Watchman Willie Martin Archive


���� 1). It is founded on immoral double standards.

���� 2). It mocks the U.S. Constitution.

���� 3). It encourages evasion of U.S. laws.

���� 4). It undermines America's national sovereignty.

���� 5). It erodes the individual's control of his own destiny.

���� 6). It pursues a donkey mentality that believes other pastures

�������� are always greener.

���� 7). It is nourished by tooth fairy notions that one can get

�������� something for nothing or less.

�� ��8). It advocates a me-first philosophy that believes the end

�������� justifies the means.

���� 9). It subsidizes those who evade America's laws, at the expense

�������� of those who abide by those laws.

��� 10). It protects those who do not produce, at the expense of those

�������� who do produce.

��� 11). It grants exemption to foreign products from laws that

�������� Americans must honor {or go to prison}.

��� 12). It dissipates government revenues, causing budget deficits

�������� and lacd of funds for worthy projects.

��� 13). It erodes American living standards.

��� 14). It erodes Patriotism.

��� 15). It is a root cause of the global debt crisis.

��� 16). It is the root cause of all depressions.

��� 17). It is global socialism/communism, wrapped in a "one world" or

�������� "New World Order" flag.

���� Since our leaders have taken us donw the primrose path of

mythical "free trade," we should not be surprised by $170 billion

trade deficits; $300-500 billion budget deficits; a $4 Trillion

national debt; the world's largest international debt; the weakest

economy in four decades despite record government, corporate and

onsumer debt; dismantling of America's wealth, and tax-generating

industries when needed most to pay our debts; declining living

standards for most Americans; and an endless list of social and

economic calamities for which advocates of a global economy have no

solution, except more of the same.

���� Since this is the price of the free trade "HOAX" can there be any

doubt America can no longer afford it?

Reference Materials