and ashy bread, as she did not know that it was

���� Satan, took of her own fine bread and gave it to him.

���� 10 But he took it and, knowing what occured, said to the maiden : "Go hence, bad servant, and bring me the

� ���bread that was given thee to hand to me".

���� 11 And the servant cried and spoke in grief: "Thou speakest the truth, saying that I am a bad servant. because I

���� have not done as I was instructed by my master".

���� 12 And he turned back and brought him the burnt bread and said to him : "Thus says my lord : Thou shalt not eat

���� of my bread anymore, for it is forbidden to thee.

���� 13 And this he gave me [saying: This I give] in order that the charge may not be brought against me that I did not

���� give to the enemy who asked".)

���� 14 And when Satan heard this, he sent back the servant to me, saying: "As thou seest this bread all burnt, so shall

���� I soon burn thy body to make it like this".

���� 15 And I replied: "Do what thou desirest to do and accomplish whatever thou plottest. For I am ready to endure

���� whatever thou bringest upon me".

���� 16 And when the devil heard this, he left me, and walking up to under the [highest] heaven, he took from the Lord

���� the oath that he might have power, over all my possessions.

���� 17 And after having taken the power he went and instantly took away all my wealth.

������������������������������������������� Chapter 3

���� 1 For I had one hundred and thirty thousand sheep, and of these I separated seven thousand for the clothing of

���� orphans and widows and of needy and sick ones.

���� 2 I had a herd of eight hundred dogs who watched my sheep and besides these two hundred to watch my house.

���� 3 And I had nine mills working for the whole city and ships to carry goods, and I seat them into every city and into

���� the villages to the feeble and sick and to those that were unfortunate.

���� 4 And I had three hundred and forty thousand nomadic asses, and of these I set aside five hundred, and the

���� offspring of these I order to he sold and the proceeds to be given to the poor and the needy.

���� 5 For from all the lands the poor came to meet me.

���� 6 For the four doors of my house were opened, each, being in charge of a watchman who had to see whether

���� there were any people coming asking alms, and whether they would see me sitting at one of the door�s so that

���� they could leave through the other and take whatever they needed.

���� 7 I also had thirty immovable tables set at all hours for the strangers alone, and I also had twelve tables spread for

���� the widows.

���� 8 And if any one came asking for alms, he found food on my table to take all he needed, and I turned nobody

���� away to leave my door with an empty stomach.

���� 9 I also had three thousand five hundred yokes of oxen, and I selected of these five hundred and had them tend to

���� the plowing.

���� 10 And with these I had done all the work in each field by those who would, take it in charge and the income of

���� their crops I laid aside for the poor on their table.

���� 1 I also had fifty bakeries from which I sent [the bread] to the table for the poor.

���� 12 And I had slaves selected for their service.

���� 13 There were also some strangers who saw my good will; they wished to serve as waiters themselves.

���� 14 Others, being in distress and unable to obtain a living, came with the request saying:

���� 15 "We pray thee, since we also can fill this office of waiters (deacons) and have no possession, have pity upon us

���� and advance money to us in order that we may go into the great cities and sell merchandise.

���� 16 And the surplus of our profit we may give as help to the poor, and then shaII we return to thee thine own

���� (money)

���� 17 And when I heard this, I was glad that they should take this altogether from me for the husbandry of charity for

���� the poor

���� 18 And with a willing heart I gave them what they wanted, and I accepted their written bond, but would not take

���� any other security from them except the written document

���� 19 And they went abroad and gave to time poor as far as they were successful

���� 20 Frequently, however, some of their goods were lost on the road or on the sea, or they would he robbed of

���� them

�� ��21 Then they would come and say: "We pray thee, act generously towards us in order that we may see how we

���� can restore to you thine own"

���� 22 And when I heard this, I had sympathy with them, and handed to them their bond, and often having read it

���� before them tore it up and released them of their debt saying to them :

���� 23 "What I have consecrated for the benefit of the poor, I shall not take from you''

���� 24 And so I accepted nothing from my debtor.

���� 25 And when a man with cheerful heart came to me saying: I am not in need to be compelled to he a paid worker

���� for the poor

���� 26 But I wish to serve the needy at thy table", and he consented to work, and he ate his share.

���� 27 So I gave him his wages nevertheless, and I went home rejoicing.

���� 28 And when he did not wish to take it, I forced him to do so, saying: "I know that thou art a laboring man who

���� looks for and waits for his wages, and thou must take it.

���� 29 Never did I defer paying the wages of the hireling or any other, nor keep back in my house for a single evening

���� his hire that was due to him.

���� 30 Those that milked the cows and the ewes signaled to the passersby that they should take their share.

���� 31 For the milk flowed in such plenty that it curdled into butter on the hills and by the road side; and by the rocks

���� and the hills the cattle lay which had given birth to their offspring.

���� 32 For my servants grew weary keeping the meat of the widows and the poor and dividing it into small pieces.

���� 3 For they would curse and say:

��������� "Oh that we had of his flesh that we could be satisfied��, although I was very kind to them,

���� 34 I also had six harps [and six slaves to play the harps] and also a cithara, a decachord, and I struck it

���� during the day.

���� 35 And I took the cithara, and the widows responded after their meals.

���� 36 And with the musical instrument I reminded them of God that they should give praise to the Lord.

���� 37 And when my female slaves would murmur, then I took the musical instruments and played as much as

���� they would have done for their wages, and gave them respite from their labor and sighs.

������������������������������������������� Chapter 4

���� 1 And my children, after having taken charge of the service, took their meals each day along with their three

���� sisters beginning with the older brother, and made a feast.

���� 2 And I rose in the morning and offered as sin‑offering for them fifty rams and nineteen sheep, and what remained

���� as a residue was consecrated to the poor.

���� 3 And I said to them : "Take these as residue and pray for my children.

���� 4 Perchance my sons have sinned before the Lord, speaking in haughtiness of spirit: We are children of this rich

���� man.

��������� Ours are all these goods; why should we be servants of the poor?'

���� 5 And speaking thus in a haughty spirit they may have provoked the anger of God, for overbearing pride is an

���� abomination before the Lord."

���� 6 So I brought oxen as offerings to the priest at the altar saying: "May my children never think evil towards God in

���� their hearts.''

���� 7 While I lived in this manner, the Seducer could not bear to see the good [I did], and he demanded the warfare

���� of God against me.

���� 8 And he came upon me cruelly.

���� 9 First he burnt up the large number of sheep, then the camels, then he burnt up the cattle and all my herds; or

���� they were captured not only by enemies but also by such as had received benefits from me.

���� 10 And the shepherds came and announced that to me.

���� 11 But when I heard it, I gave praise to God and did not blaspheme .

���� 12 And when the Seducer learned of my fortitude, he plotted new thing's against me.

���� 13 He disguised himself as King of Persia and besieged my city, and after he had led off all that were therein, he

���� spoke to them in malice, saying in boastful language:

���� 14 "This man Job who has obtained all the goods of the earth and left nothing for others, he has destroyed and

���� torn down the temple of god

���� 15 Therefore shall I repay to him what he has done to the house of the great god.

���� 16 Now come with me and we shall pillage all that is left in his house."

���� 17 And they answered and said to him: "He has seven sons and three daughters

���� 18 Take heed lest they flee into other lands and they may become our tyrants and then come over us with force

���� and kill us.''

���� 19 And he said: Be not at all afraid

��������� His flocks and his wealth have I destroyed by fire, and the rest have I captured, and behold, his

��������� children shall I kill."

���� 20 And having spoken thus, he went and threw the house upon my children and killed them.

���� 21 And my fellow‑citizens, seeing that what was said by him had become true, came and pursued me, and robbed

���� me of all that was in my house.

���� 22 And I saw with mine own eyes the pillage of my house, and men without culture and without honor sat at my

���� table and on my couches, and I could not remonstrate against them.

���� 23 For I was exhausted like a woman with her loins let loose from multitude of pains, remembering chiefly that this

���� warfare had been predicted to me by the Lord through His angel.

���� 24 And I became like one who, when seeing the rough sea and the adverse winds, while the lading of the vessel in

���� mid‑ocean is too heavy, casts the burden into the sea, saying:

���� 25 "I wish to destroy all this only in order to come safely into the city so that I may take as profit the rescued ship

���� and the best of my things. "

���� 26 Thus did I manage my own affairs.

���� 27 But there came another messenger and announced to me the ruin of my own children, and I was shaken with

���� terror.

���� 28 And I tore my clothes and said: The Lord hath given, the Lord hath taken

��������� As it hath deemed best to the Lord, thus it hath come to be

��������� May the name of the Lord be blessed.

������������������������������������������� Chapter 5

���� 1 And when Satan saw that he could riot put me to despair, he went and asked my body of the Lord in order to

���� inflict plague on me, for the Evil one could not bear my patience.

���� 2 Then the Lord delivered me into his hands to use my body as he wanted, but he gave him no power over my

���� soul.

���� 3 And he came to me as I was sitting on my throne still mourning over my children.

���� 4 And he resembled a great hurricane and turned over my throne and threw me upon the ground.

���� 5 And I continued lying on the floor for three hours.

��������� and he smote me with a hard plague from the top of my head to the toes of my feet.

���� 6 And I left the city in great terror and woe and sat down upon a dunghill my body being worm‑eaten.

���� 7 And I wet the earth with the moistness of my sore body, for matter flowed off my body, and many worms

���� covered it.

���� 8 And when a single worm crept off my body, I put it back saying: "Remain on the spot where thou hast been

���� placed until He who hath sent thee will order thee elsewhere."

���� 9 Thus I endured for sever years, sitting on a dung‑hill outside of the city while being plague‑stricken.

���� 10 And I saw with mine own eyes my longed‑for children [carried by angels to heaven?] 11 And my humbled

���� wife who had been brought to her bridal chamber in such great luxuriousness and with spearmen as body‑guards.

��������� I saw her do a water‑carrier's work like a slave in the house of a common man in order to win some

��������� bread and bring it to me.

���� 12 And in my sore affliction I said: "Oh that these braggart city rulers whom I soul not have thought to be equal

���� with my shepherd dogs should now employ my wife as servant!"

���� 13 And after this I took courage again.

���� 14 Yet afterwards they withheld even the bread that it should only have her own nourishment.

���� 15 But she took it and divided it between herself and me, saying woefully: "Woe to me! Forthwith he may no

���� longer feed on bread, and he cannot go to the market to ask bread of the bread‑sellers in order to bring it to me

���� that he may eat?"

���� 16 And when Satan learned this, he took the guise� of a bread‑seller, and it was as if by chance that my wife met

���� him and asked him for bread thinking that it was that sort of man.

���� 17 But Satan said to her : "Give me the value, and then take what thou wishest."

���� 18 Whereupon she answered saying: Where shall I get money? Dost thou not know what misfortune happened to

���� me.

��������� If thou hast pity, show it to me; if not, thou shalt see."

���� 19 And he replied saying: "If you did not deserve this misfortune, you would not have suffered all this.

���� 20 Now, if there is no silver piece in thine hand, give me the hair of thine head and take three loaves of bread for

���� it, so that ye may live on there for three days.

���� 21 Then she said to herself: "What is the hair of my head in comparison with my starving husband?" 22 And so

���� after having pondered over the matter, she said to him: "Rise and cut off my hair"

���� 3 Then he took a pair of scissors and took off the hair of her head in the presence of all, and gave her three loaves

���� of bread

���� 24 Then she took them and brought them to me.

��������� And Satan went behind her on the road, hiding himself as he walked and troubling her heart

��������� greatly.

������������������������������������������� Chapter 6

���� 1 And immediately my wife came near me and crying aloud and weeping she said: "Job! Job! How long wilt thou

���� sit upon the dung‑hill outside of the city, pondering yet for a while and expecting to obtain your hoped‑for

���� salvation!" 2 And I have been wandering from place to place, roaming about as a hired servant, behold they

���� memory has already died away from earth.

���� 3 And my sons and the daughters that I carried on my bosom and the labors and pains that I sustained have been

���� for nothing? 4 And thou sittest in the malodorous state of soreness and worms, passing the nights in the cold air.

���� 5 And I have undergone all trials and troubles and pains, day and night until I succeeded in bringing bread to thee.

���� 6 For your surplus of bread is no longer allowed to me; and as I can scarcely take my own food and divide it

���� between us, I pondered in my heart that it was not right that thou shouldst be in pain and hunger for bread.

���� 7 And so I ventured to go to the market without bashfulness.

��������� and when the bread‑seller told me: "Give me money

��������� and thou shalt have bread.''

��������� I disclosed to him our state of distress

���� 8 Then I heard him say : "If thou hast no money, hand me the hair of thy head, and take three loaves of bread in

���� order that ye may live on these for three days.''

���� 9 And I yielded to the wrong and said to him "Rise and cut off my hair !'' and he rose and in disgrace cut off with

���� the scissors the hair of my head on the market place while the crowd stood by and wondered.

���� 10 Who would then not be astonished saying: "Is this Sitis, the wife of Job, who had fourteen curtains to cover her

���� inner sitting room, and doors within doors so that he was greatly honored who would be brought near her, and

���� now behold, she barters off her hair for bread!

���� 11 Who had camels laden with goods. and they were brought into remote lands to the poor, and now she sells her

���� hair for bread!

���� 12 Behold her who had seven tables immovably set in her house at which each poor man and each stranger ate,

���� and now she sells her hair for bread!

���� 13 Behold her who had the basin wherewith to wash her feet made of gold and silver, and now she walks upon

���� the ground and [sells her hair for bread !]

���� 14 Behold her who had her garments made of byssus interwoven with gold, and now she exchanges her hair for

���� bread!

���� 15 Behold her who had couches of gold and of silver, and now she sells her hair for bread!"

���� 16 In short then, Job, after the many things that have been said to me, I now say in one word to thee : 17 "Since

���� the feebleness of my heart has crushed my bones, rise then and take these loaves of bread and enjoy them, and

���� then speak some word against the Lord and die!

���� 18 For I too, would exchange the torpor of death for the sustenance of my body".

���� 19 But I replied to her "Behold I have been for these seven years plague‑stricken, and I have stood the worms of

���� my body, and I was not weighed down in my soul by all these pains.

���� 20 And as to the word which thou sayest: 'Speak some word against God and die!', together with thee I will

���� sustain the evil which thou seest

��������� and let us endure the ruin of all that we have

���� 21 Yet thou desirest that we should say some word against God and that He should be exchanged for the great

���� Pluto [the god of the nether world]

���� 22 Why dost thou not remember those great goods which we possessed? If these goods come from the lands of

���� the Lord, should not we also endure evils and be high‑minded in everything until the Lord will have mercy again

���� and show pity to us?

���� 23 Dost thou not see the Seducer stand behind thee and confound thy thoughts in order that thou shouldst beguile

���� me

���� 24 And he turned to Satan and said : "Why dost thou not come openly to me? Stop hiding thyself thou wretched

���� one,

���� 25 Does the lion show his strength in the weasel cage? Or does the bird fly in the basket ? I now tell thee: Go

���� away and wage thy war against me."

���� 26 Then he went of from behind my wife and placed himself before me crying and he said : Behold, Job, I yield

���� and give way to thee who art but flesh while I am a spirit.

���� 27 Thou art plague‑stricken, but I am in great trouble.

���� 28 For I am like a wrestler contesting with a wrestler who has, in a single‑handed combat, torn down his

���� antagonist and covered him with dust and broken every limb of his, whereas the other one who lies beneath,

���� having displayed his bravery, gives forth sounds of triumph testifying to his own superior excellence.

���� 29 Thus thou, O Job, art beneath and stricken with plague and pain, and yet thou hast carried the victory in the

���� wrestling‑match with me, and behold, I yield to thee."

���� 30 Then he left me abashed.

���� 31 Now my children, do you also show a firm heart in all the evil that happens to you, for greater than all things is

���� firmness of heart.


������������������������������������������� Chapter 7

���� 1 At this time the kings heard what had happened to me and they rose and came to me each from his land to visit

��� �me and to comfort me.

���� 2 And when they came near me, they cried with a loud voice and each tore his clothes.

���� 3 And after they had prostrated themselves, touching the earth with their heads, they sat down next to me for

���� seven days and seven nights, and none spoke a word.

���� 4 They were four in numbers: Eliplaz, the king of Teman, and Balad, and Sophar, and Elilhu.

���� 5 And when they had taken their seat, they conversed about what had happened to me

���� 6 Now when for time first time they had come to me and I had shown them my precious stones, they were

���� astonished and said : 7 "If of us three kings all our possessions would be brought together into one, it would not

���� come up to the precious stones of

��������� Jobab's kingdom (crown?)

��������� For thou art of greater nobility than all the people of the East

���� 8 And when, therefore, they now came to the land of Ausitis "Uz" to visit me, they asked in the city : "Where is

���� Jobab, the ruler of this whole land?"

��� �9 And they told them concerning me: "He sitteth upon the dung‑hill outside of the city for he has not entered the

���� city' for seven years."

���� 10 And then again they‑ inquired concerning my possessions, and there was revealed to them all that happened to

���� me.

���� 11 And when they had learned this, they went out of the city with the inhabitants, and my fellow‑citizens pointed

���� me out to them.

���� 12 But these remonstrated and said: "Surely, this is not Jobab''

���� 13 And while they hesitated, there said Eliphaz

���� the King of Teman: "Come let us step near and see"

���� 14 And when they came near I remembered them, and I wept very much when I learned the purpose of their

���� journey.

���� 15 And I threw earth upon my head, and while shaking my head I revealed unto them that I was [Job].

���� 16 And when they saw me shake my head they threw themselves down upon the ground, all overcome with

���� emotion 17 And while their hosts were standing around, I saw the three kings lie upon the ground for three hours

���� like dead.

���� 18 Then they rose and said to each other: We cannot believe that this is Jobab."

���� 19 And finally, after they had for seven day's inquired after everything concerning me and searched for my flocks

���� and other possessions, they said:

���� 20 "Do we not know how many goods were sent by him to the cities and the villages round about to be given to

���� the poor, aside from all that was given away by him within his own house? How then could he have fallen into

���� such a state of perdition and misery !"

���� 21 And after the seven days Elihu said to the kings : "Come let us step near and examine him accurately, whether

���� he truly is Jobab or not?"

���� 22 And they, being not half a mile (stadium) distant from his malodorous body, they rose and stepped near,

���� carrying perfume in their hands, while their soldiers went with them and threw fragrant incense round about them

���� so that they could come near me.

���� 23 And after they had thus passed three hours, covering the way with aroma, they drew nigh.

���� 24 And Eliphaz began and said : "Art thou, indeed, Job, our fellow‑king? Art thou the one who owned the great

���� glory?

���� 25 Art thou he who once shone like the sun of day upon the whole earth ? Art thou he who once resembled the

���� moon and the stars effulgent throughout the night?"

���� 26 And I answered him and said: "I am", and thereupon all wept and lamented, and they sang a royal song of

���� lamentation, their whole army joining them in a chorus.

���� 27 And again Eliphaz said to me : "Art thou he who had ordered seven thousand sheep to be given for the

���� clothing of the poor? Whither, then hath gone the glory of thy throne?

���� 28 Art thou he who had ordered three thousand cattle to do the plowing of the field for the poor? Wither, then

���� hath thy glory gone!

���� 29 Art thou he who had golden couches, and now thou sittest upon a dung hill? [" Whither then hath thy glory

���� gone !"]

���� 30 Art thou he who had sixty tables set for the poor? Art thou he who had censer�s for the fine perfume made of

���� precious stones, and now thou art in a malodorous state? Whither then hath thy glory gone!

���� 31 Art thou he who had golden candelabras set upon silver stands; and now must thou long for the natural gleam

���� of the moon? ["Whither then hath thy glory gone !"]

���� 32 Art thou the one who had ointment made of the spices of frankincense, and now thou art in a state of

���� repulsiveness! [Whither then hath thy glory gone !"]

���� 33 Art thou he who laughed the wrong doers and sinners to scorn and now thou hast become a laughingstock

���� to all !" [Whither then hath thine glory gone]

���� 34 And when Eliphaz had for a long time cried and lamented, while all the others joined him, so that the

���� commotion was very great, I said to them : 35 Be silent and I will show you my throne, and the glory of its

���� splendor: My glory will be everlasting.

���� 36 The whole world shall perish, and its glory shall vanish, and all those who hold fast to it, will remain beneath,

���� but my throne is in the upper world and its glory and splendor will be to the right of the Savior in the heavens.

���� 37 My throne exists in the life of the "holy ones" and its glory in the imperishable world.

���� 38 For rivers will he dried up and their arrogance shall go down to the depth of the abyss, but the streams of my

���� land in which my throne is erected, shall not dry up, but shall remain unbroken in strength.

���� 39 The kings perish and the rulers vanish, and their glory and pride is as the shadow in a looking glass, but my

���� Kingdom lasts forever and ever, and its glory and beauty is in the chariot of my Father).

������������������������������������������� Chapter 8

���� I When I spoke thus to them, Ehiphaz. became angry and said to the other friends "For what purpose is it that we

���� have come here with our hosts to comfort him? 9 Behold, he upbraids us. Therefore let us return to our countries.

���� 2 This man sits here in misery worm‑eaten amidst an unbearable state of putrefaction, and yet he challenges its

���� saving : �Kingdoms shall perish and their rulers, but my Kingdom, says he, shall last forever�".

���� 3 Eliphaz, then, rose in great commotion, and, turning away from them in great fury, said': "I go hence

��������� We have indeed come to comfort him, but he declares war to us in view of our armies."

���� 4 But then Baldad seized him by the hand and said :" Not thus ought one to speak to an afflicted man, and

�� ��especially to one stricken down with so many plagues.

���� 5 Behold, we, being in good health, dared not approach him on account of the offensive odor, except with the

���� help of plenty of fragrant aroma

��������� But thou, Eliphaz

��������� art forgetful of all this

���� 6 Let me speak plainly

���� Let us be magnanimous and learn what is the cause? Must he in remembering his former days of happiness not

���� become mad in his mind?

���� 7 Who should not be altogether perplexed seeing himself thus lapse into misfortune and plagues? But let me step

���� near him that I may find by what cause is he thus?"

���� 8 And Baldad rose and approached me saying: "Art thou Job?" and he said : "Is thy heart still in good keeping?

���� 9 And I said: "I did not hold fast to the earthly things, since the earth with all that inhabit it is unstable

��������� But my heart holds fast to the heaven, because there is no trouble in heaven."

���� 10 Then Baldad rejoined and said : "We know that the earth is unstable, for it changes according to season

��������� At times it is in a state of peace, and at times it is in a state of war

��������� But of the heaven we hear that it is perfectly steady.

���� 11 But art thou truly in a state of calmness? Therefore let me ask and speak, and when thou answerest me to my

���� first word, I shall have a second question to ask, and if again thou answerest in well‑set words, it will be manifest

���� that thy heart has not been unbalanced"

���� 12 And I said : "Upon what dost thou set thy hope?" And I said: "Upon the living God."

���� 13 And he said to me : "Who deprived thee of all thou didst possess? And who inflicted thee with these plagues

���� 9" And I said: "God."

���� 14 And he said: "If thou still placest thy hope upon God, how can He do wrong in judgment, having brought upon

���� thee these plagues and misfortunes, and having taken from thee all thy possessions?

���� 15 And since He has taken these, it is clear that He has given thee nothing.

��������� No king will disgrace his soldier who has served him well as body‑guard?"

���� 16 [And I answered saying] : "Who understands the depths of the Lord and of His wisdom to be able to accuse

���� God of injustice"?

���� 17 [And Baldad said] : "Answer me, o Job, to this

��������� Again I say to thee : 'If thou art in a state of calm reason, teach me if thou hast wisdom:

���� 18 Why do we see the sun rise in the East and set in the West? And again when rising in the morning we find him

���� rise in the East? Tell me thy‑ thought about this?''

���� 19 Then said I: "Why shall I betray (babble forth) the mighty mysteries of God? And should my mouth stumble in

���� revealing things belonging to the Master? Never!

���� 20 Who are we that we should pry into matters concerning the upper world while we are only of flesh, nay, earth

���� and ashes!

���� 21 In order that you know that my heart is sound, hear what I ask you:

���� 22 Through the stomach cometh food, and water you drink through the mouth, and then it flows through the same

���� throat, and when the two go down to become excrement, they again part; who effects this separation."

���� 23 And Baldad said: "I do not know."

��������� And I rejoined and said to him : "If thou dost not understand even the exits of the body, how canst

��������� thou understand the celestial circuits?"

���� 24 Then Sophar rejoined and said : "We do not inquire after our own affairs, but we desire to know whether thou

���� art in a sound state, and behold, we see that thy reason has not been shaken.

���� 25 What now dost thou wish that we should do for thee? Behold, we have come here and brought the physicians

���� of three kings, and if thou wishest, thou mayest he cured by them."

���� 26 But I answered and said : "My cure and my restoration cometh from God, the Maker of physicians."

������������������������������������������� Chapter 9


���� 1 And when I spoke thus to them, behold, there my wife Sitis came running, dressed in rags.

��������� from the service of the master by whom she was employed as slave though she had been forbidden

��������� to leave, lest the kings, on seeing her, might take her as captive.

���� 2 And when she came, she threw herself prostrate to their feet, crying and saying: ''Remember'.

��������� Eliphaz and ye other friends, what I was once with you, and how I have changed, how I am now

��������� dressed to meet you''

���� 3 Then the kings broke forth in great weeping and, being in double perplexity, they kept silent.

��������� But Eliphaz took his purple mantle and cast it about her to wrap herself up with it.

���� 4 But she asked him saying: "I ask as favor of you, my Lords, that you order your soldiers that they should dig

���� among the ruins of our house which fell upon my children, so that their bones could be brought in a perfect state to

���� the tombs.

���� 5 Fir as we have, owing to our misfortune, no power at all, and so we may at least see their bones.

���� 6 For have I like a brute the motherly feeling of wild beasts that my ten children should have perished on one day

���� and not to one of them could I give a decent burial?'' 7 And the kings gave order that the ruins of my house should

���� be dug up.

��������� But I prohibited it, saving

���� 8 ''Do not go to the trouble in vain; for my children will not he found, for they are in the keeping of their Maker

���� and Ruler''.

���� 9 And the kings answered and said : "Who will gainsay that he is out of his mind and raves?

���� 10 For while we desire to bring the bones of his children back, he forbids us to do so saying: 'They have been

���� taken and placed the keeping of their Maker'.

��������� Therefore prove unto us the truth".

���� 11 But I said to them: "Raise me that I may stand up, and they lifted me, holding up my arms from both sides.

���� 12 And I stood upright, and pronounced first the praise of God and after the prayer I said to them : ''Look with

���� your eyes to the East''.

���� 13 And they looked and saw my children with crowns near the glory of the King, the Ruler of heaven.

���� 14 And when my wife Sitis saw this, she fell to the ground and prostrated [herself] before God, saying: ''Now I

���� know that my memory remains with the Lord".

���� 15 And after she had spoken this, and the evening came, she went to the city, back to the master whom she

���� served as slave, and lay herself down at the manger of the cattle and died there from exhaustion.

���� 16 And when her despotic master searched for her and did not find her, he came to the fold of his herds, and

���� there he saw her stretched out upon the manger dead, while all the animals around were crying about her.

���� 17 And all who saw her wept and lamented, and the cry extended throughout the whole city.

���� 18 And the people brought her down and wrapt her up and buried her by the house which had fallen upon her

���� children.

���� 19 And the poor of the city made a great mourning for her and said: "Behold this Sitis whose like in nobility and in

���� glory is not found in any woman.

��������� Alas ! she was not found worthy of a proper tomb!''

���� 20 The dirge for her you will find in the record.

������������������������������������������� Chapter 10

���� But Eliphaz and those that were with him were astonished at these things, and they sat down with me and replying

���� to me, spoke in boastful words concerning me for twenty seven days.

���� 2 They repeated it again and again that I suffered deservedly thus for having committed many sins, and that there

���� was no hope left for me, but I retorted to these men in zest of contention myself.

���� 3 And they rose in anger, ready to part in wrathful spirit.

��������� But Elihu conjured them to stay yet a little while until he would have shown them what it was.

���� 4 "For", said he, "so many days did you pass, allowing Job to boast that he is just.

��������� But I shall no longer suffer it.

���� 5 For from the beginning did I continue crying over him, remembering his former happiness.

��������� But now he speaks boastfully and in overbearing pride he says that he has his throne in the heavens.

���� 6 Therefore, hear me, and I will tell you what is the cause of his destiny.

���� 7 Then, imbued with the spirit of Satan.

��������� Elihu spoke hard words which are written down in the records left of Elihu.

���� 8 And after he had ended, God appeared to me in a storm and in clouds, and spoke blaming Elihu and showing

���� me that he who had spoken was not a man, but a wild beast.

���� 9 And when God had finished speaking to me, the Lord spoke to Eliphaz: "Thou and thy friends have sinned in

���� that ye have not spoken the truth concerning my servant Job.

���� 10 Therefore rise up and make him bring a sin‑offering for you in order that your sins may be forgiven; for were it

���� not for him, I would have destroyed you''.

���� 11 And so they brought to me all that belonged to a sacrifice, and I took it and brought for them a sin‑offering,

���� and the Lord received it favorably and forgave them their wrong.

���� 12 Then when Eliphaz, Baldad and Sophar saw that God had graciously pardoned their sin through His servant

���� Job, but that He did not deign to pardon Elihu,

��������� then did Eliphaz begin to sing a hymn, while the others responded, their soldiers also joining while

��������� standing by the altar.

���� 13 And Eliphaz spoke thus

��������� "Taken off is the sin

��������� and our injustice gone;

���� 14 But Elihu, the evil one, shall have no remembrance among the living; his luminary is extinguished and has lost its

���� light.

���� 15 The glory of his lamp will announce itself for him, for he is the son of darkness. and not of light.

���� 16 The doorkeepers of the place of darkness shall give him their glory and beauty as share; His Kingdom hath

���� vanished, his throne hath moldered, and the honor of his stature is in (Sheol) Hades.

���� 17 For he has loved the beauty of the serpent and the scales (skins) of� the dracon his gall and his venom

���� belongs to the Northern One (Zphuni = Adder).

���� 18 For he did not own himself unto the Lord nor did he fear him, but he hated those whom He hath chosen

���� (known).

���� 19 Thus God forgot him, and "the holy ones" forsook him, his wrath and anger shall be unto him desolation and he

���� will have no mercy in his heart nor peace, because he, had the venom of an adder on his tongue.

���� 20 Righteous is the Lord, and His judgments are true, With him there is no preference of person, for He judgeth

���� all alike.

���� 21 Behold, the Lord cometh! Behold, the "holy ones" have been prepared: The crowns and the prizes of the

���� victors precede them!

���� 22 Let the saints rejoice, and let their hearts exult in gladness; for they shall receive the glory which is in store for

���� them.

�������������������������������������������� Chorus.

���� 23 Our sins are forgiven, our injustice has been cleansed, but Elihu hath no remembrance among the living".

���� 24 After Eliphaz had finished the hymn, we rose and went back to the city, each to the house where they lived.

���� 25 And the people made a feast for me in gratitude and delight of God, and all my friends came back to me.

���� 26 And all those who had seen me in my former state of happiness, asked me saying: "What are those three things

���� here amongst us?"

����������������������� ��������������������Chapter 11

���� 1 But I being desirous to take up again my work of benevolence for the poor, asked them saying:

���� 2 "Give me each a lamb for the clothing of the poor in their state of nakedness, and four drachmas (coins) of silver

���� or gold"

���� 3 Then the Lord blessed all that was left to me, and after a few days I became rich again in merchandise, in flocks

���� and all things which I had lost, and I received all in double number again.

���� 4 Then I also took as wife your mother and became the father of you ten in place of the ten children that had died.

���� 5 And now, my children, let me admonish you: "Behold I die. You will take my place.

���� 6 Only do not forsake the Lord. Be charitable towards the poor; Do not disregard the feeble. Take not unto

���� yourselves wives from strangers.

���� 7 Behold, my children, I shall divide among you what I possess, so that each may have control over his own and

���� have full power to do good with his share".

���� 8 And after he had spoken thus, he brought all his goods and divided them among his seven sons, but he gave

���� nothing of his goods to his daughters.

���� 9 Then they said to their father: "Our lord and father! Are we not also thy children? Why, then, dost thou not also

���� give us a share of thy possessions?"

���� 10 Then said Job to his daughters : "Do not become angry my daughters.

��������� I have not forgotten you.

��������� Behold, I have preserved for you a possession better than that which your brothers have taken".

���� 11 And he called his daughter whose name was Day (Yemima) and said to her:

��������� "Take this double ring used as a key and go to the treasure‑house and bring me the golden casket,

��������� that I may give you your possession''.

���� 12 And she went and brought it to him, and he opened it and took out three‑stringed girdles about the appearance

���� of which no man can speak.

���� 13 For they were not earthly work, but celestial sparks of light flashed through them like the rays of the sun.

���� 14 And he gave one string to each of His daughters and said: "Put these as girdles around you in order that all the

���� days of your life they may encircle you and endow you with every thing good".

���� 15 And the other daughter whose name was Kassiah said: "Is this the possession of which thou sayest it is better

���� than that of our brothers? What now? Can we live on this?"

���� 16 And their father said to them: "Not only have you here sufficient to live on, but these bring you into a better

���� world to live in, in the heavens.

���� 17 Or do you not know my children, the value of these things here? Hear then! When the Lord had deemed me

���� worthy to have compassion on me and to take off my body the plagues and the worms, He called me and handed

���� to me these three strings.

���� 18 And He said to me: 'Rise and gird up thy loins like a man I will demand of thee and declare thou unto me'.

���� 19 And I took them and girt them around my loins, and immediately did the worms leave my body, and likewise

���� did the plagues, and my whole body took new strength through the Lord, and thus I passed on, as though I had

���� never suffered.

���� 20 But also in my heart I forgot the pains. Then spoke the Lord unto me in His great power and showed to me all

���� that was and will be.

���� 21 Now then, my children, in keeping these, you will not have the enemy plotting against you nor [evil] intentions

���� in your mind because this is a charm (Phylacterion) from the Lord.

���� 22 Rise then and gird these around you before I die in order that you may see the angels come at my parting so

���� that you may behold with wonder the powers of God".

���� 23 Then rose the one whose name was Day (Yemima) and girt herself; and immediately she departed her body,

���� as her father had said, and she put on another heart, as if she never cared for earthly things.

���� 24 And she sang angelic hymns in the voice of angels, and she chanted forth the angelic praise of God while

���� dancing.

���� 25 Then the other daughter, Kassia by name, put on the girdle, and her heart was transformed, so that she no

���� longer wished for worldly things.

���� 26 And her mouth assumed the dialect of the heavenly rulers (Archonts) and she sang the donology of the work of

� ���the High Place and if any one wishes to know the work of the heavens he may take an insight into the hymns of

���� Kassia.

���� 27 Then did the other daughter by the name of Amalthea's Horn (Keren Happukh) gird herself and her mouth

���� spoke in the language of those on high; for her heart was transformed, being lifted above the worldly things.

���� 28 She spoke in the dialect of the Cherubim, singing the praise of the Ruler of the cosmic powers (virtues) and

���� extolling their (His?) glory.

���� 29 And he who desires to follow the vestiges of the "Glory of the Father" will find them written down in the

���� Prayers of Amalthea's Horn.


������������������������������������������� Chapter 12

���� 1 After these three had finished singing hymns. did I Nahor (Neros) brother of Job sit down next to him, as he

���� lay down.

���� 2 And I heard the marvelous (great) things of the three daughters of my brother, one always succeeding the other

���� amidst awful silence.

���� 3 And I wrote down this book containing the hymns except the hymns and signs of the [holy] Word, for these

���� were the great things of God.

���� 4 And Job lay down from sickness on his couch, yet without pain and suffering, because his pain did not take

���� strong hold of him on account of, the charm of the girdle which he had wound around himself.

���� 5 But after three days Job saw the holy angels come for his soul, and instantly he rose and took the cithara and

���� gave it to his daughter Day (Yemima).

���� 6 And to Kassia he gave a censer (with perfume = Kassia, and to Amalthea�s horn (= music) he gave a timbrel

���� in order that they might bless the holy angels who came for his soul.

���� 7 And they took these, and sang, and played on the psaltery and praised and glorified God in the holy dialect.

���� 8 And after this he came He who sitteth upon the great chariot and kissed Job, while his three daughters looked

���� on, but the others saw it not.

���� 9 And He took the soul of Job and He soared upward, taking her (the soul) by the arm and carrying her upon the

���� chariot, and He went towards the East.

���� 10 His body, however, was brought to the grave while the three daughters marched ahead, having put on their

���� girdles and singing hymns in praise of God.

���� 11 Then held Nahor (Nereos) his brother and his seven sons, with the rest of the people and the poor, the

���� orphans and the feeble ones, a great mourning over him, saying:

���� 12 "Woe unto us, for today has been taken from us the strength of the feeble, the light of the blind, the father of

���� the orphans;

���� 13 The receiver of strangers has been taken off the leader of the erring, the cover of the naked. the shield of the

���� widows. Who would not mourn for the man of God!

���� 14 And as they were mourning in this and in that form, they would not suffer him to be put into the grave.

���� 15 After three days, however, he was finally put into the grave, like one in sweet slumber, and he received the

���� name of the good (beautiful) who will remain renowned throughout all generations of the world.

���� 16 He left seven sons and three daughters, and there were no daughters found on earth as fair as the daughters of

���� Job.

���� 17 The name of Job was formerly Jobab, and he was called Job by the Lord.

���� 18 He had lived before his plague eighty five years, and after the plague he took the double share of all; hence

���� also his year�s he doubled, which is 170 years. Thus he lived altogether 255 years.

���� 19 And, he saw sons of his sons unto the fourth generation. It is written that he will rise up with those whom the

���� Lord will reawaken. To our Lord by glory. Amen.

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