
���������������������������������� Are We To Fight?

To watch as the clergy in America teach that we are all to be cowards and not to fight God�s enemies as well as our own makes me want to puke. No wonder Christ said that He would spew them out of his mouth in the book of Revelation: �So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.� (Revelation 3:16)

All of the Evangelists, Protestants, Judeo-Christian Clergy in America today, teach that we are not to defend ourselves; that we are not to fight. And they always use the verse: �And, behold, one of them which were with Jesus stretched out his hand, and drew his sword, and struck a servant of the high priest's, and smote off his ear. Then said Jesus unto him, Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword.(Matthew 26:51-52) And say: �See Jesus said that if you live by the sword that you will die by the sword.�

They are lying to you that is not what that verse means at all. Because before Christ went to the garden He asked His apostles: �Then said he (Christ) unto them, But now, HE THAT HATH A PURSE, LET HIM TAKE IT, AND LIKEWISE HIS SCRIP: AND HE THAT HATH NO SWORD, LET HIM SELL HIS GARMENT, AND BUY ONE. For I say unto you, that this that is written must yet be accomplished in me, And he was reckoned among the transgressors: for the things concerning me have an end. And THEY SAID, LORD, BEHOLD, HERE ARE TWO SWORDS. AND HE (Christ) said unto them, IT IS ENOUGH.� (Luke 22:36-38)

I know that the clergy in the United States are traitors to Christ and I also believe they are cowards, otherwise they would do what God wants them to do, not bow down like whipped dogs before the swine that run our present government.

Why would Christ check with His disciples to see if they had a sword? To protect Him? Absolutely not, for Christ had already told them: �THINKEST THOU THAT I CANNOT NOW PRAY TO MY FATHER, AND HE SHALL PRESENTLY GIVE ME MORE THAN TWELVE LEGIONS OF ANGELS? But HOW THEN SHALL THE SCRIPTURES BE FULFILLED, that thus it must be?� (Matthew 26:53-54) No He was checking to see if the apostles had arms to defend themselves; not to defend Him, otherwise the Scriptures would not be fulfilled as the prophets had said.

The Clergy in America are coward but are traitors to Almighty God and the Lord Jesus Christ when they tell you this Jewish Communistic crap. I know that many have fallen for the Jewish lie that Christians are not to fight and to turn the other cheek, but that is not what the Scriptures relate; in fact, the Christians who are God�s people have been among the greatest warriors in the history of the world, both Biblically and in secular history.

During his sojourn Abraham went to war against the kings who had taken his nephew Lot captive and was later rewarded for his actions: �And the vale of Siddim was full of slimepits; and the kings of Sodom and Gomorrah fled, and fell there; and they that remained fled to the mountain. And they took all the goods of Sodom and Gomorrah, and all their victuals, and went their way. And they took Lot, Abram's brother's son, who dwelt in Sodom, and his goods, and departed. And there came one that had escaped, and told Abram the Hebrew; for he dwelt in the plain of Mamre the Amorite, brother of Eshcol, and brother of Aner: and these were confederate with Abram. And when Abram heard that his brother (Brother Israelites, not brother the son of his mother) was taken captive, he armed his trained servants, born in his own house, three hundred and eighteen, and pursued them unto Dan. And he divided himself against them, he and his servants, by night, and smote them, and pursued them unto Hobah, which is on the left hand of Damascus. And he brought back all the goods, and also brought again his brother Lot, and his goods, and the women also, and the people. And the king of Sodom went out to meet him after his return from the slaughter of Chedorlaomer, and of the kings that were with him, at the valley of Shaveh, which is the king's dale. And MELSHIZEDEK (whom many believe was Christ) king of Salem BROUGHT FORTH BREAD AND WINE: and HE WAS THE PRIEST OF THE MOST HIGH GOD. And HE BLESSED HIM (Abram, which was later changed to Abraham)� and said, BLESSED BE ABRAM OF THE MOST HIGH GOD, possessor of heaven and earth: And blessed be the most high God, WHICH HATH DELIVERED THINE ENEMIES INTO THY HAND. And he gave him tithes of all.� (Genesis 14:10‑20) Abraham was called the friend of God; even after he had killed many of men who had taken his nephew Lot captive.

Then during the Exodus we have this story about Phinehas who was rewarded for killing related to us: �And WHEN PHINEHAS, the son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron the priest, SAW IT, HE ROSE UP FROM AMONG THE CONGREGATION, AND TOOK A JAVELIN IN HIS HAND; AND HE WENT AFTER THE MAN OF ISRAEL INTO THE TENT, AND THRUST BOTH OF THEM THROUGH, THE MAN OF ISRAEL, AND THE WOMAN THROUGH HER BELLY. So the plague was stayed from the children of Israel. And those that died in the plague were twenty and four thousand. And THE LORD SPAKE UNTO MOSES, SAYING, PHINEHAS, the son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron the priest, HATH TURNED MY WRATH AWAY FROM THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL, WHILE HE WAS ZEALOUS FOR MY SAKE AMONG THEM, that I consumed not the children of Israel in my jealousy. WHEREFORE SAY, Behold, I GIVE UNTO HIM MY COVENANT OF PEACE: AND HE SHALL HAVE IT, AND HIS SEED AFTER HIM, EVEN THE COVENANT OF AN EVERLASTING PRIESTHOOD; BECAUSE HE WAS ZEALOUS FOR HIS GOD, and made an atonement for the children of Israel.� (Numbers 25:7‑13)

There are several stories in the Book of Judges where men and woman killed the enemy of their brother and sister Israelites and were rewarded by God for it. The first such story is about Judah slaying the Canaanites and others: �And Judah went against the Canaanites that dwelt in Hebron: (now the name of Hebron before was Kirjath‑arba:) and they slew Sheshai, and Ahiman, and Talmai. And from thence he went against the inhabitants of Debir: and the name of Debir before was Kirjath‑sepher: And CALEB SAID, HE THAT SMITETH KIRJATH-SEPHER, AND TAKETH IT, TO HIM WILL I GIVE ACHSAH MY DAUGHTER TO WIFE. AND Othniel the son of Kenaz, Caleb's younger brother, TOOK IT: AND HE GAVE HIM ACHSAH HIS DAUGHTER TO WIFE. And IT CAME TO PASS, WHEN SHE CAME TO HIM, THAT SHE MOVED HIM TO ASK OF HER FATHER A FIELD: AND SHE LIGHTED FROM OFF HER ASS; AND CALEB SAID UNTO HER, WHAT WILT THOU (What do you want, do you want a reward)? And SHE SAID UNTO HIM, GIVE ME A BLESSING: FOR THOU HAST GIVEN ME A SOUTH LAND; GIVE ME ALSO SPRINGS OF WATER. AND CALEB GAVE HER THE UPPER SPRINGS AND THE NETHER SPRINGS.� (Judges 1:10-15) So we see that Othniel was rewarded twice, once in Caleb giving him his daughter as a wife, as he said; and a second time when his daughter asked for springs and was given them. Therefore, Othniel obtained two very precious rewards.

Then the Scriptures relate that God was with Judah even though he slew many people: �And Judah went with Simeon his brother, and they slew the Canaanites that inhabited Zephath, and utterly destroyed it. And the name of the city was called Hormah. Also Judah took Gaza with the coast thereof, and Askelon with the coast thereof, and Ekron with the coast thereof. And THE LORD WAS WITH JUDAH; and he drave out the inhabitants of the mountain...� (Judges 1:17‑19)

The story of a man who was not an Israelite was given a reward for helping the children of Joseph to slay the people in the city of Bethel: �And the house of Joseph, they also went up against Bethel: and the LORD was with them. And the house of Joseph sent to descry Bethel. (Now the name of the city before was Luz.) And THE SPIES SAW A MAN COME FORTH OUT OF THE CITY, and they said unto him, SHEW US, WE PRAY THEE, THE ENTRANCE INTO THE CITY, AND WE WILL SHEW THEE MERCY. And when he shewed them the entrance into the city, THEY SMOTE THE CITY WITH THE EDGE OF THE SWORD; BUT THEY LET GO THE MAN AND ALL HIS FAMILY. And the man went into the land of the Hittites, and built a city, and called the name thereof Luz: which is the name thereof unto this day.� (Judges 1:22-26) The man, who was NOT an Israelite was allowed to live and all of his family as well, and he was allowed to build a city called Luz.

Almost all of the Books of the Old Testament relates one story after another where God blessed Israel with victory after victory, even though they sinned against Him time and time again.

David who was a man after God�s own heart: �But now thy kingdom shall not continue: the LORD hath sought him a man after his own heart, and the LORD hath commanded him to be captain over his people, because thou hast not kept that which the LORD commanded thee.� (1 Samuel 13:14) This with the song Israel sang about Saul who slew his thousands and David his ten thousands: �And the women answered one another as they played, and said, SAUL HATH SLAIN HIS THOUSANDS, AND DAVID HIS TEN THOUSANDS.� (1 Samuel 18:7) Saul was not punished for slaying thousands, but because he disobeyed the instructions given to him by God.

ARMOR, ARMS: The weapons of the nations mentioned in the Bible were essentially the same, with modifications according to age and country. Offensive weapons (arms) included the battle‑axe, sword, spear, bow and arrow, sling, and battering ram. Defensive weapons (armor) included the shield, helmet, breastplate, greaves, and girdle.

Offensive Weapons: Battle‑axe and Mace. The most primitive of weapons were the club and the throwing bat. The club at first consisted of a heavy piece of wood, of various shapes, used in hand‑to‑hand fighting. The "mace" (Heb. barzel) was of wood bound with bronze, about two and one‑half feet long, with an angular piece of metal projecting from the handle, perhaps intended as a guard. At the striking end it was sometimes furnished with a ball. Maces were borne by the heavy infantry, and each charioteer was furnished with one. The Egyptian battle‑axe was about two or two and one‑half feet long, with a single blade secured by bronze pins and the handle bound in that part to prevent splitting. The blade was shaped like the segment of a circle and made of bronze or iron. The poleaxe was about three feet in length, with a large metal ball, to which the blade was fixed. Allusions to these weapons are supposed to occur in <Ps. 2:9; 35:3; Prov. 25:18>. The throwstick is the same weapon seen figured on Egyptian and Assyrian monuments. "Axes" <Ezek. 26:9>, literally irons, is used figuratively for weapons or instruments of war.

Sword (Heb. hereb). The Egyptian sword was short and straight, from two and one‑half to three feet in length, usually double‑edged and tapering to a point, and was used to cut and thrust. The king's sword was worn in his girdle and was frequently surmounted by one or two heads of a hawk, the symbol of the sun. The sword thus worn was really a dagger, a common Egyptian weapon. It was from seven to ten inches in length, tapering gradually to a point, the blade, made of bronze, being thicker in the middle than at the edges. Assyrian swords were often richly decorated, the hilt embossed with lions' heads so arranged as to form both handle and crossbar. The sword of the Greeks and Romans generally had a straight two‑edged blade, rather broad, and of nearly equal width from hilt to point. It was worn on the left side.

The sword of the Hebrew resembled that of other oriental nations and appears to have been short. That of Ehud was only a cubit (from eighteen to twenty‑two inches) long. It was carried in a sheath held by the girdle <1 Sam. 17:39; 2 Sam. 20:8>; hence the expression "to gird one's self" with a sword means to commence war; and "to loose the sword," to finish it <1 Kin. 20:11>.

Figurative. The sword itself is the symbol of war and slaughter (<Lev. 26:25; Isa. 34:5>, etc.), of divine judgment <Deut. 32:41; Ps. 17:13; Jer. 12:12; Rev. 1:16>, and of power and authority <Rom. 13:4>. The Word of God is called "the sword of the Spirit" <Eph. 6:17>. The sword is used in Scripture as illustrative of the Word of God <Eph. 6:17; Heb. 4:12>; Christ <Isa. 49:2; Rev. 1:16>; the justice of God <Deut. 32:41; Zech. 13:7>; the protection of God <Deut. 33:29>; severe calamities <Ezek. 5:2,17; 14:17; 21:9>; deep mental affliction <Luke 2:35>; the wicked <Ps. 17:13>; their tongue <57:4; 64:3; Prov. 12:18>; their persecuting spirit <Ps. 37:14>; their end <Prov. 5:4>; false witnesses <25:18>; judicial authority <Rom. 13:4>. Drawing of sword is figurative of war and destruction <Lev. 26:33; Ezek. 21:3‑5>; sheathing it, of peace and friendship <Jer. 47:6>; living by it, of plunder <Gen. 27:40>; not departing, of perpetual calamity <2 Sam. 12:10>.

The Spear, Javelin, Dart. The spear is a weapon common to all nations of antiquity. That of the Egyptians was of wood, from five to six feet long, with the head of bronze or iron, usually with a double edge like that of the Greeks. The javelin was similar to the spear, but lighter and shorter, the upper extremity of the shaft terminating with a bronze knob surmounted by a ball. It was sometimes used as a spear for thrusting, and sometimes it was darted, the knob of the extremity keeping it from escaping the warrior's hand. The spear of the Assyrian infantry was short, scarcely exceeding the height of a man; that of the cavalry was longer. Several kinds of spears are mentioned in Scripture, but how the several terms used are to be understood is somewhat uncertain. (1) The hanit, a "spear" of the largest kind, was the weapon of Goliath <1 Sam. 17:7,45; 2 Sam. 21:19; 1 Chr. 20:5> and also of other giants <2 Sam. 23:21; 1 Chr. 11:23> and mighty warriors <2 Sam. 2:23; 23:18; 1 Chr. 11:11,20>. It was the habitual companion of King Saul, and it was this heavy weapon, not the lighter "javelin," that he cast at David <1 Sam. 18:10‑11; 19:9‑10> and at Jonathan <20:33>. (2) Apparently lighter than the preceding was the kidon ("javelin"). When not in action, the javelin was carried on the back of the warrior (<1 Sam. 17:6>, KJV, "target"). (3) Another kind of spear was romah. In the historical books it occurs in <Num. 25:7> and <1 Kin. 18:28> and frequently in the later books, as in <1 Chr. 12:8> ("buckler," KJV); <2 Chr. 11:12>. (4) The shelah was probably a lighter missile, or "dart" (see KJV, <2 Chr. 23:10; 32:5>, "darts"; <Neh. 4:17,23>, see marg.; <Job 33:18; 36:12; Joel 2:8>). (5) shebet, a "rod," or "staff," is used only once to denote a weapon <2 Sam. 18:14>.

Figurative. The spear is used figuratively of the bitterness of the wicked <Ps. 57:4>; the instruments and effects of God's wrath <Hab. 3:11>.

Bow and Arrow. The bow was the principal weapon of offense among the Egyptians, Assyrians, and Hebrews. That of the Egyptians was a round piece of wood, from five to five and one‑half feet long, either straight or bending in the middle when unstrung. The string was made of hide, catgut, or string. The Assyrian archer was equipped in all respects as the Egyptian, the bow being either long and slightly curved or short and almost angular. Among the Hebrews the bow (Heb. qeshet) and arrow (hes) are met with early in their history, both for the chase <Gen. 21:20; 27:3> and war <48:22>. In later times archers accompanied the armies of the Philistines <1 Sam. 31:3; 1 Chr. 10:3> and of the Syrians <1 Kin. 22:34>. Among the Hebrews captains high in rank <2 Kin. 9:24>, and even kings' sons <1 Sam. 18:4>, carried the bow and were expert in its use <2 Sam. 1:22>. The tribe of Benjamin seems to have been especially addicted to archery <1 Chr. 8:40; 12:2; 2 Chr. 14:8; 17:17>; but there were also bowmen among Reuben, Gad, Manasseh <1 Chr. 5:18>, and Ephraim <Ps. 78:9>. Of the form of the bow we can gather almost nothing. It seems to have been bent by the aid of the foot (<1 Chr. 5:18; 8:40; 2 Chr. 14:8; Ps. 7:12; Isa. 5:28>; etc.). Bows of bronze are mentioned as if specially strong <2 Sam. 22:35; Job 20:24>. It is possible that in <1 Chr. 12:2> a kind of bow for shooting bullets or stones is alluded to (Wisd. of Sol. 5:22, "stone‑bow"). The arrows were carried in quivers (Heb. teli) hung on the shoulder or at the left side. They were probably of reed and mostly tipped with flint points; others were of wood tipped with metal, about thirty inches long and winged with three rows of feathers. They were sometimes poisoned <Job 6:4> or tipped with combustible materials ("flaming missiles," those set on fire, <Eph. 6:16>).

Figurative. This word is frequently used as the symbol of calamity or disease sent by God (<Job 6:4; 34:6>, marg.; <Ps. 38:2>), the metaphor deriving propriety and force from the popular belief that all diseases were immediate and special inflictions from heaven. Lightning is described as the arrows of God <18:14; 144:6; Hab. 3:11>. "The arrow that flies by day" <Ps. 91:5> denotes some sudden danger. The arrow is also figurative of anything injurious, as a deceitful tongue <Jer. 9:8>, a bitter word <Ps. 64:3>, a false witness <Prov. 25:18>. A good use of "arrow" is in <Ps. 127:4‑5>, where children are compared to "arrows in the hand of a warrior"; i.e., instruments of power and action. The word is also used to denote the efficiency of God's Word <45:5>. The "bow of battle" is figurative for weapons of war and military power <Zech. 9:10; 10:4>.

The Sling (Heb. qela`). This may be justly reckoned as among the most ancient instruments of warfare <Job 41:28>. This weapon was common among the Egyptians, Assyrians, and Hebrews. Later the Greek and Roman armies contained large numbers of slingers. The weapon was simple, being made of a couple of strings of sinew, leather, or rope, with a leather receptacle in the middle to receive the stone. After being swung once or twice around the head it was discharged by letting go of one of the strings. Besides stones, plummets of lead shaped like an acorn were used and could be thrown to the distance of six hundred feet. The stones were selected for their smoothness <1 Sam. 17:40> and were considered as munitions of war. In action they were either carried in a bag <17:40> or lay in a heap at the feet of the slinger. Among the Hebrews the Benjamites were especially expert slingers (<Judg. 20:16>; cf. <1 Chr. 12:2>).

Figurative. The rejection of one by Jehovah is represented by the expression "the lives of your enemies He will sling out as from the hollow of a sling" <1 Sam. 25:29>; in Zechariah <9:15> sling stones represent the enemies of God.

Engine, Battering Ram. Two machines are in view. (1) Heb. hishshabon, "contrivance." The engines that went by this name <2 Chr. 26:15> were the balista, used for throwing stones, and the catapulta, for arrows, an enormous stationary bow. Both of these engines were of various throwing power, stones being thrown weighing from fifty to three hundred pounds. Darts varied from small beams to large arrows, and their range exceeded one‑quarter mile. All these engines were constructed on the principle of the string, the bow, or spring. (2) Heb. mehi, "stroke," <Ezek. 26:9>, the battering ram, so rendered, <4:2>; <21:22>; Heb. kar, "butting." This instrument was well known both to the Egyptians and the Assyrians. The ram was a simple machine consisting of a metal head affixed to a beam, which might be long enough to need one or two hundred men to lift and impel it. When it was still heavier it was hung in a movable tower and became a wonderful engine of war. Its object was to make a breach in the wall of a beleaguered town. See also Chariot.

Defensive Weapons: The Shield. The ancient soldier's chief defense, his shield, was various in form and material. The shield of the Egyptian was about one‑half his height and generally about twice as high as broad. It was probably formed of a wooden frame covered with rawhide, having the hair outward, with one or more rims of metal and metal studs. Its form resembled a funeral tablet, circular at the top and square at the base. A rare form of Egyptian shield was of extraordinary size and pointed at the top. The shields of the Assyrians in the more ancient bas‑reliefs are both circular and oblong, sometimes of gold and silver, but more frequently of wickerwork covered with hides. The shield in a siege covered the soldier's whole person and at the top had a curved point or a square projection like a roof at right angles with the body of the shield. This was to defend the combatants against missiles thrown from the walls.

Shield is the rendering of the following words, of which the first two are the most frequent and important: (1) Heb. sinna, "protection." This shield was large enough to cover the whole body <Pss. 5:12; 91:4>. When not engaged in conflict it was carried by the shield bearer <1 Sam. 17:7,41>. The word is used with "spear" as a formula for weapons generally <1 Chr. 12:24; 2 Chr. 11:12>. (2) Heb. magen. This was smaller, a buckler or target, probably for hand‑to‑hand fighting. The difference in size between this and the above‑mentioned shield is evident from <1 Kin. 10:16‑17; 2 Chr. 9:15‑16>, where twice as much gold is named as being used for the latter as for the former. This shield is usually coupled with light weapons, as the bow <14:8> and darts <32:5, KJV>. (3) Heb. shelet. The form of this shield is not well known. Although by some it is translated "quiver," and by others "weapons" generally, it is evident that shield is proper by comparing <2 Kin. 11:10> with <2 Chr. 23:9; 2 Sam. 8:7; 1 Chr. 18:7‑8>. The sohera, "buckler," is found only in <Ps. 91:4>, KJV, and is used poetically. (4) Finally, we have the Gk. thureos <Eph. 6:16>, a large oblong or square shield. The ordinary shield among the Hebrews consisted of a wooden frame covered with leather and could be easily burned <Ezek. 39:9>. Some shields were covered with brass or copper and when shone upon by the sun caused the redness mentioned in <Nah. 2:3>. Shields were rubbed with oil to render the leather smooth and slippery and to prevent its being injured by the wet <2 Sam. 1:21‑22; Isa. 21:5>, as well as to keep the metal from rusting. Except in actual conflict, the shield was kept covered <22:6>. The golden shields mentioned in connection with the equipment of armies (1 Macc. 6:39) were most probably only gilt; on the contrary, those of the generals of Hadadezer <2 Sam. 8:7> and those Solomon made <1 Kin. 10:16‑17; 14:26> are to be regarded as ornamental pieces of massive gold, such as were later sent to Rome as gifts (1 Macc. 14:24; 15:18). Bronze shields also occur only in connection with leaders and royal guards <1 Sam. 17:6; 1 Kin. 14:27>.

Figurative. The shield is illustrative of God's protection <Gen. 15:1; Deut. 33:29; 2 Sam. 22:3; Pss. 3:3; 5:12; 28:7; 33:20; 59:11; 84:9,11; 115:9‑11; 119:114; 144:2>; truth of God <91:4>; salvation of God <2 Sam. 22:36; Ps. 18:35>; of faith <Eph. 6:16>.

The Helmet. The helmet of the Egyptians was usually of quilted linen cloth that served as an effectual protection to the head, without the inconvenience of metal in a hot climate. The Assyrian helmet assumed different shapes in different ages, but its earliest form was a cap of iron terminating in a point and sometimes furnished with flaps, covered with metal scales, protecting the ears and neck and falling over the shoulders.

We find several references to the "helmet" (Heb. koba`) as being in use among the Hebrews. They seem to have been commonly of bronze <1 Sam. 17:38>.

Figurative. In <Isa. 59:17> Jehovah is represented as arming Himself for the defense of man, and among other articles He puts on is "a helmet of salvation," seeming to teach that salvation is the crowning act of God. The helmet as a part of the Christian's armor represents salvation <Eph. 6:17>, "the hope" of salvation <1 Thes. 5:8>.

The Breastplate, or Cuirass. The earliest material used to protect the body was probably the skins of beasts, which were soon abandoned for coats of mail. The cuirass of the Egyptians consisted of about eleven horizontal rows of metal plates, well secured by brass pins, with narrower rows forming a protection for the throat and neck. Each plate, or scale, was about an inch in width. In length the cuirass may have been a little less than two and one‑half feet, covering the thigh nearly to the knee; in order to prevent its pressing too heavily on the shoulder it was bound with a girdle about the waist. Usually, however, that part of the body below the girdle was protected by a kind of kilt, detached from the girdle. Such was the covering of the heavy‑armed troops. With the light‑armed infantry, and, indeed, among the Asiatic nations in general, the quilted linen cuirass was in much demand.

The Assyrians used coats of scale armor and embroidered tunics, both of felt and leather. Among the Hebrews we have two types of protective garment for the torso. (1) The breastplate (Heb. shiryon, "glittering") is enumerated in the description of the arms of Goliath, "scale armor," literally, a "breastplate of scales" <1 Sam. 17:5>, and further (v. 38), where shiryon alone is rendered "armor." It may be noticed that this passage contains the most complete inventory of the dress of a warrior to be found in the whole of the sacred history. Shiryon also occurs in <1 Kin. 22:34> and <2 Chr. 18:33>. The last passage is obscure; the meaning is probably "between the joints of the breastplate." (2) The tahra' is mentioned but twice‑‑ in reference to the gown of the high priest <Exo. 28:32; 39:23>. Like the English "habergeon," it was probably a quilted shirt or doublet put on over the head.

Figurative. Being an efficient means of protection for the body, it is used metaphorically for defense: "the breastplate of righteousness" <Eph. 6:14> and "the breastplate of faith and love" <1 Thes. 5:8>.

Greaves (Heb. misha, lit., "A facing"). Coverings for the leg, made of brass and widely known among the ancients, are mentioned only in the case of Goliath <1 Sam. 17:6>, and the warrior's "boot" (Heb. se'on), a sort of half boot made of leather, studded with strong nails, only in <Isa. 9:5> (lit., "Every shoe"). We infer, therefore, that they did not belong to the common armor of the Hebrews.

Girdle (Heb. 'ezor). The sword was suspended from the girdle, and the girdle is frequently mentioned among the articles of military dress <Job 12:18; Eph. 6:14>. It was of leather, studded with metal plates. When the armor was light the girdle was broad and girt about the hips; otherwise it supported the sword scarfwise from the shoulder. See Girdle. (from New Unger's Bible Dictionary, originally published by Moody Press of Chicago, Illinois 1988.)

So don�t believe these lying dogs, go get yourself a sword, today that means a weapon. For Christ said that one who does not protect his own is worse than an infidel. �But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.� (1 Timothy 5:8)

Be prepared to fight against God�s enemy and our peoples enemy, which consists of the Jews who are leading the traitors of our own race against those of us who remain true to our God, our Savior and King.