
��������� The Great Masquerade

������ by Dr. Bertrand Comparet


������������������� The whole Bible is the history of the conflict between

our God and the rebel,

������������������� Satan‑‑carried on between their children, also. Didn't

you know that they both had

������������������� children? (Yes, I do mean CHILDREN, not merely

followers.) If you don't know this,

������������������� you should read your Bible more carefully.

������������� ������Luke 3: 38 tells us that Adam was the‑son of God: and

surely you know that Adam

������������������� had children and descendants down through our own

generation. In many other

������������������� places, God refers to His children: for just a few of

these, consider Deuteronomy

������������������� 32: 19, "And when the Lord saw it, He abhorred them,

because of the provoking of

������������������� HIS SONS AND OF HIS DAUGHTERS." Again, Isaiah 43:

6, "1 will say to the north, Give

������������������� up; and to the south, Keep not back: bring MY SONS

from afar, and MY DAUGHTERS

������������������� from the ends of the earth." Isaiah 45: 11: "Thus saith

the Lord, the Holy One of

������������������� Israel, and his Maker: Ask Me of things to come

concerning MY SONS, and concerning

������������������� the work of My hands command ye Me." In Psalm 82: 6:

"1 have said, Ye are gods;

������������������� and all of you are CHILDREN OF THE MOST HIGH." In

the New Testament, we read in

������������������� John 11: 51‑52 . he prophesied that Jesus should die for

that nation; and not for

������������������� that nation only, but also that He should gather together


������������������� that were scattered abroad." And Paul, in Romans 8: 14,

16 says, "For as many as are

������������������� led by the Spirit of God, THEY ARE THE SONS of GOD ...

The Spirit itself beareth

������������������� witness with our spirit, that WE ARE THE CHILDREN OF


������������������� As to the children of Satan, this also is affirmed in the

Bible from beginning to end.

������������������� First in Genesis 3: 15, where God tells Satan, "I will put

enmity between thee and

������������������� the woman, and between THY SEED and HER SEED."

The same Hebrew word for

�������� �����������"Seed," or descendants, is used in both instances, so

Satan is to have just as literal

������������������� seed, or children, as the woman, Eve. ‑‑ Jesus Christ,

Himself, affirmed this,

������������������� several times. For example, in Matthew 13: 38‑39,

where He said, "The field is the

������������������� world; the good seed are the Children of the Kingdom:

but the tares are the

������������������� children of the wicked one; the enemy that sowed them

is the devil." In John 6:

��������������� ����70‑71, Jesus said to His 12 disciples, "Have not I chosen

you 12, and one of you is a

������������������� devil?" Again, very carefully read John 8: 31‑55, where

Jesus said to these people,

������������������� "I speak that which I have seen with MY Father: and ye

do that which ye have

������������������� seen with YOUR father. They answered and said unto

Him, Abraham is our

������������������� father. Jesus saith unto them, IF ye were Abraham's

children, ye would do the

������������������� works of Abraham. But now ye seek to kill Me, a man

that hath told you the

������������������� truth, which I have heard of God...Ye do the deeds of

YOUR father. " They tried

������������������� to masquerade as God's children, but they couldn't

deceive Him: they said, "We

������������������� have one father, even God. Jesus said unto them, IF

God were your Father, ye

������������������� would love Me: for I proceeded forth and came from

God ... Ye are of YOUR

������������������� FATHER THE DEVIL, and the lusts of your father ye will

do. He was a murderer

������������������� from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because

there is no truth in him

������������������� ... It is My Father that honoureth Me: of whom ye SAY

that He is your God: yet ye

������������� ������have not known Him." Jesus was not using vulgarly

abusive language to them: He

������������������� was stating a biological fact, with scientific accuracy.

������������������� Paul, also, does not hesitate to identify certain people

as the children of the devil.

������������������� Meeting one, in Acts 13: 6‑10, Paul plainly called him

"thou child of the devil. "

������������������� In the thousands of years of this conflict, whenever we

have remembered that

������������������� we are the children of God, remained loyal to Him, and

remembered that God

������������������� Himself put enmity between HIS children and SATAN'S

CHILDREN, we have had

������������������� prosperity and high civilization, with very little crime;

and the wars which the

���� ���������������wicked started against us ended quickly with

tremendous victories in our favor.

������������������� Satan's tactics have always been the same, down

through the ages: first he tries

������������������� to crush us by force, as the Bible records many times,

and as we saw a few years

������������������� ago in Japan's treacherous attack upon us. But these

attacks always fail, when we

������������������� remember who WE are and who THEY are, and act

accordingly. Then Satan tries

��������������� ����another method: Since God has given us the victory

whenever we remember that

������������������� we are HIS CHILDREN and have nothing to do with the

children and the ways of

������������������� Satan, the only way to conquer and enslave or destroy

us is to make us forget this

������������������� division between the CHILDREN OF GOD and the


������������������� mixed together so our ways will be corrupted with

theirs, our children will learn

������������������� their evil, our government will be controlled by their

power, and they will make us

������������������� enemies of God like themselves. Only when we are in

rebellion against God, and

������������������� therefore do not receive His help, can Satan and his

children hope to destroy us.

������������������� We were warned of this, as of all other dangers. In

Deuteronomy 7. 2‑4 we got the

������������������� first warning: "Thou shalt smite them, and utterly

destroy them; thou shalt make no

������������������� covenant with them, nor show mercy unto them:

neither shalt thou make marriages

������������������� with them: thy daughter thou shalt not give unto his

son, nor his daughter shalt

������������������� thou take unto thy son.

������������������� For they will turn away thy son from following Me, that

they may serve other gods:

������������������� so will the anger of the Lord be kindled against you, and

destroy thee suddenly."

������������������� But we have allowed them to enter our land in great

numbers‑multitudes of them

������������������� were admitted illegally, under the Roosevelt

administration‑‑and to take over

������������������� control of our commerce, our government, our schools,

and now they who hate our

������������������� God are even laying hands on our churches. God

warned us not to allow them in the

������������������� land, "For they will turn away thy son from following

Me." They have done this:

������������������� Their organizations have made such a bitter fight

against any mention of the name

�� �����������������of Jesus Christ in our schools that many school boards

have yielded to their

������������������� pressure; they have sometimes been able to put some

of their own people into

������������������� public office, where they have ruled officially that we

cannot even read one verse

������������������� from the Bible in our schools, because it offends them.

Our children are not

������������������� allowed to hear the name of God in our schools; and

now even our churches are

������������������� being infiltrated and corrupted in the same way. Under

the guise of "interfaith"

������������������� movements, supposedly Christian ministers have been

induced to bring into their

������������������� pulpits those whose official doctrine calls our Savior,

Jesus Christ, a liar and a

������������������� fraud; to avoid offending these people, supposedly

Christian ministers carefully

������������������� avoid preaching anything from the Gospel of John; they

practically deny. their

������������������� Savior to please His enemies; so our children, who

cannot hear the name of our

������������������� God in school, often cannot hear it in their churches

either. The evil of which God

������������������� warned us has come upon us.

������������������� How are Satan's children able to do this? By a great

masquerade, in which they

������������������� pretend to be God's children, and have corrupted most

of our clergymen until these

������������������� no longer tell us who we are. We received warning of

this also, if we would only

������������������� heed it: In 2 Corinthians 11: 13‑15, where it says, "Such

men are sham apostles,

������������������� dishonest workmen, masquerading as apostles of

Christ. And no wonder, as even

������������������� Satan himself masquerades as a shining angel. So it is

nothing strange if his servants

������������������� also masquerade as servants of uprightness. But their

doom will fit their actions." So

������������������� we are told by them that these people are God's

chosen, that they must be helped

������������������� to invade and steal other people's land, that our own

institutions must be changed

������������������� so as not to offend them and that our churches must

abandon Jesus Christ because

������������������� these people hate His name and we must abandon Him

in order to have fellowship

������������������� with them. But God warned us NOT to have fellowship

with devils.

������������������� All masquerades must reach an end; and this one is

almost finished. It has nearly

��� ����������������succeeded in bringing us to destruction. But God will

save us, because we are HIS

������������������� CHILDREN. Though most of us have forgotten our

identity, He has not forgotten.

������������������� Masks will be removed and our true identity revealed. In

Isaiah 51: 1‑2, God has

������������������� told us, " Harken to Me, ye that follow after

righteousness, ye that seek the Lord:

������������������� look unto the rock from whence ye are hewn, and to the

hole of the pit from

������������� ������whence ye are digged. LOOK UNTO ABRAHAM YOUR


������������������� BORE YOU." That is, look to your ancestry, recognize

that you are Israel, God's

������������������� children; stop masquerading as gentiles; and tear the

mask off Satan's children who

������������������� masquerade as you.


���������������� New Christian Crusade

�������������� Sermon for October 31, 1999

�������������� New Christian Crusade Church

����������������������������� Box 449

���������������������� Arabi, LA 70032