
Judeo-Christian Churches Being Used To Push Dangerous U.N. Treaty: The eye-opening article that follows, written by Tom DeWeese of the American Policy Institute, illustrates the success that the Jewish controlled Communis environmentalists are having in operating from America�s Judeo-Christian church pulpits. Isn�t it interesting that the IRS is threatening to revoke the tax-exempt status of Bible-believing churches and ministries that dare to criticize the United Nations or who expose the environmentalist agenda? Yet, apparently the IRS has no problem with tax-exempt Judeo-Christian churches and groups (like the National Council of Churches) who use political lobbying to cram United Nations environmental treaties down America�s throat!

The National Council of churches (NCC) has launched a major drive to enlist Judeo-Christian congregations in a massive letter-writing campaign in support of the United Nations global warming treaty that was negotiated in Kyoto, Japan. The treaty must still be ratified by the U.S.


The treaty has met major opposition in the Senate because compliance will force the United States to cut back on energy use by at least 30%; increase the price of gasoline by as much as 50 cents per gallon; and cause severe energy shortages and possible gas lines across the nation. The treaty is supported by a coalition of radical-left environmental groups who advocate central control of the nation�s economy. Most scientists now agree that the treaty would do little to protect the environment.

A Communist Agenda: The National Council of Churches has a long history of supporting and promoting leftist causes. For example, documents captured with Communist guerrillas in El Salvador in 1983, implicated the NCC in channeling money to those Communist insurgents. The NCC was also involved in promoting the communist Nicaraguan Sandinista Party and the Communist FRELIMO government of Mozambique.

So it comes as no surprise that the NCC is now heavily involved in promoting the radical environmental agenda as well. The NCC�s General Secretary, Rev. Joan Brown Campbell, says the goal is to make global warming �a litmus test for the faith community.�

In truth, this effort by the National Council of Churches, along with the U.S. Catholic Conference and the Evangelical Environmental Network, is part of a nationwide drive by radical �greens� to influence American churches into promoting unfounded, nonscientific environmental policies.

Beginning in 1993, more than 100 million Americans in 67,000 congregations became the target of radical leftist environmental propaganda, fueled by over $5 million in grants from private foundations. The goal is to break down the strongest resistance in an environmental movement that advocates earth worship, and the idea that man is only equal to rocks, plants, and animals.

The National Religious Partnership for the Environment (NRPE) announced its $5 million dollar program on October 5, 1993, at the Mount Gilead Baptist Church in Washington, D.C. Its stated purpose was to �underscore the connection between addressing issues of poverty and the environment.� The Partnership is a forma agreement among four of the nation�s largest religious organizations: The U.S. Catholic conference, National Council of Churches, Coalition of the Environment and Jewish Life, and the Evangelical Environmental Network.

Funding comes from (among others) Pew Charitable Trusts, Stephen C. Rockefeller, the Turner Foundation, W. Alton Jones Foundation, and the New World Foundation.

Earth-Worshiping Pagans and a Global Society: But rather than promoting some kind of a �Christian� answer to environmental questions, in truth, many of those involved with the Partnership are unabashed earth worshiping pagans who promote a religion called �Gaia.� In fact, the objectives of the NRPE are nothing less than the transformation of social order into a global society organized around the nation that the earth itself is the giver of life, and that all of the world�s religions are evolving into a state of enlightenment that recognizes Gaia as the true source of life and spiritually, and is the only relevant object of worship.

Such a �transformation� is the exact end result that the UN�s global warming treaty will have on American society, should it be ratified by the U.S. Senate. That is why the NCC has launched its all-out drive to force that ratification.

The Partnership operates out of a Judeo-Christian Anglican church in New (read that Jew York shitty) called St. John the Divine Cathedral, which is also the home of The Gaia Institute and the Temple of Understanding. The Temple is an official UN Non-government Organization (NGO), making it a direct partner in the United Nations global agenda.

Among the directors of the Temple is the Reverend Thomas Berry. In his book, �Dream of the Earth� (published by Sierra Club Books), Berry never uses the word �God� but speaks of a supernatural force in the universe. He says that �we should place less emphasis on Christ as a person and a redeemer.� He tells Judeo-Christians that they should put the bible away for twenty years while, �we radically rethink our religious ideas.�

Christianity is Our Foe: Also part of the Temple of Understanding is Maurice Strong, Secretary-General of the United Nations Earth Summit and now number-two man at the United Nations. Strong has said, �Isn�t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn�t it our responsibility to bring that about?�

Strong has owned a ranch in Colorado where he built a Babylonian sun god temple. The ranch became a hotbed of a variety of New Age religious activities.

Those who worship at the Temple of Understanding follow the teaching of Peter Singer, the father of animal rights. He wrote, �Christianity is our foe. If animal rights is to succeed, we must destroy the Judeo-Christian religious tradition.�

Now these same people have launched a massive campaign to form an environmental partnership with �Judeo-Christianity.� Can there be any doubt as to their motivation? The Partnership is highly organized. Its Educational and Action kits are prepared for each faith, and each denomination. Sermons and Sunday School materials are written to fit into the individual church and denomination and orthodoxy.

Religious leaders from churches across the country are brought into training seminars. Summit meetings for black and Orthodox Judeo-Christians are organized. Environmental curriculum for Jewish seminaries are (sic) prepared. No stone has been left unturned in partnership�s drive to force its ideology into all aspects of Judeo-Christian thought and action.

Churches and Pastors Join In Unholy

Campaign: The NCC effort to enlist churches in the battle for the UN�s global warming treaty is just a first test to measure how strong the Partnership�s influence is in Judeo-Christian churches across the country. And already, Judeo-Christian churches are responding by printing appeals in church bulletins urging congregations to write letters and make phone calls to their senators in support of the Kayoto treaty.

Imagine the shock of politicians when they get such calls from their Judeo-Christian churches. At what point are they no longer able to ignore such pressure? Such is the goal of the National Council of Churches and the National Religious Partnership for the Enjoinment. Such is goal of Maurice Strong and the United Nations.

The Kyoto global warming treaty will destroy America�s economy. It will help transform America into little more than a third-rate nation. If America should be so weakened, so will the once mighty �free world.�

The five to meld their agenda into Judeo-Christian churches across the country is the most dangerous move yet made by the radical environmentalists. This is a battle for the hearts and souls of Western Culture and Christianity. If we lose the Judeo-Christian churches, we have lost America (With the advent of the Judeo-Christian Churches, America lost its soul to the devil and his children). Lose the Churches to anti-Christ pagans, and the world will truly be thrown in a new dark ages.

Has the Partnership come for your church yet? Rest assured, you are on the list. What action are you prepared to take to save your church, your religion, your nation, and your way of life? Because like the dominoes of a child�s game, all will surely fall, one after another. (Power of Prophecy, 1708 Patterson Rd., Austin, Texas 78733; reprinted from Wake-Up Call America, P.O. Box 280488, Lakewood, Colorado 80228; and The Gospel News Alert, Gospel Ministries, P.O. box 9411, Boise, Idaho 83707, Pastor Bob Hallstrom, August 2000)