
Who Planned the OKC Bombing? Two Justice Department Officials Confess to Being Part of a "Committee of 10" Who Planned the Oklahoma Bombing. (Summary of Mark Boswell's radio talk show of 12 a.m. April 29, shortwave frequency 12.160 mhz.

Boswell interviewed 18-year CIA veteran James Black and assistant Ron Jackson regarding sworn affidavits now in their possession, sworn by two Justice Department officials which state that they were part of a "Committee of 10" who planned the Oklahoma City bombing.

The officials claim the bomb was supposed to be detonated at 6 a.m. (with no one around) as a scare tactic to procure sympathy, money and power for government, but that something went wrong and it was detonated later during business hours. This could explain why McVeigh was reported being so lost while driving the bomb-truck to the scene that he had to stop and ask a policeman for directions.

The officials have retained a prominent East Coast attorney and they and their families are now in hiding. Their affidavits have reportedly been delivered to a prominent government official who will be asked to launch a proper course of action. It was promised that if he does not act soon, then the affidavits will be faxed via the interviewee's fax network to an approximate 200 million recipients.

On the previously mentioned talk show, it was also revealed that the day prior to the explosion, BATF agents underwent explosives training in the basement of the Federal building. After that training, a number of agents were told not to come to work at the office the next day, but to report elsewhere. When one asked why, a confidant instructed that the building was "coming down." He and several fellow ATF agents have retained the same attorney that the Justice officials have.

A good acquaintance had a fried of long standing tell her that an FBI agent that he knew told him that the FBI agents who worked at the Murrah Federal Building were told not to report for work on April 19, 1995. Six children, apparently the children of the ATF and FBI personnel were not dropped off that day at the day care center.

It was also revealed that a Secret Service agent overheard shrouded talk in the White House regarding the bombing on the day before it occurred, but did not understand the significance of what he had heard until the details of the blast and the President's propaganda speeches which followed started matching what he had heard. The Secret Service agent has reportedly retained the same attorney as the Justice official and the ATF agents. (Cherith Journal, May-July 1995, p. 5, 1040 W. Kettleman #1B-186, Lodi, CA 95240)

KPOC-TV, situated about 10 miles outside Oklahoma City, has been running their own investigation of the bombing, using two ex-FBI man. There were no BATF agents in the office that morning (though there was a secretary, who was unhurt) because all of them were out on surveillance the night before. Guess who they are reported to have been surveiling? That's right, McVeigh! But McVeigh got lost, and had to be directed on his route by numerous individuals that night, all of whom clearly remember him, and he arrived in Oklahoma City late...

From a reliable source, closely connected to the U.A. Special Forces; Timothy McVeigh was reportedly "drafted" by M.I. (Military Intelligence) and trained in explosives use. This may explain why the FBI sealed his records! (The Free American, June 1995, p. 12; The Overcomer, August 1995, P.O. Box 691, Waterboro, SC 29488)