
������������������������������������������������������������������� The Talmud & Jesus Christ

Since we are asked to embrace the teachings of the Talmud and various other writings and

teachings of the Hebrew people, we should start by inquiring as to what these teach about our

Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

I John 5: 10‑ 13

���� "He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself;

���� he that believeth not God hath made him a liar; because he

���� believeth not the record that God gave of his Son. And this is the

���� record, that God hath given us eternal life; and this life is in his

���� Son. He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son

���� hath not life. These things have I written unto you that believe on

���� the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have

���� eternal life; and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of

���� God."

From a Jewish article about Jesus we learn that the Talmud slanders our Savior, Jesus Christ.

���� "... the Jewish Encyclop�dia admits that Jewish legends concerning Jesus are

���� found in the Talmud and Midrash and in " the life of Jesus ( Toledot Yeshu) that

���� originated in the Middle Ages. It is the tendency of all these sources to belittle the

���� person of Jesus by ascribing to Him illegitimate birth, magic, and a

���� shameful death. " 1.

Upon scrutiny one also finds that Jesus is maligned as a false teacher:

���� "� He [Jesus] is referred to in the Talmud as Otho Isch‑ "That man," i.e. the one

���� who is known to all. In the tract Abhodah Zarah, 6a, we read: "He is called a

���� Christian who follows the false teachings of that man, who taught them to

���� celebrate the feast on the first day of the Sabbath, that is, to worship on the first

���� day after Sabbath�Talui, ‑"The one who was hanged"�" 2.

Many people believe that the name for Jesus in Hebrew is Jeschua or Yeshua. However, the


���� "�name in Hebrew would be Jeschua Hanotsri‑‑Jesus the Nazarene. He is called

���� Notsri from the city of Nazareth� In the Talmud Christians are also called Notsrim.

���� (Amongst other things). 'Since the word Jeschua means 'Savior,' the name Jesus

���� rarely occurs in the Jewish books. It is almost always abbreviated to Jeschu�"3.

In the Talmud, the name "Jeschu [Ieschu]" can apparently be translated:

���� "�as if it were composed of the initial letters of the three words Immach SCHemo

���� Vezikro‑‑ (meaning)‑ ‑'May his name be blotted out.'" 4.

Hebrew Roots proponents might say that these teachings are in the past. However, a review of

various sources reveals the same or similar teachings.

The Talmud and Cabala teachings of the Toledot Yeshu‑‑ (or Tolodoth Ieschu or Sepher

Toldoth Jehoshua) represent various teachings regarding Christ, which may be shocking to

many. A brief overview of these teachings refers to writings that quote the Talmud, (treatise

Sabbath, folio 104, treatise Sanhedrim, folio 107, and Sota, folio 47) which presents this falsified

account of Jesus:

���� "...the Toledot Yeshu relates with the most indecent details that Miriam, a

���� hairdresser of Bethlehem,4. affianced to a young man named Jochanan, was

���� seduced by a libertine, Joseph Panther or Pandira, and gave birth to a son whom

���� she named Johosuah or Jeschu. According to the Talmudic authors of the Sota

���� and the Sanhedrim, Jeschu was taken during his boyhood to Egypt, where he was

���� initiated into the secrets doctrines of the priests, and on his return to Palestine

���� gave himself up to the practice of magic. 5. The Toledot Yeshu, however,

���� goes on to say that on reaching manhood, Jeschu learnt the secret of his

���� illegitimacy, on account of which he was driven out of the Synagogue and took

���� refuge for a time in Galilee."

���� "Now, there was in the Temple a stone on which was engraved the

���� Tetragrammaton [YHWH] or Schem Hamphorasch, that is to say, the Ineffable

���� Name of God; this stone had been found by King David when the foundations of

���� the Temple were being prepared and was deposited by him in the Holy of Holies.

���� Jeschu, knowing this, came from Galilee and, penetrating into the Holy of Holies,

���� read the Ineffable name, which he transcribed on to a piece of whom parchment

���� and concealed in an incision under his skin. By this means he was able to work

���� miracles and to persuade the people that he was the son of God foretold by

���� Isaiah. With the aid of Judas, the Sages of the Synagogue, succeeding in capturing

���� Jeschu, who was then lead before the Great and Little Sanhedrim, by whom he was

���� condemned to be stoned to death and finally hanged." Such is the story of Christ

���� according to the Jewish Kabbalists ..." 5.

This false witness to the person of Jesus in the Talmud is also confirmed by Rev. I. B. Pranaitis

in his online report, The Talmud Unmasked: The Secret Rabbinical Teachings Concerning

Christians, and other sources" 6.

���������������������������� Another Jesus?

�In his article, "Some Disturbing Aspects of the So‑called 'Hebrew Roots' Movement and Their

Implications" Andrew Gould presents the Hebrew Roots doubtful view concerning the validity of

the Gospel account of Jesus.

���� "�It has been widely accepted in "Hebrew Roots" circles that Jesus spoke Hebrew

���� and that the Gospels were originally written in Hebrew. Most "Hebrew Roots"

���� ministries have been influenced in this notion by the output of a body called the

���� Jerusalem School Of Synoptic Research, [JSSR] and most especially due to the

���� widespread influence of the book "Understanding The Difficult Words Of Jesus"

���� published by David Bivin (Director of the JSSR) and his partner Roy Blizzard. in

���� 1984 and reprinted in 1994 and 1995�" 7.

According to the JSSR, there is a more authentic Life of Jesus than the gospel accounts:

���� "� There was an original Hebrew 'Life of Jesus', from parts of which our

���� canonical Greek Gospel Texts are mere compilations and translations. The

���� individual words of the Greek texts that we have are standard Greek equivalents

���� used to translate Hebrew documents into Greek, therefore we can retranslate back

���� into Hebrew to discover what Jesus really said. Failure to appreciate the

���� Hebraic origins of the Gospels has led to mistranslation, misinterpretation,

���� spiritually damaging error and doctrinal confusion." 8.

Toledot Yeshu, with its various components, is one of the Hebrew or Jewish views of Jesus for

those who rejected him as God come in the flesh. It has been established that the original

manuscripts for the New Testament were composed in Greek. If one accepts Jewish thought

regarding who Jesus was according to Judaic writings and teachings, then Jesus was not divine.

It is also conveyed that He was not viewed as divine by his disciples, but was viewed as the

human Messiah. This subject will be pursued in the next section on Jewish Thought.

Sir James Frazer, author of The Golden Bough, mentions that to cast doubts on the historical

reality of Jesus, would be hardly less absurd than it would be to doubt Mohammed and so on.

Other historians reiterate that the existence of Christ is an historic fact. However, Rene'

Guenon,"who writes with inside knowledge" of Theosophy in Le Theosophisme (1921), cites a

reference to the occultic Le Lotus of 1887 which states that Jesus Christ of the New Testament

never existed, but the Jesus of the Talmud did exist:

���� "... Madam Blavatsky's writings, on the person of Christ, ... 'For me, Jesus Christ,

���� that is to say the Man‑God of the Christians, copy of the Avatars of all countries, of

���� the Hindu Chrishna as of the Egyptian Horus, was never a historical personage.'

���� Hence the story of His life was merely an allegory founded on the existence of the

���� 'a personage named Jehoshua born at Lud.' But elsewhere she asserted that

���� Jesus may have lived during the Christian era or a century earlier 'as the Sepher

���� Toldoth Jehoshua indicates.'

���� "And Madame Blavatsky went on to say of the savants who deny the historical

���� value of this legend, that they‑ 'either lie or talk nonsense. It is our Masters who

���� affirm it. If the history of Jehoshua or Jesus Ben Pandera is false, then the

���� whole of the Talmud, the whole of the Jewish canon law, is false. It was the

���� disciple of Jehoshua ben Parachai, the fifth President of the Sanhedrin since Ezra,

���� who re‑wrote the Bible .... This story is much truer than that of the New Testament,

���� of which history does not say a word." 9.

Is it possible that Jehoshua Ben Pandera of the Talmud, who was initiated into the secrets

doctrines and gave himself up to the practice of magic, is Jehoshua or Yeshua whom the

Hebrew Roots ministries worship?

The following is a portion of an e‑mail exchange dated 1/28/99 between the writer and Uri

Marcus of Nehemiah Trustee Covenant Fund:

���� Vicky Dillen: The name Jesus Christ is known world wide and synonymous with

���� Christianity.� That is a historical fact.

���� Uri Marcus: Today, yes. 200+ years ago it was synonymous with nothing. How

���� naive you are of history...

���� Vicky Dillen: The Jewish people reject that Jesus Christ was divine and believe

���� that He was not God come in the flesh. I believe on the other hand that He is all of

���� that. Where do you stand Uri? In the Jewish belief or in what Christ himself said and

���� what is taught in the New Testament?

���� Uri Marcus: I believe in the Jewish belief. But your definition is somewhat lacking.

���� Doesn't look like you would understand it, since its already been explained, and it

���� just goes right over your head.

From the La Science des Esprits, by the 19th century occultist, Eliphas Levi, we learn that the

Cabalistic Toledot Yeshu and similar Talmudic teachings were purposely hidden from


���� "�the Toledot Yeshu, or the Sepher Toldos Jeschu, described here as originating

���� in the Middle Ages�belongs in a much earlier period. Eliphas Levi asserts that 'the

���� Sepher Toldos, to which the Jews attribute a great antiquity and which

���� they hid from the Christians with such precautions that this book was for a

���� long while unfindable, is quoted for the first time by Raymond Martin of the

���� Order of the Preaching Brothers� This book was evidently written by a Rabbi

���� initiated into the mysteries of the Cabala 1.'" 10.

History reveals that The Talmud itself was put on trial and ordered to be burned, by King Louis

IX in June of 1242, because of the various slanders against Christ, and Christianity. It was

stated that The Talmud contained such things as it being acceptable to deceive a Christian

without any scruple; that it was permitted to break a promise, and so on.

The stories contained in Toledot Yeshu and similar teachings were known in Jewish circles, but

did not come into the hands of 'Gentiles' or 'Christians' until Raymond Martin translated the

Toledot Yeshu into Latin. Later, Martin Luther summarized it in German under the name Schem

Hamphorasch and his expose can be found in French in Gustave Brunet's, Evangiles

Apocryphes. 11.

According to Geschichte der Juden, by Jewish historian Heinrich Graetz, the image of Jesus

Christ is simply as an offshoot of Essenism and Jesus was just performing what any adept in the

mysteries could do.

���� "�Thus the Jewish historian Graetz declares that Jesus simply appropriated to

���� himself the essential features of Essenism, and that primitive Christianity was

���� "nothing but an offshoot of Essenism"2" 12a.

Nesta Webster summarizes the Christ of the Talmud:

���� ". . . So after representing Christ as a magician in the Toledot Yeshu and the

���� Talmud, Jewish tradition seeks to explain His miraculous works as those of a

���� mere healer‑an idea that we shall find descending right through the secret

���� societies to this day� if the miracles of Christ were simply due to a knowledge of

���� natural laws and His doctrines were the outcome of a sect, the whole theory of His

���� divine power and mission falls to the ground�" 12.

Many sources state that when the teachings regarding Jesus Christ in the Toledot Yeshu and

other Jewish books were discovered in the early 1600's, there were serious repercussions. A

Jewish synod in Poland in 1631, ordered the offending passages to be expunged, to be

replaced by circles which the Rabbis were to fill in orally when giving instructions to young Jews.

This is documented by P.L.B Drach:

���� "Drach, op.cit. I.168, 169. The text of this encyclical is given in Hebrew and also in

���� translation, thus: " This is why we enjoin you, under the pain of excommunication

���� major, to print nothing in future editions, whether of Mischna or of the Gemara,

���� which relates whether for good or evil to the acts of Jesus the Nazarene, and to

���� substitute instead a circle like this O, which will warn the Rabbis and

���� schoolmasters to teach the young these passages only viva voce. By means of

���� this precaution the savants amongst the Nazarenes will have no further pretext to

���� attack us on this subject. Cf, Abbe'Chiarini, Le Talmud de Babylone, p. 45 (1831)."

���� 13.

These passages are said to have been reinserted since then, although such offensive

passages would not necessarily be in any English translations or newer editions. 14.

These then, are some of the Hebrew Roots ‑ a significant part of which are the teachings and

thought within the Talmud regarding our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Some might say, that the views presented from the past regarding Jesus Christ do not apply

today, or have no effect on our studying Jewish tradition, teachings or thought within the Hebrew

Roots movement. That perhaps, the above information is no longer taught. We must ask

ourselves, then, what was and is today, Jewish thought regarding the Messiah, salvation, sin,

the Son of God, and the divinity of Christ? Do these Jewish terms mean the same as what we


John 14:6

���� "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no

���� man cometh unto the Father, but by me."

Acts 4:10

���� "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other

���� name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be

���� saved."

In his volume, The Talmud, Joseph Barclay confirmed the writings of Drach, a talmudist turned

Catholic whose writings were never refuted by Jews, that Jesus was a sorcerer:

���� " � Abominable calumnies on Christ and Christianity occur not only in the Cabala

���� but in the earlier editions of the Talmud. In these, says Barclay ‑ "Our Lord and

���� savior is "that one", "such an one", "a fool", "the leper", "the deceiver of Israel",

���� etc. Efforts are made to prove that He is the son of Joseph Pandira before His

���� marriage with Mary. His miracles are attributed to sorcery the secret of which

���� He brought in a slit in His flesh out of Egypt. He is said had been first stoned and

���� then hanged on the eve of the Passover. His disciples are called heretics and

���� opprobious names. They are accused of immoral practices, and the New

���� Testament is called a sinful book. The references to these subjects manifest

���� the most bitter aversion and hatred." 15.

������������������ Jewish and Christian Terms

�Knowing that there is much diversity of thought inside Judaism with four [some say three, under

different terms] basic groups: Orthodoxy, Conservative, Reform, and Reconstructionist Judaism,

it is difficult to present their respective ideas as being i agreement with one another. However,

there are some underlying beliefs that appear to remain constant and accepted by most Jews

regarding Christ, the Messiah, salvation, sin, and so on.


������������������������� Jesus and Messiah

Dr. Lawrence J. Epstein, considered a Conservative Jew, explains some of today's thinking

pertaining to "The Differences between Judaism and Christianity":

In "THE JEWISH VIEW OF JESUS", Dr. Epstein gives Jesus credit for being a good teacher, but

not God:

���� "To Christians, the central tenet of their religion is the belief that Jesus is the Son

���� of God, part of the trinity, the savior of souls who is the messiah. He is God's

���� revelation through flesh. Jesus was, in Christian terms, God incarnate, God in the

�� ��flesh who came to Earth to absorb the sins of humans and therefore free from sin

���� those who accepted his divinity. To Jews, whatever wonderful teacher and

���� storyteller Jesus may have been, he was just a human, not the son of God

���� (except in the metaphorical sense in which all humans are children of God). In the

���� Jewish view, Jesus cannot save souls; only God can. Jesus did not, in the

���� Jewish view, rise from the dead." 16.

The "Jews for Judaism" web site explains Jesus as a false prophet predicted in the Old


���� "�Jesus the Nazarene, who imagined that he would be messiah and was killed, is

���� alluded to in the book of Daniel, as it is said, `And the sons of the transgressors

���� among thy people will rise, in order to establish a vision, and will stumble' (Dan.

���� 11:14). Can there be a greater stumbling then this? All the prophets said that

���� messiah will be a redeemer and a savior to the Israelites, will bring together their

���� outcasts, and will strengthen their obedience to the Divine precepts, but he

���� (Jesus) caused destruction by the sword to Israel, the dispersion of those

���� left, and their humiliation. He changed the law, and misled many people to

���� worship a being beside G‑D�." 17.

Rabbi Hyam Maccoby, in Revolution in Judaea, written in 1973 and still proclaimed accurate

today, defines the Jewish view of Messiah as an anointed one, and angel or king, but not divine:

���� "The title "Messiah' (Greek‑Christos) was not a divine title among the Jews. It

���� simply means ' anointed'. It was given to two Jewish officials, King and the High

���� Priest� every Jewish king of the house of David was known as Messiah, or

���� Christ�" 18.

���� "The 'Son of Man', was not a Messiah. He was an angel identified with the

���� Guardian Angel of Israel, with Metatron, with the angel who guided the

���� Children of Israel in the wilderness�" 19.

���� "�There is hardly any reference in the Prophetic writings of the Old Testament to

���� the Messiah as a person. There is no splendid shining figure judging mankind,

���� sitting at the right‑hand of God and coming very near to eclipsing God Himself by

���� His glory." 20.

���� "Messiah�in Jewish eyes, belonged to royalty, not divinity. Even the title

���� 'Son of God" was to Jews (but not to the Gnostics) a human title applied at

���� various times in the Hebrew Scriptures to Kings such as King David�"Son of Man"

���� also was not a divine title�far better known as a mode of address to a prophet�to

���� mean simply 'human being'." 21.

The Jews for Judaism web site explains the historical "Jewish Belief in Messiah," from the

Mishna (Torah) by Maimonides:

���� "... In his monumental work Mishneh Torah, Maimonides (1135‑1204) spelled out

���� the fundamental Jewish concept of the messiah as it was handed down to us,

���� generation after generation, from the time of the prophets�"

���� "�from the Mishneh Torah, Hilchot Melachim XI ‑ XII. The King Messiah will in some

���� future time come, restore the kingdom of David to its former power, build the

���� Temple, bring together the scattered of Israel, and all the ancient laws will again be

���� in force. Sacrifices will be offered, and years of release and Jubilees will be kept as

���� prescribed in the Torah. Whoever does not believe in him, or does not hope for his

���� coming, shows a lack of faith not only in the prophets, but also in the Torah�" 22.

Many Jews have believed there would be many Messiahs. At the time of Christ, Hyam Maccoby


���� "� Any leader who succeeded in driving out the Romans and setting up an

���� independent Jewish state would have little difficulty in being recognized as the

���� Messiah. His very success would prove his claim. Thus Bar Kochba was

���� recognized as the Messiah by Rabbi Akiva even though there was no

���� evidence of his descent from David." 23.

From the Jewish Guardian of 1924, we read that the great messianic prophecy, Isaiah 53, refers

to the sufferings of Israel, rather than Christ:

���� "� an article in the Jewish Press,� according to the teaching of the "Liberal Jewish

���� Synagogue," the beautiful passages in the fifty‑third chapter of Isaiah concerning "

���� the Man of Sorrows acquainted with grief, "usually supposed by Christians to relate

���� to the promised Messiah, are interpreted to modern Jewish youth as relating to

���� Israel and signifying that Israel's " sufferings were caused by the sins of other

���� nations," who thus "escaped the suffering they deserved." Consequently, "Israel

���� was offered for the sake of the whole world.2. " 24.

������������������������� Messiah and Peace

�According to Dr. Lawrence J. Epstein, current Jewish teaching excludes Jesus because it is

unanimously believed that the Messiah will bring peace:

���� "Jesus is not seen as the messiah. In the Jewish view, the messiah is a human

���� being who will usher in an era of peace. We can tell the messiah by looking at

���� the world and seeing if it is at peace. From the Jewish view, this clearly did not

���� happen when Jesus was on Earth or anytime after his death." 25.

Hyam Maccoby considers Jesus to be a rebel, but misrepresented by the gospel accounts out of

fear of reprisals by Rome:

���� "�Jesus was executed as a rebel, against Rome, not as a blasphemer against the

���� Jewish religion, and that the Gospel's misrepresentations on this point are

���� politically motivated‑‑I regard as strongly established�" 26.

Hyam Maccoby, author, is considered a classical scholar and Rabbi of Reform Judaism, and has

in recent years been director of the library at the Leo Baeck College of Judaistics in London. His

books appear to present accepted ideas regarding Christ, Christianity and the New Testament

and the Jewish thought. Clarifying the various Jewish thought and Christian misconceptions

redefines Jesus' mission:

���� "�The phrase 'the kingdom of God'�meant the reign of God (not His heavenly

���� territory) and referred to a projected return to a Jewish system of theocracy�"

���� 27.

���� "�.He [Jesus] had campaigned among 'the lost sheep of Israel', calling them to

���� repentance, because he felt that the coming of God's Kingdom was being held

���� back by Israel's sin's. Pharisee writings often stress that God's promises to Israel

���� are not automatically fulfilled; they depend on Israel's worthiness and

���� co‑operation ... " 28.

���� "�Jesus' mission as a prophet was exclusively directed towards the Jews,

���� not towards the Gentiles. The idea that Jesus rejected the Jews and transferred

���� the Old Testament 'promises' to the Gentiles was a later invention of the

���� Gentile‑Christian Church�" 29.

���� "� Some believed that the Messiah would inaugurate a new era for the whole

���� world; that the nations of the world would acknowledge the One God and his

� ���Temple in Jerusalem; that the Jews would be revered as the chosen priests of the

���� One God; and that an era of world peace would begin when, in the words of

���� Isaiah's wonderful internationalist vision, the swords would be beaten into

���� plowshares and the wolf would lie down with lamb. Some, however, did not believe

���� that the coming of the Messiah would necessarily bring about an era of

���� international peace. There might be many Messiahs ‑ many more sorrows and

���� comfortings, defeats and victories ‑ for the Jewish people before that happened.

���� After all, there had been Messiahs before and none had brought everlasting

���� peace. The vision of Isaiah was acknowledged by every Pharisee, as the word of

���� God but it was not necessarily attached to the expectation of the coming Messiah

���� who would defeat the Romans." 30.

In The Traditions of the Jews, from the Talmud (treatises Baba Bathra folio 74b, Pesachim folio

32, Bekhoroth folio 57 and Massektoth Ta'anith folio 31), J.P Stehaln presents a glorious

scenario of the Messianic era ‑ without Jesus Christ as the Messiah:

���� "� when the Messianic era arrives. After the return of the Jews from all nations and

���� parts of the world� the Messiah, we are told in the Talmud, will entertain them at a

���� gorgeous banquet, where they will be seated at tables and regaled with wine from

���� Adam's wine‑cellar. The first course is to consist of a roasted ox named Behemoth,

���� so immense that every day it eats up the grass upon a thousand hills; the second

���� of a monstrous fish Leviathan; the third of a female Leviathan boiled and pickled;

���� the fourth of a gigantic roast fowl known as Barjuchne, of which the egg alone was

���� so enormous that when it fell out of the nest it crushed three hundred tall cedars

���� and the white overflowed threescore villages. This course is to be followed up by

���� "the most splendid and pompous Dessert," that can be procured, including fruit

���� from the Tree of Life and "the Pomegranates of Eden which are preserved for the

���� Just."

���� "At the end of the banquet "God will entertain the company at a ball"; He

���� Himself will sit in the midst of them, and everyone will point Him out with his finger,

���� saying: "Behold, this is our God: we have waited for Him, we will be glad and rejoice

���� in His salvation." 31.

������������������������� Sin and Salvation

�Romans 3:23

���� "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God."

From "The Differences between Judaism and Christianity, we see the great partition between

Jewish and Christian thought on sin confirmed.

���� "Judaism does not accept the notion of original sin, the idea that people are

���� bad from birth and cannot remove sin by themselves but need an act of grace

���� provided by the sacrificial death of Jesus as atonement for all of humanity's sins.

���� For Christians, there are no other forms of salvation other than through Jesus." 32.

Dr. Epstein goes on to explain that Jewish thought about sin and atonement. The sinner may

seek forgiveness from God through human works:

���� "He [Jesus] also did not absorb the sins of people. For Jews, sins are removed

���� not by Jesus' atonement but by seeking forgiveness. Jews seek forgiveness from

���� God for sins against God and from other people (not just God) for sins against

���� those people. Seeking forgiveness requires a sincere sense of repenting but also

���� seeking directly to redress the wrong done to someone. Sins are partially removed

���� through prayer which replaced animal sacrifice as a way of relieving sins. They are

���� also removed by correcting errors against others. " 33.

Hyam Maccoby explains:

���� "... There was no concept of a Suffering Messiah who would die on the cross to

���� purge mankind of sin�. To the Jews salvation was a physical not a purely spiritual

���� concept. The Messianic age, to the Jews, was to be the culmination of human

���� history on earth. 34.

Also, regarding prayer Maccoby believes that it is possible for man to approach God in a sinless


���� "�The belief in the efficacy of prayer was very strong among the Pharisees�.

���� Only the most concerted beam of concentration, directed from Gethsemane to

���� God, could obliterate the traces of the sins of Israel, and bring about the hour of

���� redemption. Jesus alone was not sufficient�This explains why Jesus narrowed

���� down his company to the Twelve on that night. He wanted the company of those

���� on whom he could most rely, for the power of sinless prayer would be far

���� more important than the strength of mere number." 35.

�������������������������� Heaven and Hell

The writings of Dr. Epstein present the Jews' overly spiritualized and less severe view of the


���� "...Traditionalists gave the name Gehenna to the place where souls were punished.

���� Many Jewish thinkers noted that since, essentially, God is filled with mercy and

���� love, punishment is not to be considered to be eternal. There are, similarly,

���� many varying conceptions of paradise, such as that paradise is the place where we

���� finally understand the true concept of God. It is also possible that there is no

���� separate Heaven and Hell, only lesser or greater distance from God after death.

���� In addition, punishment might be self‑determined on the basis of suffering in

���� kind the suffering the person brought about. That is, Judaism doesn't have a clear

���� sense of Heaven and Hell, with different places in Hell for different punishments.

���� Rather, the idea is that God uses the afterlife to provide ultimate justice and for the

���� wicked to seek some sort of final redemption." 36.

Note Scripture says:

Romans 6:20‑23:

���� "For when ye were the servants of sin, ye were free from

���� righteousness. What fruit had ye then in those things whereof ye

���� are now ashamed? For the end of those things is death. But now

���� being made free from sin, and become servants to God, ye have

���� your fruit unto holiness, and the end everlasting life. For the

���� wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through

���� Jesus Christ our Lord. "

Hebrews 9:27:

���� "And as it is appointed unto man once to die, but after this the

���� judgment.

����������������� Oneness Doctrine & the Trinity

�Dr. Epstein summarizes the Jewish doctrine of "oneness" as opposed to the "Trinity" or

Christian doctrine of three Persons in one God.

���� "Judaism insists on a notion of monotheism, the idea that there is one God. As

���� Judaism understands this idea, God cannot be made up of parts, even if

���� those parts are mysteriously united. The Christian notion of trinitarianism is

���� that God is made up of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

���� Such a view, even if called monotheistic because the three parts are, by divine

���� mystery, only one God, is incompatible with the Jewish view that such a division is

���� not possible. The Jewish revolutionary idea is that God is one. This idea allows for

���� God's unity and uniqueness as a creative force. Thus, for Jews, God is the creator

���� of all that we like and all that we don't. There is no evil force with an ability to create

���� equal to God's. Judaism sees Christianity's trinitarianism as a weakening of the

���� idea of God's oneness." 37.

Peter Michas, of Messengers of Messiah, asserted in an email discussion this belief in the

"oneness" doctrine.

���� "� Yet the minute I saw the Hebrew thinking of the oneness and the rest of it, it

���� was never unclear to me again." 38.

In his book, THE ROD OF AN ALMOND TREE IN GOD'S MASTER PLAN, Peter. Michas expands

upon his approval of the Hebrew viewpoint of God and the Trinity.

���� "The unity of Yeshua HaMashiach with God the Father and the Holy Spirit has

���� never been clearly understood from the doctrine of the Trinity..." 39.

���� "To understand the true relationship of God the Father, God the Son, and God the

���� Holy Spirit, it is essential to preserve the concept of oneness..." 40.

���� "The aspect of the Father may be simply understood as the Will of God. The

���� aspect of the Son may be understood as the Word of God. The aspect of the

���� Spirit of the Holy One may be understood as the Power of God..." 41.

���� "To say God is three 'persons' opens the door to misunderstanding God.

� ���God is Spirit and cannot be reduced to the concept of a person..." 42.

���� "The Spirit of the Holy One is the very essence of the power of God the Father

���� and not some separate entity." 43.

Peter Michas refers to the Godhead as three "aspects" and the Holy Spirit as an "essence"

rather than a Person. It is already established by the Jewish people themselves that the Hebrew

teachings reject the doctrine of three Persons in one God. They do not believe God would

manifest in the flesh as Jesus Christ nor do they believe that He is God. Their oneness doctrine

is that there cannot be a Father, Son and Holy Spirit, which means the rejection of Jesus Christ

as divine Savior and Lord.

There is no Trinity concept in Judaism, unless, however, one embraces the Jewish Kabbalah.

���� "M. Vulliaud quotes Isaac Meyer's assertion that, "the triad, of the ancient Cabala is

���� Kether, the Father; Binah, the Holy Spirit or the Mother; and Hochmah, the Word or

���� the Son." But in order to avoid the sequence of the Christian Trinity this

���� arrangement has been altered in the modern Cabala of Luria and Moses of

���� Cordovero, etc." 44.

The Jewish Encyclop�dia clarifies that the Cabalistic trinity is not to be confused with


���� "... The Jewish Encyclop�dia�goes on to say that what appears to be Christian in

���� the Cabala is only esoteric doctrine." 45.

2 John 7:

���� "For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not

���� that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an

���� antichrist."

2 John 9:

���� "Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of

���� Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he

���� hath both the Father and the Son."

���������������� Christians & the Chosen People

�Jewish people characterize Christians in terms different from what we may think.

Avi ben Mordechai states that Jews are specifically called to prostelyze:

���� "� He said to go out into all the world (as you go) and make talmidim of all the

���� goyim. �we are His talmidim or students of His Oral Traditions which is the proper

���� definition of the term "Gospel." We are to follow His Mishnah and Gemara, i.e.,

���� His Talmud, and take it to the goyim, teaching them to observe all that He

���� commanded us!�" 46.

Isn't this precisely the ministry of Peter Michas, Jacob Prasch and other Hebrew Roots teachers:

taking the Talmud to the goyim. The term "goyim" which Mr. Mordechai uses needs to be

understood in its historical context. Citing information from the Kabbalistic book, the Zohar, a

part of the Jewish mysticism which Avi ben Mordechai teaches, we note:

���� "� the Chosen People�forms the basis of all Talmudic and Cabalistic writings.

���� �According to the Zohar, "All Israelites will have a part in the future world," and on

���� arrival there will not be handed over like the goyim (or non‑Jewish races) to the

���� hands of the angel Douma and sent down to Hell.5. Indeed the goyim are even

���� denied human attributes." 47.

According to The Emek ha Melek, the work of the Cabalist Naphtali, a disciple of Luria, the

goyim are of the devil:

���� "�Thus the Zohar again explains that the words of the Scripture "Jehovah Elohim

���� made man", mean that He made Israel. 6. The seventeenth‑century Rabbinical

���� treatise Emek ha Melek observes: " Our Rabbis of blessed memory have said: "Ye

���� Jews are men because of the soul ye have from the Supreme Man (i.e, God). But

���� the nations of the world are not styled men because they have not, from the

���� Holy and Supreme Man, the Neschama (or glorious soul) but they have the

���� Nephesch (soul) from Adam Belial, that is the malicious and unnecessary

���� man, called Sammael, the Supreme Devil." 7" 48.

Another way of saying or spelling goyim, is Goi. Rev. I. B. Pranaitis, in his online work, The

Talmud Unmasked, notes that this term has been removed from recent editions:

���� "Goi ‑ Race, or people. The Jews also call a man a Goi ‑ a gentile; they call a

���� gentile woman a Goiah. ... It is mostly applied to non‑Jews, or idolators. In

���� Jewish books which treat of Idolatry, worshippers of idols are often called by this

���� single word Goi. For this reason, in more recent editions of the Talmud the use of

���� the word Goi is purposely avoided and other words for non‑Jews are substituted.

���� It is well known that in the Jewish language, the Jews call Christians among whom

���� they live, Goim. Nor do the Jews deny this.

���� Sometimes in their popular magazines they say that this word means nothing

���� harmful or evil. But the contrary can be seen in their books written in the Hebrew

���� language. For instance, in Choschen Hammischpat (34, 22), the name Goi is used

���� in a depraved sense:

���� "Traitors and Epicureans and Apostates are worse than Goim"49.

Indeed the whole idea of gentiles or "goyim" studying the Jewish oral law as suggested by Jacob

Prasch, Peter Michas, Avi ben Mordechai and others, is in direct disobedience to the

proclamations in the Talmud. Even a Christian who is found studying the Law of Israel merits

death. Sanhedrin (59a) states:

���� "Rabbi Jochanan says: A Goi who pries into the Law is guilty to death. "Even a

���� Christian who is found studying the Law of Israel merits death."

It seems very perplexing indeed that leaders of the Hebrew Roots movement would direct our

thoughts to the teachings of the sages in the Talmud, Mishna and Midrash, when these same

sages have been teaching the Jewish people to destroy the writings of the Christians including

the New Testament.

���� "Shabbath 116a. Jews must destroy the books of the Christians, i.e. the New

���� Testament."

��������������������������� Christian Jews

�The organization, Jews for Judaism, "the Worlds foremost countermissionary organization",

insinuates that the Jews are not fooled by Christians who assume a Jewish image to proselytize

them. Even Jews recognize the great divide between Judaism and Christianity.

���� "� Though Hebrew Christianity claims to be a form of Judaism, it is not� It

���� deceptively uses the sacred symbols of Jewish observance (i.e. community

���� Passover seders, menorahs, messianic services, etc.) as a cover to convert Jews

���� to Christianity, a belief system antithetical to Judaism� Hebrew Christianity is

���� not a form of Judaism and its members, even if they are of Jewish birth, cannot be

���� considered members of the Jewish community. Hebrew Christians are in radical

���� conflict with the communal interests and the destiny of the Jewish people.

���� They have crossed an unbreachable chasm by accepting another religion. �"

���� "� practice of any other religious tradition has been understood to lead to the loss

���� of rights to full participation in the Jewish community�Our history has clearly

���� shown that when confronted with a group of Jews which has adopted another faith

���� and seeks to convert others, we must stand firm in asserting that this other faith is

���� not Judaism and that its adherents have forfeited their privileges as Jews. Jewish

���� tradition believes that the opportunity to return to participation in the Jewish

���� community is always open. When this occurs, all privileges are restored." 50.

This repudiation of those who apostatize from Judaism is stronger in the Talmud teachings of

the Oral law of the sages. Hilkhoth Akum (X, 2) states that defectors must be killed.

���� "These things [supra] are intended for idolaters. But Israelites also, who lapse from

���� their religion and become epicureans, are to be killed, and we must persecute them

���� to the end. For they afflict Israel and turn the people from God." 51.

Christians or converted Jews who affect a Jewish demeanor or compromise Christian doctrine to

appeal to the Jewish mindset are surrendering the precious pearl of Jesus Christ who alone

leads to salvation. The ecumenical approach does not lead Jews to Jesus Christ, but patronizes

their religion of dead works, and results in the Christian's acceptance of religion on Jewish


Galatians 5:1‑8

���� "Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us

���� free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.

���� Behold, I Paul, say unto you, that if ye be circumcised, Christ shall

���� profit you nothing. For I testify again to every man that is

���� circumcised, that he is a debtor to do the whole law. Christ is

���� become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by

���� the law; ye are fallen from grace. For we through the Spirit wait

���� for the hope of righteousness by faith. For in Jesus Christ neither

���� circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision; but faith

���� which worketh by love. Ye did run well; who did hinder you that

���� ye should not obey the truth? This persuasion cometh not of him

���� that calleth you.

������� ��������������������Common Ideas

Contemporary Jewish thought reflects the same aversion to Jesus Christ as historical Judaism:

���� "Jews vary about what they think of Jesus as a man. Some respect him as an

���� ethical teacher who accepted Jewish law, as someone who didn't even see himself

���� as the messiah, who didn't want to start a new religion at all. Rather, Jesus is seen

���� by these Jews as someone who challenged the religious authorities of his day for

���� their practices. In this view, he meant to improve Judaism according to his own

���� understanding not to break with it." 52.

Hyam Maccoby sums up Jewish thought regarding Jesus as this:

���� "With the composition of the Gospels, then, a fictitious Jesus was created,

���� suitable for the needs of the Hellenistic Gentile‑Christian Church. The Prophet

���� King, human and Jewish, who was revered but not worshiped by the

���� Jewish‑Christian Church was turned into a Divine Sacrifice. Jesus, who was, in

���� reality, an apocalyptic Pharisee rabbi who claimed the titles of Prophet and King,

���� was turned into a pagan god." 53.

Dr. Epstein concludes:

���� "Whatever the Jewish response is, one point is crucial. No one who is Jewish, no

���� born Jew and no one who converts to Judaism, can believe in Jesus as the literal

���� son of God or as the messiah. For the Jewish people, there is no God but God."

���� 54.

We could elaborate further on the Jewish thought regarding the New Testament, the writings of

Paul, who was viewed as a heretic, and the disciples. We could expand the idea that many Jews

believe that James and Peter were Pharisaic Rabbis, who believed in the Jewish idea of the

Messiah‑‑ that Jesus was not divine.

We could expand on the theory that James, believed to have been the head of the Nazarene

movement, was not in any way in conflict with the teachings of the Pharisees, but was devout in

promoting them. We could expand on the Jewish idea that Paul, not Jesus, is viewed as the

originator of Christianity, of the concept of Jesus being divine, and that notion came from Greek

paganism. We could, but one only has to go to Jewish sites and see that their beliefs are

diametrically opposed to Christianity. Sadly, we would also see the denial of the virgin birth and

condemnation of all connected to Christ. They are devout in their convictions.

While the Hebrew or messianic movements urge us to embrace "our foundational Hebrew roots",

Scripture tells us that our foundation is none other than Jesus Christ:

I Corinthians 3:11:

���� "For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is

���� Jesus Christ. "

If Jewish teachers or teachings cannot entertain the idea of a divine Christ or Messiah, sin,

salvation, eternity, and other issues, what then? How are we to learn the 'True Meaning' of

Scripture from them, unless we reject the very truths of Jesus Christ, salvation, sin and the rest

of the New Testament?

As stated above, "No one who is Jewish, no born Jew and no one who converts to Judaism, can

believe in Jesus as the literal son of God or as the messiah."

Jewish convictions proclaim a Christian cannot be considered Jewish or adopt the Jewish

beliefs, rituals and ceremonies, and still remain a Christian. It would be like becoming a Christian

Muslim or a Christian Mormon ‑‑ an impossibility.

Romans 2:28‑29 : "For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that

circumcision, which is outward in the flesh: But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and

circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not

of men, but of God."

Galatians 3:2

���� "This only would I learn of you, Received ye the Spirit by the

���� works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?"

We cannot be both. Cultural heritage and genealogy cannot take precedence over our faith and

obedience to Christ. If it does, we are not serving Him, as we should.

If the Talmud and other Jewish works are upholding the doctrines as described above, from the

past and today, what business do Christians have embracing these teachings, rituals and

ceremonies and the reasons for them?

Reason tells us that the theology of the Jewish Rabbis and teachers, which are opposed to the

very foundations of our beliefs, influences every aspect of their sacred books�and their

teachings. We need to explore the instructions within the Talmud further.


��� Next: To Embrace Hebrew Roots IV: The Talmud & Demonology


�������������� All Scripture Quotes from the Authorized King James Bible

�������������������������������� Footnotes

�� 1.Jewish Encyclop�dia, article on Jesus; as Cited in: Nesta H. Webster," Secret

���� Societies and Subversive Movements", p. 20; Omni Publications, 1964

�� 2.Rev. I. B. Pranaitis; The Talmud; Part One, ch.1, Jesus Christ in the Talmud;


�� 3.Ibid.

�� 4.Ibid.

�� Baring‑Gould, op.cit., quoting Talmud, treatise Sabbath, folio 104, (S.

���� Baring‑Gould, The Counter Gospels, 1874); 5. Ibid., p.55, quoting Talmud,

���� treatise Sanhedrim, folio 107, and Sota, folio 47; Eliphas Levi, La Science des

���� Esprits, pp.32,33. As Cited in Nesta H. Webster, op.cit., p..20

�� 6.Rev. I. B. Pranaitis; op.cit. Part One, Ch. 1, Jesus Christ in the Talmud



�� 8.Ibid.

�� 9.Rene Guenon, Le Theosophisme, (1921) p.193, quoting Le Lotus for December, 1887;

���� as Cited in: Nesta H. Webster, op.cit.,p.299.

� 10.Elipha Levi, La Science des Esprits, p. 40; as Cited in: Nesta H. Webster,

���� Ibid., p.20.

� 11.The book was translated in Latin by Raymond Martin; German by Luther under the

���� name Schem Hamphorasch; French by Gustave Brunet, Evangiles Apocryphes; as Cited

���� in: Nesta H. Webster, Ibid., p.21.

� 12.2. Graetz, Geschichte der Juden, III. 216‑52 as Cited in: Nesta H. Webster,

���� Ibid., p. 23

� 13.Nesta H. Webster, Ibid., p.20

� 14.Ibid., p.22.

� 15.Joseph Barclay, The Talmud, pp.38,39; cf Drach , op.cit I. 167 as Cited Webster,

���� Ibid. p. 18‑19.

� 16.Dr. Lawrence J. Epstein; "The Differences between Judaism and Christianity"; The

���� Conversion to Judaism Home page:

� 17.Jews for Judaism,


� 18.Hyam Maccoby; "Revolution in Judaea: Jesus and the Jewish Resistance"; p. 100;

���� Ocean Books; 1973

� 19.Ibid., p.101‑102.

� 20.Ibid.,p.106.

� 21.Ibid.,p. 128.

� 22.Jews for Judaism, http://www.jewsforjudaism

� 23.Hyam Maccoby, op. cit., p.100.

� 24.Jewish Guardian for January 25,1924; as Cited in: Nesta H. Webster, op.cit.,p.

���� 375.

� 25.Dr. Lawrence J. Epstein, op.cit.,

� 26.Maccoby, Ibid. , acknowledgements.

� 27.Ibid., p. 147‑148

� 28.Ibid., p. 194

� 29.Ibid., p. 149

� 30.Ibid., p. 102‑103

� 31.J.P Stehaln, The Traditions of the Jews, II.215‑20, quoting from the Talmud

���� treatises Baba Bathra folio 74b, Pesachim folio 32, Bekhoroth folio 57,

���� Massektoth Ta'anith folio 31. The Zohar also refers to the female Leviathan

���� (section B�, de Pauly's trans., III.167) Drach shows that amongst the delights

���� promised by the Talmud after the return to Palestine will be the permission to

���� eat pork and bacon. ‑‑De l'Harmonie entre l'Eglise et la Synagogue, I. 265, 276,

���� quoting treatise Hullin, folio 17, 82. As Cited in, Pg. 372, "Secret Societies

���� and Subversive Movements" by Nesta H. Webster; Omni Publications, Eighth

���� edition, 1964.]

� 32.Dr. Lawrence J. Epstein, op.cit.,

� 33.Ibid.

� 34.Maccoby, op. cit., p. 105.

� 35.Maccoby, Ibid., p. 194‑195

� 36.Dr. Lawrence J. Epstein, op.cit.,

� 37.Ibid.

� 38.Peter Michas; Ha‑Talmidim Trinity Discussion; also see Rod of the Almond Tree.


���� Publishing, (Mukilteo, WA 98275) Chapter 14. p. 255‑56.

� 40.Ibid. p. 256.

� 41.Ibid. p.257.

� 42.Ibid. p.257.

� 43.Ibid. p.257.

� 44.Paul Vulliaud, La Kabbale Juive: histoire et doctrine, Vol. II. p. 411, as Cited

���� in Nesta H. Webster, op.cit., p.15.

� 45.Jewish Encyclop�dia, article on Cabala, p.478; Cited in: Webster, Ibid. p. 15.

� 46.Avi ben Mordechai, Halacha,

� 47.Zohar, treatise Toldoth Noah, folio 59b, (De Pauly trans., I, 347; 5. Zohar,

���� treatise Lekh‑Lekha, folio 94a (De Pauly trans., I, 535); as Cited in: Nesta H.

���� Webster, op.cit.,p.13.

� 48.Zohar, treatise Bereschith, folio 25a (De Pauly trans. I, 161); 7. The Emek ha

���� Melek is the work of the Cabalist Naphtali, a disciple of Luria; as Cited in

���� Ibid.,p.13

� 49.Rev. I. B. Pranaitis; The Talmud Unmasked;

� 50.Jews for Judaism,

� 51.Pranaitis, op.cit.

� 52.Dr. Lawrence J. Epstein, op.cit.,

� 53.Maccoby, op. cit., p. 246.

� 54.Dr. Lawrence J. Epstein, op.cit,